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November 2020

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 2

Count Summary in Yarra



A total of 6802 trips were recorded across all sites in this municipality over the four hour period.

The busiest site was 5619 with a total of 1887 trips.

The Super Sunday Recreation Count was conducted on Sunday 8 November 2020 between 9am and 1pm.

It was a sunny day in Yarra on the day of the count, with SSW winds reaching 26km/h, and a maximum temperature of 13.1 degrees at 9am.

By participating in the count, volunteer counters can choose to donate up to $140 to a local charity or community group. In this municipality a total of $560 went back to the local community through donations to nominated groups.

4 sites were surveyed across the municipality.


8 NOV2 0 2 09am-1pm

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 3




Overall the number of users increased in the municipality by 43% (6802 trips) compared to the same 4 sites surveyed in 2019 (4761 trips).

The site with the largest growth was site 5620 with an increase of 154%.

Bike riders represented the highest proportion of users in the municipality, comprising 54% of all users.

The busiest hour was from 10:00-11:00 AM

The average volume every hour was:

• 9:00-10:00 AM: 1399 trips

• 10:00-11:00 AM: 1869 trips

• 11:00 AM-12:00 PM: 1780 trips

• 12:00-1:00 PM: 1754 trips








Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 4

About Super Sunday

About the count

Bicycle Network’s Super Sunday is Australia’s largest visual recreation count, where volunteers record the frequency of bike riders, runners, walkers and dogs at intersections across the county.

The count provides quantitative surveys with reliable annual figures on the movements of recreational users. This helps councils provide facilities to support the recreational activities in their communities.

A growing number of local governments around Australia are using Super Counts to guide investments and programs in the recreational activity space.

Aims and Purposes

Super Sunday is designed to provide insight into the users of key recreational intersections, namely:

• A tally of the recreational users

• The routes taken

• The type of activity

• The busiest hour


Super Sunday collects data from sites as selected by each participating council.

Volunteer counters monitor the movements through their sites recording the type of activity in every one hour on a standardised count sheet.

Bicycle Network donates $140 to a local club, charity or organisation nominated by the volunteer counter.

Following the completion of the visual count, counters enter the data directly via the web link

The submitted data is validated, analysed and compiled into reports for participating councils and other agencies.

Super Sunday 2020

The Super Sunday Recreation Count of 2020 was conducted on Sunday 8th November between 9am and 1pm*.

If required, recounts were conducted on Sunday 29th December 2020 during the same time slots.

166 sites were counted nationwide involving 21 councils.

* Counts were conducted between 7-11am in Kingston (VIC), Cockburn (WA) and Darwin (NT) shires.

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 5

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Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 10


Total Count Hourly Volume




t na






























5617 Main Yarra Trail [E], Gardiners Crk Bridge [SE], Main Yarra Trail at St. Kevin's boatshed [NW]

1082 82 125 9 4 1302 1384 -6% 372 310 369 251

5618 Main Yarra Trail through Gipps St steps [NE], Main Yarra Trail to Yarra Bend Park [E], Gipps St [W]

775 992 174 101 0 2042 1066 92% 357 647 467 571

5619 Merri Creek Trail [N], Main Yarra Trail [E], Capital City Trail [W]

719 731 255 176 6 1887 1693 11% 318 523 538 508

5620 Union St [E], Merri Creek Trail [SE], Koonda Lat Bridge [S], Merri Creek Trail [N]

1113 269 153 30 6 1571 618 154% 352 389 406 424

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 11

Usage Trend

Hourly User Volume

Capital City TrailSite 5617Main Yarra Trail [E], Gardiners Crk Bridge [SE], Main Yarra Trail at St. Kevin'sboatshed [NW]

1302 users were recorded at this location during the 4 hour survey. This is a decrease of 6% compared to 2019. Bicycles comprised 83.1% and representsthe majority of total users. The peak period was 09:00-10:00 with 372 users.

The majority of users at site 5617 were travelling to the east. The most activethoroughfare was from Main Yarra Trail at St. Kevin's boatshed [NW] to Main YarraTrail [E] between 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, with 103 total users counted during thisperiod.


1082 bicycles(83.1%)

↖ 421↘ 436

→ 388← 394

↘ 273↖ 252

82 walkers(6.3%)

↖ 25↘ 22

→ 27← 43

↘ 30↖ 17

125 runners(9.6%)

↖ 45↘ 45

→ 44← 56

↘ 36↖ 24

9 dogs(0.7%)

↖ 1↘ 5

→ 3← 3

↘ 5↖ 1

4 others(0.3%)

→ 1← 3

↘ 3↖ 1

Raw DataEnter 1 Main Yarra Trail [E] 2 Gardiners Crk Bridge [SE] 3 Main Yarra Trail [NW]

Exit 2 3 1 3 1 2 TotalBicycle 99 295 126 126 262 174 1082

Walker 20 23 15 2 12 10 82

Runner 18 38 17 7 27 18 125

Dog 2 1 1 0 2 3 9

Other 3 0 1 0 0 0 4

Total 142 357 160 135 303 205 1302

Main Yarra Trail11

Gardiners Crk Bridge


Main Yarra Trail


Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 12

Usage Trend

Hourly User Volume

Capital City TrailSite 5618Main Yarra Trail through Gipps St steps [NE], Main Yarra Trail to Yarra BendPark [E], Gipps St [W]

2042 users were recorded at this location during the 4 hour survey. This is an increase of 92% compared to 2019. Walkers comprised 48.6% and representsthe majority of total users. The peak period was 10:00-11:00 with 647 users.

The majority of users at site 5618 were travelling to the east. The most activethoroughfare was from Gipps St [W] to Main Yarra Trail to Yarra Bend Park [E]between 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, with 156 total users counted during this period.


775 bicycles(38.0%)

↗ 240↙ 249

← 236→ 198

→ 299← 328

992 walkers(48.6%)

↗ 254↙ 303

← 311→ 380

→ 427← 309

174 runners(8.5%)

↗ 52↙ 64

← 41→ 51

→ 81← 59

101 dogs(4.9%)

↗ 26↙ 31

← 46→ 34

→ 29← 36

0 others(0.0%)

Raw DataEnter 1 Main Yarra Trail [NE] 2 Main Yarra Trail [E] 3 Gipps St [W]

Exit 2 3 1 3 1 2 TotalBicycle 159 90 182 146 58 140 775

Walker 180 123 121 188 133 247 992

Runner 43 21 39 20 13 38 174

Dog 12 19 9 27 17 17 101

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 394 253 351 381 221 442 2042





Main Yarra Trail22

Gipps St33

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 13

Usage Trend

Hourly User Volume

Capital City TrailSite 5619Merri Creek Trail [N], Main Yarra Trail [E], Capital City Trail [W]

1887 users were recorded at this location during the 4 hour survey. This is an increase of 11% compared to 2019. Walkers comprised 38.7% and representsthe majority of total users. The peak period was 11:00-12:00 with 538 users.


719 bicycles(38.1%)

↑ 87 ↓ 123

← 396→ 292

→ 236← 304

731 walkers(38.7%)

↑ 85 ↓ 109

← 357→ 298

→ 289← 324

255 runners(13.5%)

↑ 58 ↓ 55

← 108→ 121

→ 89← 79

176 dogs(9.3%)

↑ 22 ↓ 33

← 89→ 65

→ 65← 78

6 others(0.3%)

↓ 2

← 3→ 1

→ 3← 3

Raw DataEnter 1 Merri Creek Trail [N] 2 Main Yarra Trail [E] 3 Capital City Trail [W]

Exit 2 3 1 3 1 2 TotalBicycle 20 103 11 293 76 216 719

Walker 46 63 30 294 55 243 731

Runner 14 41 12 67 46 75 255

Dog 15 18 7 71 15 50 176

Other 2 0 0 3 0 1 6

Total 97 225 60 728 192 585 1887



Main Yarra Trail22

Capital C

ity Trail33

Super Sunday Recreation Count Report 2020 Page 14

Usage Trend

Hourly User Volume

Capital City TrailSite 5620Union St [E], Merri Creek Trail [SE], Koonda Lat Bridge [S], Merri Creek Trail[N]

1571 users were recorded at this location during the 4 hour survey. This is an increase of 164% compared to 2020. Bicycles comprised 70.8% and representsthe majority of total users. The peak period was 12:00-13:00 with 424 users.

The majority of users at site 5620 were travelling to the south. The most activethoroughfare was from Merri Creek Trail [SE] to Merri Creek Trail [N] between 12:00PM - 01:00 PM, with 87 total users counted during this period.


1113 bicycles(70.8%)

↑ 391 ↓ 330

→ 59← 90

↓ 363 ↑ 303 ↘ 300↖ 390

269 walkers(17.1%)

↑ 92 ↓ 96

→ 39← 29

↓ 86 ↑ 73 ↘ 52↖ 71

153 runners(9.7%)

↑ 60 ↓ 74

→ 9← 3

↓ 48 ↑ 34 ↘ 36↖ 42

30 dogs(1.9%)

↑ 9 ↓ 14

→ 5← 2

↓ 11 ↑ 9 ↘ 5↖ 5

6 others(0.4%)

↑ 1 ↓ 1

→ 2← 2

↓ 2 ↑ 3 ↘ 1

Raw DataEnter 1 Union St [E] 2 Merri Creek Trail [SE] 3 Koonda Lat Bridge

[S]4 Merri Creek Trail [N]

Exit 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 TotalBicycle 10 70 10 2 159 229 51 100 152 6 190 134 1113

Walker 2 21 6 6 23 42 27 2 44 6 48 42 269

Runner 0 3 0 0 6 36 4 6 24 5 30 39 153

Dog 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 0 7 1 5 8 30

Other 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 6

Total 12 98 16 10 189 309 86 108 228 18 274 223 1571

Union St11

Merri Creek Trail 22

KoondaLat Bridge 33

Merri Creek



National contributions

The Super Sunday Bike Count is powered by local volunteers, who collect data at council-nominated locations across Australia. In return, volunteers nominate an organisation to receive a donation of $140, or place this contribution toward a

Bicycle Network membership.

The 2020 Super Sunday count raised $24,780 in donations nationally, strengthening local communities and building better active transport outcomes.

With nearly 50,000 members, Bicycle Network is the largest member-based bike riding organisation in Australia. At Bicycle Network, we campaign for better conditions, infrastructure and policies that make it easier and more accessible for people of all ages and abilities to ride

a bike. We work closely with all levels of government to improve conditions for all people who ride.

Did you know that at Bicycle network we also do:


Our Ride2School team work collaboratively

with schools, students and councils to

help young people overcome the barriers

preventing them from riding to school and

getting active. Schools engaged in the year-

long program report an active travel rate of

45 per cent, nearly double the national average.

Other Ride2School initiatives include:

MIND.BODY.PEDAL – a one-day program

aimed at empowering and inspiring secondary

school aged females. It is designed to

address the unique barriers holding teenage

females back from being physically active.

ACTIVE PATHS – is a collaborative way-finding

initiative, designed to make the journey to and

from school as clear, fun and easy as possible!

Find out more by visiting ride2school.com.au or

contacting [email protected].


We work directly with councils to help provide

expert advice on transport plans, coordinating

action between all levels of government, and

targeting riders in specific regions to assist in

consultation and community engagement efforts.

If you want our help on a bike riding issue

or active transport plan in your LGA,

reach out to our Public Affairs team at

[email protected]


Bicycle Network are the bike parking experts –

we design, quote, construct and install a wide

range of bike parking and end-of-trip facilities

for Council’s and private developments.

For more information,

visit bicyclenetwork.com.au/bike-parking-experts

or email [email protected]

(1300 727 563)

PARKITEER BIKE CAGES – we manage 24/7

secure bike parking cages at major transport

hubs on behalf of government departments.

Learn more at parkiteer.com.au or by contacting

[email protected].


We run some of Australia’s biggest bike

rides including The Great Vic Bike Ride

(3,000+ riders), Around the Bay (10,000+

riders), the Great Outback Escape (NT), the

Newcrest Orange Classic (NSW), and many

more. We also coordinate regular social

bike rides to help encourage riding and

discuss the concerns of the riding public.

To organise events and social rides in you LGA,

visit bicyclenetwork.com.au/rides-and-events

GET IN TOUCH - If your council would like

to explore opportunities to collaborate

with Bicycle Network or our members in

the future, please get in touch with via

[email protected]

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