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  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

    Use the following instructions when modifying pictures in AdobePhotoshop.

    Click on the Adobe Photoshop icon located on the desktop

    Locate pictures

    To locate a picture you have saved, click on file, then open - search for the filethat you are looking for. Remember, save all images in your student folder. DONOT SAVE TO 'MY PICTURES'. This isn't your folder.

    Save a picture from disk

    To save a picture from disk to your desktop, insert the disk, then click on 'file'then 'open', then click the downward arrow and click on '3-1/2 floppy'. Youwill now see the picture files that are on your disk. If they are numbered, choosethe number that you want to save then click 'open'. If they are named, click onthe name of the picture you want to save then click 'open'. The picture willappear in the window view of adobe Photoshop. To save it to your folder, click'file', then 'open', then click the downward arrow and click on 'mydocuments', then 'your folder'. Name the file something you willremember. Then click 'save'. If you are working on your picture, save it as


    Changing a picture using filters

    Once you have located your picture, then click on 'filter' on the adobePhotoshop tool bar. Under filter, there will be 100's of options for you to use.Filter allows you to make changes to your pictures. You can make them lookblurred, mosiac, etc. (the sky is the limit).

    Saving changes to picture

    4. Once you have found a change that you like, click file, then save as. Inyour student folder, change the name of your file to something thatyou will remember. Then a box will open (Jpeg options), click ok. Itis now saved in your folder.

  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Undo what you did

    If you don't like the change you made, make sure you click edit undo. This willturn the picture back to its original. You cannot undo the picture once you havesaved it to your folder.


    The following instructions will teach you how to superimpose one image overanother to create a final image by using Adobe Photoshop Elements.

    Select two (or more) images from the internet. One of these images will be yourbackground image and the other will be the foreground image(s) that you will bealtering for placement on the background. Make sure your picture is saved as a'jpeg'.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when searching for your images:When looking for an image, do not worry about the position of the picturebecause the picture can be flipped vertically or horizontally. Also size shouldnot be an issue, because an image can be shrunk or enlarged. However, ifyou have a small image and you attempt to enlarge it, the image will probablyappear blurry..

    1. Save your pictures in your folder as a 'jpeg'. Make sure you name themsomething you will remember

    2. Open Adobe Photoshop Elements on your desktop.

    3. Open both of your images from your folder by going to File>Open.

    Cutting out image

    Use the magnetic lasso tool to outline the image that you want to cut out.

    Do these by selecting the lasso tool then click on the magnetic lasso toollocated on the tool bar 4th icon from the left. Use the magnetic lasso tool to tracearound the image on your picture. You want to click and drag magnetic pointsaround the picture. The closer they are together, the better your picture will

    look. Once you have clicked around your picture, you need to connect to thepoint that you started with. You will now see a moving dotted-line around thepicture.

  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Copy image

    Once your image has been traced and you see the moving dotted-line, you needto follow the next step.

    1. Click Edit>Copy.

    2. Click File>New. A new box will open up. Click 'ok'.

    3. Click Edit>Paste. You now have created your first layer.

    Using Layers

    Make sure you have clicked on the layer that you have created, go to the topright hand corner and select the tab labeled Layers. A drop down box shouldappear when you click on the layer tab (you will see a small thumbnail image of

    the layer you created).

    Click on this small thumbnail image (it should be labeled Layer 1). Click and dragthe layer over the original background image. The image should appear on topof your background!

    Now you can resize your image! Click on Image>Transform>Free Transform.Now you can move and resize your image any where on your background. Youcan also rotate the image by moving your cursor to the outside of a picture corner(you will see 2 arrows that are curved around the picture). This will allow you tomove the picture diagonally or any way that you want.

    Touching up blended image

    Now that you have your image composed, you can add the final touches. Feelfree to experiment with the different tools on the toolbar.

    Use the smudge tool (which looks like a hand with a finger pointing downward) toblend the hard edges of a layer into the background to soften the appearance.You could also use burn or erase. Be careful with these tools, they may changemore then you want. You can always, edit undo.

    Once you are done blending your images, don't forget to save your image as a'jpeg'. A box will open. You need to click 'ok'. This is very important.Publisher, PowerPoint and other programs will not recognize your picture as a'photoshop' document. It must be a 'jpeg'.

    When creating multiple layers, you need to select each individual layerseparately.

  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Another trick you could try is to change the transparency or opacity of eachlayer. Do this by highlighting a layer in the Layer tab box and adjusting theOpacity bar by clicking on the arrow to the right of the word and sliding theindicator on the bar. To the left of the Opacity setting is a box with the labelNormal in it. Try playing around with the different options here as well to achieve

    the desired effect.

    IWhen you have completed your final image, re-save the image in your folder asa 'jpeg' and click 'ok' when the box appears.

    Check out thisAdobe Photoshop page for more information:

    The final image was created by combining the following images:

    Here are some other examples of blending images:

  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Check out below what the professionals can do.

    Good luck, have fun. There are many things you can do with Adobe Photoshop

    Resize images

    Resize them if necessary by going to Image>Resize>Image Size. There is reallyno point in resizing the image that you are going to place on top of yourbackground picture, as that can be done later. However, you do want to resizethe image if it is either too large or too small for you to outline, or if it is yourbackground image.

    Use trial and error to achieve the right size by adjusting the numbers on eitherthe width or the height (there is no need to do both because one or the other willautomatically adjust to the change you made).

  • 8/2/2019 Superimpose Tutorial



    Tutorial: Modifying Picture with Adobe Photoshop


    Adding images to layers

    To add additional images to your final picture select an image from the internet,save the image in your folder, and repeat steps cutting out image throughblending image.

    Once you have your final image you should save the picture as a 'jpeg'.

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