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Page 1: Supervision in the Hospitality Industry-Subroto Ghosh

Supervision in the Hospitality IndustryFourth Edition

by Jack E. Miller, John R. Walker, and Karen Eich Drummond

Presented by Subroto Ghosh

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Hospitality Supervisors:

Manage employees making products and/or performing services

Manage hourly employees (first-line supervisors) Are exempt from wage and hour laws Often continue to work side-by-side with the employees

they supervise Are successful only to the degree their workers allow

them to be

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Responsibilities of the Supervisor

To Customers Fulfill their needs and desires Ensure employees positively

represent the enterprise Respond to customer


To Employees Create a positive work

environment Support and value employees

who interact with customers

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To Owners Make the enterprise profitable Run it according to the owners’ rules Be sensitive to the owners’ expectations


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Functions of Management

Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling and evaluating Coordinating Problems solving and Decision making Representing

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Management Theory Timeline

1900s Scientific Management—Frederick Taylor/ Frank GilbrethStandardized work procedures to find the “one best way” to perform a task

1930s/1940s Human Relations Theory—Elton MayoEmployees perform best when they feel they belong to the work group

1960s/1970s Participative ManagementWorkers who participate in making decisions are more committed to the outcome

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Management Theory Timeline

1980s/1990s Total Quality Management

Empowers employees to determine best ways to meet goals

1990s/2000s Humanistic Management

Selective blending of management systems according to the needs of the situation, workers and the supervisor’s style

of leadership

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Managerial Skills

Technical Skills Establish a supervisor’s credibility

with employees Aid in the management of employees Enable supervisor to select and train people,

plan and schedule work, and take action in an emergency

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Managerial Skills

Human Skills Affect their attitude towards their employees

and determines their level of success Should create an atmosphere where

employees feel secure and are willing to do their best

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Managerial Skills

Conceptual Skills Incorporate the work of the supervisor’s

employees with the needs of the entire enterprise

Recognize and deal with issues from a managerial perspective

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Establishing a foundation for leadership development involves:

Investing time, resources, and money to create a supportive culture

Defining the differences between management skills and leadership abilities

Developing quantifiable measurables that support leadership skills

Focusing on leadership skill during management training

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Establishing a foundation for leadership development involves:

Encouraging continuous education of leadership skills

Recognizing leaders on all levels Rewarding all enthusiastic leaders

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Old-style Leadership

PROS Some workers respond to a command-obey style of

direction Can be effective Can be necessary

CONS Average American does not respond to this autocratic

method More likely to increase problems than to lessen them Breeds resentment, low morale, and adversary relationship Customer service suffers and patrons go somewhere else

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Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X’s Faulty Assumptions

1. The “average human being” has an inborn dislike of work and will avoid it as much as possible.

2. He or she must be “coerced, controlled, directed, threatened with punishment” to get the work done.

3. He or she prefers to be led, avoids responsibility, lacks ambition, and wants security above all else.

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Theory X and Theory Y

Theory Y Propositions

1. Work is as natural as play or rest; people do not inherently dislike it.

2. People will work of their own accord toward objectives to which they feel committed without control or the threat of punishment.

3. People become committed to objectives that fulfill their inner personal needs.

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Theory X and Theory Y

Theory Y Propositions4. People can learn not only to accept responsibility but

also to seek it. Lack of ambition, avoidance of responsibility, and the desire for security are not innate human characteristics.

5. Capacity for applying imagination, ingenuity, and creativity to solving on-the-job problems is “widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population.”

6. The modern industrial organization uses only a portion of the intellectual potential of the average human being.

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Situational Leadership Styles

Directing—close supervision most effective for training or emergencies

Coaching—direct supervision and support to build commitment

Supportive—assists employees lacking commitment to improve performance

Delegating—best for employees capable of making day-to-day decisions on their own

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Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders: Communicate the mission and objectives of the

company Provide workers with meaningful, interesting,

and challenging jobs Act as coaches and mentors Lead by example

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Dimensions of Diversity

PRIMARY Culture Age Gender Physical abilities and qualities Ethnicity Race Religion Language Sexual preference

SECONDARY Occupation Work experience Education Income Marital status

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U.S. Census Diversity/Population Research and Predictions

In 2000 1 in 4 Americans had African, Asian, Latino,

By 2020 1 in 3 Americans will have or Native American

By 2050 1 in 2 Americans will have ancestry

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Steps for Developing Cross-Cultural Interaction Skills

1. Increase personal awareness

2. Learn about other cultures

3. Recognize and practice cross-cultural interaction skills

4. Maintain awareness, knowledge, and skills

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Managing Diversity Issues Positively

Get to know your employees Treat your employees equitably, but

not uniformly Watch for any signs of harassment Foster a work climate of mutual respect Encourage the contributions of

diverse employees

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Types of Communication

Interpersonal Organizational Two-way/open Interviewing Small group Mass

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The Communication Process

SENDER Thinks of message Expresses message in words and/or symbols Transmits message (tells or writes/sends)

RECEIVER Receives message (hears or reads) Translates/interprets words and/or symbols Understands meaning

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Message distortion can occur as the result of:

Differences in sender’s and receiver’s: Background Education Past experiences Intelligence Attitudes Opinions Values Perceptions

Other Reasons Prejudices Assumptions Expectations Emotions of the sender and/or receiver

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Five Principles of Good Listening

1. Give the speaker your undivided attention

2. Hear the speaker out

3. Look for the real message

4. Keep your emotions out of the communication

5. Maintain your role

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How to Give Instructions Effectively

1. Plan what you are going to say, including to whom, when, where, and how.

2. Establish a climate of acceptance—explain the why of the task and what is in it for the listener

3. Deliver the instructions calmly and confidently—request, suggest, or command

4. Verify that the instructions have been understood—ask people to repeat the instructions and/or see whether they carry out orders correctly

5. Follow up—observe people at work and measure results; offer assistance, and further direction if necessary

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Some Theories of Motivation

Motivation Through Fear Carrot-and-Stick Method Economic Man Theory Human Relations Theory (Social Man Theory) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Self-actualization/self-fulfillment Ego


PRIMARY NEEDS Social Safety Physiological

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Limiting Factors in the Application of Motivation Theory

Nature of many hospitality industry jobs Company policy, administration, and management

philosophy Extent of responsibility, authority, and resources Employees with personal priorities or those with

dependent personalities Constant pressures and lack of time Lack of motivational theory that is easily and

scientifically applicable

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How to Build a Positive Work Climate

THE INDIVIDUAL Get to know your people Deal with security needs Deal with social needs Reward your employees Develop your people

THE SUPERVISOR Set a good example Establish a climate of honesty

THE JOB Provide an attractive job environment Provide a safe and secure work environment Put the right person in the right job Make the job interesting and challenging

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Guidelines for Rewarding Employees

Always give recognition in a positive and sincere manner Contest should offer all employees an opportunity to win Champion average employees, as well as the heroes Recognize employees using objective criteria Recognize employees in a timely fashion Recognize employees when they least expect it Tie rewards to true accomplishments Ensure that rewards are of appropriate value Offer rewards desired by your employees

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Important Chapter Terms

Position—Duties and responsibilities performed by one employee

Job—A group of positions with the same duties and responsibilities

Job analysis—Process that presents a picture of how the world of work looks for a specific job

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Important Chapter Terms

Job description—Describes a fair day’s work, including performance standards

Job specification—Spells out the qualifications a person must have in order to get a job

Job evaluation—Process of examining the responsibilities and difficulties of each job in order to determine which jobs are worth more than others

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Causes for Low Productivity and Low Employee Retention

Workers do not know what they are supposed to be doing

Workers do not know how to do what they are supposed to be doing

Workers do not know how well they are doing The supervisor has not given any direction, help,

or support Workers have a poor relationship with the supervisor

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Parts of a Job Description

Performance standards Job title Job summary Units of work Job setting Social environment Qualifications

Department name Grade level Job location Whether job is exempt or nonexempt Work hours Reporting relationship

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Developing a Performance Standard System

1. Define the purpose for which the standards are to be used

2. Analyze the job and break it down into units3. Write the performance standards4. Develop standard procedures5. Train the worker to meet the performance

standards6. Evaluate on-the-job performance

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Writing Performance Standards

What is to be done? How is it to be done? To what extent is it to be done?

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How to Make a Performance Standard System Succeed

Get workers’ cooperation in the development stage and their agreement to the standards of performance.

Put the system to work slowly over a period of time, one job at a time.

Create and incorporate an award or incentive system. Recognize your workers’ potential and use it as fully as

you can within the limits of your authority. Review the system periodically, evaluating, updating,

and modifying it as needed.

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Sources of Workers for Hospitality Industry Jobs

Current employees People looking for their first job Women Moonlighters The unemployed

People who want to get away from what they have been doing

Aliens or immigrants from other countries Retired people Disabled people

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EEO Laws

Equal Pay Act of 1963 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Immigration Reform and Control Act Americans with Disabilities Act Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

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How to Avoid Charges of Discrimination During the Hiring Process

A supervisor should be able to answer “yes” to each of the following questions:

1. Are the qualifications based on the actual duties and needs of the job?

2. Will the information requested from the applicant help me to judge his or her ability to do the job?

3. Will each part of the selection process prevent screening out those groups covered by EEO laws?

4. Can I successfully judge an applicant’s ability to do the job without regard to how he or she is different from me?

5. Is the selection process the same for all applicants?

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Employee Selection Procedure

1. Application form

2. Interview

3. Test(s)

4. Reference checks

5. Making the choice

6. Offering the job in writing

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Types of Tests

Skills tests—Measure specific skills Aptitude tests—Measure ability to learn a

particular job or skill Psychological tests—Measure personality traits Medical exams—Measure physical fitness

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Benefits of Training

To the Supervisor More time to manage Results in less absenteeism and lower turnover Reduces tensions between management and employees Makes it easier to maintain consistency of products

and services Lowers costs Results, ultimately, in happier customers—and more

of them Helps supervisors advance their careers

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Benefits of Training

To the Employee Can eliminate the five reasons that people do

poor work Reduces employee confusion, allowing them to

work independently Can reduce employee tension Can boost employee morale and job satisfaction Can reduce accidents and injuries Can provide advancement opportunities

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Why Hospitality Managers Do Not Train Their People

1. Urgent need2. Training time3. Training time costs the company money4. High employee turnover5. Diversity of workers’ skills and abilities6. Great variety of jobs 7. Not knowing exactly what managers expect

from employees

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Employees Learn Best When:

They are actively involved in the learning process Training is relevant and practical Training material is well-organized and presented in

small, easy-to-grasp chunks The learning environment is informal, quiet, and

comfortable They have a good trainer They receive feedback on their performance and are

rewarded for doing well

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How to Develop a Job Training Program

1. Write a performance standard2. Write a training objective derived from the

performance standard3. Develop standard procedures4. Develop unit training plan5. Pretest6. If the training results are negative, repeat training, try

a simpler job, or terminate employee. If the training results are positive, put the worker on the job; evaluate and follow up

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Job Instruction Training Steps

1. Prepare the worker for training

2. Demonstrate what the worker is to do (show and tell)

3. Have the worker do the task as shown

4. Follow through (put the worker on the job, checking and corrected as needed)

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Before correcting an employee, ask:

Does the employee know what is supposed to be done and why?

Are there any reasons for poor performance that the employee cannot control?

How serious are the consequences of this problem?

Have you previously addressed the concern with the employee?

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When conducting coaching sessions:

1. Speak in private to the employee

2. Calmly express your concern about the specific aspect of the job

3. Ask the employee for his or her thoughts and opinions, including possible solutions

4. Ask the employee to restate what has been agreed upon to check on understanding

5. State your confidence in the employee’s ability to turn the situation around

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Steps in the Performance Evaluation Process

1. Prepare for the evaluation

2. Make the evaluation

3. Share it with the worker

4. Provide follow-up

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How to Avoid Pitfalls in Rating Employee Performance

Be objective Evaluate the performance, not the employee Give specific examples to back up ratings Where there is substandard performance, ask “Why?” Think fairness and consistency when evaluating

performance Get input from the employee’s coworkers Note and discuss ideas on how the employee can

improve performance.

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Ways to Ensure Fair and Legal Evaluations

Base evaluation of performance on standards or factors obtained from a job analysis of the skills, tasks, and knowledge required to perform the job

Make sure that performance standards are observable, objective, and measurable

Maintain a positive rapport during discussions with the employee

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Ways to Ensure Fair and Legal Evaluations

Do not enter into discussions that focus on qualities of the employee based on his or her membership in a group protected by EEO laws

Document employee performance more frequently than once a year

Allow an employee who disagrees with his or her evaluation to appeal

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Essentials of Successful Discipline

1. Complete set of rules that everyone knows and understands

2. Clear statement of the consequences of failing to observe the rules

3. Prompt, consistent, and impersonal action to reinforce the rules

4. Appropriate recognition and reinforcement of employees’ positive actions

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The Hot Stove as a Model of Administering Discipline

1. Warning: You can feel the hot air around it.

2. Immediate: The instant you touch it, it burns your finger.

3. Consistent: It burns your finger every time you touch it.

4. Impersonal: It reacts to the touch, not the person who touches it.

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Negative Versus Positive Approach to Discipline

Negative Discipline equals punishment Used by: Autocratic, X-style managers Effectiveness: Does not work very well

Four-stage formula for disciplinary action:

1. Oral warning

2. Written warning

3. Punishment

4. Termination

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Negative Versus Positive Approach to Discipline

Positive Discipline equals rule compliance Used by: Theory

Four-stage formula for disciplinary action:

1. Oral reminder

2. Written reminder

3. Decision-making leave with pay

4. Termination/compliance/resignation

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Administering Discipline

1. Collect all the facts

2. Discuss the incident with the employee

3. Decide on the appropriate action

4. Take the appropriate action

5. Write down all pertinent details

6. Follow up

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Questions to Ask Before Terminating an Employee

Did the employee know the rule? Was the employee warned about the consequences of

violating the rule? Were management’s expectations of the employee

reasonable? Was a final written warning given to the employee

explaining that discharge would result from another conduct violation?

Did the employee act in willful and deliberate disregard of reasonable employer expectations?

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Questions to Ask Before Terminating an Employee

Was management’s investigation of the final offense done in a fair and objective manner?

Is dismissal in line with the employee’s prior work record and length of service?

Did the employee have an opportunity to hear the facts and respond to them in a nonthreatening environment?

Has this employee been treated as others in similar circumstances?

Is the action nondiscriminatory?

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Types of Harassment

“Quid pro quo” sexual harassment Environmental sexual harassment Third-party sexual harassment Harassment

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Planning Process

1. Define the purpose or problem and set objectives

2. Collect and evaluate data relevant to forecasting the future

3. Develop alternate courses of action4. Choose the best course of action5. Carry out the plan6. Control and evaluate results

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Qualities of a Good Plan

Provides a workable solution to the original problem and meets the stated objectives

Comprehensive; it raises all relevant questions and answers them

Minimizes the degree of risk involved in meeting the objectives

Specific as to time, place, supplies, tools, and people needed to carry it out

Flexible; it can be adapted if the situation changes, or replaced by a contingency plan

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Planning for Change

Define the problem and set objectives Gather data to forecast possible solutions Generate alternate plans and weigh the risks of

each Decide on the best plan to meet objectives Make the change and follow up

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Examining How You Spend Your Time

Is the amount of time spent per day appropriate to the activity?

How does the time spent on unimportant activities compare to the time spent on highly important activities?

Are you doing things that are not really necessary? Are you doing things that you could delegate to

someone else?

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Examining How You Spend Your Time

Can you group activities better as to time and place?

Was time wasted that could have been avoided by better planning?

Did you spend any time at all on certain important but time-consuming activities you should be doing?

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Qualities of A Well-Organized and Efficient Unit

Lines of authority and responsibility are clearly drawn—and observed

Jobs, procedures, and standards are clearly defined—and followed

People know what to do and how to do it—and they do it

Standards of quality, quantity, and performance are clearly set—and met

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Control Techniques

Require records and reports Develop and enforce performance standards Develop and enforce productivity standards Develop and enforce departmental policies and

procedures Observe and correct employee actions Train and retrain employees Discipline employees when appropriate Be a good role model

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Making a Conscious Choice

Recognize alternatives rather than influences Choose a course of action to fulfill a specific

result. Put the choice into action and make sure it is

carried out.

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Factors to Examine When Making a Decision

Risk—Which course of action provides the most benefit with the least risk?

Economy—Which course of action will give the best results with the least expenditure of time, money, and effort?

Feasibility—Is each course of action feasible? Acceptability—Will each course of action be acceptable

to the people it will affect? Objectives—Which course of action will best meet

the objectives?

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Problem-solving Pattern

1. Define the problem and set objectives

2. Analyze the problem

3. Develop alternative solutions

4. Decide on the best solution

5. Implement the decision

6. Follow up

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Pros and Cons of Participative Problem Solving

PROS More information and expertise relevant to the decision More good ideas and better alternatives People thinking together can arrive at better decisions

because of the stimulation and interplay of different points of view

People who have participated in making the decision are generally committed to carrying it out.

The coordination and communication necessary to carry out the decision are simpler and better because everyone already understands what is happening.

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Pros and Cons of Participative Problem Solving

CONS It takes longer for a group to decide something than it does for

one person to make the decision The process takes everyone away from their other work Groups are often dominated by one person Group participants often get involved in winning arguments or

showing off rather than working to make the best decision. If consensus is required, people might go along with a decision

they do not like to finish the process quickly Consensus leads to mediocre decisions that will appease

everyone rather than the best decision. Consensus can lead to “groupthink” or conformity rather than to

the creativity that group decision making is supposed to spark.

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Problem-solving Possibilities

Win-lose stance (supervisor wins, worker loses)

Lose-win posture (retreat and appeasement) Lose-lose compromise (nobody is satisfied) Win-win approach (everyone is satisfied)

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How to Build Decision-Making Skills

Make sure that the decision is yours to make, that you have both the authority and the responsibility.

Accept your responsibility fully. Sort out the important decisions from the

inconsequential ones. Calculate the risks. Adapt your decision making so that the timing is right.

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How to Build Decision-Making Skills

Be alert to signs of problems. Keep an open mind when investigating a problem. Avoid the habit of running to others for advice. Make sure that you are not part of the problem

yourself. Follow up on your important decisions to see how they

are working. Look at each situation from its own unique perspective.

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Three Essentials of Delegation

1. Responsibility

2. Authority

3. Accountability

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Conditions for Successful Delegation

Advance planning Positive attitude toward employees Mutual trust between employer and employee Ability to let go and take risks Good communication Commitment

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Steps in Delegation

1. Plan Identify tasks that can be assigned Choose competent employees willing to accept the tasks 2. Develop each task as a responsibility to be delegated Define the area of responsibility, expected results, and the

authority necessary to fulfill the responsibility

3. Delegate responsibility for the task and the results expected Delegate the authority necessary to complete the task Establish accountability4. Follow up Train employees as needed Communicate the new status to everyone concerned Slip into the coaching role

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Delegating to the Right Employee

Employees Who Are: Able but unwilling need motivation Unable and unwilling are not good candidates Unable but willing need training Able and willing are the best candidates

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Common Mistakes in Delegation

Not communicating clearly Oversupervising Not taking enough time to train employees Not giving employees enough support Delegating without setting up controls

Job loading Assigning unchallenging tasks without offering an incentive Delegating to the wrong people Abdicating unpleasant parts of the job such as firing Setting up overlapping responsibilities

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What Accidents Cost

Lost time and productivity of uninjured workers (who stop to help, watch, or talk)

Lost business during the time that the operation is not fully functioning

Lost business as the result of damaged reputation Overtime costs to get the operation fully functioning again Cost to clean, repair, and/or replace any equipment, food, or

supplies damaged in the accident Cost to retrain injured employee Increased worker’s compensation premiums Legal fees and award to injured employee (in the case of a


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Safety Program Components

Safety policies and procedures Employee training Safety committee Safety inspections Accident reporting and investigation Constant supervision

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Requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard

1. Post a list of hazardous substances found in the operation

2. Post Material Safety Data Sheets3. Explain to employees how to read and use the MSDS4. Teach employees how to read the labels on

hazardous products5. Train employees on how to use hazardous chemicals

properly6. Make sure they know what to do in case of an


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What to Do When an Employee Tells You He or She Is HIV-Positive

Show support Discuss any reasonable accommodations that can

be made Review the basics of the Family and Medical

Leave Act. Keep the employee’s medical information confidential Train other employees about AIDS to reduce any fears

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Grievance Procedure

1. The employee meets with the supervisor and the union steward to discuss the grievance.

2. If the grievance is not settled, there is a conference between the union steward, the employee, and the supervisor’s boss or another manager.

3. If the grievance continues to be unsettled, representatives from top management and top union officials try to settle it.

4. If still unsettled, the grievance is given to a neutral third party to be settled.

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