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Support Clusters Definitions and Pricing for Victoria

Support Clusters Definitions and Pricing for Victoria

Version release date: Tuesday, 5 August 2014

For the latest version of this document, or to provide feedback, please contact the Provider Management team at [email protected]

2Release Date: Tuesday, 1 July 2014www.ndis.gov.au



Definition of terms7

Information applicable to entire Price List8


Remote and very remote loading8

Provider travel to provide a support8

Provider travel for purposes of training or accompanying a participant to travel9

Remote and very remote travel9

Transport of participants10


Personal supports and training12

Accommodation/tenancy assistance12

Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports12

Assistance to access and maintain employment14

Items related to work in an ADE16

Assistance with personal care and transitions in educational settings (also known as Assistance to integrate into school or other educational programs)17

Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement18

Assistance with daily personal activities24

Assistance with travel/transport arrangements27

Specialist care for participants with high care needs (Also known as Community nursing care for high care needs)28

Development of daily living and life skills28

Interpreting and translation30

Early intervention supports for early childhood30

Management of funding for supports in a participant's plan32

Household Tasks33

Participation in community, social and civic activities33

Physical wellbeing activities38

Specialised assessment of skills, abilities and needs39

Therapeutic supports40

Training for independence in travel and transport45

Behaviour support46

Assistive products and equipment47

Assistive technology specialist assessment, set up and training47

Assistive equipment for recreation49

Assistive products for household tasks51

Assistive products for personal care and safety52

Beds and pressure care mattresses and accessories52

Continence related equipment54

Equipment or aids for dressing or specialised clothing57

Equipment for eating and drinking57

Specialised household furniture58

Bathroom and toilet equipment60

Communication and information equipment64

Assistive products for hearing66

Assistive products for vision69

Home modification design and construction71

Personal mobility equipment75

Transfer equipment75

Prosthetics and orthotics76

Equipment related to walking79

Specialised seating for wheelchairs and other wheeled mobility equipment80

Specialised strollers81

Wheelchairs and scooters82

Vehicle modifications87

www.ndis.gov.au Victoria Release Date: Tuesday, 5 August 201488


The following price list has been developed by NDIA to help estimate and approve the cost of individualised plans. This price list contains information on maximum or benchmark prices of identified supports. Registered service providers with the NDIA have agreed to provide services at a cost that aligns with this list.

This list identifies 32 clusters or groupings of similar supports. Beneath each cluster are support items and detailed descriptions.

This price list is not a comprehensive list of all supports that may be provided in NDIS, but includes prices for the most commonly used supports.

Definition of terms

This price list includes the following terms:



Support Item Ref No

This is the unique number that NDIA assigns to a particular support. In the case of some support items, for example assistive technology, the support item reference number includes the relevant code from ISO 9999.

UoM (Unit of Measure)

This indicates what the price covers e.g. per hour, per day, or each for goods.


Where Support Items cost $500 or less, a verbal or published price is enough.

For Support Items that cost between $500 and $10,000, an email outlining the cost is required.

For Support Items that will cost more than $10,000, a detailed written quote is necessary. In the latter case, competitive quotes will be sought form 2 or more suppliers.


The Agency provides guidance on the price to be paid for each support item. For some items, such as personal care and community access, the price indicates the maximum that the Agency will pay for that item. For other items a quote is required and this is indicated in the quote column.

Planners should refer to the Guide to Understanding Funded Supports for further advice.

Information applicable to entire Price ListGST

Most items in this list are GST exempt as per the ATO information about GST and NDIS and the application of section 38-38 of the GST Act. For a small number of items where GST is applicable (for example delivery fees and taxi fares) the price is inclusive of GST.

Remote and very remote loading

For supports provided to participants in remote and very remote regions of Australia, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority loading (remote 15%, very remote 21%) is applied to the unit price of the support.

Provider travel to provide a support

NDIA will no longer commit a separate dollar amount for funding in the plan for a provider travelling to provide a support. However, NDIA planners will consider provider travel for the adequate delivery of support in the decision about reasonable and necessary funding of supports.

Where the participants support is likely to be delivered by a support worker who needs to travel to a participant (either from the providers place of business or between one participant and the next) to deliver a support of less than four hours, the first hour of support will include an allowance for travel with forty minutes being for direct service delivery and the first twenty minutes of the hour allowed as travel. It is expected the outcomes required in the delivery of support will still be met.

NDIA does not separately include funding for travel related to:

The personal cost associated with a direct support worker travelling to and from their work (including if this is driving to or from a participants home)

Where a participant will receive their supports for over four hours in a single event of delivery of their supports

Travel costs are included in the cost quoted for a program of supports, such as trans-disciplinary early childhood intervention or assistance in shared living, and are not payable as additional items.

The travel position applies to supports such as assistance with daily activities, community participation, training and other like supports.

The travel position does not apply to travel related to therapeutic supports. In some cases the provision of therapeutic supports requires a provider to be engaged from outside the participants geographical area. This travel is paid at the hourly rate, up to a maximum of $1,000 per year, for return trips to visit participants at home/work/school beyond 10 kilometres.

Remote travel will be paid in accordance with the NDIS pricing information.

Provider travel for purposes of training or accompanying a participant to travel

NDIS encourages all participants to be as independent in traveling as is possible, and supports the inclusion of travel training in NDIS plans for the purpose of increasing the participants independence.

A provider may be funded to support a participant to meet their travel needs under the support cluster Assistance with transport arrangements. This cluster includes support items for:

implementing training in the use of public transport

accompanying the participant in the use of public transport

If, while providing supports in this cluster, a provider incurs costs for travelling with a participant on public transport, the NDIS will reimburse these costs in addition to the hourly rate.

All support provider travel is to be approved as part of the participants plan.

Remote and very remote travel

Services delivered by a provider located in a remote or very remote region attract the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) loading.

The Agency can come to an agreement with specific providers for special cases (one example is a metropolitan based provider that is required to provide support to a participant located more than 200 kilometres away).

No additional funding would be included where a participant lives in a rural community as the locational loading only applies for remote or very remote locations.

Transport of participants

Supports relating to transport are considered for funding when the support provided would generally:

only be available to participants who cannot use public transport without substantial difficulty due to their disability,

consider any relevant taxi subsidy schemes, and

not fund transport assistance for the participants carers to transport the participant for everyday commitments.

Where participant transport costs are included in a participants plan if their disability prevents use of public transport, informal supports are not accessible or available and their goals result in a need for assistance with transport that is higher than the expected levels of support funding f

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