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Page 1: Support to Operations


Message of the Regional Executive Director 2Bicol at a Glance 4Bicol Agriculture 6Banner Programs AgriPinoy Rice 8 AgriPinoy Corn 19 AgriPinoy High Value Commercial Crops Development 25 AgriPinoy Livestock 31 AgriPinoy Organic Agriculture 34 Support to Operations Market Oriented Programs 38 Regulatory Services 40 Research and Development Services 42 Information and Communication 44 Administrative Support 46Locally Funded Projects Bottom-Up Budgeting (BuB) 50 Farm-to-Market Road (FMR) 51 PAyapa at MAsaganang PamayaNAn (PAMANA) 52Special Project: Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) 54 Research Outreach Stations 56 Central Bicol Experiment Station 57 Albay Research and Development Center 68 Sorsogon Dairy Production and Technology Center 70 Camarines Norte Lowland Rainfed Research Station 72 Masbate Center for Livestock Development 73 Catanduanes Hilly Upland Development Station 74National and Regional Achievers: Rice Achievers 75 Corn Achievers 76 Gawad Saka National Winner 77 World Food Day Mosaic Making Contest Winner 78 Outstanding Rural Woman 78 National Organic Agriculture Achievers Awardee 79 Gawad Saka Regional Winners 80Other Accomplishments Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council 82 Gender and Development 84 Farm Youth (4H Club) 86 Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Change Adaptation 87 Congressional Participation 90 National Convergence Initiative (Balik Probinsya) 92 PRAISE Awards 93 DA5ManagementandKeyOfficials 94


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MessageOffice of the Regional Executive Director

The year 2014 was a challenging year for the agriculture sector in Bicol. After a prolonged dry spell which extended till June and resulted to late planting, Typhoon Glenda passed through some Bicol provinces and wrought damages

on crops and livestock agri- facilities and infrastructure. But the Department of Agriculture acted swiftly and immediately launched the Bicol Rehabilitation and Assistance for Glenda Agriculture Sector in Sorsogon, Albay, and Camarines Sur, the worst hit provinces. Secretary Alcala himself led the launch of the Rehab efforts and the distribution of agricultural goods, inputs and other assistance to help farmers immediately recoup the losses. Despite Typhoon Glenda at the close of 2014, Bicol region still managed toattainariceself-sufficiencylevelof116%registeringanaveragegrowthrateof 5.6%, elevating the Bicol region as one of the top five palay producers perreport of the Philippine Statistics Authority. This could be attributed to the farmers’ increased utilization of high quality seeds, use of precision fertilization, effective implementation of DA5 disaster preparedness and quick response program which deployed farm equipment such as mini combine-harvesters for immediate harvesting of harvestable palay in anticipation of typhoon occurrence, provision of Insurance coverage to 30,000 farmers and aggressive campaign for farmers coops and associations to invest in Rice Processing Complex and engaging the LGUs, farmers/groups, associations, academe and other partners in the implementation of various DA programs and interventions.


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For thecorn industry,aproduction rate increaseof5.08%was realized.The high value crops development intensified distribution of planting materialsparticularly pili, cacao not only to farmer-groups and individuals but also to farmer entrepreneurs most notably to pili contract growers, the LGUs, schools and rural based organizations. Technical and value adding trainings and processing equipment and other production inputs and assistance were also provided. Meanwhile, the livestock sector showed positive growth rates particularly swine and carabao and Bicol maintained its foot–and-mouth disease and bird-flu free status and has been chosen by theAnimalHealthOrganization as thepilot region for the anti rabies control and prevention program named ”Stop Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses” (STANDZ).

Organic agriculture in the region also gained ground as more farmers are adopting organic farming and are interested to submit their farm for accreditation. These accomplishments are not only the result of the efforts of the DA program coordinators and focal persons of various MFOs and the DA management. They are the outcome of the collective efforts of the agri-stakeholders, key players, LGUs, field implementers, other partners, and most especially the farmersthemselves.

Guided by hindsight and foresight and enriched by experiences and practical and technical knowhow, the Bicolanos are making head way in agricultural developmentespeciallyinensuringfood-sufficiencynotonlyfortheBicolanosbutalso for the neighboring regions.

The knowledge that Bicol had been cited by the Philippine Statistics Authority in 2013 as the region that has the fastest economic growth among the regions with agriculture as among the primary growth drivers, has inspired us to push the agriculture sector to greater heights. But our aspiration for the agriculture sector in the region goes beyond achieving food sufficiency for Bicolanos. The region has a great potential forgrowth not only because of its natural endowment and resources and its strategic position at the southern tip of Luzon which is also the gateway to Visayas and Minadanao. Among the regions, Bicol has the biggest agriculture land area of 892,000 hectares. But in terms of budgetary allocation and manpower support it is only ranked number six (6). This is a challenge for us to bring this disparity and inequitablefiscalandmanpowerappropriationtotheattentionofthoseconcernedatthenationaloffice.OnlywhenthismatterisaddressedcanBicolattainitsfullpotential for economic growth and development. ABELARDO R. BRAGAS, RPAE OIC, Regional Executive Director


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Bicol at a Glance

A region rich in history and natural resources, the home to the world famous

Mayon Volcano with almost perfect cone shape, whose name is derived from the Bicol word magayon, meaning beautiful.

Region V is also known for its natural resorts, white beaches, butanding and the water sports complex. Talk about the place of sili (chili), pili (pilinut), and the Virgin of Peñafrancia (religious festival), and you will be directed to the Bicol Region.


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Provinces Land Area (sq. km)

Land Area (hectares)

No. of Dis tricts

No. of Cities

No. of Mun.

No. of Barangays

CY 2014 PopulationProjection

ALBAY 2,554.06 256,600 3 3 15 720 1,295,007CAMARINES NORTE

2,320.07 23,200 2 12 282 558,734


5,497 548,200 5 2 35 1,063 1,864,014

CATANDUANES 1,492.16 149,200 lone 11 315 250,709MASBATE 4,151.78 415,200 3 1 20 550 832,221SORSOGON 2,119.01 211,900 2 1 14 541 771,326BICOL 18,134.08 1,604,300 16 7 107 3,471 5,572,011

Bicol at a Glance

The agriculture sector in Bicol approximately contributes 25.6% to the region’seconomic output and absorbs the biggest proportion of the region’s labor force and provides employmentto40.7%ofthelaborforceandcloseto40%ofallfamiliesderivedtheirincomefromthesector.Thesectoraccountsfor70%ofallcommodityoutflowsoftheregion(foodandliveanimals)andmajorexporterofcoconutproducts,abacafibersandpiliproducts. (NSCB 2014)

The accelerated growth of the country’s agricultural sector in 2014 was most evident in the crops subsector, with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) citing Bicol as one of thetopfivepalayproducersin2014.Thisisattributedtotheregion’sincreasedutilizationofhigh quality seeds, use of precision fertilization, effective implementation of DA5’s disaster preparedness and quick response program which deployed mini-combine harvesters for immediate harvesting of mature/harvestable palay before typhoons hit the region, and provision of subsidized insurance coverage to 30,000 farmers.


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Bicol’s Agriculture Bicol palay production for 2010-2014 registered an average growth rate of 5.6%whichcorrespondedto17%increaseinproductionvolumefrom1,081,078MT(2010)to1,258,147MT(2014).Consequently,Bicolsustaineditsricesufficiencywithanimpressiveincreasefrom102%(2010)to116%(2014),despitethedipinarea harvested. These remarkable achievements were attained through the Agri-Pinoy Rice Program’s long-term investments which engaged farmers’/irrigators’ associations, LGUs and the private sector in the implementation of DA’s various interventions.

Bicol Agriculture

Table 1. CY 2010-2014 Rice Production Data and Area Harvested

Source: BAS


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Bicol Agriculture Cornproductivityraterealizeda5.08%increase,withthehighestaverageyield per hectare (2.51 MT/ha) recorded in 2014, with a total annual production of 285,647 MT. This is attributed to the establishment of additional four cluster areas in Masbate and the strategic deployment of nine 4-wheel drive tractors in the large cluster areas. As with palay, corn production consistently increased for 2010-2014, withthehighestproductiongrowthrate(12.0%)andyield-per-hectaregrowthrate(8.5%)in2013. The high value crops development program focused on production and distribution of planting materials, particularly Bicol’s priority commodities, pili and cacao. Research outreach stations were assisted in massive production and distribution of these crops to farmer-entrepreneurs, most notably the pili contract growers. Vegetable seeds were made available to LGUs assisting their vegetable growers and schools implementing the Gulayan sa Paaralan project. Aside from technical and value-adding trainings, planting materials and processing equipment were given to women involved in value-adding activities for pili and cacao.

Production performance of most livestock commodities showed positive growthrates,particularlyswine(from0.6%[2010]to11.5%[2014]),carabao(withaveragegrowthrateof2.2%for2010-2014),andcattle(from-0.6%[2011]to1.0%[2014]. Bicol maintained its foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)-free status for almost a decadenow,aswellasitsavian-orbirdflu-freestatus.Thiswasmadepossiblewith the strict implementation of regulatory quarantine rules at entry points, close monitoring and serosurveillance (collecting blood samples) for negative FMD andavian influenza,conductofmassiveadvocacyand informationdriveamonganimal raisers and farmers, and provision of drugs and biologics for animal disease prevention.

Intensified artificial insemination program conducted in collaborationwithLGU counterparts contributed to the increase in animal population of the region, particularly cattle and carabao. Production of animals of better breed was attained by infusing genetically improved ruminant animals resistant to diseases and able to produce high quality meats/nutritious milk.

Organic agriculture in Bicol gained ground as more consumers are recognizing thebenefitsoforganic foodandmore farmersareadoptingorganicfarming. Techno-demos and training farms were in full operation region-wide to encourage and assist farmers in the conversion from commercial to organic farming. Organic rice grown in the region started to appear in big supermarkets nationwide and organic vegetable farms and gardens are spreading in numbers in the region.


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The Rice Program in Bicol Region focused on longer-term investments, with these objectives: to engage farmers’ associations / irrigators’ associations, LGUs and the private sector proactively; to encourage production and

consumption of other food staples; and, to enable rice farmers to increase rice productivitywiththeprovisionofspecificinterventions(technologiesandservices)such as frontload investments in irrigation, postharvest facilities and mechanization.

Comparative Performance of FY 2013 and 2014 Production

Rice Sufficiency

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Palay Production by Province


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The major source of production growth was the increase in productivity

levels across all ecosystems. This was brought about by several high yielding enhancing technology and other interventions implemented for CY 2014.

Major contributors to the increase in production were: a) increased utilization of high quality seeds; b) disaster preparedness and quick response/rehabilitation; c) precision fertilization; d) improved R&DE; e) market development services; f) irigation; and g) agricultural equipment and facilities.

Major Contributors to Increase Production

For 2014, small scale irrigation projects (SSIPs) were constructed and rehabilitated. These included the constructionoffive(5)diversiondams(DDs) and rehabilitation of four (4) DDs and three (3) small water impounding projects (SWIPs). These interventions have ensured the supply of irrigation water for 1,323 hectares of rice and benefitted144groups/associations.

Palay production increased by 1.20% from an annual production of1,243,241 MT (2013) to 1,258,147 MT (2014), despite the decrease in area harvested by 2.37%. Increasedproductivity recorded at 3.82 MT/ha for a3.19%growth rategaveBicol amplesupplyofriceatsufficiencylevelof116%,although lower by 2.19% compared tothe118.19%sufficiencylevelin2013.

FY 2014 Production Performance

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starter seeds which were distributed to irrigators/farmers’ association under the Community-based Seed Banking Project (CSB).

Around 2,430 bags of starter seeds were distributed to irrigators/farmers’ association under the CSB project together with 12 units seed processing equipment (seed cleaners). An additional 1,250 bags upland rice seeds were also distributed to upland farmers organizations.

Availability of certified seeds inthe region was also observed throughout the duration of the year.

Banner ProgramRICE PROGRAM

A. Increased Utilization of High Quality Seeds

For CY 2014, the DA’s thrust was to increase utilization of high quality seeds(hybridseeds,certifiedseedsandgood quality seeds). The Secretary’s specificinstructionwasthatutilizationofthese quality seeds should be not less than64%of the totalseedused in theregion. Thus, quality seed utilization in theregionwas63.4%brokendownintohybrid seeds (5.2%), certified seeds(19.3%)andgoodqualityseeds(38.8%).This is a marked improvement from 2013 seedutilizationwhichwasonly20.61%(certifiedandhybridseeds).

The increase in the utilization of high quality seeds could be attributed to several factors which include among others the distribution of good quality seeds from the production of


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The main purpose of these units, located at the different Research Outreach Stations (ROSes), is to provide the necessary support to the agriculture sector, in terms of disaster preparedness and quick response capabilities in the six provinces of the region.

B. Disaster Preparedness and Quick Response/Rehabilitation

Department of Agriculture -Regional Field Office No. 5, inadherence to Republic Act 10121 (The Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of 2010), and as part of its preparedness has established disaster preparedness and quick response units for the agriculture sector in the different provinces of the region.

The regionwas visited by five (5)majorweather disturbances last year.These included: long dry spell last February to April 2014; Typhoon Glenda on July 15, 2014; Typhoons Luis and Mario in September 2014; and, Typhoon Ruby on December 6, 2014.

Summary of Damages to Palay due to Weather Disturbances/Calamities, Bicol Region, 2014

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(PhP)Long Dry Spell 7,787.74 25,394.59 331,721,163.58

Typhoon Glenda 42,934.84 97,898.41 789,903,564.07Typhoons Luis and Mario

20,701.04 53,448.70 661,718,451.34

Typhoon Ruby 35,977.49 73,036.93 725,357,517.29TOTAL 107,401.11 249,778.63 2,508,700,696.27


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(flatbed dryers, mechanical dryers)were established to augment existing drying facilities, for immediate drying of harvested palay.

For quick response and rehabilitation, 10% of the total seedrequirement of the region (13,500 certified seeds) were positioned at thewarehouses of accredited seed growers as Seed Buffer Stocks. These seeds were distributed to affected farmers for the immediate rehabilitation of damaged rice areas caused by the long dry spell and Typhoon Glenda. These was supplemented by 5,483 bags certifiedseeds purchased from Reconstruction Assistance for Yolanda (RAY) funds and 28,321 bags certified seeds from theQuick Response Funds (QRF) provided to the region for the rehabilitation of areas damaged by Typhoon Glenda.

Hand tractors and mini 4WD tractors were also deployed in the ROSes and were utilized for the immediate rehabilitation of damaged rice areas after the calamity. These tractors were made available free to LGUs and farmer organizations and were used in the immediate land preparation of damaged rice areas. Fuel and labor cost were the counterpart of the requesting LGUs or farmers associations.

These weather disturbances have damaged an accumulated total of 107,401.11 hectares of palay areas which could be translated to around 249,779 metric tons of production losses valued at roughly PhP 2.5 billion loss to the regional rice industry. The quick response and immediate rehabilitation of these damaged rice areas have enabled us to recoup majority of these losses and mitigate the effect of these calamities to the annual production of the region.

For disaster preparedness, DA-RFO 5 deployed mini-combine harvesters for the immediate harvesting of matured/harvestable palay when a calamity was forecasted to hit the region. In addition, palay sheds and warehouses were constructed in the ROSes to augment limited storage facilities of the farmers. Drying facilities

Over P5M worth of rehabilitation assistance were provided to typhoon Glenda victims in Sorsogon. Secretary Alcala led the turn over.


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P5.6 M worth of initial assistance was extended to the typhoon victims in Albay as DA’s quick response efforts.


DA Bicol turned over various forms of typhoon rehabilitation assistance totalling P12M during the launching of the rehabilitation assistance for typhoon Glenda victims in Camarines Sur.

Camarines Sur


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In addition, 21,040 bags of fertilizers (Urea and complete fertilizers) were distributed to rice farmers affected by the calamities as part of the rehabilitation efforts. The application of these fertilizers contributed towards increasing the productivity per unit area of rice farms in the region.

D. Improved Research and Development and Extension Delivery System

Several yield enhancing technologies were developed and/or tested for adaptability through the conduct of 50 regional research and development projects, four (4) strategic rice R and D under the Food Staples Self-sufficiency Program (FSSP) andsix (6) DA-IRRI collaborative projects. The transfer of these technologies was made possible through the conduct of 200 batches of farmer’s field schools(FFS) and the establishment of 30 technology demonstration sites.

To augment the limited manpower of the regional office,200 local farmer technicians (LFTs) to support the existing 545 LGU agricultural technicians, were mobilized to assist in the transfer of these technologies. Several training programs and exposure trips were conducted to improve the knowledge and skills of these extension workers.

To protect the standing crop of palay farmers from ill effect of calamities, the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) provided subsidized insurance coverage to 30,000 farmers, covering 30,000 hectares. This enabled affected farmers to recoup some of their losses and immediately rehabilitate damaged palay areas.

C. Precision Fertilization

One of the primary contributors to the increase in the yield of palay in the region was precision fertilization. About 1,076 soil samples were analyzed at the Regional Soils Laboratory and provided with the correct fertilizer recommendations. In addition, six (6) soil micronutrient fertility maps (one for each province) and 15 updated soil fertility maps (one for each district) were prepared detailing the general fertilizer requirement for each location.

In cooperation with our local government unit (LGU) counterparts, 300 soil test kits (STK) were distributed to assist in the analysis of soils particularly to those areas that are far from the Regional Soils laboratory. To further improve the delivery of soil analysis services of the Department, a mobile soil clinic was procured and maintained.

DA RED Abelardo Bragas and RTD Ellen delos Santos turn over a check to PhilRice Bicol branch manager Reynaldo Castro.


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Massive information dissemination was conducted through the use of print, broadcast and quad-media and conduct of special events. Responsible and proper consumption of rice was aggressively advocated using the slogan “Be Riceponsible.” A total of 1,000 T shirts with Be Riceponsible design and logo were printed and distributed during the Run for Rice, and other special occasion/events participated by DA employees.

Irrigation Facility Ocampo, Cam. Sur

As a culminating activity to the Rice Awareness Month being observed every November, over 500 personnel of the Department of Agriculture and its attached agencies plus a number of extension workers and farmers and coop members participated in the 3-kilometer Run-for Rice. Now on its second year, this event is being conducted to raise the level of awareness of the public, the consumers, the rice producers, the policy makers and the local leaders on the importance of producing and consuming palay or rice properly, efficiently and sustainably or “Riceponsibly.”

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irrigators association with 1,323 farmer-members directly benefitted from theconstruction and rehabilitation of three (3) units Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP),constructionoffive(5)diversiondams,andinstallationof125unitspumpengines.

E. Market Development Services The agency was able to generate and disseminate periodically updated regional rice statistics and market information and conducted regular price monitoring of priority commodities in the region. Furthermore, market promotion of Specialty Rice was conducted and four (4) Value Chain Analysis were completed.

F. Irrigation Development Services Small scale irrigation facilities were provided in cluster rice areas to ensure majorwaterwaysarefunctionaltoachievehighirrigationefficiency.Atotalof144

SWIP San Ramon, Siruma, Cam. Sur Irrigation Facility

Ocampo, Cam. Sur

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G. Agricultural Equipment and Facilities Support Services

Farm production machineries were provided to 90 groups/associations with 620 farmer-members. These equipment were: 55 mechanized threshers; 59 handtractors;10tillers(power/floating);andnine(9)4WDtractorswith22-35HPcapacity.

Postharvestequipmentand facilitiesbenefitted1,318groups/associationswith 41,720 farmer-members. These included the following:10 combine harvesters withhauler;andconstructed/rehabilitatedpostharvestfacilities(25flatbeddryers,28 mechanical dryers, 6 recirculating dryers with biomas furnace, 22 multi-purpose drying pavements, 8 warehouses, 4 Rice Processing Center (RPC) 1 (village level grain processing center) and 2 Rice Processing Center (RPC) 2 (Medium Scale Grain Processing Center). In addition, 30,000 pieces laminated sacks were distributed.

Combine Harvester

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Astocornproduction,productivityrateincreasedby6.38%equivalentto0.15MT per hectare that recorded an annual volume of production of 285,647

MT (2014). Notable increase in production is attributable to the additional

four (4) corn cluster areas established in the province of Masbate and the

launching of Farm Mechanization Tractor Pool Program with nine (9) units of

4-Wheel Drive tractors strategically deployed to corn clusters with large area.

These factors ultimately contributed to the increase in area harvested by

3.67% and posted an average yield per hectare of 2.51 MT/ha. Thesealso helped stabilize the buying price of yellow corn ranging from P13.50

to P14.00 per kilo which benefited both the buyers and the corn farmers.

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• Market development and support services linked twenty (20) sweet corn farmers in Albay with VIEVA Phils.

• For Corn Rehabilitation Program, 2,000 bags of hybrid corn seeds were allocated as buffer stock in case of calamities and 2,000 bags were distributed as seed subsidy to the affected corn farmers in Albay, Cam. Sur, Cam. Norte and Masbate provinces.

• Increasing land area utilization for cassava was supported with massive seed pieces multiplication in three (3)

DA Research Outreach Stations in the following provinces (Albay Breeding Station - 1 ha. site; Sorsogon Dairy Farm - 0.5 ha. site; Daet Seed Farm - 6.3 has. site; Albay Experiment Station - 5.7 has. site (for food); and 1.5 has (farmer-cooperators’ sites). The distribution of cassava seed pieces coupled with the conduct of information campaign, seven trainings on cassava production and processing, and eight (8) livelihood trainings and meetings encouraged more farmers and women to venture in making different cassava products and by-products.

Other Contributing Factors:


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CORN CLUSTER AREAS: Four (4) new cluster areas were organized in the municipalities of Mandaon, Masbate City, Aroroy and Esperanza, thus the region now has 40 corn clusters with a total area of 46,451.5 hectares.

Province Cluster (No.) Area (Hectares)2013 2014

Albay 9 9 8,618.0

Cam. Norte 1 1 700.0

Cam. Sur 19 19 30,092.5

Masbate 7 11 7,041.0

Bicol Region 36 40 46,451.5

Production Support Services

• Provided technical assistance and development of 1,218 hectares for corn and cassava production benefiting1,349 individual farmers and distributed 26,500 kgs. corn seeds through the LGU Seed System.

• Distributed 169,000 cassava seedpieces in the different municipalities in Masbate Province.

• Promoted organic-based agriculture by providing 1,500 bags of soil ameliorants and lime to cover 150 hectares; analyzed 405 soil samples from 388 farmers and issued 405 fertilizer recommendations which helped farmers determine the right amount and kind of fertilizers to apply in the farms to sustain growth and productivity of corn.

• For biological control, one (1) laboratory was maintained which produced 215,000 pcs of earwigs. About 60,129 t-cards of trichogramma were distributed to 153 farmers, covering 412.95 hectares of corn production areas.

• Conducted pest/disease surveillance and control activities covering 5,000 hectares of corn areas that benefitted 1,247 farmers.Occurrence of insect pest/incidence like aphids and corn borers, diseases like banded sheath blight, leaf rust and stalk rot were also observed in the field but on tolerable level. Effectiveand timely release of biological agents was undertaken in order to control possible outbreak of various pests and diseases.

• Bantay Peste Brigades were organized and maintained in various municipalities of Albay, Camarines Sur and Masbate to capacitate the local farmers on how to counteract or address pest problems within the area including immediate reporting and monitoring of the situation.


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• A total of 28 awards were bagged by Bicol Region during the 10th Philippine National Corn Congress and Awarding of Quality Corn Achievers held on November 20, 2014 in Cagayan de Oro City. These include Outstanding Municipal Agriculturist (Baao, Naga City, Tigaon, Ligao City and Calabanga) which received a project grant worth P1M each plus trophy. The municipal /city agriculturists of said LGUs except Tigaon were also awarded and received cash prize of P30,000 each. Mr. Ramon Bitao of Baao topped the list of winners under this category, together with Ma. Edna B. Bongalonta of Naga City, Cesar D. Sodsod of Ligao City and Gil Gabriel H. Bordado III of

Calabanga. Lea M. Beltran of Tigaon and Menandro U. Calingacion of Naga City were awarded as municipal/city coordinators and received P25,000 each and trophy.

Seventeen (17) Bicolano corn technicians were also awarded P20,000 cash prize each and trophy. They are: Jonafel Taduran, Elena N. Salvamante, Marly Corporal, Carlos Samar, Lourdes Ibarbia, Noel G. Manaog, Amelita O. Palacio, Dely B. Nocos, Elsa N. Bonagua, Magdalena P. Pobocan, Santiago B. Enrique, Victor B. Cortez, Felicisima M. Obiasca, Joshua T. Ipo, Teresita A. Barce, Lilibeth O. Patoc and Benedicto C. Heraldo.

Quality Corn Achievers


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• Produced and distributed 10,000 pieces IEC materials and supported with Broadcast materials like radio plugs and radio programs, interventions and radio releases.

Market Development Services

• For the Market Development and Support Services, regular price monitoring was conducted on a daily basis. The prevailing farm gate price of yellow corn ranges from P13.50-P14.00 per kilo. Meanwhile, white corn costs P13.00 per kilo and the farmgate price of white corn grits is P28.00 per kilo.

• Conducted three (3) meetings with Regional Corn Board and one (1) Stakeholders’ Forum.

Extension Support, Education and Training Services

• Techno Demos on Integrated Nutrient Management/Organic-based Farming (Tamang Abono) were established in 39 sites for corn and cassava throughout the region.

• Trained 2,987 farmers/AEWs regionwide via the Corn FFS which cover topics on Entrepreneurship, Gender and Development (GAD) and Post-Harvest Technology, Cassava and Corn By-product Utilization, Corn Grits/Seed Production and Bantay Peste Brigade.

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The High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP)sustained upward production trends of various high value crops particularly the champion commodities like pili and cacao. The program focused on production of planting materials for distribution to interested groups/associations or any peoples’ organization through an execution of Memorandum of Agreement between contracting parties. A realization of this scheme is the launching of PILIpinas project in partnership with J. Emmanuel Pastries last November 3, 2014 with initial 1,000 pcs grafted pili distributed in Libon,Albay. For the development of Cacao and Pili Industries in the region, the program provided not only planting materials but also processing equipment to women involved in value-adding activities. The Gulayan Sa Paaralan project is another avenue where high quality vegetables seeds and garden tools were continuously provided to schools. Other high value crops being promoted through provision of planting materials/cuttings are garlic and ginger, sweet potato and taro (gabi).


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A. PILIpinas Project

A pili contract growing scheme to intensify the pili nut production in the region was entered into by the Department of Agriculture Region 5 and the J. Emmanuel Pastries - a multi-awarded and leading pili nut processor and exporter of Bicol’s pilinut delicacies. The Department of Agriculture RFO 5 has initially provided 10,000 grafted pili seedlings to the project.

DA also collaborated with the local government units by providing technical assistance in the establishment of scion grove and nursery, trainings, farm lay-outing, provision of materials for intercropping, and the production of organic fertilizer for pili plantation. Meanwhile, the J. Emmanuel will buy the produce of the pili farmers included in the contract.

B. Garlic Production

Bicolano farmers from barangay Malapay, Pio Duran, Albay have successfully planted garlic. Initially, 20 farmer members of Malapay Farmers Association were assisted by the Department of Agriculture Regional Office through its High Value CropsDevelopment Program (HVCDP). Initially, a techno demo on garlic production was implemented in the municipality involving the 20 farmers. These farmers were provided with the Ilocos white variety. Out of the produce, the farmers will pay back 25 kg of garlic for distribution to another set of interested farmers. After harvest the average yield obtained was 1.3 metric tons per hectare. As an offshoot of the techno demo in Pio Duran, more fielddemonstrations and trainings on garlic production were conducted for

farmers in 8 municipalities of Albay, 3 municipalities in Camarines Sur, and 1 municipality in Camarines Norte. The participants were provided with inputs for the establishment of the technology demonstration in their own municipalities. An expansion area was also established in Albay. Additional technology demonstrations were likewise established in Sipocot, Libmanan, and Lupi, Camarines Sur and San Lorenzo Ruiz, Camarines Norte.


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C. Gulayan sa Paaralan

Gulayan Sa Paaralan Project is a continuing intervention of the High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) of the Department of Agriculture RFU 5 in collaboration with the Department of Education. This year, a total of 734 schools were provided with organic vegetable production training, set of garden tools (rake, shovel, hoe, and sprinkler) and OPV vegetable seeds.

The Gulayan sa Paaralan program was implemented among public elementary and high schools to promote self-help food production activities; inculcate proper values among children; address the issue of malnutrition by tapping the education sector as partner; and educate the youth early to enable them to appreciate the value of good nutrition, healthy lifestyle, self-help and entrepreneurship. Gulayan sa Paaralan project is also an approach to develop among children the appreciation of agriculture as a life support system. It also maintains school gardens as food basket to sustain supplementary feeding, thereby help reduce hunger and malnutrition in the schools and community.

For two years now, DA and DepEd Division of Camarines Sur have been conducting an annual search for Gulayan sa Paaralan in the province to generate interest and participation among schools. The contest has three categories: District level, Congressional level and the Division Level where top 26 schools were ranked accordingly. The top five Division levelwinners received a trophy, drum, water hose, knapsack sprayer, wheelbarrow, garden tools, plastic crates, plastic twine and assorted vegetable seeds from DA. The winners for the congressional and district levels received certificates ofcommendation.

This year’s Best Gulayan Implementer was awarded to San Isidro Elementary School of Buhi Camarines Sur; Union Elementary School of Calabanga, Camarines Sur got the second place; Buenavista Elementary School Tinambac South, third place; Caranan North Elementary School Pasacao, fourth place and Tamban Central School Tinambac, CamarinesSur,fifthplace.


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The Department of Agriculture RFO 5 High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) in partnership with theNagaCityAgricultureOfficeconducted a two-day training on cut flowers production for the membersof the Pacol Cut flowersAssociationon June 24-25, 2014. Resource speakers came from Baguio City and discussed adaptability, cultural management, insect and disease control, postharvest handling and

economics on Chrysanthemum production. Tips to improve the cutflower industry in the regionwerealso shared. Members of the Pacol Cutflower Association were providedwith complete fertilizer, cuttings of new varieties of chrysanthemum for massive propagation to upgrade local varieties. Two (2) units Shallow Tube Well (STW), 300 meters plastic pipe/hose and 10 drums to solve the perennial problem of limited water supply were also provided.

D. Cutflower Production in Naga City


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Extension Support, Education and Training Services

For this activity, thirty-two (32) Season Long Package of Technology Trainings were conducted for organized vegetable growers and women’s organizations. Thirty (30) Farmer Farmers Field School (FFS) were also conducted.

Twenty-five (25) technologydemonstration farms were established, and thirty-four (34) farmer organizations strenghthened. Also distributed 13,000 pieces of IEC materials.

Other Infrastructure and Post-harvest Facilities

Several activities were made in support to the program such as distribution of production, postharvest and processing equipment and machineries: banana chippers (4 units), banana fryers (4), fruit dehydrators (2), fruit juicer/extractor (1), pili oil extractionmachines(3),pilioilfiltrationmachines (3), pili depulpers (4), coffee dehullers (2), coffee depulpers (2), coffee roasters (2), coffee grinders (2), cacao grinders (6), cacao roasters (6), cacao crackers w/ cleaners (6), tablea makers (6), noodle maker (1), pulverizer (1), plastic crates (500), hydraulic press (2), vacuum sealers (2),andflourmillers(3).

Production Support Services

To pump up the production of priority high value crops, the following interventions were made: distribution of 1,000 kilograms of spices, 700 kilograms of lowland vegetables seeds and 6,100 pieces of indigenous vegetables; distribution of planting materials such as 20,000 pieces of mango seedlings, 1,500,000 pieces of pineapple suckers and 50,000 pieces of pili planting materials. Distribution of industrial crops seedlings to farmers like 100,000 pieces of cacao, 50,000 pieces coffee and 6,000 pieces of alternative staple food crops (gabi) was also conducted. These were further supported with the maintenance of 35 units and establishment of 25 new production facilities like rainshelter, greenhouse system, net house, nursery and seed storage, tissue culture laboratory and foundation scion grove. Two (2) units of hand tractors were provided to two (2) farmer groups; and 10 facilities (nursery, organic/biological fertilizer plant) were rehabilitated and maintained.

Market Development Services Market related information and database was maintained, and market reconnaisance and benchmarking were conducted. The HVCDP implementers also participated in six (6) market-related events such as trade missions, exhibits, congresses, investment fora.


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2014). Animals produced are of better breed as a result of a partnership and collaboration forged with Philippine Carabao Center and the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). Animal stocks and poultry were upgraded by infusing genetically improved animals resistant to diseases and produce high quality meats/milk.

At least 2,280 animal raisers throughout the region benefitted fromtheconductofartificialinseminationforlarge ruminants. A total of 5,042 semen straws from UNAIP were distributed and inseminated to 2,576 head of cattle and 2,466 head of carabao. With this intervention, animal population for cattle increased by 371 head and 176 head for carabao.

For CY 2014, Livestock Program was geared towards the development of the livestock and Poultry Industry. DA Region RFO 5 continued its collaboration with the Philippine Carabao Center and the Bureau of Animal Industry to insure the production of better breeds of ruminant animals that are resistant to diseases and also produces high quality meat and nutritious milk. Partner agencies help provide technical assistance through trainings and conduct of various production support services like provision of semen straws and purebred goat stock as well as planting materials for pasture development. Intensified artificial inseminationactivities implemented in collaboration with LGU counterparts contributed to the increase in animal population in the region (PAS -Livestock Inventory



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Massive advocacy and information drive were done to educate animal raisers and farmers using mass media. For this year, 8,800 pcs flyerswere distributed. Another activity that helped enhanced the skills and knowledge of animal raisers and equipped LGU Livestock Technician is the conduct of series of related trainings, briefingsandon-sitemeetings.

The Regional Animal Diagnostic Disease Laboratory (RADDL) conducted close monitoring and serosurveillance fornegativeFMDandAvianInfluenza.This year, a surveillance team was organized to conduct massive collection of blood and fecal samples in the six (6) provinces. Laboratory results showed that the Region maintained the FMD and Bird-Flu Free status. Furthermore, the distribution of 2,215 doses of antibiotics, 774 dewormer and 2,837 vitamins to 16,679 animal owners, and the strict implementation of quarantine advisories and policies help maintain this status and prevented further incidence of animal disease outbreak.

Newly launched Livelihood Enhancement Project helped augment the income of some 89 farmers/associations as recipients of animal distribution program. A total of 50 head native caraheifer, 49 head of native piglets, 87 head ewes and 14 head of ram were distributed throughout 40 municipalities of the region.

Moreover, the program provided funds to upgrade animal stock and poultry by infusing genetically improved animalsandpoultrybirdsinthefive(5)Research Outreach Stations to be able to respond to the needs of the animal raisers.


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Organic Agriculture is one of the farming options expected to improve climate change adaptation and promote climate smart agriculture in the Philippines. In the Bicol Region, the implementation of Organic Agriculture Program is making headway for a more extensive adoption and appreciation of the importance and benefits of organic farming.


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7th Bicol Organic Agriculture Congress Over 600 organic agriculture farmers, practitioners, advocates and supporters participated in the OA congress on Nov 6-7, 2014 at the Ibalong Recreation Center in Legazpi City. It featured a forum, exhibit, presentation of resolutions and recognition of regional achievers. Sales generated was Php 89,763 for the 2-day organic-fair conducted.

Organic Agriculture in Bicol Region is gaining ground as more farmers are adopting

and appreciating the importance and benefitsoforganicfarming.Atotalof24 techno-demos and training farms are now in full operation regionwide thus, encouraging more farmers to participate in the conversion of their farm from commercial to organic farming. These techno demo farms are being regularly maintained and monitored by the OA program.

Over 600 organic agriculture farmers, practitioners and supporters participated in the 7th Bicol Organic Agriculture Congress on November 6-7, 2014 at the Ibalong Recreation Center in Legazpi Ctiy. The gathering served as a venue for sharing new ideas, experiences and good practices among organic agriculture practitioners, program implementers and adopters as

well as disseminating information, policy and program updates, directions and thrust on organic agriculture.

Meanwhile, the Pecuaria Development Cooperative, Inc. (PDCI) in Bula, Camarines Sur was able to initially export four (4) tons of black rice to Shandong, China. The PDCI is also a regular supplier of organic rice to big supermarkets nationwide.

As a mitigation and adaptation strategy for climate change especially during drought, the waterholding capacity and soil fertility of the core organic media were enhanced through improved soil composition and organic matter, both of which are vital in increasing yield in areas of medium to low-input farms. Through the OAP, 10 compostingfacilitiesbenefitingten(10)organizations/farmers and covering two (2) hectares were distributed.



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Bicolano Organic Agriculture advocates and practitioners in the person of Fr. Ian S. Trillanes of Caritas Diocese of Libmanan (CDL), Mr. Mariano B. Racelis of Rinconada and Sustainable Agriculture (Rincomesa), and Ms. Georgina J. Bordado of CBSUA were selected as NOAB members representing the categories non-government organization, small farmers (Luzon), and academe, respectively.


In partnership and collaboration with LGUs, Non-Government Organizations and Peoples Organizations, the Organic Agriculture Program conducted 12 consumer awareness seminars, four trainings, eight fora, and 21 stakeholders consultations which benefitted a totalof 205 farmers/technicians, students, entrepreneurs and organic agriculture enthusiasts .

Under its activities for food safety and product standards, the Organic Agriculture Program held public consultations on the development of Philippine National Standards (PNS) for several commodities, including the Code of Hygienic Practice (COHP)

for tree nuts, cassava and cassava products, gabi leaves, anchovies, and crabs. Likewise, field validation andsampling were done for the COHP for natural ingredients. Orientation meetings were conducted in connection with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015. The regional Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) team composed of the chiefs of the DA Bicol Regulatory, Integrated Laboratories and Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Divisions are helping farmers in the certification oftheir farms. One GAP certified farmthat has renewed its certificationwasthe Labo Multipurpose Cooperative, in Labo, Camarines Norte.


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The DA -Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) conducted a public consultation

on the draft of Philippine National Standards: Code of Hygienic Practice for Tree Nuts and Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin contamination in Tree Nuts,specificallyforpiliandcashewnuts. The consultation held at Casa Basilisa, Guinobatan, Albay was attended by more than 50 pili growers, renowned processors and traders from Camarines Sur, Albay and Sorsogon andofficersandmembersoftheAlbay

Pili Industry. Also present during the event were heads of Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council, BUCAF and BCARRD; Provincial Agriculturists of Catanduanes and Sorsogon and LGU officials of Albayand Sorsogon; and representatives from NGOs. BAFS OIC Executive Director, Karen Kristine A. Roscom, presented the third draft for the Phil. National Standard: Code of Hygienic Practice for Tree Nuts.

BAFS OIC Executive Director, Karen Kristine A. Roscom (right photo) answers some questions during the open forum.



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The Agri-Pinoy Trading Center (APTC) in Vinzons, Camarines Norte which was inaugurated last May 2014 by Secretary Proceso J. Alcala started serving as an alternative marketing system and business model where small farmers

andfisherfolkcanselltheirproductsdirectlyatreasonablewholesaleprices.Thisfacilityisexpectedtobenefitatleast10,000farmerswhoaretillingalmost33,198farms covering approximately 15,000 hectares of productive agricultural lands in the province.


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Likewise, DA extended marketing assistance in terms of access to market, product promotion, and improvement of product quality and standards. Extensive participation in at least 17 local fairs/exhibits and five (5) international exhibits throughpartnership with private stakeholders and entrepreneurs provided effective venues for promotion, sale and advocacy of locally-produced agricultural products. Regular price monitoring activities provided updated price and data information which served as basis and guide for production and marketing decisions. The creation of the Regional GAP Team, in close collaboration with BAFPS, generated interest on the part of producers to applyforGAPCertificationandcompliancewith quality standards in preparation for the ASEAN Economic Integration. It was strengthened with the conduct of information campaign, capability-building, promotional and advocacy activities on proper food handling, safety, quality and standards, such as GAP for gabi and corn and public consultations on Draft PNS Standards and Code of Hygienic Practices for various crops. Consumer awareness seminars and investment fora activities were able to serve and inform 30 farmer groups/organizations in the region. In 2014, eight (8) Barangay Food Terminals (BFTs) and two (2) Municipal Food Terminals (MFTs) were established under the Bottom-Up Budgeting (BuB) program, while six (6) BFTs were revitalized. This provided additional alternative markets to local producers and access to safe, affordable and fresh commodities on the

part of consumers, benefitting 10,000householdbeneficiariesandgenerating80additional jobs. The BFT projects also proved beneficialtooperatorsintermsofadditionalincome generated. Municipal local government units (LGUs) operating the MFTs realized not only additional income but a more organized flow of trading/marketing activities in their municipalities. Trading layers were also minimized thus, generating maximum farmgate and minimum buying prices for consumers As to consumers’ benefits, wagegoods have become more available and affordable because prices decreased by 5-10 pesos, especially in the rural areas, and savings on travel time and fare by as much as 10-50 pesos. Through the BFT network of agri-fishery producers, processors andmanufacturers, DA5 was able to respond immediately to the needs for relief/food supply in the provinces of Bicol Region adversely affected by typhoons Glenda and Ruby. The 2014 Farmers Festival and Regional BFT Summit generated sales of at least Php350,000 for the two-day agri-fair participated in by 40 BFTs regionwide, over 1,500 farmers, housewives, consumers, extension workers, organic producers and students who joined the festival and attended the techno-fora on technologies and demo of modern postharvest and processing equipment, bought agri-products from the different provinces, and watched product demonstrations and exhibits.


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Support to OperationsREGULATORY SERVICES

With the zealous enforcement of quarantine laws, the regulatory services for both animals and

plants ensured that the region’s welfare and health programs were successfully implemented, thus maintaining Bicol’s disease-free status for both foot-and-mouth disease and avian flu and theabsence of widespread pest and plant disease outbreaks. Under Republic Acts No. 1556 (Feeds) and 3720 (Veterinary Drugs and Products Quality Control and Safety), feed establishments (2,942) and VDAP outlets (1,569) were regularly inspected and monitored, as their total feed production reached 95,742 metric tons. The regional veterinary quarantine services included the monitoring of 11 domestic ports, 4 domestic airports and 6 international ports; issuance of domestic/international clearances and veterinary health certificates, disinfection of livestocktransportcarriers,artificialinseminationsurveillance, and inspection of animals and animal products and by-products. In like manner, the movement of plants and plant products to, within, and from the Bicol region was closely

monitored via inspection of 47 vessels for import of 107,300 MT plant products; issuance of 22 phyto sanitary permits for export of 12,812 MT; and inspection of 314 vessels for domestic use of 11,453 pieces of plants and 10,000 MT plant products. To ensure better animal health, vaccination and deworming were done on these diseases and number of animals: rabies (40,205), hog cholera (5,985), New Castle disease (190,027), hemorrhagic septicemia (510), and fasciolosis (4,790). Trainings were conducted on disease outbreak and investigation (for veterinarians); dog vaccination and castration (for LGUs). Vaccination paraphernalia (coolers, raincoats, boots, syringes, bags) were likewise given to LGU livestock technicians after each training. The region’s animal welfare program included registration and inspection of new and old animal facilities (21), veterinarian accreditation (7), issuance of animal show permits (10) and conduct of trainings (7) on animal welfare for 228 participants. Trainings (12) were also done on basic and advance meat processing for 325


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participants. Aside from activities celebrating World Rabies Day, the region launched the Stop Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonosis Rabies Project Program in September 2014 and conducted a year-end assessment of the STANDZ Rabies project implementation for Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, and Masbate. The Regional Animal Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) continued its vital role of conducting animaldiseasediagnosis throughfielddiagnosis and laboratory services to determine gross/clinical pathology, parasitology (fecalysis, blood parasite examinations), bacteriology (bacterial Isolation, AST, water coliform), virology/serology and sero-surveillance. With focus on quality control and regular monitoring of feeds and feed ingredients, the Feed Chemical

Analysis Laboratory (formerly the Regional Animal Feeds Analysis Laboratory) assured that animal raisers obtain quality feeds for their animals via its feed analysis and lab determinations.


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Support to OperationsRESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT

Regular Funded Research and Development Projects

1. Germplasm Collection and Evaluation of Promising Pili

2. Regional Yield Trial on Cassava

3. Yield Response of Lakan 1 using Different Rates of Organic Fertilizer (chicken manure)

4. Production and Techno Demo of Taro

5. National Cooperative Testing (NCT) for Field Legumes/ Vegetables: Mongo and Tomato

6. National Cooperative Testing (NCT) for Peanut

7. Production Techno Demo of Lemon grass and Taro

8. NCT on Corn

9. Gemplasm collection/ Evaluation of Sweet Potato

10. Performance of MD2 and ULAM Queen Pineapple Variety under Different Production Practices in Camarines Norte

SERVICES Ten research studies were funded under the 2.7 M regional allocation fund sources. This include the yield trial of various commodity undertaken by different research outreach stations: AES with 4 projects (sweetpotato, cassava and pili); CBES 5 projects (corn, peanut, tomato, mungbean, Taro) and DSF 1 project (pineapple).

To ensure availability of quality seeds and planting materials region wide various production support services of the different research outreach station’s were supported. A total of 5,986 pieces of assorted sexually propagated and 4,496 pieces of asexually propagated fruit bearing trees, 3480 kilograms of certifiedriceseedsand495kilogramsofassorted vegetable and legume seeds were distributed to the six provinces


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Support to OperationsRESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSERVICESof the region. Likewise, production and distribution of tissue cultured moringa and tissue cultured taro; sweet potato cuttings; moringa seedlings; and trichoderma (CFA) were undertaken.

Extension activities particularly plant disease diagnosis were undertaken by the team of the plant health clinic benefitting a total of 23Local Government Units (LGUs) and 144 vegetable growers.

To ensure that technologies will be strategically established and transferred to areas and communities that most need them, RTCC serves as a

vehicle for incubation and sensitization of emerging technologies that will enhance the value-adding of products and processes for it to compete to both domestic and foreign markets. It was able to develop product technologies, recipes for various commodities like, mushroom, moringa, taro and rimas. A total of 30 value added products were developed and are now being used by rural women and other stakeholders in the region. Some of these products were exhibited during the 1st National Community-based Participatory Action Research (CPAR) Congress held in February 2014 at the Manila Hotel.


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Agressive information dissemination and advocacy campaign for the banner

programs, regular programs and special projects of the DA were undertaken using quad media (print, audio-video, broadcast, television and social media). For print, 23 various titles of pamphlets, flyers and brochureswere packaged and printed. A total of 67,807 printed IEC materials were distributed; 302 billboards and tarpaulins printed and installed/displayed. A total of 137 news and photo releases and feature articles were issued and published in the local media and posted in the web. Seven (7) promotional advertisements were placed in 11 newspapers/magazines. For broadcast and TV, six (6) radio plugs/infomercials/jingles were aired in 6 radio stations. The plugs included 60-second infomercials on flatbeddryer,:ElNiño,LaNiña,Palay Bigas Kanin Huwag Sayangin, Be Riceponsible, Corn Grits Endorsement as Healthy Food by Manny Pacquiao and Lucy Torres. A total of 420 radio and 240 tv spots were aired. A total of 38 radio interviews/guestings were rendered and 172 events/activities where covered/documented. An anthology of agri. success stories had been aired in one local community cable under the title: Matagumpay at “Maunlad na Agrikultura” aired over GNN TV in Naga City for 3 months. One (1) teleradyo “Magsasaka” (Mag-ani sa Sariling Kasipagan), was sponsored and aired over DYME in Masbate hosted by Wilfredo Nelmida. Regular radio guesting was made

over DWZR”s Nutricomnet Program in Legaspi City. Three Bicol commodities and projects being assisted by the DA regional office namely: Queenpineapple of Camarines Norte; processed pili nuts of J. Emmanuel pastries; the pili regional nursery and orchardattheDAregionalofficeandthe gabi production and processing in Nabua, Camarines were featured in three episodes of “Agri Tayo Dito” TV over Channel 2 of ABS-CBN national telecast program anchored by popular TV personality Ruben Gonzaga through coordination made by RAFID. Also, the native chicken project of the Bicol Experiment Station, the integrated farm of 2014 National Outstanding Rural Woman Adel Magsino in Goa, the strawberry farm of Leonardo Libreja of Ocampo, Camarines Sur and the Albay Experiment Station in Tabaco City were visited and featured in the radio program of Louie Tabing “Sa Kabukiran” aired over DZMM and also featured in the magazine of the same title. Feature articles written by Emily Bordado were published in national agriculture magazine Agrikultura, etc. These are: “ Yes, Garlic also thrives in Bicol”, “Gabi production levels up from backyard to commercial scale”. News articles on the inauguration of the Nitrogen Plant in Masbate and interventions made by DA Bicol to recoup losses on rice, Inauguration of Cam. Norte APTC and Visit of Secretary Alcala to Bicol provinces were published in Phil. Star, Phil


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Daily Inquirer and Manila Times and other national dailies. Moreover the DA-RAFIS co-sponsored four (4) regional events where DA advocacies were promoted. These were: The Bicol Business Week , 4th Bicol Tourism and Food Expo (BITFEX), Bishop Gainza Trade Fair and the Caceres Communication Short Film. Five (5) media conferences were conducted. In support to the Advocacy campaign to “Be Riceponsible” a total of 1,000 T-shirts with Be Riceponsible design and logo were printed and distributed during the Run for Rice, and other special occasion/events participated by DA employees. Six (6) video documentaries

(audio video presentation) were produced and a total of 172 photo and video coverages and documentation were made. In support to the PRDP, the InfoAce staff of RAFIS prepared 17 newsrelease,6leafletsoncommodityprofilesofthe6commoditiesidentifiedby each province and documented (in photos)about 80%ofall thePRDPactivities . The chief of RAFIS was among the media delegates invited for a scientific visit to ICRISAT inPatencheru, Telengana, India on November 10 -15, 2014 . All expenses were shouldered by ICRISAT.



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CSC reaffirms Level II accredited status of DA

In 2014, the Civil Service Commission regional office in Bicolonce more reaffirmed the Level IIaccredited status of DA RFO 5 for having continuously met the requirements for the status pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1302616. This is under the CSC program institutionalizing Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) through a program of reward, recognition, empowerment and continuous development to capacitate agencies in the performance of their human resource management functions and recognize best practices in the various areas of human resource management. As Level II accredited agency, the DA cantakefinalactiononappointmentsof

Awarding of the Certificate of Revalidation. (from left) Director II Jocelyn L. Marifosque, Field Director of CSC Camarines Sur; Mesdames Imelda Acompañado and RosarioSales of DA RFO 5; Cecilia R. Nieto, CSC-5 Regional Director; and Atty. Daisy P. Bragais, Assistant Regional Director.

personnel. But to maintain its accreditation, the DA will operationalize the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) as a means of measuring individual performanceofemployeesaswellasagencyperformance.TheDAcentralofficehasdevisedaunifiedSPMSforthewholeorganization.



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Support to OperationsADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTStrategic Performance Management System implementation Following the Civil Service Commission national office’s approval of theStrategic Performance Management System (SPMS) of the Department Agriculture inApril2014,theDAregionalofficeisgearingupforthefullimplementationoftheDAUnifiedSPMS. ThenewSPMSwillprovideascientificandverifiablebasisinassessingandimproving the performance of DA employees and effectiveness of the agency’s programs. It is focused on linking individual performance vis-à-vis the agency’s organizational goals. It is a mechanism which ensures that each employee achieves the objectives set by the agency, and the agency on the other hand, achieves the objectives that it has set itself in its strategic plan. The DA-SPMS will follow the four stage PMS cycle namely: performance planning and commitment; performance monitoring and coaching; review and evaluation; and rewarding and development planning.

Rationalization Plan Implementation

Afteraverylongwait,theRationalizationPlanwasfinallyapprovedandimplemented. From the previous approved position of 332, the approved position now under the Rat Plan is only 245. A total of 44 affected and non-affected personnel opted to retire and avail of the incentive package. Compared with other regions, The Technical manpower complement of DA-Bicol is the lowest. This inequitable allocation in the number of personnel will have an impact in the implementation of the programs of the DA in the future.

Summer Internship Program. Twenty-six (26) youths participated in the tweny (20) days Summer Internship Program being offered annualy by the DA. It started on April 21 and ended on May 20 through a colorful closing ceremony.


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DA Facilities Make-Over and Repair

In barely a year since he assumed as OIC- Regional Executive Director, Engr. Abelardo R.BragashastakengreateffortstogivetheDABicolregionalofficea“makeover”-bywayofrepairing, renovating, rehabilitating and improving facilities and structures within the 70-hectare compound. Being an agricultural engineer Dir. Bragas makes sure that the structures within the DA compound are safe, sturdy, and functional.

Dilapidated screen houses were repaired and improved. But some of them which have been worn out were knocked down and the area was converted into an open parking space. Themachineryshedadjacenttotheengineeringofficewhichusedtohousethefisheryresearchstaffhasbeenrepairedandimprovedandwillnowbetheofficeoftheregulatorydivisionwhichprovidesfrontlineservicestoclients.TheRegionalAgricultureEngineeringDivisionofficehaslikewise been repaired and expanded while repair and improvement of the building which houses theSugarRegulatoryAdministrationofficeisongoing.

Repainting of various buildings that is, the administration building, the Regional Crop Protection Center, the Central Bicol Experiment Station have also been completed giving them amoredignified and presentable appearance.Repairofvariouscomforts roomswerealso


The building which used to house the Pesticide Analytical Laboratory managed

by the BPI but which has now been abandoned has also been rehabilitated and will soon be utilized as the office of the propertyand procurement section and store house for office

Administration Building

Field Operations Division Building

Regional Crops Protection Center Building

Motorpool Building



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RIARS Training Center


Regional Technology Commercialization Center


BIARC Administration Building

Cocowater Processing Facility

equipmentandsupplies.Likewise,roofinghasbeenconstructedinbetweenthisbuildingandthemotorpool.Theswampyareaaroundithasalreadybeenfilledupandtheareaconnectingthem has been concreted. The area has also been cleared of the unsightly pile of rusting and dilapidated vehicles which used to be dumped there. Construction of two units of palay sheds were also completed to ensure that palay stocks are protected from the elements. The warehouseforfarmequipmenthavealsobeencompletedaswellasthefillingupoftheareasaround it.

Thetwo-storeyOperationsBuildingisnow85%completeandaverandawasaddedtoserve as a multipurpose hall.

The Coco Water Processing Center adjacent to the Regional Technology Commercialization center has been completed including the annex structure or extension originally intended for the employees canteen.

With the growing number of unauthorized families now residing and residential structures now constructed within the DA compound, Dir. Bragas took a bold step by instructing the BIARC manager to order the owners of these structures to vacate or demolish these structures and leave the DA compound as their continuous stay is unauthorized. The vacant spaces in the vast experimental stations will now be optimally utilized as he had instructed the program coordinators to develop their respective areas assigned to them. AsidefromthebuildingandstructureswithintheDAregionalofficecompound,Dir.Bragasalsointends to rehabilitate and improve the structures and facilities of the DA in its satellite stations in the provinces.

Motorpool Building



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Bottom-Up-Budgeting (BuB) for CY 2014 was appropriated with a total budgetofPhp729milliontofinance469projects.AsofDecember31,2014thereare eighteen (18) completed projects (1 - HVCDP, 15 farm-to-market roads and 2 postharvest and other infrastructure projects) and 262 on going.


A number of projects are now being implemented by LGUs to wit: Albay has 56 projects by 15 Local Government Units (LGUs); Camarines Norte has 56 projects by 11 LGUs; Camarines Sur has 120 projects by 34 LGUs; Catanduanes has 41 projects by 8 LGUs; Masbate has 103 projects by 21 LGUs; and Sorsogon has 97 projects by 15 LGUs. Out of the 473 projects, 353 is under DA and 120 is under its attached bureaus and agencies.

The projects were broken down into: production support to rice (13); agricultural equipment (27); postharvest facilities (33); SSIP (62); Corn (10); High Value Crops Development Program (42); livestock (31); organic agriculture (27); trading centers (20); and farm-to-market roads (88).


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Farm-to-Market Roads (FMR) The Department of Agriculture for decades now have recognized the importance of Farm to Market Roads especially in rural areas where agriculture is the major source of income. Various type of FMR intervention (construction, rehabilitation or improvement) facilitated the movement of farm produce to the nearest market and helped maintain good productqualitywithintheinfluencedareas. For CY 2014, Bicol Region was allotted P950,000,000.00 worth of Farm to Market Road to fund 154 projects with an estimated length of 118.75 kilometers of road. All projects were validated and geo-tagged by the engineering group of DA RFO 5. Out of these, 14 projects amounting to P61.0M with a total length of 8.13 km were already downloaded to DPWH for construction. The rest of the projects are still in the various stages of pre-implementation such as preparation of Detailed EngineeringDesign and Program of Works.


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In 2014, eleven (11) PAMANA projects were implemented in the four (4) provinces of Bicol, namely, Albay, Camarines Norte, Masbate and Sorsogon with a total allocation of P128,550,000. These projects were categorized according to project type: Livelihood, Farm-To-Market Road and Post- Harvest/Infrastructure. All the recipients of FY 2014 PAMANA have already received their respective 1st tranche fund. In Camarines Norte, two (2) major FMR projects are being implemented and spearheadedbytheProvincialGovernment.ThebeneficiarieswerethebarangaysBulala, Sta. Elena and Villa Aurora, Capalonga and Brgy. Salvacion, San Lorenzo Ruiz with fund allocation of P21 million and P15 million, respectively. The 1st tranche fund check for these two (2) FMR projects were formally turned-over last October 03, 2014 by DA Secretary Proceso J. Alcala, together with DA5 Regional Executive Director Engr. Abelardo R. Bragas, to Camarines Norte Governor Edgardo Tallado. Construction of said projects have started since November 2014 with a physicalaccomplishmentof30.56%forSta.Elena-Capalongaand50%forSanLorenzo Ruiz as of December 2014. Initially, the on-going FMR projects provided

PAyapa at MAsaganangPamayaNAn


Secretary Proceso J. Alcala, together with DA5 Regional Executive Director Engr. Abelardo R. Bragas turned over the 1st tranche fund check for these two (2) FMR projects to Camarines Norte Governor Edgardo Tallado.


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job generation among the unemployed constituents and out-of-school youths in the area. For the Province of Masbate, two (2) FMR projects were implemented, these were: Concreting of Mabuhay to Mapuyo of Mobo, Masbate and the Concreting and Rehabilitation of Kapatagan-Maglambong-MacArthur-Sto. Nino of Monreal, Masbate. Meanwhile, the Provincial Government of Sorsogon is implementing a P40 million worth of Livelihood Project entitled: Sorsogon Agriculture & Fisheries IntegratedDevelopmentPAMANA2014(SAFIDP-14)Program,whosebeneficiariesare the seven (7) PAMANA zones (i.e. Barcelona, Bulusan, Casiguran, Gubat, Irosin, Juban, Magallanes & Prieto Diaz) and Sorsogon City. The 1st tranche fund was transferred last December 12, 2014. Moreover, the Province of Sorsogon is also a recipient of five (5)majorFarm-To-Market Road (FMR) Projects with a total project allocation of Php42.2 million covering the municipalities of Casiguran, Gubat, Juban, Irosin and Prieto Diaz. These FMR Projects are to be implemented by the respective LGUs either by contract or administration. These projects will enhance market accessibility and encourage more farmers to expand their production areas and ultimately increase productivity and income.

The realization of these projects will help achieve the primary goals of PAMANA which are: Reduced Poverty - through focused delivery of social services; Improved Governance – through transparency and accountability; and Building Capacities – through addressing disputes and peace promoting activities that will ensure participation and inclusion. Thus, the PAMANA Program’s initiatives and interventions will bring development and social cohesion (peace building) in the locality.


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Philippine Rural DevelopmentProject (PRDP)


I-BUILD In2014,five(5)I-BUILDsub-projectsissuedwithNoObjectionLetterandtobeimplemented under the 2014 budget : In Cam Norte, the Construction/Rehabilitation of Pinagwarasan-Lanot (Basud-Mercedes) Farm-to-Market Road with total cost of P212,391,870.18; In Camarines Sur – 1) Concreting of Manangle-Caima, Sipocot FMR (P131,279,137.90); 2) Upgrading of Cuco-Bagong Silang, Pasacao FMR (P50,674,067.20); 3) Rehab/Upgrading of San Isidro-Pag Oring Nuevo, Libmanan FMR (P44,795,955.00); In Albay, Rehabilitation/Improvement of Pistola-Tablon Road with 3 Units Bridges worth P197,441,675.88.

I-PLAN To strengthen the planning and budget execution processes, the RPDP RPCO 5 I-PLAN team prepared the Value Chain Analysis (VCA) for the different priority commodities of the six (6) provinces of the region. Four (4) commodities have been issued with No ObjectionLetter(NOL)1bytheNationalProjectCoordinationOffice(NPCO).Thesewere:the coco geonets of Albay and Camarines Norte, coco sap sugar of Camarines Sur, and abacafiberofCatanduanes.TheVCAforpilioilofSorsogonwasalreadyendorsedtotheNPCO for the issuance of NOL while drafting of the VCA for live goat and meat project of Masbate is on-going. These VCAs were the basis in the preparation of the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) of the six (6) provinces which were already endorsed to the NPCO.

The Philippine Rural Development Project is a six-year project of the DepartmentofAgriculturethatofficialystarteditsimplementationthis2014fundedby the World Bank aimed to at least increase the annual real farm income of PRDP household beneficiaries by 5% and increase value of annual marketedoutput / product through the interventions provided under the I-BUILD and I-REAP components of the project.

“Enabling Communities, Expanding Opportunities”

I-REAP Three (3) business plans on various enterprises by proponent groups were submitted to the PSO for approval. These are: Coco Geonets Manufacturing Enterprise which was proposed by Tunay Tapat Lahing Pilipino Cooperative (TTLPC) in Albay; Coco Geonet Production of the Samahang Organic/Fair Trade Coconut Farmers Bicol-Quezon in Camarines Note; Camarines Sur Coco Sap Sugar Processing of the Baao Parish Multipurpose Cooperative.


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Secretary Alcala, Governor Miguel Luis R. Villafuerte, Director Hubilla, and RED Bragas signed the MOA for the full implementation of the PRDP in Camarines Sur on August 8, 2014 at the DA Regional Field Unit 5 compound. Witnesses to the signing were (L-R) AKB Rep. Rodel Batocabe, Rep. Salvio Fortuno, Rep. Leni Robredo, BFAR Director Dennis Del Socorro, and Central Bicol State University President Georgina Bordado.PRDP MOA signing

Province of Camarines Sur

I-SUPPORT Tomaintain theeffectiveandefficient implementation, theprojecthired ten (10)personnel to complement the manpower requirement with sufficient logistics supportfor the various activities of the different components. Likewise, with the strong support from the management, several technical PRDP staff have attended eleven (11) trainings andconductedfive(5)trainingsforthemembersoftheProvincialProjectManagementImplementing Unit (PPMIU) to capacitate and enhance their skills. Several meetings and consultations were also conducted for management direction on the project.

PRDP PSO South Luzon Director Shandy Hubilla

Governor Joey Salcedaof Albay

(L-R) RTD Elena B. delos Santos, DA RED Abelardo R. Bragasand Governor Migz Villafuerte of Cam. Sur

“Enabling Communities, Expanding Opportunities”

PRDP Luzon B Director Shandy M. Hubilla, DA-5 RED Abelardo R. Bragas, Governor Villafuerte of Cam. Sur, Secretary Alcala, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA) President Dr. Georgina J. Bordado and PhilMech Executive Director Engr. Rex L. Bingabing sign the Memorandum of Agreement for the village-level pilot testing of coco water processing equipment in Camarines Sur on on October 3, 2014 at the CWC in Pili, Camarines Sur.


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The Central Bicol Experiment Station’s major activities were focused on rice seed production

to ensure availability of quality seeds for farmers. Preferred and new varieties of rice seeds were produced and saved for buffer stocking. Consequently with the availability of seeds in the station, the region easily recoup the damage of the typhoon. A total of 49 hectares were planted to lowland irrigated rice varieties and also rice varieties for fragile ecosystems like upland, saline, submergence and lowland rainfed ecosystems which are important to mitigate climate change. Likewise, multi-trait lines such GSR and PBB, hybrid, organic and indigenous varieties were also produced on-station and ready anytime for interested farmers. Aside from rice seeds, the station also produced off season crops for seed purposes. These include mungbean, squash, okra, pepper, sitao, bush sitao, eggplant and ampalaya. Most of the seeds were distributed during the rehabilitation activities for the provinces of Albay, Sorsogon and Camarines Sur after Typhoon Glenda and Ruby. The station vigorously produced asexually and sexually propagated planting materials of fruit bearing trees. For the year in review about 6,331 seedlings were propagated and distributed which include pili, mango, calamansi, cacao and guyabao. Success was also noted in the asexual propagation of rimas which is one

of the indigenous fruits of the region with potential for ice cream and flour. Biodiversity Research,Conservation, and Propagation is also being conducted for Rimas. As the central experiment station, technology demonstrations were established to showcase package of technologies showcasing yield enhancing, cost reducing and environment-friendly technologies. This include: techno demo on banana with an area of 3,000 sq.m. planted to different varieties of banana (saba, turangkog, bunguran, cardava, mundo, saba puti, saba hapon, giant cardava, dubao, dipig, abuhon, and Dalian). About 126 banana trees were maintained. Adaptability performance of strawberry under local condition was also evaluated and also the evaluation of different fertilizerapplicationtocomeupwithspecificfertilizerrecommendation in temperate location. The station also embarked on the techno demo of different herbs and spices. A total of 19 kinds of herbs and spices are being maintained. Coffee and cacao is currently promoted by the stationasaprofitableagri-enterprise.Technodemowas established for coffee (Robusta variety). The station also distributed to farmers BR 25 and UIT 1 variety of cacao. Native chicken production is also on-going which aims to improve the breed of local chicken strains in the region.


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Location Varieties TestedCamarines Sur On-Station (BIARC) Naga City Milaor Minalabac Bato

NSIC Rc 222, NSIC Rc 224, NSIC Rc 226, NSIC Rc 238, NSIC RC 240, NSIC Rc 298, NSIC Rc 300, NSIC Rc 302, Arize Bigante, Arize Bigante Pluz, PHB77, PHB 73, TH82, Mestiso 19 & Mestiso 20

Sorsogon Pilar


MasbateParticipatory Varietal Selection for Stress-Tolerance in Adverse Environments Elite lines which were submergence-tolerant, salt-tolerant, drought tolerant were evaluated under varying submergence, salt and drought periods to identify promising lines which can ultimately be recommended for use of farmersinflood-prone,saltanddroughtareas. Aside from the shuttle breeding approach, the community was involved in the participatory selection of outstanding lines to come up with farmer-preferred and selected varieties.

Ratooning Technique One of the technologies promoted is the ratooning technique. Farmers were given the opportunity to augment yield by utilizing the ratooning ability of the rice crop through application of minimal inputs at a shorter growth duration. Several varieties were evaluated to determine their ratooning ability. Four (4) trials were completed for 2014 using NSIC Rc238 obtaining 5.1 tons per hectare.

Likewise, one of the major activities of the station is the conduct of research and development projects which focuses on the development and fine tuning of relevanttechnologies.Studiesspecificallyondeterminingfertilizer, soil and water requirement, cultural practices, varietal trial and soil-related problems are being conducted along with the development of viable farming systems. Physical development of the station were undertaken namely: improvement and opening of

road network (circumferential and access road), native chicken production project, cacao R&D Technology Center, organic agriculture facility, and multi-commodity dryer, among others. The station also established and utilized the farm mechanization facility center where it was able to develop and expand the area for production from 30 hectares to 46 hectares. It also paved the way for opening of idle/uncultivated areas of the station now being utilized as production and experimental area.

For the year in review the research division conducted a total of ninety (90) research studies. These were funded under the Agri Pinoy Rice, Corn, High Value Crops Development, Livestock and Organic Agriculture Program. Twenty seven (27) studies were funded by DA-BAR and the rest were funded by PhilRice, Philscat, VSU and IRRI. Farmers adoption of these technologies contributed to increase rice production in the region which attained 116%riceself-sufficiencyin2014.

R&D Projects/Studies Implemented

Rice Crop Manager Project This is a collaborative project of DA and IRRI under the Agri-pinoy rice program. Rice Crop Manager is an application that could be accessed via a smartphone or a computer with Internet connection. It allows extension workers to give farmers recommendations on holistic crop management from nutrient, pest, weed, or water management and on thespecificvarietytobeused.Italsotakesinto account the yield from the previous season, and the site-specific conditions ofthefield.About5,000farmersfromirrigatedlowland ecosystem were oriented on the RCM tool particularly its importance and benefitsderivedonthesaidtool.


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Development and Commercialization of Upland and Organic Farm The upland ecosystem is one of the most marginalized crop production systems because ofitsinherentdeficitsoilwaterregimeandloworganic matter content. The upland rice based crop rotation activity were established in Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Pilar, Sorsogon and Albay using NSICRc23.Thisdiversificationschemegavethe farmers opportunities for increased income, enhanced nutrition and ecological balance. Under the upland rice development program, local initiatives were mostly on the utilization of drought-tolerant rice seeds.

Community-Based Mushroom Production Profitabilityofmushroomproductionwasshowcased among rice farming communities in six (6) project sites. Four (4) initial groups of mushroom producers were organized. Planning workshop, validation and hands on training of farmer partners and PRA were conducted.

On-Farm Adaptability Trial of Top Performing Chinese Hybrid Lines This is a collaborative project of DA with the Philippine Sino-Chinese Agricultural Technology (PhilSCAT) aimed at showcasing the performance of chinese hybrid rice varieties underBicolconditions.Outof thefivechinesehybrid rice lines used, LP 937 and LP940 obtained the highest yield with 7,856.78 kilograms and 7,236.98 kilograms respectively.

Farm School/Techno Demo Establishment For 2014, some 43 farm school/techno demo farms were established all over the region, through which package of technologies (POTS) developed were transferred to the farmer adoptors. These technologies are environment-friendly and enhance yield, while reducing cost.

Site Specific Nutrient Management TheSiteSpecificNutrientManagementProject for corn aims to improve the productivity andprofitabilityofcornthroughtheidentificationof appropriate fertilizer to be used in specificarea. It also provides fertilizer guidelines for wet and dry season. The recommendations are locally available and meet the guidelines for optimal splitting of nutrients to provide the requirements of the crop at critical growth stages. Ten (10) farmer co-operators established the trialsobtaininga3.1%ROI.

Adlai Seed Production Project To ensure the availabilty of adlai seed in the region as alternative staple foods together with saba, cassava, sweet potato, and corn, this project was established in 3 stations namely, R&D Center for Lahar Areas in Tabaco City, Daet Seed Farm and Masbate Breeding Station.

Fertilizer Calibration Trial on Cassava using MOET/OP This project promotes proper fertilizer utilization package to improve the yield of cassave and increase the income of the farmers. Fertilizer combination of 160-100-160 kgs.NPK/ha. improves tuberyieldby15%or5.42 tons over the control or existing farmers practice at Albay & 17.2% or 4.78 at Daet,Camarines Norte, respectively.

Soil Amelioration and Rehabilitation of Acidic Corn Areas To improve the soil fertility and enhance efficiency of fertilizer usage BIARC provided1,500 bags agricultural lime and rehabilitated 100 hectares of corn areas. 59DA-RFO 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2014

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Seed and Planting Material Production The Research Division was also involved in production and promotion of quality seeds for rice, vegetables and legumes and planting materials of pili, mango, and other fruit bearing trees. Under the seed buffer stocking project, the region was able to recoup the damage of the typhoons because of the availability of seeds from the stations. Farmers were able to avail of the seeds on time, under the rehabilitation project. Some 16,000 pieces grafted pili, 865 kilos of peanut, mungbean, snapbeans, bush sitao, squash and okra seeds were produced and distributed for the rehabilitation efforts in Albay, Camarines Sur and Sorsogon. A total of 3,998 farmers and 71 farmer associations/groups benefitted from the quality seeds andplanting materials. Meanwhile, the Research Outreach Stations were able to produce 99 bags of OPV white Var 6 corn seed and PV Var 6 corn seeds. Aside from corn, a total of 50,390 cassava stalks were produced and distributed to corn farmers.

Collection and propagation of Herbs and Spices in Bicol Region

The project aims to determine the different techniques of propagating herbs and spices. Thirty nine (39) species were collected, maintained and propagated through seeds, separation, cuttings, runners and rhizomes. Nurseries were maintained at the station and outreach stations. Six (6) techno demos are being maintained in different locations (Baao, Tigaon, Goa, Camarines Sur and CBES). A total of 10,000 seedlings were distributed to interested clients and schools for their nursery establishment project.

Vegetable/Legume Seed Production (Enhancement of Seed Supply System of Promising Grain Vegetable and Field Legume Varieties in the Bicol Region

Having an organized seed grower responsible for growing quality and certifiedlegume seeds to ensure supply is very important. A community based and efficientseed production of recommended legumes and vegetables was institutionalized at the farmers’ level. The seed production scheme involves the participation of 28 members in 4 clusters from vegetable growing areas of Barangay Tinawagan, Ocampo, Camarines Sur and upscaled to two barangays in Salvacion and San Antonio.

Compost Fungus Activator or CFA Production The office particularly the SoilMicrobiology Laboratory distributed 528 packets of CFA, 5.6% more than the 500 packetstarget for the year. These were distributed to Albay, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. Collaboration with SUCs was strengthened in order to reorient the farmers and the students on the utilization and the advantages of compost fungus activator. This strategy is also in support to the organic agriculture program.

Lowland Irrigated Good Practices Options for Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change Adaptation in Bicol (GPO’s for Rice Farming) The project on risk management risk reduction options in agriculture aims to investigate the potential good practice options for lowland irrigated areas focusing on rice farming systems. Hazards and problems for rice farming found in lowland irrigated areas include flooding, salineintrusion and drought. All good farming options (GPO’s) have significantly higheraverage yield compared to existing farming practice. Additional income from the GPO’s exceeded marginal costs acquired. It also provided 74.94% added income to thefarmers, the highest additional income amongthefiveGPO’s. A total of 716 farmer-partners attended the Climate Smart Field School and embarked in their own demo farms adopting the GPO’s, 83 of which are women. Upscaling of the GPO’s GPO’s includes the LGU’s of Nabua, Calabanga, Gubat, Polangui under AMICAF and DIPECHO projects.


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Mass Propagation of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) Through Tissue Culture Techniques A total of 4425 pcs tissue cultured Malunggay) were produced. The project likewise developed a protocol on mass propagation of malunggay through tissue culture techniques.

Rapid Propagation of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Through Tissue Culture Techniques The project developed a protocol on mass propa-gation of taro through tissue culture technique. A total of 5485 pcs of taro plantlets were produced in 2014.

In-Vitro-Tissue Culture Projects Rapid multiplication of good quality and healthy planting materials through tissue culture technique is the agency’s response to address the problem on lack of quality planting materials for taro, rimas and malunggay. This aims to develop a protocol for micro propagation of taro. malunggay and rimas and mass produced healthy and disease free plantlets of elite variety for distribution to farmers. Rimas and taro are being considered

Multi-Trait Rices for Vulnerable Rice Growing Communities in Bicol region for Climate Change Mitigation The project focused on farmers’ capacity development by introducing new technologies to different communities to help them adapt to climate change through the Climate Smart Farmers Field School. It involved the areas susceptible to climate change hazards (three barangays inNabua) near the flood catchmentbasins, drought prone area in rainfed and upland inBuhi,andsalinecoastalricefieldsinCalabangaall in Camarines Sur) The Green Super Rice, multi-trait rice lines were introduced, evaluated and assessed by farmers themselves. GSR rice performed well in hazard prone areas with GSR 2 found to be the most adaptable reaching the yield levelof6.0t/haor60%increaseinyieldoverthetraditional variety in lowland rainfed and upland ecosystems while GSR 11 and GSR 5A for saline and submergence areas, respectively. To ensure the availability of the multi-trait lines, the research group pursued the seed multiplication and storage of these rice seeds. These lines are now planted in 512 hectares of riceland in the region. Also 40 bags GSR seeds were distributed and planted to 40 hectares in Samar right after Yolanda wrought havoc to Visayas as part of the rehabilitation assistance. To date, 416 bags of these lines are positionedtomitigatetheeffectofElNiño.

Technology Commercialization of Mungbean in Bicol Region (Rice-Mungbean) Rice-mungbean crop rotation is the technology developed and generated through the CPAR in lowland rainfed project. The system involves the broadcasting of the seeds right after harvest of the main crop when stubbles are leftinthefieldsinordertoutilizetheremainingmoisture with seeding rate of 20 to 40 kg/ha. An average income of P36,000 was realized in just 60 days. To ensure availability of the seeds, three Outreach Stations undertake the mungbean seed production. On-farm demo trials was conducted in Pamplona Camarines Sur in 30 hectares involving 40 farmers. Other target sites include: LGU’s of Guinobatan, Camalig and Oas in Albay, Nabua, Iriga, Naga City and Pili in Camarines Sur, Masbate and Cataingan in Masbate, Sorsogon and Castilla in Sorsogon and Virac in Catanduanes. The project aims to shift the dominant corn-corn cropping pattern to corn-mungbean. Mungbean (anitrogenfixingcrop) will contribute not only in restoring heavily depleted soils planted to corn year round but also in response to the domestic demandformungbeanwhichisabout40%.

as alternative staple crops. Rimas is seedless and is difficult topropagate. To facilitate the propagation of these commodities, tissue culture technique was used for its massive propagation. A protocol has been developed for both crops. For rimas 250 plantlets were produced and for acclimatization in preparation for the establishment of Rimas Scion Grove at the Station. About 15,000 plantlets of taro were also produced and distributed to 25 and 10 LGUs in Camarines Sur and Albay respectively in support to the development of hygienic protocol for gabi in the Bicol region.


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Development of New Product Lines

Regional Technology Commercialization Center developed recipes, product technologies for various commodities namely: rimas, taro; adlai; mushroom, moringa, herbs and spices, cacao, coconut, pili, rootcrops, pineapple, sorghum and batuan. The products include: concentrates, candies, jams, marmalades, purees, wines, flours, oils, noodles, ice creams (THE FIRSTEVER RIMAS ICE CREAM IN THE COUNTRY), sugar, juices, and Batuan (alternative/substitute sourcing agent to tamarind) powder. For the year in review they were able to develop suitable drying and dehydration and powdering technique for mushroom.

Nutritional Analysis of Products and By-Products from Bicol’s Champion Commodities

Nutritional facts of products such as pili pulp oil and kernel oil, sesame oil, adlai kropeck, adlai nutrimeal, taro, rimas ice cream, rimas flourarenowavailable fordissemination to theconsuming public. Other products will follow for analysis making these products more competitive in preparation for the ASEAN integration.

Support to Organic Agriculture

A research trial on organic vegetable productionwasconductedinfarmer’sfield.Asa result of this a resource-based development of a protocol for organic vegetable production in six (6) sites involving 50 farmers in Tigaon, Camarines Sur is on-going. Techno demos covering 100 hectares in the province of Sorsogon, Albay and Camarines Sur on Soybean Organic Production were established. Likewise, training on Soybean processing was conducted to ensure that produce will be processed for value adding. About 15 housewives from Gubat, Sorsogon participated in the training. Also Soymilk feeding for malnourished school children was also launched in Sorsogon in collaboration with DepEd. Meanwhile, DA provided 600 bags of organic fertilizer in the establishment of Corn Techno Demo on Organic Agriculture, in support to the zero waste corn production. The project aims to generate additional income of Ps 16,000 to 21,000/ha and provide safe and healthy food for the farmers and his family.

Enhancing the Productivity and Income of Bicolano farmers through Palayamanan

Palayamanan is a highly successful model of verification and dissemination oflocation-specific technologies. It promotes ahighlydiversifiedbutfully-integratedrice-basedfarming system through active partnership with the local government units and the farmers with a very strong social mobilization component. Aside from increased productivity, food security and income, Palayamanan also strengthens awareness of social responsibilities and promotes environmental sustainability. One sustaining Palayamanan site is in Itaran, Polangui, Albay. This evolved into an organization with over 25 farmer members. The group has been recognized for their exemplary accomplishment hence they become recipient of the Community Seed Banking for Upland Rice and Barangay Food Terminal. Technologies like crop-rotation, crop diversification and organicfarming were adopted. Planting sitao together withuplandriceisthemostsignificanttechnologydeveloped by the group. It has reduced labor and seed wastage. Labor requirement for weed control was reduced to 60% compared withhandweeding (21 man-days to 8.5 man-days).


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Climate Change Mitigation

To mitigate climate change research division introduced and promoted agricultural options and practices like testing of Green Super Rice under climate change related stresses. Drought, saline tolerant rice varietieswerealsotestedinidentifiedsites of the project. Forty percent of the region’s rice area is affected by climate related stresses, results of the adaptability trials in hazard specificareas showed that GSR12a, GSR11, GSR8 and GSR5 are top-performing lines in upland areas with up to 62.5-percent advantage over check varieties across nine of these sites. Drought, saline tolerant rice varieties werealsotestedinidentifiedsitesofthe project. GSR lines can tolerate drought and seen to grow rapidly to compete strongly with weeds.

Organic Native Chicken Production To combat malnutrition and to provide added income to farm households BIARC established its Organic Native Chicken Production.The project developed organic production protocol for native chicken production in the region which includes: organic feeding system; determined the growth performance and reproduction of local strains; evaluated meat and egg quality of local strains under semi range system; optimized utilization of waste materials from native chicken. Under the native chicken production project, the station was able to disperse 600 heads of chicken to RICs and other organizations to start with the Community-Based production benefitting 100 households. With thisproject they have free meat and eggs for their families. Another project that gave additional income to the farm families is the 1 packet native/indigenous chicken production module which consists of 10 heads pullets and 2 headscockerelsforeverybeneficiary.Thiswillgivethemanestimated total sales of P139,501.20 with gross income of P33,331.17 with a computed return on investment (ROI) of 31.39%after2years.ThepurificationofCamarinesStrainofnative chicken is also on-going. A total of 100 native chicken have shown dominant Camarines strain characteristics which is known for its resistance to diseases and good flavourwhencooked.

Implemented CPAR Farm CARE project (Promotion of Farm CARE: Capability Advancement and Resource Empowerment The project aims to verify and promote technologies and strategies on sustainable farming systems in target upland agricultural development zones in the provinces of Albay and Camarines Sur. POTs on sustainable farming systems were pilot tested. Demonstration, information dissemination and trainings were conducted to ensure the technology would reach the intended users. For Camarines Sur, 10 farmers were involved in the project and increased to 34 farmer partners. They obtained an increaseinproductionupto15%owingtothePOT’sintroduced.Theinterventionsinclude:vegetablevarieties tolerant to drought; TDF on rice-based farming systems; rice variety/ies for Goa environment (evaluated by farmers through PTD); inclusion of fruit bearing trees; livestock organic production (swine and chicken) and enterprise development (organic rice production and fermented chocolate).


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Collaboration/Linkaging The Division also collaborated with PhilRice to support the SeedNet and other R & D projects to generate added income for the stations. This scheme generated substantial income for the stations and were utilized as revolving fund. In 2014 a total of Ps 44.32 million was generated by BIARC to fund R & D studies from different funding sources. BIARC also generated an average annual income of Ps 2.7 million. Likewise, collaboration with SUCs and other NGOs like the Pilipinas Shell has contributed to the fund generation and to the dissemination of various matured technologies. Collaboration with the Philippine Army, 565 Engineer Construction Battalion and the 9th Infantry Division, was forged through a memorandum of agreement by providing manpower and necessary equipment and logistics to the DA. This strategy led to the improvement and opening of road network (circumferential and access road) to facilitate effective and efficient monitoring of R&Dactivities, construction of embankment and other physical structure and maintenance activities, clearing operations in the stations, aftertyphoon,whichgenerated35%savingsforthe stations and the DA on labor and equipment rental. Collaboration with the Don Emilio B. Espinosa Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT) was also initiated. To serve as an agricultural model to encourage the youth to venture and pursue agriculture courses. Research component

Capability Building Research division also supported the implementation of Community-based Mushroom Production Project in Bicol Region. Several modules were introduced this include:1) Tissue Culture, 2) Sub-culture 3) Spawn preparation, 4) fruiting bag production and 5) vermi-composting. There were 23 hands-on trainings on community based mushroom production conducted with a total of 1,254 participants and 17 organizations. As of 2014, there were 6 community-based mushroom sites established : 4 sites in Camarines Sur (Goa, Buhi, Naga City, Iriga City), 1 in Albay and 1 in Sorsogon.

Support to Bicol Farmer Inventor The invention of a V50hp motorized weeder of farmer partner Carlito Aquino of Ocampo, Camarines Sur is another milestone under the CPAR project. Compared to manual weeding which costs a farmer about P2,500.00 toweedahectareofricefield,theweedercanincur expensesof P1,260.00generating50%savings. Aquino invented the motorized weeder as a solution to the problem in controlling weeds. He is a farmer-cooperator of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) initiative on CPAR project in the region. The Bureau of Agricultural Research allocated funds to improve the efficiency ofthe machine and to assess its performance in differentsoiltypesandfieldconditions.

will play a vital role in providing the students insights on researchable areas and assist them in the establishment of the trials and in the conduct of techno demo.


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Expansion of production and research area Thestationhasutilized97%ofits72hectareswhere27hectareswasdevotedtoriceseedproduction and the rest were divided for other research activities on different commodities. To ensure availability of seeds for different ecosystems as well as planting materials the station opened and utilized previously idle and uncultivated areas. Physical development of the station was realized in 2014, development include: establishment of the circumferential road, native chicken production project, cacao R & D technology center, organic agriculture facility. The station also established and utilized the farm mechanization facility center where it was able to develop and expand the areas for production. It obtained one four wheel drive tractor, 2 mini tractors and 4 hand tractors, available to interested farmers for custom hiring. In the same year, all RIARC facilities were able to establish palay shed; repaired street lights, installed STWs,constructednewscreenhousesandestablishedmulti-commoditydryerandflatbeddryers.

Technology Demonstrations and Trials

Adaptability trial of chrysanthemum varieties under lowland condition was evaluated to have a wide variety of choices for this cutflower, namely Japanese Red,Nora white, Nora yellow, Reagan white and Rados. It also aims to determine the growth, yield performance, profitability andresistance to pest and diseases of the new varieties in open field condition. Basedon the results, Reagan White produced taller plants, greater number of marketable flowers,biggerflowers;andgreaternumberoffloweringstems.

Cutflower Production Special Project: Chrysanthemum (Dendrathema grandiflora)

Techno Demo and Collection of Different Hot Pepper (PGR) This techno demo is aimed at showcasing production of sili. The project also mass produced sili for planting materials. The project was established in 2,000 sq.m area at the Central Bicol Experiment Station. A total of 4.6 kilos were produced and processed by the regional food laboratory. The project collected and characterized different accessions of Local or Native Siling Labuyo. Initially there are seven (7) accessions of hot pepper planted in demo plots for data gathering and characterization.

Techno Demo on Tamang AbonoProject A total of 35 techno demo projects were established WS-2014 cropping season. The project showcased package of technology (POT) on (INM) Integrated Nutrient Management and organic agriculture which is composed of chicken dung and inorganic fertilizer (a recommendation of SSNM 2009-2011 stipulated in the Quick Fertilizing Guide).


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Techno Demo on Organic Agriculture For the last two years organic agriculture program provided more than 5,000 bags of organic fertilizer for over 100 hectaresbenefitting75farmers.Thistechnodemo was conducted in the municipality of Del Gallego , Camarines Sur and in Mandaon, Masbate involving 20 farmer co-operators. For the CY 2014, a total of 600 bags of organic fertilizer was provided in support to the organic corn grain production, zero waste corn production and green corn production in Del Gallego, Pili, Naga City in Camarines Sur, Tabaco and Ligao in Albay, Daet, Camarines Norte, and Mandaon, Masbate

Techno Demo on Strawberry Strawberries are commonly grown in highlands. The challenge is to test strawberry for local adaptation in the lowland area. This project aims to establish techno demo to showcase package of technologies on strawberry production; evaluate the performance of strawberry under lowland condition and produce quality planting materials. Initially the project used 300 plants of Hawaiian variety and was able to produce 1,257 runners.

Techno Demo on Taro The 700 sq.m demo located at Bicol Experiment Station showcased and evaluated the performances of five (5)different varieties/strains of Taro cultivars.

Techno Demo on Banana A total of 126 banana trees were maintained in the 3,000 sq.m area at the Bicol Experiment Station. Varieties include Saba, Turangkog, Bunguran, Cardava, Mundo, Saba Puti, Saba Hapon, Giant Cardava, Gubao, Dipig, Abuhon, and Dalian.

Techno Demo on Lemon Grass To promote lemon grass as a profitable and low cost agribusinessendeavor, a 1,000 sq.m area demo farm was established at the Bicol Experiment Station.

Techno Demo on Coffee and Cacao The projects promoted coffee and cacao as a profitable agri-enterprise, itparticularly showcased /distributed BR 25 and UIT 1 Variety for cacao and Robusta variety for coffee 400 seedlings to interested clienteles.

Development and Promotion of Adlai as Alternate Staple Food in Bicol Region (PHASE 2)

Adlai is a promising crop and con-sidered a potential source of carbohydrates and feed to animals. The project aims to de-termine the adaptability of different varieties of adlai; develop package of technologies on cultural management, post harvest, seed production systems, develop products, by products and promote the utilization as food for the table, feed for livestock and for oth-er purposes. For seed production, four re-search outreach stations were utilized with an aggregate area of 1.5 hectares . The proj-ect was able to produce of 291.2 kilograms seeds for planting and for product develop-ment. RTCC was able to develop adlai nu-tri meal; brewed adlai and adlai kropek and samples of the products were submitted to FNRI for food nutrition analysis.


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A coffee table book which is a joint project of DA RFO5 and PhilRice to illustrate anddefine thedevelopmentstrategies forrice farmers especially the IPs in Bicol region will be published. It aims to understand the current conditions of different ethnic groups whose livelihood include the cultivation of rice and formulate appropriate interventions to help improve their lives.

Other Accomplishments

Enhancing the Capabilities Bicol’s Agta through Palayamanan Approach

The Agta tribes in the municipalities in Ocampo and Iriga City were the initial study sites for testing the effectiveness of the Palayamanan Systems in improving farm productivity of indigenous people in Bicol region. Agta tribes in the region are mostly situated in the upland and unfavourable rainfed areas in which they rely heavily on cultivating traditional rices and other food crops as their main sources of food.Thefirst componentof theprojectfocused on determining the anthropological and socioeconomic characteristics of Bicol’s Agta Indigenous People. Data gathered will serve as baseline information in pursuit of the appropriate or needed intervention for the group particularly in the formulation of development project recommendations which is part of the second component of the project.

Supported the development and strengtheng of stations and farms to be accredited for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)

There were 12 farms/stations considered for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Certificate. The objective ofcertification is to facilitateadoptionofGAPaimed at ensuring food safety and assuring produce quality while keeping high regard for environmental protection and that of workers health, safety and welfare. It also aims to produce quality and safe agricultural crops for consumers and facilitate access of Philippine agricultural crops to neighbouring ASEAN markets and other foreign markets.

Luz Marcelino, Research Division Chief being interviewed by ABS CBN crew.

The DA-BIARC projects were featured in national and local TV networks Several research projects conducted by Bicol Integrated Agricultural Research Center were featured in national and local media networks, namely: PTV 4 for their week-end show “Mag-ari Tayo”, GMA7 Baretang Bicol; ABS CBN TV Patrol Bicol; Philippine Star September 2014 issue; The Capitol Times (Catanduanes Local Newsprint) September 2014; DWJS FM; Balita.ph;andCatanduanesOfficialwebsite.


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Albay Breeding Station

This station served as evacuation center for 374 cattle, carabaos and horses owned by farmers from Camalig and Daraga towns of Albay when the alert level for possible Mayon eruption was raised by thePHIVOCS on September 20, 2014. Temporary animal shelters made of laminated sacks and bamboo poles were installed within the station. Animals received were numbered. Forage and drinking water were provided to the animals (40 to 50 kilograms of grasses and 8 drums of drinking water daily). Concentrates were also provided at 1 kg per animal daily. In addition vitamin injection and medication/treatment were given to wounded or stressed animals as well as anti-tick solutions. A one-hectare forage area was established to serve as source of feeds for the organic native pigs and also as source of planting materials for requesting clients especially the recipients of native pig dispersals from the station. To upscale the Goat Zonal project in other parts of the region and in response to the request of the Kambingan at Tupahan ng Bayan Association (KATUBA) of Daet, Camarines Norte, a goat production training was conducted by the ABS staff for 60 participants. In November 2014, 16 heads of upgraded goats were distributed tofiveKATUBAmembers. The recipientswill venture into goat milk production. In Masbate, a goat production training was


likewise conducted for first-and second-in-line beneficiaries. Thirty (30) goats weredistributed to 5 members. To date, there are 4 zonal goat projects in Bicol: 2 in Catanduanes with 14 heads of goats distributed to 7 farmer-cooperators; 1 in Masbate with 30 goats distributed to 6 farmer-cooperators and 1 in KATUBA, Camarines Norte. An association from Baao, Camarines Sur is also applying for this project but it is still being validated. Forty nine heads of large ruminant (45 beef cattle, 2 dairy cattle, 2 carabaos) were inseminated in 2014. There were 49 clients served. As a result of AI in the previous year calf drop recorded was 11 heads (7 males and 4 females) of beef cattle.

Repair of Facilities The old and damaged piggery and laborer’s quarters were repaired with funds provided by the Regional Livestock Program amounting tom P500,000 and P400.000 respectively. One unit cattle shed was converted into Organic Native Chicken Housing with funds provided by the Organic Agriculture Program.

Techno Demo on Sweet Potato Three varieties of Sweet Potato (super Bureau, PSBSP 17, 138-Tres Colores) were established at the station as part of the techno-demo project of the Albay Experiment Station.


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Albay Experiment Station

This station is the research outreach station for upland plain and is the regional training center for pili and rootcrops. For 2014, the station conducted three (3) researches as follows: 1) Germplasm collection and evaluation of pili cultivars. 2) Multi-location adaptability trials on several imported seeds from Singapore; and 3) National Cooperative Trial on Sweetpotato. For the Germplasm collection of pili cultivars, a total of 9, 184 pieces of pili fruits were harvested from 34 trees. Initial results of the adaptability trial on imported seeds from Singapore showed a potential yield of 15.9 tons/ha at 120 days after planting of Japanese sweet potato variety during the dry season trial. Meanwhile the NCT on sweet potato initial results showed that of the 14 entries JK 09-25-5 entry got the highest yield of 9.5 tons/ha, and the lowest yielder was SG 08-09-12 with 1.3 tons/ha.Other Accomplishments: The station produced 11,146 grafted pili. Of these, 7,500 pieces were distributed to the provincial government of Sorsogon and 2,500 to walk-in clients. Some 5,000 sexually propagated pili seedlings were also produced. A total of 9,000 pieces of pili seedlings were also distributed to Albay province as Rehabilitation Assistance to typhoon Glenda but this was taken from the 2013 production. For other fruit bearing trees a total of 1,909 sexually propagated fruit trees. Of these 805 pieces were already distributed. During the year, white corn IPB variety 6 were planted in two hectares of the station using only 50 kilos from which 588 kilos were produced or harvested. Seven (7) bags of these white corn were distributed to the Provincial Agriculture Service of Albay, Local Government Unit (LGU) of Bato and LGU of Lupi in Camarines Sur. The sweet corn planted in the three hectare area was totally damaged. Meanwhile, 3 hectares were planted to cassva (Lakan 1 variety for stalk production. Different seed board varieties of sweet potato from VSU and IPB-UPLB and local strains of sweet potato in the genebank were collected and planted. The station generated an average income of P755,064.50 /month (12 months.)



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The station maintains a 40-hectare pasture and forage area for animal feeds and as source of planting

materials for interested livestock raisers. Other activities on livestock were: Training on Basic Goat Management as part of Goat Production Project; Goat Processing and Value Adding Training; Lakbay Aral to different Goat farms in Region 3 and IV-A.

For production of various commodities, the following activities were undertaken: maintenance of one (1) hectare Pili scion grove with 52 bearing trees and 48 non-bearing trees producing 10,450 sexual and 1,256 asexual Pili seedlings, distributing 1,150 pieces; established 1 hectare for cassava seed pieces production; established and monitored Cacao Techno Demos in different municipalities with a total of 898 seedlings distributed; and maintained 200 banana trees as source of planting materials.


In support to Organic agriculture, 1,100 kgs vermi compost were produced and 23 bags of organic fertilizer using microbial inoculant were harvested. Part of the program is the Soybean Organic Production and Technology Promotion which distributed 1,001 kgs of soy seeds to 77 clienteles/farmers, established techno demo trials in various areas of Bicol Region, conducted Soybean Farmers’


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The Sorsogon Dairy Production and Technology Center has gained a very good reputation among the dairy farm owners in New Zealand and Saudi Arabia.

Dolores Ricafranca, the station superintendent said that in 2014, ten (10) trainees of SDF passed the trade test conducted by a dairy farm in New Zealand, and they are now working for a three (3) year contract receiving an average monthly salary of P120,000.

It was able to produce 63,577 liters of milk, processed into fresh and flavoured milk such as chocolates, mango, strawberry and melon, milk bars and cheese.

Field Day and two (2) trainings on soybean production, processing and product utilization to farmers and housewives and distributed IEC materials as well.

Other major activities done in the station were construction of one (1) goat house with solar dryer (under PL 480 goat production project), relocation of informal settlers, fencing around the pasture area and distribution of machineries and equipmenttofarmer/beneficiaries.


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The Camarines Norte Lowland Rainfed Research Station’s major activities were focused on production technology for pineapple, pili, pink, pomelo, citrus, and other fruit and production and distribution of quality planting materials. CNLRRS started its two-year BPI-funded research study on the suitability of MD2 and ULAM pineapple varieties using different production practices in Camarines Norte. The station is also continuing its techno-demo on improving the profitability of Queenpineapple as intercrop to pili through high density planting and improved fertilizer management practices. To produce quality seeds and planting materials, CNLRRS continued to maintain its pili scion grove, pomelo orchard, saba cardava and ginger areas. It also established foundation scion groves for coffee and cacao, increased the area


for cassava planting while adding a new variety (dapitan), and set up two sites in the station for organic pineapple. Aside from rehabilitating a nursery shed, CNLRRS installed a greenhouse for broccoli, another nursery shed with seedling bench/sown vegetables seed trays, and a bio-organic (vermi house) for vermi cast production. The station was able to distribute its own produce of palay, OPV white corn, pili seedlings (3,247 pieces), grafted pili (2,074), and cassava (10,750 stalks), among others.

The Ulam variety from Davao has spiny leaves similar to Queen pineapple and was claimed to produce very sweet fruit with edible core. While the MD-2 hybrid variety from Bukidnon has similar plant stand with the spine-less smooth cayenne or Hawaiian variety but is said to produce sweeter fruit with no aftertaste when eaten.


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A facility under the Masbate Center for Livestock Development (MCLD), the Regional Carabao Breeding Center (RCBC) in Mandaon, Masbate maintained its carabao breeding production project and managed its population of carabulls, caracow, caraheifers, carasteers, yearlings and calves.

Another facility, the Masbate Breeding Station (MBS) in Barangay Asid, Masbate City stepped up both


its goat and carabao breeding and upgraded its pasture area to increase the planting materials to 96,000 cuttings and 5,500 kg forage distributed to animal raisers.

Aside from assisting on-farm research studies, RCBC and MBS provided technical assistance on crops and livestock production and carabao technology, conducted seminars on DA programs, and hosted educational tours for farmers’ organizations, animal raisers and students.



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The Catanduanes Hilly Upland Development Station (CHUDS) concentrated on the production of various planting materials for distribution to farmers and buffer seed stocking and research studies on pili-goat farming system and pili-pomelo intercropping, among others. Aside from maintaining its two-hectare scion groves for pili, pomelo, grafted mango and other assorted fruit trees, CHUDS established a cacao demo farm in its coconut area and planted latexless jackfruit between coconut trees along the perimeter as windbreakers. The pili-pomelo intercropping techno demo was done to show crop compatibility and maximization of land use, while an experimental site was established for exploratory adoption and multiplication of the newly-introduced adlai.


Buffer seed stocking was done for some vegetables and harvested seeds of mung beans, okra and pole beans which were distributed to the different municipalities, including cuttings of different varieties of sweet potato. CHUDS also started its edible landscaping around its station building by planting vegetables among its ornamentals. Under the Community Based Participatory Action Research (CPAR) program, CHUDs continued its study on the pili-goat farming system for the PiliYamanan project, including the upgrading of its native goats and improvement of its pasture area. As training ground for students, out-of-school youth and other young farmers, CHUDS provided technical assistance on plant propagation, among others.


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The Department of Agriculture gives recognition to top rice performers for 2014 during the 4th Agri-Pinoy Rice Achievers Awards held at the Newport Performing Arts Theater at Resorts World in Pasay City on March 26. The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Castilla, Sorsogon who was also one of the national awardees in the previous year made it again to the top 15 municipalities registering a production increment of 18.46%in2014over2013productionandayieldincrementof17.69%over2013yield. The municipality also exceeded its production target of 6,341.66 metric tons by 273.5%asitattainedaproductionvolumeof 18,985.77 metric tons.

LGU Castilla, Sorsogon is one of the top 15 Outstanding Municipalities. Mayor Olivia B. Bermilo (2nd from left) holds the trophy and the P1M check their LGU received as one of the outstanding and top performing municipalities. Sharing the stage with her are: (L-R) DA Asec. Edilberto de Luna,

Outstanding Local Farmer Technicians

1. Edgar A. Pesebre Polangui, Albay 2. Rodolfo C. Tuanqui Polangui, Albay 3. Cenon A. Rull, Jr. Pili, Camarines Sur 4. Ramon N. Gaudiel Pili, Camarines Sur 5. Romeo S. Pidoc Talisay, Camarines Norte

Municipal Agriculturist Marilyn M. Quiñonez, Undersecretary Antonio A. Fleta, DA Bicol Regional Executive Director Abelardo R. Bragas, and Undersecretary for Operations Emerson M. Palad.

Outstanding Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs)

1. Meden A. Castor Ligao, Albay2. Eduardo M. Macasaet Legazpi City3. Sholenor B. Bongapat Polangui, Albay4. Corazon O. Ginete Polangui, Albay5. Jonel V. Llagas Polangui, Albay6. Edna S. Aguila Daet, Camarines Norte7. Letecia M. Quian Polangui, Albay8. Jennifer L. Dajac Manito, Albay9. Prescilla B. Ferrer Manito, Albay10. Merlinda A. Daep Manito, Albay11. Carmen A. Lladones Casiguran, Sorsogon12. Edelmira Buena Camalig, Albay13. Elsie M. Frial Oas, Albay14. Virginia P. Ablaneda Basud, Camarines Norte15. Eduardo Cerdena Casiguran, Sorsogon16. Milagros B. Lomeda Buhi, Camarines Sur17. Nilo P. Elatico Daraga, Albay18. Vernon E. Haboc Casiguran, Sorsogon19. Joan G. Janoras Bulan, Sorsogon20. Noel Ernacio Barcelona, Sorsogon21. Felizardo H. Grajo Casiguran, Sorsogon22. Marvin E. Guray Bulan, Sorsogon23. Eric G. Gloriane Bulan, Sorsogon24. Rosalinda B. Belodo PAS-Albay25. Alfredo A. Mariscotes, Jr. LGU-MAS Polangui (Hall of Famer)26. Ernesto S. dela Torre PAS-Albay27. Marilyn M. Quiñones LGU-Castilla

Outstanding Municipal LGU Outstanding Municipal LGU1. LGU Castilla Castilla, Sorsogon 1. PLGU Albay2. LGU Polangui (Hall of Famer) Polangui, Albay

The awardees received P20,000 cash prize each, and a glass trophy.


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The key players of the corn industry took center stage once again during the 10th Philippine National Corn Congress held in Limketkai Center, Cagayan de Oro City, on November 19 to 21, 2014. Bicol region bagged the following awards:

Outstanding municipalities/cities Outstanding municipal/city agriculturists

1. Baao, Camarines Sur Ramon Bitao 2. Naga City Ma. Edna B. Bongalonta3. Tigaon, Camarines Sur 4. Ligao City Cesar D. Sodsod5. Calabanga, Camarines Sur Gil Gabriel H. Bordado III Outstanding Municipal/City Coordinators

1. Lea M. Beltran of Tigaon, Camarines 2. Menandro U. Calingacion of Naga City

Outstanding Corn AEWs

1. Jonafel Taduran2. Elena N. Salvamante, 3. Marly Corporal 4. Carlos Samar5. Lourdes Ibarbia 6. Noel G. Manaog7. Amelita O. Palacio8. Dely B. Nocos9. Elsa N. Bonagua10. Magdalena P. Pobocan11. Santiago B. Enrique12. Victor B. Cortez13. Felicisima M. Obiasca

Outstanding municipalities/ cities received a project grant worth P1M each plus trophy. The municipal /city agriculturists of said LGUs were also awarded and received cash prize of P30,000 each.

Outstanding AEWs received P20,000.00

14. Joshua T. Ipo15. Teresita A. Barce16. Lilibeth O. Patoc 17. Benedicto C. Heraldo.


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Secretary Proceso J. Alcala presented the award during the national awarding ceremony at the PICC, Pasay City on December 18. The club received P300,000 project grant, P50,000 cash award, trophy and plaque of recognition.

The RIC of Miluya in Castilla, Sorsogon which won the 2014 National Gawad Saka Search for Outstanding Rural Improvement Club (RIC) exemplifiedwomen’s capability in rice farming. It was a recipient of farm mechanization

program of the Department of Agriculture RFO 5 and the organizations’ success in rice farming has contributed to the development of agriculture in the municipality and the region. Champion in farm mechanization and post harvest technology, they acquiredhandtractors,flatbeddryer,solardryer,palayshedandarecipientoftheP3.4M Farm Level Grains Center to be put up by the Department of Agriculture regionalOfficeNo.5underitsGrassrootsParticipatoryBudgetingProcess(formerlyBottom Up Budgeting).

They are also advocates of organic agriculture, having chosen by INTERVIDA Phils. Foundation to manage its vermi composting facility for barangay Miluya since 2009. All the members are into vermi culture and they have been producing vermicast where the club derives much of their income.

Rural Improvement Club of Miluy-a Castila, Sorsogon

Club president Jenny Matamorosa and Miluya Bgy. Capt Vilma Marticio were accompanied by Mayor Olivia Bermillo, DA 5 Regional Executive Director Abelardo R. Bragas, and Aloha Gigi I. Banaria, DA-5 Regional Gawad Saka Coordinator.


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Luzviminda T. Oropesa Nagbarorong, Baras, Catanduanes

WORLD FOOD DAY Mosaic Making Contest


Leopoldo Gil G. Salvador of Sorsogon Pilot Elementary School, Sorsogon City was among the top 5 who garnered Best Mosaic award during the World Food Day national on the spot Poster Mosaic making contest held at Quezon City Circle on October 10, 2014. He was the regional winner during the World Food Day On-The-Spot Poster Mosaic Making ContestheldonOctober3attheDAregionaloffice.This year’s theme is“Family Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.”

Her retirement marked that period in her life when she began to fully devote herself to nurture her passion for agriculture. Luz is a registered geologist in MacArthur, Leyte where she served asCorporateSocialResponsibilityOfficer(2009-2012) in one of the biggest mining companies in Region 8. She was responsible for the turnaround of 7 barangays’ anti-mining sentiments to pro-mining by instilling in the farmers that mined areas can be rehabilitated within three months through Good Organic Agriculture Practices. In 2012, she returned to her hometown and helped the LGU-Baras in sourcing out funds for theimplementationofEnhancedModifiedRapidComposting Technology Program under the DA-BSWM amounting to P2,123,000.00 covering200hectaresricefieldsin6barangaysinBaras.Theprojectcontinuestobenefit300farmers. Being an organic farming advocate, she organized the Happy Farmers Producers Integrated and Livelihood Association, Incorporated (HAFPILAINC) in 2013. At present, the association has generated a net income of P2,000,000.00 from various farm enterprises like organic inputs, crops and others. She is also a sought after speaker/resource person on organic farming and a recipient of several awards as outstanding rural woman and best farmer. She is the chairperson of the Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Council of Baras and president of the RIC Federation in her municipality.


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Aquino’s Family Organic Farming FamilyOcampo, Cam. Sur Carlito is the chairman of the Cagmanaba Association of Neutral Domain for Union Yield of Organic

Paraoma Agri-Development Connection (PADC)Pamplona, Camarines Sur PADC, a federation of 7 farmers’ associations in Pamplona, Camarines Sur, is committed to sustain quality and standards

Sienna SombreroTigaon, Camarines Sur An AEW with job order status at LGU Tigaon, Camarines Sur, she actively introduced various organic agriculture technologies to farmers in 6 upland barangays and 14 lowland barangays of

Jonafel TaduranIriga City Being the Organic Agriculture focal person of Iriga City, she established the City Organic Agriculture Learning Farm with the support of the

Felina Angeles Felina is an AEW designated as Provincial Organic Agriculture Program Focal Person of the province of Sorsogon.

Mariano Layosa Mang Mariano has practiced organic farming since 2006. He is an

Tigaon. She has conducted FFS on Organic Agriculture Rice-based Farming and later organized the participants into barangay-based organic farmers association.

in organic a g r i c u l t u r e . It has a total membership of 227 farmers engaged in organic farming. They are being supported by PAKISAMA Bicol,

innovative and o p e n - m i n d e d farmer. He ventured into integrated diversified organic farming system, organic fertilizer production and vermi culture.

She is involved in the monitoring and establishment of 68 demo project sites, and modified rapid composting demo sites. She has implemented expanded modified rapid composting in 250 hectares rice farms.

LGU Rinconada Movement for Environment and Sustainable Agriculture (RINCOMESA) showcasing organic vegetable production, charcoal briquetting, vermi-composting and vermicast production. The learning farm serves as techno-demo farm and training site for farmers.

Farmers Group or CAANDUYOG which he organized in 2009. It has 73 members. The Aquino family saw the potential of organic farming and its importance to health and wellness, thus they transformed their 3 hectare riceland into a diversified organic farm, integrating rice, vegetable, fish and livestock. They produce their own organic and foliar fertilizers using locally available materials. Carlito is not only a farmer scientist, an organic advocateur, he is also the inventor of the lowland and upland rice motorized weeder that will reduce labor cost by almost half, save on time and energy and aerate the soil while turning weeds back into the soil to decompose, thus, contribute to over-all rice production efficiency.

the European Union and the Agriterra.


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Flor L. OlivarSan Vicente, Camarines NorteOutstanding Coconut Farmer Average production is 96 nuts per tree per year. He practices intercropping of vegetables, sweet corn, papaya, watermelon and eggplant.

J. Emmanuel Pastries Canaman, Camarines SurOutstanding Agri-Entrepreneur Foreign sales reaching over P20 million. A true partner in countryside development providing employment opportunities to local residents. They help agri-tourism through indigenous pili products and Bicol culture. They help pili farmers by buying their produce through fair marketing agreement.

Labo Progressive Multi-purpose CooperativeLabo, Camarines NorteOutstanding Small Farmer/FisherfolkOrganization Twenty-six (26) years in existence with 7,832 members, they have expanded their operations to cover 12 municipalities of Camarines Norte. Their share capital reached P17M in 2013 and assets of P85M. ManufacturerofPiñaclothandpineapplefiberwhich is nowbeing usedbyNike inthe manufacture of their shoes. Their production of pineapple juice and other products is GAP certified, contributingimmensely to the major industry in Camarines Norte.

Alfredo GatongayPanicuason, Naga CityOutstanding Corn Farmer\ Recorded an average yield of 8.5 metric tons per hectare in the 5-hectare land he leased from Naga View Adventist College. As the farm is inside the college, some students worked on his farm on a part time basis. Their salaries were spent on tuition and school project expenses.

City Agricultural and Fishery Council of Legazpi CityAlbay, Outstanding CAFC Organized in 1998, the council is composed of 54 private sector volunteers and 20 government sector representatives. CAFC activities are mostly geared towards positive response to the environment and climate change adaptation and mitigation. They also helped the LGU of Legazpi City in carving its vision of developing the agriculture andfisherysectorofthecity.



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Puro National High School 4H ClubAroroy, Masbate (Outstanding Young Farmer Organization) This is a school-based 4H Club with 40 members. Young as they are, they were able to generate income out of their projects which they spent for their education and to support their families. They have established a fishpond out of the income from theGulayan sa Paaralan Project. This fishpond is the source of the fishfor their feeding project, while the vegetables came from the Gulayan garden. They are also producing and selling organic and foliar fertilizer.

BFT Manito, Albay(Outstanding Bgy. Food Terminal)

Magsino Family(Outstanding Farm Family)

Angelie’s farm is a techno demo farm on organic farming. The 2.9 hectares are planted with exotic fruit trees like durian and mangosteen, and other fruit trees like rambutan , mangoes, apple, green macopa, pomelo, banana, papaya, dragon fruit, cacao and pili. There is also strawberry grapes, herbs and spices, as well as vegetables. While 9 hectares are devoted to coconut and citrus. The fishpondhaspangasius, tilapia, carpandaquariumfishes.They also raise sheep, free range chicken, swine and cow. They alsohave10coloniesofthestinglessbeeandabutterflygarden.Organic brown rice is the main product in the farm. Magsino family really adores farming and envisions to con-vert the farm into an agri-tourism spot. Now it is a favorite learn-ing site for students and visitors and at the same time a venue for trainings and seminars for farmers, youth and rural women.

Owned and managed by the “Kaboronyogan kan Kababaihan sa Manito” the BFT Manito is strategically located at the public market. They buy agricultural products from farmers like vegetables, banana, coconut and other commodities which were soldtotheconsumerswith10%markuponaretailbasis. They became recipient of various projects such as the soft broom making project funded by the New Zealand Embassy; grocery and rice trading funded by the LGU of Manito and the Agro-Industrial Supply Center funded by DOLE. Today, KKM has a total net worth of over P668,149..


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Engr. Ariel Cayanan, executive director of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) administers the oath of office to the newly elected officers of RAFC.

In2014alsonewofficersoftheProvincialAFCchairpersonswere elected. They were: Edgar A. Canet, for Camarines Sur; Efren S. Mago, Camarines Norte; Alfredo S. Oben; Albay; Ulysses Q. Tabelin, Catanduanes; Nora C. Aribon, Masbate and Lilian Alice D. Lopez, Sorsogon. Engr. Arnulfo B. de los santos wasalsoinductedintoofficeaschairpersonoftheIndependentComponent City AFC of Naga City.

In 2014, the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council VelectednewsetofofficerswithJose R. Cordero as Chairman; Rosalina Tan as vice chair for private sector; RED Abelardo R. Bragas as Vice Chair for government sector; Imelda P. Acompanado, Secretary; Erlinda Rillo, Treasurer; Alfredo Oben, Auditor; Tomas Arroyo, PRO.

The Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RAFC) in Bicol, a replicate of the National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC) in the regions, was created in order to encouragepeopleparticipationandempowermentinagricultureandfisherydevelopmentthrough sectoral representation in agricultural policy making bodies so that its policies, plans and programs are formulated/executed to satisfy the needs of its clientele and likewise to use bottom-up, self-reliant farm systems approach that will emphasize social justice,equity,productivityandsustainabilityintheuseofagricultureandfisheryresources.

RAFC Bicol hosted the joint PCAF-RAFC & PAFC Coordinators Performance Review and Planning Workshop on October 6-10, 2014 at Avenue Plaza Hotel, Magsaysay Avenue, Naga City.

Other Accomplishments

Engr. Ariel T. Cayanan, Executive Director, PCAF delivers the keynote speech during the review. Also in photo is DA RED Abelardo R. Bragas.


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AFC Summit

Despite the imminent threat of typhoon Ruby in Bicol, the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council of Bicol held a two-day AFC Bicol Summit cum RAFC 5 Year-end Review of Accomplishment and Recognition of AFC Partners. Held on Dec. 4-5, 2014 at the Macagang Center in Nabua, Camarines, the 5thAFCSummitwaswellattendedbyofficialsofDAattachedagenciesinBicol,provincial and municipal AFC chairpersons, private sector representatives and representatives from the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF).

New RAFC chair Jose R. Cordero addresses the attendees.

Monthly meetings were sustained with the support from DA RFU-5. Six (6) regular monthly meetings and two (2) mobile meetings were conducted. Agenda focused on the current agricultural programs and projects or issues and concerns needing immediate attention and advocacy. RAFC also managed and coordinated programs, projects and activities which werecommunity-based,private-sectorledandpeople-identifiedthroughNAFCprojectsthat have impact and through short-gestating projects that produced cutting edge for DA. Most notable of these were: • LEAD Program • Young Farmers Program • AKBay Program- a social intervention livelihood program of NAFC. 1st tranche wherealltheprovincesinBicolwereidentifiedandwithatotaltargetof1,254householdrecipientsat209perprovince.Implementationofthe2ndtranchewasalreadysignifiedduring the awarding of livelihood checks to 83 recipients from Jovellar, Manito and Malilipot on May 11, 2012 at Albay Astrodome.

One of the highlights of the summit was the recognition and awarding ceremonies of AFCpartners/achieversintheirrespectivefields.

City Agriculture and Fishery Council of Legazpi City -Regional winner 2014 Gawad Saka Search for Outstanding AFCFlor Olivar - Regional winner 2014 Gawad Saka Search for Outstanding Coconut Farmer; Carlito Aquino – Outstanding Organic Farmer.

Awards Received:

HALYAO 2014 awardees:

1. Rafael Moraleda, Cam. Norte 2. Sosimo Saba, Tigaon, Cam. Sur


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The Department of Agriculture made tremendous strides in implementing its Gender and Development or GAD initiatives, as indicatedbythe7.8%utilizationofits2014budget,hencesignificantly

contributing to the economic empowering of thousands of Bikolanas directlyinvolvedinagricultureandfishery.

A total of 116 livelihood, skills and technical trainings were conducted region-wide, with 65% female attendance.Almost half (40%) were on-site

trainings on organic vegetable-growing and swine production, cacao and pineapple processing, pili shell craft-making, corn husk handicrafts, product packaging and labelling, herbs and spices utilization. Entrepreneurial and

capability trainings were done for 56 women leaders.

Most notable GAD initiatives were better access to market and the provision of equipment, farm machineries, postharvest facilities, and production support to rural women-led groups and training participants which enabled them to immediately engage in income-generating projects. DA5-GAD provided garden tools, pili shellcraft equipment, oven set and cooking utensils to 18 rural improvement clubs (RICs), starter kits of native piglets and chickens, hand tractors, palay threshers, drum seeder, and mini-tractors. For production support, almost 5,000 women farmers received planting materials such as garlic, ginger, pineapple, cacao, pili, root crop cuttings, legumes, lowland vegetables, received hybrid and registered palay seeds, corn seeds, bio–N, and organic fertilizer. Over 12,000 women were recipients of drugs /biologics for their animals.

Bicolana farmers were provided opportunities to share experiences, learn new things, and discuss their issues and concerns through participation in the Bicol farmer leaders’ forum, regional RIC congress, meetings for rural-based organizations and expository trips outside Bicol for women farmers and indigenous people (IP) to observe best practices of successful agri-entrepreneurs.

As one of the most vulnerable sectors during natural calamities, about 21,000 rural women were given rehabilitation assistance, when typhoons Glenda and Ruby hit Bicol, in the form of palay, corn and vegetable seeds

under DA5’s seed buffer stocking. Similarly, DA conducted karagumoy basket-weaving trainings to 120 women at the Mayon evacuation centers

and gave out materials and tools as starter kits under the livelihood assistance program.

The recent achievement of the Miluya Rural Improvement Club (RIC) as National Gawad Saka Outstanding Rural

Improvement Club is a proof of DA’s strong partnership with the LGUs on empowering women.

To give due recognition to rural women achievers, including indigenous women, who

made outstanding accomplishments in

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developingtheagricultureandfisherysectorsandtheircriticalroleandcontributioninenhancingagricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty, the DA-GAD Focal System conducts annually the National Search for Outstanding Rural Women.

For DA-5’s 2014 Regional Search for Outstanding Rural Women, the top three winners were Luzviminda T. Oropesa (Nagbarorong, Baras, Catanduanes), Nasipit RIC President Carina V. Arellano (Castilla, Sorsogon), and Camarines sur provincial RIC Federation President Luz S. Despabiladeras (Canaman, Camarines Sur). They all received plaques of recognition, gifts and cash prizes of Ps20,000, Ps15,000, and Ps10,000, respectively. Six (6) regional outstanding women-leaders who made exemplary contributions and support to the rural women organizations in their respective provinces were also recognized. An “Agri-BIKOLture” presentation of selected RIC members showing the unique traditions of Bicolano culture was a main highlight of the awarding ceremony.

Likewise, DA RFO-5 lady employees were given the opportunity to hone their skills, re-energize and renew their commitment, and strengthen their support for gender equality and empowerment. Spread over the entire year, skills trainings and workshops were conducted, suchasrecoveryandrehabilitationduringcalamities,effectsof familyandmaritalconflictonwork productivity and job satisfaction, work-life balance and income-generating projects (meat processing, fruit cake-making, herbs and spices utilization), among others.

For its outreach activity, the DA-5 Lady Employees Association (DALEA) trained barangay mothers on cooking simple and nutritious viands for families of limited resources to make food choices that will improve their diet and health and provided the participating mothers with corn rice mix to promote the consumption of white corn for health and wellness. Several DALEAns also attended workshops and meetings on gender issues and concerns, such as GAD mainstreaming and monitoring systems and GAD-IP organic agriculture.

Ten DALEA members represented DA Bicol in Sulong Juana Human Women’s Symbol Formation in Manila during the Women’s Month celebration.

In visits to some countries (France, Turkey, India, Myanmar, Hongkong and Singapore), ten women supervisors and staff learned new technologies, global competitiveness and market trends, strategies to become effective agents of change, and global issues/competitiveness, among others, that will help prepare women farmers face different challenges such as climate change and ASEAN Integration 2015.


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One of the thrusts of the Department of Agriculture (DA) is the provision of support to young Filipino farmers to encourage more youth to engage in farming. The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fishery (PCAF), in collaboration with the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council (JAEC) and the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), has been implementing the Young Filipino Farmers Training Program in Japan (YFFTPJ). The program aims to impart modern Japanese farming techniques to deserving young Filipino farmers and encourage them to venture into agribusiness and become successful Filipino entrepreneurs and act as a young Ambassador of Goodwill of the Philippines

In 2014, the DA-RFO 5 sent five young farmers who are all 4-Hleaders and qualified for and passedthe rigorous selection process of the 11-month long training program in Japan. The young farmer delegates were: Neil Anthony Aban (Tabuc, Mobo, Masbate), Anderson Ras Latam (Hibago, Ocampo, Camarines Sur), Billy James Apanti (Baras, Catanduanes),

Ariel T. Taniegra (Calabagas, San Vicente, Camarines Norte),

and Jonathan S. Corea (Hinampacan, Basud,

Camarines Norte). They were

assigned to different farms with various major commodities like orange, vegetable, rice and dairy.

The 62nd National 4H Convention (May 2014, General Santos City) anchored its theme, “Youth Empowerment for Food Sufficiencyand Sustainability“, on revitalizing the involvement of the youth sector in agriculture-fishery-relatedinitiatives.

The three-day national gathering of 500 young farmers of youths was highlighted by various contests actively participated in by 4-Hers from 15 participating regions, with Bicol region declared as the overall 1st placer for the National 4-H Congress. The Bicol contest winners were: Quiz Bee, 2nd (Jeric Mendez, Sorsogon); vocal solo, 2nd (Kimberly Baluzo, Camarines Norte); extemporaneous speaking, 1st (Ronel Buid, Camarines Sur); corn production technolog, 1st (Ricky Badiola, Camarines Norte). Winners received cash prizes andcertificatesofrecognition.

Young farmers have been actively attending various technical trainings and engaged in different livelihood projects like vegetable farming, rice, swine production, pili shellcraft and others. For 2014, over half of the 6,552 enrolled 4-Hers under the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) were operating their own enterprises.



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Other Accomplishments

(CFFS). In wet season cropping of 2014, Corn CFFS was launched covering 30 pilot sites in Albay, Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte and Masbate. In Camarines Sur alone, a total of 595 corn farmers graduated under this season- long training which was held at JMR Coliseum, Naga City. Seventy (70) agricultural extension workers (AEWs) of DA-RFO5 Corn Program also attended a three (3) day Trainers’ Training on Climate Farmers Field School for corn held at the Macagang Business Center, Nabua, Camarines Sur last April 28-30, 2015.

• Training on Outbreak Investigation and Management (OIM) which was participated by a total of 242 veterinarians, meat inspectors, and livestock inspectors in the entire region.

• DA-5 RCPC has also conducted surveillance on rat-infested rice fieldsfollowing reports from some farmers and LGUs in Camarines Sur and Albay Provinces. A total of 700 sachet chronic (20gm) and 1,109 sachet acute (10gm) rodenticides were distributed to the affected municipalitiesandtechnicalbriefingtothefarmers was also conducted to help them prevent and control if not minimize rat infestation in their farms.

• Earthquake and Fire Drill which was conducted last April 07, 2015 at DA-5 Compound, in cooperation with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council of Pili and Kabalikat Civicom Pili.

Due to its geographic location, the agriculture industry in Bicol Region annually experiences several

hazards that include climatological/weather-related systems (such as droughts and tropical storms/typhoons), volcanic eruptions and pest and disease infestation causing damages and losses in the livelihood of Bicolano farmers. Several foreign-funded projects focused on DRR and CCA mainstreaming in the agriculture sector has already been implemented which prompted the agency to initiate a well-established disaster response operations and post disaster needs assessments. Among the innovations introduced were the regular provision of farm weather bulletins/advisories for early warning and disaster preparedness and the use of Post Disaster Assessment tool for Agricultural Extension Workers. For 2014, to minimize the impacts of these recurring hazards and to improve the capacities of farmers, Local Government Units and other stakeholders in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR/CCA), DA RFO-5 conducted the following activities have been conducted:

• Field-level mainstreaming of DRR and CCA in agriculture was conducted through the Climate Farmers Field School (CFFS) which was initially pilot-tested in 2014 under the combined module of PalayCheck System and Climate-Smart Farmers’ Field School


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2014 Mayon Operation. In support to the effort of the PLGU-

Albay in reducing the losses in livelihood of farmers in these vulnerable areas, the DA-5 coordinated with the PLGU to provide initial intervention, including capacity buildingactivitiestoevacuees,specificallydisplaced farming households. The agency has provided assistance to the animal evacuation effort in the province that includes drugs, biologics, laminated sacks, ropes, mineral blocks, brush cutters, and feeding troughs.

Among the series of capacity building activities conducted for disaster risk reduction and livelihood assistance were as follows:

• In collaboration with the BREDC, conducted forum on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management to 60 farmers andfisherfolkofDaraga,Manito,Camalig,Rapu-Rapu and Legazpi City last October 21, 2014. .

• Four (4) batches of training on Karagumoy Basket, Bag and Box making


Other Accomplishments

Typhoon Glenda Rehabilitation. Among the immediate activities

conducted after Typhoon Glenda hit the region, was the provision of seeds and other farm inputs to affected farmers. To recoup the Ps 3.9B estimated damage brought by the typhoon in Agriculture Sector, DA-5 has provided a total of P55,81M worth of agricultural inputs, farm machineries and equipment and other assistance such as 6,314bagscertifiedseedswhichbenefittedthe same number of farmers, 730 bags of hybrid corn seeds, 165 bags of open pollinated variety (OPV) corn seeds,36,350 packets of assorted vegetable seeds, 36,500 pieces pili seedlings, 287 pieces garden tools, nine (9) packets of sheep (each packet consisting of 4 females and one male), 36 heads draft animals, 10,350 pieces laminated sacks and 63 units hand tractors with trailer. DA 5 has also provided funds for the removal of sand/shell in the coastal rice areas of Calabanga caused by storm surge. Around 186 farmers were able to cultivate again their farm lots covering 165.82 hectares.

Typhoon Ruby Rehabilitation.DA-5 has also provided 28,000 bags

certified palay seeds and 500 bags cornseeds to help recover Ps 1.18B loss in agriculture brought by the Typhoon with 58,755 farmers affected.


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Other Accomplishments

were also conducted for the evacuees at Cabangan Elementary School in Guinobatan and Dona Tomasa bgy. Hall in Maninila, Guinobatan.

Other activities conducted are as follows:

• During Gov. Joey Sarte Salceda’s birthday celebration with the evacuees at Guinobatan, Albay last October 26, 2015, he turned-over and distributed assistance coming from DA5 which included inputs such as assorted vegetable seeds, camote cuttings, white corn seeds and different groceries such as sugar, apples, laundry bar soap, cupcakes and noodles.

• Mobilized production-to-marketing mechanisms through the provision of ready market and commodity-distribution access for crops producers, livestock raisers and handicrafts makers within the volcanic eruption-danger zones to reduce losses in livelihood of farmers particularly the affected/displaced families and counteracting the possible occurrence of unreasonable price increase of basic commodities in the possible eruption-affected areas.

• Assisted farmer/artisan-evacuees in buying the products at reasonable price from the producers and selling it at prevailing market price in demand centers while intensifying market-matching activities to sustain the process.


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With the resolve to work together for the betterment of the region, the Bicol Bloc, House of Representatives began to actively engage themselves in the programs and projects of the national agencies, particularly the Department of Agriculture and formed the Special Committee on Bicol Recovery and Economic Development (SCBRED) chaired by Hon. Rodel M. Batocabe. DA5 directors and division chiefs participated in consultative meetings, especially regarding House Resolution No. 262 which dealt with the submission of proposed projects to the House of Representatives and presentation of the agency’s priority projects. As member of the Technical

Other Accomplishments


Working Group (TWG) on Food Security in the Bicol Region spearheaded by Hon. Felix William B. Fuentebella, DA RFO-5 assisted in meetings and public hearings for the projects and ocular inspection of different pilot areas (upland, flatlandand coastal). As part of its Women’s Month celebration last March 2014, DA-RFO 5 participated in the Asenso Tercer Distrito: Trade and Jobs Fair led and organized by Hon. Ma. Leonor Gerona-Robredo in her district. Other major accomplishments under the strengthened partnership between DA and the Bicol congressional bloc are the conceptualization and preparation for several projects:


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• The Banig at Walis-Tingting ng Pamilyang Bikolnon (BAGWIS BIKOL) project is a convergence initiative of the AKO BIKOL Partylist (AKB) wherein DA identified RuralImprovement Clubs (RICs) engaged inagricultureorfisheryprojectsandare interested to venture in banig and walis-tingting production as an income-generating project. Project beneficiaries from the provincesof Camarines Sur (Libmanan and Goa) and Albay (Legazpi City and Polangui) have been initially accredited with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

• PapaYAMAN-C Para Sa Eskwelang Bikolnon is a convergence project among SCBRED, DA-RFO5 and the Department of Education, Region 5 to combat malnutrition and improve the health of school children through the consumption of papaya and calamansi and the production of these fruits in school gardens, among others.

• The development of the Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT) as a Center for Agricultural Development in the Province of Masbate is a pilot project aimed to showcase agriculture as a major source of income through agribusiness, agri-enterprising techniques, and improved commodity production/packaging along the supply/value chain. This project is intended to encourage the youth with inclination toward agriculture to seriously pursue agricultural education and serve as a promotional and campaign avenue for the community to appreciate the value of agriculture.

• The Agri-Bio Enhancer Production Project is another DA5-AKB partnership project to extend assistance in the implementation of organic agriculture projects and conduct of advocacy and promotional activities in Bicol Region.


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Bicol is one of the regions chosen as recipient of the Balik Probinsiya Program

(BPP), a program anchored on the National Greening Program (NGP) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and part of the National Convergence Initiatives of DA, DENR, and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR).

Other Accomplishments



One of the pilot sites is Cagmanaba, Oas, Albay where DA and the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) provided services such as agricultural inputs (assorted vegetable seeds), garden tools and wheel barrow for the 1.5-hectare model farm. Farmer beneficiaries were given hands-on trainings on BPP model farm and sustainable upland farming through soil conservation guided farm approach.


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MR. TIRSO O. PERLASRice Program Asst. Coordinator

email: [email protected](054) 4777-254

ENGR. ABELARDO R. BRAGAS Regional Executive Directoremail: [email protected]

Tel/Fax: (054) 477-0381

DR. ELENA B. DELOS SANTOS Regional Technical Director for

Operations and Extension Focal Person Rice Program, PRDP and BuB email: [email protected]

Tel/Fax: (054) 4777-263

DR. EDGAR R. MADRID Regional Technical Director for

Research and Regulations and Focal Person FMR and National Convergence Initiative

email: [email protected](054) 4777-448


MR. RAYMOND R. MARCELINO Livestock Program Regional Coordinator

[email protected](054) 4777-254

MS. ROSITA M. IMPERIALHigh Value Crops Development Program

Regional Coordinatoremail: [email protected]

(054) 4777-254

MR. EDUARDO L. LOMERIOChief, Field Operations Division

and Corn Program Regional Coordinatoremail: [email protected]

(054) 4777-254

MS. ADELINA A. LOSAChief, Agribusiness and Marketing

Assistance Division and Focal Person, Organic Agriculture and

Market Oriented Programsemail: [email protected]

[email protected](054) 477-2122

MS. ALOHA GIGI I. BAÑARIA Chief, Planning, Monitoring and

Evaluation Division and GAD Focal Personemail: [email protected]

(054) 477-1533

MS. LUZ R. MARCELINOChief, Research Division

email: [email protected](054) 477-0475

DR. RENATO E. ALMONTEChief, Regulatory Division

email: [email protected] (054) 4777-146

MS. ROSARIO C. SALESChief, Administrative and Finance Division

email: [email protected]@yahoo.com

(054) 4777-226

DR. EVANGELINE C. DELA TRINIDADChief, Integrated Laboratory Division

email: [email protected](054) 477-0068

ENGR. ARNIE C. ILANChief, Regional Agricultural Engineering

Divisionemail: [email protected]

(054) 477-3903


email: [email protected](054) 4777-254


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MS. EMILIA B. BORDADOResident Ombudsman and

Chief, Regional Agriculture &Fisheries Information Section

email: [email protected]@yahoo.com

(054) 477-5113MS. IMELDA P. ACOMPAÑADO

Chief, Human Resource Management Section

email: [email protected] (054) 477-2126


(054) 477-3506

ANNUAL REPORT 2014Copyright© 2015All rights reserved

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RFO 5 San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur

Prepared by the Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation

Division (PMED) and theRegional Agriculture and Fisheries

Information Section (RAFIS)

Lay-out and DesignLovella P. Guarin

Annual Report 2014 Committee

Aloha Gigi I. BañariaChairperson

MembersEmilia B. Bordado

Marygrace DP. RodriguezYolanda A. DioknoMaribel O. BitaoLovella P. Guarin

Eduardo D. Collantes, Jr.Rhodelia S. Remot

Gladys S. RegondolaAnnielyn L. Baleza


Central Bicol Experiment Station DA RFO 5 Compound,San Agustin, Pili, Cam. Sur

LUZ R. MARCELINO (054) 477-0475

Albay Research and Development Center• Albay Breeding Station Camalig, Albay • Albay Experiment Station Buang, Tabaco City, Albay

ELSA C. MARANAN(052) 484-5590

NYMPHA B. AUTOS(052) 484-5590

Masbate Center for Livestock Development• Masbate Breeding Center Asid, Masbate City• Regional Carabao Breeding Center Mandaon, Masbate


NELLIE A. PASION09472792930

Cam. Norte Lowland Rainfed Research StationCalasgasan, Daet, Cam. Norte

EMILIANO M. MURILLO(054) 721-1643

Catanduanes Hilly Upland Development Station Casoocan, Virac, Catanduanes

EDGAR V. OLLET(052) 811-1838

Sorsogon Dairy Production and Technology Cabid-an, Sorsogon City

DOLORES E. RICAFRANCA (056) 211-3644



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