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Intervenor's AnswerCiv.R. 24(C)

Michael DeWine (0009181)Attorney General of OhioEric E. Murphy* (0083284)State Solicitor

*Counsel of RecordStephen P. Carney (0063460)Jeffrey Jarosch (0091250)Deputy SolicitorsDavid A. Oppenheimer (0063193)Sharon D. Tassie (0029896)Assistant Attorneys General30 East Broad Street, 17"' FloorColumbus, Ohio 43215614-466-8990; 614-466-5087 faxeric.murphy a^ohioattorneygeneral.gov

Counsel for Relators,Ohio Civil .Rights Commission

MAR, 0 7" 7014

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Paul M. Greenberger (0030736)Bems, Ockner & Greenberger, LLC3733 Park East Drive - Suite 200Beachwood, Ohio 44122-4334216-831-8838; 216-464-4489 [email protected]

Counsel for 7ntervenor & AmicusGMS Management Companjj, Inc.

Charles E. Hannan (0037153)Assistant Prosecuting AttorneyThe Justice Center, Courts Tower, 8th Floor1200 Ontario StreetCleveland, Ohio 44113216-443-7758; 216-443-7602 [email protected],nty.us

Counsel for RespondentThe. I-Ion. Richard J. McMonagle

CASE NO. 14-0295

Original Action in Prohibition


Now comes Intervenor, by and through the undersigned counsel who for its AnsNver to

Relators' complaint state as foliows:

1. Intervenor admits the allegation in the first ui-inumbered prefatory paragraph of the complaint

that in this action Relators seek relief by way of a writ of prohibition, that Respondent has

denied Relators' Motion to Dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, and that Respondent

had, at the time of filing the coniplaint sub judice, set the underlying litigation for a preliminary

injunction hearing; but Inteivenor denies that Respondent's action has circumvented the

special statutory proceeding established by the General Assembly for consideration of charges

filed with the Ohio Civil Rights Con7mission; Inteivenor specifically the existence of any such

special statutory proceeding; Intervenor specifically denies that were such a special statutory

proceeding to exist it would not apply during the investigatory of a lawful written charges

made under oath of the unlawful discriminatory practice of housing discrimination; and

Intervenor denies the remaining allegations in said first prefatory unnumbered paragraph of

the complaint.

2. Intervenor fiirther denies the allegations in the second uitntiinbered prefatory paragraph of the

complaint and specifically denies that Respondent patently and unambiguously lacks

jurisdiction over the underlying litigation before Respondent; and Intervenor specifically

denies that the affidavit attaclied to the complaint is sufficient to comply with S. Ct. Prac. R.

12.02(B). Intervenor further specifically and emphatically denies that Intervenor's First

Amended Complaint now pending in the common pleas court complaint is attached to said

affidavit. That which is attached is a specimen of Intervenor's original and now superseded

complaint, albeit without any of its exhibits, which exhibits are part thereof for all purposes

under Civ.R. 10(C). A true copy of Intervenor's pending First Amended Complaint is attached

hereto including the exhibits referred to therein.

3. Intervenor admits this court's original jurisdiction in cases seeking a writ of prohibition as

alleged in complaint paragraph 1.

4. Intervenor admits the allegations in complaint paragraphs 2 and 3.

5. Intei-venor admits that Respondent is a duly elected judge as alleged, that Respondent presides

over a tribunal of general subject matter jurisdiction, R.C. 2305.01, as alleged in complaint

paragraph 4, but Intervenor asserts that Respondent is thereby empowered to determine its/his

own jurisdiction, and Intervenor denies the remaining allegations in, complaint paragraph 4.

6. Intervenor specifically denies the allegation in complaint paragraph 5 to the effect that

Fasanaro filed a "charge" with the Commission because a charge must be signed under oath

and that which was filed by Fasanaro was instead, signed "under penalty of perjury;"

Intervenor admits the allegations contained in its underlying complaint pending before

Respondent, that the Conunission began an "investigation" of Intervenor, albeit an illegal

investigation, and that as part of said "investigation" the Commission sought documents, and

Intervenor admits that said "investigation" is ongoing, but Intervenor denies the remaining

allegations in complaint paragraph 5.

7. Intervenor denies the allegations in complaint paragraphs 6 and 7 to the extent they are

inconsistent with Intervenor's First Amended Complaint. Intervenor admits that a copy of its

First Amended Com.plaint is attached to the complaint as Exhibit 1 to Exhibit A, but that the

exhibits to said First Amended Complaint were omitted from said Exhibit 1. Intervenor denies

the remaining allegations in complaint paragraphs 6 and 7.

8. Tntei-venor adtnits the allegations in complaint paragraph 8.

9. Intervenor incorporates its previous admissions and denials in response to complaint paragraph


10. Intervenor denies that Respondent has improperly exercised judicial power as alleged in

complaint paragraph 10, but Intervenor admits that as of the filing of the coniplaint,

Respondent had ruled as alleged in complaint paragraph 10.

11. Intervenor denies the allegations in complaint paragraph 11.

12. Intervenor denies the allegations in the first sentence of complaint paragraph 12, as aforesaid

because a charge must be in writing under oath. IntervLnor further denies that any investigation

or adjudication by Relators is a special statut .toryproceeding and that common pleas courts may

not hear declaratory or injunctive [sic] cases that interfere therewith, as alleged in complaint

paragraph 12. Intervenor adinits the jurisdiction of the common pleas court in appeals under

R.C. 4112.06 and the jurisdiction over certain actions pursuant to R.C. 4112.051(A)(2),

provided in that all circumstances Relators first have jurisdiction, as further alleged in

complaint paragraph 12.

13. I.ntervenor denies that the charge filed by Fasanaro is within the Commission's jurisdiction to

investigate and hear, and Intervenor further denies that the Commission had jurisdiction to

"receive" said charge, all of the foregoing for want of a charge in writing under oath, as alleged

in complaint paragraph 13. Intervenor denies that the Comnlission has jurisdiction to

deteimine its own jurisdiction for numerous reasons not the least of which is that it patently

and unambiguously lacks jurisdiction, and that it is not a tribunal of general subject matter

jurisdiction such as, for example, a court of coznmon pleas, as further alleged in complaint

paragraph 13.

14. Intervenor denies the allegations in the first senteilce of complaint paragraph 14 for the reasons

set out above, but Intervenor admits that the injunctive relief it seeks is set out in its First

Amended Complaint attached hereto, but Intervenor denies the remaining allegations in

complaint paragraph 14.

15. Intervenor denies that State ex rel. Albright v. Court of Cofnnaon Pleas, 60 Ohio St. 3d 40, 43

(1991) holds that Relators need not show lack of an adequate at law when an agency seeks to

prevent a court from interfering with a special statutory proceeding, as alleged in complaint

paragraph 15. Intervenor admits that under the circumstances in Albright, i.e., the patent and

unambiguous lack of jurisdiction on the part of a respondent court, "the adequacy of appeal as

a remedy is irrelevant," Ici., but Intervenor denies the remaining allegations in complaint

paragraph 15.

16. Intervenor admits there is a statutory deadline for completing an investigation of a lawful

charge as alleged in complaint paragraph 16, but Intervenor denies the remaining allegations

in complaint paragraph 16.

17. Intervenor denies each and every allegation contained in Relators' complaint not specifically

herein admitted to be true.


18. The Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.

19, Relators' claims are barred by the doctrine of collateral estoppel.

20. Relators' claims are barred by the doctrine of judicial estoppel.

21. Relators have no jurisdiction over the Fasanaro charge for want of a signature under oath.

22. Relator the OCRC had no jurisdiction to receive the Fasanaro charge for waiit of a signature

under oath.

23. Relators' Affidavit is subject to being stricken under S. Ct. Prac. R. 12.02(B).

WHEREFORE, Inteavenor urges this Court to dismiss the complaint against it, granting to

it its costs, attorney's fees and such fizrther legal and equitable relief as the Court deems


y submi

Pa^-l' 1v1. CJreenberger - #30736BF RNS, OCKNER & GREENBERGER, LLC3733 Park East Drive - Suite 200Beachwood, Ohio 44122-4334216-831-8838FAX - 216-464-4489E-mail: pgreenberger/@bernsockner.com


Pursuant to S. Ct.1'rac. R. 3.11 (B)(1) & (C)(1), a copy of the foregoing has been forwardedby e-mail to opposing counsel Eric E. Murphy, Esq., attorney for Relators, [email protected] and to Charles E. Hannan, Esq., attorney for Respondent,at [email protected], tli^ 6th day of March, 2014.

P4^.i1 M. Greenbergerf°


GMS Management Co., Inc.4645 Richmond RoadWarrensville Heights, Ohio 44128


CASE NO. 820282

Judge: Richard J. McMonagle


The Ohio Civil Rights CommissionAkron Governrnent Building - Suite 250161 South High StreetAkron, Ohio 44308


Ricky J. Boggs, SPI-IRAkron Regional InvestigatorAkron Government Building161 South I-ligh Street - Suite 205Akron, Ohio 44306


First Amended Verified. Complaint forDecla:ratory Judgment, PreliminaryInjunction, & Permanent Injunction

Jury Demand Endorsecl. Hereon

The Parties

1. GMS Management Co., Inc. ("GMS") manages for the owner, a residential apartznent

coniplex in Austintown, Mahonin.g County, Ohio, commonly known as Deer Creek Run

Apartinents ("Deer Creek"), which complex contains three hiua.dred sixty (360) separate

apartment suites.

2. Defendant Ohio Civil Riglits Commission ("OCRC") is an admiriistrative body created

by the General Assembly by the enactment of R.C. 4112.03 (hereinafter all references to

the O.R.C. shall be preceded only by

3. Defendant Boggs ("Boggs") is an investigator employed by the OCRC.

. . - t .r


4. On or about June 13, 2013, one Thomas B. Fasanaro ("Fasanaro"), filled out a rental

application for an apartment at Deer Creek, which application. for occupaiicy was denied,

in whole or in part, based upon a credit report from a'n:ationally recognized credit bureau,

as a result of which Fasanaro has complained to the OCRC by means of a writing not

under oertli, Ex. A,I addressed more fully below, that Plaintiffs' rejection of his

occupancy application constituted a discriminatory llousin.g practice rendered unlawful

by §4112.02(H).

5. Fasanaro's "charge" was facially defective for want of the required oath,

S S 4112.04(A)(6), 4112.05(B)(1) &(B)(2), the required "concise statement of the facts

which the complainant believes indicates an unlawful discrimin.atory practice," OAC

§4112-3-01(C)(3), and for failure to state a claim of housing discrimination as a matter of


6. In order to pursue its illegal investigation and invasion of plaintiff s rights ur2der the

Fourth, Fifth and. Fourteenth Amendznents to the US Constitution, Defendant OCRC.

a. enacted an administrative rule -- which has become its policy - illegally relaxing

the statutory requirement that a charge be under oath thereby depriving

defendants of the requisite jurisd°zction to conduct an investigation;

b. transmitted to plaintiff a notice of the filing of the so-called "charge" which failed

to i.ilclude a statement of plaintiff's procedural rights but instead, asserts

misleading izifom-iation as to such rights.

x Each Exhibit referenced herein is attached to plaintiff's original C;otnplaixrt and is inco-porated herein by reference.

- 2 -

-: )

c. issued a subpoena which violates the civil rules by which it is constra°rned,


d. is othermise coercing plaintiff into "voluntarily" producing voluminous

documentation by means of a further administrative rule which threatens up to

$50,000.00 for, among other things, failure to cooperate in an investigation;

7. `I'he OCRC and its investigators, including Boggs, have been ealgaged in the

aforementioned practices as a result of the policy officially enacted by OCRCin

approximately 2001 when it defied the statutory requirement that a charge be in writing

and under: oath thereby illegally expanding its jurisdiction which is limited to receiving,

investigating and ruling only "upon written charges made under oath of unlawful

discriminatory practices." §4112.04(A)(6).

8. From OCRC's annual reports the table below demonstrates that on average oiAy four

percent (4%) of all charges files result in a finding of such probable cause. This court is

asked to take judicial notice pursuant to Civ.R. 44.1(A)(2).

-------------------------Fiscal Year Number of Charges Probable Cause Percentage

Filed Found Prob. Cause2010 4,121 177 4.2952009 4,508 -- 183 4.059--------2006 _ 5,702 180 3.1562003 4,677 ^--- 219 4.682 -

9. Given that the OCRC's own statistics for recent year show that on average only 4% of its

defective charges result in a finding of proba6le cause, the statutory prerequisite to

fiirther conciliation and the filing of a complaint which plaintiff can elect to have

adjudicated administratively before the coznmission, a commissioner, or a hearing


examiner, defendants' current investigation of plaintiff is just another indiscriminate

abuse of plain.tiff's statutory and constitutional rights.

The OXaio Civil Riglits e'omrazissionJurisdiction

10. Any person may file a charge with the OCRC alleging an unlawful discrhninatmy

practice provided that "the charge shall be in tvriting and under oath." §4112.05(B)(1).

11. "Upon receiving a charge, the coinmission may initiate a preliminary investigation to

determine whether it is probable that an unlawful discriminatory practice" has occurred.


12. As a creature of statute the OCRC only has such jurisdiction as the statute creating it has

given it, namely, to (with eznphasis added):

a. "Receive, investigate, and pass upon written charizes made under oath of

unlawful d.iscriminatory practices," R.C. 4112.04(A)(6); and

b. "Adopt, promulgate, amend, and rescind rules to effectuate the provisions of this

chapter and the policies and practice of the commission in connection with this

chapter," R.C. 4112.04 (A)(4).

B. Administrative rules so enacted by the OCRC cannot add to, subtract fi-om, or otherwise

conflict with the Revised Code. State ex rel. :r1 na. Legion Post 25 v. Ohio Civ. Rights

Coniin'n, 117 Ohio St. 3d 441 (2008).

14. To facilitate its limited jurisdiction to receive, investigate, and pass upon only :vritten

charges made under oatla virtually every enlployee of the OCRC is empowered to

administer oaths. §4112.09.

15. Pursuant to §4112.04(A)(4), the OCRC enacted administ-rative rules, i.e., Ohio Adznin.

Code Chapters ("OAC") 4112-1 through 4112-8, by virtue of which said rules have the


force of law. Maralgate, L.L.G. v. Greene County Bd. ofRevision, 130 Olzio St. 3d 316,

321-322 (2011).

16. Pursuant to Civ.R. 44.1 (A)(2), plaintiff asks this court to take judicial notice of the cited

provisions of the OAC.

17. The OCRC violated its §4112.04(A.)(4) rule making authority by adopting an

administrative rule OAC §4112-3-01(B)(2) which elizninates the §4112.05(B)(1)

jurisdictional requirement that charges of housing discrimination be in writing under

oath, and thereby impermissibly conflicts with the Revised Code.

18. In particular, OAC §4112-3-01(B)(2) substitutes for an oath a mere declaration that such

"charge" be signed "... under penalty of perjury ....," a strictly federally equivalent to an

oath per 28 USC § 1745, which equivalency the Ohio Supreme Court and appellate courts

have explicitly rejected on every occasion as the equivalent of an oath.

19. Because the OCRC is only empowered to "Receive, investigate, and pass upon written

charges made under oath ...," §4112.04(A)(6), the elimination by rule of a charge

under oath impen.nissibly expands the jurisdiction of the OCRC. [Emphasis supplied.]

20. It is only "[-Li]pon receiving a charge, [that] the conunission may initiate a preliminary

investigation to detennine whether it is probable that an unlawful discriminatory practice

has been or is being engaged in." § 4112.05(B)(2).

21. A written charge under oath is thus ajurisdictional prerequisite for the exercise of

jurisdiction by the OCRC, in the absence of which the OCRC cannot "initiate a

prelirninary investigation."

22. As in this case, the personal past experience of GMS is that OCRC as a matter of practice

conducts similarly intrusive unlawful, unfounded, and arbitrary housing discrimination


investigations in violation of plaintiff s rigllts under the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth

A.mendments the result of which is to either coerce GMS, as a respondent in such

investigations to relinquish its constitutional rights to the privacy of its business records

and premises under threat of co.mpensatory damages, punitive damages and injunctive

relief for failure to cooperate, to pay a settlement to buy its peace at great expense, to

engage counsel at greater expense to defend itself, or all of the foregoing.

7'lte Fasanaro I1ousrng Discrimination "Claarge"

23. In addition to the required oath, to be facially adequate a "charge" must allege an

"unlawful discriminatory practice," §§4112.04(A)(6), 4112.05(B)(1) & (B)(2), and must

include "concise statement ofihe facts which the cornplainantbel°zeves indicates an

umlawful discriminatory practice." OAC §4112-3-01(C)(3).

24. On or about August 8, 2013, Fasanaro completed a "State of Ohio Housing

Discrintination Charge," ("Charge") a true copy of which is attached hereto as Ex. A,

alleging that he filled out an application as aforesaid, that his application was denied, and

that it was denied because he is not employed, his income does not meet rent criteria, and

poor credit, merely stating further: "I believe Respondent's reasons for denying me were

do [sic] to my disability due to the source of my income, and that I.'m not employed due

to na.y disability."

25. Ir?.stead of placing Fasanaro under oath as required by §§4112.04(A)(6), 4112.05(B)(1) &

(B)(2), in. Box #7 of the Charge the signature of Fasanaro is entered uiider the following

language (with emphasis added): "I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read

this charge (including attachments) and that it is true and correct."


26. Fasanaro's charge lacks the requisite oath, a concise statement of facts, and an allegation

of an unlaNvful discriminatory practice.

27. Because Fasanaro's bad credit is not the same as his alleged disability, and further

because impecunious people with disabilities stand on the same footing as everyone else,

Fasanaro fails to cha.rge that he was qualified to rent housing which, in turn, fails to even

allege an unlawful discriminatory practice.

28. Defendants failed to initiate a Fact finding conference pursuant to OAC §4112-3-02, "to

exainine the factual basis behind the charge."

29. Defendants did not internally vet the unsworn charge to determine if Fasanaro was

financially qualified to rent plaintiff's apartment suite in the first instance, e.g., as found

in Sutton v. Piper et aL, 344 Fed. Appx. 101 (&"' Cir. 2009) (no accomnlodation needed

for disabled if they have "a limited arnount of money to spend on housing" even if his

disability resulted in an inability to work).

30. Defendants did not vet the charge to detennine if it contained, as mandated by OAC

54112-3-01(C)(3) "A concise statement of the facts whicll the complainant believes

indicates an unlawful discriminatory practice."

31. Under §4112.04(B)(3)(a), in an investigation the OCRC shall have access to premises,

records and documents "and other evidence or possible sources of evidence ... as

reasonably necessary for the fitrtherance of the ... investigatioii," and in investigations

"the commission shall colnply witli the fourth ainendment ...,"

32. Despite the foregoing, under OAC §4112-3-03(A), "The investigation of any alleged

unlawful discriniinatory practices by the conunission need not be limited to the particular

facts or issues raised in any charge affidavit."


33. Despite the facially defective "charge" defendants initiated an invasive and unlawful

investigation of plaintiff as follows:

a. Plaintiff received the attached August 15, 2013 "official notification," Ex. B,

whicli notification of the filing of Fasanaro's "charge" does not include the

mandatory notice of procedural riglits.

i. OAC 94112-6-01(A)(2) requires that prompt notice to respondent of thefiliizg of a charge include "the procedural rights and obligations ofrespondents under Chapter 4112, " which procedural rights include theright of a respondezit to elect an administrative or judicial forum. for theresolution of any subsequent coznplaint that may be issued as a result ofthe investigation, R.C. 4112.05(B)(5), which procedural rights are definedin OAC Chap. 4112-3, entitled "Procedural Provisions," and whichincludes in OAC §4112-3-05(C)(2) the same forum election provisions;

ii. Instead, the "official notification" misleads respondents by indicating thata hearing will be held before an Administrative Law Judge. Ex. B, p. 2.

iii. Defendants fiirther misstate that 24 CFR § 103.215(a), applies to theOCRC investigation.

34. Attached to the "official notification," Ex. B, is an invasive request upon plaintiff to

produce voh7nxinous documentation under the threat of punitive daznages for failing to

cooperate in an investigation, by which defendants:

a. Seek from plaintiff, inter alia, a list of all three hundred sixty (360) currentresidents including con-iplete name, address, phone number and move in date, Ex.B, p. 3, T7.

35. Defendants have further intentionally violated 54112.05(B)(3)(a) which requires that an

investigation be completed within 100 days, and ifnot so completed § 4112.05(I3)(3)(b)

requires that the OCRC "shall notify the ... respondent in writing of the reasons for the


36. Defendants failed to truthfully notify plaintiff of the reasons for noncompliance.


37. Instead, defendants inisled plaintiff as follows:

a. By the Novez nber 19, 2013 letter, Ex. C, Boggs advised plaintiffs that completionof the investigation was inipracticable expressly because of a need to conlpleteinterviews with parties or witnesses, to conduct a legal analysis, and to finishvvriting a report.

b. Boggs failed to state that the investigation was not completed because of a need tosubpoena docum,ents or conduct an inspection of the premises, Ex. C,T^, 2 & 3.

3$. Despite the statutory mandate to truthfully advise Plaintiffs of the reasons for the failure

to conlplete the investigation in 100 days, Boggs instead sought the attached December

20, 2013, subpoena Ex. D, contrary to Ex. C, JJ^2 & 3.

39. There is no rational basis for the issuance of the "subpoena."

40. The subpoena has been issued in the total absence of subject matter jurisdiction by the

OCRC thus the OCRC has no jurisdiction to revoke or inodify the subpoena under


41. The subpoena fai:(s to conform to Civ.R. 45 are required by §4l 12.05(B)(3)(a), naxnely;

i. It requires attendance for testimony of the deponent, served inWarrensville Heights, Ohio, at a deposition at 4415 Deer Creek Court, inAustintown, Ohio, wliieh is within Mahoning County, Ohio, contrary toCiv.R. 45(A)(1)(b)(ii), and Civ.R. 45(B).

ii. It usurps plaintiff's business premises for tlie conduct of a depositionwithout compensation in violation of plaintiff's rights under the fifth andfourteenth ainendments to the US Constitution, >_

iii. The "sworn" return of subpoena puzports to have been sworn to inFranklin County, Ohio. It is possible that both the notary, an AssistantAttorney General in tlie Cleveland office, and the affiant, also an AssistantAttorney General in the Cleveland office, were in Coluxribus on the date ofthe execution of the return, but the subpoena was served with the pre-printed "FrankZin County" jurat.

iv. The subpoena was served by certified mail and the return, ironicallyunder oath, does not reflect that "fact."


v. It is obviously impossible to serve a subpoena containing a completedreturn by certified mail given that at the time of znailing one cannotpossibly know the date of service.

vi. Civ.R. 45(B) thus requires that when "the subpoena is served by maildelivery, the person filing the return shall attach the signed receipt to thereturn."

vii. It irivades plaintiff's right to privacy uiider the fourth and fourteenthamendments to the US Constitution, lacking both probable cause in thecase of a wairant, and insufficient ground were it a legitimateadministrative subpoena.

42. Plaintiff has been the subject of prior similar investigations by the OCRC and continues

to manage approximately 3,000 apartment suites within Ohio, the manageinent of which

will continue into the future as governed by R.C. Chap. 4112, and OAC Chap. 4112,

thereby justifying a declaration of plaintiff's rights, including, without limitation, the

declarations soLxght below.

43. Plaintiff is thus entitled to a declaration that:

a. OAC §4I 12-3-01(B)(2) is unenforceable as being in conflict with the oathrequirements of §§41.12.04(A)(6), 4112.05(B)(1) &(B)(2), and 4112.09.

b. Defendants' conduct violates the respective statutory and adnlinistrati-d=e ruleprovisions cited above.

c. Defendants' conduct violates plainti-ff s constitutional rights as aforesaid.

d. Defendants' conduct results from a policy officially adopted by the OCRC.

e. Despite having been afforded a reasonable opportunity to deliberate, Defendants'

conduct was undertaken and persists with deliberate indifference towards the

plaintiffs' rights.

f The means adopted by the OC1ZC for the initiation. of investigations, the conduct

of said investigations, and the processes and procedures undertaken thereafter are

not suitable to the end in view, are not irnpartial in operation and are unduly


oppressive upon respondents, and have no real and substantial relation to their

purpose, an.d that they interfere with private rights beyond the necessities of the


44. Plaintiff llas no adequate remedy at law.

45. Unless enjoined defendants will continue to suffer irreparable harm.

46. Unless enjoined defendants will continue to violate plaintiff's rights under R.C. Chap.

4112, plaintiff's rights to an expectation of the privacy of its business records and

premises, as well as plaintiff's right to be compensated if the governn2.ent should take,

even temporarily, its property.

47. Unless enjoined defendants will continue to impose the illegal, ultra vires, unwarranted

and heavy burden it places on plaintiff to respond to overly burdensome requests for

information which burden would not be imposed in the first instance were defendants to

follow the applicable statutes and lawful regulations.

48. Plaintiff is entitled to preliminary and permanent prohibitory injunctive relief enjoining

defendants from further pursuit of this or any investigation of plaintiff upon a written

charge not under oath, upon a charge vvhich fails to provide the concise statem.ents

required by administrative rule, and/or upon a charge which fails to state a claim of an

unlawful discriminatory practice.

49. Given the fact that on average only 4% of the OCRC's investigations result in a finding

of probable cause, to avoid the further unwatTanted and illegal burdens upon plaintiff,

plaintiff further seeks a mandatory permanent injunction to the effect that defendant

OCRC and its employees undezgo further training, under the supervisions of plaintiff s

counsel, so as to assure that the OCRC and its employee respect the civil rights of


respoZ }dents and otliei.-wise confonn to the statutes as written and to the applicable

constitutional provisions.

50. Plaintiff is also an eligible party entitled to an award of its reasonable attoY-ney's fees

pursuant to R.C. 233 5.3 9.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff urges this court to grant the relief requested lierein plus costs,

attorney's fees, and such further legal and equitable relief as the court deems appropriate.


ly submitted,



3733 Park East Drive - Suite 200Beachwood, Ohio 44122-4334216-831-8838FAX - 216-464-4489E-mail: [email protected] .1'laintiff


A trial by jury is hereby demande,:

Paul Greenberger


I, the under.signed, have read the foregoing and hereby verify under oath that I aincompetent to testify as to the facts set forth in the above complaint of which I have personal first-hand knowledge, and that the foregoing factual allegations are true and correct.

,---Stttart J. Graines

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my resence this day of Januaiy, 2014.


^ BERGER, AttorneS,^ ^^a oi ^t^fo

-12 - #t^c. ^41.43 R. . date


Pursuant to Civ. R. 5(B)(2)(f), a copy of the foregoing has been forwarded by e-mail toopposmg counsel David Oppezab.eimer, Esq., at [email protected],this 20fl' day of January, 2014.

isl Paul M. Greenberger

Paul M. Greenberger


. { c

l.Nanao ofnerson or organizstiots allegi»g baran:

Thomas Fasanaro


1876 Warcliester Avenue


Lake Milton

2. Againsttvlso}n in tftFrs eomplaintbeinl;fled 7

t]e:=r Creek Run Aparfinents, Mara Jevveft, AgenPlManaget°

StreeEAddress ^V - ^ Csty

4581 Dear Creelc Couri: AustEritawn

TTEJ3? fltusnber:

}3onie Plsoneltumber;

( ^ 330-2°I^-^129





piling Date:

J3usincss Ptsosse3^Ivnsber:

^tafe =


3'h^ne Nvmber


St$ta^ Z,p

OH 44^15

Qiec'v fise appl°rcnb9e box or bozes Whieh desoribe(s) ihepa ►iy nan.ed ahove;

q 13uilder ^ Otvner E] Broker Q Sataspeason Supt. carManeger [] I3arsIC ar OliscrLender [^ OfStes

Jiyou nssztiezi an.3.t+dividuat aboya wlro appeared fo be ac:ting fint- a earnpaay in this c=zse, checlc tIsis box(] and writetlte uarna and addre.ss afthosompany Uelatv:

I3sn,e: GMS Management Co- fnc.

Address: 4645 Richmond Road, 4191, Cleveiand, OH 44128 (Z16) 766-6000

Name asirl idesstiiv others(iPunv) ycsu ba,ive vioiafed thelsw 'n t13is custs;

3.13Fhatdidl6eFersaxay4uasecampfainingagainstdo7Chc&- aUthatappYyawl,ivatLemostseeentdatethasuaot(a)aecarsedinbloolctx•.

gItcfuseto irat sall, tu sleal wi£Is you FJ PaTssYydeny housing ►vaa availeble QLngQfiC in blackhusfiri^

[^ Disarnn3nnts in lxok ^'9 scsvict s [] Diseriminate in ibe caAdiCcoxis or tetnia of 5aia, r+ental oecupassey, or in seaviees or faellit;es

p Thraafea, {uf.uuidate, 3ritrafere, orarerr,eyau f►z keep you#iom thefu3l IrcneSt ofdTn Shstt: ar Fednral FniryfousingLaiv

[]Advortiseinudiseriminafasyrwtay Diseriminnleistftiiaasing pOfhar(exptaiu)...0__ -------

4;Do you 1seSiave you wore dsscruninate.,i against ber.uuse o€your. (CbacL: aiI t6af sppIy )

[I Racc El Color [] ZtaliEian ElSex QHandica;r FINetionzl()rio ►► ElAnceatry [j )Ze{allaiion [] MilifaryStetus

`]'1'Isa prosence ofeluldren under 3 S, or a peegnant fernale izt tle family

5.'N+I►atlaisd ufbousa orRropesty was snvaYved?9

SingIe-)'ausailylinuso [] A Isonsa or bullding- far 2,3, or 4 fasnilies A brsitding far 5 fassrilies ormore

[] t3ther, including vacaot lend I:eld forresidentia( use (exp'lan,):

Did the a-msef litre there? El Yes 9 NuEl Unlffionrn Is tihe lyouse or propesty: [}33eii+.gao7d? 9Being reslted7

'4JIta! i9 tlta address o4't3ashovse orproperty? (sireef, clty, eo+anty, stato and^ip code}:

t}eer. e eek Run Apaitmenis, 4581 Deer Gret;4c CQurY, Austintown, OH 44

G. 5omnzarize ius your own words tvbaE lsappened. Usethis space for n Tvief sfaferst:stt of the fs#ets Addit3oua7 dotaiIs niay E,essbm"rtted nst ast

at[aahnu-r.f. Itiofe: OC2t.C will fursislr a colsy of tl;e chargo{u Iltepersan or orv^►izafion agains%tvlsam fhe charge is made,

( am disabled. i tespondent's reasons for dersying my applicaton for rent vsas ^$ v+'=}- did tha act(s) clsuoltcd in item 3 occass'tbecause I'm not em 1a ed, income does not meet rt^nt cftteria, and poor oredit. Cn^ude the moctrecen( date if ssverst dates at^P Y FnvGtve3.) June 24,2013

7.1 declare ussder penalty ofperj:►r}° that I have resad tisis oharge (includino s2taclments) and ttlat it is true and correeL

S]9naLllrd:UG,^G-.-. L.^^ - C", &2^`^ °' --- .. .------ ^^ ^ .

OCRCTtepresentidive: - AUG 12 2gp



C}^`ILC IiCtUS7P^IG C}7.isTtG^

S'aga TVl+o

I believe Respandetit's reasons for denytng tne were do f.o my disab9ffty due fo the source ef my inonme, and lia# ( aiYt rDtemployed dus io my disabilify.

.. _ _ . . . ...^ . . .


1 declaru under;^estalf^^ ^i 7ierjury 4hst 3lsa^erend ^is cfmrge (neelctiding alt^etsrneaUs) mid t3saf itis truL r^d euneet

i I

t^CItC Reprc5eniaYive: Aete:

- ^, -



G. I+4iclmcl 111ssyL-W,IIazrlslire.?^ersdnr -


I.eorxard I-Inbua, Clkrlrmart

Stepliassie IVlcrasdrs

Wilh"nfnW. Pa{mon III

Tam ICahestF


AKROtV 'REGIO.Nf4t OFFiG EAItRasa GOVERNMENTBt1ILrsEhlG161 SoUt3i HIGN STaLET.Susrz 205ftKHD! ! oH 4-09D8(JSa) (¢3 31DU PlianP(586) 276-701 TbIlRree(330) 643 312D Fat1VXII Vi-CiC.0it5D. ^L1Y


Mara J"mel1, AgenflMana;e.rCI() Deer CreeIt Ruii,Apazkncnts4581 Deer Ca•eek'CouitAusiYntown, OH 44515

Deex Ckeek Run Apai-tiuents45 $ J. .D ear Creelc Cryut^^tAustintnwn, OIl 445I5

CrMS Maiiageinetii CV, J^c.4645 Riclusaand Rd. #t o l `q"Ny»CleveYanr7, UH-4412$ • y' "^°^_ ,^

5`gbiect: Tl?.ouaas Fasatiaro v. D eer Creek Run ApartnienisA10. T1S (37051) 08122013

This is az a-fficial notification tlaat you Iaave been nara.ecl as a Respondmf in filiaabove-cited caso. I'he housing cliscrtmina.f7.ou charge was ofricialty Med with theDepartment of Housing an.d. L}xhar.z Develqpmeatt and fhe Ohio Civi1 Ri&jsCoranzissiozz (OCRC), pvrsuant to Itie Fair Housing Act aad Section 4112 of theOhio Rovised. Code. As requzrcd by xaw, a copy o^ 'thc clrarrge is enclosed.

There aLc two optioxxs for pi-ocessing the abovo refore.nced ciiarge. You may electeitU er Optiopc A- -dIt.eYreragiue Dispute Resolufxoz7a ar Optsa3z B- Irzvestxgataon.

Option A: Aifegv.ative llzspute ResoIpgiiom (ADP,).ADR is aiuer3iatZon. program a.mplezncuted by the OCRC a%n1ed at Zielpirtg partiesresoTve their disputes wilhout a fbIl in:esEi.gatzon by the OCRC or costly andiine.-consizming Iiiigation, s.Rfediation biings disputiug parties together ?n an ef,farE to resolve tliei.r complainttlxrQugh comnunication and problein solving. The goal is to pravide a. "wizw3n." resoluli.oii. T1le mediation pxocess is coxrl3.dcntial. If you I,3articipatr; in tilamediation 1Sr.ocess, any comuu.unication, made dliriub fhe inediatio-u sessioucauriot bo used in a3a.y other cb.jil or administrativo pxoceeding. Thexe will be mrecord of the I7raoeer3iii.g and any a^o#es talcen by tbe nzedia[or w^31 #^c tleshalrcd,Tis.e parties and tJze nieeii:ator wR1 not disclosaiiifonkxafton regarding the processuiiless all paxtzes to the zuedia.tion and t1ie inediator expressly consent tndisclostue. If fli.a mediat€on is succe.ssful, it reai.t.ts in a binding setlementbetween the p arties.

1'arficzpatiou in tlie pzoa am is irolrarfary. Sliouid the imlies choose •{oparticipate; the OCRC will not takd any faidxer acti.on in this raattcr pendili;conrpiefio.u of the medz"ation process. If au ac;reeln.ent is reaclied with t.ie,eoml,Iainin;pazty, the C'1CRC wzI1, e1ose if:s file regarding -tl-As charge, Sliou.td aaabreeuient uot be ieacheci #iie case will be foa.-ward:ed for afid investigation.Parti.ca.patioix may thus avoid investigation by tlie OCRC or sabstaniltal experrsesinvolved in possiiiiQ litigation and dawage^s,

Page 2

Tf you wotald li1ce, to ta1€e psa.^: ia tbi.s mediation proeess,pJeasE fsx the en.closed anediatiolR le:ferratftaiTa i® LYnne J). Geib at (330) 643-3120 or you may contact Ivlrs. Cxeib via emait atLynne.gE9ii0,czy.aixio>^t^tr wiibzu two weeks fioui tlie date of tlzis leiter. Shouid you Iiave aziyqn.cstions with regard to 1-he nzediatxou, pleta.se-con.tact Lymse D.•Geib at (330) 643-3100. I`ailmeto i•espond wit.ixin two weeirs will be deemed air election to pr-oceed tttrougl,i iul^estiaa.tian.

Qptian 13: Investigation

Should you decide not to par°ticipate in t.be ADk program, yon must fiTe awaxtteki positionstaienxent itiat tliozough.ty addresses eadi of the Complauiaiit's alXe;ation,s in the eiiiclosed chugencs ia-ter than two weeics fxom #ae date of this Ietter: You may asserE in your position stateniextt

any defc:nse, whi:ch mighl- be available in a eouit of lavv, Xu atiditian to the posifion statemeat,

p1ea.seprnvide the in;oz^x^ouldact^e^taut^n requested. (',SeeI1^^'rJrnzczizon ayui.vocurrr.ezu,RequesL)

Upon receipt of this ii.Z formatioli a fo.ll investigs.fion will be conciucted. The invesfigator m^ytheza- snbmit a astore det.afled request kr infon-nat.ion.

to believe thatT1.ie putliase oi ihe ii^.^resti,gatiou is to rletenuin.e whether prc^^babla causd exisfsclisczhaiaratioxi occmned or is about to occur. If %t is so detemiin.ed, yoii will be notified pursum-ft toSection 4112.E?5 of t71o (3l?ic, Revised Code. The OCRC shall tlic:t eudea:vor to elin7i,naie tb.epractice by snfonma.3. methods of confereuee, coriczEation, aucl persuaaion. i£ihe Commission t'ail.Gto effeet dw elirninaizon of an unlavaf-uI disczcmin.atozy practice_ Yiy anfnnual methvds, tizeCommission` s7aa11 issue s.n:d cause to be served a complaint ,-stalir3.g tTie cha:ges involved andconiai>iing a noti.ce of an appor[unity for a bea.rin:g. Should a Tieaiing be held t.Iie Commissiuna.nayadopt -ehe findings and xeconara:e.odatiors o1: t1ia Admiu.zsixative Law fudge aiad g}-ant apXopriafe


Be advised that it zs unlawH for aJxy pei'sazt to disciiin7nate in any mauncx a;ajnst an.y otherpet.^on beeause that pezson has opposed any uvTawfid discr ►n^tory practice defined in Sectioaz4112, oz because; tb.ai: person has made a ciZarge, teshfied, assistA or participa#:ed in any nlanner au.

ss.-iy anvesiigaiion, procesclzn.g, arheazing uu.der sections 4112.01 to 4112,07 of"ihe Reviscd Code,

Should you elect not to pa:.-ficipat<; in the AI?1'P, progi'am, pleaso a:espoud to thc infoxtnatzoo: li.si:ed underOption B, as well as tlie docu.mez?fs requesfed ivt the encloSed documeai-requesti lisf.


^j- Iffg^.i72ic1cy J. Boggs, SPM.Akron Regional I13-vestigator

- [email protected]


s` ^ s' a a^ r tl^

0 h^ OCRCNvlrzbeiz^ IJEJDA1tt7nber: FilingT3ata:

1. Tdanre ofpersoli cr organization afting harm: (3onte Phone I+InmU:r: Businw; Pltone tiun)br,r:

`i"itomas 1=asanaro { 3 33t3-2^B ^129 ( }

Sireet Address Ciiy Cnunty State 2ip

167fi VUat-chesterAver^ue Lake PJliiton jMhening oiJ -44429

2. Against tvlzotn is titis complaint tseiag fiied '1 Phcne Nunzher

Deer Creelt Run Apartments, Mara Jeweil, Agent'1ManatJer 330-797-9100

Strcet Address C(ty ` Cnnnfy a"tale ZiP

4581 Deer Creefc Court .Austintawn Malloning OH 44515

Checkttte aP,3ficabSe F^nx or 6oxes whicP^ descii^e(sj lhepatiy named a5ove: ^ ^

q 23uifdar q 01v.uer q 33rokor q Salesl3erson Xq SupP. or Managcr q Bank or oft)erT.endar q C}ther

1#'you nanied an nidiv€dnal abmvewl3o appeared to be neting fbra company in this case. ahecfc tI)3s baxq and write #Ise nanie ajtd nddress of thaeorniSany 6slaw;

iJame: GMS ManagementCn. Inc. ^ - - __

Address: 4645Wichmond Road, #101, Cleyefand, OH 44'i28 (216)766-6g00

Name m^d identi off^ers^iSem1 vatt beliava vioiated tbe lflw ig tlsis wse:

3.70rat dix3 llleperilan yonare caruplainiag agninst da7 C,teek:dl d,at apptX arad gEve Atemast lccavt dafr zbeso aC.(a) ocaear,&in bluuk 6a.

}[^ Reruz tuxxcnt, st:fL or steal wit1, yoa qk`sTsrly deny hoa.sing ives avnileb?a qHngage in binck6usting

q Diseriminats imixo3wfe swvias q i7'iscriminata iti the nanditions o.rUrals oiFsatt-, -rental occxipancy, or in serviaes or farllific-,aC^TJireafm, intvuidafc, inserfrse; ot•oocmeyoatakeep you fsom the fuU bencfitaftbc StafaorFedarai FnuF3otsingZ,avz

Advetisein a d'v^iznxaafocyvra;+ q Discrriuiwate in financing qOtber(er,plain):

4. Do you belicve you Nvera c4iserssninaLz$ s^instv^aase Q Fyaur: ((YteoL att titatapp9y )

q Race q CzSlor q lketigion q Sex 10 Handi'catx q Natlanal Oria )t q Aneestry q ReEaiiafian q M7itary status

'7'1iaptesenco of oliiidrea under 18, oraprep ant fffnale iu t1)s fam"sly

5, !^,?l^atl izcd p€banse orpmpet^y was invalved:^:

q ^^snnle Fassbil^+^7ause q Aitotsscorbuild9ngfor.^,3,er4fan>ilies [>^ ^buildingfnrSfa^niliescrnio^

q t)ttis , sncludztsg vacant 7and hetd {rorrasidentiai cssa *plaitt):

Did#heownerl3vetltcre? q yee 9 No q IJnlcnoXvli Isthe.hauseorprope^ty: qBesagsald7 9)3cinarusted?

VJl3at is tha aidrets of iISe bousa arproraiy'i (street; sit)6 county, stata and zip cade):

Qaer, Creek Run Aparttnents, 4,981 f3ear Creefc Court, Ausfintowtt, OH 44

6. SuEnntarize in-Your own tvai`tts what haprraied, iJsetllig apace for alsrief slat%meqf of tlte Puots. Adziitiottal dedniis niay Ue sutrtnitted on a,ittttacitrnent Note; {3CRC unll funtish a copy ogtlae charge to tltc persnst or artianization againsttvlsora the chargo is made.

I am disabSed. RespondenPs reasons for denying my ap{sficEition for rent tivas 6a• Mr..o did the a^t(s) chectced 3n item 3 oceurtbecause i'nt not srnployed, income does not Me:trenf critetia, and poor credit, (iVadc ii'a'^astrecenedate ifssveret dates ere

JtanE 24, 2a'13

7. I decir<re uwidcepenaily of patj^rry tbat I have read.ilais charon (incJudin ; atteahmetsts) ttnd that. it is iraaanciaoract.^fi

5ignatvre:^J G^ i,ti

r.lv^7 ""^,xC!^,r


tP VB,0 I7aie:


AUG dOCRGR^retentafi^+e: 42 I3ste:

O^.itC Ii®C3^NG C:^A3.2.G^


I believo Resportdsnt's reasQns fae denying iria were da fo my disabi (ity ^( ►re to the source oi'tny incnme, and that I am nat

arnpPoyed dua trz my disabil'tty,


^^^^jvz.bAUfl 12 ' 2013


I tleclareu^Ydcr ^3etmiiy cS psjuiy iDdt Mave aearlflus oltnrge (incipdir gattaclqnenS.s) anrY tltet3t is trae and concct


C3CRC RepresentatiVe9 ^ Taate;

This request is in r esponse to tlie en.oIosed complaint dlegiug that m act of disciimination in violation of flleFair Housin; Act lzas boeas caimilifted by your insiitufion. Pux-suant to Seofion 103.215 ofthe Regulation.siznplezitenfing g7e Fair Housing Act, and 411104 (B)(3)(a) of the Ohio Revised Code, we ask that you rnakea.vailabXc I-o us tbe following docun-te,ztation and answezs fsz y^^i#au^ Al^?I) e t^aarl coz rest^ar^denee addzessed to;

Sticl'31 1. BoggsI-Tousiug In.vesii;ai:orOhio Civil Rights Conm ^ission161 S. lJi;h 8freet, SuiCe 205Aitxozi, Obio 44308(330) 643 3T 1d (&ed dial){330) 643-312d (fax)r'cIt

Provide tlsenm e, fii] e, address and teiePhon euumber ortliep ersoit r3eszguatedtorep.resenfi-flze

Resp oxideiit in tbi s n-i atter.

2. Pxav:ide a°curitten p ositiort. sta:ternen.t that thorougxly a.cickesses each of tlle Complaiv.aut.'s .allegalionskthe eb.arge a£tidavit. ReIevant documezttation an.d a3^fidaYrits 1'rozn, persons invol.ved shaatd be used

to suppoit yo;ir Po sit%oii sta.t6aezat.

3. Pa.'ovide fi3ie r:omplefe address of tlie, propeity id.eatif ied in the c.har,^e and s^eccify the ty^se of pro^ezt'y(i.e. s.lug7e family, dotzble, etc.).

4. . Pxov%de a complete list of allPzopea.-ties o-wned byflto Respcmcleut(s) to iualude: .

a; Complete nat^.te of prcpertyb. A.house or buildin; for 24f'axvjXiesc_ A bu7ding fok 5 oz ro.c^i-.fanilies.

S. Do(es) the ownex(s) Iive in, the property in question?

6_ , Tffhe Respondent(s) xeceive(s)1-ITJI? assis#:an.ee, please speci'°ry:.a: Type of assistan.ce (i.e. Secdwi-g)b_ The arna:ount of assistance received.c. The HUD Pxogran Office Cs^uta.et who Iias Imcwledgo nbout ihe St.esi;oudoixi:ys px-o;


7. Pxovide a list of all cuiTenti xe^^idents i:4 include:

a. Co1npletenaauob_ Completo add3:essc. Telephone numberd. Mflve in date .

State vrlietller Pxior to this compja3n.t, -die ovtyna(s) ox manager(s) of t1ie subject prope .r%y i3.ave eveth eeu aparEy to a fair bousing ox civil x-zghts 1aR=sait or i}ivestigatian, If so, sfiate the title of tbe

ca:se(s), the date(s) of RIi:ag, and tlte autcome(s).

4 y

9. Pa°o-vide the couzplsta and coxrect 1egga1 ita2 ne of evexy owner, partn.er, cor7oratiozt, iua.uage^. ; aild

reiatal agezit assoc;ated widi the pxopeityy zn quesUo»,

1Q< piovide complete tenant file of Cllarging Pwty, zncXuclhrg, bi?t xtot linsited to, all notices, lettca-s or-otherwzafterl comzuunications betweeu Char&o Paity, a}td all infomiatYonzDlated to aII requesfs foraLcOT1117A0C38.tiC3fTS.

11. Provide a. copy ofall rental policies andprocedmes of the prqeity iii question,

12. t'rovide docuinenfatiou of all tenants w1io re,szda at th.e eomplek vAfh haovm disabilitiea. 7r<dXcafesom-ce of tezxant i.ucazn.ds, if Xniowu.


0 ^



^- 'Cost efficient> Cost saving for the faxpayers> Less time consuniing (faster reso(ution):> Informal^ C'otifidential> No need for ler,qthy preparatiooi

Reduces emotional stfess> Presence of a ncut:°al third party (tVladiafor)fi Process af(ciws the parties to reach their ovdn solutions> Can preserve r•efationshipslavoict idi-wili ofadversariai adniini5traf€ve process> No publicityâ Avoid ati-site invastigafioiis

Forurn for open comrnunication> Win-win (3 out of every 4 cases are resolved in mediation)


> Mediation [s th'e process for resolving complaints on a valuiztary bas ►s in a confidential forum.

^ Madiation allows i`af- beifer customer seririce as it hsFps parties resolve their disputes without afull Investigation thus saving resources and time. -

r The Mediator Is a neutral third party who works with the Chargirfg Party and the Respondent(Employer, Landlord, etc.) to rriako commur►icatior, easier so they can talk and re-so€ve theirdispute.


)^, Each party wi11 have a full and fair opporfunity to discuss i:heir position.

)^- The hliediatoi` may ask qup-stions to gain a better understanding of the dispute.

> Once each side has had the opportunity to speak, tlle Mediator will meet separately with eachpai-ty to privately examine the basic interests of the parties.

The Mediator may work back and forth between the par`ues to find common interests and helpconstruct a resolution.

Gylenma f phx ltasirtr


G. Pti4tchaet P:aytoaE9:CLll1lP: D:9YLjbP


:f.cortaff3 FI'ubert' GSzainnaa

f^ociDeuc^,s .


Som Robens

AKRONREGIONAL OFFICEA1U2ON G6YERhtA4EtdTHUlL-E51NGSUIiE 20516Y SqM HIGH SZItCE'i'AKRatI C31l 443Df3(330) 643 31DQ 1'honr.(688) 275-77 D1 Tai.t. rree(S^0) tv43-3120 ntxttw1v.ctc.o3aio.gov

^ ._.r

^ ^^„^ `IT^Y.:

Thomas Fasmaro1676 Wardtestez Ave.Lal(e Miltoxi, OIl 44429 ^


'.tC^ ^3'l;_.at' ..}-t v" -^.. ,L

BOY 2 0 201, ^^ ,1'

Mara :letvell, A;en^Il^allagorCfO 3Jeer Creele Ruu Ai}ailmenfs459117eet Cxeek CQm-t.A.-ustintoFVn, OH 44•5 15

GMS I^'Iaiiagemerft Co, Ync.4045 Zticluniond Rd #101Cieva.Ianct, OH 44128

Deez Cx c:ek Run Apa^.-tmenfa4581 Dear. Creek Cotn-tAustWowil, OH 44515

RE., Thbmas rasiutaxo v. Deer Creelr Run Apaat.iiejatsAICRH3 (j7051) 08122013

DcuSrrorMadam: ,

Ti.iis is to ad.vise yoa tt5at tho %nvesfizgatiou: oft6c 60ve^referencedmatfex 1iasnot Iieen completed within 10 0 ciays :fi.orn tlxo filffig af the elxarge,

Completion witWl. •! 0Q days was %mpract`rcabl:o because tlzero is a need tQ;

x 1. • C.orapleto anteivxevm with par-fies audloi• vituesses.

2. Sapoena (fonnaily i-eques^) docum:mts zda-ted to the investi;allonox aixanga other fcarxia.al iuromiaison "'miker.in.g.

^. Coudue^ a^. otx-site iu.ves^f^gazzox^

4. Couduct more inxvesiigat,ion because the zDiOlmation ga's^lcl-eci so i:a3-shows ar.ced for moro i.nvestibation arxd aualysis •

^. LiclucTe HUD pro;raua off"zoes and/or other State, Laca3, or offiexfederal agencies in the Dyvestiga#ion.

6. Ma1ce arid.ifiona1 ef£oz-is to conciJiato (settie) fifie comi^lah2t

7. Deterxixine wlie3r, there is f ^rfl]a.a.ar su^^oiG foa• iraiokxuation pxotridedby pazlies or wifnesses. -


8. .An1yze issu.es ilivolving neur or uon-tpiicated areas of law.

Alcynn Regioual OfficeTi}oinas Fasanaro v: D eex Cre& ltun Apat-tmen.tsAK.R H3 (37051) 08122013Pavo 2

x ' 9. Conduct a legal analysis of iiifon.uatiozi gatlZered dui7ng tlxainvestigatiojz.

x Z 0. Finish writino a xepoz[: of tlze i:o.Yestigaia.ou

11. Axuoud flze coi-ziplahi1 to add or delefepax[ies or clainzs or mAeother ciasiges.

-l. -7. Special s5sttes har+e eonae up that z°erluike additional time,

A.ttlxi:s &ie, ItZo projected c3ate for compleC-ion of the invostigafiion of tlii.s casU Avill b e J'wze 2$,2014. This date, lidwever, is subject ta chatige becanse we camlot a1mrays predict wliat additionalinfoii-natzfln or fuzgior actdnn zuaybe nece.. saay to ensme that a cozupr6ensive and ixupai-tializxvestigatioiz has been con.duof:ed.

If yo•a do not rer,eive contact re;ar. diug tllis investigation by this date, feet R-ee to call ttieinvestigator for an upds.te nlz tlie anvesLigat%ou. If tezo is a need f-or addition4 infoxmatron fiomyou dircotly, ive will contact you. Wo would apprecyate yomr con.tiniu1°rg cooperatiou: slaould: th.erebe anee^ foi adc^itic^zia7 in^restigafiox^. or cono7iation,° • - ^

If you llave any ques73.ons regatdfiig your caso or wish additioual infounation abaut the reaso:nswhy completion of the in:vasfiia ^a.on, wztlain 100 days vras i^npx^ciicable, ploase conta.c>t tlte-invesfigatox assigned to youfcase.

Ri.cly.T: Bag9s.Algoiz Regionai-Officc161 goutb. HirRbL Sit eet, Suite 205Alszoxts f3bio 44303(330) 643-3100 Alaiu(330) 643-3115 Dzvect

We ean xesI)ozad more quickly to youxconc=s if yon.ha.va your cbarge nu.nibcr wlieFaovar youconiact us.

FO.I:° THL CC1Iv1MISSION,13radley S. $. DuxnBra:dley S. S. DumATcro1-i Sup a-cji.sox

> •

.A1€ron. Regional OfficcThwaas Fasanarc v, :Deez Creelc Run .Apartm.ent&AIM H3 (37451) 08122013Page 2

.Akron Regional Office


RC6P €7NDENT 'a IZE, PRESE, '3J'anaes R. Ogden, Hsq.PtJ Lox 3021C,uyahaga: Fails, ®H 44723 -4}321


t, . a

^taotE of tPNO


...,-..o'-..^c '..

3I} R Woaf]. Stcect, Js` I+toox, Co1umbus, Ohicf 43215-3414



Thomas Fasanaro^om^^a^van^

AKR fi3 (37051) 08122013C ase^y^a^^3erc---V.

Doer Creek Run Apartments~ Wspondent

Tr,. GMs Management Co.y Inc.

Cl0-Patricia. E. Stegh, Agent4645 Richmond Rd. #101Warrensville Hts., OH 44128

Y®TTMZE ffia.IE,k3 St Ct31^^VlANflFD TU:

JO,Ps-ttend aud give te'^ony aa7d. avic3ettce fox thc x3aaxttef under investi,gatzau or in questiori befare flte 01110CiVdL RIGH'IS COiMSSiON

ErlAtis;nd and give testimoszy at a(ta^al) (Iseatiu:g) (deposftioa) before the OHIO CWIL I2IGXi rS COIstiMIS-SIQN, or ar:presentative fhext^ot on the date, tiuue and at t3ze place speciiicd vel.ov,r.

q Attend to testify faefore the OkAO CIVIL I2IGIITS COMIVIIS$101N, Qz•a repxese:ntative thea`eof, and pzoduaedecwneliis aud/or tntzgt'ble things at a (h•aal) (hearing) (depositiozi) on the date, thnia and attlze p1ar,e stseoffiedbelo^V

LI(j Pxoduces ancl peuns.t zuspection aud copying, oa t1he da.te and at ttij,- i:i.m and p7acc speciflod.belovt, of anyd.esigv^rted doctus^euts t^z$ are Snyow ^assesazan, c^^stody or cani^nl.

E]Pxndur,e and pmxnit inspection and capying, testung, pr sarnuTing, an the date aaiil: at 1he lime and placespeclified-beiavr, ofarrytnngibIethingstliatareiuyourpossesstori,mstndyorcaah-ol.


el 0

W.f Pexokit csAryupflzc llio fDltowiugdescribed Iatzd or other propet^.y,-foi: the pnrposes described in ci.vil34(a) (3),on 1:1s.e dafo and at the timc and place specifred below.

33esct•i,p#fOai af Iasid or' dflte^'pi'etiiises:

4415 Deer Cre ek Court, Management Offrr,eAustintown, OH 44515

DATR: 12w 20-2013- 1 0.OOarrt 4416 fJeer Creek CaurE, Manag ►neent oiffce------ ^: _-- z ^f,^s. _----- ----

AustfntDvin, OH 44596


Coples of ail Renfa! Policies; All renhi[ applications submitted 6etin7rlen 01-01 2013 and 12-20--2013,

ineIuding but not Iinllfed fo, credit checks, alI Garresponct-ance, notes of can ►rersatiotas and sfatus of appltcation.

As issued by Sectiou. 9.84, C}lai,o Revised Codes you maybe Q.ccowpanied, representcd and: advised-by an aftorixcy wlxan gf.vxx3.g such festirnony.

jssuedthis 25 davof November , 2U 13 , A17., at2 ^'cloc^r, p 1,1e1, onbeliaJlf of



lt£'UR.N ON SE3.2.^CL

Swos-n and sdse&ed to befare nTc the

day af 4t"fnI.(iY'

.j(^ . h . . r ^ . . . Ty

Page 2 af 3 1


being dulyswnin, deposes and says fhaG on fliet^ he/she scived the wrt^s^.n. stibpoe^.a on the

wztI^. iaarned ^'C^' ^ 8^. a^X-rby delzvering to a ixuU cflpy thexeof'wii:li at1the zu.dozsezuents tlxereon. ^

Ci®i.h Itale 45 (t;1 Protection of uersons subiectto sttbUocnas.

1) Any Ttespondent or other party or aix attor,ney responsible fnr the issuaaco aud =vioe of a subpoena, shallteke reasonable stcps to avoid ymposing undueburdw or expeuse on a person subsect to tbat sabpoerya.

2) A.13ersoli coatu.tanded to produce under divisinns (^S(1)(b)(ii), (iiz), (iv), or (v) of tfilS avle need F9ot appear uxpeiso3i at the plaoe of prorlpctiozx or inspection unicss com.mandeci to attend an4d geve testilnony at adeposition, beat;nl; o:• Eriai.

(b) SubJeef to [11vlsio7R (D)(Z) of tj]Is rule, a person conllnailded to prodllCO Uild.er dlv78toYls(A)(1)(b)(ii),(iii),(iv), or (v) of tbis ruie anay, vuitiun fourteen days after servica of tTxe sutsponiaa orbe£ore tlle tiino specif'-ted for compFianea if such fiine is less ibau fasirtecn days aiter service, serverspon the pariy or attosney designated in tl3o sl?bpoeua tvritten objectious to production. If abjecSiott is7iaade: tlio party seiwing the subpoena sball not be ejttitled to pro duction except pursuantto aet ordee oftbe'eourt by wlricla tlie subpoena was issued, If objection lias been rnado, ths party serViug tliasubpoena, upon notice fim tibe pei^soi.t cornnlanded to produce, may inove at my tbne for an order toconapel the production. An order to compel pradaction slialI protect any person who is not a party orq-m officer of a party f'rom sigui icsnt r,x}aer.ise resulting froaxi.the prcadnc£zon cotiiniastded.

3) On ti^nely motion, tlie court fTOm vv?szcft-l;lze subpoena vras isstzed s;5all qszaslt or ^nodify tlu; subpoena, oiorderappearattce or prodttclion.ot}ly uttder specifed eonditiosys, if tbe subpoena does ally oftlle .fnllotiving:

(a) Fails to allow reasonabie ti3n®to coinp,ty;

(b) Requrres disclosure of priviieged or ofl^esaviseprnteeted matfer aud no excepfiou or waiver apialies;

(c) Requires clisclosure of a#actknovYsk or opinion Iield by an exltert not retained or specially etnployectby any partg in anticipation of tittgation or ta3`epaxati.on for trial as describcci by 4;iv. Tt. 26(Li)(4), %Fthofact or opiuiol2 does not d:escribc specifrc events or ocomences in dispute arid resolYs from study bythat experttl;at was not made at therequest of aayparty;

(d) Subjeefs s persanto nnduo biude^t.

4) Befam filizlg a md6on pursuant to divisxob. (C)(3)(d) of tizis rote, aperson resisting discovekyundee this rtileshall attemxst to xesolve any c?aina of undue burdeii tlirougls 8iscusszons with tlzo issuing attozney. -^, motdouf'ileci pursuaiit to division (C)(3)(d) offI;is rcalo sliall be suppaztetiby `an atiidavit qCfbe subpoenaedpersonoia certificate oftl;at person's attoxnoy of the effotts rnatia to resolve any claim ofuudue burden.

5) Tf a motion is 3naclo tut.der d.ivision (G)(3)(c) or (C)(3)(d.) of tius rulo, the courtsbatl quash or modify flzesubpoena un(e,ss tho party iuwZiose bcl3alf tT3e subpoeua is issned shows a substaiuial need fortIie testizztonyor inateasal that catuiot be otherwise gnd Witliout nndue hardship and assures that the person to vrliom thesulspoezia is arL3res.sed wi1I be reasonablyeompensated.

Civil Rtxie 45 (1T)17uties in r'esnondCng to sub-poeMa.

1) A pe[son itsponding to a su.bpo,oa. to prodzee doctipneuts slzall, at t1ie person's option, produce tb.eui as i3;eyarc kept in Yiur usual course of business or or&lzecE antl labeled to eoiTesporad with tL+e categori.es iu, tii.esubpoesta. A person producing t[ocutnents or elec4roniealty atat'cd 3xsforinatioii pttrsuau:t to a suirpoeaia fortliein shaI1 iserznit thoir inspeetion and oapying by all parties present at tlze One aatfl place set iui:lie subpoeliafnr ur,spection aiid copyiug.

2) 1^Jhen viforrnation sui^j eetta a sttbpoena is witlil^eld on a claim t#iat is t^rivileged or swbject to pr^tection asirlal preparatYou niatce»als under Civ. R. 26(B)(3) or (4), #h:e claim sl3all 6o made expressly and siiall basuppozted by a descriptio.u of thc naturd of tlle docusncnts, cannntnuestior^, or titings riat produced that issuiricientto c:ttgbles trtza +imaaidiBgpmty to coritesttlle clairn.

Givil mTe45 (Ei Sanciinas.

Failure by a person tivztlmoxat- adequate exeuse to obey a subpoena served upoan tlYat person may be doenned acarxtempt of tl.as rnurt fi•can WluclK tbe subpoena issucd. A suvpoenaeci persoa or ttiat I,ersoa's attoi-Dey whofrivolously rosists discovery under this rale may ba required by the court to pay the reasonable expenses, iur.ludingreasonable altornc.y's fees, of the pm•ty seelcing tlie discovciy. Tire court from Yvlti.cla. a su6poena was issued mayi;n;3ose upov a paziy or attorney in breacli of the duty imposed by divis%on (C) (1) Gf iivs rute ai apQrop.riafe seaict[on,which may incJuo'e, butis iiof limited to, lost eazning,s and reasouable attor3jey's fees.

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