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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    Ar t c es :

    Can Yo Fn The Gorget ?

    10 Reaso ns To Pant Trees ...Now !

    How To Set A Tae

    $ Priceless $



  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    ContentsFrom The Editor 5

    Pillows 11

    Wardrobes 13

    Books 16

    Can You Find The Gorget? 17

    Umbrellas 18

    Beds 20

    Outdoors 22

    10 Reasons To Plant Trees Now 23

    Get Your Carolina Girl Gear 24

    Flags 26

    How To Set A Table 27

    Palms 28

    Aquariums 31

    Kitchens 33

    How To Make Grits 36

    Chandeliers 38

    Time To Renace or Buy!? 40

    Neighborhoods 43

    About Carolina Forest 47

    Bunker Shot Perfection 49

    Sunrooms 50

    Commerical Real Estate 52

    Fans 53

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    Buy LoCaLPromoting local business is as simple as having other companysbusiness cards or brochures posted on a board in your store. In an

    effort to promote your area, we are distributing decals that say Check

    us out at www.Surfside.sc, in hopes that local shoppers will visit the site

    to nd local restaurants, clothing, specials, coupons and more. We are

    doing our part, so please join us, and promote your local merchants, and

    everyone will benet!

    top tenreasonsto think LoCaL

    Buy LoCaL - Be LoCaL heLp LoCaL Businesses

    1. Buy LoCaL -- Support yourself and Surfside. Manystudies have revealed when you buy from an independent, locally

    owned business in the your own area, rather than a nationally owned

    businesses, considerably more of your money is used to make

    purchases from other local businesses. Local businesses continue to

    strengthen the economic base of the local community. These include

    case studies showing that local local owned businesses generate apremium in enhanced economic impact to the community and our tax


    2.support LoCaL area Community Groups:Non-prot organizations receive an average 250% more support from

    smaller Surfside area business owners than they do from large


    3. keep your area unique: Where we shop, where we eat andhave fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind local

    businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character. Local tourism

    businesses also benet. When people go on vacation they generally

    seek out destinations that offer them the sense of being someplace, not

    just anyplace. ~ Richard Moe, President, National Historic Preservation


    4. reduCe environmentaL impaCt: Locally owned businessesin your area can make more local purchases requiring less

    transportation. This generally means contributing less to sprawl,congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

    5. Create additionaL JoBs: Small local businesses are thelargest employer nationally and in the community, provide the most jobs

    to local residents.

    6. reCeive Better serviCe: Local businesses often hire peoplewith a better understanding of the products and services they offer, and

    take more time to get to know customers.

    Cont. next page

    From the editor

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    7.investin your Community: Localbusinesses are owned by people who live in this

    community, and they are less likely to leave, and

    are more invested in the communitys future.

    8. putyour taxesto Good use: Lo-cal businesses require a relatively little infra-

    structure investment and make more efcientuse of public

    services as compared to nationally owned

    stores entering your area.

    9. Buy Whatyou Want, not What

    BiG advertisinG BudGets Wantyou

    to Buy: A South Carolina marketplace com-prised of tens of thousands of small businesses

    is the best way to ensure innovation and low

    prices over the long-term. A multitude of small

    businesses, each selecting products and ser-vices based not on a national sales plan but ontheir own interests and the needs of their local

    customers, promises a much broader range of

    product choices.

    10. promote LoCaL prosperity: Anescalating body of economic research shows

    that in an increasingly homogenized world, en-trepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely

    to invest and settle in communities that preservetheir one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctivecharacter.

    Larry LocalEditor in Chief

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    No one realizes

    how beautiful it is totravel until he comes

    home and rests hishead on his old,familiar pillow.

    Lyn Yutang

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    Just let thewardrobe do theacting

    Jack Nicholson

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    A lot of people ask me ifI were shipwrecked, and could

    only have one book, what

    would it be? I always say Howto Build a Boat

    Stephen Wright

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    CanyouFindthe GorGet?The South Carolina State agis immediately recognizable

    to native Carolinians, and ifyoure spending some timeout-of-State, it will probablybring a tear to your eye to see itwhizzing by on a bumper stickeror rippling in the soft blue skyof a native license plate. Mostfolks, however, consistentlyconfuse our ag for a simplerepresentation of a moonlit palmtree. The truth it, the sliver ofcrescent suspended in the upperleft hand corner is not a moonphase: its a piece of ornamentalarmour known as a gorget.

    A holdover from the days ofknights in shining armour, thegorget was originally used toprotect the throat and blockblows from non-projectileweapons such as swords. Sincethe gorget originally rested

    around the throat, the shapewas that of a crescent. In formalarmour, the gorget was placedbeneath the breastplate andbackplate set and supportedthe weight of the armour. They

    were often equipped withstraps in order to attach someof the heavier armours. By theRenaissance, the gorgets hadalready achieved an ornamentalstatus and by the AmericanRevolution, it could be seenhanging from delicate chains andribbons around the throats ofofcers, signifying their rank.

    The rst South Carolina ag,

    designed in 1765, displayed thedark blue of the American troopsuniforms and a large crescentwith the word Liberty writtenwithin it. While most historiansagree that the crescent is therepresentation of the gorget,which was also worn as asymbol on the caps of Americansoldiers, there is some argumentthat the symbol could also stand

    for the river bend on whichCharleston sits (the crescentwas a common symbol used byearly American settlements whentheir Town rested on the curveof a river), or it was a borrowed

    symbol from the crest of the Bullfamily, one of Charlestons earlysettlers.

    The palmetto tree on todaysag was not included untilJanuary 28, 1861, the day ofSouth Carolinas secessionfrom the Union. The palmettotree represents the defense ofFort Moultrie from British attack,as the Fort itself was made of

    palmetto logs: an unexpectedlybrilliant construction, as thelogs of the palmetto tree areincredibly resilient and absorbedthe enemy cannon re like asponge.

    Either way we have a pretty coolstate ag, and gorget is hard topronounce!

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    Dont sit

    under anumbrellawaiting

    for it torain

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    The bed has

    become a placeof luxury to me! Iwould not

    exchange it for allthe thrones in the



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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    If people sat

    outside and lookedat the stars each

    night, Ill bet theydlive a lot


    Bill Watterson

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    Get YourCarolinaGirl


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    Every normal manmust be tempted attimes to spit on his

    hands & hoist theblack flag

    Henry Louis Mencken

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue



    As a lady of the Carolinas, small shows of simplegrace and etiquette should become as second natureto you. Now, this isnt saying that you have to run outimmediately and have visiting cards printed, or go buy

    a sterling silver tea set, but having knowledge of littlethings like place settings means a lot to locals andultimately, shows that you truly care for and respectthe civility which is the heart of South Carolina.

    Even at an informal dinner, its a good idea to create acenterpiece. This can be a week-long labor of love or,in most cases, a small setting thrown together aboutfive minutes before the guests arrive. A few snippingsfrom the juniper tree for frilly greenery and aromaticscent, a handful of flowers arranged in a low bowlor small vase, a couple strategically placed pieces

    of fruit and a candle or two and your centerpiece iscomplete. A bouquet of flowers from the local floristor, better yet, a nearby farm, would also work, but nomatter what, the point is that you have one. Anotherlittle pointer: dont make the centerpiece taller thaneye level. Guests would like to be able to see each

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    It is the nature of

    the strong heart,that like the palmtree it strives everupwards when it

    is mostburdened.

    Sir Philip Sidney

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    to see each other when theyspeak and it could mess up alovely arrangement if youre hav-ing to part the sunowers everytime you want to ask a question.

    As for your silverware, if youhave sterling silver, use it. Even,and especially, if its your greatgrandmothers set thats beenpassed down for generations.She never intended for you tokeep it wrapped up in crumblingbags of velvet. Silverware andformal china, however pretty andexpensive, were meant to beused and this is a great time toshow them off. Even if you donthave formal silverware, though,the point is to have the placesettings properly arranged andin the end, no one will really carewhat the silverware looked likeas long as theres plenty of foodand wine.

    With the dinner plate as thecenter, silverware should beplaced in line, an inch from the

    edge of the table, and arrangedfrom the outside in, in orderof use. On the right, salad fork(smaller fork), appetizer utensil(or another small fork or none at

    all if you arent having anappetizer between salad, soupand dinner), then dinner fork(your biggest fork) closest to theplate. On the left, soup spoon,spreading knife for the bread and

    the dinner knife closest to theplate. Be sure to turn the bladeof the knives toward the plate,as an outwardly turned knife isa symbol of aggression towardthe other diners (dont you lovethese quaint little old worldidiosyncrasies?). The dessertfork and spoon for after dinnertea or coffee should go acrossthe top of the dinner plate, withthe tines of the fork facing rightand the bowl of the spoon facingleft. Napkins should be foldedeither as simply or ornately asyou like, and placed in the centerof the dinner plate. Glasses arealso placed an inch above theknives and in order of usestarting from the far right: whitewine, red wine, dessert wine andwater tumbler. Dinner shouldbe served from the kitchen and

    ideally, placed on each dinersplate by the server/host insteadof passing bowls and dishesaround.

    If it is Thanksgiving atGrandmas, none of the aboveapplies.

    www.Surfside.sc Online Magazine | 2009 30

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    The essential is toexcite the

    spectators. If thatmeans playing

    Hamlet on aflying trapeze orin an aquarium,

    you do it.

    Orson Welles

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    If you can organize your kitchen,you can organize your life.

    Louis Parrish

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    When twilightdrops her

    curtain down andpins it with a star,

    remember thatyou have a friend

    though she maywander far.

    wwwSurfside.sc Online Magazine | 2009 35

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    worth every simmering second.So get rid of the Quaker InstantGrits and mosey on down to therice isle. Grits can usually befound either here or in thebaking isle. If youre luckyenough to live near a locally

    produce market or farmersmarket, 99% of the time youllnd more than enough gritsin stock. Some local favoritesinclude Anson Mills grits andCharlestons Favorite StoneGround Grits.

    Now that you have the drygoods, make sure you havesome fresh chicken stock, milk,cream and butter. Oh yes, youre

    making these the way Godintended.

    Measure out your dry grits (1cup of dry grits makes roughly2 servings) and clean them byplacing them in a bowl andlling the bowl with water untilthe water is an inch or so abovethe grits. Skim off the chaff anddrain. Dont worry, it doesnt haveto be completely dry, just get it

    as close as possible. Now, dump

    the wet grits into a pot and pourin twice as much chicken stockas grits. Bring this to a boil, thenreduce to medium-low. Now addequal portions cream and milkup to 2 and times the amountof grits. So, if I was making this

    recipe for two, I would have used1 cup dry grits, 2 cups chickenstock, 1 cups cream and 1 cups milk. Add salt and pepper totaste, then sit back and let itsimmer. The longer the gritssimmer, the richer theyll be.Typical time is 20-30 minutes,but some of the best grits sit foran hour to two hours at low tomedium-low heat, just soakingup that cream and milk. Right

    before you serve the grits up, stirin a healthy pat of butter and, ifyoure feeling a little wild, grate ahandful of parmesan or cheddarcheese over the top.

    Play with and perfect this dishto your liking. The recipe ispurposefully simple for the solereason that its up to eachsouthern girl to come up with herown special twist on thisSouthern Classic.



    By now, you should know that

    grits are not only the starch ofchoice in South Carolina, its alsothe acronym for Girls Raised inthe South; so if you dont haveyour recipe down by now, itstime to get boiling.

    Proper grits do not come in aneasy to open, plastic-lined paperpacket. As My Cousin Vinny putit, Real grits take at least 20minutes to cook. In fact, theytake a couple hours, but its

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    www.Business.scSouth Carolinas #1 Business Directory

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    There really are some incredible

    chandeliers on the market now.

    The designs are a lot softer and

    warmer than they used to be. I

    think the overriding design

    factor that most homeowners

    are seeking is something that

    says their home is warm,

    inviting and comfortable.

    Susan Humphress

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    timetoreFinanCeorBuy !?Right now, mortgage rates are

    at their lowest level since 1971.Think about that. Twenty-veyears ago, homeowners werepaying as much as 18% on a30-year xed. Today its justa little over 5%.Combine that

    rate with the tax advantages ofa mortgage, and you have anincredibly cheap way to buildwealth, but you better act now.

    Real estate guru BarbaraCorcoran has already seen a

    tremendous surge in renanceapplications more than triplethe average and the numberof people getting approved isastronomically higher as well,she says. But that doesnt meanthe low rates are a panacea forthe ills of the housing market. Itis only once home prices startto go up that we will nally seea light at the end of tunnel,Corcoran says. Until that

    happens, we are still going tohave to crawl out of this mess.[Low interest rates are] a not alifesaver, Corcoran says. Thisis just a helping hand.

    David Kittle, chairman of theMortgage Bankers Association,has this advice to homeownerslooking to renance: Do it. Dontget greedy searching for anotherquarter-point. Lock in ratesnow. He is seeing applications

    soar over 125% just sinceThanksgiving due to the lowrates.

    Of course, you should onlyrenance if it saves you at least3/8 on the rate and if you plan onstaying in your home for at leastfour years, Kittle says. Alongwith good credit, proof of incomeand money by means of a downpayment or equity in the home,

    there are certain things everyhomeowner needs regardless ofinterest rate levels.

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    Visit www.Jobs.scTo Find Your Dream Job!

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    neiGhBorhoods1. Neighborhoods are where we all grew up a long time ago.Today, because of golf courses, shopping areas, subdivisions, jobs,schools, and a transient society, a neighborhood means differentthings to different folks.

    2. Neighborhoods can be as small as a dozen or so houses, and be asmany as thousands of homes.

    3. Neighborhoods are common, and perhaps close to universal, sincemost people in urbanized areas would probably consider themselvesto be living in one.

    4. Neighborhoods are convenient, and always accessible, since youare already in your neighborhood when you walk out your door.

    5. Successful neighborhood action frequently requires little specialized

    technical skill, and often little or no money. Action may call for an

    investment of time, but materialcosts are often low.

    6. With neighborhood action,compared to activity on largerscales, results are more likely tobe visible and quickly

    forthcoming. The streets aregenerally cleaner; the crosswalksare painted; the trees areplanted; a festival draws acrowd.

    7. Visible and swift results areindicators of success; and sincesuccess is reinforcing, theprobability of subsequentneighborhood action isincreased.

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    Visit www.Barter.scAnd See Why Business Owners

    Love To Barter

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    8. Because neighborhood actionusually involves others, such ac-tions create or strengthenconnections and relationshipswith other neighbors, leadingin turn to a variety of potentiallypositive effects, often hard to


    9. Over and above thesecommunity advantages,neighborhood activity may simplybe enjoyable and fun for thosetaking part.

    But in addition to these benets,considerable research indicatesthat strong and cohesiveneighborhoods and

    communities are linked quite

    possibly causally linked todecreases in crime, betteroutcomes for children, andimproved physical and mentalhealth. The social support thata strong neighborhood mayprovide can serve as a buffer

    against various forms ofadversity. Sometimes aneighborhood isnt aneighborhood until an eventoccurs, which draws peopletogether, to become neighbors.

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    family-friendly businesses, and superiorschools mix to form one of the mostdesirable places to live.


    Residents are afforded with recreational

    opportunities in the Carolina Forest area. Thereare two golf courses in Carolina Forest, ManO War and The Wizard golf courses. Both aresituated beside Windsor Green and WaterfordPlantation. The River Oaks neighborhood, whichborders Carolina Forest, also features numerousgolf courses as well. Carolina Forest has plans forten golf courses, but the slight decline of the golfindustry in Myrtle Beach has not permitted this.

    Future pLans

    Upcoming recreational plans have been set asidein Carolina Forest. International Paper initiallyplanned parkland, roadway easements, reserves,and animal corridor land, some of which has notbeen started and for now remains virgin forestland.Lewis Ocean Bay Preserve, a gigantic tract of landreserved by the state of South Carolina, bordersCarolina Forest and is easy to get to throughInternational Drive and Highway 90.

    aBout CaroLina

    ForestCarolina Forest is one of the more popularcommunities for people living and working in the

    Myrtle Beach area in South Carolina.

    reCent deveLopment

    Carolina Forest boasts one of the top school districtsin the state, and is an unincorporated town made-upof numerous neighborhoods communities and newcommercial developments conveniently situatedbetween the beaches Myrtle Beach and the historiccity of Conway.

    The Carolina Forest community enjoys residential

    family-friendly neighborhoods and businesses, aswell as top schools and preserved natural foliage andwildlife create a master-planned community in HorryCounty and a unique and sought after place to live.

    master pLannedForthe

    Communities BeneFit

    Carolina Forest is an one-of-a-kind, master-planned,unincorporated area of Horry County SC thats anexample of how excellent neighborhoods,

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    Bunker shotperFeCtion:BLast your




    Better GoLFsCore

    Bunker shots can be dauntingbut its really all in your head!Use these simple techniques thenext time youre in the bunkerand blast your way to a better


    Golf ScoreFirst, dont changeyour swing. Use the loft ofthe club and your back swingto determine your distance.Of course this will take somepractice so you know how toshorten your backswing to getthe distance you need. You useyour back swing to adjust yourdistance because you always

    want to accelerate throughthe ball. You never want to theclub head to decelerate. Alsoopen the club face if needed todecrease the distance the ballwill travel.

    Use the bounce on the club tolaunch the ball out of the sand.Dont worry too much about thedenition of bounce but try thisthe next time in the practice

    sand trap. Take your sandwedge and swing at the sand.Vary the angle the club hits thesand. When you bring the clubdown steeply youll take a lot ofsand and leave a large divotin the sand. Decrease the anglethat you strike the sand until youcan feel the club almost bounceoff the sand. Feeling that ismore important than the actual

    denition of bounce. The key is

    to have this bounce feel whenhitting the ball out of the sand.

    Open the club face and aimslightly right with an open stancewith the ball forward in yourstance, slightly off of your leftheel for right handed golfers.When you swing follow the lineof your feet.

    Keep the weight on your left foot

    and dont try to lift the ball, let theclub do the work; trust me theclub will lift the ball.

    Hit about 1 inch behind the ball.The key is to get sand betweenthe club face and the ball. This is

    where that bounce comes in to


    Also, expect more roll on the ballwhen faced with a down hill liein the bunker because the ballwont get as much spin and tendto roll quite a bit.

    Use and practice thesetechniques to get yourself offthe beach and onto the green.For more helpful tips, advice,

    or to add some Golf Tips andSuggestions of your own - youare invited to visit the SouthCarolina Golfers Blog at


    www.Surfside.sc Online Magazine | 2009 49

  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    In our lives there isbound to come some

    pain, surely as there arestorms and falling rain;just believe that the one

    who holds the stormswill bring the sun.

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  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


  • 8/14/2019 Surfside Magazine - March 2009 Issue


    CommerCiaLreaL estate




    marketFirst make sure that the areayou have chosen is right for yourintended business. If you planon expanding, take that intoconsideration. Do you need to beclose to an expressway, or thelocal airport? Before you decide,think ahead, because you maybe getting into a long termcommitment.

    Make sure that any space youreconsidering is big enough forboth your current needs, andyour foreseeable growth. Berealistic and never over-commit.

    Do your homework beforehand.Investigate trafc patterns; tourthe area and building. Find outwho the previous tenant was,

    and why the business left. Learn

    what kinds of marketing thelocation does in support of itstenants (if any) and whether co-operative marketing funds areavailable to you.

    Weigh the benets of guaranteed

    foot trafc at a mall locationagainst premium rent. Somemalls require that all tenantsstay open during mall hours, andpay for common area usage aswell as the stores own spaceand upkeep. Stores may alsobe asked to pay a percentage ofsales to the mall.

    Identify your closest competitors.Also check out neighboring

    businesses with an eye forcomplementary products orservices. If you are locating in amall, check the lease agreementfor any guaranteed protectionagainst competition.

    Evaluate whether the physicallocation and space is a good twith your product line. Do youneed a large, bright space or isan ofce warehouse sufcient?

    Investigate any restrictionson signage. Signs are vitallyimportant to retail businesses,yet many landlords decide onwhat a store can and cannot do.The rules may be even stricter ina mall, which closely monitors its

    physical appearance.

    Negotiate the terms of yourlease aggressively. Thinkabout consulting a realtor thatis familiar with the area. Neveraccept wording thats confusingor that leaves you wonderingwho is liable for what. Askfor the right of rst refusal onadjacent space in case you needto expand. Negotiate for free

    improvements, free rent, andother incentives before signingyour lease.

    Hire a real estate attorney whonot only specializes in leasenegotiations, but knows yourarea and, preferably, has dealtwith your kind of businessbefore. A lease negotiation cancover tens, if not hundreds, ofterms, and you want someone in

    your corner who has seen it allbefore.

    Know who is responsiblefor maintaining the heating,air-conditioning and othersystems, as well as keepingup the parking lot and buildingexterior. This can be critical inolder buildings. Who pays for theutilities and trash pick-up?

    The time has probably neverbeen better to start a newventure if you have a businessthat is not being adverselyaffected by this economy. Justmake sure you get the rightlocation

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    What is my loftiest ambition? Ive alwayswanted to throw an egg at an electric fan.

    Oliver Herford quotes (1863-1935)

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    FinaL Words

    We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race.


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