+ All Categories
Page 1: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014

SwiftModern, Safe, Fast?, Beta!

by Joachim Kurz (@cocoafrog)

Page 2: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH




ore static than Objective-C

compiled not interpreted

Type Inference





what type of generic? There w

as a technical term

. Opposite of „type



Enums w

ith associated values

value type can be different for each m

ember of the enum

eration (B1: p. 143)

other names: „discrim

inated unions“, „tagged unions“, „variants“

Pattern matching

normal sw


combine several cases together

but in that case no value bindings

no automatic fall-through, only


must be exhaustive (use default if in


switch over strings

switch over Any type

via probably via ==

switch over ranges

switch by type

match tuple

use wildcard-operator `_`

partil type restrictions in tuples(x: String, y)

value bindings using let/var

match associated value of enum

complex patterns com

bined from

all of the above

guard expression: can specify arbitrary additional checks w

ith `w


overload ~= operator to extend pattern m


ARC in Swift

strong by default


use whenever it is valid to becom

e nil during lifetim


always O


unowned references

use when reference w

ill never be nil once it has been set during initialization

similar to unsafe unretained

accessing an unowned reference

after the referenced instance is deallocated is a runtim

e error

App will alw

ays crash when

unowned deallocated instance is

referenced. => Safer than unsafe unretained

capture lists in closures


variables can be changed by default (like __block in O

bjective-C). But sim

ply use let instead.

Use closures to initialize properties w

ith more com

plex calculations

user @lazy properties w

hen referring to self (can’t refer to self in a property-initializing non-lazy closure, as self is not yet initialized at that point in tim



designated initializersm

ust call super-types initcorrect initialization order

1. initialize own properties

2. call super.init

3. modify properties of superclass

and call instance methods

convenience initializersm

ust call across to self.initcorrect initialization order

1. call self.init

2. modify properties of superclass

and call instance methods

default initializersif all properties initialized: zero-argum


structs: all-arguments init

Initializer inheritance

if all properties initialized: zero-argum


if all designated initializers override: inherit convenience initializers

required-attributeforces subclass to override it


computed variables

lazy variables

global variables are always lazy

Special attributes@



optional chaining

testing if methods exists

functions without a return-type

have an implicit return type of Void/

(). That means their optional-

chaining return-type is Void? and can thus be used to see w

hether the function w

as called. (B1, p.253)


can extend every type of Swift,

even structs, enums and e.g. Int

(which is just a struct)

add functionality to the original type, that w

asn’t there before (like Categories)

add protocol conformance


Operator O



n Operators


let und var

Type syntax

Function syntax

Return type with arrow


Local and external parameter



automatic external param

eter nam

es for every parameter

can use _ to prevent an external param

eter name. But shouldn’t.


parameter nam

es are not used for calling by default. Can specify external param

eter names explicitly

or use same as internal w

ith `#` prefix


all parameter nam

es are requied, except first that is assum


Can declare a parameters as var to

allow code to change it inside the


can annotate with spoeicla „inout“

keyword that m

akes changes to the variable propagate tp the calling site.

default values for parameters

example: NSLocalizedString w

ith default values for bundle and table

variadic parameters

given as array to function

Nested functions

override keyword

static/class methods





Difference between Classes,

Structs and Enums


can adopt protocols

can have methods

can have properties

can use generics

Reference-Types and Value TypesConstant behaviour

special „mutating“ functions

Copying behaviour


Static properties

Basic Initialization

Protocolscan only have optional m

ethods if m

arked with @

objcthis can only be adopted by classes

can even specify initializers


Stored Properties

Lazy Properties

Computed Properties


nil is a special value for every type, „norm

al“ values for a type can’t be nil

use three examples of functions to

show w

hy making optionality

explicit is a good thing

stringByAppendingString: crashes w

hen given „nil“


bject: returns NSNotFound w

hen the collection does not contain the object


? operator

! operator


optional-chainingresult of optional chaining is alw

ays an optional, but at m

ost one level of optionality is added (B1, p.255)


ischeck w

hether it is of that type

as?cast if of that type (therefore return type optional)

asforced cast

can cast complete collections, e.g.

[AnyObject] as [Car]

also work for checking for protocol


but only if marked w

ith @objc

Nested TypesCan define other types inside of type definition (B1, p.266)


static properties


like -class in Objective-C, returns

the Type of an object/value

.selfAs in `Array.self`

typealiastyepalias nam

e = existingType


Still slow

Syntax still changes.. becam

e ..<

Semantics still change

Constant arrays are now com

pletely constant but w

eren’t at first

Character is said to support com

plete graphemes soon

Missing features

access control: private/public



Functional Programm


Higher Order Functions


Lazy-Evaluation of SequencesInfinite Sequence of Fibonacci num



What do w

e loose?

no performSelector:

but @selector is available, e.g. for


KVC and KVO?

Message Passing

partially enabled if subclass of NSO



Subtyping/Dynamic Polym


overriding of methods, as in


single dispatch

dynamic dispatch/late binding

Ad Hoc Polymorphism

/Function overloading based on param


overloading functions as in Java

compile tim

e/early binding

Also polymorphism

on return typenot possible in Java

Generic Program


Generic program

ming is a program


method that is based in finding the m

ost abstract representations of efficient algorithm

s. http://ww




„find the [generic] data structure inside an algorithm

“ instead of „find the [virtual] algorithm

s inside an object“ http://w






template<typename T>

void Swap(T & a, T & b) //„&“

passes parameters by reference

{ T temp = b;

b = a;

a = temp;

} string hello = „world!“, world =

„Hello, „;

Swap( world, hello );

cout << hello << world << endl; //

Output is „Hello, world!“


Generic Collections

Generic Protocols

Associated Types (only defined later)

difference to generic parameter:

has to be specified by subtypes





Limitations in Sw


Subclasses of generic classes must

also be generic

Cannot modify generic param

eter in subclass

e.g. Bag<T:Comparable> extends



Swift internals

Primitive types are also structs

vtable instead of dynamic dispatch

more com

piler optimizations

possible because of more

constants and less unclear pointers



Simple Loop (100_000_000)

var temp:UInt32 = 0 for (var i = 0; i <= 100_000_000; i++) { temp ^= 12345678 } result = temp

-Os/ -O

C: 0.030

Swift: 0.059


C: 0.011

Swift: 0.011

Sum of Array

int temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { temp += numbers[i]; } result = temp;

-Os/ -O

C: 0.055

Swift-for-loop: 1.712

Swift-for-in-loop: 5.136

Swift-reduce: 4.961

Objective-C-for-loop: 2.418


eration: 1.210


C: 0.028

Swift-for-loop: 0.058

Swift-for-in-loop: 0.156

Swift-reduce: 0.072

Objective-C-for-loop: 2.459


eration: 1.211

Create array with fixed values

Array(count: HUNDRED_MILLION, repeatedValue:42)

-Os/ -O

Swift: 0.471

Objective-C-for-loop: 4.320



Objective-C-for-loop: 2.459

Sort Simple Array

-Os/ -O

Swift-for-loop: 1.712

Swift-for-in-loop: 5.136

Swift-reduce: 4.961

Objective-C-for-loop: 2.418


eration: 1.210


Swift-for-loop: 1.712

Swift-for-in-loop: 5.136

Swift-reduce: 4.961

Objective-C-for-loop: 2.418


eration: 1.210

Swift and O


Much safer than O

bjective-C and C


3 of the security issues fi

xed in 1


.4 could

have b

een prevented

or mitigated

by Sw

ift (9


er overruns, 2 int und


s, 2 null

derefs). T

hat alone makes it w

orth it from m

y point of view













Advanced Swift

Basic Swift



l Pro











What’s lost?Performance

Page 3: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

NSString *s = @"foo"; [s characterAtIndex:@"bar"];


Page 4: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

NSString *s = @"foo"; [s characterAtIndex:@"bar"];


Warningand you can even cast it and it works! 👎

Page 5: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

NSString *s = @"foo"; [s characterAtIndex:@"bar"];


var s:NSString = "foo" s.characterAtIndex("bar")


Warning Compiler Error 👍and you can even cast it and it works! 👎 Safe

Page 6: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

Alt-Click variable to get inferred type info

Page 7: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

Page 8: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview

Page 9: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

Page 10: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

Page 11: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

Page 12: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

Page 13: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

• Object-Oriented

Page 14: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

• Object-Oriented

• Functional

Page 15: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

• Object-Oriented

• Functional

• Generic

Page 16: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

• Object-Oriented

• Functional

• Generic

• Generally much safer than Objective-C

Page 17: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Overview• Static typing: Much more than Objective-C

• Compiled, not interpreted

• Type Inference

• Multi-Paradigm

• Object-Oriented

• Functional

• Generic

• Generally much safer than Objective-C

„13 of the [20] security issues fixed in 10.9.4 could have been prevented or mitigated by Swift (9 buffer overruns,

2 int under/overflows, 2 null derefs).“ CFM in Apple Developer Forums

Page 18: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Hello World

println("Hello World")

Page 19: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Hello World

println("Hello World")

no imports no class definition

no main() functionno header file

Page 20: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C

Page 21: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

Page 22: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

Page 23: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

Page 24: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

Page 25: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

• And no default fallthrough

Page 26: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

• And no default fallthrough

• No more Format Strings

Page 27: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

• And no default fallthrough

• No more Format Strings

• No Preprocessor Macros

Page 28: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

• And no default fallthrough

• No more Format Strings

• No Preprocessor Macros

• Must explicitly mark overridden methods

Page 29: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift as „Fixing“ Objective-C• No more Header Files

• Namespaces = No more Class Prefixes

• Curly Brackets required around body of if/for/while

• switch over Strings (and a lot more)

• And no default fallthrough

• No more Format Strings

• No Preprocessor Macros

• Must explicitly mark overridden methods









Page 30: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Stayed Similarprotocol MyProt:NSObjectProtocol {} !class A : NSObject { var x = 2 weak var parent:A? } !var a = A() var array = NSArray(object: A()) array = [2,3,4] !var index = array.indexOfObject(A(), inRange:NSRange(0..<10)) !array.sorted({ return $0 < $1})

@protocol MyProt <NSObject> @end !@interface A : NSObject @property (assign) NSInteger x; @property (weak) A *parent; @end !A *a = [[A alloc] init]; NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObject:a]; array = @[@2, @3, @4]; !NSUInteger index = [array indexOfObject:a inRange:NSMakeRange(0, 10)]; ![array sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) { return [obj1 compare:obj2]; }];

Page 31: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

let and varclass A { let b = 0 let c:String let d:String init() { c = „Hello" } } var a = A() a.b = 3 a.d = 5.0



var x = 2 let y = 2 x = 3 y = 3

❗️can’t assign constant twice

can’t assign constant after init

must init constant d


Page 32: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

let in struct and classstruct Astruct { var x = 1; } !class Aclass { var x = 1; } !let constStructA = Astruct() var varStructA = Astruct() let constObjectA = Aclass() !constObjectA.x = 2 varStructA.x = 2 constStructA.x = 2❗️

• can assign var-property of constant object

• can assign var-property of var-struct

• can not modify constant struct in any way


Page 33: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Array and Dictionary are structs

let constNumbers = [1,2,3] var varNumbers = [1,2,3] !

let constLegsByAnimal = ["spider" : 8, "dog" : 4, "swift" : 2] var varLegsByAnimal = ["spider" : 8, "dog" : 4, "swift" : 2] !

varNumbers[1] = 0 varLegsByAnimal["spider"] = 7 !

constNumbers[1] = 0 constLegsByAnimal["spider"] = 7



Page 34: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

structs can have methods

struct MyRect { var origin = CGPoint() var size = CGSize() func area() -> Double { return size.height * size.width } }

Page 35: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

structs can have methods

struct MyRect { var origin = CGPoint() var size = CGSize() func moveBy(x: CGFloat, y:CGFloat) { origin.x += x origin.y += y } }


cannot modify properties of struct from „normal“ method => need mutating keyword

Page 36: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Methods that change Properties are marked as mutating

var a = MyRect() let b = MyRect() !

a.moveBy(0, y: 1); b.moveBy(0, y: 1);

struct MyRect { var origin = CGPoint() var size = CGSize() mutating func moveBy(x: CGFloat, y:CGFloat) { origin.x += x origin.y += y } }


Page 37: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Enums can have Methods, tooenum Color { case Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow func isWarmColor() -> Bool { return (self == Red) || (self == Orange) || (self == Yellow) } mutating func makeColdColor() { if (self.isWarmColor()) { self = (random()%2 == 0) ? .Blue : .Green } } } !var varColor = Color.Green varColor.makeColdColor() !let aColor = Color.Red aColor.isWarmColor() aColor.makeColdColor()❗️

Page 38: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enum

Page 39: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Page 40: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)

Page 41: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 42: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 43: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 44: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 45: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 46: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Page 47: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Page 48: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 49: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Subscript ✔ ✔ ✔

Page 50: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Subscript ✔ ✔ ✔

Inheritance ✔ ❌ ❌

Page 51: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Subscript ✔ ✔ ✔

Inheritance ✔ ❌ ❌

Deinitializer ✔ ❌ ❌

Page 52: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Subscript ✔ ✔ ✔

Inheritance ✔ ❌ ❌

Deinitializer ✔ ❌ ❌

Check protocol conformance at runtime ✔ ❌ ❌

Page 53: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Difference class, struct, enumclass struct enum

Passed around by reference by value (copied) by value (copied)Methods ✔ ✔ ✔

Initializer ✔ ✔ ✔

Conform to Protocol ✔ ✔ ✔

Be extended ✔ ✔ ✔

Generics ✔ ✔ ✔

Modify if let ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored Properties ✔ ✔ ❌

Computed Properties ✔ ✔ ✔

Subscript ✔ ✔ ✔

Inheritance ✔ ❌ ❌

Deinitializer ✔ ❌ ❌

Check protocol conformance at runtime ✔ ❌ ❌

Stored static properties ❌ ✔ ✔

Page 54: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType


⎧ |

! | ⎨

! | ⎩⎧

! | ⎨

! | ⎩


Page 55: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

Page 56: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

Page 57: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

func anotherFunction() -> Bool { return true }

Page 58: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

func anotherFunction() -> Bool { return true }

func functionNoReturnNoParam() {}

Page 59: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

func anotherFunction() -> Bool { return true }

func functionTuple() -> (Int, String) { return (42, "what?") }

func functionNoReturnNoParam() {}

Page 60: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

func anotherFunction() -> Bool { return true }

func functionTuple() -> (Int, String) { return (42, "what?") }

func functionWithDefaultValue(x:Int = 2) {}

func functionNoReturnNoParam() {}

Page 61: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functionsfunc myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

func name(param1: Type, param2:Type, ...) -> ReturnType

func otherFunction(aNumber: Int) {}

func anotherFunction() -> Bool { return true }

func functionTuple() -> (Int, String) { return (42, "what?") }

func functionWithDefaultValue(x:Int = 2) {}

func functionVarParam(x:Int, ps:String...) -> Int { return ps.count }

func functionNoReturnNoParam() {}

Page 62: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names

func myFunction(aNumber: Int, aString:String) -> Bool { return true }

myFunction(2, "foo")

Page 63: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Functions

func multiply(number lhs: Int, by rhs:Int) -> Int { return lhs * rhs }

multiply(number: 2, by: 5)

Page 64: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Use # for shorthand parameters

func multiply(#number: Int, #by:Int) -> Int { return number * by }

multiply(number: 2, by: 5)

Page 65: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: default parameters always externalfunc multiply(number: Int, by:Int = 2) -> Int { return number * by }

multiply(2, by: 5)

Page 66: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Initializer - external by default

class Car { var speed = 0.0 var age = 0.0 init(speed: Double) { self.speed = speed } init(ageInYears age: Double) { self.age = age } }

var myCar = Car(ageInYears: 3.5);

Page 67: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Use _ to deactivate it

struct Length { var value: Int init (_ value: Int) { self.value = value } }

var length = Length(2)

Only use this if the meaning of the parameter is completely obvious!

Page 68: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Methods

class Car { var speed = 0.0 func accelerateToSpeed(targetSpeed: Double, overTime:NSTimeInterval) { } }

var myCar = Car() myCar.accelerateToSpeed(100.0, overTime: 10.0)

Page 69: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

External Parameter Names: Summary

Functions no external parameter names by default

Initializers all parameters external by default

Methods first parameter not external, other parameters external by default

• # to use same name for internal and external name

• _ to remove default external parameter name

Page 70: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH


Introducing Null-References was a „billion dollar mistake“

Tony Hoare, inventor of quicksort, Hoare logic, CSP, Occam

about introducing Null-References to ALGOL W in 1965

Page 71: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optionals2 of the 20 security issues fixed in 10.9.4 were

null-dereferencesGraphics Drivers

Available for: OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.5, OS X Mavericks 10.9 to 10.9.3

Impact: A malicious application may be able to execute arbitrary code with system privileges

Description: Multiple null dereference issues existed in kernel graphics drivers. A maliciously crafted 32-bit executable may have been able to obtain elevated privileges.


CVE-2014-1379 : Ian Beer of Google Project Zero


Available for: OS X Mavericks 10.9 to 10.9.3

Impact: A local user could cause an unexpected system restart

Description: A null pointer dereference existed in the handling of IOKit API arguments. This issue was addressed through additional validation of IOKit API arguments.


CVE-2014-1355 : cunzhang from Adlab of Venustech

Page 72: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];

Page 73: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];


Page 74: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];

Crash!No Crash, but returns nil !

and likely leads to crash later

Page 75: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];



No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later

Page 76: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];




No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later

Page 77: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];




No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later


Page 78: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];




No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later

Crash! OK ✔

Page 79: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];




No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later

Crash! OK ✔ OK ✔

Page 80: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhich of these functions can take nil/NULL?

[@"foo" stringByAppendingString:nil];

[managedObjectContext objectWithID:nil];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), NULL);

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [manager GET:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil];

[NSURL URLWithString:nil];




No Crash, but returns nil !and likely leads to crash later

Crash! OK ✔ OK ✔ OK ✔

Page 81: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhat’s wrong here?

NSArray *results = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:theFetchRequest error:NULL]; NSUInteger index = [results indexOfObject:objectToFind]; return results[index];

Page 82: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhat’s wrong here?

NSArray *results = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:theFetchRequest error:NULL]; NSUInteger index = [results indexOfObject:objectToFind]; return results[index];

Crash! Index Out Of Bounds

Page 83: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

OptionalsWhat’s wrong here?

NSArray *results = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:theFetchRequest error:NULL]; NSUInteger index = [results indexOfObject:objectToFind]; return results[index];

Crash! Index Out Of Bounds• Problem: NSNotFound returned

• used a special value of the same type as error marker

➡ Compiler has no chance to find that error

Page 84: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optionals• In Swift a standard variable cannot be nil!

var foo:String = nil❗️ Compiler Error 👍


Page 85: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optionals• In Swift a standard variable cannot be nil!

• Use special Type-Variant that allows nil


var foo:String? = nilvar bar:String = "bar" bar.stringByAppendingString(foo)❗️

Page 86: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optionals• In Swift a standard variable cannot be nil!

• Use special Type-Variant that allows nil

• Also use special type variant in other cases where you need „does not exist“ values


var array = [2,3,4] var index = find(array, 5) var theObject = array[index]❗️

Page 87: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optionals• In Swift a standard variable cannot be nil!

• Use special Type-Variant that allows nil

• Also use special type variant in other cases where you need „does not exist“ values

• You can wrap every single type in Swift in an Optional by just adding „?“ after the type.

• Use it only where it actually makes sense to be nil


Page 88: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Using Optionals• use if to check whether value is nil

• use ! to unwrap value from optional


let array = [2,3,4] let index = find(array, 5) if (index) { let theObject = array[index!] println(theObject); }

Page 89: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Using Optionals• use if to check whether value is nil

• use ! to unwrap value from optional

• can use it without if, will crash if nillet array = [2,3,4] let index = find(array, 4) let theObject = array[index!] println(theObject)


Page 90: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Using Optionals• use if to check whether value is nil

• use ! to unwrap value from optional, will crash if nil

• use if-let to unwrap and check at the same timelet array = [2,3,4] let index = find(array, 5) if let checkedIndex = index { let theObject = array[checkedIndex] println(theObject); }


Page 91: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Using Optionals• use if to check whether value is nil

• use ! to unwrap value from optional, will crash if nil

• use if-let to unwrap and check at the same time

let legsByAnimal = ["spider":8, "dog":4] if let numberOfLegs = legsByAnimal["dog"] { println(numberOfLegs) }


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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optional Chaining• use ? to guard access to instances of optional


• return type becomes optional, if it wasn’t already

let animals = ["spider":["favoriteFood" : "Harry Potter", "name" : "Aragog"]] if let name = animals["spider"]?["name"] { println(name) }


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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optional Chaining• also for optional methods


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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optional Chaining• also for optional methods


@objc protocol HasName { @optional func name() -> String? } !class Spider : HasName { var name:String? init(name:String) { self.name = name } } !let spider:HasName? = Spider(name: "Aragog") if let firstTwoLetters = spider?.name?()?.substringToIndex(2) { println(firstTwoLetters) }

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optional Chaining• also for optional methods


@objc protocol HasName { @optional func name() -> String? } !class Spider : HasName { var name:String? init(name:String) { self.name = name } } !let spider:HasName? = Spider(name: "Aragog") if let firstTwoLetters = spider?.name?()?.substringToIndex(2) { println(firstTwoLetters) }

spider nil? has method name() name nil?

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Optional Chaining: Checking whether a method was called

• no return type = Void = ()

= empty tuple

• return type with optional chaining: Void? = ()?

➡ either nil or () ➡ can check it


@objc protocol CeilingWalker { @optional func walkOnCeiling() } !class Spider : CeilingWalker {} !let spider:CeilingWalker = Spider() if let didWalkOnCeiling:Void = spider.walkOnCeiling?() { println("The spider walked on the ceiling") } else { println("It didn't walk on the ceiling") }

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Theory (and Examples ;-) )

• Polymorphism

• single dispatch, late binding, function overloading

• Generic Programming

• Functional Programming

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism• Same method name, different implementations

• In Swift

• External Names

• Subtyping (Late Binding)

• Ad Hoc Polymorphism (Overloading)

• Parametric Polymorphism (Generic Programming)

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: External Names• Each parameter has a name that can be used when the function is called

• Functions with same name but different parameter names are different functions

Objective-C Java C++ C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: External Names• Each parameter has a name that can be used when the function is called

• Functions with same name but different parameter names are different functions

Objective-C Java C++ C

func move(#point: CGPoint, to targetPoint:CGPoint) -> CGPoint { return targetPoint; } func move(#point: CGPoint, by vector:CGPoint) -> CGPoint { return CGPoint(x:point.x + vector.x, y:point.y + vector.y) } !var pointA = CGPoint(x: 2, y:4) var pointB = CGPoint(x: 3, y:5) !move(point: pointA, by: pointB) move(point: pointA, by: pointB)

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: External Names• Each parameter has a name that can be used when the function is called

• Functions with same name but different parameter names are different functions

Objective-C Java C++ C

func move(#point: CGPoint, to targetPoint:CGPoint) -> CGPoint { return targetPoint; } func move(#point: CGPoint, by vector:CGPoint) -> CGPoint { return CGPoint(x:point.x + vector.x, y:point.y + vector.y) } !var pointA = CGPoint(x: 2, y:4) var pointB = CGPoint(x: 3, y:5) !move(point: pointA, by: pointB) move(point: pointA, by: pointB)

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section; !

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: Subtyping• Overriding a superclass method in the sublcass

• Late Binding: Method to call determined at runtime

• Single Dispatch: Only runtime type of callee is used, not runtime types of arguments

Objective-C Java C++ C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: Subtyping

Objective-C Java C++ C

class A { func calcNumber() -> Int { return 2 } } !

class B:A { override func calcNumber() -> Int { return 3 } } !

let bSavedInAVar:A = B() let result = bSavedInAVar.calcNumber() // result is 3

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: Ad Hoc / Function Overloading

• Functions/Methods with same parameter names but different types are different methods

• Compile Time Binding: Only the static time (at compile time) of the arguments is used

Objective-C Java C++ C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: Ad Hoc / Function Overloading

Objective-C Java C++ C

class A {} class B:A {} func calculateNumber(number: A) -> Int{ return 2 } !

func calculateNumber(number: B) -> Int { return 3 } !

let x = calculateNumber(A()) // result: 2 let y = calculateNumber(B()) // result: 3 let bAsA:A = B() let z = calculateNumber(bAsA) // result: 2

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Polymorphism: Function Overloading by Return Type

• Functions/Methods with same parameter names and types but different return types are different functions

Objective-C Java C++ C

class A {} class X {} func getObject() -> A { return A() } !func getObject() -> X { return X() } !let x:A = getObject() // result: A let y:X = getObject() // result: X

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Demo: Polymorphism

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Programming

Alexander Stepanov!creator of the STL (Standard Template Library) for C++

in „An Interview with A. Stepanov“,

„Generic programming is a programming method that is based in

finding the most abstract representations of efficient algorithms.“

„find the [generic] data structure inside an algorithm“ instead of „find the

[virtual] algorithms inside an object“

„And if [the language] cannot implement max or swap or linear search, what chances do they have to

implement really complex stuff? These are my litmus tests: if a language allows me to implement max and swap and linear search generically - then it has some


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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Problem

func maxInt(number1:Int, number2:Int) -> Int { if number1 > number2 { return number1 } else { return number2 } } !

func maxDouble(number1:Double, number2:Double) -> Double { if number1 > number2 { return number1 } else { return number2 } }

Objective-C Java C++ C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Problem

func maxInt(number1:Int, number2:Int) -> Int { if number1 > number2 { return number1 } else { return number2 } } !

func maxDouble(number1:Double, number2:Double) -> Double { if number1 > number2 { return number1 } else { return number2 } }

Too m

uch Code Duplicatio


Objective-C Java C++ C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Approach: Interfaces

func maxViaInterface(param1:Comparable, param2:Comparable) -> Comparable { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ C

*doesn’t actually compile in Swift, due to Self reference in protocol declaration, but would in Java or Objective-C


Page 112: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Approach: Interfaces

func maxViaInterface(param1:Comparable, param2:Comparable) -> Comparable { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ C

*doesn’t actually compile in Swift, due to Self reference in protocol declaration, but would in Java or Objective-C



Page 113: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Approach: Interfaces

func maxViaInterface(param1:Comparable, param2:Comparable) -> Comparable { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ C

*doesn’t actually compile in Swift, due to Self reference in protocol declaration, but would in Java or Objective-C


BUT:var x = maxViaInterface(2, 3) var y = maxViaInterface(2, "String")

Page 114: Swift - mobile2b.de in that case no value bindings ough, only explicit must be exhaustive (use default if in ... can extend every type of Swift, even structs, enums and e.g. Int

CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Approach: Interfaces

func maxViaInterface(param1:Comparable, param2:Comparable) -> Comparable { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ C

*doesn’t actually compile in Swift, due to Self reference in protocol declaration, but would in Java or Objective-C


BUT:var x = maxViaInterface(2, 3) var y = maxViaInterface(2, "String")

needs a cast to Int to be usable

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Approach: Interfaces

func maxViaInterface(param1:Comparable, param2:Comparable) -> Comparable { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ C

*doesn’t actually compile in Swift, due to Self reference in protocol declaration, but would in Java or Objective-C


BUT:var x = maxViaInterface(2, 3) var y = maxViaInterface(2, "String")

needs a cast to Int to be usableworks, but doesn’t make sense!

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Use Type Variable

func genericMax<T:Comparable>(param1:T, param2:T) -> T { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ CObjective-C

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Max() function: Use Type Variable

func genericMax<T:Comparable>(param1:T, param2:T) -> T { if param1 > param2 { return param1 } else { return param2 } }

Java C++ CObjective-C

var x = genericMax(2, 3) // x is of type Int var y = genericMax(2, "String")❗️ Compiler Error 👍

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Swap() functionfunc genericSwap<T>(inout a:T, inout b:T) { let tempA = a a = b b = a } !

var x = 2 var y = 3 var z = "foo" !

genericSwap(&x, &y) println(x) // prints 3 !

genericSwap(&x, &z)

Java C++ CObjective-C

❗️ Compiler Error 👍

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generic Objects• Collections with specific Element Types

var numbers:Array<Int> = [2,3,4] var strings:Array<String> = ["hallo", "welt"] !

let x:Int = numbers[0] let word:String = strings[0] !

numbers.append("foo") word.append(2)❗️❗️

Compiler Error 👍 Compiler Error 👍

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Generics in Swift: Limitations• Subclasses of generic classes must also be


• Cannot modify generic parameter in subclass

class MySpecialIntList : Array<Int> {} class MySpecialList<T:MySpecialProtocol> : Array<T> {}

these two declarations do not work in Swift (but e.g. Java)

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift: Generics Improvements• Types are kept at runtime

func printList<T:Collection>(list:T) { if (list is Array<Int>) { println("is an array of ints") } else { println("is not an array of ints") } } !

var intList = [2,3,4] printList(intList) // prints "is an array of ints"

Objective-C Java C++ C?

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Functional Programming• Functions are „First Class Objects“

• Can pass them as parameters

• Can store them in variables

• Anonymous functions

• Create functions on the fly

• Lambda, Closure, Blocks

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Higher Order Functions• Functions that operate on functions

func applyNTimes(#n: Int, to argument:Int, functionToApply f:Int->Int) -> Int { var result = argument for _ in 1...n { result = f(result) } return result } !func addTwo(a: Int) -> Int { return a + 2 } !var result = applyNTimes(n: 3, to: 10, functionToApply: addTwo) println(result) // prints 16

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Higher Order Functions on Collections

• map: Apply function to each element in a list and return list of results



• filter: Apply function to each element in a list and return only those for which the function returns true

var numbers:[Int] = [2,3,4] numbers.map({(x:Int) -> Int in return x * x}) // [4,9,16]

var numbers:[Int] = [2,3,4] let result = numbers.filter({return $0 % 2 == 0}) // [2,4]

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Higher Order Functions on Collections

• reduce: Use function to successively combine two elements in the list to calculate a combined result of the list

var numbers:[Int] = [2,3,4,5] numbers.reduce(0, +) // 14 numbers.reduce(1, *) // 120

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Example: Luhn’s Check1. Reverse the order of the digits in the number.

2. Take the first, third, ... and every other odd digit in the reversed digits and sum them to form the partial sum s1

3. Taking the second, fourth ... and every other even digit in the reversed digits:

1. Multiply each digit by two and sum the digits if the answer is greater than nine to form partial sums for the even digits

2. Sum the partial sums of the even digits to form s2

4. If s1 + s2 ends in zero then the original number is in the form of a valid credit card number as verified by the Luhn test.

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Demo: Luhn’s Check

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Swift Performance

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Perfomance: Measuring Errors

• Not using Optimized Code

• Not using equivalent code

• e.g. compare

• for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)

• for i in 1..10

• Not making sure code isn’t completely removed by compiler

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

My Tests• Compared Swift with C and Objective-C (where


• Used [XCTTestCase measureBlock:]

• runs code several times and calculate average runtime

• iMac 2012 in iPhone 5s Simulator

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Example: Simple Loop

var result:UInt32 = 0 self.measureBlock() { var temp:UInt32 = 0 for (var i = 0; i <= HUNDRED_MILLION; i++) { temp ^= 12345678 } result = temp } println(result)

Swift__block u_int32_t result = 0; [self measureBlock:^{ u_int32_t temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= HUNDRED_MILLION; i++) { temp ^= 12345678; } result = temp; }]; NSLog(@"result: %d", result);


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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Result: Simple Loop (100 Million Iterations)

Swift C

-Os/-O 0.059s 0.030s

-Ofast 0.011s 0.011s

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Result: Sum Up Elements of Array (100 Million Elements)

C Swift for-loop (i++)

Swift for-in-loop

Swift reduce(+)

Objective-C for-loop (i++)

Objective-C for-in-loop

-Os/-O 0.055s 1.712s 5.136s 4.961 2.418 1.210

-Ofast 0.028s 0.058s 0.156s 0.072s 2.459s 1.211s

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Performance: Conclusion• similar to Objective-C

• Lots of potential (see -Ofast results)

• Performance is likely going to improve in future betas

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

Swift still in Beta

• Performance

• Array semantics changed completely

• .. became ..<

• String Unicode handling is still work in progress

• Compiler often stumbles over somewhat more advanced Generics

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CocoaHeads Köln, July 2014 Joachim Kurz, Mobile2b GmbH

References• The Swift Programming Language: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/


• Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-swift-programming-language/id881256329?mt=11&ls=1

• http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24101718/swift-performance-sorting-arrays

• https://mobile.twitter.com/_dklein/status/490670315388039169

• https://www.mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2014-07-04-secrets-of-swifts-speed.html

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_programming

• http://www.stlport.org/resources/StepanovUSA.html

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