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A Brave New World?

Blockchain and the future of IP

Now, blockchain didn’t arrive serendipitously like, say, penicillin.

But it’s existence sometimes feels like that.

Blockchain instead was the subject of lots of focused work, all towards a single aim: to make Bitcoin possible.

Now that that has happened, Bitcoin is taking steps towards being the first killer app for Blockchain.

It will not however, be the last.

It could upend any given number of industries the way the Internet already has.

The question is: should we let it?

In this session we’ll look at

1. How blockchain works and why it has allowed Bitcoin to thrive

- its origins

- its growth from geek currency to global financial force

- its use as a single source of truth for financial markets

2. How content creators could harness blockchain for their own purposes.

- how blockchain could be used to serve media

- what blockchain would change about how we make and consume media

- what would need to change to shift to this model

3. The ramifications - both good and bad - of doing so.

- how creators could take advantage of blockchain

- how the big media companies would (probably) try to take advantage of blockchain

- the choices for us as consumers

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