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Page 1: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals


SY 2014 RFMA Big GoalsAcademicsCultureRelationships

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Page 2: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals


(45 m)

AIM: We will each generate a list of five action steps to complete by 8/16 that will support internalization of The Big Three.

Exit Ticket: What are five things you will do (by when) that will move you toward living into the SY14 Goals?

Agenda: What are The Big Three? (15 m) What is the impact on me? (10 m) How will I drive my own internalization? (15 m)

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Page 3: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals

+What are The Big Three?

(15 m)

♞ Academics – Where are our gaps? Are we closing them?

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

♞ Culture – How are we creating the school in which we exist?

♞ Relationships – Do people receive RFMA positively?

Page 4: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals


Where are our gaps? Are we closing them?

Standards Aligned & Informed – Why is this important?

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Indicator: RFMA will – very clearly – be a standards aligned school.

Evidence: 100% of plans and assessments are tied directly and clearly to CAS or CC.

% Teachers 0%






Page 5: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals


Where are our gaps? Are we closing them? Content Area of Focus:

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Writing!♞ Indicator : RFMA Magonistas demonstrate Power of the Pen.

♞ Evidence: 80% of Magonistas will grow more than one full point on the TCAP writing rubric (in each subject area)and demonstrate at

least proficient performance on the MC portion of their final interim.

Magonista Proficency0


80 BaselineQ1Q2Q3Q4

Page 6: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals

+ Culture

When we think of a school that functions well, how do we experience that in the school culture?

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Page 7: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

+ Culture: How are we creating the school in which we want to exist?

Indicator: RFMA lives its values.

♞ Evidence: ♞ 100% of Staff name values and demonstrate consistently♞ 85% of Staff connect Magonista choices to values ♞ 75% of Magonistas correctly name and explain lived values ♞ >80% of Parents who complete survey indicate a “Strongly

Believe” regarding whether or not we live our values.

Page 8: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals

+ Family & Community Relationships

Perception is about Shifting Perspective


Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

Page 9: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals


Do people receive RFMA positively?

Indicator: RFMA is received in a positive light in the greater community.

Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

♞ Evidence: ♞>85% of External Partners and Parents report a

positive reception of RFMA via interaction/experiences with staff. ♞ >90% of social media sites consistently report on

positive events occurring at RFMA♞ >75% of major events are covered/reported to outlets

that can increase positive awareness of RFMA

Page 10: SY 2014 RFMA Big Goals

+Exit Ticket Time:

Exit Ticket: What are five things you will do (by when) that will move you toward living into the SY14 Goals?

Academic RFMA is clearly a standards aligned school. Magonistas demonstrate Power of the Pen.

Culture RFMA lives its values.

Relationships RFMA is received in a positive light in the greater


Dignified/Dinos United/Unidos Problem-Solver/Solutionista Humble/Humildes Diligent/Diligentes

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