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Page 1: Sydjs: static site generators

Static is not a dirty wordSydJS, 2013.10.23 / Ben Buchanan / @200okpublic


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That's static websites.

You can argue about types (again) later.

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"Why are you making a static site?! That's a bit old school isn't it?"

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Everything old is new again.

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Good use cases

● Small/medium sites● Blogs● Version-specific or bundled documentation

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Use case: UI library

● Build it with its own templates● Docs and demos● Test pages

● Include docs in repo● pull requests can include code, tests and docs

● Versioned docs deployed at release

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Bad use cases

● Anything else :-P● Things that actually should be an app.

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Upsides of static

● Fast● Less moving parts (in prod)● Deploy anywhere

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● Dynamic content means oldschool scripting● "It just seems too simple."

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"It just seems too simple."

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...and anyway, "simple":

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A few nodejs options

● Hexo*● Romulus*● Blacksmith, CabinJS, DocPad, Wintersmith... ● See modernstatic.com for a list

* As seen in JS Weekly ;)

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Goes a liddle sumthin like this

● npm install -g name● name scaffold dirname && cd dirname● name generate● name server● name deploy

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Look for...

● Clear setup, dev/test and deploy phases● Documentation● Your preference for:

● Templates● Preprocessors● Deployment options

● Proof of life (beware abandonware)

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Example activity checkBlacksmith CabinJS Docpad Hexo Romulus Wintersmith

Age 2 years 5 months 2 years 1 year 1 year 2 years

Version 1.1.3 0.3.1 6.53.4 2.2.1 0.1.1 2.0.7

Active 3 months 1 week 2 weeks 1 week 5 months 2 weeks

PRs ~100 ~100 ~700 ~300 2 ~200

Forks 31 14 143 184 4 137

Watchers 49 10 98 86 20 61

Stars 450 115 1619 1145 156 1090


(collected 2013.10.19)

Page 16: Sydjs: static site generators

Static sites have their place.Embrace simple.

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