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Batch: 2010 - 2012


08TH November 2010

Page 2: Syllabus



Course Code Compulsory Papers Faculty Credits Hrs Page No.

020441201 Research Methodology & SPSS Mr Chandrakant Nimkar

2 30 4

020441202 Current Trends in Management Mr Sandeep Khedkar

2 30 6

020441203 Financial Management Mr S Gokhale 2 30 8

020441204 Macro Economics Dr H Chowdhary 2 30 10

020441205 Management Information Systems Mrs Divya Lekha 2 30 12

020441206 IFRS and Direct Tax Code Mr Mandar Godbole & Mrs Rakhee

1 15 15 & 17

020441207 Marketing Management Applications Brig Rajiv Divekar 1 15 18

Marketing Specialization:

020441208 Product Management (M) Dr V V Ramasastry 2 30 20

020441209 Sales Management Mr Pranab Deb 2 30 22

020441210 Services Marketing (M) Mr Kingshuk Bhadury

2 30 24

020441211 Channel Management Mrs Vanishree Prabhalkar

2 30 26

020441212 Brand Management (M) Mr. Satish Dhanorkar

2 30 28

020441213 Retail Management Mr Komal Chopra 2 30 30

Finance Specialization:

020441214 Retail Banking and Wealth Management (M)

Mr Aneesh Dey 2 30 32

020441215 Financial Services & Institutions (M) Mr V Divekar 2 30 35

020441216 Insurance & Risk Management Mr Abhinav Jog 2 30 37

020441217 Taxation Mrs Vaishali Apte 2 30 39

020441218 Financial Analysis (M) Ms Ashwini Purandare

2 30 40

020441219 International Trade & Finance Mr S.K.Vaze 2 30 42

Operations Specialization:

020441243 Total Quality Management Mr Nitin Adya 2 30 44

020441244 Theory of Constraints (M) Mr K.V.Mysore 2 30 46

020441245 World Class Manufacturing (M) Mr Mayuresh Unde 2 30 49

020441246 Global Trade Operations-Sea and Air Logistics (M)

Mr Rajiv Sathe 2 30 51

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020441247 Operations Research Mr S.R.Phadke 2 30 53

020441248 Materials Management Mr Girish Phatak 2 30 56

Human Resource Management

020441234 HR Planning, Recruitment & Selection (M)

Mr Mridul Nath 2 30 57

020441235 Conflict Management & Negotiation skills

Mr Sanjeev Kulkarni

2 30 59

020441236 Performance Management and Balance Scorecard

Mr Vivek Kaul 2 30 61

020441237 Training & Development (M) Mrs Suruchi Pandey

2 30 63

020441238 Employee Relations Mr P.S.Gadkari 2 30 65

020441239 Labour Laws (M) Adv S Bhonagiri 2 30 67

Students of HR specialization, who are not opting minor courses, have to opt the following courses.

020441240 HRIS Mr Ajay Gupta 2 30 68

020441241 Labour Economics Mr Mujumdar 2 30 70

020441242 Talent Engagement and Management Mr Alok S 2 30 72

International Business (Electives)

020441228 EXIM Mr Ulhas Desai 2 30 74

020441229 Global Business Environment Prof P.N.N.Iyer 2 30 76

020441231 Global Trade Operations-Sea and Air Logistics

Mr Rajiv Sathe 2 30 78

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY & SPSS Objective: To make the student familiar with Research Process, its design and applications in Business Areas. To make the student aware about statistical tools and techniques which may be used in Research to arrive at valid conclusions. Bibliography: 1. Research Methodology by C R Kothari 2. Research Methodology by Dr.V.P.Michael

Sr No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions


Study units:ntroduction: Meaning of term ―Research‖, types of research, Validity & Reliability of Research, various approaches to research process, motivation in Research, Problems and Hypothesis

To understand how ―Research‖ is useful in various functional fields.

1.Research Methodology by C R Kothari 2.Research Methodology by Dr.V.P.Michael



Research Design: Features of a good design, Principles of experimental Design, Concept of Population & Sample, Sample as a True Representative of Population

To understand difference between ―Population‖ & ―Sample‖ and why should we go for sampling process



Methods of Data Collection: Primary Data v/s Secondary Data, Technique of Questionnaire. Design, Sources of secondary data, caution to be taken in getting secondary information.

To understand fundamentals of designing of a good questionnaire.



Scaling: Measurement & scaling techniques, errors in measurement, measurement of attributes with different scales

To understand reasons for going for scaling techniques & different scales available.



Processing of data editing, coding tabulation Analysis of Data:, Parametric and Non parametric Tests of Significance: Null & Alternate Hypothesis (Ho & Ha), concept of degrees of freedom levels of significance standard error of mean and standard error of difference, Type I & Type II error Testing for equality of proportions, means variability correlation

To understand quantitative tools of data analysis where parameters are used.



Use of t-table, F-table & normal table. Non parametric tests and significance : Mann-Whitney, Wil coxon, Kruskal, Wallis, Friedman, Regression Simple and multiple, Chi square test

To understand quantitative tools of data analysis where Non-parameters are used.



Report Writing: Layout of a Research Report, Techniques of effective presentation, Contents & Sequencing of report i.e. Research findings and interpretations.

To understand making of a report.


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Use of Information Technology: Creation of Data-Base and its use through Computers latest research Techniques employed in business, Recent trends in Research.

To understand the future of RM & role of computers in the same




Sr No.

Detailed Topics Methodology Reading

Reference No of


1 Conjoint Analysis Lecture +Lab with Excel

Marketing Research by

Rajendra Nargundkar


2 Factor Analysis Lab with SPSS 2

3 Discriminant Analysis Lab with SPSS 2

4 Cluster Analysis Lab with SPSS 1

5 Multi Dimensional Scaling Lab with SPSS 2

6 Attribute based Perceptual Mapping

Lab with SPSS 2


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 QUIZ 2nd Week of December 20

2 Project submission End of February 20

3 Assignment -1 1st week of January 10

4 Assignment-2 3rd week of January 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

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CURRENT TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT Objective: In the 1st semester students are made familiar with principles and practices of management. In the second term they must understand current corporate issues. New management terms and trends. Case – Study approach and discussion papers. They help students in participative learning. This course also satisfies objective of Interactive case-studies sessions. Concept of General / Current management trends help students to analyze new developments in the field of management, which they can apply to their selected functional areas such as Marketing, Finance, Human Relations. This course also has an objective of interdisciplinary learning‘s. Bibliography:

1. Managing Radial Change by Sumantra Ghosal. 2. Global Perspective & management by Harold Koontz. 3. Management by Stephen Robbins &Mary Counter. 4. Strategic Management by Alex Miller 5.

Sr. No. Detailed Topic Learning Outcome Reference Reading No of



Managing change. a)Body & soul transform b)Caterpillar & Butterfly c)Concept of experimental change & innovation

As the subject has case study approach. Learning Outcome is about nature, scope, content of the Topic along with sectorial challenges & the new Trends noticed.

1) Managing Radial Change by Sumantra Ghosal. 2) Global Perspective & management by Harold Koontz. 3) Management by Stephen Robbins &Mary Counter. 4)Strategic Management by Alex Miller Interactive class discussion and case studies


2 Hyper competition & its implications 2

3 Environmental Influences in management


4 Learning from failures ,Concept of failure of Success


5 Sectorial management challenges Growth - Strategy


6 Retailing sector-challenges ahead 1

7 Regional Brands companies v/s National Companies


8 Concept of Business ethics & Business ethics dilemmas


9 Corporate Governance 2

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10 Corporate masking 1

11 Concept of volition & its challenges 1

12 Role of emotional intelligence in today‘s managerial environment


13 Breakthrough management 1

14 Crisis management 1

15 Battle for markets / Competencies / Dreams



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Research Assignment 3rd week of December 15

2 Case studies based class test (written)

1st week of January 15

3 Case studies based class test (written)

Last Week of January 15

4 Class presentations 2nd week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

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FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Objective: To Understand the basic concepts of financial management and its applicability in all aspects of business (Marketing, Human Resources and Operations) Bibliography: 1. Corporate Finance by I M Pandey 2. Financial Management, Khan & Jain 3. Fundamentals of Financial Management by James C Van Home, John M Wachowicz Jr and Saumitra N Bhaduri

Sr No Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1 Introduction to Corporate Finance

Principles of Corporate Finance -Financing, Investment and Dividend Objective-Wealth Maximization VS Profit maximization

Corporate Finance by I M


Financial Management, Khan & Jain


2 The Time Value of Money

Compounding and Discounting, Present Value and Future Value


3 The Time Value of Money (cont'd)

Nominal Rate of Interest and Effective Rate of Interest, Continuous Compounding


4 The Time Value of Money (cont'd)

Present Value (PV),Future Value(FV) of Multiple Cash Flows, PV, FV of Annuity, Perpetuity


5 The Time Value of Money (cont'd)

Application of Annuities - Home Loans(Reducing Balance Loans), Retirement Schemes


6 Risk and Return -Components of Return

Calculation of Realized Return and Expected Return (using probabilities)



Risk and Return -Risk - Sources and Measurement

Various Sources of Risk and their effects on Return and Measurement of Risk using Range, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation (Past and Expected Return)


8 Risk and Return -Risk - Portfolio Theory

Calculation of Portfolio Return and Portfolio Risk, -Diversifiable Risk and Non Diversifiable Risk


9 Risk and Return-Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM)

Measurement of Beta and its use in CAPM


10 Long Term Sources of Finance

Basic features of Equity Shares, Preference Shares and Debentures(Bonds)


11 Valuation of Bonds

Features of Bonds, Bond Value/Price, Yield to Maturity (YTM),


12 Valuation of Preference Shares

Valuation of Redeemable and Non Redeemable Preference Shares


13 Valuation of Equity Shares

Dividend Capitalization Model - Zero Growth, Constant Growth


14 Valuation of Equity Shares

Two Stage Growth Model, Linkage between Price(P), Earnings per Share(E) P/E and Growth


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15 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Tax Advantage related to interest payments and cost of debt, cost of equity and cost of preference shares.


16 Capital Budgeting

Techniques for Financial Feasibility -Pay Back Period(PB), Discounted Pay Back(DPB), Net Present Value


17 Capital Budgeting (continued)

Techniques for Financial Feasibility -Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Accounting Rate of Return(ARR)


18 Capital Budgeting (continued)

Application of NPV, IRR, PB, DPB 1

19 Leverage

Capital Structure, Financial Leverage,


20 Leverage(continued) Operating Leverage 1

21 Leverage(continued) Combined Leverage 1

22 Working Capital Management

Why is it required and why optimum level required


23 Working Capital Management (continued)

Operating Cycle, Determination of Operating Cycle


24 Working Capital Management (continued)

Estimation, Forecast of Working Capital Requirements


25 Dividend Policy (Basic information)

Objectives and Practical consideration, Forms of Dividend



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Test 2nd Week of December 20

2 Quiz 1st Week of January 20

3 Project/ Assignment 1st Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

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MACRO ECONOMICS Objective: The course basically aims at acquainting students with the theoretical and applied fundamentals of macroeconomics. On a theoretical level, the course helps them understand the various theories of income and employment. Taking a practical angle, it also familiarizes them with standard fiscal and monetary policy initiatives taken to resolve the problems faced by various economies with special reference to India. Since the course is developed with a strong applied content, students are expected to participate in the class room through group discussions and presentations on the relevant topics. Bibliography:

1. Advanced Macroeconomics- Dornbusch and Fischer 2. Macroeconomics-Mankiw. 3. Economics-Samuelson. 4. Macroeconomic Theory- Vaish M.C

Sr No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1 Nature and Scope Concept of National Income

Macro Economics: What is it all about? Relevance for business – people; Circular flow of Income. National Income ; Methods of measuring and problems; Concepts of GDP, GNP, NNP; Personal Income, Personal Disposable Income etc; Importance and relevance

Macroeconomic Theory Vaish M.C


2 The Supply Perspective The Classical Theory of Output and Employment 2

3 The Demand Perspective

Failure of the Classical model in explaining the Great Depression; The advent of Keynes; The Keynesian model of Income and Employment determination; Income – Consumption Relationship; Pigou effect ; Investment Multiplier; Complex Multipliers; Accelerator.


4 IS-LM framework

Anomaly in the Keynesian set-up and links between money market and goods market; IS-LM framework; Correcting the Keynesian anomaly; Crowding out effect.

Advanced Macroeconomics- Dornbusch and Fischer Macroeconomics-Mankiw. Indian Economy- Rudra Dutt & Sundaram


5 Post - Keynesian Macro Economics

Different approaches like Monetarists, Rational Expectations etc


6 Monetary Policy in India Role and functions of the RBI, H- theory of money supply, measures of money stock in India;


7 Fiscal Policy in India The Budget; Different kinds of deficits and their relevance.


8 Inflation Meaning; Types; Theories Stagflation;


10 Unemployment Types; Okun‘s law; Phillips Curve. 2

11 Trade Cycles Overview of different approaches 2

12 Economic Growth Overview of different approaches Economics-Samuelson



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MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Objective: a) To make the students appreciate the role of information system in the effective functioning of the organization b) To familiarize the students with the process of building & implementing an information system. c) To provide an overview of ERP, CRM, SCM,BI & E-Business Bibliography:

1. Management Information Systems, 10th Edition by Laudon & Laudon, Pearson - Prentice Hall

2. Information Systems – The Foundation of E-Business by Steven Alter – Pearson Education 3. Management Information Systems for the Information Age by Haag/Cummings/Mc Cubbrey –

Fourth Edition Tata McGraw Hill

Sr No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Reference Reading No of



Foundation Concepts: Information System in business a) Introduction to the course b) Understanding how businesses operate through systems c) IS Definition d) Work system Framework for business professionals e) Role of IS

To provide an overview of ERP, CRM, SCM,BI & E-Business

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 BK.1 Pgs. 2-83 Analytical Exercise: Dell Computer: building customized PC- Bk.1-Pg.3


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Foundation Concepts: Business Processes a) Business Functions b) IS Activities c) Communication and decision-making

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk.1-Pgs.84-131 Analytical Exercise: Charles Schwab –Bk.1 – Pg. 85



Strategic use of information and Databases a) Types of databases b) DBMS c) Data warehousing d) Data mining e) Evaluating Data as Resource

Text Books Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk.1 –Pgs. 132-177 E-Bay: providing online auctions for personal property – Bk.1 – Pg.133 Discussion Questions: Bk.1 –Pg. 174



Types of IS a) Communication Systems b) Transaction Processing Systems c) Management and Executive Information Systems d) Decision Support Systems

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk.1 –Pgs. 178- 223 Case: Boeing: Using CAD to design a new airplane



Computers in a Networked world a) Overview of Computer Systems b) Computing in Organisations c) Manipulation of data through computers d) Types of Networks

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk. 1 –Pgs. 304-400 Case: Napster.com: Using the web to change the rules of an industry – Bk.1 –Pg.305 ( 30 min ) Case: Fedex: Applies telecommunications in package delivery – Bk.1 – Pg. 385



Development of the information system a) System Analysis b) Process Modeling c) Design Interfaces d) Data modeling

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk. 1 –Pgs. 141 -151



Building and maintaining Information System a) Phases in IS b) Traditional System Life Cycle c) Prototypes

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk. 1 –Pgs. 470- 500


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Case: Yahoo! Store: Building your own Online store- Bk.1 Pg. 471


Enterprise Business Systems a) ERP. b) Package selection to implementation c)SCM d)CRM

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk.1 – Pgs. 215-219 Case: Fitter Snacker Case: Nibco: A ―Big Bang‖ Implementation of ERP Pg. 507



E – Business security and Control a) Threat of accidents and Malfunctions b) Threat of Computer Crime c)Methods for minimizing risks

Information Systems: Foundations of E-Business, 4th Edition Steven Alter Prentice Hall, 2002 ISBN: 0-13-043242-3 Bk.1 –Pgs. 511-550 Case: London Ambulance Service: A new system causes a disaster Pg. 547


10 Project presentation by groups & participation and learning by the other Groups



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment 2nd Week of December 20

2 Case Study presentations 1st Week of January 15

3 Group Project Last Week of January 15

4 Viva 2nd Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination

2nd Week of March


Total 100

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INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS (IFRS) Objective: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India has announced its commitment to converge the Indian Accounting standards (IAS) with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by April 2011. It has given a roadmap for convergence in a phased manner. Companies covered under phase one have already begun to align their accounting standards to IFRS. In view of the convergence of the Indian Accounting Standards with the IFRS, it has become mandatory to update students with the required knowledge. The participants are expected to achieve a clear conceptual understanding of the IFRS and possess sufficient knowledge expected out of an expert. On successful completion of this course, the learner will acquire a basic understanding of the following IFRS / IAS standards. Bibliography: 1. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) – Published by Taxmann Publications P Ltd. 2. A Guide through International Financial Reporting Standards July 2008-Published by IASB 3. IFRS: A Quick Reference Guide by Robert Kirk 4. Wiley IFRS: Practical implantation guide and workbook by Abbas Ali Mirza, Graham J. Holt and Magnus Orrell 5. Welly IFRS 2008: Interpretation and application of International. 6. Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards 2008 by Eva K. Jermakowicz In addition to the above, the following books can also be used for reference.

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a. The IFRS Manual of Accounting authored by the UK Accounting Consulting Services team of Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP and published by CCH.

b. International GAAP 2009 by Ernst and Young, published by Wiley

Related Links www.iasb.org www.icai.org www.ifrs.icai.org www.xbrl.org

Sr No.

IFRS / IAS No Topic No of sessions

1 IFRS 2,IAS 21 Share Based Payment, Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates



Presentation of financial statements, First time adoption, Non current assets held for sale and discontinued operations, Accounting Policies, Events occurring after Balance Sheet date. Model financial statements under IFRS


3 IAS 16,IAS19,IAS26 PPE and Employee benefits 1

4 IAS 27,IAS 28,IAS 31 Consolidated and Separate financial

statements 1

5 IAS 32,IAS39,IFRS7 Financial instruments 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 25 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 QUIZ 2nd Week of December 25

2 Term End Examination -

Total 25

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DIRECT TAX CODE Finance Minister of India Pranab Mukherjee on August 10 2009 released the New Draft Direct Tax Code. The draft, which is expected to radically change the tax structure, will now be open for discussion after which it will take the form of law. The finance minister had in his budget promised to deliver anew code within 45 days and has kept to his promise. According to Home Minister of India P Chidambaram, ― It is a brand new code written form scratch. It is not an amendment but a replacement of the Income Tax, 1961, ―he said, adding that it would promote entrepreneurship and the thrust would be on ― regulated free markets‖. Proposed changes The draft proposes to bring all direct tax laws under one umbrella, the finance minister said, adding that it would eliminate the scope of litigation. ― The new draft code has simplified capital tax gains and laws on for non-profit organizations, saving instrument, ― he said. The new code was aimed at removing distortions in the tax structure, he added. The Direct Tax Code and some prominent changes would be discussed as part of the course. The draft of the Direct Tax Code is available on the Official site of the Ministry of Finance, Government Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 25 marks

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Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 QUIZ 1st week of December 25

5 Term End Examination -

Total 25

MARKETING MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS Objective: To enable students to be acquainted with the concepts, theory and practices of marketing management with specific reference to South Asian markets. To understand the socio economic characteristics of urban and rural consumers, demographics and socio cultural nuances. To provide tips and suggestions at all stages of marketing to rural customers, as well as directions in dealing with various marketing decision.

Bibliography: Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy and Mithileshwar Jha

Sr No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Reading Reference No of


1 Introduction to Marketing Management and Briefing on conduct of session

½ an hour


a)Defining Marketing For 21st Century b)Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

To learn new marketing realities,marketing management tasks and company orientation towards market place. To understand marketing and customer value, business unit strategic planning and product planning

Chapter 1 & 2 1

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(a) Gathering info and scanning the environment (b)Conducting marketing research and forecasting demand

To analyze macro environment, demographic, technological, political – legal, economic and socio-cultural environments. To know the marketing research process and forecasting and demand measurement.

Chapter 3 & 4 1


(a)Creating customer value, satisfaction and loyalty (b) Analyzing Consumer markets

Importance of building and maximizing customer value, and cultivating customer relationship understanding what influence consumer behaviour and buying decision process

Chapter 5 & 6 1


(a) Analyzing business markets (b)Identifying Market Segments and Targets

Understanding organizational buying and its process, managing B to B customer relationships knowing how to identify market segments and target and targeting them

Chapter 7 & 8 1


(a) Dealing with competition (b) Creating band equity

Identifying and analyzing competitors and creating competitive strategies understanding brand equity and process of building and managing it.

Chapter 9 &10 1


(a) Crafting brand positioning (b) Setting product strategies

Learning how to develop and communicate positioning strategy and various differentiation strategies. Importance of setting product strategy and relationships between product and brand

Chapter 11 & 12 1


(a) Designing and Managing Services (b) Developing pricing strategies and programs

Knowing nature of services, their marketing strategies and managing product-support services. Understanding pricing, adapting and responding to price change

Chapter 13 & 14 1


(a) Designing and Managing IMC (b) Managing retail, wholesale and logistics

How to develop market channel and value networks channel design management decision. E-commerces, conflict, cooperation and competition. New retail environment, private labels, market logistics.

Chapter 15 & 16 1


(a) Design and Managing Integrated marketing Communications (b) Managing mass communicatio

Learning rde and how to develop effective communications, managing the process. Deciding and developing advertising program and media effectiveness, events and experiences

Chapter 17 & 18 1

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(a) Managing personal communications (b) Introducing new market offering

Direct interactive, word of mouth marketing Designing and managing sales force. Challenges in new product development and managing the process

Chapter 19 & 20 1


(a) Tapping the global markets (b) Managing holistic market organisation for the long run

Competing on global basis and deciding to go abroad. Socially responsible marketing, evaluation and control, future of marketing

Chapter 21 & 22 1

Written test - Chapter 1 to 10 ½ (45 min)


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 50 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Continuous Oral Quiz and Class Participation

Continuous Evaluation 15

2 Presentations As per schedule. One chapter per group 15

3 Written Test 3rd Jan 2011 20

Total 50

PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of Product Planning, New product development & launch process and portfolio management. Bibliography: 1. Product Management by Lehman Donald 2. Product Management by Srivastava 3. Product Management in India by Mujumdar 4. Product Management & Cases by Chandrashekhar 5. Product Management by S.A.Chunnawala 6. Product Management by C. Anandan

Sr no

Detailed Topic

Learning outcome

Reference reading

No of sessions

1 Product Planning Why is it necessary?

Product Management by Ramanuj Majumdar


2 Product Portfolio and product strategies

Healthy Mix and its importance for survival and growth

Product Management by Ramanuj Majumdar


3 Product Planning – a part of Strata plan pyramid

To get commitment resources &

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


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4 Role of new products in Product portfolio

Perpetuity factor & need for innovation for success

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


5 New Product Launch Process- 8step -5 Gate process for success

Understanding Broad strategy

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


6 Idea Development & Idea Screening, Case study

Separating good from bad ideas

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


7 Concept development & Testing. Positioning strategy case study

Developing strategy positioning with barriers for Entry of rivals

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


8 Strategy formulation & Business Analysis Case study

Commercial inability

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


9 Prototype Development & Testing

Methods & tools for Prototype development

Marketing Management by Kotler


10 Test Marketing & commercial launch

How to do Market testing new product before full launch

Marketing Management by S.A.Chunawalla


11 Post launch product life cycle Management strategies at each stage

How to set goals & develop strategies at each stage

Marketing Management by Kotler



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Internal Presentations 2nd Week of February 20

2 Research Paper 1st Week of January 10

3 Internal Test 27th January-7th February 20

4 Class Room Participation Continuous evaluation-Throughout the semester


5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


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Total 100

SALES MANAGEMENT Objectives: 1. To equip the learners with the knowledge of relevant concepts upon which the discipline of sales management is based. 2. Identify key sales and marketing decisions and actions they would need to make as potential managers. Bibliography: 1) Sales Management: By Still and Cundiff 2) Sales and Distribution management: By Havaldar and Cavale 3) Sales and Distribution management: By Gupta

Sr No Detailed Topic

Learning outcome

Reference Reading No of



Sales Management and Business Enterprise 1) Nature and scope of sales management 2) Objectives of sales management

Knowledge of the concept and its relevance in Industry.

1) Sales Management by Still and Cundiff. 2) Sales & Distribution Management by Havaldar and Cavale


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Personal selling and Salesmanship 1) Diversity of personal selling situations 2) Prospecting 3) Sales resistance 4) Closing sales

Understanding of selling situations and selling skills in different industries in the Indian context

Do 1


Setting personal selling objectives 1) Sales Planning 2) Sales potential and sales forecasting

Comprehension of methods of sales forecasting

Do 1

4 Classroom Exercise: Exercise on sales planning in Durables industry

Insight on practice in the industry

Student Research 1


The sales organization 1) Purpose of sales organization 2) Basic types of sale organization structures

Application of the concept in different industries and implementation by the marketing practitioners.

1) Sales Management by Still and Cundiff. 2) Sales & Distribution Management by Havaldar and Cavale


6 Classroom Exercise: Exercise on Sales organization

Practice in the industry



Sales territories 1) The sales territory concept 2) Reasons for establishing or revising sales territories 3) Procedure for setting up or revising sales territories 4) Routing and scheduling sales personnel

Approaches on development of sales territories

1) Sales Management by Still and Cundiff. 2) Sales & Distribution Management by Havaldar and Cavale


8 Selling cycle

To learn the entire process from prospecting to closing


9 Motivating sales personnel 1) Motivation and leadership 2) Motivation and communication

Do Do 1


Controlling sales personnel: evaluating and supervising 1) Standards of performance 2) Recording actual performance 4) Evaluating – comparing actual performance with standards 5) Controlling sales personnel through supervision

Do Do 2

13 Negotiation and closing

How to negotiate and close? The most important part of sales


14 Written Quiz Test on Sales Management

Part of Evaluation Process


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15 Industry Specific presentations by select groups

Knowledge on Applications

Student Research 4


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Quiz 2nd Week of December 20

2 Class Test 1st Week of January 20

3 Case Study Analysis 1st Week of February 10

4 Class participation & Attendance Continuous-Throughout the semester 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

SERVICES MARKETING Objective: To develop student's understanding of those aspects of marketing pertaining to the services sector. This will also present strategies and approaches for addressing these challenges in service producing organizations. The course will enhance student's abilities to identify services decision problems, ascertain alternatives, analyze and make decisions and plan the implementation of these decisions. Bibliography:

1. Services Marketing - Valarie Zeithml & Bitner 2. Services Marketing- Ravi Shankar 3. Services Marketing - People, Technology & Strategy - Christopher Lovelock 4. Services Marketing Concepts- Bhattacharya 5. Services Marketing-Operations & management –Mr Vinnie Jauhari, Publisher Oxford


Sr no Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reading Reference

No of Sessions

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Foundation of services marketing – Introduction - The services concept Service Industry –Contribution & Nature of Services Characteristics of Services, Classification of Services Goods v/s Services Marketing, Goods & Services Continuum, Services Marketing Triangle, Introduction to 7Ps of Services Marketing

Understanding the service sector Differentiating goods and services marketing

Zeithml & Bitner

2 2


Consumer Behavior, Consumer Purchase Behavior, Evaluation of service alternatives, Customer Expectations, Customer Perceptions, customer satisfaction, Post Purchase Evaluation by customers, Levels of customer Expectations, role of culture in services SERVQUAL Analysis & GAPS Model of service Quality, Moments of Truth, Service Encounters

Consumer Behaviour Awareness Service Quality assessments

Christopher Lovelock Bitner Zeithml & Bitner

2 2


Services Marketing Mix Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Strategies Understanding the 7ps of services marketing

Equipped with marketing tools

Christopher Lovelock Bitner Zeithml & Bitner


4 Service Product & Process New Service Development, service redesign, service blueprint

Knowing the marketing mixes

Zeithml & Bitner 2


Place & Promotion in services marketing integrated services marketing communication, Service Branding

Knowing the market mixes

Zeithml & Bitner 2


Pricing of services, cost based , competition based and demand based yield management in services

Knowing the market mixes

Zeithml & Bitner 1


Role of people in services marketing , introduction, The service provider employee, the service recipient customer

Knowing the market mixes

Zeithml & Bitner 1

8 Physical evidence of service, nature of physical Evidence, role of services

Knowing the market mixes

Zeithml & Bitner 1

9 Service Recovery , complaint handling, service guarantees

Decision problems, ascertaining alternatives

Zeithml & Bitner 1

10 Closing the gaps of service Tackling crucial service issues

Zeithml & Bitner 1


Service Tax provisions in India, Introduction, origins of service Tax, services under Tax net, obligations of a service provider, penalties levied under the service tax act.

Know how of the tax policy on services

G D Apte 1

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12 Case Studies Practical applications


13 Group Presentations Assessments 4


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Test 27th January-7th February 20

2 Project Survey-Communication skill –Viva

1st Week of January 10

3 Presentations 2nd Week of January 10

4 Assignment 1st Week of February 20

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

CHANNEL MANAGEMENT Objective: To equip students to understand basic issues of channels supply chains. Bibliography: 1. Marketing Channel by Rosenbloom, edition 7th 2. Retail Management by Barman & Evans, 9th edition 3. Distribution and Channel Management- By Meenal Dhotre 4. Marketing Channel – By Stern and El Ansari

Sr No Detailed Topics Methodology Reading Reference

No of Session

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Introduction marketing channels -Defining a marketing channel, -Functions & flows in, a)Consumer product channel b)Industrial product channel, -Bucklin‘s theory of service outputs


1. Marketing Channel by Rosenbloom, edition 7e (Ch-1,2,6,7,9,14,15,16) 2. Retail Management by Barman & Evans, 9th edition (Ch-9,10,14)


2 Understanding distributors -Wholesaler, distributor & CFA distinction -Distributors tasks in a channel

Case – ABC Distributor


3 Internet channel -Channel comparison, -Advantages/disadvantages of internet channel

Case – Grainger 1


Channel design -Design factors, -Deciding on Channel reach -Deciding on Distribution intensity, -Deciding on Type of intermediaries -Deciding on channel length, -Comparing exclusive with non exclusive retail shops

Case-Adiddas channel



Franchising -Types of franchising, -Advantages/disadvantages of franchising -Structure of franchising , -Micro-franchising,

Case-Titan watches


6 MLDSO & DSO channels -Defining MLDSO & DSO -Advantages/disadvantages of MLDSO

Case-Tupperware Case- Project Shakti, HLL



Selection, Remuneration, Motivation & Evaluation of channel partners Selection criteria for channel partners, Remuneration systems for channel partners Motivation policies, Satisfaction/Commitment/Trust model for building Relationships , Weighed criteria method for evaluating channel partners

Case – Caterpillar 2


Managing Competition within channels Managing competition in FMCG channels at retailer level, Managing competition in FMCG channels at distributor level, Managing competition when using multiple channels

Case-Revlon Cosmetics


9 Channel conflict & power. Causes of channel conflict, Styles for resolving conflict Solutions for resolving conflicts, Bases of channel power

Case-Conflict in a text book channel


10 Retail Strategy & retail mix of a supermarket, Location issues, Merchandising strategy, Pricing strategy. Types of Promotion

Lecture 2


Understanding Mass merchandising formats Hypermarket Department store Discount store Warehouse Club Cash & Carry format A snapshot of Wal-Mart

Lecture 1

12 End Term Presentation Lecture 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

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Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment -1 Last Week of December 15

2 Case Study 1st Week of January 15

3 Presentations

Last Week of January 15

4 Class Test 2nd Week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

BRAND MANAGEMENT Objective: To make the students know the importance of Branding & it‘s role in differentiating in a Competitive Marketplace & help them know the concerns/challenges of Brand Management. To help them understand how to build Brands & manage them to positions of leadership. To learn various Brand Communication processes & strategies and evaluation of Brand Equity. Bibliography: 1. Strategic Brand Management-By Kevin Lane Keller 2. Building Strong Brands- By David Aaker 3. Strategic Brand Management- By Noel Kapferer 4. Brand Management- By Harsh Verma 5. Brand Leadership- By Aaker & Joachimsthaler

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Sr No Detailed Topic Learning Outcome Reference Reading No of Sessions


Introduction to Brand Building What is a brand? Brand v/s Products Concepts Overview of Brand Management Process

To help them understand how to build Brands & manage them to positions of leadership To learn about various Brand Communication strategies & evaluation of Brand Equity.

Strategic Brand Management: By Kevin Lane Keller Building Strong Brands: By David Aaker Strategic Brand Management: By Noel Kapferer Brand Management-Harsh Verma Brand Leadership- Aaker & Joachimsthaler



Brands and Consumers Knowledge about Brands Consumer Based Brand Equity Brand knowledge structures Class Presentations



Brand Positioning Concept Points of Parity and Points of Difference


4. Brand Identity Formulation using brand identity models


5. Brand Identity Articulation Using logos, names, symbols etc.


6. Brand Identity Execution Execution through marketing programs


7. Brand Extensions


8. Managing the Brand over time Class Presentations



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment 2nd Week of December 20

2 Case Analysis & Presentations-I 1st Week of January 15

3 Presentations-2 Last Week of January 15

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4 Quiz 27th January-7th February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100


Objective: To provide an in depth view of the retail industry operations and application of marketing concepts in retailing.

Sr No

Detailed Topic Methodology Reference Reading

No of Hrs

1 Introduction to Retail- Evolution, functions, retail categories, retail channels, retail market predictions, global retail scenario, concept of private label

Lecture 1. Retailing Management by Levy & Weitz 2. Retail


2 Retail Industry in India- Evolution, factors driving growth, challenges in Indian retail business. future outlook

Lecture + Case Study


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3 Retail formats – Categorizing retailers, Store and non store retailing, service retailing

Lecture Management by Swapna Pradhan


4 Retail Consumer Behavior- Need for studying consumer behavior, buying roles, consumer decision-making process, factors affecting selection of store.

Lecture +Case Study


5 Retail Marketing mix – Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning in retail, 4 Ps, additional 3Ps

Case Study 1

6 Retail strategy – Defining strategy, growth strategies, strategies for sustainable competitive advantage

Lecture + Case Study


7 Retail Location- Importance of location, types of retail locations, selection of right location, location assessment techniques

Lecture + Field assignment


8 Merchandise Planning & Control- Merchandise planning and procurement, assortment planning, category management

Lecture 4

9 Retail Pricing- Pricing strategies and approaches, setting the retail price, GMROI

Lecture + Case Study


10 Retail Store Design & Visual Merchandizing – Exterior & Interior design, types of layout, atmospherics, concept of Plano gram, methods of display

Lecture + field assignment


11 Role of IT in Retail – role of internet, EDI, ERP, PLM, RFID

Lecture 1

12 Retail Logistics Management – Role of logistics, concept of 3PL, opportunities and challenges, inventory control techniques

Lecture 3

13 Group Presentations on current retail topics Presentations 5


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment 2nd Week of December 20

2 Presentations-I 1st Week of January 15

3 Presentations-2 Last Week of January 15

4 Quiz 2nd Week of February 10

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5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

RETAIL BANKING AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT Objective: To have an overview about the evolution of Banking, Laws related to Banking, Different type of banks and their functions, classification of deposits and deployments of funds, Financial sector reforms and financial products, investment products and ancillary services, Risk management and new delivery channels, Capital markets and Mutual funds.

Bibliography: Management of Banking Financial Services- Justin Paul and Padmalatha Suresh

Sr No.

Detailed Topics

Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions

Page 32: Syllabus


1 Evolution of Banking, functions of a Bank, RBI Act, Formation of SBI, Banking Regulation Act, Nationalization of banks, Banker/customer Relationship, Types of customers, obligation of a Banker, classification of deposits , KYC norms & Anti Money Laundering (AML), Banking Spread, Net Interest Margin, Fee based incomes, Short Brief on Different Departments- their functions-MIHU, Customer Service, RMs, Tellers, Collections, Priority banking, Back Office Operations, Training & Dev, Research ,Retail Assets-Sanctioning & Disbursement, Retail Liabilities, CAT, Audit, Treasury Operations MTM/HTM/AFS/AFT, Cash management, hedging Interest Rate risks, capital issuance etc. Banking Rates: PLR,CRR, SLR, bank rate, repo, reverse repo, CAR, LAF

Function of RBI, SBI. General view on banking, different Departments of Retails Banking and their functions. Process of lending, Front end, Back end and Treasury Operations Different Types of Banks and their functions and specialized services Details of different types of Accounts The process of loans creating deposits and Risk Management in Banks Corporate Banking different divisions and classifications, various services and lending functions

Merchant Banking by Verma J C Merchant Banking by Machi Raju Management of Banking and Financial Services By Justin Paul and Padmalatha Suresh


2 Functions of Scheduled & Non Scheduled Banks, Cooperative Banks, Private Banking & Investment Banking, PE funding, Venture Capitalists Types of Accounts and differences: Dom/NRE/NRO/FCNR/RFC, Collection of bills, cheques, clearing house operations, DD,MT,TT,BPO, safe deposit locker, safe custody, pension payment, Negotiable Instruments.


3 Credit Creation by banks-balance sheets & multiplier Financial sector reforms- Sarfaesi Act 2002, BASEL norms, Income recognition, asset classification, provisioning norms capital adequacy, Tier 1 & Tier 2 Capital


4 Corporate Banking MSME, MME, LLC, GCB, CIB, appreciate the process in the case of certain Financial Services like bill discounting, factoring, forfeiting, real estate services etc. Employment of funds—fund based and non-fund based. Working capital finance, Pledge, hypothecation, pre shipment and post shipment finance, Guarantees and letter of credits.


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Priority sector advances and micro credit and self help groups, term lending

Discussion on Micro Finance and Financial inclusion Further details on Risk management Specialized services in retail banking Wealth management methodology and functions In depth study of mutual funds, their functioning, different types of funds, and features


6 Risk management, assets and liability management, integrated risk Management Frauds in banks and preventive vigilance.


7 New financial products and new delivery channels. ADC, Banking technology, E payment, core banking solution, NEFT, RTGS, ATM, Debit and Credit cards.



Wealth management, portfolio management:

Asset Allocation & Portfolio Rebalancing, Tracking Markets-Equity/Debt/Gold/Major Currencies/Real Estate/Global markets Brief on Mutual funds/NFO


9 Capital markets, mutual funds NAV Calculation, SIP vs Lump sum in volatile and depressed markets, Equity: Open Ended, Closed Ended, Equity schemes, Blue-chip, Diversified, Large, Mid, Small, Cap, Sartorial, Thematic Funds, Exchange Traded Gold Funds, Contra Funds, Target Return Funds, Hybrid funds, Tax Savers-ELSS, Balanced Funds, REIT, Arbitrage funds, Debt: Liquid, Gilt, Bonds, Short & Long term income, FMP, Tax Rates: ST/LTCG/Div Difference between Growth, Dividend, Dividend Reinvestment options


10 Other wealth management products- Insurance & Structured Products: Life Insurance General Insurance Life: Tem, Endowment, Cash Back, Whole of Life, Unit Linked Insurance Plans Key man policy, Employer employee policy Survival & Death Benefits Tax Advantages-80C/10 10(D)

Brief overview of Insurance products and latest legislations. Also understanding of Structured products



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

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Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 2nd Week of December 10

2 Presentations (Group Assessment)

1st Week of January 20

3 Individual Viva Last Week of January 10

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

FINANCIAL SERVICES & INSTITUTIONS Objective: The objective is to understand the over all Capital Market, particularly relating to Primary Market i.e procedures in public issues, intermediaries in Capital Market and their role in Capital Market. To understand various financial services provided, their importance and procedures. Bibliography:

1. Fundamentals of Financial Management I M Pandey 2. Fundamentals of Financial Management M Y Khan 3. Financial Management by Prasanna Chandra

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Sr No. Detailed Topic Methodology Reference Reading No. of Session

1 Introduction Introduction and Discussion on Indian Financial System

M.Y.Khan 1

2 Capital Market Introduction to Capital Market with current position in India

M.Y.Khan 1

3 Intermediaries in Capital Market

Role of various intermediaries in capital market

M.Y.Khan 1

4 IPO‘s Fixed Price Method, Book Building Method, QIP‘s etc

SEBI DIP Guidelines 2

5 Introduction to Secondary Market

Discussion on trading methods, intermediaries etc

NSE, BSE site 1

6 Depositories Discussion on Depository system in India

NSDL,CDSL sites 1

7 Introduction to Money Market

Discussion on Money Market in India M.Y.Khan 1

8 Introduction to Derivatives

Introduction and Discussion on Derivatives

NCFM material 1

9 Introduction to Financial Services

Introduction and Discussion on Financial Services

M.Y.Khan 1

10 Venture Capital Discussion on Venture Capital business in India

M.Y.Khan(10.1-10.50) 1

11 Mutual Funds Discussion on Mutual Fund business in India



12 Leasing & Hire purchase Leasing –structure and Hire Purchase M.Y.Khan(4.1-5.38) 2

13 Factoring & Forfeiting To understand factoring transactions in India

M.Y.Khan(6.1-6.33) 2

14 Securitization To understand Securitization transactions in India

M Y KHAN (8.49) 1

15 Credit Rating Services To understand importance of Credit rating and its procedure

Sites of CRISIL/ICRA(18.1-18.65)


16 Housing Finance To understand importance of Housing Finance and its procedure (8.1-8.97)

8.1-8.97 1

17 Credit card services To understand importance of Credit Card Industry

M.Y.Khan (11.19) 1


On topics 10 to 17, Presentations by students are expected. Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 2nd Week of December 20

2 Presentations Last Week of January 20

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3 Attendance & Class Participation 2nd Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT Objective: To be aware of the World and Indian Insurance Market, Basic Principles of Life and Non-Life Insurance and Life Insurance Products in Indian Market. Bibliography: 1. Principles of Insurance and Risk Management by G.J Rejda 2. Text books prepared by Insurance Institute of India for Licentiate, Annunciate and Fellowship level Examination.

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Sr No. Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1 Insurance Scenario-Pre and Post Nationalization

Awareness of the World and Indian Insurance Market, Basic Principles of Life and Non-Life Insurance and Life Insurance Products in Indian Market.

1. Principles of Insurance and Risk Management by G.J Rejda 2. Text books prepared by Insurance Institute of India for Licentiate, Annunciate and Fellowship level Examination.


2 Introduction to IRDA Act and Insurance Market post IR0DA.


3 Purpose and Need for Insurance. 1

4 Basic Principles of Life and General Insurance.


5 Legal Aspects of Life Insurance. 1

6 Life Insurance Products/ Plans and overview.


7 Whole Life/Term Insurance Plans 1

8 Endowment/Money Back Plans 1

9 Pension and Gratuity Plans 1

10 Group Insurance Plans 1

11 Health Related schemes/Plans 1

12 Options, Guarantees and Riders 1

13 Computation of Premium and Bonuses 1

14 Underwriting and Claims Procedure. 1

15 Financial Planning and Taxation 1

16 Distribution Channels in Insurance 1

17 Organizational Structure of Insurance Companies.


18 Project Work 1

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19 Test 2


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 3rd Week of December 15

2 Group Assignment preparation

2nd Week of January 15

3 Presentations Last week of January 15

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

TAXATION Objective: To enable the students to have basic knowledge of Personal Income Tax & Corporate tax. Bibliography: 1. Direct Taxation: by Vinod Singhania – Students addition to Income Tax 2. Direct Taxation: by T N Manoharan - Bare text of the act and the rules

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Sr No Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Reference Reading

Nos. of Sessions


Income Tax Act, 1961 – Definition – Assessed – Assessment Year and Previous Year – Agricultural Income – Previous year – Assessment Year

To get acquainted with the Income Tax implications particularly from the angle of individual tax liability.

Direct Taxation: by Vinod Singhania – Students addition to Income Tax Direct Taxation: by T N Manoharan - Bare text of the act and the rules



Computation of various heads of income – Income from salaries – Income from House Property – capital Gains Long Term and short Term Capital Gains – Income from Other sources –Deductions from each head of income – Deductions under Chapter VI – A of the Income Tax Act – Fringe Benefits Tax



Tax Audit as per the provisions of section 44AB of income Tax Act 1961 – Tax Audit Report for individual / company assessed – Non- compliance with the legal requirement.



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test-1 1st Week of January 15

2 Project on Taxation End of February 20

3 Class Test -2 Last Week of January 10

4 Assignment 1st Week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Objective: The course is designed to help you to:

Judge how effectively a firm's financial statements reflect its business

Learn how to adjust financial statements as needed

Looking at examples from diverse companies, you will learn how to leverage analytical tools to:

Evaluate the effectiveness of a company's strategy

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Make sound financial forecasts by examining the ratios and cash-flow measures of a company's operating, financing, and investing performance

Knowing how a company will perform in the future is key to important business decisions. The course will help you:

Forecast a company's future performance

Assemble data into a valuation of the company Bibliography: 1. Financial Accounting for Management- N Ramachandran, Ram Kumar Kakani 2. Financial Management- I M Pandey 3. Mastering Finance and Accounting- David Farrow 4. Principles of Corporate Finance- Brealey and Myers

Sr. No. Topic Methodology Reference Reading Sessions

1 Analysis of Cash Flow Statements Case Study

Chapter- 24 Financial Management- I M Pandey (page 489-513)


2 Financial Statement Analysis- Overview of Ratios

Case Study

Chapter- 25 Financial Management- I M Pandey (page 517-555)


3 Quiz - -


4 Balance Sheet Analysis- IT Company

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


5 Assignment Submission/ Presentation

Class room submission and discussion with Q& A

- 2

6 Balance Sheet Analysis- Manufacturing Company

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


7 Balance Sheet Analysis- Banking Institution

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


8 Balance Sheet Analysis- Insurance Company

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


9 Balance Sheet Analysis- Mutual Fund Company

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


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10 Balance Sheet Analysis- Retail Company

Case Study and discussion

Reference – Annual Report of a Company/ Data from Internet/ Library Resource


11 Financial Planning and Strategy; Financial Forecasting and Modeling,

Lecture/ Presentation and Discussion

Chapter- 26 Financial Management- I M Pandey (page 559-574)


12 Constructing Financial Model Lecture/ Presentation and Discussion

Chapter- 26 Financial Management- I M Pandey (page 564-567)


13 Class Test - - 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date


1 Quiz 1st Week of December 2009 10

2 Group Assignment on Ratio Analysis of Companies

4th Week of December 2010 10

3 Class Test 1st Week of January 2010 20

4 Class Participation and Attendance Last Week of February 2010 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE Objectives: 1. To acquaint the students with the concepts, instruments and working of International Finance. At the end of the course the student should be able to 2) Understand the totality of International Financial system. 3). Analyze the requirements of International trade and Finance 4) Use decision making procedures in solving finance related problems.

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Bibliography: 1. Finance of Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange by H.P.Bharadwaj 2. How to manage Foreign Exchange risk By Raghu Palat 3. How to export by M.L. Mahajan 4. Documentary Credit by Mr. Awasthi 5. Export Finance: FEDAI Publication 6. Foreign Exchange- Practice, Concepts and Controls- By C Jeevananadam 7. International Finance and Trade- ICFAI Publication Volume I and II

Sr No.

Detailed Topic Learning Outcome

Reference Reading Methodology No of Session


Foreign Exchange Transaction, Transfer of Funds, Nostro & Vostro account

1) Understand the totality of International Financial system. 2) Analyze the requirements of International trade and Finance 3) Use decision making procedures in solving finance related problems.

Finance of Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange by C Jeevananadam How to manage Foreign Exchange risk By Raghu Palat How to export by M.L. Mahajan Documentary Credit by Mr. Awasthi Export Finance : FEDAI Publication Exchange control Manual-- Nabhi Publication Exim Policy-- Shakun Publication

Lecture 1


Balance of Trade, Balance of Payment, Current account transactions, Capital account transactions, Reserves, Convertibility

Lecture 2


Rates of Exchange, Forex Markets, Factors affecting movement of exchange rates.

Lecture, Assignments


4 Management of risk due to fluctuation of rate of exchange

Case studies. 2

5 Forward contract Concepts,

Assignments, Case studies


6 Numerical exercises Concepts,

Case studies. 1

7 Documents used in International trade

Assignments, 1

8 Methods of payment Lecture 1

9 Guarantees Lecture 1

10 Letter of Credit Assignments, 4

11 Export Finance Lecture 1

12 Exchange control Regulations

Lecture 1

13 Trade control Regulations

Lecture 1

14 Agencies in International Trade

Lecture 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks

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External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignments 2nd Week of December 10

2 Presentations 1st Week of January 15

3 Research Paper Last Week of January - 1st Week of February 15

4 Class Test 2nd Week of February 20

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Objective: To inculcate upon every business entrepreneur the latest knowledge and techniques, how to manage and achieve Total Quality for maximum Customer Satisfaction, the only way to survive in competitive business. TQM is an approach to improving the effectiveness & flexibility of business as a whole. It is essentially a way of organizing and involving the whole organization, every department, every activity, every single person at every level.‖ Bibliography:

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Sr. No. Detailed Topics Learning Outcome No of Session

1 TQM Overview : History, Theory and Concepts

To know overall TQM 1

2 TQM Gurus and Theories To know philosophies/various techniques of TQM Gurus


3 Approaching TQM : Various Models To know similarities among various models


4 Fundamentals and Structures of the TQM Model

Concept for achieving Total Quality, accepted by all


5 Quality Certification To know stages in acquiring quality certifications


6 Understanding Process and methods for process improvement

To know where we are (in terms of processes) and how we can improve


7 Quality Process Improvements tools and techniques

To know tools and techniques


8 Relationship among TQM attributes To know how TQM attributes are related


9 TQM and Human Resources /P – CMM To know how employees are integral part of TQM


10 Continuous Improvement (Kaizen); Just-In-Time or JIT (Kanban), a Toyota approach

All participative effective process with low investment as opposed to Innovation requiring high investment


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Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Presentations 2nd Week of December 20

2 Class Test 1st Week of January 20

3 Assignment 2nd Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

11 TQM Practices and Business Results To know how TQM impacts business results of an organization


12 Impact of Quality Certification on organisation

To know how Quality Certification impacts organisation


13 Quality Management in IT Industry : CMM / CMMi

To know QM specific to IT sector


14 Policy Deployment and daily work management

To know advances and latest practices in the field.


15 TQM in Service Sector : Case Studies Application in banks, insurance, hospital, hotel etc


16 TQM Implementation building a Quality Culture

Guidance for implementation in a new organization



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Total 100

THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS Objective: In an interview with senior executive of Toyota, he stated bluntly: ―It is not that other auto firms won‘t copy the Toyota Production System, it‘s that they can‘t! The most powerful marketing tool is the manufacturing plant and the competitors cannot easily copy the improvement activities of the manufacturing plant. The competitors can easily copy all other marketing tricks. Keeping this statement in mind, the topic of Theory of constraints is designed to enable the students to understand the following understand the entire organization as one single entity instead of being a collection of various departments. Reducing the Manufacturing Cycle Time without changing machines / manpower / technology / plant layout, preventing the loss of sales by improving the availability of finished goods simultaneously reduce inventory and operating expenses, increase Inventory Turns, Reduce Working Capital requirements, how to offer discount to the customers without reducing the selling price, how to improve efficacy of Supply Chain Management, implementing Just In Time manufacturing, how to outperform Just-in Time manufacturing. Bibliography: 1) The Goal – Part I 2) The Goal – Part II - Mr Elleyt Goldratt 3) Harvard Business Review selected articles

Sr No. Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Methodology No of


1 Need for changing operations mindset

Objective of running a business, No more productivity = Input /Output, Changes in the economy and competition.

Lecture 1

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2 Finding substitutes for Net Profit, R.O.I. and Cash flow

Concept of Throughput Inventory and Operating Expenses.

Lecture 1

3 Where we stand in global competition?

Findings of the research on Inventory Turns.

Lecture 1

4 Overcoming global competition through manufacturing

Comparison between Large and small batch quantities

Lecture 1

5 Gaining competitive advantage Product quality and inventory Lecture 1

6 Gaining competitive advantage Reducing the time for launching new product

Lecture 1

7 Gaining competitive advantage Case on Color Plus Shirts Case Study 1

8 Gaining competitive advantage Impact of batch quantity on Profit margin

Lecture 1

9 Gaining competitive advantage Case on Jet Airways, Britannia Biscuits

Case Study 1

10 Gaining competitive advantage Reducing Investment in plant and machinery

Lecture 1

11 Gaining competitive advantage Due date performance, Inventory and managing suppliers for improved due dates

Lecture 1

12 Gaining competitive advantage Case on Mothers‘ Recipe, ITC Case study 1

13 Gaining competitive advantage Reducing Production Lead time without changing manpower and machinery.

Lecture 1

14 Converting theory into practice Defining an analogy in which problem can be expressed.

Quiz 1

15 Gaining competitive advantage Finding a solution within the framework of the analogy

Quiz 1

16 Gaining competitive advantage Transferring the solution into the plant environment

Quiz 1

17 Gaining competitive advantage Checking the feasibility of solution Lecture 1

18 Overcoming obstacles Why the subject of Production Planning is outdated?

Lecture 1

19 Finding the solution Conventional method of manufacturing

Lecture 1

20 Finding a solution Japanese method of Just in time manufacturing

Lecture 1

21 Finding a solution In India neither the Japanese system works nor the conventional system works so What to do?

Quiz 1

22 Finding a solution Outsmarting Japanese Just in Time system

Lecture 1

23 Implementing solution Concept of bottleneck machine Lecture 1

24 Implementing solution Concept of bottleneck machine Lecture 1

25 Implementing solution Concept of bottleneck machine Lecture 1

26 Implementing solution Scheduling bottleneck machines Lecture 1

27 Implementing solution Scheduling non-bottleneck machines

Lecture 1

28 Implementing solution Buffer management Lecture 1

29 Implementing solution Buffer management Lecture 1

30 Implementing solution Productivity Flywheel Lecture 1

31 Supporting Market Rethinking Distribution Lecture 1

32 Linking from market to Purchase of raw material

Case on Desai Brothers Case study 1

33 Linking from market to Purchase of raw material

Case on Desai Brothers Case study 1

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34 Selecting the right supply chain What are the different types of supply chains?

Lecture 1

35 Selecting the right supply chain Selection of a right supply chain Lecture 1

36 Selecting the right supply chain Selection of a right supply chain Lecture 1

37 Overcoming Retailers‘ Problems Case on Dorabjee Departmental stores

Case study 1

38 Overcoming Retailers‘ Problems Case on Dorabjee Departmental stores

Case study 1

39 Overcoming Retailers‘ Problems Case on Dorabjee Departmental stores

Case study 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Objective Test /Mgmt Quiz 1st Week of January 20


Class test 1st Week of February 20


Case Presentation review Last Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

Page 49: Syllabus


WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING Objective: The course offers an introduction to the concept of World Class Manufacturing. The aim of WCM is to help companies stay ahead of the competition by attaining high levels of efficiency and minimizing waste. The course equips learners with an introductory knowledge of a range of techniques used to achieve significant, continuous improvements in manufacturing performance. It consists of various models, each with its own learning objectives. Upon completion of the course the students should be in a position to make a decision on whether your company is ready/willing/able to commence on a journey to becoming the best in its field. Bibliography:

1. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage – Chase 2. World Class Manufacturing – B.S. Sahay 3. Operation Management – L.C. Jhamb 4. Competitive Manufacturing Management – John Nicholas

Sr. No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome No. of


1 Meaning of World Class Manufacturing, Principles, Models

Understand the meaning of ‗World Class‘ and an overview of the overall Manufacturing principles


2 Just-in-Time Learn the history behind JIT, its principles, methodologies etc


3 Lean Manufacturing & Waste Elimination Understand the concept of Lean, Waste, the 7 wastes as defined by Toyota, steps for waste elimination


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Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Quiz – Objective Test 1st Week of January 15

2 Class presentations 3rd Week of January 15

3 Exam 3rd Week of February 20

4 Class participation & attendance Last Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

4 Poka-Yoke & SMED Learn the concept of setup time reduction and mistake proofing


5 Six Sigma & its Methodologies Conceptually understand Six Sigma and its various methodologies


6 Statistical Process Control (SPC), Process Capability Studies

Understand the process variations and the ways and means to statistically monitor and control the manufacturing process


7 Flow Manufacturing, Kanban System, Small lot size manufacturing

Concept of lot sizing basics, small lot sizes, Pull Vs Push manufacturing and Kanban systems


8 Total Productive Maintenance

Understand the overall equipment effectiveness, efficiencies, preventive maintenance and overall TPM


9 Factory Layouts, Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing

Learn the impact of a factory layout on the overall output and the ways and means to improve the layout for improved productivity and through-put times


10 Total Employee Involvement (Motivation, Empower, Quality circles, 5-S, Cross-training)

Understand the need for overall employee empowerment through various programs and methodologies



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GLOBAL TRADE OPERATIONS- SEA AND AIR LOGISTICS Objective: To make the students worthy of taking proper decisions on transportation and logistics activities whey they start their careers in import or export department of any organization.

Sr. No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome No. of Sessions

1 Marketing logistics, Definition, elements and importance

At the end of the second semester students will know how to select Logistics service provider and various difficulties and problems they are likely to face in arranging Global transportation


2 Introduction to the world of shipping and sea borne trade. Types of ships, liner terms and Bill of lading Types.


3 Inco terms 1

4 UCPDC 500 with specific reference to Types of Bill of lading and transshipment


5 Letter of credit with special reference to L/C clauses related to Logistics


6 Structure of shipping industry . Definition scope and importance of liner and tramp trade


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Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment -1 2nd Week of December 10


Assignment -2 1st Week of January 15


Assignment -3 Jan-Feb 15


Assignment -4 2nd Week of February


7 Liner operations: Liner / feeder operations, Conference and consortiums, its advantages to shipping industry and world trade


8 Sea Freight, structure and factors governing freights, Freight surcharges



Containerization: History, developments and present trend, advantages to shipping industry and world trade. Types of containers and handling transportation equipment. Container leasing and manufacturing industry. Terminology in containerized traffic T


10 Multimodal transportation and intermodal stack yards: role of ICD‘s their problems and prospects.


11 Tramp operations: Definitions and importance, principles and practices of Chartering.


12 Intermediaries: Their role and importance. CHA, Freight forwarder, NVOCC, Consolidator, Multimodal Transport Operator.



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5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

OPERATIONS RESEARCH Objective: Understanding the business problems and building operations research models to generate solutions for data interpretation and sensitivity analysis for facilitating decision making process. Learning/Teaching Methodology: Lecture, Class room Exercises (problem solving), Group discussion, Case discussion Bibliography:

1. Quantitative Analysis for management By Render and Stair 2. Operation Research by S D Sharma 3. Operation Research by Hiller and Liberman 4. Quantitative Techniques by N D Vohra

Sr No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Methodology Reference Reading

No of Session

Page 54: Syllabus


1 Introduction to OR

OR concepts Case OR concept 1

2 LP Graphical Optimization Exercise LP basics 1

3 LP Formulation Mathematical model building

Case How to

formulate 1

4 LP Formulation Mathematical model building

Case Formulate 1

5 Simplex Max Solving LPP Exercise Simplex 1

6 Simplex Problems Solving LPP Exercise Simplex 1

7 Sensitivity Analysis

Data Interpret. Case Data Int. 1/2

8 Dual Concept Data Interpretation

Exercise Dual concept 1/2

9 Transportation NW & LC method

Minimizing Transportation

Exercise Transportation

concept 1/2

10 VAM method VAM tech. Exercise VAM 1/2

11 Optimality uv test

Optimizing cost Exercise Optimality 1

12 Optimality Optimizing cost Exercise Optimality 1

13 Transshipment optimization Exercise Transship 1

14 Integer programming

Use of IP Case IP concepts 1

15 MIP Formulation Use of MIP Case MIP concepts 1

16 0-1 Integer programmimg

Use of 0-1 IP Case 0-1 IP Concepts 1/2

17 Assignment Min allocating assignments

Exercise Assignment concepts


18 Assignment Max maximize Exercise Assignment 1

19 Forecasting Models Time Series

Weighted Moving Average

Exercise Forecasting concepts


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20 Trend Exponential smoothing

exponential smoothing

Exercise Trend factor 1/2

21 Network Analysis Identify Network Diagram from list of activities

Exercise Project

Management 1

22 CPM & PERT Critical Path and Three time estimates

Exercise Basics of


23 Crashing Cost slope Exercise Crashing 1

24 Probability estimation

Using beta and normal dist

Exercise Normal and Beta

Dist. 1

25 EMV Technique Expected MV Exercise EMV basic 1/2

26 Game Theory Strategy Exercise Game basic 1/2

27 Presentations and Case Analysis

Business Application

Industry Specific 1

28 Presentations and Case Analysis

Business Application

Industry Specific 1

29 Presentations and Case Analysis

Business Application

Industry Specific 1


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test -I 2nd Week of December 20

2 Assignment 4th Week of December 20

3 Class Test -II 2nd Week of January 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Page 56: Syllabus


Total 100

MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Objective: To make the students familiar with Materials management Function, in particular the activities in material requirement planning, inventory management, forecasting and purchasing Bibliography: Notes provided by Faculty

Sr No

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Methodology Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1 Materials Management-Evolution, Scope and Objectives-Interface with other functions

At the end of the course the students would be familiar with all the material functions

Through Presentations with Case Studies & problems

1.Introduction to Materials Management-Mr Arnold 2. MRP by Oliver and White 3.Purchasing & Materials


2 Forecasting-Methods of forecasting-Moving Average Method, Regression Analysis, Exponential Smoothing Method


3 Inventory-Types of Inventory-Need of Inventory-Costs associated with Inventory-Basic


Page 57: Syllabus


EOQ Model-EOQ with discounts- Q system and P system

Management-Gopalkrishnan 4. Material Management L.C. Jhamb

4 Material Requirement Planning Master Production Schedule Bill of Materials Material flow in MRP


5 Purchasing Management-Responsibilities of Purchase Department-Purchase Cycle-Purchase Order- and Import/Export 6Procedures


6 Value Engineering and Value Analysis


7 Standardization and Codification, Classification of material-ABC Analysis, VED,FSN,GOLF,SOS etc


8 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management


9 Materials Handling-Principles of Materials handling system-Materials Handling Equipments



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 1st Week of January 20

2 GD and Class Performance 2nd Week of February 20

3 Presentations with Assignment Last Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

HR PLANNING, RECRUITMENT & SELECTION Objective: At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the three major processes in the HR function in corporate organizations and understand their impact on Human Resource Department and the organisation Bibliography: Human Resource Management Practice – Michael Armstrong Human Resource Management - Garry Dessler

Sr. No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Readings No. of



Human Resource Planning * Aim of HR Planning * Process of HR Planning * Link with Business Planning * Limitations of HR Planning * Excercises on HR Planning

To understand the importance of linking HR Planning to Business planning. Ability to forecast

Chapter by the name of the topic in the book Human Resource Management by Michael Armstrong


Page 58: Syllabus



Recruitment * What is recruitment * Job Description/Job Specification * Job Grading * Sources of Recruitment * Case Study highlighting relevence of recruitment

Nuances of recruitment and importance to organisational growth

Chapter by the name of the topic in the book Human Resource Management by Michael Armstrong



Selection * Why is Selection needed? * Implication of 'Wrong Hire' * Various selection systems e.g. Interview, Structured interview, Psychometric Assessment, Assessment Centers. * Effectiveness of Selection Processes * Reference Check and Background Check * Scenario Based designing of Selection Process.

To be equipped with various assessment tools and their relevance

Chapter by the name of the topic in the book Human Resource Management by Michael Armstrong



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks


Objective Test

On Each Topic post completion of topic (3) 30(3hrs)


Case Study Presentation On Each Topic post completion of topic (3) 30(3hrs)

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Page 59: Syllabus


Total 100


Objective: 1. To understand why and how conflicts take place in an organization and develop various strategies to deal with organizational conflicts. 2. To understand the process of negotiations. To develop skills required for ‗fair and principled‘ negotiations. 1. Getting people to say ‗Yes‘ 2. Dealing with difficult people


1. Organizational Behaviour: Stephen Robbins, Prentice- Hall India, Twenty Second Indian Edition

2. Organizational Behaviour: K. Ashwathappa, Himalaya Publishing, Sixth Edition 3. Organizational Behaviour: Foundation, Realities and Challenges – Nelson and Quick –

Thomson South Western – Third Indian Edition

Page 60: Syllabus


4. Getting to Yes – Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In : Roger Fisher and William Ury, Second Edition, Penguin Books

Sr No Detailed Topic Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions


Introduction to conflict, nature and types of conflict

To understand why and how conflicts take place in an organization

Effective Leadership – Lessier and Achua - Thomson South Western – Third Indian Edition Business Communication for Managers – An Advanced Approach- Penrose, Rasberry and Myers - Thomson South Western – Fifth Indian Edition Essentials of Negotiations: Saunders and Minton – Second Edition Conflict Management: A Communication Skill Approach – Englewood Cliffs – Prentice Hall Getting to Yes – Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In : Roger Fisher and William Ury, Second Edition, Penguin Books


2 Conflict management, styles of conflict management

To understand the foundations of conflict management


3 Conflict and power

To establish the relationship between conflict and power To understand how conflicts affect productivity


5 Conflict and mediation

To understand the role of third party in conflict management


6 Conflict and communication

To understand the role of communication in conflict management


7 Negotiation skills

Introduction to negotiation skills


8 Negotiation strategies

To understand and develop various negotiation strategies


9 Mediation Te learn the role of mediation in negotiations


9 Power management and ethics in negotiations

To understand the management of power and using it productively for negotiations


10 Dealing with difficult people

Learning to know how to deal with unreasonable and difficult people


11 Group presentations Internal evaluation 3


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Page 61: Syllabus


Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Presentations 3rd Week of November 20

2 Test - 1 1st Week of January 20

3 Test - 2 2nd Week of February 20

4 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND BALANCE SCORECARD Objective: At the end of the course, students will be able to:

Define PMS and state its significance in achieving organizational goals.

Identify the key components of the Performance Management System.

Explain the principles and steps to planning, managing, reviewing and rewarding performance.

Describe PMS Systems like Balanced Scorecard.

Analyze and prepare a hypothetical PMS and process. Bibliography

Armstrong Michael- Performance Management. Kogan Page.

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Aguinis- Performance Management. Pearson Education

Rao T.V. -Performance Management and Appraisal Systems, Response Books.

Zeus and Skiffington- The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work, Behavioral Coaching, McGraw Hill.

Kaplan S. Robert and Norton P. David- Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System, Harvard Business Review South Asia July-August 2007.

Sr. No. Detailed Topics

Learning outcome Methodology No of Sessions


PMS-definition, philosophy, process and its strategic significance

Define PMS. Identify key components of the PMS process.

Lecture 2


Planning for Performance Department/Functional Role expectation and key outcomes

Identify KRA/KPI from organizational/department/functional goals and objectives

Lecture and Syndicate Method



Planning for Performance Setting and clarifying goals and expectations

Explain and apply principles of setting objectives from KRA/KPI

Lecture and Syndicate Method


4 Managing Performance Giving regular Performance Feedback

Identify and apply the key steps to performance feedback process Apply principles of giving constructive feedback

Lecture, Role Play and Movie


5 Managing Performance Coaching, mentoring and counseling

Identify and apply the key models of coaching and Counseling

Case Study and Role Play



Reviewing Performance Quarterly, half-yearly and annual appraisal. Documentation.

Identify key constituents of performance appraisal. Analyze critically performance appraisal forms of organizations

Lecture and Syndicate Method


7 Reviewing Performance 360 Degree Feedback/Appraisal

Identify and explain key components of 360 degree feedback

Student Presentation and lecture



Reviewing Performance Ratings an inevitable evil of Appraisal. Individual and comparative rating

List different rating scales and compare scales

Case Study and Lecture



Rewarding Performance Individual (salary revision, performance bonus and incentives, recognition schemes).

Identify and explain different ways to reward individuals.

Student Presentation and Lecture


10 Rewarding Performance Group( team rewards, gain-sharing, profit-sharing)

Identify and explain different ways to reward group.

Student Presentation and Lecture


11 PMS System. PMS Frameworks (Balanced Scorecard, MBO etc)

Explain the balanced scorecard, MBO

Student Presentation and Lecture


Page 63: Syllabus



Implementation of PMS and challenges (formation of managing committee, communication plan and ways to overcome any resistance in implementation

Prepare a hypothetical PMS and process

Field work, Student Presentation and Lecture


Total 24

Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 1st Week of December 15

2 Quiz 4th Week of December 15

3 Presentation 1st Week of January 15

4 Class Problem solving Last Week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Objective: At the end of the course, students will be able to:

Describe the strategic importance of training and development.

Explain and apply the principles of Instructional System Design (ADDIE model) in designing and developing a training program.

Apply different training methodologies.

Analyze latest technology-based methodologies.

Critically analyze the various evaluation models of training.

Page 64: Syllabus



Effective Training, Systems, Strategies and Practices, Nick Blanchard and James Thacker. Pearson Education.

Employee Training and Development. Raymond Noe, Tata McGraw Hill.

Enriching Human Capital Through Training and Development, P.L. Rao, Excel Books.

Bottom-Line Training. Ford J. Donald, Prentice-Hall.

Training for Organizations, O‘Connor, Bronner, Delaney, Thomson Learning.

The Theory and Practice of Training, Roger Buckley and Jim Caple

Sr. No.

Detailed Topics

Learning outcome Methodology

No of Sessions


Concept of Training, Development and Education and its importance in competency and talent development in the organization

Distinguish the difference between training, development and education Explain the strategic importance of T&D

Lecture and Group Discussion


2 ISD Process-ADDIE Model Explain the ADDIE Model

Lecture 1

3 Training Needs Assessment Needs Assessment process

Identify ways to find whether training is the solution to performance gaps

Lecture and Syndicate discussion



Training Needs Identification techniques Observations, interviews, surveys, testing, experiments

List and explain all the training needs identification techniques

Group Discussion and Lecture


5 Instructional Design (ID) Learning Theory

Describe the learning theory Group Discussion

and Lecture 1

6 Instructional Design (ID) Principles of Adult Learning

List and explain the principles of adult learning

Game and Lecture


7 ID Learning Styles

Identify learning styles Student

Presentation and Lecture



ID Learning Objectives and Program Design

Identify and explain learning objectives using taxonomy State the principles of design

Demonstration and Lecture


9 ID Selection of methodology and media

Compare and choose different methodologies for its effectiveness

Demonstration and Lecture


10 Development Training Outline, Instructional Material and Training Aids

Select appropriate instructional and training aids

Lecture 1

11 E-learning, VRT and other latest training methodology

Analyze critically the latest computer-based methodologies

Case Study Student

Presentation and Lecture


12 Designing of a Program Apply principles of instructional design for a training program

Lecture and Assignment


13 Training Delivery and Implementation Principles of transfer of learning

State the principles of transfer of learning

Demonstration and Lecture


14 Training Delivery and Implementation

List the competencies of a trainer and facilitator

Group Discussion and Lecture


Page 65: Syllabus


Competencies of a trainer and facilitator

15 Training Delivery Demonstration of training methodologies

Apply the principles of different training methodologies

Demonstration, Case Study and

Lecture 5

16 Training Delivery and Implementation Administration and Infrastructure

Identify and list different administration requirements and challenges




Evaluation of Training ROI Model, Case Study, Kirkpatrick Model-Contents and Limitations

Critique the different models of evaluation of training

Lecture and Group Discussion


Total 30

Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class participation and Attendance

Journalizing 10

2 Quiz After sessions 10,20 & 30 15

3 Research Assignment: Submission between 15 & 16 15

4 Group Training Design and Delivery

After session 25 20

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Objective: To study origin structure of Trade Union & Trade Union Movement in India, problems of Trade Union, Recommendation of National Commission on Labour for strengthening Trade Union. Bibliography: 1. Labour Welfare Trade Unionism & Industrial Relations – Punekar, Deodhar, Sankaran, 2. Trade Union Movement in India Mathus A.S. & Mathur J.S. 3. Trade Union Law – Samules T.O.

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Sr. No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1. Social Security Legislation ; Bonus Act, Gratuity Act; PF; ESI Act.

Studying & understanding the preamble and the objectives of the Welfare Acts like Bonus Act, Gratuity Act, PF Act, ESI, WC Act, Pension Scheme, EDLI Scheme & Maternity Benefit Act. Knowing how the workmen are benefited through the provisions of the Welfare Acts . Understanding the obligations on the employer and the penalty applicable in case of violation of any of the above mentioned Acts. The role of the Govt. machinery for implementation of the above Welfare Act as a controlling authority . Studying the recommendations of Second Commission on Labour laws with special reference to the various reforms recommended by the Commission to enhance the benefits of the Welfare Act to different classes of workmen. To study various live cases in relation to above-mentioned Acts in the present context and make attempts to find out the solutions of the complex issues through group discussions.

Labour & Industrial Laws – SP Jain Labour Laws – Reshma Arora


2. Workmen Compensation 2

3. Maternity Benefits 2

4. Role of ILO 2

5. Second Commission on Labour Laws view on social security.


6. Decided cases on gratuity, Workmen Compensation; Provident Funds.


7. E.D.L.I Schemes 1

8. Exploration Pension Schemes 1995



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment 3rd Week of December 10

Page 67: Syllabus


2 Class Test-1 2nd Week of January 20

3 Viva 2nd Week of February 20

4 Class Test-2 Last Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

LABOUR LAWS Objective: To study the overall Social Security Practices in India. Bibliography:

3. Labour Laws – Mr P.L.Malik 4. Labour & Industrial Laws – Mr Arjun Madan

Page 68: Syllabus


Sr No. Topics Methodology No of


1 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1948 Lecture 6

2 The Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act.

Lecture 4

3 The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition ) Act 1970

Lecture 3

4 The Trade Unions Act Lecture 1

5 Misconducts under standing orders and conduct of a Domestic enquiry

Lecture 4

6 Bombay Shops & Establishments Act Lecture 4

7 Factories Act Lecture 2


Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment -1 1st Week of December 10

2 Assignment -2 Last week of December 20

3 Class Test 2nd Week of January 20

4 Viva 3rd Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 15th March -31st March 40

Total 100

HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Objective: This paper introduces the fundamentals of MIS AND HRIS. It also covers various topics like Information Requirement Analysis /Techniques, Systems Development Life Cycle, Input /Output Formats / Database Design, Management Essentials. More specifically, the discussions would enable the students to appreciate HRIS / MIS as Enablers / Facilitators of / for Decision-Making, leveraging the capabilities of Information Technology.

Page 69: Syllabus


Bibliography: Text Book - Management Information Systems by Robert Schulltheis, Mary Sumner

Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

Sr No

Detailed Topic Learning Outcome Reference Reading No of


1 MIS: Overview, Introduction and Evolution

After Studying the subject, the students are expected to know: Role of Information in decision making Basics of system Development Life cycle, Database and Report Content/Format HRIS and information required for HRIS and decision imperatives

Text Book - Management Information Systems by Robert Schultheis, Mary Sumner


2 Characteristics of Information System 1

3 Functional and Strategic Uses of MIS 1

4 Information, Definition, Attributes, Role 1

5 Information Requirement Analysis & IRA Techniques


6 Information Requirement / Need Analysis Exercise


7 Information Technology Capabilities & their Organizational Impact


8 System Development Life Cycle (CLD/DFD/FDD/ERD)


9 Designing of Output Reports, Files and Input Forms


10 Exercise on Output Reports, Files and Input Forms


11 Case study in context diagrams 1

12 HRIS: Introduction/Definition/Applications/Benefits


13 Decision making process and models of decision making, Decision Trees and Decision Tables


14 Cases in Decision Trees and Decision Tables, DSS and ESS


15 Cases in HRIS Applications in various Functional Areas & Presentations by the students in the class



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1 Class Test 1st Week of December 15

2 Quiz 4th Week of December 15

3 Presentation 1st Week of January 15

4 Class Problem solving Last Week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

LABOUR ECONOMICS Objective: This course covers selected topics in the field of labour economics. The emphasis is on the application of some of the ideas from the theories of information, uncertainty, and incentives to the understanding of labour markets and institutions. Topics covered include wage and wage differentials, discrimination, human capital, life-cycle models of labour markets, effects of asymmetric information , self-enforcing implicit contracts, efficiency wage models, principal-agent

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problems, team production and tournaments, also the topics covered include static and dynamic models of labour supply, dynamic models of hob search and job matching, econometric analysis of labour market transition data, unemployment insurance and unemployment theories. Bibliography: Labour Economics by Tyagi T Y and Bhugoliwala

Sr No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Reading Reference No of Sessions


Labour Market: Nature & scope , labour problems of a developing economy-labour force, structure & character, supply of labour & demand for labour, unemployment, nature, dimensions & theories of unemployment, Economic analysis of full employment policy, employment, Exchange & decasualization schemes

The focus of the course is on microeconomic analysis and issues.

Labour Economics by Tyagi T Y and Bhugoliwala



Wages & Earnings Development of wage system : Theories of wages, Wage Differentials, Regulation of Wages, Minimum, Fair & Living Wages system of wage Boards, Determinants of rational wage system, Wage policy for developing economy, Wages problems such as Dearness allowance, Bonus, Fringe benefits, Trade Unions & Wage determination, Wages, Income Price movements.



Employment of Local People: Employment of educated persons, problems of women employees, Problems of casual & bidi workers, Absenteeism & labour turnover, labour in cooperative & agriculture sector, labour problems revision by the Centrally planned commission in mixed economies.



Labour & Technological change: Labour‘s role in Economic Development, Labour of central and State Governments, Implementation of National Labour Policy



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

Page 72: Syllabus


1 Quiz 1st Week of December 10

2 Assignment-1 3rd Week of December 20

3 Class Test 2nd Week of January 20

4 Assignment -2 2nd Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

TALENT ENGAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT Objective: Understanding of Talent Management Process, Identifying, engaging, retaining, developing and assessing. This course focuses on the strategies and tools that human resource

Page 73: Syllabus


professionals use to create organizational excellence by identifying high quality talent; creation of technological strategies to recruit high quality talent; development of systems that will provide highest levels of both personal and professional development and growth within the organization; creation of promotional and cross-functional systems that will talent strength the organization; development of retention strategies that tie rewards to performance of talent; creation of workforce planning systems that will provide succession planning of best functions within human resources planning.

Sr No Detailed Topics Learning Outcome

Reference Reading

No of sessions

1 Understanding talent. Talent Management process, planning, identifying, engaging, assessing, reviewing Talent

The talent management by Lance A berger and Dorothy Berger, Tata Mcgraw hill Talent Management Systems: Best Practices in Technology solutions for recruitment, retention and workforce planning – 2004 Allan Schweyer Willey ISBM; 0-470-83386-6 Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in an Age of Uncertainty- 2008 Capelli, Peter Harvard business school publishing ISBN: 9781422104477


2 Talent acquisition, Employer branding, Attracting talent, talent audit


3 Talent Development Competency based management. Training for development, PCMM


4 Talent Management strategy, Building diversity into succession plan, Leadership pipeline


5 Introduction to talent engagement, concept, benefits, process, methods, strategies, Practices


6 Talent Wellbeing, Talent reward and performance relating rewards to performance of talent


7 Role of coaching, counseling and Mentoring for performance of talent


8 Use of Information Technology to support talent management system


9 Talent Retention strategies, Attrition analysis



Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Page 74: Syllabus


Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Quiz 1st Week of December 10

2 Assignment-1 3rd Week of December 20

3 Class Test 2nd Week of January 20

4 Assignment -2 2nd Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

EXPORT & IMPORT (EXIM) Objective: To understand the Foreign Trade Policies / Procedures, their inter linking‘s and significance for completion of transactions.

Page 75: Syllabus


Sr No Detailed Topic Learning Outcome

Reference Reading

No of Sessions

1 Foreign Trade Policy / Objectives

Understand the Foreign Trade Policies/Procedures, their inter linking‘s and significance for completion of transactions.

1. Detailed Handouts giving Bibliography wherever applicable. 2.Foreign Trade Policy 3.NABHI‘S publication on procedures /Incentives

1 2 Formation of a Company / Modification for export.

3 Vat / Sales tax, Auth No. / Excise formalities.

4 I.E.C number from Jt. D.G.F.T Pune. 1

5 Registration with Export Promotion Council (R.C.M.C. number)/ M.C.C.I/ECGC/EXIM bank.


6 Functions of Jt. D.G.F.T. (Advance License Schemes, value addition, incentives)


7 Exchange of correspondence with overseas, Ensure item not under‘ Restricted Category‘ as per EXPM Policy.


8 Exworks, FOB, C&F, CIF, etc. 1

9 Performa Invoice from exporter/payment terms/ pricing.


10 Party‘s (Importer) Purchase Order. Export inspection / Third Party inspection / SGS.


11 L/C from approved / International Bank – recommendation from exporters bank /ECGC.



Pre shipment Documents -a) Invoice b) Packing List c) ARE1 ( for export) d) Shipping Bill type 1explaining in covering letter to Shipping Agent. e) Insurance before dispatch. f) N- Form Octroi formalities.


13 Correct format of Air Way Bill or Bill of Lading 1


Post Shipment Documents-a) Invoice b) Packing List c) Endorsement on B/L & Insurance Policy (if need).d)Letter to Bank e)Cert. of Origin / GSP f) Bill of exchange g)Final documents – submission to bank


15 Realization of proceeds (payment) 1

16 Bank Certificate

17 Claiming of export benefits such as Duty Drawback or DEPB


18 Sales Tax / Vat / H form with proof of exports


19 Proof for excise under Bond / claim of rebate.

20 Ensure Octroi ‗N‘ form closure from Shipping Agent.


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Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Presentations 3rd Week of December 30

2 Assignment-1 1st Week of January 10

3 Assignment-2 3rd Week of January 10

4 Assignment-3 1st Week of February 10

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March


Total 100

GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Objective: In the era of Globalization, we are heading towards a borderless world, supported by the forces of Information Technology, WTO & Sophisticated Logistics. Whether it is transactions in Capital, Goods, Services or Talents, it has become important to have knowledge of the business environment at a global level as most factors are transferable to yield greater economic benefits.

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The following course contents, comprehensively address the various diversified topics which equip students / executives irrespective of their function or specialization, to take on the challenges of tomorrow. Bibliography: 1. International Marketing Strategy by Isobel Doole – Published by Thomson Press 2. International Business by Charles Hill Published by Magraw Hill

Sr No Detailed Topics Reference Reading

Learning Outcome

No. of sessions

1. A history of World Trade Patterns, The Silk route & Spice route.

International Marketing Strategy by Isobel Doole – Published by Thomson Press International Business by Charles Hill Published by Magraw Hill

Total awareness of the Global Business Environment in terms of markets, transactions and regulatory bodies. Methodologies of investigating, analyzing and assimilating, trade related proceedings. Strategic inputs in understanding and formulating strategies for the Global Business information or evolving strategies.


2 Need for International Trade & role of various factor endowments.


3 Differences between Domestic Marketing & International Marketing.


4 Booz Allen Hamilton‘s Pyramid to establish International trade.



Consideration of country specific Socio-culture, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological & WTO related aspects for International-market penetration.


6 The planning, organizing & controlling of the various processes of articulating the International Marketing Strategy. Demographics & Psychographics.



International PRODUCT development, Value proposition, International Standards & Specifications, Apex Body approvals, 3rd party Inspections)


8 International PRICING, Issues of currency markets, forex, International monetary, transactions, Banking Regulations, Payment terms


9 International DISTRIBUTION, Organizing logistics for Geographic proximity, Distributor / Dealer selection criteria, Supply chain & Value Chain elements.



Global BRAND management. Define & refine Target audience, Create messages, and select medium/media. Publicity, PR, Advertising & Integrated Communications.


11 PACKAGING & PACKING. Issues of Bio-degradability, Marking & Labeling, Handling, Mandatory Information, Local Laws & aesthetics.


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12 PEOPLE issues. Criteria for In-Co. personnel suitability for market interface. Commission Agents / Third party gratification, use of local citizens.


13 GLOBAL MARKETING POLICIES – Sales & distribution, Stock Held In Trade, After Sales service, Warranty & Guarantee.





Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Class Test 1st Week of December 15

2 Quiz 4th Week of December 15

3 Presentation 1st Week of January 15

4 Class Problem solving Last Week of February 15

5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

GLOBAL TRADE OPERATIONS- SEA AND AIR LOGISTICS Objective: To make the students worthy of taking proper decisions on transportation and logistics activities whey they start their careers in import or export department of any organization.

Sr. No.

Detailed Topics Learning Outcome No. of Sessions

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Evaluation Methodology - Internal assessment: 60 marks External assessment: 40 marks

1 Marketing logistics, Definition, elements and importance

At the end of the second semester students will know how to select Logistics service provider and various difficulties and problems they are likely to face in arranging Global transportation


2 Introduction to the world of shipping and sea borne trade. Types of ships, liner terms and Bill of lading Types.


3 Inco terms 1

4 UCPDC 500 with specific reference to Types of Bill of lading and transshipment


5 Letter of credit with special reference to L/C clauses related to Logistics


6 Structure of shipping industry . Definition scope and importance of liner and tramp trade


7 Liner operations: Liner / feeder operations, Conference and consortiums, its advantages to shipping industry and world trade


8 Sea Freight, structure and factors governing freights, Freight surcharges



Containerization: History, developments and present trend, advantages to shipping industry and world trade. Types of containers and handling transportation equipment. Container leasing and manufacturing industry. Terminology in containerized traffic T


10 Multimodal transportation and intermodal stack yards: role of ICD‘s their problems and prospects.


11 Tramp operations: Definitions and importance, principles and practices of Chartering.


12 Intermediaries: Their role and importance. CHA, Freight forwarder, NVOCC, Consolidator, Multimodal Transport Operator.



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Sr. No.

Activity Submission/ Presentation Date Marks

1 Assignment -1 2nd Week of December 10


Assignment -2 1st Week of January 15


Assignment -3 Jan-Feb 15


Assignment -4 2nd Week of February


5 Term End Examination 2nd Week of March 40

Total 100

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