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  • 8/15/2019 Symbian Whitepaper 1 2


    Native Symbian Applications OTA:

    New Opportunities to Drive ARPU

    Version 1.3; February 13, 2006

    Forum Nokia

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 2


    1 Introduction 3

    2 Symbian OS Leads the Smartphone Market 3

    3 Symbian OS Device Owners Want Applications 4

    4 Native Symbian Applications Are a Compelling Value Proposition 4

    5 Putting It into Practice 5

    5.1 Application Download Size 5

    5.2 WAP or HTTP Download 6

    5.3 On-Device Storefronts 6

    5.3.1 The Preminet Client 6

    5.3.2 VIISAS 7

    5.3.3 inTouch 7

    5.4 DRM Solutions 7

    5.4.1 OMA DRM 7

    5.4.2 Openbit License Manager 8

    5.4.3 Psiloc DRM Common Solutions 8

    6 Native Symbian Applications Download Successes 9

    6.1 Jamba! 9

    6.2 VIISAS 10

    6.3 TeliaSonera 10

    7 Summary 11

    Appendix A: Implementing OMA-Based Native Symbian Applications OTA Download for S60 Platform,

    Series 80 Platform, and the Nokia 7710 Widescreen Smartphone 12

    A.1 Introduction 12

    A.1.1 OMA Standards 12

    A.1.2 Additional Rights Management Issues 12

    A.1.3 OMA and PIP Support 12

    A.1.4 Getting the Right Content to the Right Device 13

    A.2 Implementation Options 13

    A.2.1 OMA Forward-Lock Implementation 13

    A.2.2 Combined Delivery Implementation 14

    A.2.3 Separate Delivery Implementation Using a PIP 15

    A.3 Conclusion 16

    Appendix B: Creating a PIP File 16

    Appendix C: OMA References 17


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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 3

    1 Introduction

    The owners of Symbian OS devices including those using the Nokia 7710 widescreen smartphone or devicesbased on the S60 platform or the Series 80 Platform are hungry for new applications to make the most oftheir smartphones.

    While Symbian OS devices offer an excellent platform for Java applications, there is a wealth of additionalnative Symbian applications available. These applications are written in native Symbian C++, as well as other

    languages, such as Visual Basic (enabled by Appforge Crossfire), Python (enabled for the S60 platform byNokia), and Open Programming Language (OPL), a Basic-like language from the open source community. Allthese applications are delivered to consumers as native Symbian installation, or SIS, files. Today, the majorityof users purchasing native Symbian add-on applications are doing so from Web portals. However, proventechnology is available to allow these purchases to be made over the air (OTA), often with little more thansimple extensions to existing content delivery services.

    User demand and readily available technology solutions mean that OTA delivery of native Symbian applicationsoffers operators a lucrative new revenue stream that boosts average revenue per unit (ARPU) and reinforcesconsumer loyalty.

    This paper reviews the opportunities and outlines some of the ways in which they can be realized.

    2 Symbian OS Leads the Smartphone Market

    For consumers to download high-value applications, they need a platform on which to run them. That platformis Symbian OS. It will be the leading platform for smartphones for the foreseeable future. In September 2005,Ovum estimated that devices based on Symbian OS will account for 70 percent of all smartphone shipments by2009 (see Figure 1).

    The success of Symbian OS comes from offering rich devices from the mid range through to the top end,garnering new markets in the process. The latest version of the S60 platform, for example, offers features such as support for a single-chip architecture that enables devices at lower price points that capture newusers in the mid range marketplace. The addition of robust run-time security is also contributing to adoptionby assuring users that their smartphones are secure and protected.

    Figure 1: Estimates from Ovum show Symbian OS as the leading smartphone operating system.


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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 4

    3 Symbian OS Device Owners Want Applications

    A powerful smartphone is only part of the story when it comes to offering the user value. Smartphones offerhuge opportunities, whether it be listening to music, updating a blog, navigating to a restaurant or meeting,or checking the status of a flight. Add-on applications allow users to realize the full potential of their devicesby addressing individual needs for information and entertainment.

    Symbian OS users have already shown that they are very interested in adding new applications to their

    devices. At Handango, Inc., one of the most respected Internet-based mobile software resellers, the typicalowner of a Symbian smartphone purchased more applications per transaction during 2005 than any othersmartphone customer. Handangos InHand Symbian OS client was the most downloaded during 2005. OfInHands Symbian OS customers, 35.7 percent buy at least two or more times, and during 2004, the averageorder had a value of $28.10 (23.19 euros) (highest of all Handangos InHand clients).1

    While the demand for add-on applications is a revenue opportunity in its own right, it also has a strong flow-on effect into other revenue generating areas, including:

    The use of data traffic to download the application; traffic may also be boosted by multiple downloads oftrials as users determine which applications best suit their needs.

    Data traffic generated by applications; many applications rely on delivering updated data to the user. Forexample, users of Mobimates travel information application, WorldMate, regularly download weather,currency, and flight details. Mobile mapping solutions, such as Appello WISEPILOT, are also strong data

    traffic generators as users download map and direction information.

    Demand for these applications creates a rich environment for growing service penetration and relatednetwork revenues, by stimulating interest in location-based services (LBS), micropayment services,Presence services, and other services.

    It is also worth bearing in mind that many of these additional benefits can be accrued from the many opensource and freeware Symbian OS applications available today.

    It should be noted that Internet vendors meet much of todays demand for Symbian applications. Throughsuch vendors, users must download applications to their PCs, upload the applications to devices, and installthem a process many find daunting. Direct OTA download is a far simpler mechanism, since users completethe entire process on their devices. The OTA approach is therefore expected to drive demand even further.

    4 Native Symbian Applications Are a Compelling Value Proposition

    Native Symbian applications offer users the highest-quality experience on their devices. Applications, usingplatforms such as the S60 platform, are feature rich and offer a user experience second to none. As a result,consumers are willing to pay a premium for native Symbian applications.

    Information from Handango (Figure 2) shows that the average price of Symbian OS software purchasedthrough its own store or the stores it hosts for others has increased since 2004 by 15 percent, to $20 (16.50euros). By comparison, the average price for Java applications sold by Handango was $4.74 (3.91 euros). Eachpurchase transaction made by a Symbian OS device owner was also more valuable, at an average of $26.89(22.19 euros), compared with the average Java customers spending of $5.25 (4.33 euros).

    1 Figures for the InHand client for UIQ; S60 platform support was added in November 2005.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 5

    Figure 2: The average value of individual Symbian OS applications is growing, according to Handango.

    These higher values mean higher per application revenues for the seller. High-value applications also haveother benefits. They may offer reduced download catalog management costs, because fewer applications arerequired to achieve the same revenue, when compared to other platforms.

    One of the benefits of the Symbian OS OTA market is that it offers a wide variety of price to volume models.While many users will download high-priced applications, there is also a significant volume market for low-

    priced applications. This model has been successfully implemented by German content reseller Jamba! GmbH.For more information on Jamba!s success, see Section 6.1, Jamba!

    5 Putting It into Practice

    There are a number of options for implementing Symbian applications OTA. The two principal options areto either extend existing WAP/HTTP storefronts or to use an on-device client. Each offers a different benefitprofile. These options are discussed in the following sections.

    5.1 Application Download Size

    Symbian applications can vary considerably in size, from a few tens of kilobytes to several megabytes. The

    majority of applications will be between 100 KB and 500 KB in size, with a few high-end personal productivityapplications topping 500 KB. Some very feature-rich games can be megabytes in size, but again the majoritywill be in the typical size range.

    One practical decision that needs to be made in implementing OTA delivery of native Symbian applications,therefore, is on application size. There are two principal factors that need to be considered: the consumerexperience in downloading the application, which generally means considering how long the download willtake, and any technical download server, gateway, network, or device constraints.

    Existing OTA suppliers have found that on a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) network, a limit of 500 KB isuseful in maintaining an acceptable user experience. However, users will download larger applications, butit would be advisable to provide a warning about the download size in the application description. In 3Gnetworks, the limit can be set much higher.

    Technical limits on the maximum file size may exist owing to factors such as available device memory, WAPgateway configuration limits, or the browser in use.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 6

    5.2 WAP or HTTP Download

    The simplest option for implementing native Symbian applications OTA is a Web-based storefront with whichthe consumer interacts through the Symbian OS devices browser. Using this method, the consumer navigatesa dynamic list of available applications and pays after successfully downloading the application. This modelsimply extends existing storefronts that are already delivering ring tones, themes, and Java applications.

    In most cases, the key to this approach is implementing Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Download and OMA


    Implementing OMA Download can be done with minimal effort. Enabling the OMA Download protocolrequires the creation of a download descriptor file (DD file) for each item of content, along with simplechanges in the HTTP scripts. All of these changes are explained in the OMA Download specification available atwww.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/download_archive.html.

    OMA forward-lock provides a mechanism to ensure that download packages cannot be forwarded to otherdevices, thus protecting the integrity of the transaction. OMA forward-lock is implemented in most SymbianOS devices, and use simply involves packaging the application in a forward-lock*.dmfile. By adopting thismethod of protection, developers may be encouraged to remove proprietary Digital Rights Management (DRM)mechanisms, such as issuing a license key based on a devices International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)number, which complicates the purchasing process for both customer and seller.

    While forward-lock provides basic protection to an application delivered OTA, other solutions enable activitiessuch as superdistribution. These options are discussed in Section 5.4, DRM Solutions.

    The advantage of the Web approach is that it leverages existing capabilities to capture the native Symbianapplication download market. It allows existing customers with Symbian OS devices to discover this contentthrough the portals with which they are already familiar.

    Nokia Software Market, a WAP site bookmarked on many S60 devices before they are shipped to market, isan example of how easy it is to implement OTA download. Nokia Software Market offers S60 device owners away to purchase additional content and applications for their devices OTA. The service is implemented usingOpenbit License Manager (see Section 5.4.2, Openbit License Manager) to provide application DRM.

    5.3 On-Device Storefronts

    An alternative to Internet storefronts is an on-device purchasing client, which offers the customer theadvantages of latency-free catalog browsing, as well as improved usability owing to its ability to fully integratewith the device UI.

    On-device storefronts can often be used as a complementary delivery solution to Internet-based stores. Onereason for a dual approach is that usually, an on-device storefront can be delivered preinstalled on a deviceonly to new customers. On-device storefronts can, however, easily be delivered to deployed devices by themechanisms discussed in this paper, but delivery would require the customers permission.

    5.3.1 The Preminet Client

    The Preminet Client is Nokias on-device storefront offering. It has been designed from the ground up as amobile storefront to provide mobile consumers with the most effective way to discover, download, and enjoyquality content and services. Implemented as a shopping-mall concept, the Preminet Client is able to hostcontent from multiple channels simultaneously. The Preminet Client may be preinstalled on an S60 device orloaded as an aftermarket extra.

    Designed to increase content sales by improving the shopping experience, the Preminet Client offers zero-latency browsing of an offline catalog. This allows customers to shop more effectively and access more contentfaster. Background catalog updates can be used to refresh the storefronts stock. Integrated discovery, trial,purchase, and download mean transactions are more likely to be completed. The Preminet Client also ensuresthat consumers see only the software, content, and applications compatible with their devices.

    For S60 devices, the Preminet Client can automatically install the content (with the consumers approval), so

    there are fewer customer service calls about downloaded content being lost on devices.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 7

    5.3.2 VIISAS

    The VIISAS Mobile Catalog is a turnkey solution, offered as a hosted service or in-house solution that handlesnot only Symbian applications, but a range of other media and application content. It includes features thatallow applications and content to be securely previewed and purchased.

    The VIISAS Mobile Catalogs architecture is designed for scalability, so the solution can run over server arraysfor large installations that require high peak load throughput. It also incorporates real-time reporting that

    can be delivered to a content managers mobile phone, allowing the effects of marketing campaigns to bemonitored in real time.

    The VIISAS Mobile Catalog handles all the DRM requirements for applications and content. It can also dealwith applications that use proprietary DRM solutions, but, according to Jarmo Kuismanen, CEO of VIISASCommunications, Once we have explained the capabilities of the VIISAS Mobile Catalog, developers are happyto remove their proprietary DRM for a better user experience.

    5.3.3 inTouch

    One supplier that offers a hybrid solution, a client, and a Web storefront is inTouch Wireless Services Pte Ltd. ItsTry-and-Buy Manager (Figure 3) provides an on-device catalog of applications the user can select to try. Duringthe trial phase, applications are accessible only through the Try-and-Buy Manager. The user can purchase

    applications through operator billing, which is undertaken on a percentage-of-revenue basis. Application DRM,which is transparent to the user, is handled via BIO messaging. Once an application has been purchased, it ismoved to the devices desktop.

    Figure 3: inTouch Try-and-Buy Manager allows applications to be evaluated before purchase.

    The company offers a range of licensing models for applications, including one-off purchase, partial licensing(such as individual levels in a game), rental, and subscription.

    Try-and-Buy also supports user-to-user superdistribution of applications using Bluetooth technology.Try-and-Buy content can be downloaded by device owners from kiosks (Buffalo AirStation) or by WAP

    or Web download.

    5.4 DRM Solutions

    Protecting downloaded applications is an important step in both encouraging developers to make applicationsavailable and protecting the revenue streams that application sales offer. This section looks at DRM solutionsthat can be used with native Symbian applications.

    5.4.1 OMA DRM

    The OMAs DRM standards provide for OMA forward-lock (which prevents content from being forwarded froma device), combined delivery (which builds on OMA forward-lock by providing rights to limit the availability of

    the content), and separate delivery (which allows rights to be delivered separately from the content so theycan be updated and content superdistributed).

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 8

    Full OMA DRM protection for native Symbian applications has been provided since S60 2nd Edition FeaturePack 2 using an application packaging mechanism called a protected information package (PIP) file. This isNokias recommended DRM mechanism for S60 applications. However, when targeting earlier devices or otherSymbian OS platforms, a proprietary DRM mechanism, such as those discussed in the following sections, maybe appropriate.

    A detailed description of how to implement OMA OTA for Symbian applications on Nokia devices is provided inAppendix A, Implementing OMA-Based Native Symbian Applications OTA Download for S60 Platform, Series 80

    Platform, and the Nokia 7710 Widescreen Smartphone.

    5.4.2 Openbit License Manager

    Openbit License Manager offers a third-party DRM solution for native Symbian applications. It relies on acentral license server hosted by Openbit and a device client delivered with each enabled application.

    The user downloads applications from a WAP or HTTP storefront and installs them. Payment is not required atdownload, since most applications are delivered with a free trial period. Once the trial period has expired, theuser is automatically prompted to purchase the application (see Figure 4). Payment can be made by a numberof mechanisms, including billing via the customers account using Premium Short Message Service (SMS). Oncepayment has been made, license details are sent using encrypted SMS or HTTP communication transparently tothe user.

    The use of Premium SMS to purchase applications protected with License Manager has already beenimplemented for some 70 operators worldwide. Implementing Premium SMS payment for a new operatorinvolves simply making a connection between the operators Short Message Service Center (SMSC) andOpenbits license server.

    Figure 4: Openbit License Manager offers a range of license and purchase options.

    License Manager offers a range of licensing options, including outright purchase, rental, and subscription.Superdistribution is also available, because License Manager is embedded in the installation package of everydownloaded application.

    While License Manager allows operators to generate revenue passively through Premium SMS, the purchaseof applications can be accelerated by hosting them on the operators download portals. There are currentlyaround 50 developers creating applications enabled for use with License Manager. In addition, any existingnative Symbian applications can be easily migrated to License Manager. In most cases, other than removing anyproprietary licensing mechanism, License Manager does not require developers to modify their applications.

    Applications protected by Openbit License Manager can also be preinstalled on new Symbian OS phones.

    5.4.3 Psiloc DRM Common Solutions

    Psiloc DRM Common Solutions consists of three components: Common Security (which protects applicationsfrom hackers and reverse engineering), Common Licensing, and Common Tools (such as a send to option for

    superdistribution and an on-device catalog).

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 9

    Common Licensing provides services for a customer to purchase an application and then ensures that theapplication is used only by that purchaser. It works using a client on the device (which is included with eachapplication to ensure it is always available) and a license server hosted by Psiloc or in-house by an operator.When a customer purchases an application OTA using Premium SMS, direct billing, or any other operator-implemented secure payment method, the Common Licensing client communicates with the server to obtaina license, using data services or SMS. Applications can be locked to a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cardor device; using the SIM card option allows users to transfer software easily when they upgrade. Licensingoptions include time, date, or uses limits as well as outright purchase. The system also includes extensions

    to the basic superdistribution model that allow content distribution to be tracked, enabling sophisticatedloyalty programs.

    To implement Common Solutions, applications have to be modified to include additional header files anddefinitions, a process that Psiloc says can be completed in around 10 minutes.

    Applications protected by Common Solutions can be hosted either on the Internet, using an existing WAP store,or through an on-device shop client (which can host any type of content, such as music, video, or other digitalmedia). Options also exist for supplying license keys through retail outlets.

    Currently, 150 applications are available with Common Solutions, and more are expected to become availablefollowing the wider launch of the solution in January 2006.

    6 Native Symbian Applications Download Successes

    Several operators and channel vendors are already seeing positive results from native Symbian applicationdelivery by OTA.

    6.1 Jamba!

    Native Symbian application OTA has been a singular success for Jamba! Symbian offers technical simplicity indelivering content, with reliable OMA OTA and much less variation than Java handsets, says Thomas Richter,Jamba!s director of content sourcing. These more-educated users spend two-and-a-half times more onapplications and content, without cannibalizing our Java downloads business.

    Software and content channel Jamba! has been doing nothing but OTA delivery of Symbian applications for thepast two and a half years.

    From the delivery perspective, native Symbian applications provide Jamba! with the fewest technical issuesof all the software it handles. We have to maintain somewhere in the region of 120 different categories ofJava applications to cope with all the different handsets. By contrast, for [the S60 platform], we need onlyseven, says Richter. This means we can deliver native Symbian applications much more reliably. Richteralso attributes part of the reliable delivery of native Symbian applications to its better-educated users. WithSymbian OS, its easy to ensure the right content or application gets onto the handset, says Richter.

    Of Jamba!s customer base, 6.8 percent are users of Symbian OS smartphones, and the revenue they generateis 2.5 times higher than the best Java phone ARPU. We see that Symbian OS smartphone users, mainly [S60]users, simply buy a higher volume of content to create this additional ARPU, says Richter. While this includessome additional downloads of content, particularly videos, the majority of the additional revenue comes from

    games and native Symbian applications.

    Richter believes the key to Jamba!s success is its business model, which is different from many other channelsin the market. We have the best and largest portfolio of low-priced native Symbian applications, he says. Weare not targeting the pioneer user but the mass market with small, helpful, fun applications.

    Jamba! does not host any applications that use third-party DRM solutions, and it implements OMA forward-lockas part of its software delivery. Third-party DRM solutions, such as software registrations, hamper the userexperience, says Richter. While developers are nervous about removing their own DRM, our sales volumesmore than compensate.

    Many of the applications Jamba! sells also have flow-on effects for the customers operator. While we donthave direct information on the data traffic generated by our applications, I believe it to be significant, saysRichter. One of our popular applications is Living Wallpaper. This includes Webcam feeds, which will generatea lot of data traffic.

    Jamba!s service can be supplied as a branded solution to operators worldwide.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 10

    6.2 VIISAS

    Mobile software developer VIISAS Communications offers a download client and catalog, which can be used todeliver a range of content to mobile phones. While True Tones, ring tones, wallpapers, themes, and Java gamesrepresent an important part of the download business, CEO Jarmo Kuismanen sees an increasingly importantrole for native Symbian applications.

    According to Kuismanen, the applications that sell best are those that function and look best to the user.

    With Symbian OS and [the S60 platform], the skillful developer can produce high-quality applications. So, if anoperator wants to offer their users the best application, then they have to look to Symbian OS. We use a nativeSymbian application for our client for the same reason.

    The VIISAS Mobile Catalog is a real-time, client/server offering for both Java and Symbian OS phones, deliveredas a hosted or in-house solution. However, the best download experience is offered by VIISASs Symbian OSclient. With Symbian we provide advanced mechanisms to protect the user, says Kuismanen. We can ensurenetwork faults dont result in the customer being billed twice. We can also automatically start applicationinstallation and prompt the user to retry if they accidentally cancel the installation. Only Symbian OS allows usto offer these features.

    We have done a lot of careful analysis, and the results clearly show that the end users with Symbian OSdevices generate significantly more data traffic, make more orders, buy more-expensive content, and they aremuch more likely to be return customers, says Kuismanen.

    6.3 TeliaSonera

    For Finnish mobile operator TeliaSonera Finland Oyj, downloads of native Symbian applications are an integralpart of its overall download offering so much so that the company has hosted the Nokia Download Serverto boost application sales by ensuring a high-quality experience and service availability. Juhani Kivikangas,TeliaSoneras director of partner solutions, estimates that the majority of the companys customers obtaintheir native Symbian applications using this service.

    Native Symbian applications allow our customers to make the most of their devices, says Kivikangas. Thevisual quality is better, particularly in games, and the user interaction superior to that of Java applications.

    As a result, TeliaSonera has found that owners of Symbian OS devices readily accept higher-cost native Symbian

    applications, which can be up to $25.45 (21 euros).

    While games are a significant portion of the native Symbian download business, users have shown significantinterest in other types of applications. For example, among TeliaSonera customers, one of the most popularapplications of the last 12 months has been Openbit Photographer, which allows users to create humorouslydistorted faces from images captured on their phones.

    While revenue from the purchase of native Symbian applications is important to TeliaSonera, the flow-oneffects to the use of airtime services are just as financially rewarding. Applications such as Photographer helpdrive services such as Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). Advanced applications, together with betterbrowser capabilities on Symbian OS devices, result in their owners delivering between three- and five-timeshigher data usage when compared to other phones users, says Kivikangas.

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    7 Summary

    Symbian OS device owners are ready to realize the power of their new smartphones. Operators can find newprofit in this user desire by hosting a variety of native Symbian applications and making them available to theircustomers OTA.

    Several options exist to implement OTA downloads. It is possible to reuse existing download infrastructures suchas WAP or HTTP storefronts, which may already be in use powering ring tone and Java application downloads.

    Alternatively, applications can be sold using an on-device shop client.

    Operators can protect this new revenue stream by implementing DRM-compliant capabilities in their OTA servicedelivery platforms. Ideally, these modifications to the OTA service delivery platforms should include one of thepopular types of DRM, which include Openbit License Manager, Psiloc DRM Common Solutions, and OMA DRM.

    As the number of Symbian OS devices grows over the next few years, native Symbian applications, and the datatraffic they can generate, will represent a significant opportunity for operators to generate additional revenue.This paper has highlighted a number of options that can be used today to generate additional revenue now andinto the future.

    Contact your local Forum Nokia business development manager for details.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 12

    Appendix A: Implementing OMA-Based Native Symbian Applications OTA

    Download for S60 Platform, Series 80 Platform, and the Nokia 7710

    Widescreen Smartphone

    A.1 Introduction

    This appendix explains how to use Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) standards to download native Symbianapplications to the Nokia 7710 widescreen smartphone as well as to S60 and Series 80 devices.

    A.1.1 OMA Standards

    Nokia provides comprehensive support for OMA standards within its devices. Two of these standards are thefoundation for simple, efficient downloading of native Symbian applications (as well as a wide range of otherdigital content).

    The two relevant standards are:

    OMA Download a set of standards that provide robust WAP- or HTTP-based downloading to mobiledevices with reporting of successful downloads, which can be used as a billing trigger.

    OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) a set of standards that provide mechanisms for protectingdigital content. Version 1 provides three such mechanisms: OMA forward-lock (which prevents contentfrom being forwarded from a device), combined delivery (whereby content and rights are deliveredtogether, allowing content to be limited by time or usage), and separate delivery (whereby content rightsare delivered separately, allowing rights to be bought at any time). Version 2 provides a single method ofprotection based on separate delivery with the addition of public key infrastructure (PKI) encryption. Formore information, see the references in Appendix C, OMA References.

    A.1.2 Additional Rights Management Issues

    When delivering native Symbian applications, OMA DRM provides protection only for the download package;once an application is installed on a device, it is no longer protected. In most cases, this is adequate protection,since few users have the ability to repackage an application for illegal distribution. A more significant

    drawback is that it does not allow usage rights (as enabled by the combined delivery or separate deliverymethods of OMA DRM) to be given to applications.

    To overcome these issues, Nokia has introduced a DRM License Manager in S60 2 nd Edition Feature Pack 2that allows application files to be protected by any OMA DRM mechanism, thus providing protection againstrepackaging and enabling time- or usage-based rights to be granted to an application. This mechanismworks by packaging the original application installation file and critical data files in a ZIP archive known as aprotected installation package (PIP) which is then encrypted and stored in a DRM Content Format (DCF) file. ThePIP file can be used with any DRM mechanism: OMA forward-lock, combined delivery, or separate delivery.

    Details on how to create a PIP file are provided in Appendix B, Creating a PIP File.

    A.1.3 OMA and PIP Support

    Table 1 illustrates the support for OMA Download and OMA DRM in Nokia platforms and devices.



    OMA DRMVersion 1


    OMA DRMVersion 1


    OMA DRMVersion 2


    S60 1st Edition Yes Yes2 Yes

    S60 2nd Edition Yes Yes Yes Yes

    S60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

    S60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3

    S60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3

    S60 3rd Edition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3

    Series 80 2nd Edition Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Nokia 7710 widescreen smartphone Yes Yes Yes YesTable 1: Support for OMA Download, OMA DRM, PIP files, and OTA download transport protocols in

    Nokia Symbian OS platforms and devices is illustrated.

    Application File Transport

    2 While S60 1st Edition provides OMA forward-lock, this feature does not extend to native Symbian application installation files; only images, audio, and Java applications are supported.3 Rights are delivered by WAP Push over Short Message Service (SMS).

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    A.1.4 Getting the Right Content to the Right Device

    Nokias platforms and devices are under constant development, with new features being added all the time.This means that an application written for the latest S60 device will not necessarily run on earlier devices,because it uses new features. Therefore, it is important to ensure the right applications are delivered to theright device. Fortunately, this is not a complex task.

    The browser on each Nokia device has a mechanism to report the platform version number on which the

    device is based. This mechanism is the User Agent Profile (UAProf), one of the HTTP headers passed in everyHTTP request from a browser. There are two formats that could be reported:

    Nokia6600/1.0 (4.03.24) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0.

    Or (where the operator has chosen Mozilla compatible headers, which became an option from the Nokia6630 imaging smartphone):

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Series60/2.6 Nokia6630/x.yy.z Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1).

    The version information reported in the headers is defined in Table 2.

    Platform/Device Reported Header (OSName/OSVersion)

    S60 Platform 1st Edition Symbian OS

    S60 Platform 2nd Edition Series60/2.0

    S60 Platform 2nd Edition Feature Pack 1 Series60/2.1

    S60 Platform 2nd Edition Feature Pack 2 Series60/2.6

    S60 Platform 2nd Edition Feature Pack 3 Series60/2.8

    S60 Platform 3rd Edition Series60/3.0

    Series 80 Platform 2nd Edition Series80/2.0

    Nokia 7710 widescreen smartphone Series90/1.1

    Table 2: UAProf version details reported for Nokia Symbian OS devices and platforms are illustrated.

    Using the UAProf header, the server providing the browsable storefront can deliver information on theavailable, compatible applications to the user.

    The question now arises, armed with the platform version, how many categories of applications are there?Essentially, there needs to be one group for each edition; however, specific applications may take advantage ofAPIs offered in a feature pack or as lead features on a device. The applications developer will be able to adviseon compatibility.

    A.2 Implementation Options

    Operators considering implementing Symbian OS applications over the air (OTA) have two basic options:

    To implement a system based on providing OMA forward-lock protection only, which gives the widestcoverage of available devices.

    To implement a system based on full OMA DRM using applications delivered in a PIP file, which limits thetarget devices to those based on S60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 2 or later.

    It is entirely possible to implement both solutions, using the UAProf headers to determine which type ofcontent to deliver, but for the sake of simplicity, this appendix will discuss each option separately.

    A.2.1 OMA Forward-Lock Implementation

    Implementing OMA forward-lock is the simplest option for enabling native Symbian applications OTA.

    A.2.1.1 The forward-lock delivery process

    The process of downloading native Symbian applications when using OMA forward-lock, shown in Figure 5, is:

    1. Browse Using the devices browser, the customer connects to the operators WAP or HTTP storefront.The server reads the UAProf and returns pages containing applications suitable for the customers device,along with descriptive and price information.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 14

    2. Download and Charge The user selects an application and initiates the download. The operators serverfirst sends the download descriptor to the device. Using the information in the download descriptor, thedevice checks features, such as available space, to ensure the content can be received and installed (ifnot, it helps the user with resolvable issues such as memory space). Once it has been confirmed that thecontent can be downloaded, the device connects to the content server that is defined in the downloaddescriptor (which may be the operators server or one hosted by a content partner), and the downloadis commenced. Once the download has finished, the user is directed to the Web page defined in thedownload descriptor, and an OMA Download installation notification message is returned to the operators

    server; this message can be used to trigger payment.3. Install The user initiates the installation of the downloaded application. Installation can be undertaken

    immediately after the download, or at some later time.

    4. Use Once the application has been installed, the user is able to use it freely.

    Figure 5: Symbian OS applications can be downloaded OTA using OMA forward-lock.

    A.2.1.2 Infrastructure requirements

    Implementing OMA forward-lock in an existing content system should require only minor changes to theexisting content delivery infrastructure, shown in Figure 5, as follows:

    Each application that is to be protected by OMA forward-lock needs to be packaged in a *.dmfile. Thiscould be done by the developer as part of the application submission process or on the fly within the

    content system.

    OMA Download needs to be enabled; this involves simple changes in the HTTP server to enable the OMADownload protocol.

    For each application a download descriptor file (DD file) needs to be created; this file defines the downloadserver, device capabilities, and download completion redirect page, among other things.

    Amend the billing trigger to act on the receipt of an OMA Download installation notification message thatindicates successful download.

    A.2.2 Combined Delivery Implementation

    The use of combined delivery essentially follows the same process and requires the same infrastructure as OMA

    forward-lock, although packaging a PIP file into a DRM file is more complex, since the downloaded file needs toinclude rights information.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 15

    A.2.3 Separate Delivery Implementation Using a PIP

    Implementing separate delivery with applications packaged in a PIP requires only a few extra componentswhen compared to an OMA forward-lock implementation, but it provides greater reliability and options forlicensing applications.

    A.2.3.1 The process

    The process of downloading native Symbian applications using separate delivery, shown in Figure 6, is:

    1. Browse Using the devices browser, the customer connects to the operators WAP or HTTP storefront.The server reads the devices UAProf and returns pages containing applications suitable for the customersdevice, along with descriptive and price information.

    2. Download The user selects an application and initiates the download. The operators server firstsends the download descriptor to the device. Using the information in the download descriptor, thedevice checks features, such as available space, to ensure the content can be received (if not, it helpsthe user with resolvable issues such as memory space). Once it has been confirmed the content can bedownloaded, the device connects to the content server defined in the download descriptor4 (which maybe the operators server or one hosted by a content partner), and the download is commenced. Once thedownload has finished, an OMA Download installation notification message is returned to the operatorsserver, and the user is directed to the Web page defined in the download descriptor. Preview rights must

    also be included in the download at this time.5

    3. Install The user initiates the installation of the downloaded application. Installation can be undertakenimmediately after the download or at some later time.

    4. Preview The user runs the installed application. The user may preview the application for a specific timeperiod or number of uses defined by the downloaded preview rights.

    5. Purchase Rights Once the preview rights have been exhausted, or immediately if no preview rights weregranted, the DRM License Manager will notify the user of the need to purchase rights for the applicationand directs the user, through the devices browser, to the appropriate storefront page. If the customerpurchases rights, they are downloaded using OMA Download. Billing for the purchase can be completedon receipt of the OMA Download installation notification message that confirms the rights have beeninstalled.

    It is possible to purchase and deliver full rights at Step 2, and eliminate Steps 3 and 4. However, followingthe entire process has the advantage of guaranteeing the user has installed the application and that it iscompatible with the customers device, since the rights are bought after the application has been installedand previewed.

    Figure 6: Symbian OS applications can be downloaded using a PIP file and separate delivery.

    4 Standard HTTP download can also be used.

    5 The associated DRM objects are handled in the following ways:

    For OMA DRM version 1.0: while the user downloads the PIP file, the server pushes the preview rights via WAP Push to the device.

    For OMA DRM version 2.0: Preview rights are delivered as a second download as part of the overall download process.

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    Native Symbian Applications Over the Air: New Opportunities to Drive ARPU 16

    A.2.3.2 Infrastructure requirements

    Implementing OMA separate delivery in an existing content system will require the addition of a rights serverand minor changes to the existing infrastructure, shown in Figure 6, as follows:

    Each application that is to be protected by OMA separate delivery needs to be packaged in a PIP file. Thiswill be done by the developer as part of the application submission process.

    The operator needs to enable OMA Download; this involves simple changes in the HTTP server to enable

    the OMA Download protocol.

    For each application, the operator needs to create a DD file.

    The operator needs to introduce a rights server. This will create a rights (.dr) file on the fly and make itavailable for download to the customer.

    The operator must amend the billing trigger to act on the receipt of an OMA Download installationnotification message that indicates successful download of the rights file.

    A.3 Conclusion

    Using a range of standard technology, operators can easily implement the delivery of Symbian OS applicationsOTA. The browser-reported UAProf allows the platform to be identified and the right applications offered to the

    customer. OMA forward-lock provides protection for downloaded applications across the entire range of NokiaSymbian OS platforms and devices (and many based on other Symbian OS platforms); combined delivery is alsoan option, while separate delivery can provide the customer with application previews and several purchaseoptions. Finally, the OMA Download protocol can be used to ensure that applications and rights files are safelydelivered.

    Existing content systems can easily be upgraded to implement all the technology required. Most of thetechnology simply requires configuration changes, and the most complex change likely to be needed is theintroduction of a rights server.

    Appendix B: Creating a PIP File

    DRM License Manager is a component introduced in Series 60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 2 that can be used to

    protect native applications and themes on Series 60 devices. It enables application developers to specify thatcertain application or theme files will be protected by OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM), thereby allowingrights to be assigned to an application or theme for preview, activation-based usage, time-based usage, oroutright purchase.

    DRM License Manager requires applications to be delivered in a protected application package known as theprotected installation package (PIP). A PIP is a standard ZIP archive that contains the applications SIS, a filethat defines the PIP files content and the data files to be protected, which is then encrypted and stored in aDRM Content Format DCF file; see Figure 7.

    More information regarding DRM License Manager can be found in S60 SDKs, starting with the S60 2nd Edition

    for Symbian OS SDK, Supporting Feature Pack 2.

    PIP File (DCF Format)

    Zip FileSIS File

    Definition File

    Data File

    Data File

    Figure 7: The PIP file is a ZIP archive containing the application SIS, data files to be protected, and a definition file.

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    Appendix C: OMA References

    Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Download www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/download_v10.html

    OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) version 1.0 www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/drm_v1_0.html

    OMA DRM version 2.0 www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/drm_v2_0.html

    User Agent Profile (UAProf) www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/uap_v20.html

    Copyright 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6630, and Nokia 7710 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.

    DisclaimerThe information in this document is provided as is, with no warranties whatsoever, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or any warranty otherwise arisingout of any proposal, specification, or sample. Furthermore, information provided in this document is preliminary, and may be changed substantially prior to final release. This document is provided forinformational purposes only.

    Nokia Corporation disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to implementation of information presented in this document. Nokia Corporation does notwarrant or represent that such use will not infringe such rights. Nokia Corporation retains the right to make changes to this specification at any time, without notice.

    LicenseA license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this specification for personal use only. No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein.


    About Forum Nokia

    Nokias global developer program, Forum Nokia connects developers to tools,technical information, support, and distribution channels they can use to build andmarket applications around the globe. From offices in the U.S., Europe, Japan, China,and Singapore, Forum Nokia provides technical and business development supportto developers and operators to assist them in achieving their goal of successfullylaunching applications and services to consumers and enterprises.


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