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  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr














  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr




    Syndicate Bank was established in 1925 in Udupi, South India to assist rural and

    agricultural development !he bank was constituted as a public sector bank in 19"9 and

    now o##ers a #ull range o# banking products and services to corporate and retail customers

    through a variety o# delivery channels across India

    Syndicate Bank has 1,$9% branches in India spread over 2& states and #our union

    territories In addition,the bank maintains an international presence with a branch in

    'ondon and manages two e(change companies in the )iddle *ast !he bank has a work

    #orce o# 2",&95 people serving over 1" million customers with access to over 1&,+++

    !)s in India, including 2-& o# Syndicate Banks , and over %$+,+++ !)s across the


    Syndicate Bank provides #inancial products and services to retail customers along with

    supply chain #inancing !he Bank also provides commercial banking products andservices to corporate and commercial customers including mid.si/ed and small

    businesses and government entities

    Syndicate Banks advances increased by 29 -" percent to 0s 2",$29 2 crore on )arch &1,

    2++5 #rom 0s 2+,"-" 91 crore on )arch &1, 2++- !he retail port#olio also increased by

    -+ 92 percent to 0s $,9&" - crore on )arch &1, 2++5 #rom 0s 5,"&1 "% crore on )arch

    &1, 2++-

    Syndicate Banks deposits increased by % $1 percent to 0s -",29- 5" crore on )arch &1,

    2++5 #rom 0s -2,5%- %1 crore on )arch &1, 2++5 n )arch &1, 2++",the banks

    interest.#ree demand deposits and low.interest savings bank deposits constituted &$ +5


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    percent o# total deposits !hese low.cost deposits led to an average cost o# deposits o#

    - "- percent and an average cost o# #unds o# - "$ percent #or 3+5

    !he Banks ratio o# net 4 s to net advances declined to 1 59 percent as at )arch &1,

    2++5 #rom 2 5% percent as at )arch &1, 2++5

    In the #inancial year ended )arch &1, 2++", the Bank posted a net pro#it o# 0s -&+ -

    crore compared to -&2 % crore in 3+- 6owever, total income grew #rom 0s &%"1 $&

    crore in 3+- to 0s -&21 59 crore in 3+5 !he Bank has also continuously paid

    dividends #or past years

    !he Syndicate Bank is rapidly moving towards a centrali/ed database with a state o# theart core banking solution which will enable on line real time transaction processing 7

    providing on line inter#ace to a multitude o# technology driven delivery o# channels !he

    Syndicate Bank will #ocus on rural e(tension education programme, Syndicate 0ural

    8evelopment !rust S08!:, 0ural 8evelopment and sel# employment training institute

    0U8S*!I:, 'ead Bank Scheme, 0egional 0ural Banks etc !he Syndicate Bank

    remains aggressive in agriculture 7 allied activities during the year 7 reach a level o#

    0s %+5+ crore #orming 1$ -2 percent o# 4B; !he disbursement under special plan o#

    griculture ;redit during the year amounting to 0s -,&"2 crore recording an impressive

    growth o# -+ - percent over previous year 8isbursement under investment credit rose

    #rom 0s "-$ %5 crore to 0s 12%5 crore during the year, registering a growth o# 9%.9

    percent !his was mainly because o# the thrust given #or investment activities such as

    nimal 6usbandry, arm )echani/ation, ;ommercial 6orticulture, )inor Irrigation,


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    !able 1 1 key per#ormance indicators

    Indicators Syndicate Bank

    2007-0 200!-07

    ;apital to 0isk assets 0atio ;0 0: =: 11 $-= 11 $&=

    ;0 0.!ier I ;apital =: " 2-= $ -+=

    ;0 0.!ier II ;apital =: 5 5+= - &&=

    ercentage o# the share holding o# the

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



    er#orm all kinds o# banking business and generally #inance trade and commerce

    )a@ority o# ;ommercial banks are in the public sector

    Industrial BanksAInvestment Banks

    It mainly meet the medium term and long term #inancial needs o# the industries,

    e(amples, #or industrial banks, I8BI,I;I;I,I ;I etc

    A.#ic('t(#a' Bank%+

    In India, agricultural #inance is generally provided by co.operative

    institutions gricultural cooperatives provide short term loans and land

    development Banks provide long term credit to agriculturists

    E/c an.e Bank%

    !hese banks deal in #oreign e(change and speciali/e in #inancing, #oreign trade !hey

    #acilitate international payments 7 promote #oreign trade

    Sa in.% ank%

    It promote saving habits among the general public and mobili/e their small savings In

    India , postal saving banks do this @ob

    Cent#a' Bank+

    It controls, regulates and supervises the monetary and credit system o# the country It

    per#orms central banking #unction like regulation o# credit , issuing currency notes etc In

    India, ;entral Bank is 0eserve Bank o# India

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



    a 8omestic Banks !hese banks are registered with in the country

    b oreign Banks !hese banks are #oreign in origin and have their head

    o##ice in the country o# rigin

    Sc ed('ed and N"n-%c ed('ed Bank%+

    scheduled bank is that which has been included in the second schedule o# the reserve

    bank o# India ct 19&- !he banks which are not included in the second schedule o# the

    0BI act are non.schedules banks

    ;ommercial Banking in Indian begins in 1$$+ in #act the real beginning o# the modern

    commercial banking in India was made with the establishment Bank o# Bengal in 1%+"

    in 1%%1 the #irst purely Indian Banks i e udh commercial Bank came into being Some

    basic #unctions per#ormed by the commercial banks are . ccepting 8eposits dvancing

    o# loans , credit creations,

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    action which re?uire di##erential treatment among the members o# a group as

    distinguished #rom actionCs a##ecting all members e?ually

    er#ormance appraisal #irst originated in ;hina shortly be#ore world war.I the purpose o#

    ppraisal is promotion and trans#er determining wage incase, training and developmentin#orming employee, where he stands, #ollow up. interviews, discovering, supervisory

    personnel, personnel research, to help super visors know their employees

    Ehile in merican conditions per#ormance ppraisal is essentially made to determine

    salary increase promotions and trans#ers, in India, per#ormance appraisals #orm important

    managerial tools in evolving suitable schemes o# training and development and personnel


    T" e e44ecti e5 a $e#4"#6ance a$$#ai%a' %y%te6 % "('d %ati%4y t e 4"''" in.


    &(t(a' T#(%t+

    Be#ore introducing the appraisal system an atmosphere o# mutual trus and con#idence

    should be created in the organi/ation, #or banking discussion o# appraisal

    C'ea# " :ecti e%+

    !he ob@ectives should be clear , relevant, timely and open !he appraisal system should

    be ade?uately and appropriately linked with other sub systems o# human resource



    Eell de#ined per#ormance #actors as well as appraisal #orm procedures and techni?ues

    should be standardi/edF it will help to ensure uni#orm and comparison o# ratings

    *mployee should be made #ully aware o# per#ormance standards and should be involved

    in setting the standards


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    T#ainin. +

    *valuators should be given training in philosophy and techni?ue o# appraisal

    !hey should be provided with knowledge and skills in documenting appraisals

    conducting post appraisal interviews, rating errors etc

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    Re ie and A$$#ai%a'

    !he review may be made committee consisting o# line e(ecutives and personnel e(pert

    8i##erence in ratings with operating results, i# any are discussed and dissent is recorded

    OB !o #ind out various problems in per#ormance appraisal 7 solutions #or it

    !o make a review o# the old appraisal system

    !o analy/e the per#ormance appraisal system in Syndicate Bank

    !o have a detailed study on reporting #ormat o# appraisal system


    S"(#ce% "4 Data C"''ecti"n

    1 8ata #or this studies has been collected #rom both primary and secondary


    2 ther data are collected #rom State 'ibrary, nnual 0eports o# Syndicate

    Bank, Brochures, )aga/ines etc

    &et "d% "4 Data C"''ecti"n

    1 0andom sampling method Sample si/e covers &+ employees both

    e(ecutive 7 non e(ecutive: o# Syndicate

    Bank :

    2 Guestionnaire method pinions o# the employees are collected through

    ?uestionnaire :

    Ana'y%i%Statistical tools and !echni?ues and

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    Chapter-I deals with the introduction part It is the research design o# the study It

    describes about the Syndicate Bank It shows the needs o# per#ormance appraisal

    lan o# study and available literature o# this research work are also e(plained in this

    chapter Besides, certain limitations are arised on the part o# researcher to make the

    study in details

    Chapter-II includes ape( management structure o# Syndicate bank, 4ational Banking


    Chapter-III deals with conceptual analysis o# per#ormance appraisal system in

    Syndicate Bank. theoretical approach It e(plains the importance o# 6uman

    0esource 8evelopment, the ob@ectives o# per#ormance appraisal, its bene#its,

    methods, process, various problems and solutions

    Chapter-IV deals with the summari/ed idea on the topic per#ormance appraisal

    system in Syndicate bank 6ere the concluding remarks on the research work are


    Chapter-V includes the process o# per#ormance appraisal system It gives emphasis

    on reporting #ormat, the various roles at Branches, /onal o##icers and local o##ices

    with key responsibility areas, the back ground o# per#ormance appraisal system

    Chapter-VI deals with the personal observation o# the researcher which includes

    systematic and the conclusion o# the work


    It is humble task on the part o# the researcher to e(plain about the per#ormance

    appraisal system in Syndicate Bank !ime is one limiting #actor o# the study nother

    limitation was busy schedule o# the e(ecutives


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  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr




    !he ape( management structure o# syndicate bank

    : ;hairman.!he chie# e(ecutive o##icer

    B: our sta## #unctionaries o# the corporate centre are

    8y )anaging 8irector and corporate development o##icer

    8y )anaging 8irector and ;hie# inancing ##icer

    8y )anaging 8irector and ;hie# ;redit ##icer

    8y )anaging 8irector Inspection and )anagement udit:

    ;: !he #our business groups which over see the operations o# the bank would be

    headed by

    )anaging 8irector and

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    Syndicate Bank





    ?ene#a' &ana.e#%


    19 C"#$"#ate C#edit Di i%i"n I CCD-I @9 P#i"#ity Sect"# C#edit De$t29 C"#$"#ate C#edit Di i%i"n II CCD-II 109 P#e6i%e% &aintenance De$t

    39 Retai' Bankin. De$a#t6ent 119 Cent#a' Acc"(nt% )e.a' De$t,9 P'annin. De e'"$6ent De$t 129 Pe#%"nne' De$a#t6ent

    9 Rec" e#ie% De$t ?ene#a' Ad6n Unit 139 In%$ecti"n De$a#t6ent!9 De$t9 "4 In4"#6ati"n Tec n"'".y 1,9 =i.i'ance De$a#t6ent

    79 Ri%k &ana.e6ent &"nit"#in. De$t99 T#ea%(#y Inte#nati"na' Bankin. Di i%i"n

    Re.i"na' O44ice% - 3

    B#anc e% 212


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr




    Banks play an important role in the economic development o# the country !he entire

    commercial and industrial activities are well knitted with the banks In recent times

    modern commercial banks are e(pected to take up challenging tasks o# achieving

    economic growth combined with stability and social @ustice long with the development

    o# the country the system o# banking has become more signi#icant

    Syndicate Bank has a distinctive past, having been nationali/ed and its predecessors

    Imperial Bank o# India had a very event#ul period !his was the #irst wave !he second

    wave was when a ma@or reorgani/ation phenomenon took place Ehen the Syndicate

    Bank adopted a: market segmentation approach to its customers, and b: a system o#

    planning and budgeting !his was a signi#icant step in meeting the emerging

    organi/ational needs !hen there was a third wave, when the bank had a diagnostic look

    at its own structure and systems utside consultants were given this task and what

    emerged was the modular structure, whereby 0egional ##icers were created in order to

    be nearer the operational units In the wake o# this there was a #ourth wave Hthe

    Introduction o# a 608 system in the Bank

    Ehy 608

    !he bank has today more than &+1 branches and 2-&"+ employees on the &1 st )arch

    2++$ o# these 952+ were o##icers, 11192 clerical sta## and remaining &"-% belong to sub

    sta## e(cluding 1"++ part time employees !he S; 7 St employees constituted 2- 95= o#

    the total sta## strength !he employee pro#iles and their development needs were phenomenally changing which necessitated the evolution o# a compressive man

    management system


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    !here could be a variety o# ob@ectives which the per#ormance appraisal system can

    #ul#ill, some o# these ob@ectives are

    The main purpose for making objective and correct decision on employees.

    6elp the employee to overcome his weakness and improve his strengths and thus

    enable him to improve his per#ormance

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    Improved per#ormance through out the organi/ation due to more e##ective

    communication o# the organisationCs ob@ective and values,

    Improved overview o# the tasks per#ormed by each member o# sta##

    Identi#ication o# ideas #or improvement

    *(pectations and long term views can be developed,

    !raining and development needs identi#ied more clearly

    culture o# continuous improvement and success can be created and maintained,

    eople with potential can be identi#ied and career development plans #ormulated

    to cater #or #uture sta## re?uirements,

    !he message is conveyed that people are valued,

    *"# t e A$$#ai%e#+

    !he opportunity to develop an overview o# individual @obs and

    complete departments,

    Identi#ication o# ideas #or improvements

    Increased @ob satis#action

    Increased sense o# personal value

    !he opportunity to clari#y e(pectation the manager e(pects J om

    teams 7 individuals

    means o# #orming a more productive relationship with sta## based a

    mutual trust and understanding


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    *"# t e A$$#ai%ee +

    Increased motivation,

    Increased @ob satis#action

    Increased sense o# personal value

    clear understanding o# what is e(pected and what needs to be done to

    meet e(pectations

    !he opportunity to discuss work problems and how they can be over come,

    !he opportunity to discuss work problems and how they can be over come

    !he opportunity to discuss aspirations and any guidance, support or training

    needed to #ul#ill these aspirations,

    Improved working relationships with the manager

    !he #oundation o# per#ormance appraisal is provided by what the @ob holder is

    e(pected to do as de#ined in @ob description and by re#erence to agreed ob@ectives,

    the per#ormance appraisal process built on this #oundation can be described as a

    cycle consisting o# .preparation #or the appraisal discussion, the #ormat appraisal

    discussion, in#ormal reviews



  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    T e $e#4"#6ance a$$#ai%a'

    T e $#"ce%% "4 Pe#4"#6ance A$$#ai%a'

    !he per#ormance appraisal process consists o# #ollowing steps

    1 E%ta 'i% in. $e#4"#6ance %tanda#d%+

    !he appraisal process begins with the setting up o# criteria to be used #or appraising

    the per#ormance o# employees !hese criteria should be clear ob@ective and in writing

    it should be discussed with the supervisors to ensure that all relevant #actors have

    been including i# work per#ormance canCt be measured !he personal characteristics,

    which contribute to employee per#ormance, must be determined In #act, per#ormance

    standards will depends upon the ob@ectives o# the appraisal

    2 C"66(nicatin. t e Standa#d%+

    !he per#ormance standards speci#ied in the #irst step are communicated and e(plained

    so that they come to know what is e(pected o# them !he reactions o# employees to

    the standards should be obtained

    & &ea%(#in. Pe#4"#6ance+

    !his re?uires choosing the right techni?ues o# measurement, identi#ying the internal

    and e(ternal #actors in#luencing per#ormance and collecting in#ormation on results,

    and #ace to #ace contacts are the means o# collecting data on per#ormance

    - C"6$a#in. t e Act(a' it t e %tanda#d%+


    reparation In#ormal 0eview

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    !he comparison will reveal the deviations which may be positive or negative

    ositive deviation occurs when the actual per#ormance e(ceeds the standards, e(cess

    o# standard per#ormance over the actual per#ormance represents negative deviation

    5 Di%c(%%in. t e A$$#ai%a'+!he results o# the appraisal are communicated to and discussed with the employees

    Such discussion will enable an employee to know his weakness and strengths

    !here#ore, he will be motivated to improve himsel#

    " Takin. C"##ecti e Acti"n%+

    !hrough mutual discussions with employees, the steps re?uired to improve

    per#ormance are identi#ied and initiated !raining, coaching, counseling etc aree(amples o# corrective actions that help to improve per#ormance

    &et "d% "4 $e#4"#6ance A$$#ai%a'

    !he traditional methods #or measuring the per#ormance o# employees are

    ;on#idential 0eport

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    department to department and level to level !he con#idential report is written #or a

    unit o# one year and relates to the per#ormance ability and character o# the person

    during that year !he most important #actor on which the success o# con#idential

    report depends is ob@ectivity

    ?#a$ ic% Sca'e%

    In this method, the attempt is to measure the degree o# characteristics re?uired #or

    ade?uate per#ormance on the @ob or e(ample a rating scale could be as #ollows

    oor verage

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    iii: verage -+=

    iv: oorer than average 2+=

    v: oorest 1+=



  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    C#itica' incidenta' 6et "d

    !his method involves keeping a report o# e(ceptionally good or bad, incidents

    occurring in an employees work Such incidents are used to assess the ability o# the


    *"#ced c "ice #atin. &et "d

    In this method, the rater is asked to select one statement out o# two to #our which is

    the most characteristic o# the rates nly one o# the statements is correct in

    identi#ying the better per#ormance and this scoring key must be kept secret #rom the

    rates !he constitution o# the statements and the determination o# the scoring key

    must be kept secret #rom the rates !he construction o# the statements and the

    determination o# the scoring key are very crucial


    ppraisers are asked to identi#y the e(ceptionally good and e(ceptionally poor

    per#ormance that is then singled out #or special treatment

    "#k %a6$'e te%t%

    6ere, workers are give work related tests, which are then evaluated

    Re%('t "#iented $e#4"#6ance a$$#ai%a' %y%te6

    !his techni?ue attempts to evaluate the attainment o# targets in the conte(t o# overall

    ob@ective to ascertain the merit o# personnel

    !he moderns are

    i: )B approach

    ii: ;ost ccounting method

    iii: Behaviorally nchored 0ating Scales


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    &BO A$$#"ac

    ccording to diorne, result oriented appraisals or )B is J a system wherein

    the superior and the subordinate managers of an organization finally define

    their common goals, define each individuals major areas of responsibility in

    terms, of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for

    operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members D !he

    important steps in the process are 8etermination o# the key results o# the

    organi/ation er#ormance improvement guide #or all positions, ppraiser and

    appraise record observations, er#ormance progress review con#erence,

    Individual development programme, post.development programme review


    )B is diagnostic tool #or sel#.criticism in the #irst place, then an action

    programme #or change and improvement and #inally a tool #or

    implementation !he #ocus o# this approach is the sel#.development and

    sel#.reali/ation o# personnel

    !here are some limitations !he procedure will not work in situations

    where top personnel are not interested in involving their subordinates

    C"%t Acc"(ntin. &et "d

    In this method, the per#ormance is evaluated with re#erence to the monetary

    and certain non.monetary returns the employee is able to achieve #or the

    organi/ation !he #actors which help the evaluation o# per#ormance in this

    method are average value o# production, ?uality o# the products produced,

    overhead cost, wastages su##ered and attributable to the employee, the

    sociability and manners o# the employee, the sociability and manners o# the

    employee, responsiveness to supervision


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    BARS Be a i"#a''y ANCHORED Ratin. Sca'e%

    B 0S re?uires superiors to evaluate subordinates on a set o# dimensions o# work

    behavior that have been care#ully correlated to the speci#ic @ob being per#ormed bythe person being evaluated *ach response is labeled with e(amples o# speci#ic @ob

    behavior corresponding to good per#ormance, average per#ormance, poor

    per#ormance and so on

    !he advantages o# B 0S are that the rating errors are reduced and per#ormance

    appraisals are more reliable valid, meaning#ul and complete primary drawback is

    the time, e##ort and e(pense involved in their development

    er#ormance appraisals have always been a very di##icult and sensitive per#ormance

    management toll 4umerous surveys carried out have attested to the #act that it is

    di##icult not only #or the appraisers, but also #or the appraises !here is always a

    con#lict in relation to perceptions o# per#ormance Individuals usually tend to have

    higher perceptions they tend to be unhappy, which gives rise to numerous secondary

    problems at the work place

    I# the target or standard o# per#ormance has not been achieved there will be

    per#ormance problem !he causes o# this problem can be analy/ed under the

    #ollowing headings

    1 T e $#" 'e6 i% ca(%ed y %"6e "dy e'%e+

    lack o# co.operation

    Un#oreseeable changes in @ob re?uirements arising #rom e(ternal or internal


    *(pected resources not available



  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    2 !he problem arises because o# the individualCs

    'ack o# skill

    ailure to understand task or ob@ectives

    'ack o# knowledge

    'ack o# con#idence

    4egative or uncooperative attitude

    'ack o# interest

    ailure to get priorities right

    ailure to con#orm to policies or procedures


    & !he problem is caused by the manager

    rbitrarily changing tasks or priorities

    ailing to clari#y re?uirements and e(pectations ob@ectives, standards and


    ailing to provide ade?uate encouragement, guidance, support orin#ormation

    *(pecting too much setting unreasonable ob@ectives or standards


    Knowledge and skill problems

    n and o##.the @ob training

    ;oaching by line manager

    Lob rotation

    0eading listsAdistance learningAcomputer.based learning


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    ssignment to new tasks Lob enlargement:


    Improvement targets

    4ew Lob


    ailure to understand task or ob@ective

    0eview and clari#ication o# ob@ectives with line manager

    8iscussions with #ellow team members and colleagues

    0eview o# e(isting @ob description with line manager

    *ai'(#e% c"nce#nin. $#i"#itie% "# $#"ced(#e%

    ;oaching by manager

    Improvement targets

    )ack "4 c"n4idence

    ;ounseling by manager

    ;ounseling by another party internal or e(ternal:

    )ack "4 e44"#t

    Improvement targets


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr






  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    T e %($e#i"# $'ay% F?"dG

    In a conventional system, the superior is usually the one and only person who will

    appraise and individual 6ence i# heAshe likes you tends to get high marks and i# heAshe

    dislikes you, then you tend to get low marks !his J

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    &idd'e Ratin.%

    0esearch has shown that there is a tendency among appraisers to J play sa#eD by giving

    middle ratings or e(ample, i# the ratings are #rom 1 to 1+, then the most popular ratings

    will be #ive, si( and seven n the other hand, i# it is #rom one to #ive, then it will be #rom

    2 5 to & 5

    !he reason is that appraisers do not want to have the unpleasant e(perience o# in#orming

    a subordinate that they have not per#ormed up to e(pectations By giving them more than

    what they deserve, they are in a sense, trying to be less con#rontational and want to

    indirectly J pacify D the non.per#orming subordinate

    It must, however, be accepted that there are also many good points and bene#its

    that can be derived #rom conventional systems !he problem is that the

    weaknesses discussed above tend to eliminate or override the good points 8ue to

    this, there have been many attempts to improve and modi#y the conventional

    appraisal systems ne o# these attempts has resulted in the &"+ degrees appraisal


    T e 3!0 de.#ee% %y%te6

    Unlike conventional appraisal systems, the &"+ degree appraisal system calls #or

    this to be done by subordinates, peers, superiors and even customers !his process

    enables and individualCs per#ormance to be evaluated #rom all internal customers

    and thereby provide more accurate data and in#ormation on an individualCs

    per#ormance over a stated time period

    !he system can be used in two ways.strictly developmental or as a tool to evaluate

    per#ormance which in turn, as implications on compensation and rewards


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    T e di44e#ence%

    Ehen it is utili/ed #or developmental purposes, the evaluation will not have any

    e##ect or in#luence on the individualCs year Hend per#ormance rating

    !he weakness o# this development concept is , as the recipient is the only one who sees

    the data, there is no guarantee that he will take action to improve

    !he system can also be used #or annual per#ormance ratings In this system, a

    person will be evaluated by those he interacts with on a working basis nce

    everyone has given his or her ratings, as per a normal appraisal e(ercise, then this

    will be collated and averaged and the #inal result will be put on a separate

    appraisal document !his document will then be given to the superior who thenconducts the appraisal interview in the normal manner

    !he ma@or di##erence is that in this instance, he is only partly responsible #or the

    ratings !he ratings given will then be used to in#luence the bonus and salary



    !he system can be conducted either electronically o# manually, whichever method

    is used, the #irst item to be done would be to draw up the appraiser list #or all

    individuals who are involved in the process !his is a di##icult process as some

    criteria that have to be de#ined would be used by appraisers

    !he superior could check this list be#oreC it is endorsed !he aim is to prevent

    individuals #rom putting all their close #riends in to the list which would up to the

    evaluation process *veryone will be given a list o# individuals whom they have

    to evaluate !his must be done anonymouslyF otherwise the whole process will

    break down ;on#identially is a key success o# the system I# there is any

    perception that the system is not con#idential, appraiser will not evaluate

    ob@ectively, and will serve to obliterate the purpose o# the whole e(ercise


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    !o appoint one or two people who will be the systems administrators

    !he collation o# the data is to ensure that all scores are added and then averaged !he

    averaged data are put in to an appraisal document and then sent to the individualCs

    superior !he superiors will then conduct the appraisal interview as in conventional


    E a'(ati"n "4 3!0 De.#ee A$$#ai%a'

    Ad anta.e% Di%ad anta.e%

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    2 Superiors ppraisal

    & SubordinatesC ppraisal

    - eer ppraisal

    )any ?uestions arise to the mind o# a new employee, who has to make a tough, but

    important decision s we got through the cases study by San@ana Singh, the >ice

    resident 608: at 0eadymade oods, the problem is to choose the present system o#

    appraisal or #ollow the new system the old system, which the managers may get angry or

    i# she tries to introduce a new system, the #ear o# workerCs disappoint arises s the new

    competitive environment demands a di##erent method o# appraising, San@ana Singh put

    #orward the #ollowing alternatives and tries to #ind out the chances o# success

    or, the #undamental issues related to per#ormance appraisal, she tries to make not only

    course corrections, but also to re.e(amine some o# her own assumptions She started

    reviewing the prevailing methods o# appraisal at readymade

    Since mid.19$+ a trait.based appraisal system had been introduces #or per#ormance

    review o# the managers on the basis o# intelligence integrity, communication skills,

    personality etc every )anagerCs appraisal #orm was #illed in con#idence by his or her



    SU *0I 0

    **0 *) ' 3** **0

    SUB 08I4 !*S

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    In the 19%+s )anagement by ob@ectives )B : was the order o# the day, to have a result

    based inde( o# per#ormance It articulates the key result areas and key task areas #or each

    managerCs position !he system called #or goal setting by the appraiser and the appraisee.

    together It re?uired appraisal interviews counseling and #eedback in an interactive

    session characteri/ed several hurdles !here was on subordinates and importantly the

    )B system was blamed #or non.accomplishment o# targets

    But the system had its success too 4ew comers discovered direction in their activities

    which aided learning and made ad@usting to the organi/ation a lot easier

    communication e(ercise throughout the organi/ation disseminated training and

    in#ormation about how to write speci#ic, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound


    6owever a#ter si( years, this systems was discontinued in 1991, and a new per#ormance

    management system was introduced i e !he managerial 0eview, the sel# review, the

    career development review and the counseling 7 #eedback session Using this system, an

    individual career plan pro#ile was drawn up, providing details o# a probable career path in

    two year and #ive year perspectives

    In early 199$, the previous vice.president 608: ready made, Sunil urohit introduced a

    new element in this system while on a two week training programme at Haverd

    University , #or networking with merican )anagers he learnt o# a new tool called &"+

    degree appraisal *ssentially this consisted o# a manager being appraised by his

    subordinates peers and superiors 6ere each person can #eel #ree to give #eedback on his

    bossCs behaviour

    or implementation o# it a #eedback based on a ?uestionnaire #rom every employee at the

    supervisory and managerial levels on the e(tent to which his boss was open and #ree in

    communication !hese statistics were then #eedback to every senior manager, keeping thename o# the evaluator secret !he data thus generated was combined with the managerCs

    per#ormance review, together they led to a #inal rating, which #ormed the basis #or

    increment and promotion decisions


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    In the #irst cycle, this system evoked a great deal o# controversy )anagers were up in

    arms because o# negative and wrong #eedback

    6owever the review system also had, its success responding to the subordinates #eedback

    o# non.involvement, a manager institutionali/ed a departmental meeting every others saidthat they had bene#ited #rom the #eedback by tracking steps to improved their relations

    with subordinates

    aced with this part o# this legacy that San@ana Singh had unwittingly inherited #rom her

    predecessor, she re#lected upon her own orientation she ?uestioned the very #undamentals

    o# organi/ational system She #elt that unless he should accept it She had a discussion

    with 608 pro#essionals in other companies be#ore taking a #inal decision on her course

    o# action within #our weeks She wants to make the present system open and transparent

    without resentment

    S"'(ti"n A

    !his case raises #ive key issues, the importance o# shared understanding in

    a management the danger o# 60 instrument becoming an end in themselves and

    ceasing to be enablers the importance o# values that need to be rein#orced by both

    60 processes as well as managerial action, the needs o# the business that service

    60 strategy, and #inally, the role o# the ;* while driving change

    !he ob@ective should to get each member o# the management team to

    drive the process in his area !he identi#ication o# two or three areas o#

    implementation, supported by well.designed workshops is necessary

    In this case the purpose o# the )anagerial 0eview System )0S: was

    per#ormance )anagement !he purpose o# the sub.systems per#ormance review, sel#.

    review, career development, counseling, and #eedback was to buttress and enablelong term per#ormance !he subordinate review system should thus support and

    strengthen the counseling and #eedback session the )0S re?uires maturity ,

    @udgment , and clarity !here are two other, dimensions which are mission here

    beside the subordinate review H peer appraisal and boss appraisal


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    S"'(ti"n B

    Singh should #irst resolve the contradictions in her own mind and to

    interpret the traditional concepts o# hierarchy and authority at the work place in a

    #ast changing competitive business environment and consider the merits o# #latter

    structures ;learly , she should have an open mind on the bene#its o# &"+ degree

    system is very important here, when the organi/ation was not ready #or change

    !he &"+ degree appraisal system is essentially and employed development

    look that seeks to develop the capabilities o# employees at their interaction points

    with superiors subordinates peers and customers Ehen this tool is linked torewards, there is a danger that the progression o# a manager becomes dependent

    upon his popularity among the appraisers H in this case, the subordinates

    It is interesting that a number o# managers including the high

    per#ormers. have e(pressed discom#ort with the new system Singh should consider

    the #ollowing action plan

    De4ine t e O :ecti e%+ the &"+ degree appraisal system should be delinked #romthe per#ormance appraisal and the reward systems !he link between business

    strategy and employee development must be stressed here

    Sy%te6 De e'"$6ent+ !he panel o# appraisers should . be widened by including

    superiors and peers )anagers should also be involved to build trust into the


    I# not rightly handled the &"+ degree appraisal system runs the risk o#

    politici/ing the workplace )oderate mechanism should be established and until

    the system is institutionali/ed , #eedback should be communicated in the #orm o#

    composite scores averages, and ranges


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    S"'(ti"n C

    !he trait.based system 19$5: was changed to the )B system in 19%5 and

    a holistic managerial review appraisal consisting o# #our parts in 1991, was

    revised to include a &"+ degree appraisal system in 199"

    s the &"+ degree system introduced in this organi/ation in a hurry without

    preparation and without assessing its values Singh should consider the #ollowing

    course o# action

    Scrapping the system would be detrimental to the credibility o# the 608 department

    6ence she should continue with this but in a modi#ied #orm

    She should urgently appraise the ;* and the core team and the di##iculties #aced by

    the &"+ degree appraisal system !he &"+ degree #eedback system must #ocus in

    development instead o# promotions and increments

    !he &"+ degree #eedback system should also delinked #rom the managerial review

    appraisal system

    !o make the system a #ull &"+ degree appraised, the appraiseeCs boss and the

    appraisee himsel# must choose several sub.ordinates colleagues, and customers.

    internal and e(ternalC and e(ternal H #rom when #eedback can be obtained on an

    anonymous basis by the 608 department !his will secure a more rounded view o#

    the individual

    She should hold interactive workshop at all critical levels in the organi/ation with the help o#


    ne should hold interactive workshop at all critical levels in the organi/ation with the help o#


    ne or two important dimensions such as leadership and team work. appropriate to the level.

    should be chosen #or the &"+ degree structural #eedback #or the development o# manager


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    T e $ i'"%"$ y e ind t e c#"%%-4eed ack

    &"+ degree methods have become very popular over the last years !his system is always

    an emotionally strong e(perience and as such everything has to make, so that this

    e(perience turns positive #or each individual

    !he process needs to be non.threatening, easy to manage and to be coached by highly

    pro#essional sta## #or the discovery o# results their integration and trans#ormation into an

    appropriate development plan

    T" ac ie e t "%e " :ecti e% 6a:"# $"int% a#e+

    #eedback #rom J;ustomersD not a @udgment

    customi/ed competency #ramework

    !he managerCs #ull involvement in the process

    #le(ible and pragmatic approach to leadership

    #eedback processes

    ;ustomi/ed and action oriented reports

    )easuring leadership indicators


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr






  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr




    Back.#"(nd "4 Pe#4"#6ance A$$#ai%a' Sy%te6 in Syndicate Bank+

    very critical 608 ;omponent is the er#ormance ppraisal System s was the case

    in most o# the organi/ations, Syndicate Bank too, had a system o# ;on#idential 0eportingIt was possible #or the )anagement, when the organi/ation was comparatively small, to

    use some impressionistic parameters in assessing eopleCs per#ormance !he essential

    #eatures o# a ;on#idential 0eporting System are i: It re#lects the views and perceptions

    o# the appraiser, ii: !here is no process o# discussion between appraiser and appraisee

    iii: !his is an instrument more used #or taking promotion decisions, iv: there is no scope

    #or providing #eedback to the appraisee on his per#ormance v:

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    c: !he K s were di##icult to comprehend and call #or a good deal o# @udgment on the

    part o# both appraiser and appraisee

    d: rising #rom the internal de#iciencies there has been the tendency #or the appraisee to

    appraisee himsel# out o# proportion to his overall per#ormance and #or the appraiser to

    become a con#ormist in his approach

    e: lthough the system has been conceived as person speci#ic in actual practice, the

    appraisee and the appraiser together settle K s o# the role

    In view o# the inade?uacies observed in the implementations o# K linked S, the top

    management con#erence on 608 head at Bombay decided to constitute a working

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    %art"& Gualitative aspects o# per#ormance

    AAR!"$' nly #or L)AI> !he 0 is an important document It provides the basic and vital Jputs #or accessing the

    per#ormance o# an o##icer and #or hisAher #uture advancement in the career !he 0eporting

    uthority and the reviewing authority undertake the task o# #illing the #orms with sense o#


    er#ormance appraisal is used as a tool #or human resource development 0eporting authorities

    reali/e that the ob@ective is to develop an o##icer so that heAshe reali/e hisAher true potential It is

    not meant to be a #ault #inding process but a development one


    Ann(a' A$$#ai%a' Re$"#t+

    !he #ormat is as on the &1 st )arch every year !he #ormat comprises complete history o#

    the appraise in terms o# assignments held and other in#ormation


    Se'4 A$$#ai%a'+

    !he #orm has been designed to enable the appraise to openly e(press himsel# to the

    reporting authority under critical items on which he has #reedom to write every year

    be#ore the 0 is written !hese ;ritical items are

    1 6ighlights o# your per#ormance during the year

    2 reas where you received ade?uate guidance 7 support


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    & reas where you #eel you have not achieved

    - ;onstraints #aced

    5 !raining re?uirements #or better per#ormance

    " Special tasks per#ormed within the bank

    $ Special achievements outside bank

    It is ensured that the #orms are provided to all o##icers in time to enable them to

    produce the report as on the &1 st )arch every year !his #orm services as an

    additional source o# in#ormation to the appraiser !his #ormat also a##ords the

    openness which was envisages under the K based system

    AAR *"# III III A

    Ann(a' A%%i.n6ent Re$"#t+

    )anagerial per#ormance is evaluated on the basis o# data where available and also on

    various ?ualitative dimensions o# per#ormance !he data, ?ualitative aspects and

    various key responsibility areas will vary #rom role to role and accordingly the 0

    will have to be #illed by the reporting authority #or each individual appraise Ehere

    data covering business per#ormance is concerned, the per#ormance will have to be

    @udged with respect to the #avourable and un#avourable aspects o# environment,

    budgeted goal etc 6ighest ob@ectivity is maintained in interpreting data based


    0 orm.III art Business per#ormance

    AAR!"$$$ is applicable only in respect o# o##icers having budgetary and operational

    responsibility such as regional managers, branch managers, managers o# divisions etc

    8etails o# the #orm are #illed by adopting the #ollowing rating alternatives #or

    e(pressing by the reporting authority his appraisal o# the relevant per#ormance o# the




    I: verage aggregate deposits

    II: ersonal banking 8eposits


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    III: SIB 8eposits

    I>: ; 7 I advance

    >: er Bkg dvance

    >I: *(change and commission

    Ratings of performance

    !he overall assessment o# the per#ormance is done n 5.point scale i e e(cellent,

    good, above, average and unsatis#actory inally the rating will be converted to marks

    as #ollows

    *(cellent -+,

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    dvanced credit skills SSI: , basic skills o# ; 7 I supervision and control 7 skills ,

    management skills, planning skills

    Senior management level o##icers like B) large branch: personnel manager, 608

    manager, re?uire certain skills, such as advanced credit skills, strategic planning,

    4egotiating skills, communication skills etc

    !op management level o##icers like

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr





  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



    DATA ANA)>SIS I have supplied the #ollowing ?uestionnaire to the employees

    8ear SirA )adam,

    I am conducting a study on J er#ormance ppraisal system D in your organi/ationas a part o# course curriculum o# < 8iploma in 6uman 0esource )anagementlease take a #ew minutes to complete this ?uestionnaire 3our response withrespect to the ?uestions will be e(clusively used #or academic purpose I wouldre?uest you to provide your #rank opinionF in#ormation provided shall be keptcon#idential

    !hank you #or your cooperation3ours sincerely,


    0oll 4o.+-A1+2A++2


    !his ?uestionnaire consists o# number o# statements Such statements are #ollowed

    by #ive circles numbered 1 to 5 !he ratings are as under

    Strongly gree 1 gree 2 4either agree nor disagree 3 8isagree , Strongly


    3ou are re?uested to go through the ?uestionnaire care#ully 7 mark one o# the

    circles amongst the #ive circles indicating your opinion lease ensure that you

    complete the ?uestionnaire and mark one and only one circle

    8emographic details 4ame


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr






    1 !he total number o# e(perience in years: isNNNNNNN

    2 !he Bank is #ocused and continuously works towards its betterment

    1 2 & - 5

    & !he Bank is #air and open in its dealing with employees related issues

    1 2 & - 5

    - !he top management o# the company takes care o# the over all well beingo# its employees

    1 2 & - 5

    5 !he type o# per#ormance appraisal system adopted in the organi/ation is

    acceptable to all

    1 2 & - 5

    " !he relationship between superior and subordinates is #riendly

    1 2 & - 5

    $ !he no o# subordinates assigned to work under you are enough to carry

    #orward activities

    1 2 & - 5

    % !he subordinates should sometimes re#use the order o# the order o# the


    1 2 & - 5

    9 !he appraisal system provides an opportunity #or each appraise to

    communicate the superior he needs #rom his superiors to per#orm his @ob


    1 2 & - 5


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    1+ !he per#ormance appraisal system encourages open communication

    between each appraiser.appraise pair through per#ormance

    1 2 & - 5

    11 !he appraisal system helps each employee to discover his potential1 2 & - 5

    12 !he ob@ectives o# the appraisal system are clear to all employee

    1 2 & - 5

    1& eriodic orientation programme are conducted to e(plain the ob@ectives and

    other details o# the appraisal system

    1 2 & - 5

    1- !he appraisal data are used by the 608 department #or other developmentdecisions like @ob rotation, @ob.enrichment 7 the like

    1 2 & - 5

    15 !he 608 department actively reviews each appraisal 7 discusses with line


    1 2 & - 5

    1" !he per#ormance review committee do a through @ob in reviewing 7 using

    appraisal data

    1 2 & - 5

    1$ er#ormance ppraisal #acilitate growths learning in this organi/ation both

    #or appraises and appraisers

    1 2 & - 5

    1% er#ormance ppraisal process aim #or individual development as well as

    organi/ational development

    1 2 & - 5

    19 !he work culture o# the company improved by adopting the process o#

    per#ormance appraisal

    1 2 & - 5


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    2+ !he best use o# skill and competency levels are determined by applying the

    rating process

    1 2 & - 5

    21 !he process o# per#ormance appraisal incorporates a harmonious workculture in the organi/ation

    1 2 & - 5

    22 proper compensation management can be undertake by the method o#

    per#ormance ppraisal

    1 2 & - 5

    2& !he per#ormance appraisal provides #or e?uity in compensation among

    employees and is based on ?uali#ication and e(perience o# the person1 2 & - 5

    2- !he process o# rating the employees through per#ormance appraisal

    provides su##icient ideas to help the company do better

    1 2 & - 5

    25 Ehat would you do i# you #eel the process adopted #or appraisal process is

    a #aulty one Eill you ?uit the @ob please tick one 3es 4o

    2" roper assistance is provided is provided when a new task is assigned to


    1 2 & - 5

    2$ !he company has very good reputation and is recogni/ed as ethical and

    responsible organi/ation

    1 2 & - 5

    2% 6ow will you rate the overall image o# the organi/ation lease tick one:

    : >ery

  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr











    29 rgani/ational climate improved through the process o# per#ormance


    1 2 & - 5

    Ana'y%i% "4 (e%ti"nnai#e

    n survey it is #ound that the employees have given their opinion as per the

    #ollowing .

    Answer from uestion ! Data Analysis

    Disagree, 2, 7%

    Strongly Agree, 8, 27%

    Agree, 15, 49%

    Strongly Disagree, 2, 7%

    Neutral, 3, 10%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    n brie# observation in ourstudy it is understood that&&= o# employees #eelthough the bank is working#or its better ness #or itsgrowth whereas other 1$=o# employees donCt #eel so!hey are stronglydisagreeing to this pointsand another 1$= aredisagree to this points also

    In study it seems that 1$= o#the employees #eel thatun#air dealing is timeconsuming and beyond thereach o# an organi/ation and1&= are unaware o# the #airdealing, and 1&= are neutral, &&= are strongly disagreeto this point and 2+= o#employee are purelydisagree while give theiranswer


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    data Analysis q4 to 7




    Strongly Disagree17%

    Strongly Agree33%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    In our observation we wouldunderstand that ""= o#employees do #eel that

    per#ormance appraisalsystem should be adopted#or better opportunity o# theemployees in their work li#eIt is a device to e(tract morework #rom workers and &-=donCt #eel so 1$= aredisagree to this system and1$= are strongly disagree tothis practice:

    data Analysis q8













    Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree


    ut o# the brie# study it isobserved that 1&= are in agree,&&= are strongly agree thatthey are provided withchallenging work and &$= are

    against and 1+ = undecided inthis case and 1$= are disagreeto this case




    Strongly Disagree27%

    Strongly Agree33%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    It is #ound on survey that &&=o# the employees need to be in#avor o# more o# hours o# work

    per day #or #ewer days perweek in place o# normalworking hour because to

    per#orm their work well and1&= are agree to the case,

    whereas 1$= are disagree, 2$=are strongly disagree and 1+=are neutral in this case




    Strongly Disagree


    Strongly Agree33%


    DisagreeNeutralStrongly DisagreeStrongly Agree

    n observation it seems that&&= strongly agree, 1&= areagree to this opencommunication system o#appraisal , while 2$= are #ullyagainst, 1$= are disagree tothis system and 1+=undecided in this conditionand remain neutral


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr





    Strongly Disagree27%

    Strongly Agree33%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    n observation it seems that&&= strongly agree, 1&= areagree #or ob@ective appraisalsystem in the organisation ,while 2$= are #ully against,1$= are disagree to this

    system and 1+= remainneutral




    Strongly Disagree27%

    Strongly Agree33%

    Other 60%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    n observation it seems that&&= strongly agree, 1&= areagree #or ob@ective appraisalsystem because it is very clearto all employees , whereas2$= are #ully against, 1$=are disagree to this system

    and 1+= remain neutral




    10%Strongly Disagree27%

    Strongly Agree33%




    Strongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    n observation it seems that&&= strongly agree, 1&= areagree #or periodic orientation

    programme because it is veryclear to all employees ,whereas 2$= are #ullyagainst, 1$= are disagree tothis system and 1+= remain





    Strongly Disagree27%

    Strongly Agree33%

    Other 60%


    DisagreeNeutralStrongly Disagree

    Strongly Agree

    n observation it seems that&&= strongly agree, 1&= areagree #or con#idential report o#608 system because it is verydecissive to all employees ,whereas 2$= are #ullyagainst, 1$= are disagree tothis system and 1+= remain


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



    0%0%0%Dis Agree



    Dis Agree

    It is #ound on survey that &&=o# the employees are agree #or608 system #or per#ormancereview through line managersviews and rest "$= are totallydisagree to this case





    Dis Agree67%


    Dis Agree

    It is #ound on survey that &&=o# the employees are agree #or

    per#ormance appraisal reviewcommittee report and rest "$=are totally disagree to this case




    Dis Agree13% Agree


    Dis Agree

    n observation it seems that"$= are agree #or per#ormanceappraisal , good work culturesystem , whereas 1&= are#ully against and 2+= areneutral to this case




    0%Dis Agree




    Dis Agree

    n observation it seems that"$= are whereas 1&= are#ully against and 2+= areneutral to this case


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr





    Dis Agree13%



    Dis Agree

    n observation it seems that"$= are o# opinion #orcompensation managementsystem to be undertaken by themethod o# per#ormanceappraisal whereas 1&= are

    #ully against and 2+= areneutral to this case


    Dis Agree

    Agree, 20

    neutral, 6


    Dis Agree, 40












    n observation it seems that"$= are agree whereas 1&=are #ully against and 2+= areneutral to this case


    "ery oo!73%




    "ery oo!



    n observation it is #oundthat most o# opinionregarding the image o# theorgani/ation #orm theiremployees are given that$&= given very good1$= given good$= given averageand & = given belowaverage

    Answer from uestion !"




    Dis Agree13%



    Dis Agree

    n observation it seems that"$= are agree whereas 1&=are #ully against and 2+= areneutral to this case


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr





  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr




    Building organi/ational capability and success#ully implementation o# high.

    commitment management practices is a key managerial responsibility 6igh.

    er#ormance in ppraisal system are systematic attempts by organi/ations to give

    employees a greater opportunity to a##ect the way they do their @obs and the

    contributions they make to the organi/ationCs overall e##ectiveness

    *(perience shows that most organi/ations either by themselves or with e(ternal

    help are able to develop the right business strategy without much di##iculty !hey

    #ind implementing it e##ectively a lot harder So, devoting attention, time and

    energy to developing people may be #ar more cost.e##ective and provide a greater

    competitive edge

    In Syndicate Bank the work li#e o# employees are well satis#actory and still need

    better #acilities !oday, knowledge, training, wel#are are the real keys to success

    So, taking the Opeople issueC seriously has become ever more important Ehen

    leaders build systems #rom this perspective, they #ound them on distinctive

    competencies and capabilities that internally coherent and robust.enough to meet


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr


    any competitive challenges as well as other kinds o# environmental change long

    with this the organi/ationCs current condition, which enables or hinders its Guality

    'i#e is also important

    In this conte(t I would like to narrate #ew suggestions, which may be acceptable to

    the organi/ation !hese are as #ollows

    1 In our study it is #ound that ma@ority o# employees are in #avor o#

    democratic employer.employee relation in the work It is wise and

    acceptable to the employees i# management tries to share their views in

    decision making )anagement should create an atmosphere #or the

    employees to speak up and participate actively in organi/ational matter

    2 It is #ound that union may have genuine #eeling that bene#its and retention

    policies o# employees and their work per#ormance without o##ering

    ade?uate returns to the workers In our suggestion, it would be better i# the

    union people be trained and create awareness among employee to get the

    better work li#e and their output #or organi/ation vis.P.vis individual well.


    & In our opinion most o# the employees do #eel that appraisal system is a time

    consuming and beyond the reach o# the organi/ation !o minimi/e this

    thought, awareness among the employees should be created towards the

    honesty and integrity both by management and worker


  • 8/13/2019 Syndicate Bank Hr



    Bhatacharya, 8 K J6uman 0esource lanningD, *(cel Books, 4ew


    0ao, > S J6uman 0esource )anagementD, *(cel Books, 4ew


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