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System of Systems Information Interoperability using a

Linked Dataspace

Edward Curry ([email protected]) IEEE 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE 2012)

Digital Enterprise Research Institute National University of Ireland, Galway

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Curry E. System of Systems Information Interoperability using a Linked Dataspace. In: IEEE 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE 2012). 2012.


Further Reading

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n  Introduction to DERI n  Use Cases

¨  Smart Enterprise Energy Management

¨  Smart Cities

n  SoS Interoperability Challenges

n  Technology Overview ¨  Dataspace

¨  Linked Data

n  Linked Dataspace for SOS Interoperability

n  Related Work


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About DERI

n  Founded June 2003 as a CSET (Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology). ¨  Link scientists and engineers / academia and industry ¨  Fundamental research ¨  Development of Irish-based technology companies ¨  Attract industry ¨  Education & outreach

n  DERI Institute ¨  CSET ¨  Commercialization, DAI ¨  EU, EI, direct industry, IRCSET

n  DERI strategic plan responds to priorities ¨  Local: University focus on Informatics, Physical &

Computational Sciences ¨  National: SMART Economy, Program for Government ¨  International: EU Digital Agenda

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About DERI

n  Number one in our core space ¨  Research Publications > 1000 ¨  Participation in 17 standardisation groups (W3C, OASIS) ¨  Approx. 140 members from 30 nations ¨  57 PhDs /Masters ¨  42 completed PhDs/Masters

n  Core Industrial Partners: ¨  MNC’s: Cisco, Avaya, Bel-Labs, Ericsson… ¨  SME’s: Storm, Celtrak, OpenLink…… ¨  Research: FBK

n  Total Research Grants: > €60 million ¨  SFI, EU Framework, Enterprise Ireland, Industry ¨  Currently 18 EU project running ¨  Industry funded projects with Fujitsu Labs Japan, Cisco,

Google, Renault, EADS, Fidelity,…

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CSET  Partners  

Key Industry Collaborations


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The DERI House

eBusiness Financial Services

Health Care Life Sciences

eLearning Green &

Sustainable IT


Information Mining

and Retrieval

Natural Language Processing

Reasoning and Querying

Cloud Data Management

Knowledge Discovery

Social Software

Service Oriented


Sensor Middleware

DERI Applied Research Commercialisation

Data Visualisation

and Interaction

Cyber Security


Data Analytics

Linked Data

Security, Privacy & Trust

DERI is designed to provide an integrated solution

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How should an Enterprise Manage its Energy?

Enterprise Energy Management

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Holis1c  Energy  





Business  Travel  Data  Centre  

Daily  Commute  Office  IT  

Holistic View of Consumption

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Cross-Domain Perspective






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Example KPI: Energy used by global IT department


Example KPI: PUE of the Data Center in Dublin


Example KPI: kWhs used by server

Maintenance Personnel


Data Center



Real-time Environment •  Event cloud of primitive


•  Low-level monitoring Sensors, events

Strategic Analysis •  CIO needs high-level

business function power usage

•  CSO real-time carbon emissions

Operational Analysis •  Technician needs

equipment power usage

•  Events driven business processes

Multi-Level Analysis

11 of XYZ

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n  Invests in ¨  human and social capital ¨  traditional/modern infrastructure

n  that ¨  fuels sustainable economic development ¨  and high quality of life

n  while ¨  managing natural resources

n  through ¨  participatory governance

What is a Smart City?


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A Smart City driver of change will be Data.

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A Smart City removes silos moving towards a connected digital layer.


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Enabling Networked Knowledge http://www.mckinsey.com/mgi/publications/ig_data/pdfs/MGI_big_data_full_report.pdf

Untapped Value Silos’ Value

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!D. Chen, et al. “Architectures for enterprise integration and interoperability: Past, present and future,” Computers in Industry 59(7)

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n  Conceptual barriers ¨ Syntactic differences (format)

¨ Semantic (interpretation of meaning)

n  Technological barriers ¨  Incompatibility of protocols, encoding,

platforms, infrastructures, etc.

n  Organizational barriers ¨  Incompatibility of definitions of

responsibility, authority, and organizational structures

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Integration Approaches


n  Integrated approaches ¨ Common format for all models


n  Unified approaches ¨ Upper model exists to facilitate

mapping between models

n  Federated approaches ¨ No common format exists but rather

is done on the fly

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n  Directed SoS ¨  Centrally managed, specific purpose, components operate

independently but subordinate to SoS

n  Acknowledged SoS ¨  Defined objectives, dedicated resources, components

independent, SOS based on collaboration

n  Collaborative SoS ¨  Component interact voluntarily, agreed central purpose,

collectively enforce and maintain standards

n  Virtual SoS ¨  No central management authority, no agreed upon

purpose, SOS based on invisible mechanisms

Types of SoS (Maier ‘98)

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n  SoS types have varying interoperability requirements

n  Directed SoS ¨  Integrated or Unified approach (i.e. Many-to-One)

n  Virtual SoS ¨ Federated approach (i.e. Many-to-Many)

– Constitute system may not be aware of SoS

n  Current system design mind-set views interoperability as an external responsibility ¨ Outsources interoperability to external systems

SoS Interoperability Challenges

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n  To support flexible and dynamic SoS

¨  (i.e. Virtual SoS)

n  A common SoS information interoperability infrastructure is needed ¨  Open Standards-based

¨  Lightweight approach

¨  Minimize complexity, hierarchy, control, and acquisition cost

¨  Minimize re-engineered as systems are added, removed, modified, or replaced

Open SoS Information Interoperability Approach

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n  Leverage two key trends in information management ¨  Dataspace approach to

information management

¨  Linked data approach to sharing information on the web

–  W3C Standards based

n  Information Interoperability ¨  Overcome technical and

conceptual barriers

¨  Supports overcoming organizational barriers

Proposed Approach


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n  Emerging data management architecture n  Recognizes expense obtaining upfront

unifying schema across all sources ¨ Co-existence of data without unifying schema

¨ Loosely integrated set of data sources

n  Data integrated on “as needed” basis ¨ Tighter integration achieved in an incremental

"pay-as-you-go" fashion

Franklin, A. Halevy, and D. Maier From databases to dataspaces: a new abstraction for information management,” Sigmod Record, 34(4) 2005.

What is a Dataspace?

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DBMS vs Dataspace

DBMS Dataspace

Model Relational All

Formats Homogenous Heterogeneous

Control Complete Partial

Query Precise Approximate

Integration Explicit Implicit/Incremental

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What is Linked Data?


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2008 2007

2008 2008

2008 2009


The Linked Open Data cloud



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Linked Open Data cloud - domains

Over 300 open data sets with more than 35 billion facts, interlinked by 500 million typed links.


Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.






Life sciences


US government UK government

BBC New York Times



BestBuy Overstock.com Facebook

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Two Key Ingredients

1.  RDF – Resource Description Framework Graph based Data – nodes and arcs ¨  Identifies objects (URIs)

¨  Interlink information (Relationships)

2.  Vocabularies (Ontologies) ¨  provide shared understanding of a domain

¨  organise knowledge in a machine-comprehensible way

¨  give an exploitable meaning to the data

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Why Graphs and Ontologies?


84421km2 Geo:IslandOfIreland



Geo:area Geo:hasCapital






Gov:hasTaoiseach Gov:hasDepartment


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Linked Data Principles

1.  Use URIs to identify the “things” in your data

2.  Use HTTP URIs so people (and machines) can look them up on the Web

3.  When a URI is looked up, return a description of the thing in a structured format (RDF)

4.  Include links to related things to provide context


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Linked Data Example

Resource Description Framework (RDF) subject - predicate – object

Edward Curry is the Occupant of Room 202e Edward Curry is the Occupant of Room 202e





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Dereferenceable URI


@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix rooms: <http://vocab.deri.ie/rooms#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1#> . @prefix deri-energy-ont: <http://energy.deri.ie/ontology#> . @prefix deri-energy: <http://energy.deri.ie#> . @prefix ssn: <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn> . @prefix deri-rooms: <http://lab.linkeddata.deri.ie/2010/deri-rooms#> . deri-rooms:building rdf:type rooms:Building;

rooms:contains deri-rooms:1st-floor. deri-rooms:1st-floor rdf:type rooms:Floor;

rooms:contains deri-rooms:1st-floor-south-wing. deri-rooms:1st-floor-south-wing rdf:type rooms:Wing;

rooms:contains deri-rooms:r202e. deri-rooms:r202e rdf:type rooms:Desk;

rooms:occupant <http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/edward_curry#me>. <http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/edward_curry#me> rdf:type foaf:Person;

deri-energy-ont:has_a deri-energy:macbook15698; deri-energy:macbook15698 rdf:type deri-energy-ont:Laptop;

ssn:observedBy deri-energy:sensor123. deri-energy:sensor123 rdf:type ssn:Sensor;

ssn:observes deri-energy-ont:PowerConsumption. deri-energy:observation1236 rdf:type ssn:Observation;

ssn:observationResult deri-energy:observationResult1236; ssn:featureOfInterest deri-energy:macbook15698; ssn:observedBy deri-energy:sensor123.

deri-energy:observationResult1236 rdf:type ssn:SensorOutput; ssn:hasValue deri-energy:vale1236.

deri-energy:vale1236 deri-energy-ont:hasQuantityValue 31.5; deri-energy-ont:hasQuantityUnitOfMeasurement deri-energy-ont:kWh.

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Linked Dataspace

Dataspace + Linked Data = Linked Dataspace

How can a Linked Dataspace help with SoS information interoperability?


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System  A  

LD  Wrapper  Single  Systems  


Linked  Dataspace  

Support  Services  -­‐  Search  &  Query  -­‐  En'ty  Mgmt.  -­‐  Data  Catalog  -­‐  Provenance  -­‐  Event  Processing  

System  of  Systems   SoS  (A+B)  

System  B  

LD  Wrapper  HTTP/RDF  

System  C  

LD  Wrapper  HTTP/RDF  

System  D  

LD  Wrapper  HTTP/RDF  

SoS  (A  +  B  +  C)   SoS  (A  +  B  +  C  +  D)  


Linked Dataspace for SoS

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Linked Dataspace Corporate System

Building Management System Office IT System

Entity Graph in Cloud

foaf:name   en:memberOf  

“Edward Curry” “DGSIT”

h>p://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/edward_curry#me   Office IT




en:consumption  foaf:name  

10kWh “MacBook Pro”



en:consumption  foaf:name  


50kWh “202e”



owl:sameAs owl:sameAs

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n  Complimentary technology for data sharing ¨  Minimal disruption to existing infrastructure

¨  Maintains loose coupling between systems

n  Pay-as-you-go data integration ¨  Incremental enrichment of entity profiles (i.e. SameAs)

¨  Links relevant knowledge and contextual information from across all systems

Linked Dataspaces

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DERI Energy Observatory


Building Data Center

Office IT Logistics



Business Process Personal-level

Linked  dataspace  for  Energy  Intelligence  

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DERI Energy Overview

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Utilised within a range of energy management use cases, some non-SoS

Other Use Cases

IT Energy Mgmt.


Smart Buildings Cloud Computing/

Data Centre

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n  Two large-scale SoS with different architectures n  Global Information Grid (GIG)

¨  Globally interconnected, end-to-end set of capabilities for collecting, processing, and managing information

¨  “many-to-one” interoperability approach

¨  Net-Centric Adapter for Legacy Systems (NCALS)

n  Global Earth Observation System of Systems ¨  Global public infrastructure with comprehensive

environmental data, information, and analyses

¨  GEOPortal disseminates information

¨  EuroGEOSS investigating RDF for semantic interoperability

Related SoS Work

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n  SoS information interoperability using: ¨  Dataspace approach to information management

¨  Linked data approach to sharing information on the web

n  Linked Dataspace ¨  Supports co-existence of heterogeneous data with

incremental approach to interoperability

¨  Particularly suited where the web architecture is already a part of the SoS

n  Future work ¨  Investigate appropriate support services for linked

dataspaces using approximation techniques

¨  Interoperability of system services as RESTful services.


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Selected References

Sustainability Use Cases n  Curry, E., et al . (2011). An Entity-Centric Approach To Green Information

Systems. 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011).

n  Curry, E., & Donnellan, B. (2012). Green and Sustainable Informatics. In, Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices. John Wiley & Sons

n  Curry, E. et al. An Environmental Chargeback for Data Center and Cloud Computing Consumers, in First International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centers, 2012.

n  Curry, E. et al, Building Optimisation using Scenario Modeling and Linked Data, in 1st Workshop Linked Data in Architecture and Construction 2012

n  Curry E. et al, Enterprise Energy Management using a Linked dataspace for Energy Intelligence. In: The Second IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT) 2012.

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Selected References

Information Management n  Hasan, S. et al. (2011). Toward Situation Awareness for the Semantic

Sensor Web: Complex Event Processing with Dynamic Linked Data Enrichment. 4th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks

n  Hasan, S. et al, Approximate Semantic Matching of Heterogeneous Events, in 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems

n  Curry E. (2012) System of Systems Information Interoperability using a Linked Dataspace In: IEEE 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE 2012).

IT Management

n  Curry, E. et al. Developing an Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons From Intel’s Journey, MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 61-74, 2012.

n  Donnellan B. et al, (2011) A Capability Maturity Framework for Sustainable Information and Communication Technology. IEEE IT Professional 13(1).

n  Curry E, et al, (2012) A Maturity Model For Energy Efficiency in Mature Data Centres, 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems

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