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  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)


  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)


  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)


  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)


  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)


  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)



    f. 42.13 6.7 =g. 812 4 =h. 360 105 =i. 2.05 0.52 =

    2. Calculate:a.b.c.

    3. In the box write the decimal number in

    4. Convert the following fractions to decia.b.

    WOTAN vol. 3, nos. 12, May 2009

    icated by the arrow.


    College of Arts and Sciences, Ateneo de Naga University 85

    c.5. Arrange each group of three numbers in order, from the smallest to

    the largest.

    Examples: Smallest Largest

    2 3 1 1 2 3

    9 2 7 2 7 9

    Questions: Smallest Largest

    a. 6 9 5

    b. 0.3 0.1 0.6

    c. 0.55 0.8 0.14

    d. 168 97 201

    e. 0.37 0.1 0.23

    f. 0.65 19 8.7

    g. 0.07 0.23 0.1

    h. 0.438 0.4 0.44


    The height of a classroom door is about

    20 cm

    200 cm

    20 m

    200 m

    7. The weight of a pair of shoes is about

    6 kg

    60 kg

    6 g

    600 g

    8. The temperature in a classroom is usually about

    10 C

    30 C

    50 C

    70 C

    Answer these number problems in the space below each question. Show

    your solution in full. Do notuse other pieces of paper to calculate your


    9. Here are the prices of some goods in Manang Tonyas sari-saristore:

    Tea P 6.00 per pack

    Soap P 8.50 per bar

    Salt P 2.00 per pack

    Toothpaste P 9.50 per tube

    Sugar P 19.00 per kg

  • 8/14/2019 Systematic Errors in Arithmetic of Some College Students (journal paper)



    Maria wants to buy three bars of soap

    the total amount that Maria must pay?

    10. On Sunday I left home to walk to tarrived at the ricefield after walking fo

    did I arrive at the ricefield?

    11. A doctor gave a patient 30 tablets, andtimes a day. After how many days will

    12. Here is the plan of the land for building

    a. What is theperimeterof the land fb. What is the area of the land for bui

    13. Mang Doming has just completed harvkg of paddy rice. When he dries th

    original weight. How many kilos of


    WOTAN vol. 3, nos. 12, May 2009

    and kg of sugar. What is

    e ricefield at 6:45 AM. I

    r 25 minutes. At what time

    told her to take 2 tablets, 3

    the tablets be all consumed?

    a new high school.

    r building the high school?

    lding the high school?

    sting. He wishes to dry 150

    rice, it loses 20 % of its

    ry rice does Mang Doming

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