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12-AUG-2010 15:40 From: ICAR HQ NEW DELHI IN 0091+11+23387293 To: 25841282




The Govl. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions(DOP&PW) has issued O. M. No.38/37/2008-P&PW (A) dated 25.6.2010 regardingimplementation of GovCs. decision on the recommendations of the 6th epe relatingto the revision of pension or pre - 2006 pensioners/family pensioners. The abovementioned O. M. is being uploaded on the ICAR Web·Site www.icar.org.in forinformation and further guidance.


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12-AUG-2010 15:40 From: ICAR HQ NEW DELHI IN 0091+11+23387293 To: 25841282

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No.36/37/0fi..P&PW(A)Governmont of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment of Pension & Ponsioners' Welfare

I.ok Nayak Bhawan, New Dolhi·110003

Dated the ")..S" June, 2010.


Sub: Implomentation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the SixthCentral Pay Commission • ~evlsion of pension of pra·2006 pensionerslfamllypensioners etc

The undersigned is directed to say that in this Department's q.M. of evennumber dated and 11.8.2009 it was provided that in case the" informationregarding date of birth/age is noUlvailable in the PPO or the office records, certaindocuments would be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additionalpensionlfamily pension on completion of age of 80 years and above. It was alsoprovided that the Pension Disbursing Authorityl8ank will make payment of additionalpenslonlfamlly pension in the above manner, on provisional basIs, up to a period oftnree month1l from the month in which theP~ &geldat8 of birth is submitted by thepensloncrlfamlly pensioner. In such cases, the Pension DiSbursing AUthoritylBank willimmediately send one oopy each of tne document submitted by lhe pensioner/familypensioner 10 the Pay and Accoynt ot(jcerlCPAO for formal authJlrisation of theadditional pensionlfamily pension. The PensiOn OisburslngAuthoritylSank '11111 makepayment of additional pensionffamlly pension beyond a period of three months only onreceipt of such an authorisation from the Pay and Account Officer.- ---2. certain Pension Disbursing Banks to whom the documentary proof of ago was-SUbmitted by the pensioners/family pensioners have informed that many Pay &Accounts Otfices. to whom the same is forwarded as per OM of even number dated21.5.2009 .have not communicatod to them tholr final authorisation in accordance withtho above instrUctions. These Banks are, therefore, finding It difficult to continue thepayment of additional pension beyond three months in Ihe absence of the formalauthorisation. The PAOs who are receiving the proof of age may get it sanctionedfrom HOO/HOO as per procedure Invariably. In case the pensioner/family pansioner isunable to submit any of tM documents mentionod in OMs dat~ 21.5,2009 and

...... - 11.8.2009 but claims additional pension based on some other documentary evidence,such ,cases will be submitted to the administrative Ministry. If !.he 8dmlnistratlveMinistry is satisfied about the claim of the pensionerH'amily pensioner, it will authori,seadditional pension/family pension accordingly, The decision of the AdministrativeMinistry in this regard will b!.!loaL

3. eGA is requested to advise all PaY' & Accounts Officers to take immediateaction for getting the additional pension sanctioned from Head of OfficelHOOs so thetthe final authorisatlon of the additional pension may be done by the PAOs. -


'il~(Tripti P. Ghosh)

DirectorTelefax No.24624802

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