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  • 1. MKTG404: Internet MarketingWinter 2011
    By: Tenesha Temple

2. Introduction
Date: Tuesday April 26, 2011
Blog Title: T-SHAs Review Corner
Blog Link:http://t-shareviewcorner.blogspot.com
3. Importance of Internet Marketing
Internet is becoming more popular by everyone
Todays technology is making the internet become more convenient
Internet is an easy way to get connected worldwide
4. Importance of Internet Marketing
5. Importance of Internet Marketing
6. Overview
7. Blog Topic
One of my favourite TV Shows.
The Game on BET
8. Persona
Name:Kimora Francis
Age: 25
Family: no children, has a boyfriend Sean Collins, who she shares her apartment with. He is 27 and owns his own restaurant called The Sean Collins Experience located in downtown Toronto.
Job: works as a marketing assistant for Johnson & Johnsons in Toronto
Education: marketing diploma from Humber College & Bachelor of Commerce from Ryerson University.
9. Persona Continued
Vehicle:She drives a red 2009 Toyota Rav4 with her string from her graduation hat with her graduating year on it hanging from the rearview mirror.
Concerns: paying back her school loans and paying for her new SUV. She is also concerned with saving enough down payments to purchase a condo by time she is 30, which is one of her life goals.
Goal: to become a marketing manager within the next year for her current department that she is working in.
10. Blog Posts
Recap of seasons 1,2,3, and predictions of what to expect on season 4.
Is it morally wrong for one to be in such a denial
The character Malik
Has money and fame gotten to their heads?
Episode 9 A very special episode
Overall thoughts of the show so far
Tasha Mack and her Lovers
Season Finale
11. Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube Pages
12. Blog Performance
Throughout the semester my blog did okay. It started great in the beginning and began to do poor in the ending because I wasnt keeping up with my posts or social media sites.
13. Metrics
Blog rank
# 6387
14. Business Review
15. Blog: T-SHAs Review Corner
Blog rank
# 6387
16. Blog: T-SHAs Review Corner
Key Learnings
Need to write keeping in mind and using words that people would search
Post regularly
Encourage comments and interactions
Indicated Actions
Pick words wisely and that are simple. Will make it easier to find throughout the search engines.
Post things weekly or daily to keep your viewers coming back.
17. Facebook
18. Facebook
Key Learnings
Post something every couple of days or as often as you post your blogs.
Easy way to help drive traffic to my blog page.
Promote your page using your personal page
Indicated Actions
Post each blog post on the Facebook page.
Pass the message on to other friends on your network to generate interest and drive traffic to your blog page.
19. Twitter
20. Twitter
Key Learnings
Follow more people to get more followers. (target audience or similar accounts)
Need to tweet regularly, like every hour or once a day.
Retweetand use @ mentions to be active on twitter to maintain your followers & get new ones.
Tweet links to your blog post to drive traffic to the site.
Indicated Actions
21. YouTube
22. YouTube
Key Learnings
Adds credibility to the blog
Showcased Related videos
Indicated Actions
Subscribe to users that have related videos to get people to subscribe to your channel. This can also be a useful way to drive traffic to the site.
23. Recommendations
24. How to monetize your blog?
Key goal to monetizing your blog is to make sure that everything is consistent among all social media sites.
Consistency is key. Post regularly, tweet regularly to engage your users.
25. Blog
Need more interactions and feedback
Need to update posts regularly
26. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Use descriptive titles
Relevant tags
Use key words that people would search
27. PPC Ads
28. Display Ads
29. PR
30. Email Marketing
Inform our subscribers and followers about current trends and whats next.
31. Social Media
Link all the social media pages to the blog website
Use social media sites to drive traffic to blog website.
32. t-shareviewcorner.blogspot.com
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