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  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


    2. Determine whether CIA or the 1C as a whole have established procedures forresponding to the DCI's declaration of war on Al Qaeda similar to the DEFCON systemused by DOD.Resources1. For each 1C agency and CIA directorate, identify:

    Annual spending Staffing levels and attrition/ recruitment rates

    2. Identify how these spending levels were developed (i.e., funding originallyrequested; adjustments by DOD, OMB, Congress)3. Identify procedural constraints in recruitment analysts with appropriate languageand other skills (e.g., personnel "slot" limits and allocation; time required for processingnew personnel; policies concerning suitability of personnel).4. Identify "macro" factors that affected overall intelligence spending levels, e.g.,budget agreements, administration fiscal policy, specific events like theNRO surplusfunding issue.Oversight1. Identify the process through which congressional oversight committees determinedwhether QA and 1C planning and operations addressed the DCI's priorities effectively;assess its effectiveness.2. Identify report language during the 1992-2001 period that directed CIA and 1C totake specific action to develop capabilities against the terrorist threat; assess response tothese instructions.3. Identify factors that may have limited the ability of Congress to implement effectiveoversight, e.g. turnover of membership of oversight committees; security measuresimposed on Congress, inability to discuss issues such as intelligence spending withother members or the public.4. Determine whether Congress used all of its authorities under existing statute toimplement effective oversight (e.g., access to documentation, authority to releaseinformation, etc.)

  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


    RAND FaxWashington Otiice1200S.Hayes StreetArlington, V A 22202-5050Telephone: (703)413-1100Fax: (703)413-8111


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  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


    MEMORANDUMTo: Kevin ScheidFrom: Bruce BerkowitzDate: April 7, 2003


    Questions for Intelligence Topic AreasThe following questions and requests for information are intended to establish"ground truth" a factual record of actual actions that were undertaken (or notundertaken) and may have contributed to the 9-11 intelligence failure .In addition to being of intrinsic interest, the responses to these questions could beused to develop a timeline explaining how intelligence organizations responded tothe A l Qaeda threat, and when.These questions also suggest specific documents and interviews to request.

    Collection1. Provide CIA tasking fo r recruitment of HUMINT assets to collect against the AlQaeda threat prior to 9-11.

    9/11 Closed by Statute

    3. Identify any occasions when congressional or 1C guidelines caused CIA to rejectan asset with potential application to Al Qaeda.4. Describe the SIGINT assets used to collect against Al Qaeda during 1992-2001.Describe the amount and quality of information provided by each.5. For the period 1992-2001, identify any SIGINT collection assets used against AlQaeda that were compromised, and describe the extent of the damage to U.S.capabilities that resulted.

    9/11 Closed by Statute

    7. Did congressional instructions to NSA or the 1C affect the ability of NSA todevelop its own capabilities to obtain close access SIGINT?| 9 /n c l o s e d bystatute |

  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


    9/11 Closed by Statute

    9/11 Closed by Statute

    Analysis1. Within the DI, who first appears to have detected the significance of the Al Qaedathreat? What was her methodology, and what support did she receive f rom DI andother CIA management to pursue this line of analysis?2. Describe the process through which DI analysts were assigned to the Al Qaedatarget after this initial discovery was made, but prior to 9-11. What are theprocedures for reassigning an analyst to a new target?3. Provide a timeline from 1992 through 2001 showing the number of analystsassigned to cover Al Qaeda. How many analysts were assigned within the CTC andCIA as a whole to cover Al Qaeda prior to 9-11?

    Management1. Do either the CIA or the 1C as a whole have a fo rm al process through which theycan raise their level of alert in response to a growing threat? Did it exist prior to 9-11?2. Describe the steps (if any) that the CIA or other 1C organizations are directed toundertake when this system goes to a higher level of alert.3. Did such a system activate when the DCI "declared war" against Al Qaeda in1998? Describe the measures organizations use to provide feedback to the DCI whenthey are directed to go to a higher level of alert.4. Did security regulations within the CIA and 1C prevent organizations andindividual analysts from sharing data effectively?

    Resources1. For the CIA, each CIA directorate, and each 1C agency, provide fo r each year from1992-2001:

    Annual f un d in g

  • 8/14/2019 T2 B7 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Questions for Topic Areas 641


    Staffing levels and attrition/recruitment rates2. For each year, provide the change in each of these values following review byOM B and Congress.3. For CIA and NSA, provide the following data concerning constraints onassigning personnel to the Al Qaeda threat:

    Personnel funding Personnel slots Time required to place new hires on the job Policies concerning suitability of prospective personnel4. Identify "macro" factors each year that affected overall intelligence spendinglevels, including:

    White House/Congress budget agreements Discrete events, e.g. response to the NRO surplus

    Oversight1. Describe the process (if any) congressional committees employed to determine theDCI's budget and policy priorities.2. Describe the process (if any) congressional committees employed to determinedthe degree the NFIP supported these priorities.3. Identify statute and report language during the 1992-2001 period that directed CIAand other 1C agencies to develop capabilities against the terrorist threat; assess theresponse to these instructions.4. Identify factors that may have limited the ability of Congress to exercise effectiveoversight, e.g., turnover of membership, security rules limiting discussion ofintelligence spending or other issues.5. Determine whether Congress employed all of its existing authorities toimplement effective oversight.

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