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Table of Contents:

1. The History of the Universe AMA 4

2. The Rules of the Game in this Universe 12

3. Planetary Playgrounds 18

4. The universal subject PEACE 22

5. The universal subject LOVE 27

6. The universal subject LIGHT 34

7. Players and Pawns 40

8. Leaders and Guardians of the Game 45

9. The Earth is a vibrational planet 50

10. Macro Playgrounds – Micro Playgrounds 57

11. New Life – New Game 61

(to be continued)


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The History of the Universe AMA

1. This universe did not arise by accident. Its evolution is based on the plan

and the intention of a being which can be called „architect and guiding angel

of the universe”. Being not tangible for mankind it is called „God“ for


2. The universe which is designed by the „architect and guiding angel of

the universe” whose short form is AMA bears its name. It serves evolution

and equals a game. Like in a game the universe AMA started at a point zero,

follows a certain course and ends one day when the target is met. No being

besides AMA knows when this will be.

3. The angel being AMA guides its universe according to its plan. Thus,

AMA is the guide of this universe. Next to IT there are the supreme angels of

this universe which were created by and through IT. They are ITS forms of

expression within the universe who work in ITS name and according to ITS

mandate for IT.

4. The guiding angel of this universe AMA created the construction plan for

this universe. Its concept was based on the database of the mega universe

which IT originates from. Its concept is based on ITS mission and ITS mission

is to push forward the expansion of the mega universe. The creation plan was

then carried out and materialized by ITS angels. Thus, the supreme angels are

not only the “constructors” of this universe but also in charge of the


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administration and maintenance of the divine order and vibration in this

universe. All angels – they were joined by spiritual masters and further divine

staff members at a later point in time – represent the so-called “Enterprise


5. Every universe has its superordinate spectrum of evolution where

development takes place. In the universe AMA these are the qualities Love,

Light and Peace as well as their counterparts.

6. A game can only gain momentum if at least two players take part in it.

They need to create a vivid game with their contrary forces and thus enable

the game to progress. As the guiding angel of the universe cannot guide a

game alone IT created an opponent, the so-called “anti-God” at the

beginning of ITS universe.

7. The creation of the “anti-God“ took place when the story of this

universe began. This happened in the form of a production by the guiding

angel of the universe AMA: IT blinded a part of ITS supreme angels and led

them into the pride, most of all Lucifer, who wanted to be like AMA and who

claimed to be the leader of this universe. A battle between the angels arose.

The angels who were loyal to AMA fought against Lucifer and his followers.

As a consequence of this battle Lucifer and his followers were banned from

„Heaven“ or the „ Heart Centre of God”, where the angels live, and subverted

into the very far distance from God.

8. The anti-God was born. From now on he ruled the opposite pole of

Heaven – “Hell”. Since then, the polarities “good” and “bad”, “love” and

“hate”, “arrogance” and “humbleness”, “light” and “darkness”, “yin” and


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“yang” etc. have existed keeping an everlasting field of tension in this

universe. This field of tension has been enabling development and evolution.

9. The stage for the universe was created and ready for the big

experimental game. Now the various beings were created populating this

universe and granting life and spirit to the game. Every being was provided

with a free will and was allowed to run its very own game plan to experience

the various differences in between the polarities with the goal to evolve.

10. All beings of this universe were created in the so-called “divine birth

chamber” and were provided with an etheric universe body consisting of a

mind and a soul body. This soul-mind being was equipped with all necessary

data about this universe and its origin. Further, it was provided with specific

“soul characteristics” giving it a certain individuality as well as certain skills. It

also received a “name” which, at the same time, was the routing motto for

its incarnation cycle in this universe.

11. All beings were immaculate and innocent like an empty sheet of paper

when leaving the “birth chamber” and entering the incarnation cycle in this

universe. Like this they started their incarnation game in this universe being

influenced by divine and anti-divine forces. There were many different

“planetary stages” where the beings could play and experiment. They

wandered from stage to stage over the course of their incarnations. By doing

so they got on costumes and bodies being the “vehicles” of the respective

planets and being the vehicles they could survive with and express


12. In the beginning the whole universe and all planets within were divine


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and vibrating in the plus-dimensions, i.e. the beings, wherever they

incarnated, were close to God, could feel ITS presence and could

communicate with IT via intuition. They lived and/or “played” in the so-called

paradise and were conscious of the divine laws and rules.

13. With the creation of the anti-God the creation and extent of his

territory began and he infiltrated the divine playgrounds with his “snake of

seduction”, the deadly sins and the roots of the evil created by him.

14. The anti-God went for the capture of as many divine territories and/or

planets as possible to amplify his realm and to win all participants in the

experiment over to his side in order to build his anti-divine empire. His goal

was to make the soul-mind beings hand him over their most important asset,

i.e. their divine soul, in which not only was located their natal assets, their

heart-light-sparks named sparks of divine light, but also their soul database

in which the incarnation essence of all their lives was stored. Over the course

of the universe AMA’s evolution the anti-God Lucifer built his anti-divine

empire in this way and went for expansion.

15. On those stages which were mainly hold by the anti-God there was an

anti-divine climate where the deadly sins prevailed and the five roots of

suffering, also referred to as the five kleshas, were planted into the soul-

mind beings and their respective planetary bodies and nourished: ignorance,

egoism, greed, hatred and fear. The main means of the anti-God and his anti-

divine staff members were seduction, lust and addiction. By doing so he

chained the beings and brought them closer and closer to him. The beings

did not recognize their blindness and therefore did not realize that they

could escape the suffering whenever they wanted using their free will,


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leaving the anti-God’s stage and changing to another divine stage.

16. Since the beginning of the universe AMA everything has been

somewhere within this field of tension between divine and anti-divine,

between “good” and “bad”, between “light” and “darkness”: the big worlds

(macro cosmos) but also the small worlds (micro cosmos) and even within

the beings themselves, in their immortal soul body (soul micro cosmos) and

in their respective mortal planetary bodies (body micro cosmos) you can find

this field of tension.

17. Every being has its own status in this game of the universe, has had its

very own experiences, has leaned either towards the divine or towards the

anti-divine, has been living somewhere between heaven and hell or maybe

entirely in hell as expression – more or less – of the roots of evil, the

suffering and the deadly sins.

18. Someday, after many incarnations in this universe, when the pressure

of suffering has become tremendous, when the being has been exhausted, it

uses what it was provided by God at its birth: its free will. It says “stop” and

decides to bail out of the game. It gives itself over to its creator, to God, and

begs for help, rescue, salvation from suffering, from hell. There is only one

wish left: to come to peace, to go home in its heavenly origin. Its prayers will

be answered. However, it must clean itself from all anti-divine “dirt”

beforehand as it cannot enter paradise and continue to heaven still carrying

it. The grey and black spots in its soul body have to be removed, the soul

body must become pure and white, free from the roots of evil, free from the

deadly sins, free from the anti-God.


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19. Like this, every being wishing to ascend to paradise or further to

heaven, must go the arduous way to remove everything that was burned into

it and/or its soul body over the course of many incarnations. All the

“costumes” which were worn over the course of incarnations have to be

taken off until the being is naked, i.e. until the true, divine being appears.

The being needs to rise from the low frequency of the anti-divine hate (flame

of hatred), the darkness and the war to the high frequency of divine love,

light and peace and needs to strengthen the flame of heart light (the flame

of love for God).

20. All beings’ goal is to set the heart-light-spark (spark of divine light) so

strongly on fire that one day the whole being is mere fire (‘heart’ does not

refer to the physical heart but to the heart of the soul body). When the

frequency of the fire has reached the frequency of God and/or the heart

centre of God in this universe, the soul-mind being will unite with God and

will go into God which corresponds with the “death” (of its individual soul

and/or ego) in this universe. All its data having collected over the course of

its game of incarnations in this universe will go into the universal data base.

21. This excludes those beings whose soul-mind being and/or partial

aspects of their soul-mind being belong to the angel hierarchy (HGMM) of

the world’s guiding angel AMA even if they take a planetary body for a

certain period of time. Their one and only task and destination is to work for

the big enterprise GOD. During their mission it can happen to get polluted

and to fall into low dimensions resulting in being cut off from their divine

source and their divine powers and abilities. It is then necessary to clean

themselves and to swing back high, i.e. to lift their frequency to be able to


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ascend back into the divine dimension. When they return to God they do not

experience their death as normal beings but as reincarnation as divine staff


22. It is similar with beings whose soul-mind being is a staff member

(AGMM) of an ascended triple and/or double spiritual master (e.g. Hermes

Trismegistos/Thot, Christ, Saint Germain etc.). Those beings did ascend a

long time ago and did experience their “death” but they decided to become

part of the big enterprise “GOD” and to serve it. Thus, they were

reincarnated within their spiritual master to whom they committed

themselves and passed through a respective training in the energy heart

center of their spiritual master where they became part of him. As with the

angels of God these beings can fall during their divine mission and can be

separated from their spiritual master and their divine abilities. Then they

have to swing back high and to return into their spiritual master to

reincarnate as divine staff member.

23. For this every being needs to be aware to be in a game of the universe

and to be a part of this game. And it can step out of this game at any time as

it received a kind of “safety line” from God: its free will! Nobody can take this

from it, even not the anti-God. If the being addresses God with its free will

and asks for liberation and salvation from the game its prayers will be

answered under the condition that it submits itself to God and starts its self-

purification process and holds out until it has been finished.

24. The game of the universe comes to its end when the world’s guiding

angel AMA decides to stop directing ITS energy (ITS light) into this universe.

When AMA stops directing energy into ITS universe, IT also stops to recharge


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ITS many “small batteries” in this universe, the sun angels, so they lose their

power. When the power of the suns in this universe extinguishes the game

clock stops to tick. The house of cards of this universe will collapse and

dissolve. Only “memories” in form of data remain. They are stored in the

“PC” of the world’s guiding angel AMA and they are inputted into the

database of the mega universe.

And what happens with the beings who have not finished yet when the big

game of the universes is terminated? The ones who are on their way to God,

will be lifted; the ones who are in the power of the anti-God, however,

decompose into dust and ash. One continues to live in the divine sense – the

other has died a long time ago in the divine sense.


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The Rules of the Game in this Universe

The beings taking part in the game of this universe AMA and experimenting

within the polar worlds need to adhere to the subsequent rules which must

be followed and obeyed. Those rules do not apply for angels who live in the

heart center of God and/or the Spiritual Masters. Whoever does not adhere

to the rules of the game or even violates them must expect consequences or

might even be withdrawn from the game. It is the angels and their

authorized representatives as well as the Spiritual Masters and their

authorized representatives monitoring the game of this universe and caring

for law and order.

Rule No. 1:

There is only one sovereign in this universe: the world’s guiding angel AMA

who, according to ITS construction plan, has created this universe and

everything that is and who guides this universe. This being is the supreme

power and force, the supreme wisdom, the supreme love, the supreme light,

the supreme conscience, the supreme fire. Everything in this universe has to

respect this supreme power, has to submit itself to IT and has to obey to IT.


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Rule No. 2:

The world’s guiding angel AMA created out of ITSelf ITS highest angels who,

in ITS name and according to ITS plan, ensure the evolution of this universe,

who maintain and administer it, provide for law and order, adapt, clean and

raise vibrations and frequencies and who guide the divine burning fire and

creation fire. Compared to the world guiding’s angel AMA, the angels live

within the universe in the highest frequency range, the so-called “Heart

Center of God”. The highest angels in turn created “Sub-Angels” out of

themselves who also can create and work in the lower frequencies.

Everything in this universe has to respect the power of the highest angels

and has to submit itself to them and has to obey them.

Rule No. 3:

Everything in this universe has its destination provided by the world’s guiding

angel AMA. This applies for planets as well as for all living beings, e.g.

humans, animals, plants etc. This divine primordial destination must be

acknowledged, respected and sustained by everything that exists in this

universe; it may not be changed or destroyed by anything or anyone. The

whole universe is like a clockwork which has been functioning meticulously

since the beginning and where every detail is synchronized with each other.

Whoever dares to interfere in this primordial creation and destination and

wants to change or destroy the divine creation plan has to face severe

sanctions by the guiding angel and/or the supreme angels.


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Rule No. 4:

All planets in this universe are “playgrounds“ for universal beings (ASH) who

incarnate on the respective planet with their etheric universe body. This

means that they take on the predominant planetary body in order to play,

experiment and evolve. Every planet has its planetary leadership being

installed with the creation of the planet which, one day, will be disbanded

with the dissolution of the planet and/or will be going into God. The

planetary leadership is etheric but has certain planetary body beings by

which it can be expressed on the planet’s material level. The task of the

planetary leadership is to ensure the implementation of and compliance with

the great divine plan on the planet and to provide law and order. Every being

incarnating on a planet must acknowledge the divine power of the planetary

leadership, must submit and obey to it.

Rule No. 5:

Any being in this universe may neither hinder another being on its

evolutionary path nor suppress it, enslave it, exploit it, lay violent hands on it

or take its life. Solely the universal guiding angel AMA and ITS supreme

angels may take a life as they did give it, too. Every being disregarding this

rule must expect severe sanctions; one of those is massive karma binding the

beings to the wheel of suffering which involves heavy sorrow in the current

and in later incarnations.


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Rule No. 6:

Every being in this game of the universe has a free will. This “free will”

cannot be compared with a “charter for any kind of behavior” but this free

will relates to the fact that every being has the possibility to return to God

and its divine origin if it wants to end its participation in the game of the

universe. Nothing and no one can refuse the being this free will. Nothing and

no one is able and allowed to detain the being. However, those beings who

“sold” their soul to the anti-God, are excluded from this rule. The free will is

anchored in the being’s soul. With the soul’s sale to the anti-God the beings

lost their free will.

Rule No. 7:

There is the heart-light-spark (God-light-spark) within the etheric heart, i.e.

the heart of the immortal soul-spirit being, which every being received when

it was created in this universe. Via this heart-light-spark the being is

connected with God and intuitively receives impulses of its divine leadership

on how to live “rightly”, i.e. following the divine laws. Some call it

“conscience”. Nothing and no one may extinguish another being’s heart-light-

spark. It is God’s highest good and absolutely taboo. Whoever disregards this

must face God’s severe sanctions.

Rule No. 8:

Every being in this game of the universe receives intuitive impulses from its


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divine leadership via its heart which intends to lead it on the “straight way”

so that the being can walk through its incarnation cycle truthfully and

conscientiously and evolve towards God. It is the being’s task to follow these

impulses and not to get entrapped by egoistic acting or karma. If a being

knowingly acts against the divine impulses and instead follows the anti-divine

impulses it will be confronted with the consequences of its conduct, reaching

from nightmares, sickness, poverty, misery to heavy suffering.

Rule No. 9:

The game of the universe AMA takes place in both polar stages, “divine” and

“anti-divine”. One is predominated by divine virtues like sincerity,

peaceableness, charity, kindness; the other is predominated by anti-divine

deadly sins like lies and deception, aggressiveness, selfishness, expedience,

hatred etc. The stages were formed for the beings to experience and realize

where the respective “game-playing” leads to, what happens to them, where

and how they suffer. Suffering is an important indicator to see if a being is on

the right track or if something needs to be changed so that the suffering is

over. Suffering must never be ended by suicide because suffering is part of

the being’s life plan. Suicide involves serious consequences for the being.

Rule No. 10:

No being in the game of the universe AMA may interfere with the life of

another player and change it deliberately. Every being lives the life it


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deserves which is the consequence of all preceding incarnations. Karma may

only be dissolved if the being agrees to have misdemeaned. Suffering may

only be dissolved if the being itself wants to be liberated from the suffering

and if it acknowledges and realizes its misdeeds which caused the suffering in

the first place. The life a being is living, the state in which the being is, is what

it created by itself and what it deserves. The one who wants to rescue and

free other beings interferes with the being’s big life plan and thereby loads

up karma with the divine leadership.


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Planetary Playgrounds

According to the visions of the guiding angel AMA ITS universal angels created a

variety of different planetary playgrounds and play areas where the playing

beings of this universe can play and experiment.

Therefore there are e.g. planets where the beings can learn what esthetics are,

i.e. the model of perceptible beauty, harmony and art. The beings incarnating

on such planets learn all life long to develop their esthetic abilities and to refine

them: what is beautiful, tasteful, appealing and what is ugly, tasteless, cloying?

How can you bring esthetics into all areas of life – into love, music, architecture


Further, there are so-called technology planets in this universe on which the

beings incarnating on them can learn all life long everything about technique.

This means that on the one hand they learn everything about the construction

and production of machines, devices and gadgets, on the other hand

everything about particular human skills and crafts (e.g. the technique of

mental arithmetic, the technique of long jump, the technique of warfare etc.) In

the universe of AMA there are technical planets with very different emphases.

On some it is all about the production of faster and better spaceships, on some

it is more about the continuous optimization of success technologies, and on


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some it is about the invention of newer and better working techniques.

On other planets the beings can learn everything about war. They experiment

all life long how to carry out conflicts in a battle and war oriented manner most

efficiently. It is the top priority to learn how to be a general, to learn the art of

being a general and to learn about war strategies and tactics. Weapon and

armor technologies are constantly expanded, modernized and optimized. Some

war planets have “optimized” their war systems in such way that they

destroyed themselves.

Further, there are planets where the beings incarnating and living can learn

everything about success, i.e. about the achievement of self-set targets and

goals. The goals can be about rather factual things like income or about

emotional things like recognition. On success planets the beings learn

everything about causes, methods and strategies of success, planning,

implementation, assertiveness and impact of success on life, personality etc.

On every planet there is not only a certain spectrum of learning and

experimenting but also a certain spectrum of dimensions (=consciousness) and

vibration. Esthetic planets are much closer to the divine and therefore vibrate in

a higher and brighter way, have a higher spectrum of consciousness (e.g. “+” 5th

or 6th dimension) than e.g. war planets. These are far away from the divine and

therefore vibrate lower and darker and have a lower consciousness (e.g. “–“ 4th

or 5th dimension). Generally, war planets are in the realm of the anti-God

(minus dimensions) and the beings living there are mostly anti-divine or

become so over the course of their incarnation cycle on the planet.


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Usually, the beings incarnate on their selected planet as long as they reach the

planetary mastery, i.e. until they have learned and completed everything there

is in terms of knowledge and skills on that planet. This, generally, takes some

million years. Afterwards, the being has three options:

1. It proceeds to another planet to aspire a new planetary mastery or at least

to broaden its knowledge.

2. It decides to enter into the universal enterprise GOD and to pursue the path

of a divine staff member.

3. It decides to end its incarnation cycle in the universe AMA, proceeds to an

ascension planet where it prepares itself for the ascend to GOD.

However, there are other beings jumping from one planet to the other during

their incarnation cycle as, over the course of their incarnations, they feel

uncomfortable with the spectrum of the selected planet. They only spend some

thousand years on all those planets until they finally reach the planet where

they feel comfortable and where they stay.

Every planet or planetary playground is ruled and administrated by a planetary

guidance. Above the planetary guidance there is an ascended spiritual master

as supreme planetary guide who himself is member of the universal guidance

AMA. The planetary guidance has staff members who operate and do the

preliminary work for it. Many planets are in contact with other planets and


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build a galactic federation. All planets in one galaxy are in contact with the

respective ascension planet of their galaxy and position outposts who observe

the situation on the ascension planet and who continuously hand their

observations to their planetary guidance. Further, the planetary guidance is in

permanent contact with the sun angel who is responsible for their planetary

system and supplies them energetically.

One part of the planets in the universe AMA is bright, one part is dark and one

part is even anti-divine. When a planet is (has become) anti-divine, it is within

the realm of the anti-God, Lucifer, the super-ego and the deadly sins. The

beings living on such planets sold their soul to the anti-God and cannot ascend

to God anymore at the end of their incarnation cycle, but descend to the ego-

heart of the anti-God.

However, as at the end of the universe AMA, when the guiding angel AMA

sends the signal for the termination of the game of universe, the whole

universe enters into God, so does Lucifer and with it all soul data memory

Lucifer has collected.


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