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Page 1: Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with T · Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with TIRO Michelle Y. Wong and David Lie University of Toronto Abstract Obfuscation

Open access to the Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium

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Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with Tiro

Michelle Y. Wong and David Lie, University of Toronto


This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium.

August 15–17, 2018 • Baltimore, MD, USA

ISBN 978-1-939133-04-5

Page 2: Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with T · Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with TIRO Michelle Y. Wong and David Lie University of Toronto Abstract Obfuscation

Tackling runtime-based obfuscation in Android with TIRO

Michelle Y. Wong and David LieUniversity of Toronto


Obfuscation is used in malware to hide malicious activ-ity from manual or automatic program analysis. On theAndroid platform, malware has had a history of using ob-fuscation techniques such as Java reflection, code pack-ing and value encryption. However, more recent mal-ware has turned to employing obfuscation that subvertsthe integrity of the Android runtime (ART or Dalvik), atechnique we call runtime-based obfuscation. Once sub-verted, the runtime no longer follows the normally ex-pected rules of code execution and method invocation,raising the difficulty of deobfuscating and analyzing mal-ware that use these techniques.

In this work, we propose TIRO, a deobfuscationframework for Android using an approach of Target-Instrument-Run-Observe. TIRO provides a unifiedframework that can deobfuscate malware that use a com-bination of traditional obfuscation and newer runtime-based obfuscation techniques. We evaluate and useTIRO on a dataset of modern Android malware samplesand find that TIRO can automatically detect and reverselanguage-based and runtime-based obfuscation. We alsoevaluate TIRO on a corpus of 2000 malware samplesfrom VirusTotal and find that runtime-based obfuscationtechniques are present in 80% of the samples, demon-strating that runtime-based obfuscation is a significanttool employed by Android malware authors today.

1 Introduction

There are currently an estimated 2.8 million applica-tions on the Google Play store, with thousands beingadded and many more existing applications being up-dated daily. A large market with many users naturallydraws attackers who create and distribute malicious ap-plications (i.e. malware) for fun and profit. While dy-namic analyses [10, 27, 28, 34] can be used to detectand analyze malware, anti-malware tools often use static

analysis as well for efficiency and greater code cover-age [1, 2, 12]. As a result, malware authors have increas-ingly turned to obfuscation to hide their actions and con-fuse both static and dynamic analysis tools. The presenceof obfuscation does not indicate malicious intent in andof itself, as many legitimate applications employ codeobfuscation to protect intellectual property. However, be-cause of its prevalence among malware, it is crucial thatmalware analyzers have the ability to deobfuscate An-droid applications in order to determine if an applicationis indeed malicious or not.

There exist a variety of obfuscation techniques on theAndroid platform. Many common techniques, such asJava reflection, value encryption, dynamically decrypt-ing and loading code, and calling native methods havebeen identified and discussed in the literature [11,22,26].These techniques have a common property in that theyexploit facilities provided by the Java programming lan-guage, which is the main development language for An-droid applications, and thus we call these language-based obfuscation techniques. In contrast, malware au-thors may eschew Java and execute entirely in nativecode, obfuscating with techniques seen in x86 mal-ware [3, 8, 17, 20, 24]. We call this technique full-nativecode obfuscation.

In this paper, we identify a third option—obfuscationtechniques that subvert ART, the Android RunTime,which we call runtime-based obfuscation techniques.These techniques subtly alter the way method invoca-tions are resolved and code is executed. Runtime-basedobfuscation has advantages over both language-basedand full-native code obfuscation. While language-basedobfuscation techniques have to occur immediately beforethe obfuscated code is called, runtime-based obfuscationtechniques can occur in one place and alter code exe-cution in a seemingly unrelated part of the application.This significantly raises the difficulty of deobfuscatingcode, as code execution no longer follows expected con-ventions and analysis can no longer be performed piece-

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meal on an application, but must examine the entire ap-plication as a whole. Compared to full-native code ob-fuscation, runtime-based obfuscation allows a malwaredeveloper to still use the convenient Java-based API li-braries provided by the framework. Malware that use na-tive code obfuscation will either have to use language- orruntime-based obfuscation to hide its Android API use,or risk compatibility loss if it tries to access APIs directly.Our study of obfuscated malware suggests that authorsalmost universally employ language- and runtime-basedmethods to hide their use of Android APIs in Java.

To study both language- and runtime-based obfusca-tion in Android malware, we propose TIRO, a tool thatcan handle both types of obfuscation techniques withina single deobfuscation framework. TIRO is an acronymfor the automated approach taken to defeat obfuscation— Target-Instrument-Run-Observe. TIRO first analyzesthe application code to target locations where obfusca-tion may occur, and applies instrumentation either in theapplication or runtime to monitor for obfuscation andcollect run-time information. TIRO then runs the ap-plication with specially generated inputs that will trig-ger the instrumentation. Finally, TIRO observes the re-sults of running the instrumented application to deter-mine whether obfuscation occurred and if so, producethe deobfuscated code. TIRO performs these steps itera-tively until it can no longer detect any new obfuscation.This iterative mechanism enables it to work on a varietyof obfuscated applications and techniques.

TIRO’s hybrid static-dynamic design is rooted in anintegration with IntelliDroid [31], which implements tar-geted dynamic execution for Android applications. TIROuses this targeting to drive its dynamic analysis to lo-cations of obfuscation, saving it from having to executeunrelated parts of the application. However, IntelliDroiduses static analysis and is susceptible to language-basedand runtime-based obfuscation, which can make its anal-ysis incomplete. By using an iterative design that feedsdynamic information back into static analysis for de-obfuscation, TIRO can incrementally increase the com-pleteness of this targeting, which further improves its de-obfuscation capabilities. In this synergistic combination,IntelliDroid improves TIRO’s efficiency by targeting itsdynamic analysis toward obfuscation code and TIRO im-proves IntelliDroid’s completeness by incorporating de-obfuscated information back into its targeting. Succes-sive iterations allow each to refine the results of the other.

We make three main contributions in this paper:

1. We identify and describe a family of runtime-basedobfuscation techniques in ART, including DEX filehooking, class modification, ArtMethod hooking,method entry-point hooking and instruction hook-ing/overwriting.

2. We present the design and implementation of TIRO,a framework for Android-based deobfuscation thatcan handle both language-based and runtime-basedobfuscation techniques.

3. We evaluate TIRO on a corpus of 34 modern mal-ware samples provided by the Android Malwareteam at Google. We also run TIRO on 2000 obfus-cated malware samples downloaded from VirusTo-tal to measure the prevalence of various runtime-based obfuscation techniques in the wild and findthat 80% use a form of runtime-based obfuscation.

We begin by providing background on the Androidruntime and classical language-based obfuscation tech-niques in Section 2. We then introduce and explainruntime-based obfuscation techniques in Section 3. Wepresent TIRO, a deobfuscation framework that can han-dle both language- and runtime-based obfuscation inSection 4 and provide implementation details in Sec-tion 5. We present an analysis of obfuscated Androidmalware in Section 6 and show how TIRO can deobfus-cate these applications. We analyze our findings and ourlimitations in Section 7. Related work is discussed inSection 8. Finally, we conclude in Section 9.

2 Background

Android applications are implemented in Java, compiledinto DEX bytecode, and executed in either the DalvikVirtual Machine or the Android Runtime (ART).1 TheDalvik VM, used in Android versions prior to 4.4, inter-prets the DEX bytecode and uses just-in-time (JIT) com-pilation for frequently executed code segments. ART, aseparate runtime introduced in Android 4.4 and set as thedefault in Android 5.0, adds ahead-of-time (AOT) com-pilation (using the dex2oat tool) to a DEX interpreter.Starting in Android 7.0, ART also includes profile-basedsmart compilation that uses a mixture of interpretation,JIT, and AOT compilation to boost application perfor-mance.

We briefly discuss traditional language-based obfusca-tion and full-native code obfuscation techniques:

Reflection. Java provides the ability to dynamically in-stantiate and invoke methods using reflection. Becausethe target of reflected method invocations is only knownat run-time, this frustrates static analysis and can makethe targets of these calls unresolvable (e.g. by usingan encrypted string), thus hiding call edges and data ac-cesses.

Value encryption. Key values and strings in an applica-tion can be encrypted so they are not visible to static anal-ysis. When executed, code in the application decrypts


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the values, allowing the application to use the plain textat run-time. Value encryption is often combined with re-flection to hide the names of classes or methods targetedby reflected calls.

Dynamic loading. Code located outside the main ap-plication package (APK) can be executed through dy-namic code loading. This is often used in packed ap-plications, where the hidden code is stored as an en-crypted binary file within the APK package and de-crypted when the application is launched. The decryptedcode is stored in a temporary file and loaded into theruntime through the use of the dynamic loading APIsin the dalvik.system.DexClassLoader and dalvik.system.DexFile classes. Normally, the temporary filesholding the decrypted bytecode are deleted after the load-ing process to further hide or obfuscate it from analysis.In some cases, the invocation to the dynamic loading APImay be obfuscated by performing the invocation reflec-tively or in native code, using multiple layers of obfusca-tion to increase the difficulty of analysis.

Native methods. Java applications may use the Java Na-tive Interface (JNI) to invoke native methods in the appli-cation. When used for obfuscation, malicious behaviorand method invocations can be performed in native code.Unlike Java or DEX bytecode, native code contains nosymbol information—variables are mapped to registersand many symbols are just addresses. Thus, static anal-ysis of native code yields significantly less useful resultsand the inclusion of native code in an application canhide malicious activity or sensitive API invocations froman analyzer.

Full-native code obfuscation. Because Android appli-cations can execute code natively, it would also be possi-ble to implement an entire Android application in nativecode and utilize native code obfuscation techniques. Na-tive code obfuscation has a long history on x86 desktopsystems, and can be extremely resistant to analysis [3].The primary drawback to this approach is that accessto Android APIs, which can reveal the user’s locationand give access to various databases containing the user’scontacts, calendar and browsing history, can only be re-liably accessed via API stubs in the Java framework li-brary provided by the OS. On one hand, calling APIsfrom Java code without language- or runtime-based ob-fuscation would expose the APIs calls to standard An-droid application analysis [2, 12]. On the other hand,calling these APIs from native code requires the appli-cation to correctly guess the Binder message format thatthe services on the Android system are using. Becausethe ecosystem of Android is very fragmented,2 this posesa challenge for malware that wishes to avoid executing


Java code. As a result, applications that use native codeobfuscation still need obfuscation for Java code if theywant to be able to make Android API calls reliably.

3 Runtime-based obfuscation

Before we describe runtime-based obfuscation, we firstdescribe how code is loaded and executed in the ARTruntime. Figure 1 illustrates three major steps in loadingand invoking code. First, A shows how DEX bytecodemust be identified and loaded from disk into the runtime.Second, B is triggered when a class is instantiated bythe application and shows how the corresponding byte-code within the DEX file is found and incorporated intoruntime state. Finally, C shows how virtual methods aredynamically resolved via a virtual method table (vtable)and execution is directed to the target method code. Wedescribe these steps in more detail below.

3.1 DEX file and class loadingIn Stage A , DEX files are loaded from disk into mem-ory, a process that involves instantiating Java and nativeobjects to represent the loaded DEX file. The Java java.lang.DexFile object is returned to the application if ituses the DexFile.loadDex() API; in normal cases, thisobject is passed to a class loader so that ART can laterload classes from the new DEX bytecode.

The class loading process, Stage B , is triggered whena class is first requested (e.g. when it is first instantiated).The class linker within ART searches the loaded DEXfiles (in the order of loading) until it finds a class defi-nition entry (class_def_item) matching the requestedclass name. The associated class data is parsed fromthe DEX file, now loaded in memory, and a Class ob-ject is used to represent this class in ART. In addition,data for class members are also parsed, and ArtField orArtMethod objects created to represent them. To handlepolymorphism, a vtable is stored for each class and usedto resolve virtual method invocations efficiently. The ta-ble is initially populated by pointers to ArtMethod in-stances from the superclass (i.e. inherited methods). Foroverridden methods, their entries in the table are replacedwith pointers to the ArtMethod instances for the currentloaded class.

3.2 Code executionWhen a non-static virtual invocation is made, marked byStage C , the target method must be resolved. The res-olution begins by determining the receiver object’s type,which references a Class object. The method specifiedin the invocation is used to index into the vtable of thisclass, thereby obtaining the target ArtMethod object to

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function: Set up Obtain code ptr Execute code




mapped DEX file ptr





virtual methods table




















DEX file (mmap)













Invocation Receiver Parameters Target method

code loading and execution

pointers/state stored in ART#



Figure 1: ART state for code loading and execution

invoke (see 4 in Figure 1). The actual invocation pro-cedure depends on the method type (e.g. Java or native)and the current runtime environment (e.g. interpreter orcompiled mode). A set of entry-points are stored withthe ArtMethod to handle each case (see 5 ); each isessentially a function pointer/trampoline that performsany necessary set-up, obtains and executes the method’sDEX or OAT code, and performs clean-up. While Fig-ure 1 shows only how the DEX code pointer is retrievedfor a method (see 6 ), OAT code pointers for compiledcode are obtained in an analogous way.

3.3 Obfuscation techniquesRuntime-based obfuscation redirects method invocationsby subverting runtime state at a number of points duringthe code loading and execution process outlined above.Because runtime-based obfuscation works by modifyingthe state of the runtime, it must acquire the addresses ofthe runtime objects it needs to modify, which is normallydone using reflection, and modify them using native codeinvoked via JNI (since Java memory management wouldprevent code in Java from modifying ART runtime ob-jects). In total, our analysis with TIRO has identifiedsix different techniques used by malware to obfuscate thetargets of method invocations. In Figure 1, 1 - 3 indi-cates runtime state that can be modified to hijack the codeloading process such that the state is initialized with un-expected data (with respect to the input provided to the

runtime from the application). 4 - 6 indicates runtimestate that can be subverted to alter the code that a methodinvocation resolves to. We describe these techniques inmore detail below:

1 2 DEX file hooking. When loading a DEXfile, the dalvik.system.DexFile class is used in Javacode to identify the loaded file; however, the bulk ofthe actual loading is performed by native code in theruntime, using a complementary native art::DexFileclass. To reconcile the Java class with its native coun-terpart, the DexFile::mCookie Java field stores point-ers to the associated native art::DexFile instances thatrepresent this DEX file. When classes are loaded later,this Java field is used to access the corresponding na-tive art::DexFile instance, which holds a pointer tothe memory address where the DEX file has been load-ed/mapped. Obfuscation techniques can use reflection toaccess the private mCookie field and redirect it to anotherart::DexFile object, switching an apparently benignDEX file with one that contains malicious code. In mostcases, the malicious DEX file is loaded using non-APImethods and classes within native code, or is dynami-cally generated in memory, further hiding its existence.

Similarly, instead of modifying the mCookie field, theobfuscation code can also modify the begin_ fieldwithin the art::DexFile native class and redirect it toanother DEX file. However, this approach can be morebrittle since the obfuscation code must make assump-

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tions about the location of the begin_ field within theobject.

3 Class data overwriting. Obfuscation code canalso directly modify the contents of the memory-mappedDEX file to alter the code to be executed. DEX filesfollow a predetermined layout that separates class dec-larations, class data, field data, and method data.3 Boththe class data pointer (class_data_item), which de-termines where information for a class is stored, andmethod data pointer (method_data_item), which de-termines where information is stored for a method, areprime targets for such modification. Modifying the classdata pointer allows the obfuscation code to replace theclass definition with a different class while modifying themethod definition allows the obfuscation code to changethe location of the code implementing a method. Thiscan be done en masse or in a piecemeal fashion, whereeach class or method is modified immediately before itis first used. We note that there are no bounds checkson the pointers, so while class and method pointers nor-mally point to definitions and code within the DEX file,obfuscation code is free to change them to point to ob-jects (including dynamically created ones) anywhere inthe application’s address space.

Class declarations (class_def_item) are not normallymodified by obfuscation code since this top level objectis often read and cached into an in-memory data structurefor fast lookup. If the obfuscation code misses the smallwindow where the DEX file is loaded but this data struc-ture has not yet been populated, any modifications to theclass declarations will not take effect in the runtime.

4 ArtMethod hooking. After the receiving class ofan invocation is determined, the target method is foundby indexing into the class’s vtable. Obfuscation codecan obtain a handle to a Class object using reflectionand determine the offset at which the vtable is stored.By modifying entries in this table, the target ArtMethodobject for an invocation can be hooked so that a differ-ent method is retrieved and executed. The target methodthat is actually executed must be an ArtMethod object,which might have been dynamically generated by the ob-fuscation code or loaded previously from a DEX file. Inthe latter case, the use of virtual method hooking is tohide the invocation and have malicious code appear tobe dead. The feasibility of this type of modification forobfuscation was established in [6].

5 Method entry-point hooking. Once the targetArtMethod object has been determined for an invoca-tion, the method is executed by invoking one of its entry-points, which are mere function pointers. Similar to


Class objects, reflection via the JNI can be used to ob-tain the Java Method object and through this, the obfus-cation code can determine the location of the correspond-ing ArtMethod object, which is a wrapper/abstractionaround the method. By modifying and hooking the val-ues of these entry-points, it can change the code that isexecuted when the method is invoked.

Although the new entry-point code can be arbitrary na-tive code, there exists a number of method hooking li-braries [18, 19, 35] that allow an application developerto specify pairs of hooked and target methods in Java.They use method entry-point hooking so that a genericlook-up method is executed when the hooked methodsare invoked. This look-up method determines the regis-tered target method for a hooked method invocation andexecutes it.

6 Instruction hooking and overwriting. The finalstage in the method invocation process is to retrieve theDEX or OAT code pointers for a method and executethe instructions; this is performed by the method’s entry-points. These code pointers are stored and retrievedfrom the ArtMethod object. Instruction hooking can beachieved by modifying this pointer such that a differentset of instructions is referenced and executed when themethod is invoked. Alternatively, instruction overwritingcan be achieved by accessing the memory referenced bythis pointer and performing in-place modification of thecode—this normally requires the original instruction ar-ray to be padded with NOPs (or other irrelevant instruc-tions) to ensure sufficient room for the newly modifiedcode. While the invocation target does not change, theobfuscation code can essentially execute a completelydifferent method than what was first loaded into the run-time. The modification of a method’s instructions can oc-cur before or after class loading, since the runtime linksdirectly to the instruction array in ArtMethod objects.It is even possible to overwrite the instructions multipletimes such that a different set of instructions is executedevery time the method is invoked.

4 TIRO: A hybrid iterative deobfuscator

To address language-based and runtime-based obfusca-tion techniques, we describe TIRO, a deobfuscator thathandles both types of obfuscation. At a high level, TIROcombines static and dynamic techniques in an iterativefashion to detect and handle modern obfuscation tech-niques in Android applications. The input to TIRO isan APK file that might be distributed or submitted toan application marketplace. The output is a set of de-obfuscated information (such as statically unresolvablerun-time values, dynamically loaded code, etc.) that canbe passed into existing security analysis tools to increase

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their coverage, or used by a human analyst to better un-derstand the behaviors of an Android application.

The main design of TIRO is an iterative loop that in-crementally deobfuscates applications in four steps:

T arget: We use static analysis to target locationswhere obfuscation is likely to occur. For language-based obfuscation, these are invocations to the meth-ods used for the obfuscation (e.g. reflection APIs withnon-constant target strings). For runtime-based obfus-cation, we target native code invocations as these arenecessary to modify the state of the ART runtime.

I nstrument: We statically instrument the applicationand the ART runtime to monitor for language-basedand runtime-based obfuscation, respectively. This in-strumentation reports the dynamic information neces-sary for deobfuscation.

R un: We execute the obfuscated code dynamicallyand trigger the application to deobfuscate/unpack andexecute the code.

O bserve: We observe and collect the deobfuscatedinformation reported by the instrumentation duringdynamic analysis. If TIRO discovers that the de-obfuscation reveals more obfuscated code, it iteratesthrough the above steps on the new code until it hasexecuted all targeted locations that could contain ob-fuscation.

TIRO’s iterative process allows for deobfuscation ofmultiple layers or forms of obfuscation used by an ap-plication, since the deobfuscation of one form may re-veal further obfuscation. This is motivated by our find-ings that obfuscated code often combines several obfus-cation techniques and that deobfuscated code often itselfcontains code that has been obfuscated with a differenttechnique. For instance, an application that dynamicallymodifies DEX bytecode in memory often uses reflectionto obtain classes and invoke methods in the obfuscatedcode. Without supporting both forms of obfuscation, ei-ther the deobfuscated reflection target is useless withoutthe bytecode for the target method, or the extracted ob-fuscated code appears dead since the only invocation intoit is reflective.

4.1 Targeting obfuscationA fundamental part of TIRO’s framework is the abil-ity to both detect potential obfuscation (i.e. targeting)and to perform deobfuscation (i.e. observation). With-out targeting, TIRO would need to instrument and ob-serve all program paths, which could be infinite in num-ber. Targeting enables TIRO to only instrument and ob-serve the program paths that are involved in deobfuscat-ing or unpacking obfuscated code. For this reason, we

build the static analysis portion of TIRO on top of Intel-liDroid [31], a tool for targeted execution of Android ap-plications. Given a list of targets (i.e. locations in thecode), IntelliDroid automatically extracts call paths tothese targets and generates constraints on the inputs thattrigger these paths. An associated dynamic client solvesthese constraints at run-time, assembles the input objectfrom the solved values, and injects the input objects totrigger the paths. Using IntelliDroid, TIRO specifies lo-cations of obfuscation as targets. While recent Androidobfuscators generally automatically unpack applicationcode at startup (and thus require no special inputs), anadded benefit of targeting is that we can use IntelliDroidto generate inputs to trigger paths in future obfuscatedcode that may only unpack sections of code under spe-cific circumstances [25].

For language-based obfuscation, obfuscation locationsare visible in static analysis and the targets provided toIntelliDroid are invocations to reflection APIs, dynamicloading APIs, and native methods. For runtime-basedobfuscation, while the obfuscated code is executed in theruntime (i.e. in Java/DEX bytecode), the actual obfusca-tion is done in native code as described in Section 3.3.IntelliDroid is currently unable to target locations in-side native code. As a result, we instead target all Javaentry-points into application-provided native code, suchas invocations to native methods and to native code load-ing APIs (e.g. System.load(), which calls the JNI_OnLoad function in the loaded native library). While thisis an over-approximation, targeting native code will en-sure that any runtime-based obfuscation can be detectedin the instrumentation phase.

4.2 Instrumenting obfuscation locations

Once all of the target obfuscation locations have beenidentified, TIRO instruments the application and theART runtime such that any detected obfuscation is re-ported and deobfuscated values/code are extracted. Forlanguage-based obfuscation, TIRO instruments applica-tion code since that is where the actual obfuscation oc-curs. The instrumented code is inserted immediatelybefore the target locations and the instrumentation re-ports the values of unresolved variables to logcat, An-droid’s logging facility. A separate process monitorsthe log and keeps a record of the dynamic informationreported. For example, to deobfuscate a statically un-resolvable reflection invocation, the parameters to theinvocation are logged (as well as the exact locationwhere invocation occurs, to disambiguate between mul-tiple uses of reflection). To deobfuscate dynamic load-ing, part of the instrumentation will store the loadedcode in a TIRO-specific device location and report thislocation in the log. Native code transitions are also de-

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obfuscated by instrumenting calls from Java into nativecode and Java methods that can be called from nativecode. This allows TIRO to create control-flow connec-tions of the type: Java caller → [native code]→ Java callee, which helps shed light into what ac-tions are being taken in the native code of an application,even though TIRO does not perform native code analysis.

For runtime-based obfuscation, TIRO instruments theART runtime. Since the result of this modification is theexecution of unexpected code on a method invocation,one approach might be to record the code that was loadedinto the runtime for a given method and check whetherthis code has been modified at the time of invocation.However, this poses a catch-22 situation: to detect theobfuscation, TIRO would have to target the obfuscatedmethod but with runtime-based obfuscation, the obfus-cation code could modify any class or method in the pro-gram. It would be impractical to target every method inthe program. Instead, we use the fact that runtime-basedobfuscation must rely on native code to do the actual statemodification. As a result, to detect runtime-based obfus-cation, TIRO instruments transitions between native toJava and Java to native code to detect whether runtimestate has been modified while the application was exe-cuting native code.

The runtime state monitored is specific to the ob-jects used to load and execute code, as described inSection 3.3. For example, to detect DEX file hook-ing, TIRO finds and monitors the DexFile::mCookieand art::DexFile::begin_ fields of all instantiatedobjects for changes before and after native code exe-cution. If modifications are detected, TIRO reports thecall path which triggered the modification, the element(s)that were modified and affected by the modification, andif possible, the code that is actually executed as a resultof the runtime-based obfuscation. In some cases, thereare legitimate reasons why runtime state may change be-tween initial code loading and code execution (e.g. lazylinking or JIT compilation). We detect these and elimi-nate these cases from TIRO’s detection of runtime-basedobfuscation.

Checking all runtime state for modifications can beexpensive as there can be many classes and methods tocheck. To reduce this cost we: (1) only monitor run-time state used in the code loading and execution pro-cess, and that are retrievable via the dynamic loadingor reflection APIs (i.e. state stored within DexFile,Class, and Method objects); (2) only monitor the ob-jects for methods and classes used by the application, asdetermined by reachability analysis during TIRO’s staticphase. This process relies on TIRO’s iterative design,since the reachability analysis and subsequent monitor-ing becomes more complete as the application becomesprogressively deobfuscated in later iterations.

4.3 Running obfuscated code

TIRO substitutes the original application with its instru-mented code and uses IntelliDroid’s targeting capabili-ties to compute and inject the appropriate inputs to runthe instrumented obfuscation locations. However, doingthis on obfuscated code raises an additional challenge—many instances of obfuscated applications also containintegrity checks that check for tampering of applica-tion code and refuse to run if instrumentation is de-tected. We found that the most robust method for cir-cumventing these checks is to return (i.e. spoof) theoriginal code when classes are accessed by the applica-tion and return instrumented code when accessed by theruntime for execution. To avoid conflicts with any run-time state modification that may be performed by obfus-cation code, TIRO checks if any state modifications tar-get instrumented code and if so, TIRO aborts executionof the instrumented code and allows the modifications tobe performed on the original application code instead. Inthe next iteration, after extracting the modified code, thepreviously obfuscated code will be instrumented and ex-ecuted.

4.4 Observing deobfuscated results

TIRO observes how the application either resolves andruns sections of code (to defeat language-based obfusca-tion), or how the application’s obfuscation code modifiesthe runtime state (for runtime-based obfuscation). Theresults of this observation and the information providedby TIRO’s instrumentation are reported to the user fordeobfuscation of the application.

The iterative approach taken by TIRO also relies onthese observed results to incrementally deobfuscate lay-ers of obfuscated code. For obfuscation that hides or con-fuses invocation targets (e.g. reflection, native methodinvocations, method hooking), TIRO’s instrumentationreports the caller method, the invocation site, and the ac-tual method that is executed. This information is used inthe next iteration to generate a synthetic edge in the staticcall graph that represents the newly discovered executionflow. Often, this turns apparently dead code into reach-able code and TIRO will target this code on the next iter-ation. For obfuscation that executes dynamically loadedcode (e.g. dynamic loading, DEX file hooking, etc.),TIRO’s instrumentation extracts the code that is actuallyexecuted into an extraction file, and a process monitoringTIRO’s instrumentation log pulls this file from the device.The extracted code is then included in the static analysisin the following iteration. An example of how TIRO iter-atively deobfuscates code from the dexprotector packeris given in Appendix A.

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5 Implementation

We implemented the static and dynamic portions of TIROon top of IntelliDroid [31] and added the ART instrumen-tation that deobfuscates runtime-based obfuscation.

5.1 AOSP modificationsThe modifications to AOSP are located within the ARTruntime code (art/runtime and libcore/libart).We have implemented these changes on three differentversions of AOSP: 4.4 (KitKat), 5.1 (Lollipop), and 6.0(Marshmallow) due to the portability issues of the DEXfile hooking technique, which is performed by most ofthe malware in our datasets. In order to access the privateDexFile::mCookie field for DEX file hooking, appli-cations must use reflection or JNI, but the mCookie fieldtype has changed from an int in 4.4, to a long in 5.0,and finally to an Object in 6.0. These changes and otherconventions that the malware relies upon (such as privatemethod signatures and locations of installed APKs) re-sult in crashes when the applications are not executed ontheir intended Android version.

5.2 Extending IntelliDroidTIRO uses IntelliDroid’s [31] static analysis to targetlikely locations of obfuscation and its dynamic client tocompute and inject inputs that trigger these locations.The deobfuscated information extracted by TIRO is in-corporated into the static analysis prior to the call graphgeneration phase and the code instrumentation is per-formed after the extraction of targeted paths and con-straints. To enable support for ART, which was intro-duced in Android 4.4, we have ported IntelliDroid fromAndroid 4.3 to Android 6.0. In addition, we have portedIntelliDroid to use the Soot [29] static analysis frame-work, which provides direct support for instrumenta-tion of DEX bytecode via the smali/dexpler [14] library.Previously, IntelliDroid used the WALA analysis frame-work, which does not have a backend for DEX bytecode.While instrumentation could have been achieved by us-ing WALA with Java-to-DEX conversion tools [7, 21],we found that malicious applications and packers oftenuse very esoteric aspects of the bytecode specificationthat are not always supported by conversion tools.

5.3 Soot modificationsTo incorporate deobfuscated values back into the staticportion of TIRO, we made several modifications toSoot [29]. Most of these changes were in the call graphgeneration code, where we tag locations at which deob-fuscated values were obtained and add special edges to

the call graph representing dynamically resolved/deob-fuscated invocations. Other deobfuscated values/vari-ables are tagged in the intermediate representation andcan be accessed in the post-call-graph-generation phasesof Soot.

Some obfuscated applications are armored to preventparsing by frameworks such as Soot. For example, therewere several instances of unparseable, invalid instruc-tions in methods that appear to be dead code. Whilethis code is never executed, a static analysis pass wouldstill attempt to parse these instructions, resulting in er-rors that halt the analysis. In cases where a class def-inition or method implementation is malformed (whichoften occurs for applications performing DEX bytecodemodification), we skip these classes/methods and do notproduce an instrumented version. If the bytecode is mod-ified at run-time, TIRO will extract them and instrumentthem in the following iteration.

6 Evaluation

To evaluate TIRO’s accuracy, we acquired a labeleddataset of 34 malware samples, each obfuscated by oneof 22 different Android obfuscation tools. This datasetwas provided by the Android Malware team at Googleand were transferred to us in two batches: one in March2017 and another in October 2017. The samples in thedataset were chosen for their use of advanced obfusca-tion capabilities and difficulty of analysis, and attentionwas made to ensure that they represent a wide range ofstate-of-the-art obfuscators. Each sample was manuallyconfirmed as malware and classified by a security ana-lyst from Google, independent of our own analysis usingTIRO. To evaluate TIRO’s accuracy, we shared the re-sults of TIRO’s analysis with Google and they confirmedor denied our findings on the samples.

In our evaluation, the static portion of TIRO was ex-ecuted on an Intel i7-3770 (3.40GHz) machine with32 GB of memory, 24 GB of which were provided tothe static analysis JVM. The dynamic portion was exe-cuted on a Nexus 5 device running TIRO’s instrumentedversions of Android 4.4, Android 5.1, and Android 6.0.

We begin by evaluating TIRO’s accuracy, as well as de-tailing the findings made by TIRO on the labeled dataset.Then, to measure the use of obfuscation on malware inthe wild, we apply TIRO to 2000 obfuscated malwaresamples from VirusTotal [30]. Finally, we present ananalysis of TIRO’s performance.

6.1 General findingsTable 1 summarizes our findings after running TIRO onthe labeled dataset. The table lists the name of the obfus-cator, the number of samples from that obfuscator, the

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Table 1: Deobfuscation results


Language-based Runtime-basedTIRO Sensitive


Sample # Refl












































aliprotect 2 • n • • • 3 0 44

apkprotect 1 • d • 2 8 52

appguard 1 • • • 2 0 5

appsolid 1 • n • 2 0 82

baiduprotect 1 • n • • • 2 1 2

bangcle 1 • n • 2 1 4

dexguard 3 • 2 0 4

dexprotector 3 • r • 4 0 80

dxshield 2 • n • • 2 3 25

ijiamipacker 2 • n • • • • • • 2 1 93

liapp 1 • n • 2 4 90

naga 1 • n • • 2 2 2

naga_pha 1 • n • • • • • • 2 0 6

nqprotect 1 • d • 2 1 12

qihoopacker 3 • n • • 2 3 217

secshell 2 • r n • • • 2 200 287

secneo 1 • n • 3 0 12

sqlpacker 2 • d • 2 1 31

tencentpacker 2 • n • • 3 3 504

unicomsdk 2 • d • 2 226 227

wjshell 1 • d • • 2 8 13

d Direct dynamic loading invocation r Dynamic loading invoked via reflection n Dynamic loading invoked in native code

obfuscation techniques found by TIRO and the numberof iterations TIRO used to fully deobfuscate the sample.We also show the number of sensitive APIs that are stat-ically visible before and after TIRO’s deobfuscation. Forobfuscation tools where there was more than one sample,the table shows the results for the sample with the mostsensitive behaviors detected.

After sharing our results with the Google AndroidMalware team, we confirmed that TIRO successfullyfound and deobfuscated the known obfuscated code inthe applications, with the exception of the two samplespacked with unicomsdk, and was able to reach and an-alyze the original applications (i.e. the bytecode forthe underlying application before it was obfuscated orpacked). On closer analysis, we found TIRO failed onthe unicomsdk samples because while TIRO does triggercall paths that invoke dynamic loading, the obfuscationcode tries to retrieve bytecode from a network server thatis no longer active. Our comparison also showed thatTIRO did not have any false positives on the dataset—in

no case did TIRO mistake legitimate state modificationperformed by ART for an attempt to perform runtime-based obfuscation by the application.

We make several general observations about the re-sults. First, all of the malware samples employed basiclanguage-based obfuscation such as reflection and nativecode usage, while roughly 53% (18/34) of the samplesalso employed the more advanced runtime-based obfus-cation techniques. We note that none of the samplesin this set employed method entry-point hooking, per-haps owing to their age as these samples are older thanthose used in our VirusTotal analysis described in Sec-tion 6.3. In addition, all used between 2-4 layers of ob-fuscation, requiring multiple iterations by TIRO. Thesefindings demonstrate the utility of TIRO’s iterative de-sign and ability to simultaneously handle multiple typesof obfuscation.

Second, many of the obfuscators employed tactics tomake analysis difficult. For example, 21 of the 34 sam-ples included code integrity checks that TIRO’s code

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spoofing was able to circumvent. In addition, a commonpost-loading step in most of the samples was the deletionof the decrypted code file after it had been loaded. Thismade it marginally more difficult to retrieve the code,since the unpacked DEX file was unavailable after it wasloaded; however, since TIRO extracts DEX code frommemory during the loading process, this did not impactits deobfuscation capabilities.

Finally, in all cases, the obfuscation was used to hidecalls to sensitive APIs in Java, which were used to per-form malicious activity. The number of sensitive APIsshown in Table 1 are the number of API calls found bystatic analysis before and after running TIRO, where theset of sensitive APIs were obtained from FlowDroid’s [2]collection of sources and sinks. On average, TIRO’s iter-ative deobfuscation resulted in over 30 new hidden sen-sitive API uses detected in each sample. The new sen-sitive behaviors detected after TIRO’s iterative deobfus-cation included well-known malware behaviors such aspremium SMS abuse and access to sensitive data, includ-ing location information and device identifiers.

6.2 Sample-specific findingsWe now describe in detail some of the interesting behav-iors and obfuscation techniques TIRO uncovered:

aliprotect: During TIRO’s first iteration, wefound that the APK file contained only one class(StubApplication) that set up and unpacked theapplication’s code. Static analysis found only one caseof reflection to instrument and one direct native methodinvocation via System.load(). During dynamic anal-ysis, we found that the sample used DEX file hookingto load the main application code dynamically. Afterloading, the obfuscated DEX file was also overwrittenprior to class loading to change the bytecode defining theapplication’s main activity. When extracting the modi-fied DEX bytecode, TIRO found that some of the classdata pointers referred to locations outside the DEX codebuffer (i.e. outside the DEX file). The application storedcode in separate memory locations and, via pointerarithmetic, modified the DEX class pointers to refer tothose locations. In the second iteration, static analysisshowed that most of the methods in the obfuscated (andnow extracted) DEX file were empty—when invoked,they would throw a run-time exception. These emptymethods and classes appeared to be decoys and werenever actually executed by the application. The methodsand classes that were executed had undergone DEXbytecode modification, and TIRO successfully extractedthe new non-empty implementations.

apkprotect: In the first iteration, TIRO found severalclasses in the APK file, none of which were the com-

ponents declared in the manifest. In the dynamic phase,instrumentation of dynamic loading and reflection re-trieved the dynamically loaded code and deobfuscatedthe reflection targets. From the run-time informationgathered, TIRO reported that a number of class objectswere requested via reflection, but only one was instanti-ated via a reflected call to the constructor method.

In the second iteration, TIRO found that only the classthat was instantiated was actually present in the dynam-ically loaded code. Further analysis showed that the ap-plication performed a trial-and-error form of class load-ing, where it looped through class names app.plg_v#.Plugin (with # a sequentially increasing integer) untilit found a class object that could actually be retrievedand instantiated. This form of class loading would haveintroduced a great deal of imprecision in static analysissince the class name was unknown and obscured by theloop logic; however, with the dynamic information re-trieved by TIRO, the static analysis in the subsequent iter-ations was able to precisely identify the loaded and exe-cuted class. During the static phase, TIRO also found twomethods within the dynamically loaded code that con-tained invalid instructions and were unparseable. Thesemethods did not appear to be invoked but attemptingto load them without patching Soot resulted in crashesstemming from parsing errors.

baiduprotect / naga / naga_pha: These samples usedDEX file hooking to load code dynamically but theywould also modify the hooked DEX file multiple timesin their execution. Each modification would change thedata for one class but also invalidated header values inanother; therefore, after the DEX bytecode modificationprocess had begun, no single snapshot of the DEX codememory buffer would result in a valid DEX file. SinceTIRO retrieves modified code in a piecemeal fashion asthe modification is detected for each class (rather thantaking a single snapshot of the buffer), it was able to han-dle the multiple code modifications and the subsequentmangling of class metadata.

dexprotector: This sample highlights how TIRO deob-fuscates multiple layers of obfuscation and is describedin Appendix A. It used a combination of reflection to in-voke dynamic loading APIs (DexFile.loadClass())and to invoke methods in the dynamically loaded code.The loaded code included another call to DexFile.loadDex() for a second layer of dynamic loading thatunpacked the main activity. Further iterations deobfus-cated the reflected and native method invocations thatformed most of the application’s call graph.

ijiamipacker: When first installing this APK, thedex2oat tool reported a number of verification errors inmost of the classes. TIRO’s static analysis had similar

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results but within the parseable classes, it detected in-stances of reflection, native methods, and dynamic load-ing. The dynamic phase showed that some of the classeswith DEX verification errors were executed without er-ror due to dynamic modification of the classes’ bytecode.Furthermore, the methods were modified one at a time asthey were loaded by the class loader, which was achievedby hooking a method within the class loader. In the sec-ond iteration, TIRO was able to analyze the extractedbytecode for the now-parseable classes and instrumentednew cases of reflection.

We also found that this sample suppressed log mes-sages after a certain point in the unpacking process be-fore the main activity was loaded. Since TIRO’s feed-back system of relaying dynamic information to staticanalysis depends on instrumented log messages, this ini-tially posed a problem for deobfuscation. Fortunately,this sample did not suppress error logs, so TIRO wasmodified to write to the error log as well. A more robustapproach would be to implement a custom deobfuscationlog that only TIRO can access and control.

qihoopacker: In addition to the DEX file hooking obfus-cation that this sample employed, we found that it alsoinvoked art::RegisterNativeMethods() to redefinethe native method DexFile.getClassNameList().This is a form of native method hooking, where the na-tive function attached to a method is swapped for another.The hooked method getClassNameList() does not ac-tually play a part in the class loading process nor was itused by the application; however, it is useful for codeanalysis as it returns a list of loaded classes and its redef-inition made such interactive analysis more difficult.

For completeness, we also found two publicly avail-able method hooking libraries: Legend [18] andYAHFA [19], and used these to create our own applica-tion obfuscated with method hooking. For both libraries,TIRO detected the hooked methods, which containedmodified method entry-point pointers. These pointerswere redirected to custom trampoline/bridge code thatresolved the hooked invocation and invoked the targetmethod specified by the developer. TIRO heuristicallyreported the method objects retrieved by the applicationthat were likely to serve as target methods for this hook-ing, and in the following iterations, correctly constructedcall edges between the hooked and target methods.

6.3 Evaluation on VirusTotal datasetWe also use TIRO to measure the types of obfuscationused by malware in the wild. We searched VirusTotalfor malware tagged as obfuscated or packed, and down-loaded 2000 randomly selected samples that were sub-mitted throughout the month of January 2018. When

Table 2: Obfuscation in 2000 recent VirusTotal samples

Language-based Runtime-based

Reflection 58.5 % DEX file hooking 64.0 %Dynamic loading 79.9 % Class data overwriting 0.7 %

Direct 52.2 % ArtMethod hooking 0.5 %Reflected 0.1 % Method entry hooking 0.3 %Native 49.2 % Instruction hooking 33.7 %

Native code 96.8 % Instruction overwriting 0.1 %

TIRO was run on this dataset, it exceeded the 3 hour time-out on the static analysis phase for four of the samplesand ran out of memory on two others. Of the remainingsamples, all proceeded to instrumentation and analysisby TIRO’s dynamic phase. Table 2 shows the breakdownof the types of obfuscation found by TIRO.

On this dataset, a larger proportion (80%) of theseapplications used runtime-based obfuscation techniques,compared to 53% on the labeled dataset. In addition, us-age of all types of runtime-based obfuscation were ob-served, including method entry-point hooking. Whilethis dataset is larger, we speculate that these differencesand the broader use of runtime-based techniques likelyowe more to the fact that the malware in this dataset aremore recent than those in the previous labeled dataset.

The most frequent form of runtime-based obfusca-tion found was DEX file hooking, which is likely dueto the ease of implementing the state modification (i.e.the DexFile::mCookie field) required for the obfus-cation. Likewise, use of instruction hooking was alsoprominent, since the obfuscation required changing justthe DEX code pointer (and possibly the compiled OATcode pointer) in ArtMethod objects. Techniques that re-quire overwriting larger regions of memory or more pre-cise determination of a location to modify (e.g. modi-fying a vtable entry for ArtMethod hooking) were muchless common. This may be due to the implementationeffort of these techniques, which require greater knowl-edge of the runtime objects being modified to ensure thatany overwriting maintains the expected layout of theseobjects and preserves the stability of the runtime. How-ever, we do see instances of these techniques in recentmalware, and the overall frequency of runtime-based ob-fuscation techniques in our dataset is likely in responseto advances in analyses that can deal with the simpler andmore well-known language-based techniques.

6.4 PerformanceWe evaluate the performance of the static and dynamicphases in TIRO separately. The run time of the staticcomponent increases as iterations find and deobfuscatemore code to analyze. In the first iteration of the static

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component (where the analysis is only targeting obfusca-tion locations in the original APK file), the average staticanalysis time for the samples in Table 1 is 4.3 minutes.However, after the last iteration, the static componenttakes an average of 12.2 minutes across our dataset.

TIRO’s instrumentation also incurs overhead in its dy-namic phase. Since the majority of obfuscation occursin the application launch phase (i.e. when the applica-tion unpacks its main activity and other components), wecompare the launch time of the application when runningin TIRO against the launch time in an unmodified versionof AOSP. On average, there is a 3.3× slowdown, with allof the applications launching in under 11 seconds. Themajority of this overhead is due to the checking of ARTruntime state before and after native code is executed.While this is a noticeable performance impact, we notethat TIRO is meant for analysis and not production us-age; thus, while the slowdown is large, applications stilllaunch and run in a reasonable amount of time. To fur-ther reduce performance overhead, we believe that wecan optimize TIRO’s monitoring using hardware support.Currently, a full check is performed of all tracked run-time state on every native-to-Java transition. By manip-ulating memory protections or dirty bits in the hardwarepage table to identify modified pages, and tracking whichobjects are stored on those pages, TIRO can reduce thenumber of objects it must check for modifications.

7 Discussion

From our analysis of obfuscation in recent Android mal-ware, we identify and classify a type of runtime-basedobfuscation that differs from obfuscation seen in previ-ous work on x86 and Java. The use of a runtime intro-duces another technique of hiding code that we show isalready in use in Android malware.

7.1 Bypassing the runtimeUnlike language-based obfuscation where the applica-tion abuses Java language features, runtime-based obfus-cation requires modifying runtime data, which must bedone using native code. A natural question is whetherruntime-based obfuscation is a stepping stone towardfull-native code obfuscation. Static analysis of nativecode is more imprecise and most existing static malwareanalyzers for Android are limited to Java bytecode, soa full native code application would make them ineffec-tive. We argue that runtime-based obfuscation is not su-perseded by full native code but is a complementary tech-nique.

In runtime-based obfuscation, native code is used tomodify the runtime state but the execution inevitably re-turns to Java code after the modifications have been per-

formed. This highlights the main difference betweenthe two forms of obfuscation: in runtime-based obfusca-tion, the actual malicious behavior can be implementedin Java. Whether this is useful to the malware devel-oper is dependent on the type of malicious activity theywish to execute on a victim’s device and how they wantto implement it. Many state-of-the-art obfuscators arecommercial tools that add wrapper classes to an applica-tion to pack them into an obfuscated APK and unpackthem when the application is launched. Runtime-basedobfuscation allows for complex obfuscation while stillallowing the users of these commercial tools to imple-ment their code in Java, which may be preferable dueto ease of development. Reusing the existing runtimeon Android makes it easier for commercial obfuscationtools to reliably support all forms of Android applica-tions.

In addition, system services are normally accessedthrough their RPC interface, which would require a tran-sition back into the runtime and would be detected byTIRO’s monitoring of native-to-Java transitions. To avoidany Java code (i.e. a true fully native application), the ap-plication would have to access system services by callingthe low-level Binder interface or Unix ioctls directly.Since the Binder library is not part of the Android NDK,the application is then sensitive to any changes in imple-mentation in the Binder kernel driver or Android servicemanager. We believe that this is one of the reasons whylanguage- and runtime-based obfuscation is so prominenton Android despite the long history and effectiveness ofnative code obfuscation on x86. As a result, for the fore-seeable future, language- and runtime-based obfuscationtechniques will likely still be relevant techniques for ob-fuscated code on Android.

Another form of obfuscation may be to embed anatively-implemented interpreter within the applicationthat executes a secret bytecode. This is a complemen-tary technique to runtime-based obfuscation and is alsoa method of bypassing the ART runtime, since the inter-preter would be fully implemented in native code. Simi-lar to full-native code obfuscation, access to system ser-vices would be limited and invocations to frameworkmethods would still require execution in the ART run-time and would therefore be deobfuscated by TIRO.

7.2 Other limitations

Part of TIRO’s deobfuscation focuses on retrieving DEXbytecode that the application dynamically loads and ex-ecutes. This implicitly assumes that any manipulation ofthe DEX bytecode is reflected in the compiled OAT orODEX code, and vice versa. Obfuscation code may vi-olate this assumption and perform modifications directlyon the OAT or ODEX bytecode, bypassing the current

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implementation of TIRO. However, in doing this, the ob-fuscation code forgoes portability across devices, as OATand ODEX files are device-specific. We did not observeany malware instances that were device-specific in thisway. If direct OAT or ODEX modification were to ex-ist, it would be straightforward to enhance TIRO to de-tect these modifications by monitoring art::OatFileobjects in the same manner as art::DexFile objects.

While we have identified a number of forms ofruntime-based obfuscation in Section 3.3, there may beothers that TIRO currently does not monitor, providingavenues for newer malware to avoid detection and deob-fuscation. However, the framework proposed in TIRO isgeneral enough to accommodate the monitoring of otherforms of runtime state as they are identified. A furtherlimitation is that applications can employ x86 obfusca-tion and hooking techniques to bypass TIRO’s monitor-ing within the ART runtime. While we currently can-not prevent this, due to the shared address space betweenthe application and the runtime environment, future workmay explore the separation of application and runtimememory, which would also prevent tampering of runtimestate and disable runtime-based obfuscation.

Since TIRO relies on dynamic analysis to report de-obfuscated values, full deobfuscation of an applicationwould require executing all of its obfuscation code.Since TIRO was implemented on top of IntelliDroid [31],we rely on it to execute targeted obfuscation locations.However, because its analysis is limited to Java, whileit can target native method invocations, it cannot extractexecution paths within native code. Since native codeis used extensively by obfuscators, we may miss certainpaths. In addition, IntelliDroid may not be able to extractall targeted paths and constraints due to static impreci-sion and complex path constraints in the code; TIRO nat-urally inherits these limitations. TIRO can be combinedwith fuzzers if deobfuscation is required in native code orin execution paths with constraints that cannot be solved.

8 Related work

A variety of security and privacy analyzers have been de-veloped for Android, including static [2,12] and dynamictools [10, 27, 28, 34]. TIRO is a hybrid system similarto [22, 23, 31, 32], which use dynamic information to en-hance static analysis. Tools that perform malware classi-fication [1, 12] are often based on application semanticsand rely on the ability to determine the actions performedby an application. While they are effective against unob-fuscated applications, they cannot handle complex codeobfuscation and will likely miss malicious actions thatthe malware performs. While some tools have been de-signed with obfuscation resilience in mind [13], they of-ten cannot handle the complex obfuscation techniques

used by existing Android packers and malware.The work that most closely resembles TIRO are exist-

ing deobfuscation tools for Android. Some focus only onlanguage-based obfuscation. Harvester [22] uses staticcode slicing to execute paths leading to specific code lo-cations, such as reflection invocations, and can log deob-fuscated values. However, code slices do not always pro-duce realistic executions and it does not handle runtime-based obfuscation. StaDynA [38] uses a hybrid itera-tive approach similar to TIRO to deobfuscate reflectionand retrieve dynamically loaded code. However, it re-lies on instrumentation of reflection and dynamic load-ing API invocations. Some Android unpackers, suchas DexHunter [36] and Android-unpacker [26], handlecertain cases of DEX file and DEX bytecode manipu-lation, but use special packer-specific values to identifythe code that must be extracted. They also do not handleany other form of obfuscation, which makes it difficultto analyze the retrieved code if it is further obfuscated inanother way. Others, such as PackerGrind [33] and App-Spear [16] have a more general design but their monitor-ing for bytecode modification is limited to instrumenta-tion of specific methods they expect obfuscation code touse. While these unpackers identify certain cases of DEXbytecode modification, they do not handle other formsof state modification in the code execution process nordo they address the wider issue of runtime-based obfus-cation. DroidUnpack [9] uses full system emulation todynamically extract packed code. While DroidUnpackcan extract dynamically loaded code and decrypted DEXfiles, they do not discuss or indicate if they can han-dle runtime-based obfuscation the way TIRO can. De-Guard [4] takes a different approach and uses a statisti-cal model to reverse the name obfuscation performed bythe ProGuard [15] tool included with the Android SDK.Since TIRO focuses on the actions taken by an applica-tion, we do not deobfuscate class and method names.However, combining the results of TIRO and DeGuardwould aid in manual analysis of malware.

TIRO is also similar to deobfuscation tools proposedfor general Java applications. TamiFlex [5] deobfuscatesreflection by instrumenting the reflection classes loadedby the Java runtime, but does not handle other formsof obfuscation. However, its modification of the classloader in the runtime is similar to the technique used inTIRO to load instrumented application classes. Similarly,Ripple [37] also targets reflection but does so throughstatic resolution, which is less precise. These tools donot address runtime-based obfuscation.

Deobfuscation and unpacking tools also exist for x86applications. Renovo [17] tracks whether previouslywritten memory regions are being executed and canhandle multiple “hidden layers" of packing. Polyun-pack [24] checks whether dynamic instruction sequences

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match those in its static model of the application andreturns new unpacked instruction sequences. Ether [8]presents a transparent malware analysis tool that handlesemulator-resistant techniques used by packers to pre-vent reverse engineering. Omniunpack [20] uses an in-memory malware detector to determine if malicious codeis being unpacked and retrieves this code from memory.These techniques are more general than those used inTIRO but would require special support to handle the An-droid runtime and its code loading processes. By focus-ing on obfuscation for the Android runtime via language-based and runtime-based deobfuscation, we account forthe environment in which Android applications are runand produce effective results that can be integrated withexisting Android security tools.

9 Conclusion

In this paper, we identify a family of obfuscation tech-niques used on the Android platform, which we nameruntime-based obfuscation. These techniques subvert theintegrity of the Android runtime to manipulate the codeloading and execution processes and execute maliciouscode surreptitiously. We propose TIRO, a unified deob-fuscation framework for Android applications that candeobfuscate runtime-based obfuscation as well as tra-ditional techniques such as reflection or native methodinvocation. Through an iterative process of static in-strumentation and dynamic information gathering thatuses Target, Instrument, Run and Observe, we showthat TIRO is able to deobfuscate malware that have beenpacked using state-of-the-art Android obfuscators. Wealso show that runtime-based obfuscation is prevalentamong recent Android malware and that effective se-curity analysis will require deobfuscation of these tech-niques. Using the deobfuscated application informationproduced by TIRO, it is possible for existing securityanalysis tools to achieve more complete analysis and de-tection of Android malware.

10 Acknowledgments

We would like to thank Mariana D’Angelo, Peter Sun,Ivan Pustogarov, James Zhen Huang, Beom Heyn Kim,Wei Huang, Sukwon Oh, Diego Bravo Velasquez, VasilyRudchenko, Shirley Yang, and the anonymous review-ers for their suggestions and feedback. We also thankDaniel Bali, Jason Woloz, and Monirul Sharif for shar-ing their expertise in Android malware and obfuscation.The research in this paper was supported by an NSERCCGS-D scholarship, a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair, anda Google Faculty Research Award.


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A Iterative deobfuscation in TIRO

Most obfuscators and packers use more than one of theobfuscation techniques we have described. For instance,like other API invocations that the malware wishes tohide, dynamic loading invocations may be hidden behindreflection. Deobfuscation in these cases requires multi-ple iterations to resolve the reflection target and, if thetarget is used for another form of obfuscation, to resolvethe reflected obfuscation API.

As an example, Figure 2 shows how TIRO iterativelyapplies the T-I-R-O loop to deobfuscate the combinationof techniques used by the dexprotector packer and to ex-tract a complete application call graph.

Iteration 1: The scope of the static analysis is limitedto code in the application’s APK file. TIRO finds loca-tions of reflected method invocations and instrumentsthem to determine the reflection targets. The dynamicphase executes the instrumented code and reports thereflection targets. It also finds two dynamically loadedDEX files.

Iteration 2: The static analysis scope is expanded to in-clude code from these two DEX files. This code in-cludes entry-points into the application that were pre-viously unknown. However, the use of reflection in

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Dex 1

Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4

Dex 2

Dex 1

Dex 2

Dex 1

Dex 2

methodentry-point dynamically loaded method

normal invocation reflected invocation

Figure 2: Deobfuscated call graphs produced for an ap-plication packed with dexprotector

the dynamically loaded code means that the call graphmay miss certain invocation edges. TIRO’s static anal-ysis adds new instrumentation for any obfuscation(namely, reflection) found in the APK code or dynam-ically loaded code. The dynamic phase will again ex-ecute the instrumented code to find the reflection tar-gets.

Iteration 3: Some reflective call edges are resolvedin the static call graph; however, TIRO still seesseemingly-dead code from the second dynamicallyloaded DEX file. The process is repeated until TIROencounters no new unresolved obfuscation/reflection.

Iteration 4: The final result is a static call graph thatrepresents all of the code executed by an applica-tion and the method invocation relationships. If usedalongside a security analysis tool, malicious actionsperformed by the application can then be discoveredby searching the deobfuscated call graph.

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