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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

City of Tacoma Tacoma Power / Utility Technology Services

Digital Radio System for Tacoma Public Utilities

RFP Specification No. PS17-0256F

QUESTIONS and ANSWERS All interested parties had the opportunity to submit questions in writing by email to Richelle Krienke by 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time, August 16, 2017. The answers to the questions received are provided below and posted to the City’s website at www.TacomaPurchasing.org: Navigate to Current Contracting Opportunities / Supplies, and then click Questions and Answers for this Specification. This information IS NOT considered an addendum. Respondents should consider this information when submitting their proposals. Question 1: We are a manufacturer of portable and mobile radios, focused on public

safety. While we do not offer any infrastructure, we are interested in possibly bidding on the subscriber units. In determining my ability to clear my schedule to come up on the 10th and 11th, is the Pre-Submittal meeting (a) Required, and (b) covering subscriber units, or is it more about the infrastructure part of the project?.

Answer 1: We’ll be visiting six of our current radio sites and possible future sites that may

be used during the design of the proposed system. The pre-submittal meeting is encouraged not required.

Question 2: As we would only intend to bid subscribers (which I understand is

acceptable?), I believe the site visits and related information wouldn’t be relevant to our cause. Would our bid be tossed out if only containing subscribers?

Answer 2: To keep a level playing field amongst all participants, evaluation of submittals

and exceptions to terms and requirements are not made in advance. As a reminder, this solicitation is for complete system proposals, including design, installation, and hardware. The submittals will be scored based on the evaluation criteria provided in section 3.05 of the RFP, including bullet G: “An incomplete response or no response may result in a score of zero for that criterion.”

Question 3: Would it be possible to get a three week extension? Answer 3: Addendum no. 1 was issued August 30, 2017, to registered planholders

extending the submittal deadline to 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 3, 2017.

Question 4: Please provide the coverage bounded service area GIS shape file. Answer 4: TPU does not have a GIS file. A .kmz file is provided as link with the specification

at www.tacomapurchasing.org: Navigate to Contracting Opportunities / Supplies Solicitations, and scroll to this RFP.

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

Question 5: What special equipment or skills will be required, if any, for installation at some/all of the sites?

Answer 5: Based on your proposed system, special equipment or skills will vary depending

on the type of work proposed at each site. OSHA and WISHA standards must be met and followed on all sites. Any work performed at a substation, will require a TPU provided safety watch. Follow industry best practices for LMR equipment installations at communications sites.

Question 6: Section C - General Provisions - Does Section III of the General Provisions

(for Contraction and/or Labor Contracts) apply to this bid? Answer 6: Section III of the General Provisions apply if the proposed digital replacement

system involves public work (as defined by the state of Washington in RCW 39.04) and/or labor requiring the payment of prevailing wages (as determined by Washington Department of Labor and Industries).

Question 7: Appendix B - What is the intent of the General Release for the City of

Tacoma? Please explain the need for the document. Answer 7: This form applies to public work only. It provides confirmation that the contactor

has completed all legal obligations (e.g., payment of employees, subcontractors, and suppliers, as well as required taxes, liens have been cleared, intents and affidavits are filed and approved by the state’s industrial statistician, etc.) needed for the city to release retained funds and make final payment for contract.

APPENDIX D Section 1 – Project Overview Question 8: Section 1.1.1 - Does the vendor need to include (6) trunked channels per

site i.e. (10) TDMA talkpaths per site? Answer 8: Proposed system should maintain current number of talk paths per site, which is

5 simultaneous voice conversations anywhere in our geographical bounded service area.

APPENDIX D Section 4 – System Performance and Coverage Requirements Question 9: APPENDIX D Section 4.3 - For a preliminary traffic analysis, please provide

the following information for 'Busy Hour' – Number of active users during busy hour, Average call duration or PTT length during busy hour, Number of calls during busy hour per user or per talkgroup.

Answer 9: TPU has approximately 500 subscriber units. Respondents should plan capacity

for the worst case scenario of busy hour/busy season. During a major event, upwards of 60% of the subscribers could be active at any given time. Average PTT is 25 seconds. Number of calls per user varies. Line workers could have as many as 20 calls/hour. Up to 15 talk groups may be utilized on the system. Respondents should account for 25% growth factor in the capacity plan.

Question 10: APPENDIX D Section 4.3.1 - In building coverage is required within TPU

HQ. Please provide clarification on what kind of mapping or testing is expected for "in-building" coverage. Will a portable attenuated to mimic in-building loss (11 dB or 20 dB) be acceptable?

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Answer 10: Respondents should design for In-building coverage for TPU HQ building. Assume a 20 dB in-building attenuation. Actual in-building coverage is not expected as part of the test procedure. Testing with a portable outside of the building with the proper attenuation to mimic in building loss is acceptable. Coverage inside of the building should be equal to or better than existing coverage.

Question 11: APPENDIX D Section 4.3.1 - RFP asks for a set of maps depicting existing

system coverage. Can TPU provide antenna models in use, ERP's and other relevant data to model existing system coverage? Are vendors required to perform coverage testing of the existing system?

Answer 11: There is no expectation of testing existing coverage. TPU will provide coverage

maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage.

Question 12: APPENDIX D Section 4.3.2 - Does coverage testing need to be based on

covered area reliability (test the “painted” area on the map) or service area reliability (test the defined service area)?

Answer 12: Coverage testing will be based on the bounded map (area in red) provided in the

RFP Exhibit A of Appendix D, page 183. APPENDIX D Section 8 – Dispatch Systems Question 13: APPENDIX D Section 8 - Dispatch System - On page 159 of 184 goes from

8.9.1 to 8.13 - Is there an omission here or a numbering issue? Answer 13: No information has been omitted. Disregard reference to 8.13.

Question 14: APPENDIX D Section 8.4 - Please specify quantity of Aux Inputs and

Outputs needed at each of the three dispatch locations. Answer 14: 12 each, input and output. Question 15: APPENDIX D Section 8.5.2 - Please specify quantity of backup control

stations required at each of the three dispatch locations. Answer 15: Each dispatch location needs to have the ability to carry 6 simultaneous

conversations integrated through the consoles. Question 16: APPENDIX D Section 8.13 - Please specify quantity of mobile radio control

stations required at each of the ten TPU locations mentioned in section 8.13.

Answer 16: The requirement is one mobile radio control station at each of the 10 locations. APPENDIX D Section 9 - Radio Frequency Coverage Acceptance Testing Question 17: APPENDIX D Section 9.6 - RFP requires that testing be based on

measurement of the RF signal strength (SSI). Motorola recommends that the coverage test be based on BER or DAQ as opposed to an SSI test. An SSI test holds no merit in a simulcast system. You could have strong SSI but poor audio and BER due to simulcast interference.

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Answer 17: Per Section 9.6.3 of the RFP, the final Coverage Acceptance Plan Test Plan will

be determined during the detailed design process. TPU will require DAQ subjective testing for voice communications as part of the coverage acceptance testing. BER may be considered as an alternative for digital radio systems, however DAQ testing is the preferred method. RSSI measurements will need to be collected during the testing for informational purposes.

Question 18: APPENDIX D Section 9.11 Training - How many personnel does TPU need trained and what are their roles?

Answer 18: System Administrators: 6

System Technicians: 6 Subscriber Technicians: 6 Dispatch Console Technicians: 6 Field Radio Users (Train the trainers): 6 Dispatchers (Train the trainers): 6

Question 19: At this time, only TPU and the incumbent radio system vendor have an in-

depth understanding of the existing system and its deficiencies, knowledge of the existing system coverage, data usage, CAD and logging system. We would like to have the ability to propose an enhanced communication system that incorporates all of your requirements and addresses your concerns as outlined in this RFP. Therefore, we request a six-week extension for the RFP PS17-0256F from the due date of Sept. 19th, 2017. Please respond to this question, no later than Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017.

Answer 19: No.

Question 20: In addition to the extension above, we request, an additional question and

answer period due on PS17-0256F for Sept 1, 2017 Answer 20: No.

Question 21: Will TPU be open to a second site visit? Answer 21: No.

Question 22: For section 3.05, Evaluation Criteria, would TPU be more specific on what

the 30 points for the Proposed System and 20 points for the proposed technology represent? I.e. Will there be more emphasis placed on Interoperability? Or Coverage Or features such as Automatic Roaming? Will there be more points for P25 SC vs DMR SC? Are more points given to staying on 900MHz, vs an 700/800MHz system? Please provide more detailed information on the evaluation criteria.

Answer 22: Please reference RFP section 3.02, G, for specific criteria regarding the

Proposed System. Please reference RFP section 3.02, H, for specific criteria regarding the Proposed Technology.

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Question 23: Page 17 section 4 and elsewhere - Please confirm that TPU is requesting 95% bounded coverage throughout the geographical coverage area portrayed on Exhibit A page 183 of the RFP

Answer 23: TPU desires 95% portable on-hip coverage within the defined bounded service

area (Exhibit A in RFP). Addendum no. 1 was issued August 30, 2017, to registered planholders to replace the table in RFP section 4.3.2. with the following:

Coverage Type Coverage Area Coverage Reliability

Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ)

Additive Building Loss Value

Portable (on-hip, non-public safety speaker mic, w/swivel clip)

Bounded service area (Exhibit A) 95% 3.4 none

Portable (on-hip, non-public safety speaker mic, w/swivel clip) TPU HQ 95% 3.4 20 dB

Question 24: Please explain the intent of SBE’s within this RFP. There seems to be a

discrepancy between the statement in section 2.08(pg13/184), 3.05 j6, which is part of the evaluation criteria and provides 5 points to the qualified vendor, Appendix C, and the statement “SBE GOAL: The SBE office has determined a zero (0) SBE goal should apply to this project. .Due to limited scope and low dollar value, no reasonable opportunity for subcontracting exists.”

Answer 24: There is no SBE goal for this RFP; however, as stated in the evaluation criteria

(page 22), five points will be assigned if the Respondent is a certified Tacoma SBE or Washington MWBE or is partnering with a Tacoma SBE or Washington MWBE to complete this scope of work.

Question 25: Page 75 SBE – In addition, will respondents receive additional points for

including SBE partners considering the SBE office has determined a zero (0) SBE goal.

Answer 25: As stated in the evaluation criteria (page 22), five points will be assigned if the

respondent is a certified Tacoma SBE or Washington MWBE or is partnering with a Tacoma SBE or Washington MWBE to complete this scope of work.

Question 26: Page 107 - Please confirm that the total number of radio dispatch consoles requested in the RFP is nine (9).

Answer 26: Refer to RFP section 8.1. The total number of dispatch consoles requested is 10.

Question 27: Page 110 Section 1.4 #7 with regards to cached radios; please specify a

quantity and tier level of these radios

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Answer 27: Cached radios are not part of base bid. If Respondent would like to provide information on recommended cached radios, refer to pricing/technology matrix and provide information under Other Manufacture equipment.

Question 28: Page 114 section 2.4 please provide additional detail regarding the delineation of responsibility for site upgrades and civils work. For example, will TPU be responsible for all necessary upgrades to sites such as tower upgrades, grounding improvements, electrical ac and dc power requirements for new hardware etc.?

Answer 28: If a proposal is selected that identifies and requires site work, TPU will be

responsible for completing that work. It is the preference of TPU to use existing TPU radio system sites and any necessary upgrade work should be clearly stated in the submittal.

Question 29: Page 114 section 2.4 - Would it be acceptable for TPU to wait until the customer design meeting (post award) to receive the detailed list of site upgrades, equipment rack up drawings and power requirements necessary for a new system?

Answer 29: No. The list of site upgrades should be provided in your submittal.

Question 30: Page 115 section 3 - Is there a requirement for a GPS interface to CAD from

the proposed radio system? If so, please provide detailed information on the current CAD system in place by TPU.

Answer 30: TPU does not currently utilize a computer aided dispatch system (CAD).

Therefore, a specific CAD interface is not required at this time. However, full GPS functionality is required. Subscriber units should include GPS as a standard feature, and the system must be capable of reporting GPS location to dispatchers without additional hardware or software. EMER is also a requirement. GPS information must be sent to dispatchers with EMER information. Interface to TPU’s GIS system, future CAD system, or other interface capabilities should be presented as and described in detail for TPU to consider how to best utilize GPS feature in the future.

Question 31: Section 12.1 – The RFP requests integration with future CAD systems. Can TPU please provide name of the preferred CAD vendor so that accurate integration costs can be estimated?

Answer 31: TPU has not determined a specific CAD vendor. An interface to TPU’s GIS,

future CAD system, or other interface capabilities should be presented and described in detail for TPU to consider when choosing a future CAD vendor.

Question 32: Page 115 coverage requirements – items listed 2 – 4 request vendor submittals to improve the radio coverage in general as well as in specific areas within the TPU coverage area. At this time, only TPU and the incumbent radio system vendor have an understanding of the existing coverage. Because of the large number of unknown specific details of the existing system such as antenna input power, antenna types, antenna orientation, receiver sensitivity etc. vendors have no measurable means to

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determine if they are complying with the request. Please eliminate these requirements

Answer 32: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

Question 33: Section 3.10 Can TPU provide detailed information on the design of the new MW system?

Answer 33: The new MW system will be consist of Nokia MPR 9500 radios and MPLS SARs.

Question 34: Section 8.3 – The RFP requests that the dispatch consoles be connected to

telephone lines. Can TPU please provide a breakdown of the number of analog/digital lines needed at each dispatch location?

Answer 34: 12 SIP, 4 analog, 1 satellite phone.

Question 35: Section 3.1 / Section 8.7 – The RFP requests the following quantities of

Portables (200), Mobiles (250), Control Stations (15). In addition, the RFP requests three tiers of subscriber radios. Can TPU please provide a breakdown of how many of each tier subscriber radio should be included for the base proposal?

Answer 35: Quantities to include in base bid are identified in the Price Technology Form.

Question 36: Page 130 section 4.3.1 – Depiction of Coverage Areas - Please eliminate the

requirement for vendor supplied coverage maps of the existing radio system as only the incumbent vendors has the details of the system required to make these maps. If not, Can TPU please provide the parameters and modeling that should be used for the existing coverage? These maps would be marked as “for information only” and not used as part of the evaluation of the new communications system.

Answer 36: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

Question 37: If the parameters and modeling aren’t available, can a shape file that

depicts the existing coverage be provided instead of requiring the respondent to provide a map of the existing coverage?

Answer 37: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

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Question 38: Regarding the radio system coverage; is the overall system coverage to be characterized as mobile or portable outdoor coverage?

Answer 38: Refer to section 4.3 in RFP.

Question 39: Section 3.1 – The RFP requests improved coverage in the south service

area and the TPU Admin Campus. Can TPU please provide a shape file for the areas of concern in the south service area as well as a specific and detailed breakdown of problem areas on the TPU Campus?

Answer 39: See updated Exhibit A depicting the south service area. The area is known for

spotty coverage, and it is desired to improve this area with the new system. TPU HQ is known for having spotty in-building coverage. The TPU radio system is marginal inside the building as well as commercial cellular systems, etc. Complete in-building coverage is not a requirement of this project. However, Respondents should plan sufficient coverage outside of the building to account for a 20-dB building penetration loss.

Question 40: Page 155 section 9.5 – please define the manner which old radio equipment must be removed and the degree to which hardware must remain usable. For example, must cables be removed intact or is it permissible to cut old cables without disconnecting connectors to expedite hardware removal?

Answer 40: Refer to section 9.10 in the RFP. Coaxial cabling and antennas can be scrapped. Question 41: Please provide a GIS data file of exhibit A page 183 of the RFP. Provide a

Shape File for all the TPU boundary’s. Answer 41: See question 4. Question 42: Section 9.6; Is coverage testing based solely on mobile radios? Answer 42: Refer to section 4.3 in RFP.

Question 43: Please define the mobile radio antenna type and antenna height above

ground. Answer 43: 3db gain, ground plane antenna, 6 feet above ground

Question 44: Are portable coverage maps to be “for information only” at this time? Answer 44: No. Portable coverage is a requirement within the bounded service area. See

question 23 above.

Question 45: In order to accurately demonstrate portable radio coverage, please specify if the radio shall be worn on the hip or held at the head during testing. In addition, are portable coverage maps to be run at the hip or head level?

Answer 45: Portable on hip, non-public safety lapel mic.

Question 46: Section 4.3, “For this RFP, the Respondent shall assume 15 talk groups.

The Respondent is expected to utilize this initial information for

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

development of trunked system capacity modeling to provide a Grade of Service (GOS) of 1% during a busy loading period with no greater than 1 second” Please provide Traffic Usage data and/ or estimate how many active busy-hour users shall vendor’s size the system for of queued call (channel grant) time

Answer 46: TPU has approximately 500 subscriber units. Respondents should plan capacity

for the worst-case scenario of busy hour/busy season. During a major event, upwards of 60% of the subscribers could be active at any given time. Average PTT is 25 seconds. Number of calls per user varies. Line workers could have as many as 20 calls/hour. Up to 15 talk groups may be utilized on the system. Respondents should account for 25% growth factor in the capacity plan.

Question 47: In section 4.3.3 it states the following: “Upon selection, contractor will provide the following sets of maps as a deliverable during the detailed design process, in both printed and GIS files;” Is it the intent for TPU to evaluate vendors initially on the mobile radio coverage? Is it the intent of TPU to design for the portable coverage after a vendor is selected?

Answer 47: TPU intends to have a balanced radio system based on portable coverage.

Question 48: Section 8.4.1 – Console Priority, is it the intent of TPU that console priority

receive precedence over an emergency call? Answer 48: No.

Question 49: Section 8.6: Can TPU provide detailed information on a new logging

recorder system that is mentioned in this section? Can TPU provide information on the existing Stancil Recording System. Is it the intent of TPU for vendors to connect the new radio system to the existing EOL recording system? Or should vendors provide recommendations on a new logging recording system that will work with the new radio system?

Answer 49: The new logging recording is an ASC EVOIPneo platform. The existing Stancel

recording system is a Stancil TEN-4. TPU does not intend for the new radio system to connect to the existing recording system. The new system will be replaced prior to implementation of the new radio system.

Question 50: Section 8.6 – The RFP states that a logging recorder will be provided to the selected Contractor during the detailed design process. The RFP also states that Respondents recommending alternate call recording systems shall present their proposed technology and benefits to TPU operations for concurrence and adoption of a replacement system. Would TPU like a logging recorder to be part of a base proposal or should the respondent place a logging recorder in as an option?

Answer 50: TPU does not expect the respondent to recommend a logging recorder be

presented as an option. The new logging recorder system will be an ASC EVOIPneo platform and will be installed prior to implementation of the new radio system.

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Question 51: Section 8.6 – The RFP requests that the logging recorder capture telephone audio. Can TPU please provide a breakdown of how many analog lines and how many digital lines need to be recorded?

Answer 51: The existing logging recorder will be replaced with a ASC EVOIPneo platform. It

is not the intent that telephone audio recording be part of this project.

Question 52: Section 9.2 – The RFP requests that TPU representatives attend the staging process. Can TPU please identify how many representatives will attend the staging process and whether travel costs are to be covered by the selected Contractor?

Answer 52: Five. TPU will cover travel costs.

Question 53: Generic- We anticipate negotiating a mutually agreeable set of terms and

conditions for the final Contract with the City of Tacoma upon award, please confirm.

Answer 53: The contract will be negotiated with the recommended contractor. The work

associated with the selected radio system will in part determine which terms and conditions may be negotiated. This cannot be done in advance.

Question 54: General: Has TPU began a search for frequencies in the 700/800MHz range,

and what is the likelihood of those frequencies being granted. Answer 54: Region 43 has identified that TPU is eligible to apply for 700/800MHz channels.

TPU currently has 900MHz licenses. Please refer to RFP section 3.2 for the specific information to provide in your response, if you’re proposing 700/800MHz.

Question 55: What type of data using applications does TPU intend to use on the proposed radio system?

Answer 55: Currently, TPU intends to use location and SMS texting applications.

Question 56: Please confirm that you would like a single console platform at all dispatch

sites, as discussed on the site walks. Answer 56: Yes, all consoles must be of the same type and capabilities.

Question 57: How are status calls currently being used? (section 1.3) Answer 57: We currently use voice status calling but will likely use text messaging status

calls in the future. The new system must support this feature.

Question 58: Section 1.5 is made up of (8) bullet points. The final point lists items 1-4, however nothing is listed next to item four (4). Is there any additional information intended to be provided?

Answer 58: No. Addendum no. 1 was issued August 30, 2017, to registered planholders

deleting reference to bullet 4.

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Question 59: Could you please provide more information on the Emergency Warning tone for the consoles functionality? (section 3.1)

Answer 59: Should be an audible tone that requires manual acknowledgement.

Question 60: Please confirm the coverage requirements as discussed on the site walks

for outdoors and indoors, including service area, level of reliability, and quality and testing procedures. Please confirm in which buildings you desire indoor coverage.

Answer 60: See Section 4 in the RFP for coverage requirements.

Question 61: Please confirm if TPU is looking for sound and/or an icon that indicates the

channel is busy for console functionality (section 3.7.6).

Answer 61: TPU desires to have an audible indication on subscriber units and consoles of a channel busy and/or a talk group busy. Consoles should have a visual indication as well as an audible indication of channel busy/talk group busy. Respondents should describe this functionality in detail and note if the indication is audible, visual, or both.

Question 62: Please confirm, as discussed on the site walks, that TPU is looking for 95% reliability in 100% of the defined coverage area.

Answer 62: See question 23.

Question 63: What are the current quantities and types of antennas and combiners,

multicouplers, and/or filters in use? Please provide model numbers so that we can produce coverage maps of the existing system as requested. Please provide any other pertinent data for the existing system.

Answer 63: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

Question 64: What are the current/available antenna heights of Narrows, North Canyon, Pearl, and Oakland sites? Not all sites had tower information in the survey report.

Answer 64: See attached.

Question 65: Is there a Google Earth, or other standard format shapefile, available that

contains the bounded coverage area, as specified in the RFP? Answer 65: See question 4.

Question 66: When referring to DMR Tier 3 coverage studies in Section 4.3, does TPU

mean to refer its modulation as 4FSK instead of C4FM? C4FM is a known modulation for P25 Phase 1 TDMA

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Answer 66: Yes, it is understood that DMR Tier III uses 4FSK instead of C4FM. Respondents shall use the appropriate values from the latest version of TIA TSB 88 for the technology being proposed (DMR Tier III, P25 Phase I, P25 Phase II, etc.).

The following questions were asked during the August 10 and 11, 2017, site visits.

LACAMAS SITE Question 67: Is civil work is expected to be part of the RFP responses? Answer 67: TPU will be responsible for completing civil work, if required with the selected

solution. All required work must be part of the response. Question 68: Is there a diesel or gas generator on site? Answer 68: No generator. Question 69: Requirement to install generator? Answer 69: No. Question 70: Is requirement of the RFP to provide Power source? Answer 70: No. Question 71: What is the backhaul for this site? Answer 71: Leased telephone lines. Question 72: Who will be responsible for building communications room if needed? Answer 72: TPU will build communications room as needed. LAGRANDE Question 73: Site specific safety restrictions or required training?

Answer 73: Based on the proposed system, special equipment or skills will vary depending

on the type of work proposed at each site. OSHA and WISHA standards must be met and followed on all sites. Any work performed at a substation, will require a TPU provided safety watch. Follow industry best practices for LMR equipment installations at communications sites.

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Question 74: Do we do line outages? Answer 74: In regards to installation of equipment on our around the tower, no power line

outages are expected. Question 75: What are the project management expectations? Answer 75: Respondents are welcome to share their project management methodologies as

part of their response. TPU will support the project with an assigned project manager throughout the duration of the project. TPU’s expectation is that the selected contractor will do the same, and provide information about the role and responsibilities in response to the RFP section 3.02, F.

Question 76: Age of Generator? Answer 76: 15 years. Question 77: Removal of old equipment as part of RFP? Answer 77: Yes Question 78: What are we going to do with old equipment? Answer 78: Decommission and stage at TPU HQ, no plans to re-use antennas and co-ax. Question 79: Is the Ice bridge maxed out? Answer 79: No. Question 80: Length of feedline? Answer 80: Cable length on ice bridge is 91 feet. Antenna elevations are 105 feet and 110

feet. Question 81: Exterior end of building – where does the wire go? Answer 81: Ground Question 82: Facilities work or bid to bring up to specified code? Answer 82: TPU will do work, but code needs to be specified in response, and necessary

work identified. Question 83: Network equipment part of radio or part of existing system? Answer 83: Radio network needs to be separate, only thing to/from radio is backhaul. GRAHAM HILL Question 84: How old is site? Answer 84: 20+ years old.

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

Question 85: County and City 700mhz equipment at site in green building? Answer 85: Yes. Question 86: Do the county building and TPU comm building share same transformer? Answer 86: Yes. Question 87: Antennas identified in structural analysis? Answer 87: Yes, they are identified in the Graham Hill structural analysis. BUCC

Three dispatch positions Upgraded recorder information to be provided when available. Six simultaneous conversations, 15 talk groups, assume counts for each control center MPLS/Network should be online prior to radio install

Question 88: How many control stations are required in case we lose infrastructure. Answer 88: Need to be able to have six simultaneous conversations.

Question 89: Number of control stations required in RFP? Answer 89: Fifteen. Question 90: Is it possible to run old communication in new backhaul? Answer 90: Yes. Question 91: Number of extensions (phones) through console? Answer 91: Twelve SIP, four analog, one satellite phone. Question 92: Distance from tower to basement communication room? Answer 92: Length from communications room to base of tower is 250 feet. ECC

Communications room is brain of system. 10 positions: Four ECC, three BUCC, two WCC, one Tech in comm room

Question 93: Power to Communications room? Answer 93: It has 48v DC, 120v AC and Battery Backup. Question 94: Transition Plan, can you take down 1 dispatch position at a time?

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

Answer 94: Yes, but this will need to be confirmed in final transition plan. Factors include time of day, year, weather and any events that may be occurring.

Question 95: TPU provided network infrastructure? Answer 95: Yes, IP infrastructure. WCC – no visit

Pictures of WCC Consoles – See photos from site visits posted with the specification: Navigate to Contracting Opportunities / Supplies Solicitations, and scroll to this RFP.

Question 96: Are there control stations at Water Control Center (WCC). Answer 96: No. INDIAN HILL Question 97: Simulcasting from here? Answer 97: Yes, is currently an existing simulcast radio system site. Question 98: Testing requirements inside the TPU Administration building? Clarify level

of coverage. Answer 98: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

Question 99: Identify existing antennas at all sites. Answer 99: See question 64. Question 100: Full Racks – will TPU add conduit as necessary, or responsibility of

vendor? Answer 100: TPU will install conduit as necessary. The need for this must be identified in the

submittal. NARROWS Question 101: Height of tower? Answer 101: 466 feet.

Question 102: Need lift to reach first climb point. What requirements around safety,

equipment used, or training is necessary/required?

Answer 102: Follow OSHA/WISHA standards.

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

Question 103: Are there limitations on how high we can go on the tower? Answer 103: Limited to minimum distances from power lines. Question 104: Is there an antenna preference? What’s currently on the tower? Can we

mix-match? Not sure but if necessary, we can climb up and have a look. I think they’re the same omni-directionals as the LESA tower.

Answer 104: No preference, can mix and match with what’s currently on the tower. Current

antenna is ANTEL BDC 87010-EDIN-X. Question 105: TPU specific training? Answer 105: No specific TPU training required, but work must be performed to meet state and

local requirements. Question 106: Antenna or coaxial training? Answer 106: No specific TPU training is required, but detail should be provided on staff

experience and certifications in RFP response. Question 107: What are the number of talk groups on the current network? Answer 107: There are currently twelve talk groups, but 15 are identified in RFP

specifications. PEARL

Provide all tower information, and photos of everything. See attached table and photos posted with the specification: Navigate to Contracting Opportunities / Supplies Solicitations, and scroll to this RFP.

Question 108: Is there more rack space? Answer 108: The offset rack at the end is being removed and the microwave equipment is

coming out. The 23-inch rack could be replaced with two 19-inch racks. Question 109: Where does the conduit at the bottom of the tower go? Answer 109: Stubbed out on the other side of the fence. Was put there for possibility of

cellular in the future.

Question 110: What power available? Answer 110: 48V DC and 120VAC.

SW SUB No plans for empty racks.

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Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 06/30/2017

Question 111: All sites – Are unused coax ports available to use, and if yes, would that coax need to be removed? If removed, is it the responsibility of the vendor to dispose of, or leave at site?

Answer 111: Vendor will need to dispose of cabling Question 112: Provide tower info and antenna levels. Answer 112: See question 64. LESA Question 113: Verify if respondents were asked to provide coverage map of existing

system? Answer 113: Yes, we will need coverage maps in PDF format (at a minimum) based on the

reliability and DAQ requirements in the RFP.

TPU ABN 4th FLOOR COMM ROOM Question 114: Level of coverage in ABN? Requirement? Answer 114: TPU will provide coverage maps depicting existing coverage as a baseline. In

addition, TPU will provide details for Respondents to model existing coverage. Respondents are expected to analyze the existing coverage predictions to ensure that the new system meets or exceeds existing coverage. Modeling of existing coverage is not required, but is strongly encouraged.

Question 115: Who would do coax work in building? Answer 115: Include costs to do necessary coax work in the submittal. Question 116: Wifi info – is it a robust system, could you use phone based apps to

satisify requirement of improved coverage throughout ABN? Answer 116: Proposed solutions should be provided as part of RFP response. Question 117: Is coverage requirement 95% coverage area, or service area? Answer 117: See question 23.

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Site Inventory 


Current LMR Radio Site

Tower Height Radio TX PowerMisc TX Losses(i.e. combiner, connectors etc.)

RX Multi‐coupler system gain (dB)

Antenna Manufacture

Antenna Model#Azimuth (° TN)

Antenna Height (ft)

Coaxial Length To/From Bldg‐Twr 


Coax Type

Jumers Type/Length

Indian Hill Transmit 80' 100 watts 11.25dB N/A Allen telecom DB562K‐YT 209 40 100 LDF‐5 LDF‐4, 21'Indian Hill Receive 80' N/A N/A 15 Allen telecom DB562K‐YT 209 60 100 LDF‐5 LDF‐4, 21'

LESA Transmit 165' 100 watts 11.25dB N/A Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 105 20 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 20'LESA Receive 165' N/A N/A 15 Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 125 20 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 20'

Southwest Transmit 120' 100 watts 11.25dB N/A Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 92 20 LDF‐7 LMR‐400, 20'Southwest Receive 120' N/A N/A 15 Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 120 20 LDF‐7 LMR‐400, 20'

LaGrande Transmit 120' 100 watts 11.25dB N/A Kathrein 730 374  313 105 91 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 20'LaGrande Receive 120' N/A N/A 15 Kathrein 730 374  313 110 91 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 20'

Narrows Transmit 466' 100 Watts 11.25dB N/A Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 210 50 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 21'Narrows Receive 466' N/A N/A 15 Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 Omni 230 50 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 21'

Graham Hill Transmit 198' 100 watts 11.25dB N/A Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 295 181 30 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 18'Graham Hill Receive 198' N/A N/A 15 Antel BCD 87010‐NE‐0 295 193 30 LDF‐7 LDF‐4, 18'

BUCC (Cowlitz‐Sub) No N/A 180' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 170 N/A N/APearl Street No N/A 175' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AOakland  No N/A 101' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ACanyon No N/A 140' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A







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EXHIBIT A – TPU Bounded Service Area
South Service Area
TPU Bounded Service Area
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