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  • 1. Take 5 seriesby @simonecas5 mottos to beat the blues

2. 1. I had the blues because I hadno shoes until upon the street, Imet a man who had no feet... 3. 2. Even a happy life cannot bewithout a measure of darkness 4. 3. People with many interests live, notonly longest, but happiest 5. 4. Dont worry, be happy! 6. 5. Sadness flies away on thewings of time 7. Thanks for reading!Photos: Aluedt, 25clad35-d56fays, Image Editor, Niklas Walendy, See-ming Lee, PL1602. Copyright@simonecasFeel free to embed this on your blog or website but you cant change it!Five web wonders1. NHS - depressionhttp://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Depression/Pages/Introduction.aspx2. BBCs depression guidehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/advice/factfile_az/depression3. 10 ways to beat the blueshttp://www.rd.com/slideshows/10-ways-to-beat-the-blues/#slideshow=slide24. Books on depressionhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Books-on-Depression/lm/R3OZM8S4K1ZWXM5. Creativity and mental illnesshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_and_mental_illnessIf links dont work, please type urls into your browser

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