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Taking the NRC Vision SeriouslyMartin Stephens

The Humane Society of the United States and

The Human Toxicology Project Consortium

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Toxicity Testing

in the 21st Century

Gallaudet University, November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


I’m blending three perspectives today

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


The Humane Society of the United States

• Based in DC

• No formal tie to local HSs

• Full array of animal issues

• Emphasizes national issues

• Work towards day when animals are no longer used in harmful research

• Focus on 3Rs, including repl.

• Parent org’n of HSI & HSLF

• Supporter of NRC vision• Our views:

– “An Animal Prot’n Perspective on 21st Century Tox” JTEH 2010

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


U.S. National Research Council (2007)

Likely benefits:– More relevant scientific foundation for human health RAs– Broader coverage of chemicals, health effects, life stages & mixtures, given the higher throughput – Lower costs and decreased time required to obtain results– Phased reductions in animal usage

November 9-10, 2010


Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century

7November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Favorable Reception

• Presentations

• Articles

• Workshops

• Elaborations

• Government programs

• “21st Century Toxicology”

November 9-10, 2010


Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Human Toxicology Project Consortium

November 9-10, 2010

A multi-stakeholder coalition dedicated to accelerating the global implementation

of 21st Century Toxicology in general, and the NRC vision in particular,

into risk assessment, to better safeguard human health and

hasten the replacement of animal use in toxicology.

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Human Toxicology Project Consortium

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Why Another Effort?

• No existing initiative fully captures the NRC vision

• Relevant govt programs are limited in funding & scope

• Int’l coordination is limited

• Stakeholders beyond govt can add their talents & ideas

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

14Accelerating Implementation of the NRC

Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century

A Closer Look at NRC Vision

November 9-10, 2010

The assaysComputational, interpretive tools





21st Century Toxicity Testing 21cTox



Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Implementation Approaches

November 9-10, 2010


Organic21st Century Toxicology

NRC Vision

Approach Lassez Faire Indirect/EvolutionaryDirect/


Organized effort No Yes Yes

Resource investment

Low Medium High

Possible timeline 40 years 20-25 years 10-15 years

Relation to current paradigm

Under the radar Enhancing Supplanting

Relative impact on animal use

Low Medium High

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Implementation Approaches

November 9-10, 2010


Organic21st Century Toxicology

NRC Vision

Approach Lassez Faire Indirect/EvolutionaryDirect/


Organized effort No Yes Yes

Resource investment

Low Medium High

Possible timeline 40 years 20-25 years 10-15 years

Relation to current paradigm

Under the radar Enhancing Supplanting

Relative impact on animal use

Low Medium High

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Implementation Approaches

November 9-10, 2010


Organic21st Century Toxicology

NRC Vision

Approach Lassez Faire Indirect/EvolutionaryDirect/


Organized effort No Yes Yes

Resource investment

Low Medium High

Possible timeline 40 years 20-25 years 10-15 years

Relation to current paradigm

Under the radar Enhancing Supplanting

Relative impact on animal use

Low Medium High

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Implementation Approaches

November 9-10, 2010


Organic21st Century Toxicology

NRC Vision

Approach Lassez Faire Indirect/EvolutionaryDirect/


Organized effort No Yes Yes

Resource investment

Low Medium High

Possible timeline 40 years 20-25 years 10-15 years

Relation to current paradigm

Under the radar Enhancing Supplanting

Relative impact on animal use

Low Medium High

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Consortium Aims to Help by Promoting…

• Buy-in & sense of urgency among stakeholders•

• Implementation via int’l research roadmap– Pilot projects that show proof-of-principle– A “big biology” project a la HGP

• Funding & any appropriate policy changes•

• Application to RA, not simply hazard ID or priority setting

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


“Human Toxicology Project”

• HTP = Consortium’s label for the focused R&D needed

• Analogous to the Human Genome Project

• HGP on our agenda:– Austin “Lessons learned from the HGP”– Rowan “The need for a Human Genome-type Project”

• Analogy underscores sense of:– Mission– Urgency– Focus– Leadership

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Workshop Aims & Goal

• Introduce stakeholders to HTPC & HTP

• Survey current efforts

• Encourage urgency & buy-in on application to RA

• Encourage trans-Atlantic partnerships

• Develop recommendations for accelerating implementation of the NRC vision

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Structure of Meeting

• Day 1– Stage setting– Review of current efforts

• Day 2– “Big biology” programs: HGP & HTP– Break-out groups – Summary of BGs– Discussants’ perspectives recommendations– Wrap-up

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


BG1: Are all NRC vision elements being worked on? Some lagging or not fully integrated?

• Vision itself under-emphasized some elements – E.g., exposure assessment

• Complicating issues: metabolism, validation, solubility

• Targeted testing

• “Adversity”

• Necessary policy changes?

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


BG2: Ways to refine ongoing initiatives to make better progress on NRC vision?

Increased use of …

• Human cells?

• PBPK & computational modeling?

• Systems biology?

• Human effects data?

• Targeted testing in vitro to supplement pathway testing?

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


BG3: New approaches to accelerate NRC vision implementation? Hamner approach?

• Hamner pilot study/proof of principle approach?

• A HTP-type effort?

• Human tissue assays for targeting testing?• Incorporating human reverse dosimetry and

exposure into HTS

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


BG4: Current efforts sufficiently well-funded and coordinated internationally?

• AXLR8, JRC in EU

• ToxCast, Tox21 in US

• Current levels of funding

• Current levels of coordination

• Opportunities for synergies?

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Where Consortium goes from here

• Symposium recommendations Toxicological Sciences, SOT Conference

• Other activity– Lobby US Congress and Administration for R&D funding

– Develop pilot projects to jumpstart vision implementation

– Through presentations and writings, champion vision and its implementation as a ‘big biology’ project a la HGP

– Coordinate with EU ‘AXLR8’ program to foster synergies

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Going Forward

November 9-10, 2010






The mix of pathway vs. targeted testing

In Vivo

In Vitro


Evolving Nature of Targeted Testing Itself

Schuler & Esch, 2009http://alttox.org/ttrc/way-forward/

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Going Forward:

Role of animal-based cells, testing & legacy data?

• Pathway testing: when to use animal cells?

• Targeted testing: moving from in vivo to in vitro

• Role of animal legacy data in evaluation?

• Role for new animal testing?

• Answers depend on the implementation path

• “Animal testing not needed for scientific reasons but to satisfy regulators” – comment @ recent meeting

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Going Forward

November 9-10, 2010

p. 35

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Talk Outline

• HSUS• NRC Vision• HTP Consortium• Implementation• Workshop• Going Forward• Housekeeping

November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century



• Speakers:– See Loree Talley to upload your presentations– Presentations will be put online– Soccer rules for timing:

• Yellow card: 3 minutes left• Red card: you’re out of time

• Chairpersons: speaker bios are in packet

• Break-out sessions:– Pre-selected your choice– No AV equipment for presentations– To be recorded for note-taking purposes– Rapporteurs have morning break to prepare summaries November 9-10, 2010

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Many thanks to…

November 9-10, 2010

Workshop Sponsors

Workshop Endorsers

Workshop Partners


HSUS staff & volunteers: - Jen Ball- Carol England- Leah Gomez- Loree Talley- Dawn McPherson

Accelerating Implementation of the NRC Vision for Tox. Testing in the 21st Century


Thank you!

November 9-10, 2010

Martin Stephens

[email protected]

[email protected]

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