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Page 1: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period



Presidents Message 1

Business Minutes 2

Social Calendar 3

Officers & contacts 3

TCI: News 4

Weekends 4

Members’ Page 5

Address Page 7

Tall Orders

CNN Monday, July 16, 2018

Tall People Rejoice! Airline Seats May Not Be Getting Any Smaller.

A study by airline consulting

agency I-C-F showed that the

average domestic airplane has

increased the number of seats by

nearly eight percent in the last

15 years.

But, a new bill from the Federal

Aviation Administration, which

is now in Congress, aims to set

minimum seat sizes within a


The Department of

Transportation has also started

an audit of airplane cabins to

make sure they are roomy

enough to meet emergency de-

planning safety codes.

These regulations intend to

improve passenger health and

well-being by giving them more

leg room and hopefully cutting

down on plane-rage.

Though experts say if low-

budget airlines aren't able to

add more seats, they might cut

other costs in comfort. continued on page 6

Rocket City Tall Club, Huntsville, Alabama An affiliate of Tall Clubs International, www.tall.org

Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2018

The Prez Sez: Laurie Peterson


Rocket City Tall Club has said

good-bye to Facebook. At the

July business meeting Brian

reported the results of the

activity of the club’s Facebook

site. The results showed that

there is very little, if any,

activity taking place.

Facebook sends out a monthly

analysis of how many

hits/viewings we get, how

many comments, and likes,

etc. Our site is very thin in

those numbers. Other issues

were discussed, that being

privacy of contact information

and posting of photographs.

After the discussion, a vote

was taken, and the account

was to be closed. Since I am

the administrator of the

Facebook account it became

my task to bring it down.

Luckily, it proved very easy.

After 2-weeks; which is

considered “do I really want to

do this” period, our account

dropped out of site.

Remember that we still have

the web site and anyone

searching will find us.

Now can you tolerate a couple

more articles on Tall People

and airplanes. Finally, the

word is out there, and people

are beginning to listen.

THANK YOU! Once again Brian

and Rosie have been

instrumental in

providing the food,

fellowship, and

entertainment that

makes our Tall Club

celebration of the 4th

of July unique. On

page 6 you will find

Brian’s article and

pictures. If you

missed this

celebration, you

missed a great time.

Put it on your

calendar for next

year. You won’t

regret it!!!!!

From the Editor

Page 2: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


July 11, 2018

RCTC Business Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Rosie Miller

Members Attending: Brian Miller, Rosie Miller,

Stephen Campbell, Laurie Peterson, John

Peterson, Laura Brown, Macy Brown and Denise


President Laurie Peterson called to order the

business meeting at 6:00 PM. She asked for the

approval of the June minutes. They were

approved as written.


President: Laurie Peterson will have something

in new business to discuss.

Vice-President: Stephen Campbell had nothing

new to report.

Secretary: Rosie Miller had nothing new to


Treasurer: Macy Brown reported the balance in

the checking account. There was a $4.00 bank

charge due to too many deposits within a month

period that Macy was not aware of. He

discussed it with the bank and found out that

the club’s account has limits on activity. Rosie

gave Macy $15.00 which was an overage in the

party hat for the 4th of July cookout.

Social Chairperson: JoAnn Smith was not

present. Laurie told the members about local

events coming up for the summer like the

concerts and movies in the park. The Millers

will be hosting dinner at the Hard Dock in

Decatur on Wednesday, August 22 at 6:30pm.

Membership: Steve Caldwell was not present.

The membership number for 2018 is 23; 19

regular members, 3 associate members and 1

lifetime member.

RCTC Meeting Minutes: Rosie Miller

Editor: Laura Brown asked for articles for the

August newsletter by July 28th.

Webmaster/Facebook: Brian and Laurie

worked on updating Facebook. There has been

very little activity. The website is up to date.

There was a lot of Facebook activity with TCI

members with convention information.

Marfan: Rosie Miller passed around the

Marfan can for donations.

Historian: John Peterson asked for

contributions to the archives.

TCI Correspondent: Brian reported what he

heard about convention via Facebook; 217

people attended, the new Miss TI, Man and

Woman of the Year were selected. There was

no information about the delegates meeting

with bylaw changes.

Old Business: No information yet from TCI on

the bylaw results.

New Business: Laurie Peterson told the

members about the Facebook outcome that she

and Brian discussed during their afternoon of

trying to learn Facebook. There has been very

little activity on the site and is it worth our

efforts. There was the discussion of privacy

with members and events at member’s homes

and also member’s photos. Should we keep

Facebook active? Brian made a motion to keep

the Facebook site active. After discussion with

the members a vote was cast to close the

Facebook account.

Announcements: The Millers have a new

granddaughter, Colleen, born on July 6th.

Dinner vote was Golden Corral.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.

TCI & Rocket City Tall Club support the following philanthropy;

The National Marfan Foundation, www.marfan.org

Page 3: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


Membership Information Women: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet

Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet

Age: 21 years or older

Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function

Within a 3 month period

Dues: $24.00 per year per member

$12.00 per year per associate member

TCI Founder: Kae Sumner Einfeldt

TCI President: Carolyn Goldstein

2018 Officers and Contacts President: Laurie Peterson 256-830-9331

Vice Pres: Stephen Campbell 256-683-0401

Secretary: Rosie Miller 256-683-9294

Treasurer: Macy Brown 256-721-7583

Membership: Steve Caldwell 256-542-5999

Social: JoAnn Smith 256-858-0850

Editor: Laura Brown 256-721-7583

Web Master: Brian Miller 256-683-9417

2014 Officers and Contacts

August 8, Wednesday, 6:00 pm RCTC Business Meeting

Brahan Spring Recreation Center,

3770 Ivy Street, Huntsville

Host: Laurie Peterson, Dinner afterward

August 22, Wednesday, 6:30 pm

Hard Dock 3755 US-31, Decatur

Riverwalk Marina

Hosts: Brian and Rosie Miller

RCTC Social Calendar for August 2018

Page 4: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


Date Event Club

Sep 7-9 Oktoberfest Gathering Milwaukee Tall Club

Sep 27-30 A Weekend at the Copacabana Las Vegas Tall Club

Oct 12-14 Harvest Moon Weekend Central Jersey Tall Friends

Nov 2-4 The Moose is Loose Boston Beanstalks

TCI Events Page: Brian Miller

For more information about the weekends, go to

www.tall.org and look under “Events”.

1. 2018 Convention had over 200 attendees. 2. RCTC website has been updated. 3. RCTC Facebook page has been deleted.

4. The Delegates package for 2018 Convention was reviewed and voted on the changes. Carolyn

Goldstein received our proxy votes to enter at the delegates meeting. No results yet.

Page 5: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


Independence Day Cookout & Fireworks

The Miller’s hosted the cookout and City of Madison, Dublin Park, our neighbor, hosted the fireworks.

Fourteen mostly tall folks attended a casual cook out. The hot day limited the outdoor activities but there

was a little corn hole game competition in the back yard. Chicken, burgers and a wide variety of

wonderful side dishes made a very filling meal. As the sun went down, Steve presented a fireworks pre-

show. This encouraged everyone to practice their Ohh’s and Ahh’s prior to the big show. We set up chairs

in the backyard to watch the city’s 20 minute fireworks display. A few folks stayed around to watch the

New York fireworks on TV while the traffic from the park cleared. It was great day to celebrate our

country’s independence.

Members’ Page: Brian Miller

Page 6: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


Prez Sez: Continued from page 1

This Airline Seat Could Be What Tall People Have Been Waiting For It seems like almost every week there is a new plan for seating arrangements on airplanes that

would help to cram extra passengers on board. One design firm however, has come up with a new plan for giving you more room in economy class

without having to remove any seats. Pearson Lloyd’s win-win design would mean extra comfort for

passengers and no loss of space for airlines. The idea came from looking at how economy seating works,

particularly on long haul flights and had as its focus increasing room, opening up the airplane, and

ergonomic design.

These seats may be more comfortable. Image by Imagery & VR Experience © Neutral Digital, 2018

Luke Pearson of PearsonLloyd said: “one of the key design features is the separation of the headrest from

the back, by introducing a central spine and neck to support the head rest. This maximizes the

passenger’s personal space and creates increased sight lines through the cabin by narrowing the seat

from the rear.” The new “central spine” of the seat would hold tray tables and other things that

passengers need while making it easier to get in and out for take-off, landing, toilet breaks, or just to

stretch your legs. Passengers would be able to sit with their knees on either side of the spine, which would

give them a couple of crucial extra inches for comfort. The seats have also been designed to allow

passengers recline further without annoying the person sitting behind them quite as much!

You’ll even be able to recline your seat without annoying the passenger behind. Image by Imagery & VR

Experience © Neutral Digital, 2018

The design is even eco-friendly with the rear of the seat partly made of recycled plastic containing a high

percentage of sunflower seed. Even the seat covers are made using a recycled wool mix while the

aluminum parts would be made using recycled aircraft parts. PearsonLloyd said that up until now a lot of

airplane seating has been designed without the emphasis being entirely on passenger comfort. The new

design was put on display at the recent Aircraft Interiors EXPO 2018 in Hamburg where digital agency

Neutral Digital turned it into a virtual reality experience.

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Page 7: Tall OrdersWomen: 5’ 10” or taller in stocking feet Men: 6’ 2” or taller in stocking feet Age: 21 years or older Attendance: 2-social and 1 work function Within a 3 month period


I’m Not Tall…

I’m Vertically



Rocket City Tall Club

398 Clydebank Dr.

Madison, AL 35758

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