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Page 1: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen


Magdalena Bła _zewicz-PaszkowyczJoanna Sekulska-Nalewajko

Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords:Kongsfjorden (Arctic) and Admiralty Bay (Antarctic)

Received: 13 June 2003 / Accepted: 18 November 2003 / Published online: 3 February 2004� Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract The tanaidacean faunas of two polar fjords,Kongsfjorden (Arctic) and Admiralty Bay (Antarctic),were compared. The results show that Tanaidacea in thesouthern fjord are more diversified than those in thenorthern one. This difference is especially evident inspecies richness (12 species vs 3 species, respectively), butis not too significant in terms of diversity. In both polarfjords, the highest densities of tanaids were noted in siteswhere mud was swept off by the water current or erodedoff steep bottom expoing coarser mineral particles usedfor tube building. The distribution of tanaids is sug-gested to be based on the joint action of inter alia factorssuch as the quality of bottom sediments, sedimentationratio, accessibility of food, predation pressure, behav-iour and heterogeneity of habitats.


Studies on Arctic Tanaidacea began at the end of thenineteenth century. The pioneer monographs by G.O.Sars (1882), Norman and Stebbing (1886) and Hansen(1913) constituted fundamental papers. Their studiesweredevoted to Tanaidacea off the coast ofNorway, theNorthAtlantic Islands and the surroundings of Greenland.Further taxonomic research on Arctic tanaids was notcarried out for some decades, until the 1970s, when amonograph by Just (1970) on Greenlandic tanaids waspublished.

The tanaids of the Antarctic have been more exten-sively studied than those of the Arctic, at least as regardsthe number of comprehensive studies. Importantmonographs on the group were prepared by Beddard(1886a, 1886b), Hodgson (1902, 1910), Richardson

(1906, 1907), Stebbing (1914), Vanhoffen (1914) andHale (1937). After the second World War, otherimportant papers were published by Stephensen (1947),Lang (1953), Kusakin (1967), Shiino (1970, 1978),Kusakin and Tzareva (1974), Kudinova-Pasternak(1975, 1981), Tzareva (1982) and Sieg (1983, 1984,1986a, 1986b).

Tanaidacea play a rather minor role in Arctic benthos(Włodarska and We�sławski 1996; Brandt 1997; Jørgen-sen et al. 1999). However, studies of the bottom fauna ofthe Southern Ocean have indicated that tanaids can bethe leading group in zoobenthos due to their sometimessurprisingly high density (Dayton and Oliver 1977;Delille et al. 1985; Ja _zd _zewski et al. 1986; Bła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski 2000) and their importantrole in soft-bottom communities (Lowry 1975; Rich-ardson and Hedgpeth 1977; Sicinski 1998).

Differences in species richness and biological diver-sity between polar areas have been observed by manyauthors (Hedgpeth 1969, 1971; Hempel 1969; Knox1970; Knox and Lowry 1977; Dayton 1990; Ja _zd _zewskiet al. 1995; Starmans 1997; Gray 2001; Starmans andGutt 2002). The 164 tanaid species noted in the South-ern Ocean (Schmidt and Brandt 2001) exceed thenumber of Arctic tanaids by about 20% (based mostlyon G.O. Sars 1882; Norman and Stebbing 1886; Hansen1913). The greater species richness in the Antarctic isdue to its greater age (Gray 2001). Also, the variablebottom structure of the Antarctic shelf (Knox andLowry 1977; Ja _zd _zewski et al. 1995) promotes biologicaldiversity (Jumars 1976; Jumars and Gallagher 1982).Coarse sediments transported by icebergs far from theseashore are also responsible for the structural variety ofdeeper Antarctic ecosystems. Sessile filter-feedersinhabiting patchily distributed drop stones provideextensive three-dimensional substrata. This greaterstructural heterogeneity of Antarctic bottom habitats isresponsible for the higher diversity of benthic inverte-brates and for their mosaic distribution. In contrast,the low species richness of the geologically youngerNorwegian Sea can be explained by insufficient time for

M. Bła_zwicz-Paszkowycz (&) Æ J. Sekulska-NalewajkoDepartment of Polar Biology and Oceanobiology,University of Łodz, Banacha 12/16,Łodz, PolandE-mail: [email protected]

Polar Biol (2004) 27: 222–230DOI 10.1007/s00300-003-0585-x

Page 2: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen

establishment of a full species complement (Gray 2001)and it is augmented by frequent physical disturbance,e.g. iceberg ploughing and mammal foraging activity(Dayton 1990).

During the series of Polish Polar Expeditions to theH.Arctowski station (King George Island, South Shetlands,Antarctic) in the 1978/1979 and 1984/1985 seasons, andon R/V Oceania (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Arctic)from 1997 to 1999, a rich collection of Tanaidacea wasobtained. The Tanaidacea of Kongsfjorden have neverbeen studied before; therefore, a list of the tanaid speciesof this fjord and their distribution are presented for thefirst time in this paper. The tanaids of Admiralty Bayhave been already studied by Bła _zewicz and Ja _zd _zewski(1996) and Bła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski(2000). The results obtained by these authors have been

supplemented and used for a comparison of the tanaidfauna occurring in two polar fjords: Kongsfjorden in theArctic, and Admiralty Bay in the Antarctic.

Study area

Arctic Kongsjforden (Fig. 1A) opens to the NorthAtlantic-Greenland Sea. A number of tidal meltingglaciers (Kongsbreen, Kongsvegen, Conwaybreen andBlomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of thefjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen et al. 2001), which is responsible for steep environ-mental gradients in sedimentation and salinity along thelength of the fjord (Hop et al. 2002). The authors dividedKongsfjorden into four zones (Fig. 1A) based on species

Fig. 1A, B Distribution of thestations inside: A Kongsfjorden(Arctic): numbers in circlesindicate four zones after Hopet al. (2002); B Admiralty Bay(Antarctic). Tanaidacea absentat the stations are marked witha cross


Page 3: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen

distribution, substrate and overriding environmentalgradients. In our analysis, we treated zones 3 and 4 asone, and called it the ‘‘inner zone’’. Detailed morpho-metric characteristics and the hydrobiological conditionsof Kongsfjorden are presented by We�sławski et al. (1991,1994), Ito and Kudoh (1997), Eilertsen et al. (1989), Hopet al. (2002) and Svendsen et al. (2001).

Admiralty Bay (Fig. 1B) is the largest bay in KingGeorge Island (South Shetlands), opening widely to theBransfield Strait. Its bottom displays great topographicaldiversity (Puszak 1980). Maximal depths surpassing530 m are present in its narrow, U-shaped central basin.The northern part of Admiralty Bay is divided into threeinner fjords (inlets): Ezcurra, MacKellar and Martel(Fig. 1B). The Ezcurra Inlet is much shallower than thecentral basin of Admiralty Bay and separated from its

central part by a 100- to 130-m-high sill. The eastern partof the inlet forms a trough with depths of 150–270 m.The central and western parts of Ezcurra Inlet are muchshallower basins, the bottoms of which are built of duc-tile clay with stones lying at depths of 70–85 m (Marsz1983). The hydrobiological conditions and morphomet-ric characteristics of Admiralty Bay are presented byLipski (1987), Rakusa-Suszczewski (1993), Ja _zd _zewskiet al. (1995) and Sicinski (1998).

Materials and methods

In Kongsfjorden, material was collected during the expedition onR/V Oceania (1995–1999). It consisted of 260 tanaid specimensidentified in 87 samples taken using the Van Veen Grab (0.1 m2) orBox Core (0.1 m2) at 30 stations (Fig. 1A).

Fig. 2A, B Share of particulartanaid species at the stations in:A Kongsfjorden (Arctic) and BAdmiralty Bay (after Bła _zewiczand Ja _zd _zewski 1996 andBła _zewicz-Paszkowycz andJa _zd _zewski 2000)


Page 4: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen

Materials used for the analysis of tanaids in Admiralty Baywere collected in the season 1978/1979 (series B and C) and in 1984/85 (series A and D) by Polish Antarctic Expeditions to the H.Arctowski Station using Van Veen Grab (0.09 m2). Eighty-eightsamples were collected at 47 stations, as presented in Fig. 1B andTable 3.

The graphic presentation of species domination shown inFig. 2A,B is based on averaged data (‘‘mean values’’) calculated forparticular stations. In series D (Admiralty Bay), where only onesample was taken at each station, ‘‘real values’’ are given.

Tanaid material was identified to species level using a stereo-microscope Nikon SMZ 800; some detailed morphological char-acteristics, important for the determination, were observed with theAxiolab Zeiss microscope after preparing slides with glycerinecolored with chlorazol black.

The Shannon-Weaver diversity index was calculated for par-ticular stations as H=S (ni/N) log2(ni/N), in which ni is the densityof the ith species and N is the total tanaid density. The values of the

index for each sample (‘‘real value’’) are presented in Tables 2 and3. Figure 3A,B presents the values of the index calculated for thestation (‘‘mean value’’). For the stations where only one samplewas taken (or only one sample consisted of tanaids), the ‘‘realvalue’’ is presented.


A comparison of the Tanaidacea of Kongsfjorden (Arc-tic) and Admiralty Bay (Antarctic) is presented below.The systematic was adopted from Larsen and Wilson(2002).

The Tanaidacea in Admiralty Bay are much morediversified in terms of species, genera and families thanin Kongsfjorden (12 species vs only 3 species).

Fig. 3A, B Shannon Indexvalues calculated for tanaids atparticular stations in: AKongsfjorden (Arctic); BAdmiralty Bay (Antarctic)


Page 5: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen

The most abundant (76%) and frequent (f=81.5%)tanaid species in Kongsfjorden was Paraleptognathiagracilis, followed by Peraeospinosus mixtus and Pseu-dotanais forcipatus (Table 1). Although the share of thelast two in the material was clearly lower than the first,none of the species can be considered rare (Table 1).Tables 2 and 3 provide a list of the tanaid species takenin Kongsfjorden and Admiralty Bay.

In Admiralty Bay, the Tanaidacea were dominated byPeraeospinosus sp. A (36.65%), although the highestvalues of frequency were noted for subdominants: No-totanais antarcticus (54.84%) andN. dimorphus (41.93%)(Table 1). Also, high frequency values were noted for theless abundant species Peraeospinosus pushkini, Parale-ptognathia australis and Leptognathia gallardoi. The

rarest species among Tanaidacea in the Antarctic fjordstudied were Mirandotanais vorax, Typhlotanoides sp.,Paratyphlotanais armatus (Vanhoffen, 1914) and Zeux-oides ohlini (Stebbing, 1914). The two last species wererecorded by Bła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski(2000) at single stations.

The distribution of tanaid taxa in Kongsfjorden(Fig. 2A) show no clear difference in species composi-tion between the inner, middle, and outer basins of thefjord. Also, no difference in values of the Shannon Indexcalculated for the stations of the inner, middle and outer

aThis species was noted by Bła _zewicz and Ja _zd _zewski (1996) andBła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski (2000) asParaleptognathiaaustralis.bTyphlotanaoides sp. A is noted for the first time in Admiralty Bay.

Table 1 Tanaidacea in Kongsfjorden [N number of caught speci-mens, D domination in the material, F frequency in the totalnumber of samples (grabs) (87), f frequency in tanaid samples (48)]and Admiralty Bay [F frequency in the total number of samples(88), f frequency in tanaid samples (62)]

Species N D (%) F (%) f (%)Admiralty Bay

KongsfjordenP. gracilis 196 76 27.27 81.5P. mixtus 44 16.9 10.23 37P. forcipatus 20 7.7 10.23 22.2Peraeospinosus sp. A 695 36.65 13.48 20.97N. antarcticus 522 27.75 35.22 54.84N. dimorphus 406 21.58 29.54 41.93P. pushkini 105 5.58 22.72 32.26P. australis 67 3.56 25.00 35.48L. gallardoi 39 2.07 25.00 35.48P. longidactylus 23 1.22 13.63 19.35P. adipatus 10 0.64 11.36 16.13A. elongata 12 1.53 11.36 16.13M. vorax 1 0.05 1.14 1.61Typhlotanoides sp. A 1 05.5 1.14 1.61

Table 2 List of tanaid samples taken in Kongsfjorden (totalnumber of samples 87; 39 without tanaids): 1 number of tanaidsample; 2 station; 3 index of sample; 4 depth (m); 5 date; 6 numberof species; 7 density per sample (‘‘real density’’); 8 density perstation (‘‘mean density’’); 9 Shannon-Weaver calculated per sam-ple; 10 Shannon-Weaver calculated per station (see Fig. 3A)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. 1 1 83 1998 1 40 40 0 02. 2 2/1 60 1997 1 10 03. 2/2 60 1997 1 110 56.7 0 04. 2/3 60 1997 1 50 05. 3 3/1 72 1998 1 50 06. 3/2 72 1998 1 20 26.7 0 07. 3/3 72 1998 1 10 08. 4 4/1 38 1997 2 100 0.259. 4/2 60 1997 1 20 120 0 0.10810. 4/3 38 1997 1 240 011. 5 5/1 72 1998 2 160 0.56212. 5/2 72 1998 3 150 133.3 0.853 0.82513. 5/3 72 1998 3 90 1.06114. 6 6 94 1997 1 20 20 0 015. 7 7/1 95 1997 1 60 016. 7/2 95 1997 1 10 30 0 017. 7/3 95 1997 1 20 018. 8 8/1 50 1998 1 10 019. 8/2 50 1998 1 190 100 0 0.16720. 8/3 50 1998 2 100 0.521. 9 9/1 53 1997 2 130 0.27122. 9/2 53 1997 1 140 160 0 0.22723. 9/3 53 1997 2 210 0.4124. 10 10 - 1999 1 60 60 0 025. 11 11/1 78 1998 1 50 40 0 0.31826. 11/2 78 1998 2 30 0.63627. 12 12/1 40 1998 1 20 028. 12/2 40 1998 1 20 16.7 0 029. 12/3 40 1998 1 10 030. 13 13 - 1999 2 30 30 0.636 0.63631. 14 14/1 - 1999 1 10 15 0 0.34632. 14/2 - 1999 2 20 0.69333. 15 15/1 114 1998 1 10 15 0 0.34634. 15/2 114 1998 2 20 0.69335. 16 16 364 1997 1 60 60 0 036. 18 18 270 1997 1 10 10 0 037. 19 19 306 1997 2 20 20 0.69338. 24 24/1 125 1998 1 20 039. 24/2 125 1998 1 10 16.7 0 040. 24/3 125 1998 1 20 041. 25 25 125 1998 1 10 10 0 042. 26 26/1 308 1998 2 30 0.63643. 26/2 308 1998 1 10 16.7 0 0.21244. 26/3 308 1998 1 10 045. 27 27 255 1998 1 10 10 0 046. 28 28/1 258 1998 1 10 30 0 0.47547. 28/2 258 1998 3 50 0.9548. 29 29 256 1998 1 10 10 0 0


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part of the fjord could be observed (Fig. 3A). Quanti-tative data show that tanaids were much more abundantat the majority of the shallowest stations (38–72 m) ofthe inner part of Kongsfjorden (Fig. 2A), with maximaldensity reaching 240 ind./m)2. However, these crusta-ceans were absent in numerous samples collected in themiddle or outer basin; when present at all, their densitywas not usually higher than a few ind./m)2. The excep-tion here was one station situated near Ny Alesund,where at the depth of 364 m the density of tanaidssurpassed 60 ind./m)2 (station 16).

The tanaid fauna of Admiralty Bay was more diver-sified in the central basin than in the inside inlets(Fig. 2B). From the list of 12 tanaid species listed forAdmiralty Bay (Bła _zewicz and Ja _zd _zewski 1996;Bła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski 2000), 5 occurredalmost exclusively in the central part (Peraeospinosusadipatus, Araphura elongata, M. vorax, Z. ohlini, Par-atyphlotanais armatus), while two others (L. gallardoiand Peraeospinosus pushkini) were common in the cen-tral basin but were considered as incidental speciesinside Ezcurra Inlet.

The calculation of tanaid species diversity in Admi-ralty Bay yields different results to the quantitative data(Figs. 2B, 3B). Maximal value of density of 6,388.9 ind./m2 (mean 4030 ind./m2) was noted inside Ezcurra Inletnear Deception Island (station C5). In contrast, at sta-tions situated in the central part of Admiralty Bay infront of H. Arctowski station (series A), where tanaidspecies richness was higher than inside the inlet, maxi-mal values of tanaid density did not usually surpass 10ind./m2. The Shannon Index calculated for tanaids forparticular stations in Admiralty Bay indicates a patchycharacter to their distribution, e.g. both high and lowvalues were observed in Ezcurra Inlet, as well as in thecentral basin of Admiralty Bay (Fig. 3B).

Shannon-Weaver indices and mean species numberper sample calculated for both regions show a higherspecies diversity in Admiralty Bay than in Kongsfjorden(Fig. 4). K-dominance curves were calculated for allsamples (Fig. 5). The curve representing the AdmiraltyBay region lies below the curve for the Kongsfjordenregion. It indicates a more diversified tanaid fauna inAdmiralty Bay than in Kongsfjorden.


The differences in species richness, diversity, and distri-bution composition of tanaids in Kongsfjorden andAdmiralty Bay are attributed to a number of factors,either alone or in combination with others. Without abetter knowledge of the behaviour and habitat/micro-habitat preferences of the group, it is almost impossibleto determine the causes of species’ distribution in thetwo basins studied. However, some possible factors arediscussed below.

The list of tanaids found in Kongsfjorden isundoubtedly incomplete and more detailed studies

Table 3 List of tanaid samples taken in Admiralty Bay (totalnumber of samples 88; 26 without tanaids): 1 number of tanaidsample; 2 station; 3 index of sample; 4 depth (m); 5 date; 6 numberof species; 7 density per sample (‘‘real density’’); 8 density perstation (‘‘mean density’’); 9 Shannon-Weaver calculated per sam-ple; 10 Shannon-Weaver calculated per station (see Fig. 3B)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. A1 A1/1 37 15.03.1985 1 11.1 5 0 02. A2 A2/1 55 08.11.1985 3 211.1 0.913. A2/2 59 17.03.1985 2 22.2 100 0.693 0.8914. A2/4 60 17.03.1985 4 100 1.075. A3 A3/1 88 08.11.1985 3 88.9 1.0826. A3/2 88 08.11.1085 2 33.3 83.3 0.636 0.9327. A3/3 97 22.03.1984 3 155.6 1.0798. A4 A4/1 119 11.05.1985 2 55.6 0.6739. A4/2 120 08.02.1985 5 133.3 96.6 1.327 1.08610. A4/3 126 08.02.1985 5 133.6 1.25911. A5 A5/1 164 27.09.1985 2 22.2 26.7 0.693 0.7812. A5/2 175 21.02.1985 3 66.7 0.86713. A6 A6/1 251 30.01.1985 1 11.1 014. A6/2 252 11.05.1985 2 100 43.3 0.349 0.32815. A6/3 254 23.07.1985 2 33.3 0.63616. A7 A7/1 278 23.07.1985 3 66.7 1.01117. A7/2 280 21.01.1985 2 44.4 40 0.693 0.79918. A7/3 280 08.11.1985 2 22.2 0.69319. A8 A8/1 335 03.11.1985 3 233.3 250 0.3820. A8/2 337 08.01.1986 1 211.1 0 0.1721. A8/3 349 09.03.1985 2 388.9 0.1322. B1 B1/1 14 02.01.1980 1 33.3 90 0 0.34523. B1/2 15 02.01.1980 2 166.7 0.69124. B2 B2/1 25 20.12.1979 1 22.2 0 0.1625. B2/2 27 20.12.1979 2 477.8 160 0.4826. B2/3 35 20.12.1979 1 33.3 027. B3 B3/1 44 20.12.1979 3 444.4 136.7 0.652 0.32628. B3/3 69 07.02.1980 1 11.1 029. B4 B4/1 73 20.12.1979 1 11.1 030. B4/2 89 07.02.1980 3 133.3 66.7 0.824 0.50231. B4/3 87 27.12.1979 2 77.8 0.68332. B5 B5/1 106 27.12.1979 1 66.7 033. B5/2 122 27.12.1979 5 166.7 77.7 1.263 0.65234. B5/3 126 07.02.1980 1 22.2 0.69335. B6 B6/1 165 07.02.1980 1 22.2 036. B6/2 170 07.02.1980 3 122.2 46.7 0.907 0.30237. B6/3 187 07.02.1980 1 11.1 038. B7 B7/1 240 04.01.1980 2 44.4 0.56239. B7/2 242 04.01.1980 2 66.7 40 0.45 0.33840. B7/3 262 04.01.1980 2 22.2 0.69341. B8 B8/1 33 04.01.1980 1 11.1 43.3 0 042. B8/3 43 04.01.1980 2 133.3 0.56243. C1 C1/1 15 07.03.1980 2 2166.7 720 0.688 0.54944. C1/3 18 07.03.1980 2 233.3 0.4145. C4 C4/1 32 07.03.1980 1 11.1 3.33 0 046. C5 C5/1 10 07.03.1980 3 6388.9 0.53747. C5/2 12 07.03.1980 2 55.6 3626.7 0.143 0.50248. C5/3 17 07.03.1980 3 5644.4 0.82549. D1 D1 52 16.02.1985 3 144.4 0.91150. D2 D2 56 16.02.1985 5 488.9 1.23751. D3 D3 70 13.01.1985 1 11.1 052. D5 D5 73 13.01.1985 1 22.2 053. D6 D6 81 11.01.1985 2 55.6 0.56254. D9 D9 26 05.01.1986 4 166.7 1.07755. D10 D10 20 05.01.1986 2 544.4 0.2356. D11 D11 129 01.10.1985 4 122.2 1.12157. D12 D12 127 01.10.1985 3 155.6 0.9858. D13 D13 127 01.10.1985 1 11.1 059. D14 D14 132 28.03.1985 1 11.1 060. D17 D17 45 06.11.1985 3 133.3 0.82461. D18 D18 45 06.11.1985 2 88.9 0.56262. D19 D19 48 06.11.1985 4 322.2 0.943


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should add, at least, rare and accidental taxa. Investi-gations of benthos in Kongsfjorden done by Kendallet al. (2003) enabled the recording of one more tanaidspecies—Sphyraphus anomalus, belonging to the subor-der Apseudomorpha. This species does not build tubesin sediments but, similar to the other members ofApseudomorpha, lives on the surface of sediments. Re-idenauer and Thistle (1985) observed the tanaids of thedeep North Atlantic, and revealed that high near-bot-tom current velocity has no noticeable influence on tubedwellers, although it limits surface-living mobile fauna.Therefore, it is probable that high currents of tidal flow,present in the shallows of zone 4 in Kongsfjord, limitsepibenthic tanaids.

In both polar fjords, the highest density of tanaidswere noted in sites of dynamic sedimentation: in front ofthe underwater ridge isolating Herve Cove from EzcurraInlet (station C1), on the steep bottom near DeceptionIsland in Admiralty Bay, and in the shoal in the vicinityof Lovenøyane in Kongsfjorden (Fig. 2A,B) (see alsoBła _zewicz-Paszkowycz and Ja _zd _zewski 2000). Sedimentsof such habitats are continuously disturbed by tidalcurrents sweeping fine sediment off and exposing somecoarser materials (e.g. sand), which may be importantmaterial for tube building. Many authors noted that thequality of bottom sediments definitely influences thedistribution of tube dwellers (Hassack and Holdich1986; Sicinski 1998; Bła _zewicz-Paszkowycz andJa _zd _zewski 2000). It was also observed that the shape ofthe tube and the material it is constructed with arecharacteristic for the particular tanaid taxa. The studyon the Admiralty Bay tanaids showed that Nototanaisantarcticus does not build typical tubes but rather makesmuddy corridors inside fine sediments, while Peraeospi-nosus sp. A uses fine mineral particles (ø=0.2–0.07 mm)for constructing its tubes (personal observation).

The environments influenced by icefall outflow arecharacterised by high plankton mortality due to osmotic

shock (We�sławski and Lege _zynska 1998; Zajaczkowskiand Lege _zynska 2001) and the ingestion of fine mineralparticles (Lewis and Syvitsky 1983). The dead zoo-plankton sinks and contributes to the high value(around 10%) of organic matter in the benthic biomass(We�sławski and Lege _zynska 1998). Most tanaids areregarded as non-selective deposit-feeders (Dennell 1937;Buckle-Ramirez 1965; Mendoza 1982; Messing 1983;Kudinova-Pasternak 1981, 1991; Bła _zewicz-Paszkowyczand Ligowski 2002); therefore, the accessibility of or-ganic matter and the development of its bacterial stockmay also have an influence on the pattern of tanaiddistribution. A positive correlation between concentra-tion of bacteria density and feeding on them Allotanaishirsutus has already been observed by Delille et al.(1985). One of the results of heavy sedimentation, whichcan be observed at the front of glaciers (Svendsen at al.2001), is the fast dilution of organic matter in the

Fig. 4A, B Number of speciesand Shannon Index values inthe studied Antarctic and Arcticregions

Fig. 5 K-dominance plots for species data of studied regions:A Kongsfjorden; B Admiralty Bay


Page 8: Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) of two polar fjords: …€¦ · Blomstrandbreen) situated in the innermost part of the fjord create a remarkable outflow of freshwater (Svend-sen

sediments. However, some tanaids have been observedto bury in sediments deeper than 3 cm (Reidenauer andThistle 1985), and thus it is quite possible they can feedon buried debris.

It has been also mentioned that the lower transpar-ency of water decreases predator pressure. Demersalfish, which are the main predators of benthic crustaceans(Klekowski and We�sławski 1990), are absent in the innerpart of the fjords due either to the low transparency ofwater caused by strong sedimentation, or simply lowersalinity, and the lack of hiding places there.

The distribution of tanaids may also be influenced bytheir behaviour or life-style, which are still unknown.The animals living in environments of strong sedimen-tation have to avoid being covered by sediments. Sometanaids are known to deal with heavy sedimentation byextending their tubes. This seems to be very probable forN. antarcticus, which makes elongated, muddy tubes.Relatively short tubes of other tanaids (Peraeospinosussp. A, Typhlotanaoides rostralis) suggest the existence ofsome other behaviours or mechanisms that protect themfrom intensive sedimentation.

From our paper, it can be concluded that Tanaidaceain Admiralty Bay are different than those in Kongsf-jorden. This difference is especially significant in speciesrichness (12 species vs 3 species) but less obvious interms of diversity. The distribution of tanaids is basedon the combined action of several factors. The resultsobtained indicate that these animals prefer sites withunstable sediments. Mud swept off by the water currentor eroded off steep bottoms exposes coarser particlesused for tube building.

Acknowledgements We are grateful to our colleagues from theDepartment of Polar Biology and Oceanobiology (University ofŁodz) and Institute of Oceanobiology (Polish Academy of Sciencein Sopot) for collecting material and making it available for study.Many thanks are due to Professor Marcin J. We�sławski and Dr.Marek Zajaczkowski (PAS in Sopot) for fruitful discussions. Jur-gen Guerrero-Kommritz (Zoologisches Institut und ZoologischesMuseum Hamburg) kindly read the manuscript.


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