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Page 1: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and
Page 2: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and








Page 3: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Tania Attends A Wedding

Tania's family had just arrived at the housewhere Aunt Poonams's parents lived inBangalore. It was an actual house, 2 storeyshigh with 6 bedrooms and a backyard. Tania wasawestruck. She had only ever seen apartmentsbefore. Never a house with a staircase on theinside. So cool!


Page 4: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Aunt Poonam was back from Baltimore for a fewweeks. She was getting married. She wasthrilled to see Tania and her baby sisterSonia. She had never seen Sonia before andSonia was almost a year old!


Page 5: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Aunt Poonam was Papa's cousin and Tania calledher "Poonty". Aunt Poonam had visited Tania afew years ago in Bombay. Tania was only a yearand a half and had a hard time saying PoonamAunty. So she shortened it to Poonty and thatstuck.

The wedding was not till the next evening butthere was a lot going on. Poonty's mother, whoMama and Papa called "Chachi", was gettingPoonty's trousseau ready. There were beautifulsarees, salwar kameezes, jewellery andcrockery sets. Mama contributed a cuteJapanese tea set. All of it had to be giftwrapped. Tania helped Chachi by handing herpieces of tape and ribbon.


Page 6: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Tania was not usually shy. But there werealmost 20 people in the house, most of whomTania had never met. All of them except Taniaand Sonia were adults. So Tania stuck to herparents and Poonty. After lunch Poonty toldTania there would be a Sangeet ceremony in theevening.

Tania looked puzzled, so Poonty explained"Sangeet is the Hindi word for music. ASangeet ceremony is done before the wedding.The bride gets together with her family andfriends and they all sing and dance. It is afun and relaxed celebration."

In the evening everyone got together in thelarge living room. Tania was dressed an anadorable ghaghra-choli Mama had bought her forthe occasion.


Page 7: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Chachi had arranged for some snacks anddrinks. Everyone was munching, chatting anddrinking. The atmosphere was festive. Taniawent to find Poonty. She found her sitting ina corner and there was a lady drawing somepretty designs on her hand with a brown paste.The paste was being squeezed out of the tip ofa plastic cone, like the icing cones used todecorate cakes. Tania asked "Poonty what areyou doing?"


Page 8: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Poonty said "Oh this is mehendi. It is a pastemade from the extract of a plant. This nicelady can make lovely designs. I have to letthe paste dry. After that it will crumble andfall off but an orange print of the designwill stay. Tomorrow it will become dark brown.It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendidesigns on their hands."

Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was doneand it was gorgeous.


Page 9: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Mama and Papa got mehendi designs on theirhands too.

The sun had set and people were moving in tothe backyard. Poonty's father, 'Chacha', hadthe back yard decorated with pretty,


Page 10: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

colourful, twinkling lights.

Chacha had arranged for a DJ. The DJ playedpeppy Hindi songs from old and new movies anda few Abba songs as well, including Tania'sfavourite 'Super Trouper'. Although Tanialoved to dance, she was feeling a littleintimidated by all the adults there. Papanoticed and asked, "Tania, will you dance withme?" Thrilled, Tania joined in. Papa dancedwith Tania for a long time and her ghaghraflared out beautifully when she twirled. LaterMama and Poonty danced with Tania too. Taniaenjoyed the evening immensely.

Next morning Chacha and Chachi were gettingready for the haldi ceremony. Tania said,"Mama, I thought haldi was that yellow thingyou put in food. So what is a haldi ceremony?"


Page 11: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Mama replied "Haldi, called turmeric inEnglish, is indeed the yellow powder we put inIndian food. But turmeric is also supposed tobe very good for the skin. It helps to cleanthe skin and make it soft and bright. Soduring the haldi ceremony we will put a pastemade of turmeric powder, sandal wood powderand milk on Poonty to make her super pretty."

Poonty came in to the room and sat on a smallwooden stool. Chachi placed a bowl of haldipaste in front of her. Everyone took some


Page 12: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

paste and applied it on Poonty's hands andface. Tania took a lot of paste in her handsand rubbed it all over Poonty's face and said,"This is so much fun Mama. It's like haldiHoli!"

Chacha had arranged for a big car to takeeveryone to the wedding hall in batches.Chachi, Poonty and Poonty's best friend Rashmigot there early. When Tania arrived there withher parents and Sonia, Poonty was fullydressed and looking so amazing in her gorgeousred saree and gold and diamond jewellery. Mamasaid, "It is tradition for the bride to wear ared saree with gold thread work."


Page 13: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Tania looked around the hall. There was apodium decorated with flowers. That is wherethe wedding ceremony would take place.


Page 14: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Rashmi and another couple of girls who werePoonty's cousins approached Tania. Rashmi said"Tania, we need to steal Aditya's shoes. Canyou help us?" Aditya was the groom.

Tania was shocked. "What!" she exclaimed. "No!Of course not. Stealing is wrong."

Mama heard them and intervened. She said"Tania, what they mean is they want to hideAditya's shoes. It is a wedding game. Adityais supposed to take off his shoes before hegoes to the podium and it is a tradition forthe bride's friends and relatives to hide thegroom's shoes. There will be someone there toguard the shoes. So it won't be easy. "

"Oh a game!" said Tania excited. "That soundslike fun."

Relieved that the ethical issues wereresolved, Rashmi said, "Yes and we think it'sa good idea for you to do the hiding becauseyou are small and won't be noticed so much.They will be watching out for us."

Tania agreed and was quite excited about hermission.


Page 15: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Everyone gathered together to receive thegroom at the entrance to the hall. Aditya wason horseback in the midst of a band playing.His face covered with a curtain of flowers anddecorations. Aditya's family and friends weredancing and bursting fire crackers. It wasquite a sight.


Page 16: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Soon after Aditya entered he took off hisshoes and climbed on to the podium. Members ofthe two families were greeting each other andeveryone was busy. Tania decided this was thebest time to take his shoes. But then sherealised that there was a man guarding them.She wondered what to do and came up with anidea. She went to find Sonia and told hersomething.


Page 17: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Aditya's 20 year old brother Arnav was allalone, guarding the shoes dutifully, on hisfather's instructions. Suddenly he foundlittle baby Sonia tugging his pants, bawlingloudly asking him to find her mother. Quiteunfamiliar with babies Arnav was at a completeloss. He tried to calm her with soothing wordsbut that only resulted in shriller screams.


Page 18: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

Flustered Arnav picked up Sonia and dashed offto find Mama. In the 3 minutes that Arnav wasgone, Tania easily grabbed Aditya's shoes andtriumphantly handed them to Rashmi. Poor Arnavreturned to find the shoes missing. Tania toldmama and Rashmi about her devious plan andthey giggled.

Tania was allowed to sit behind Poonty on thepodium during the wedding and got to watch theproceedings up close. Poonty and Aditiya hadto put some mixture of food items in to thefire and walk around it 7 times and repeatsome Sanskrit words the priest told them to.The ceremony was quite interesting. Rashmigave Tania one of the boxes of chocolates thatAditya had given Rashmi and Poonty's cousinsto get his shoes back.


Page 19: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

After the ceremony everyone had dinner andthen Poonty and Aditya left for Aditya's housein a decorated car.

Tania and her family returned to Bombay thenext day. What a wonderful time Tania had atthe wedding!


Page 20: Tania Attends A Wedding - Free Kids Books · 2019-11-29 · It is a tradition for brides to wear mehendi designs on their hands." Twenty minutes later Poonty's mehendi was done and

The japanese tea set image was posted by Faylyne at


The backyard image was posted by anneheathen at


The turmeric image was posted by Iqbal Osman at


The turmeric powder image was posted by Steven Jackson at


The shoes image was posted by RubyGoes at


The big red car image was posted by NRMA Motoring andService's Photostream at


All above images are posted under the license:


Thank you Brenda Whittaker, for correcting my grammaticalmistakes.


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