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august 3-192012


south Tanzania

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WHENaugust 3 to 19, 2012

from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

by AdventurAfrica

16 days of travel, safari and adventure at close range with the unspoilednature and wildlife of southern Tanzania

the Indian Ocean and the beaches of Dar es SalaamMikumi National Park

Ruaha National ParkUdzungwa Mountains National Park

and forest tracking of the Sanje Mangabeys primates

We will start off with a relaxing day on the white sand beaches and the clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean, in Dar Es Salaam, before taking off for one of the most unspoiled and adventurous circuits in the southern highlands of Tanzania.

Through the little town of Morogoro, we will continue for the Mikumi National Park, where our first safari will take place. Mikumi NP is known for offering some of the easiest wildlife viewing opportunities in the region, and the park boasts plenty of wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, zebras, gazelles, lions, leopards, baboons and more.From Mikumi, we will continue for the cozy German town of Iringa, where we will stock up at the colorful local market before heading to the amazing Ruaha National Park, located 115km of unpaved road, west of Iringa.The Ruaha National Park is a huge ecosystem, home to Tanzania’s largest population of el-ephants, about 12,000 individuals. The park wildlife is sustained by the Great Ruaha River, running along the eastern side of the park. We will camp along the river banks, and seeing lions crossing the river near the camp, or hearing their primordial roams at night, will offer an unforgettable and thrilling experience. Much of this park is so remote to be considered unexplored, and having the park all to ourselves will not be an unlikely possibility!After extensive exploration of the Ruaha NP, we will return to Mikumi and from there we will head to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, where lush forests await us and are home to about 10 species of primates, some endemic and found nowhere else but here. In the Udzungwa Mountains NP we will have the rare opportunity to enjoy walking safaris and to track a group of Sanje Mangabeys, an endemic species of primates discovered here in 1979. A network of spring water streams and waterfalls add to the beauty of this park.From Udzungwa Mountains NP we will return to Dar es Salaam to enjoy a full day of relax on the sandy beaches of the Indian Ocean.



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AdventurAfrica’sSafari Truck

ACM80 4X4

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The vehicle used for AdventurAfrica’s trips and expeditions is an IVECO ACM80 4x4, a mid-size military truck that we retrofitted exclusively with the African safaris in mind.

Everything on board has been designed and crafted to provide the passengers with comfort and amusement. Its height, significantly taller than the traditional safaris 4x4s, makes it an ideal vehicle for wildlife spotting and photography.The truck is retrofitted with 12 independent, comfortable, bus-style seats. 90cm of rowspan be-tween the seats ensure plenty of comfort and freedom of movement to the passengers.Our truck is equipped with a spacious refrigerator, a fully equipped camp kitchen, three burners gas range, tents and 5cm sleeping pads, 12V DC and 110/220V AC plugs to recharge cellphone and camera batteries, a comfortable custom-made step ladder to access the passenger area, a huge cargo space, radio, GPS and everything needed to make our safaris safe and fun.

Click here for more information

AdventurAfricaSafari Truck

ACM80 4X4

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The itinerary of this trip covers a distance of about 2,000 km on

mostly paved roads, with the excep-tion of the tracks within the parks and the road between Kidatu and

the Udzungwa Mountains NP.

The unpaved stretches can some-times feel very bumpy and un-

comfortable (depending on the rain season and road maintenance).

the Itinerary

WeatherWeather will be mostly

dry and pleasant-ly sunny. High tempera-tures will reach 25-30 °C on the cost while lows will be around 10-15 °C in Iringa, the highest re-gion along our itinerary. Click here for more infor-mation

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THE COST:2550 EUROs per person (min-max participants: 6-12)300 EUROs single room supplement

WHAT’S INCLUDED:- Airport transfers to and from hotels- Professional photographer tour leader and English speaking staff- All Game Park fees and safaris - Land transportation on our safari truck- Full board accommodation and non alcoholic bever-ages- Services of guides and drivers- Cost of emergency treatment and evacuation

WHAT’S NOT INCLUDED:- Airfare to and from your home country- Fees for passport, visas, immunizations, tourist and airport taxes- Optional visits and trips, not part of the regular program- Food and meals not part of the program, wine and alcoholic beverages, tips, laundry, phone, souvenirs

and other expenses of a personal nature-Everything not specifically mentioned in the “What’s Included” section

FOR MORE INFORMATION:Giorgio TruccoAdventurAfrica - www.adventurafrica.comemail: [email protected]: +39 366 1366714

TOUR OPERATOR AND BOOKING:Earth - Cultura e Natura - www.earthviaggi.itVia Roma 45 - 23900 - Leccoemail: [email protected]: +39 0341 286793


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TRAVEL ITINERARYDAY 1:Departure for Dar es Salaam

DAY 2:Dar es Salaam - MjimwemaUpon arrival, you will be welcomed by the Ad-venturAfrica staff and together we will trans-fer to Mjimwema, just a few miles south of Dar es Salaam, where we will spend the night by the beach. A relaxing introduction to the slow and soul-nurturing rhythms of Africa.Overnight at the Kijiji Beach Hotel, or similar.

DAY 3:Dar es Salaam - MjimwemaToday we will go back to Dar es Salaam cross-ing the harbor channel on the Kigambony ferry and we will visit the busy and colorful fish mar-ket. We will return to Mjimwema for a free afternoon of complete relax, sunbathing and swimming on the shore of the Indian Ocean.Overnight at the Kijiji Beach Hotel, or similar.

DAY 4:Dar es Salaam - MikumiEarly wake up call and we will be on our way, on paved road, to our first safari destination, the Mikumi National Park. We will stop in the bustling town of Morogoro, at the base of the Uluguru Mountains, and we will arrive in Mi-kumi in the afternoon.If you like, we can visit the local Mikumi snake-park, a modest reptilarium that hosts some notable specimen.Overnight at the Tan-Swiss Lodge, or similar.

DAY 5:Mikumi National ParkDeparture at sunrise for the Mikumi National

Park. We will leave the main road and head to the Mkata flood plains, in the north-west section of the park, where wildlife (buffaloes, wildebeest, giraffes, elephants, zebras, lions, leopards and more) is abundant and easy to enjoy. Another area of interest is the Hippo Pools area, where we will able to observe these huge animals at close range. Full day dedicated to the exploration of the park, wildlife viewing and photography.Overnight al Tan-Swiss Lodge, or similar.

DAY 6:Mikumi NP - Iringa - Little RuahaToday we will transfer to Iringa following the windy road snaking at the base of the Rubeho Mountains.We will cross an interesting area where gi-ant baobabs are found, along the Little Ruaha river. We will arrive in Iringa and we will visit the colorful local market to buy our supplies for the next days. The city, capital of the same name region, is situated on a vast plateau (about 1,600 meters above sea level) where agriculture is widespread, especially the culti-vation of corn.Overnight at the Riverside Campsite, a beau-tiful camp on the banks of Little Ruaha river.

DAY 7:Ruaha National ParkA beautiful 115km of red dirt track, in the mid-dle of nowhere, will lead us right into the mar-vels of Ruaha National Park, Tanzania’s second park in order of extension. This park is a vast unspoiled ecosystem that is home to the larg-est elephant population of the whole Tanza-nia (about 12,000). Large prides of wonderful lions also call Ruaha home, and are normally

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observed with great ease. The park is also popu-lated by large herds of buffaloes, kudu, gazelles, antelopes, ostriches, cheetahs and many species of birds.We will camp along the Great Ruaha river banks in an amazing location, totally undeveloped and sur-rounded by abundant wildlife. Given the location, fully open and immersed in the nature of the park, at night, many animals can wander undisturbed, and harmless, among our tents. Be ready for a thrilling and unforgettable experience!Overnight inside the park (camping).

DAY 8:Ruaha National ParkFull day dedicated to the exploration of the park, wildlife viewing and photography. Morning game drive, return to camp for lunch and late afternoon game drive.Overnight inside the park (camping).

DAY 9:Ruaha National ParkFull day dedicated to the exploration of the park, wildlife viewing and photography. The park is crossed by several sandy rivers, mostly dry during the dry season. The river beds are used by animals as “roads” to reach the remaining water supplies. The little water available plays an important role in concentrating large numbers of animals such as buffaloes, zebras, elephants and, consequently, different species of predators: lions, leopards and hyenas. Morning game drive, return to camp for lunch and late afternoon game drive.Overnight inside the park (camping).

DAY 10:Ruaha NP - MikumiToday we start inching our way back to Iringa and then, on paved road, to Mikumi, crossing one more time the “Baobab Valley Conservation Area” along the Udzungwa Mountains range.Overnight at the Tan-Swiss Lodge, or similar.

DAY 11:Udzungwa Mountains National Park

We will leave Mikumi heading towards the Ud-zungwa Mountains National Park. From Kidatu on, the road becomes an ungraded, bumpy, grav-el road that will force us to proceed in low gear and at a low speed. A condition we can exploit to enjoy the beautiful panorama!In the afternoon we will relax on the beautiful green of our camp.Overnight at the Hondo-Hondo Campsite.

DAY 12:Udzungwa Mountains NP - Njokamoni TrailThe Sanje Mangabeys (an endemic group of pri-mates) has lived in the shade of Udzungwa Mount-ians forest for centuries, before being discovered and identified in 1979.Following the gorilla and chimpanzee tracking programs, starting in 2007, the park management has created a local tracking program and today visitors can approach a selected group of Mang-abeys who have been partially habituated to tol-erate the human presence. We will spend the day tracking, observing and photographing the Sanje Mangabeys, along the Njokamoni trail, led and escorted by an experienced group of rangers and trackers.Overnight at the Hondo-Hondo Campsite.

DAY 13:Udzungwa Mountains NP - Sanje Falls TrailToday we explore the rest of the park following a trail that will lead us to numerous waterfalls of fresh spring water which sustain the abundant park wildlife and the agricultural activities of the region.Overnight at the Hondo-Hondo Campsite.

DAY 14:Udzungwa Mountains NP - Dar es SalaamToday we will head back to Dar es Salaam, cross-ing one last time the Mikumi National Park. An enjoyable return to the resort where our journey began and a nice way to relax after the safari ex-citement.Overnight at the Kijiji Beach Hotel, or similar.

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DAY 15:Dar es SalaamA full day of complete relax, sunbath-ing and swimming. It is possible to or-ganize an optional boat trip to the is-lands in front of the shore and to do some interesting snorkeling on the coral reef.Overnight at the Kijiji Beach Hotel, or similar.

DAY 16 and 17: Breakfast and transfer to the Dar es Salaam airport and departure flight to home.

The Earth Viaggi and AdventurAfrica staff reserve the right to modify the

proposed itinerary, before or during the tour, due to unforeseeable condi-tions like weather change, time con-strains, road blocks, safety concerns

or logistic problems. Such decisions will be final and indisputable and will not entitle participants to any type of reim-bursement.

WORTH KNOWING:Accommodations: Campsites (de-veloped or undeveloped) inside and outside the parks. Mid-budget hotels.

Road Conditions: Mostly paved roads or good grade gravel roads, with the exception of the tracks inside the parks.

Meals and Personal Care: Local restaurants and meals prepared by the AdventurAfrica staff, when out in the wilderness.Showers will be available every day, but in some campground cold water might be the only option available.


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TANZANIA EXPRESSsouth TANZANIA August 3-19, 2012

+39 366.1366714 - [email protected]

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