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Dysregulation of bacterial proteolytic machinery by a new class of antibiotics

Brötz-Oesterhelt, H. et al.

Nat. Med. 11, 1082-1087 (2005)

Blocks DNA replicationDNA GyraseFluoroquinolones

DNA Replication/repair

Protein SynthesisPeptidyl TransferasesOxazolidinones

Protein SynthesisPeptidyl TransferasesAminoglycosides

Protein SynthesisPeptidyl TransferasesTetracyclins

Protein Synthesis

Sequestring substrate for biosynthesis

D-Ala-D-Ala TerminiVancomycin

Block crosslinking enzymesTranspeptidase/Transglycosylaseβ-Lactams

Cell Wall

Mode of Action TargetAntibiotic

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Copyright ©1999 by the National Academy of Sciences

Horwich, Arthur L. et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 11033-11040

Copyright ©1999 by the National Academy of Sciences

Horwich, Arthur L. et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 11033-11040

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