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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

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Case Study: Hope against Cancer

Aims:The aim of producing this poster is to attract the general public to the information that is being given about the need for funds towards the research into cancer. Having the contact number and website included in bold on the poster is pushing people to get in touch and volunteer to give funds to the charity. The poster is aiming to eventually be able to have more money to fund research into cancer so that potentially more people can be cured and cancer could possibly be prevented. Also it would mean that people who already have cancer could be helped and cured.

Creative Media Production 2012

Purpose:The purpose of this poster is to try and bring people attention to the impact that cancer can have on peoples lives, and make the public realise that cancer can effect different people in many different ways. The poster’s purpose is to inform as many members of the public as possible about how in order to cure cancer and help people who do have cancer, research into the disease has to be done, this cannot happen with out funding from the public.

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3Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Hope against Cancer

Techniques:First of all the main technique that has been used is the use of the subject within the image. The topic of the subject is a very sensitive and personal topic, so using a ‘normal’ teenage girl as the subject means that the public will be able to relate easily to her. They will see the image and it will link the fact that the subject just looks like any normal person, however the text on her hands states that she has cancer, which is effecting more and more of us every day. This means that it makes the poster become immediately more personal as it is making you think more about your life and the life of the girl in the image. The colours are bright and colourful, which clearly represents the ‘hope’ that the advertisement is trying to achieve. Also having bright bold and clear colours and lighting will make the product stand out more and means that people will be more likely to view the poster as it is eye-catching. There is a clever visual pun within the image too, the fact that the text is written on the subjects hands, which are both held up visible to the audience, then the phrase “Give a helping hand” has been used, which will draw the viewer in as it makes the poster easy to consume and will sit well with them, it is also psychologically beneficial to the public because by drawing the audience in with something funny it will subliminally inform them of something serious in a lighter way which is easier for the consumer to process.

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Impact: After conducting some research into the Hope against Cancer campaign I found myself on the charities website where there was many different sections talking about the success and effects that the campaign has had so far. They have mentioned within their web page about how the charity is local, and within their local community they have managed to raise an enormous amount of money. Due to this they have been able to fund 31 different research projects where they have been able to look into many different types of cancer in order to achieve their aim of the prevention of cancer. They also go on to talk about a new grant that the charity has been awarded in order to fund even more research that they hope will have a large positive impact on future sufferers.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Hope against Cancer

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Case Study: Society for the protection of animals

Aims: The aims of this campaign is to help fight against the use of animals in cosmetic testing. The poster is asking the public to donate €1 to help the charity treat any animals that have been effected in a negative way by animal testing. The aim is to shock the public into thinking more about what they buy and if the products that they do buy have been tested on animals, hopefully the aim of this poster will be to make the public buy products that have not been tested on animals.

Creative Media Production 2012

Purpose: The purpose of this particular image is to inform its audience about the sue of animal testing and the effects it will have on the animals that are being tested on. Although the photograph is not very realistic and the text is very small it is still very apparent as to what the message and purpose of this image is - to inform the public about animal testing and to portray it in a negative light.

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6Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Society for the protection of animals

Techniques: This image is very cleaver as it has used a situation which is very unrealistic, look realistic. The fact that there is a woman posed in usual way for a cosmetic advertisement makes the viewer initially think that the poster is a normal advert. Then the second subject that you notice is that this image is very different, the cosmetic product that you assume to see in the woman’s hand, is in fact a miniature dog, this is a very well constructed visual pun. Using this method is a very good way of drawing people in to look at the image twice, the fact that the text is very small and not bold at all makes the viewer more interested and concentrate on reading what the text says and linking it to the image in order to understand the full message and meaning of the poster. Having the back ground colour of the photo dark works in contrast with the light colour skin of the woman, making her stand out more. This again makes the viewer concentrate more on what is in the woman’s hand and this will then go on to make the audience very curious and intrigued as to what the message of the image will be as the [photograph is very abnormal.

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Impact:There has been a large impact from this particular organisation, within the EU of recent. The campaign for the society for the protection of animals was actually a local Italian organisation and charity (Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali) which then became global and known for their campaign against the use of cosmetic testing on animals. The efforts of their campaign became mostly apparent when the EU decided in 2013 to ban all animal testing. In Italy there has been a rehab centre opened up specifically for animals who have been tested on and are in need to special medical attention. This has obviously had a massive positive effect in making the general public more and more informed about animal cruelty and testing. If more people are aware of this then it means that more cases will be reported and more cases of animal cruelty and testing will be stopped.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Society for the protection of animals

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Case Study: NSPCC

Aims: The aims of this poster is to try and collect as many donations as possible so that the NSPCC are able to achieve their goals of helping children who have been abused and try to prevent child abuse all together. Their aims are to try and change legislations and laws to ensure that child protection is at a high level both locally and nationally. The NSPPC aims to keep child protection at the high end of both the political agenda and the public eye. They cannot achieve any of their goals without proper funding, so the aim of this poster is to try and fun the different projects that they are running by calling out to the public and seek for help.

Creative Media Production 2012

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to make the general public more aware of the fact that child abuse is happening all over the world. The poster is trying to make the viewed personally think about how they feel about child abuse. The natural reaction to child abuse will be a negative one therefore the viewer will be feeling righteous, and want to stick up for the children and help them, therefore this poster is helping the public and letting them know that there is a simple way to help the children – donating money to this charity. The charity’s phone number and e-mail address is included on the poster which means that the purpose is to inform the public that they can in fact make donations over the phone and online, which will be very appealing as it is a fast and easy way to help the prevention of child abuse.

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9Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NSPCC

Techniques: The fact that the language used in this poster is very personal, addressing the audience directly is a very effective way of grabbing the audiences attentions as they will feel like they are being asked a direct question when looking at this poster. This means that they will be thinking more about the message of the poster and they will be thinking about their own emotional reaction to the subject. The colours that have been used within this poster are all within the well known colour scheme of the NSPCC, which is a very well known charity, this means that before reading the message on the poster, people will automatically be able to know that the poster will be tackling child abuse. The imagery that has been used withi9n this poster is very clever, this is because people know that punch bags have a specific use – they are made to be punched repeatedly. The fact that they exist must mean that it is not good for a person to be punched repeatedly as someone would do with a punch bag. Making the connection between a child and a punch bag creates an immediate negative response, which endues a feeling of needing to help the situation – which will ultimately mean that more people are going to be likely to make donations to this charity.

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Impact: After conducting some research I went on the official website for the NSPCC charity and found a large amount of information from the techniques of the work that they do, to how to start working within the charity. There was a whole page dedicated to the charity’s achievements. After reading this I found out that over the past 10 years the charity has achieved many of its goals; they have been able to increase the penalty for sexually abusing children, they have built an online protection service for children so that there is extra safety for children who are using the web. They have been able to help other local agencies like the police and the children’s services to work better together. They have brought about a new offence, which is titled “causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable adult”, which was first used successfully to convict someone in 2006. They have been able to make attending court more comfortable for children, the government have pledged 313 million over a period of five years to the NSPCC in order for them to make their services better and they were therefore able to expand their call centres and help more people calling in for help. Over all the charity’s impact has been extremely positive, more and more people are becoming aware of child abuse, and more and more people are being punished for any offences they have committed.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NSPCC

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