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Task 1

Hayley Roberts

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Leaflets can be used to promote a company or give the audience information about a particular company or product and sometimes leaflets are used to introduce a new company. The leaflet that I have chosen to look at uses a wide range of typography to help certain elements and sections of the text stand out to the audience as this makes it easier for them to see it the important sections/information. For the leaflet, they have chosen a very basic font and used it throughout the leaflet without changing the font as it’s a very informative leaflet so it doesn’t need to be designed too much to make it look arty so keeping one font throughout the whole leaflet works for the product as it’s easy to read for the audience. The background for the leaflet is white which helps the black font stand out and this makes it a lot easier for the audience to read rather than having a brightly coloured background. There are boxes above a section of information which contains a brief description of what the section of information is about and having this in a box helps it stand out against the white background and the colour of the box contrasts with the colour of each sections title as it’s also a pink colour. Having the white font in the pink box helps itstand out really well as it’s really bright so it helps the audiences eyes get drawn to that section of the leaflet first as it contrasts with the design of the leaflet. Having the pink font for the title of the sections helps it split the title from the information and helps define what the section is about which makes it easier for the audience to recognise and this then helps them draw their attention to the sectionthey want to focus on. One part of the text is in bold as they feel as if this is really important and the most important piece of information in the whole leaflet as it’s the only piece of information which has been highlighted and this is because they may feel as if it’s vital for the audience to see and think about when reading the leaflet. At the bottom of the leaflet they use in onesection some key bullet points which have been written in bold so that they stand out have been written and this goes through all the things that can be done by the NHS and what they can provide for both children and adults as they feel as if this should be highlighted for the audience as they may get asked a lotabout these elements so by writing them in bold and in a section on it’s own will help it stand out more tothe audience. They also have a section of writing over the bottom of one of the images and this is a titlefor the section below and this then draws the audiences attention to the title of the section. The colour of this section is in purple as this contrasts well with the white and it also helps the bullet points stand out more. The colours used in the leaflet overall are really calm and relaxing colours and they don’t relate to danger and fear and bring a tone of relaxation across the leaflet which is what you want when reading an NHS leaflet as it’s a service you trust. The leaflet contains a few images which all display happiness as everyone is smiling on the leaflet and even the clients who are getting checked on look happy and this is so you get a sense of happiness from the service and the treatment they give and no pain is being shown. They are all showing their teeth which also relates to the leaflet as it’s about a dental service within the NHS so the imagery links to the leaflet itself and the information being provided. The image at the bottom of the leaflet shows a range of children brushing their teeth which relates to the information as well and all images show a range of ages from children to adults and this then relates to the bullet points as they are explaining who the service relates to and this then relates to the images. The font is rounded off rather than really sharp with the edges and this creates a really soft and relaxing tone in the font and this is what needs to be brought across to the audience. They also use their logo in the box with the bullet points but use it quite calmly and so it’s not going to distract the audience too much from the actual bullet points but they have done it to blend in with the colour scheme and just to add some graphic to the box so it’s not as plain.

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For this leaflet, the audience will be aimed at parents (as they provide services for children) but I don’t feel as if it’s aimed at an audience of children because of the language being used and how they use the word ‘children’ through the leaflet so it’s more towards adults. It’s a very direct article as the words ‘you’ and ‘your’ are used and this makes it very personal and direct for the audience and this makes it more intriguing for them. The whole leaflet I feel is very simple and easy to read as it doesn’t go into too much detail which makes the audience lose track or interest in the information but it gets straight to the points they are trying to make which is what you need in a leaflet as they are there to help provide information without giving too much and making them boring and hard to read. The clarity of the leaflet is easy to understand without a complex vocabulary used and the conciseness of the leaflet is simple without too much information being given out and gone into too much depth with it as only 1/3 of the leaflet is with information as the rest of the writing is about the address and how to find the dentist. The information being given to the audience is about the service and why people should get their teeth checked so the information provided will be 100% accurate as it’s about the service and there is no facts being given which won’t be known about to the service. There is no bias to the leaflet as it’s an information leaflet and there is no need to avoid ambiguity as the information given is all based on the service and there is nothing to be vague or uncertain about as it’s just information being given out. The whole leaflet is written really formally with a slight hint of informal language within the text. For example, they use ‘don’t’ instead of do not which makes the information slightly informal but the words ‘children’ and ‘adults’ are used which makes the language more formal as they could have used ‘kids’ instead of ‘children’ so it isn’t too formal but isn’t too informal. But this will help appeal to the audience and because the service is really high quality then it doesn’t need to be too informal because this would make it more untrustworthy as they are professionals writing the information. There is no referring to sources because there is no quotes being used in the information as there is no need for quotes to be used and there is no evidence of an argument because there is no argument being expressed in the information as it’s purely dental information being provided to the audience.

These are a few examples of the formal language used and some of the informal language used in the text provided.

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Instruction Manuals are there to provide step by step information to an audience for people to read so they can either assemble something together or on how to work something. They can be done using text only or they can have text and imagery to help illustrate what to do and gives the audience a visual aspect on how to do something. This instruction manual is in black and white and there is no colour at all used throughout the instructions and this is because the instructions and imagery are basic and there isn’t really any need for colour because the product has no colour to it anyway so it is easier to have the imagery in monochrome anyway. The imagery is quite basic but it shows all the different angles to the product and it is easily shown to the audience which part goes with which instruction and highlights where the audience needs to look. They also have macro shots of the product so the image links to the step that they are giving and this makes it easier for the audience to see visually as they could get confused from the instructions written so the imagery gives the audience an easier way to read the instructions by the aid of imagery. The font used in the instructions is a very easy to read font and it’s quite sharp as a font which could be because they are wanting to get a point across in the instructions by telling the audience want to do so having quite a aggressive font will help show the seriousness of the instructions. The use of bolding is done in certain elements of the instructions, which is applied to some of the titles within the instructions and this is done to draw the audiences eyes to the start of the sections. They are in bold to highlight the titles as these are important for the audience to see as they get a general idea of what the section is talking about and because they are instructions they need to go to the first section of the instructions so they don’t miss steps or get confused when reading them. They use bullet points as well through the instructions as this helps to break down some of the instructions and the audiences eyes will be drawn to them as they are really bold on the page so these could be important steps that need to be broken down and made a lot more clearer from the rest of the instructions so this will help the audience understand the steps easier. The main sections are labeled with the title of the section and the use of roman numerals are used to help number the main sections and then the sub sections are used with numbers so the audience don’t get confused with the different sections and they are easily highlighted to make it easier. The clarity of the instruction manual is very clear and states what the instruction is and if it’s a complex instruction they use imagery to help visualise it for the audience. The instructions are very simple and easy to read and they don’t go into too much detail to confuse the audience and they are clearly stated instructions. The conciseness of the instructions are very limited to words because they don’t need to go into too much detail to confuse the audience and so the steps are kept as simple as possible which is what is needed in instructions to make sure the audience understands what is being said. There is no need to avoid ambiguityin this example because there is nothing that would be needed to make clear as it’s information being providednot factual information but it does need to be right what is being said in the instructions not to confuse people. but there is no room for being bias and there is no need for evidence of arguments and referring to sources asthere is no sources to refer from and there is no argument as it’s just information being provided to the readerand there isn’t any need to be bias. The whole set of instructions are formal as there is no informal language in the instructions. The word ‘children’s’ is used which comes across really formal as it’s not slang like using the word ‘kids’ so it makes it quite formal. They also use ‘do not’ instead of using ‘don’t’ which comes across as informal so using ‘do not’ is really formal. The product which is in the instructions is used by mainly adults andnot towards children as it’s not a toy-like product and is for professional use. So this makes me believe that the audience the product is being aimed at is adults and with the formal language and proper English vocabulary, it also makes the Instructions more towards adults.

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‘How to’ Guides

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A ‘how to’ guide is very similar to a instruction manual as it’s a step to step guide but it also gives the audience tips and and advice on something which a instruction manual doesn’t as they just take you through something step by step. A ‘how to’ guide also takes the audience through a variety of tasks to help achieve the end result if it needs to be done. They can be expressed by using the internet or in a book format. The ‘how to’ guide that I looked at is very colourful as it’s got a white background with hints of green throughout the booklet and for some of the boxes and fonts. The font used for the writing is quite small but is really soft and quite bold so it’s easy to read for the audience so then they won’t struggle to read the text. The title of the booklet is in a bold and large font as this makes the audiences eyes drawn to the title of the booklet as this is the part of the booklet that is meant to be read first so the audience know what it is about. The title is in a dark green colour and then it fades to a lighter green and this is so the audience are drawn even more to the title with it being a different colour to the black text as this is something that needs to behighlighted to the audience so they know where to look first and what the booklet is about. The colour of the start of the paragraphs are in the green colour as well as they want the audience to be engaged to read the textso by changing it into the green colour, it makes the audience engaged and more drawn to the writing and thenit fades back into black text so then it’s easier for the audience to read without struggling. They have certain parts of the context in bold so then this is highlighted to the audience as they may be important pieces of information that needs to be read so by putting them in bold it makes it a lot more bigger on the page and this is what draws the audiences eyes to the text. Thereare a few images used in the booklet but not a lot so it is mainly text based and this means that there isn’t many images tohelp visualise the step to step instructions but based on the title there isn’t really a need for the imagery to help out the Audience as it is all information based through text but they do use a few images to promote the booklet. This then givesThe audience a breather between the heavy amount of text and they have also turned the image into a green image so then it matches the colour scheme of it all being green which links the imagery to the booklet well. They put some information in a graphicTo make the information separate so it could be important and needs to stand out to the audience so they have done it byUsing graphics. They have used boxes which are green to frame information to make it stand out a lot more toThe audience as it could be really important information and so it needs to be framed so that their eyes are Drawn to it. The clarity of the booklet looks really complex and not as simple as some of the other methods ofDisplaying information and this is because it’s really text based and there is a lot of information crammed ontoOne page. The conciseness isn’t that simple at all because of all the information provided in a formal way andI don’t think they have used few words as possible as it’s really heavily text based. I can’t read the writing that well but I Think that the whole booklet is really informal rather than formal. This is because the title for the booklet is ‘How to: Run aKick-ass stall’ and this is quite informal for a title because of the word ‘ass’. To make it more formal they could have used ‘How to: Run a successful stall’ or something along those lines to make it a more formal. So by this I feel that the audience is for adults who aren’t that serious into creating successful businesses but want to try it out as they would get a more professional and formal book to help take them through a successful business. There is no bias or evidence of arguments and referring to sources as the whole booklet is information based so the person writing it won’t need to reference sources for it as it’s all information they provide and there will be no arguments as there is no stories to the guide and it can’t be bias as it’s purely providing information and no factual writing for a newspaper.

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Factual Journalism

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Factual journalism is slightly different to the other examples I have looked at because newspapers and pieces of text like that have the legal requirements that need to be looked at before publishing as the articles need to be really accurate. Factual journalism looks at events which have happened and they inform people about them and this can be done in newspapers or on websites. For this article, there is a range of different colours and also a range of monochrome text. There is a box at the bottom of thePage and it contains information that could really intrigue readers to buy the paper again so they Have placed it in a pale blue box as the colour against the text will help it stand out and using a boldFont with it being in a darker blue contrasts with the colour of the box and stands out on the page.The colour scheme they have used is blue and they have placed boxes above the article so that theyStand out and so people know what is being featured inside the paper and they place really interesting subjects which people want to see as they are advertising that you can get half price tickets to Pleasure Land and this is something that people want to see and this brings people to reading the paper as the offer will be inside the paper. They have placed them in coloured boxes which will help the offers stand out and they use a bold font so that it helps stand out against the coloured box. For the main title of thepaper, they have used a really old looking font which is easy to read still and is really big and bold on the page. They have used this font as it is something that relates to an older decade and they place a pieceof text which explains they have been reporting since 1937 so this is where the old font comes from and this is something which links the name of the paper to the decade they set up the paper. It is placed in thecentre of the paper at the top and this is so it stands out and is the first thing that people see when walkingpast the paper. For the heading for the article on the front, they have used bolding which makes the heading stand out and draws the audiences attention to the start of the article and they use a really emotional heading so then people feel the emotions and want to read on. The font is enlarged so that it becomes the main focus and they use an easy to read font which is reallysharp as it then shows the formal and serious element to the article and helps the audience read it. They use for the sub heading of the article the same style font but not as bold as the heading but they have kept it quite big so then this is the second piece of the article that they read before moving onto the mainarticle. The sub heading gives the audience a quick overview of what the article contains and what it is about. As this is the front page, they have used limited imagery as they will use more inside to support thearticle. But they have used one image which is of a really high quality and it’s been placed next to the articleSo people can see who Tyler is so then they get an idea of who it is and it just adds some imagery to the articleSo then there is something to support it. They don’t use any bolding within the article or the text or italics as the only bolding used is for the heading of the article. The clarity of the article is really clear and it’s easy to understand as it doesn’t go onto a completely different story and makes sure that the points are given. The conciseness of the article is simple but explains the events and background of the teenager who died without making it longer than it should be they only explain the important details. The accuracy of the article needs to be 100% accurate with it being such an emotional article so all the details that were given need to be accurate and they shouldn’t change the details. But with it being an article about someone’s life then I don’t think they would interpret it. The information has been presented clearly and when they have moved onto a different detail they have started a new paragraph as it keeps it all separate and not mingling two pieces of different details into one. There is no room to be bias in this article and I don’t think that they would be bias

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with it being such an emotional and serious article as they are providing mainly information rather than something to do with celebrities lifestyles or something not as serious. They have clearly stated peoples opinions as to what has happened to the teenager (mainly his grandparents) and they have clearly referenced where the quotes have come from. They have put the quotes in speech marks as it clearly shows that it is a quote being said and they have referenced who has said the quote and how they are related to the story/teenager. For the article, there isn’t any libel as they have backed up the article by using quotes from family membersbut if there wasn’t any quotes as to what had happened there could have been a chance of libel and in any other article journalists need to make sure that they stick to the guild lines and codes from differentlaws set up to stop things like libel happening. The register for this article is really formal as the languageUsed is really formal. I can tell that it is because they use ‘grandmother’ and ‘grandfather’ compared to Using a more informal tone by using ‘grandma’ and ‘granddad’.

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