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OUT OF FOCUSWithin this first experiment I used the technique of taking photographs purposefully out

of focus to create images that are experimental and not the standard photograph. First of all I decided that using water would be a good way of introducing an out of focus theme, this is because reflections within water are not completely clear, and if I were to have my camera on manual focus and slightly alter the barrel to make the rest of the image (the aspects that are not in the water) out of focus too it could look like the whole of the photograph was in water. I have tried to create this effect with the first of the images below, and think that it is not the strongest of images, however I think that the concept works well.

After this I went on to think about what would look interesting within a photograph which was out of focus. I though about how when light is photographed it can seem hazy, and decided that having this out of focus would look very interesting and experimental. I think that the image that I produced is very effective and almost looks like the sun, the use of using an out of focus camera makes the image seem more hazy and soft.

I then went on to create an image using a strong depth of field, as this would mean that parts of my image would be in focus and parts of the image would be out of focus. I think that this image is very strong as it demonstrated how using out of focus can highlight certain, more interesting parts of an image of visa versa.

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I personally think that this image is the best out of the three experiments I produced that were out of focus. I think this because as an experimental piece of photography you cannot tell exactly what this image is, which does make it experimental. Using a lack of focus makes the image more hazy and surreal, intriguing the audience and making this image more of a piece of art work rather than a photograph. I think that I will be able to sue this experiment when creating my own experimental photographs.

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When experimenting with creating joiner images, it is very interesting as you cannot see the final image until you have applied the post production techniques. This is because the joiner image is made up of a number of different small images used and put together to create one final image of a scene.

The first image that I produced was a photograph of a photograph – I took multiple small close-up images of a photograph and then used photo merge within the program Photoshop to create the joiner. the final result was very effective as each image was off set to one another. This created a mismatched feel to the image,however the actual photograph is clear and visible within the joiner.

The second image that I createdis completely different to the first, you canalmost not tell that the image has been made up of smaller images, this creates a panorama look to the image which I think is very effective.

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I think that this image is the strongest out of the photographs that I produced for the experiments using the joiner technique. I believe this because the fact that all of the small images are not perfectly in-line with each other adds more interest to the image and had an intriguing effect on the viewer as it means they will have to look twice when viewing the image. I think that the concept of one image being made up of multiple images adds more depth to the initial photograph and I think that the image that I have created shows this very well, however I do not think that I will end up using this technique when creating my own experimental photographs as I do not think that there is enough room to be as experimental as possible.

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MOVEMENTThe first image that I produced for movement also overlaps with the technique of light

writing. I think that it is interesting because I created this image, not by capturing movement of the subject, but by capturing movement of the camera. I think that this particular image is very effective as you can see the original source of the light beneath the light trace, so you can almost track the direction of the camera’s movement – although within the image it does actually look as though the light itself is moving. This kind of deception shows why this image is a strong experimental photograph.

The second image that I produced when experimenting with movement was taken looking down onto a spinning food dispenser. The still part of the object is clearly captured within the photograph and the spinning part of the object is blurred due to the slow shutter speed needed to capture the essence of the movement. I think that the contrast between the still and the movement makes this image very interesting and shows the experiment well.

The third image I produced was of the same crisps dispenser, butfrom a different angle. You can see how each part of the moving object is blurred and how the colours are merging into each other due to the speed. I think that this makes this image the strongest out of the three that I have produced, I think that I have captured the movement of the object very welland have sued just the right shutter speed to create this effect.

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This is the strongest image that I produced that shows the experiment of movement. I have chosen this particular image due to the fact that you cannot tell exactly what the subject of the image is because it is so blurred due to the speed of the movement. I like how the colours within the photograph are blended together due to the speed at which the object is moving, I think it adds depth and interest to the image as well as making it harder to tell what the object is, making it an experimental piece of photography.

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REFLECTIONSFor this experiment I was trying to find a way to create an experimental image

using reflective surfaces to create a photograph that is unusual and interesting. The first image that I produced was created in the outdoors environment using a puddle on the ground as a reflective surface to capture the scene above it. Within my photograph you can see the legs of the subject who I had standing in the puddle and the van which he was stood in front of. I am not particularly fond of this image because the colours are very dull and the scene which is being reflected is in no way interesting.

The next image that I have selected is much more interesting, I have created a portrait within my reflection, you can not see my face and it seems to be replaced by the camera, I think that this helps to make the image more experimental. Due to the curved nature of the reflective object, it makes the photograph look like it has been taken using a fish-eye lens, this gives the image more depth and intrigue. I think that this i8mage is much stronger than the other photograph that I produced, over all the quality of the image is better, the colours are brighter and the concept works better.

My final image has been created by using a sign that was found around college, I zoomed into the sign so focused on what was being reflected in the image, this creates a confusing image as you cannot see the outline of the reflective object, and the only thing that is in focus is the reflection itself. I think that these aspects make this image the strongest out of the images that I did create.

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This image is the strongest out of the experiments that I created using reflections. The photograph has been taken using a reflective sign in college, and the most interesting thing about this image is the fact that the object that is being reflected is a large sign at the front of college, which from the inside is in reverse, however in the reflection the word is the right way round, which makes the image more intriguing usually when words are reflected they are the opposite way around. This image is a very good example of how reflections can be used to create experimental photography.

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