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CAMPAIGN POSTER (PRINT SECTOR) The campaign poster I have chosen is the Barak Obama print. It is a popular campaign poster and has been

printed all over the world to create awareness of him wanting be president in November 4 th of 2008. The layout consists of a few combinations of type as the text has a simple but bold font. The main image included in the campaign poster is Barak Obama, the graphic designers use blue, red and white symbolising the flag of the United States. The colours give the poster a bold look and a good eye-catching colour scheme towards the public who are going to see it around. The graphic designers used a type of art similar to pop art. There is also more text around a symbol which is a image of the white house and text circling around the image quoting “Inauguration of president and vice president, 2009”. The text is in roman type font connoting the importance and power of the Inauguration. Also there is a The Titles (master-head/headings) of the poster consists of bold text, it seems modern. "BE THE CHANGE” it is in the colour blue which matches with the colour scheme on the campaign poster. The colour blue can symbolize trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth etc. Barak Obama may of included the colour blue to represent him self. He wants the public to trust him in his decisions in being president. There is also bold text and the bottom of the image of Barak Obama quoting “JANUARY 20TH 2009” this date was an important day to the public in the United States as he became the 44th president of the United States. The inauguration set a record in attendance. The graphic designers use bold text to illustrate the power in change of the date. Also it suggests that from that date there will be changes and improvements in the United States. In this poster there is no columns, credits, baseline. Letter forms are included in the campaign poster to inform the public audience who is in power, they do this well by using bold letters to make the poster come across as appealing and easy to read. They also included imagery of the white house in the background. They do this purposely to illustrate the purpose of the white house. Graphic art is also used as the campaign poster is a piece of art, the poster resembles pop art. Imported branding is included in the poster such as the inauguration logo in the centre of the image of Barak Obama. Composition is also used in the poster such as colour, the graphic designers purposely included red, blue and white to represent the United States. The spacing of the image is in the middle. The point of focus is to focus on the new up coming president. They use a medium shot of Barak Obama purposely as he is the main purpose and topic. Hierarchy is seen in the poster as the audience may be for adults, who are allowed to vote. This poster may be considered for higher class audiences, however any class can be aware of the poster due to advertisement being everywhere.

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WEBSITE CAMPAIGN This website campaign is a London cycling campaign. They support and want change for cyclists who are on the road,

they feel they need a safe environment and to cancel out the amount of cyclist accidents that happen on the roads. Navigation is used in this website as they include a simple but eye-catching homepage. They have a easy hyperlink to remember so the audience can come into contact with the website easily. They have a drop-down menu included in their campaign so the audience which are cyclists can access routes, what the website is about, staff, voluntary work etc. This is helpful and it is simple but easy to success when out and about. They have also included a search bar to make the audiences search easier to find rather than going through the website. Their search results will be refined and cancelled down to their needs. Structure and grid is used in the website to make the website appealing towards the audience. The structure of the website is simple hub-and-spoke structure it is a simple layout. It consists of a basic layout and position and everything is easy to access it isn’t considered as a more complex hierarchy structure. Even thought it is simple London cycling campaign use red, white and black to make the website not look boring towards the audience. The website also consists of text and imagery. They use particular images such as cyclists to make the audience relate to their purpose of their campaign. The text suits their purpose as the audience get answers they want. E.g. the tab about us contains information on what the cycling campaign does in the community. This makes it easier for people who want to do voluntary work in the campaign. The text suits their purpose as they are giving out suitable information about the campaign and what it is about. They include information about when they campaign around London and when the public can get involved. Dynamic content is also included in the website as an animation image of the streets where cyclists have made progress in the cyclists roads that have been put in to make the roads safer. They also include a animated banner quoting “donate now” “fighting for fund for cycling” the banner switches from text to text to make the user aware (the person who is actively on the website)notices the banner. However they have not included any videos on the other hand they include links that lead to social media platforms that include the cycling campaign. Some behaviours are included in the website campaign such as pop ups. The pop up is of text quoting “Energize your lifestyle” “and also a advertisement linking to healthy and exercise etc. They have not included any sound, soundtrack, rollovers. Type & typographic structure has been included in the website as the font they have used is a simple basic but bold font. It is easy to read so the audience won’t struggle when trying to find specific information in the campaign. They structured the website in a clear and simple way. Simple hub-and-spoke structure is good to use as it is not complicated as other structures. It is also easy to make. The size of the font is not too big but not too small. This is good as it is east to read and doesn’t take up the whole space. The website designers used the space on the website smartly as imagery and multiple links are included in the website. The positioning of the text is used deliberately as the designers probably wanted the more exciting links, images, pop ups included rather than too much text, as that will come across as boring towards the user. They use hyperlinks purposely so the user can access more information in other websites. They use hyperlinks by embedding them in images, popups etc. This is smart as it is longer searching in google for example. Inline has also been used as when you click on a image it takes you to another website illustrating more information about cycling. Also as soon as you enter the website there is a rollover. This is useful as the website is not boring as soon as you are taken to the homepage.

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CAMPAIGN ADVERT (MOVING IMAGE) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=VHB3L1GCZ2EThe moving image campaign advert I have chosen is always, they are advertising women/girls being limitless in today’s society. Some men/boys feel as they are higher than females. The campaign is about up lifting females in whatever they are doing. The timing and Rhythm of motion used in the advert campaign is medium paced. As the producers want the audience to feel the emotion and words coming from each individual in the campaign. The state of movement that is generated from within the composition is not fast. As the producers are interviewing the girls, they want the audience who are watching to listen to what they are saying, and want men/boys to understand how they feel when they are put down in certain situations. At the start, the pace and motion of the campaign cut rate is fast as they cut from girl to girl, but towards of the end of the campaign the timing of the cuts begin to slow down. At the start of the campaign video we see animated graphics such as text. “Do we limit girls?” the text transitions to “we asked them.”. They use animated graphics purposely so the audience understand what is going on in the campaign video. Relating text and images to audio or sound has been used as the soundtrack has been included. The soundtrack is mellow, not so sad but calming to the ear. The voiceover and soundtrack compliment each other as it makes the individuals speeches more meaningful and you see emotion, and real words, the truth. Compositing has been also included as the advert has been arranged smartly as girls are getting interviewed. The producers make them write on boxes on what they said boys say about them e.g. “girls are weak” the producers allowed them to kick down the boxes to know their true self they are not weak, females are strong. This is what they wanted to get across to the audience. The editing suits its purpose as the cut rate is quite fast at the start as the girls are talking about what boys think of them. The cut rate begins to slow down when they are talking about how they feel about them self's which is being powerful and being able to do what they want e.g. playing a sport to their best ability. Keying is used as they use the green screen in the background of the girls being interviewed. They use this deliberately so the girls are the focus of the campaign. They also use perspective angles to communicate messages such as being a powerful female. The mood of the graphics connect with the audience as they also give statistics such as “72 percent of girls feel society limits them” this is good as girls do think like this in the real world. Extreme close ups of the individuals being interviewed have been used to show real emotion and how what they are saying is how they feel about the topic in honest words.

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