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Page 1: Task 4   landscape photograph evaluation

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4)

Image No:Image 1:

Image 2:

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Image 3:

Image 4:

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Image 5:

Image 6:

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Image 7:

Image 8:

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Image 9:

Image 10:

Theme or focus of image & reasons for choice1. The reason for shooting this particular image was because I wanted to

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capture the bridge, but also how busy it was. This was to give the bridge a bit more of a character and to make it stand out more. The editing I did on this image is very easy to spot. I changed the saturation, vibrancy and contrast of the image, before changing the colour. This was to give the image an orangey tinge to it.

2. Image 2 is very similar to image one, but is taken from further back and there are no people on the bridge. The editing I did on this image was very simple. I raised the contrast a lot and the saturation to get this distinctive look. I also messed around with the vibrancy till I got the look I wanted.

3. This is an image taken from a bridge, showing the water and another bridge. The editing I did on this was raising the contrast and vibrancy, lowering the brightness to allow some colour to come through. I then used the colour edit tool and changed some of the colours around to get this red tinge.

4. This is an image of the walkway that is next to the canal in Salford Quays. This was taken from above ground level to get the look I wanted. The editing I did on this image was very similar to the editing on image 3. Apart from I raised the contrast a lot more.

5. This image was taken on the canal bank. And I lined the posts up at an off set angle, and got the ITV building in the background. I originally wanted to make everything black and white apart from the ITV sign, but it was to bright and wasn’t very noticeable so I decided to make the image black and white and make the posts normal colour. This isn’t a major difference but it is noticeable.

6. This is a picture of a tree. This was in the play area and I really liked the look of it, even though the image didn’t come out as I had hopped it is still a good image. The editing I did was raising the brightness, vibrancy and contrast. This was because the image was originally very dark.

7. This is an over view of Salford Quays. This was taken from the top floor of the Holiday inn hotel. This image was very bland and didn’t have much sticking out, so when I edited it I made sure to raise the contrast to make the darker bits darker and the lighter bits brighter, then I raised the contrast and vibrancy allowing them lighter bits to gain more colour.

8. Again this is an image taken from above, in the Holiday Inn Hotel. This is an image of one of the BBC buildings. The editing on this image was as follows. I changed the contrast and the vibrancy to make the bark bits barker and the brighter bits brighter. And also to bring out the colour. I Then had to crop the image to make the sky-line in the background even and flat.

9. This was taken from the road. This is an image a read bridge in Salford Quays. When editing this image I noticed that the buoy in the image dragged your attention away from the water and the bridge, so I edited each one out. I then noticed the water’s edge was very plain and bland. So I mixed it up a little and photoshop’ed different water there to make it look better. Then I did my usual colour correction, editing the contrast, brightness, vibrancy and saturation to get the look I wanted.

10. This is my favourite image. The way I lined up the lamp-posts and made them off set. And the sky and the floor. I really like this image. The editing I did was I removed the green string from the first lap-post and I cleaned up the bin. I then did the contrast, vibrancy, brightness and saturation. After that I used the colour changing tool, and edited the colour to make this image look vintage, but also a little yellow/orange.

Techniques usedI have used many different techniques while taking my photo's. I think the one i did most of was Rule of thirds. This is because I feel that even If an image looks perfect and everything is done right. If the placing In these Images aren’t spot on It could ruin the whole image. This is

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why in most of my Images I have based myself on the positioning of objects.

You can see this really well I Image 10. This Is because the way that the lamp-posts are placed, along with the trees on the other side. This also goes really well with the flooding and the water on one side.

And in image, you can see with the poll's, and the water’s edge. and even the fact that I have placed the ITV building slightly toward the left, causing a thin gap between the end of the building and the edge of the Image.

In Images 1&2, the placing of the bridge, and the way that the camera Is In the middle also affects the image. And makes It automatically better.

I have also used depth of field, you can see this In Image one where I have focused more on the bridge walkway, and the people rather than the building In the background. You can also see this in image 10. how I have focused on the lamp-posts. Strengths & suggested improvementsStrengths:

• I changed the height of the camera, giving a diverse range of image viewpoints.

• I have captured a lot of different parts of Salford Quays.• I planned my images well, and thought about the editing I would use, before

capturing the image.


• I could have taken a lot better images, if done from different angles.• I could have come out with better images if I and taken my time and mad

sure that the settings on the camera were correct for each image.

• I should have taken more than one image of the same things while changing the settings on the camera, this could have helped out in my editing and made the images look completely different.

Editing detailsOn all of my images, there is an editing theme set and used throughout all of my editing. This was the changing of the same 4 things. These are the contrast, vibrancy, saturation and brightness. On all of my images I changed something to do with these 4 things. This was either lowering them or raising them in order to get the look I wanted. As you can see in my themes and focuses.

I also did addional editing in regard to the image, if I wanted a distinctive look on it.

1. On image one, I used the colour tool, and messed around with the colours to give it an old, vintage look, crossed with the sepia tone. I also used this for image 10, as you can see above.

2. In image 2, I used the colour curve tool, ad played around with where the curve bends and doesn’t bend, this was to get the look I desired and I think it worked really well.

3. On image 3&4, I used the same tool. This was the colour tool, and I messed around with the colours until I got a nice tinted red. This was because I really liked the look of it on image 3, so I copied it onto image 4 and changed it slightly.

4. In image 5, I did a lot of editing. I first used the initial theme of the contrast,

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vibrancy, saturation and brightness. I then turned the image black and white. I then removed the black and white edit from the posts. This was to give the image a distinctive look, and make it more eye catching.

5. On image 6, I didn’t do much editing other than the original theme I used throughout my images.

6. On image 7&8, I edited the contrast a lot more than on the other images, this was because it was taken from a lot higher and further away so the colours didn’t come through that well, so I raised the contrast a lot bringing the darker shades a lot darker, and made the lighter bits brighter. I the made the vibrancy a lot higher causing the brighter bits to carry more colour.

7. On image 8, I also did some cropping. This was because the skyeline wasn’t straight and it didn’t look that good, so I cropped the image and turned it to make the skyline straight.

8. On image 9, I did the most editing. This was because I had to remove the buoys in the water, and on the boat under the bridge. I also edited the water edge; this is because it was stale and boring. So I decided to copy some of the water in the middle of the canal as it looked more energetic. This made the image look odd, but if nothing was said it would look like nothing had been changed.

9. On my final image, image 10, I did the colour editing (As seen on point one), but I also rubbed out, and got rid of the green string attached to the first lamp-post. And cleaned up the first bin.

Capture LogSetting Shutter Speed ISO Aperture

1. Manual2. Manual3. Manual4. Manual5. Manual6. Manual7. Manual8. Manual9. Manual

10. Manual

1. 1/125 sec2. 1/125 sec3. 1/400 sec4. 1/125 sec5. 1/320 sec6. 1/640 sec7. 1/400 sec8. 1/400 sec9. 1/250 sec

10. 1/250 sec

1. ISO - 2002. ISO - 2003. ISO - 2004. ISO - 2005. ISO - 8006. ISO - 2007. ISO - 2008. ISO - 2009. ISO - 200

10. ISO - 200

1. f/7.12. f/7.13. f/7.14. f/7.15. f/7.16. f/7.17. f/7.18. f/7.19. f/7.1

10. f/7.1

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