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  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’smining sector

    National Mining Company“Tau- Ken Samruk” JSC

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Macroeconomic overview

    2Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    The economy of Kazakhstan is the largesteconomy in Central Asia and one of the fastest

    growing economy among the former Soviet Unionrepublics.

    The mining industry, along with oil and gas,dominates the Kazakhstani economy.

    Kazakhstan’s economy is mainly export-oriented.The major export product are natural resources.

    The highly developed banking system, stableinstitutions and investment-friendly government

    policies further encourage foreign investment.Foreign direct investments (FDI) into Kazakhstanaccount for about 80 % of all capital inflows into theCentral Asian economies.

    18 22 25 3143



    13,1%11,5% 12,1% 12,1%


    15,8% 16,1%


    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    GDP, bln USD Mining industry, % of GDP

    Nominal GDP growth dynamic, bln. USD

    FDI inflows, bln. USD

    1 7593 522

    5 414 6 6437 5935 177 1 682

    2 003

    5 050 2 6251 381

    1 414

    3 206

    6 761 9 859

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Geol ogic al expl oration Crude oil production Other 73%



    2% 2%

    Mineral resources

    Non-precious metals


    Chemical goods



    Export breakdown in 2008

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Investment attractiveness of Kazakhstani market

    3Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Dynamic economic growth;

    Stable political system;

    Skilled and relatively cheap labour. Kazakhstan was a “pearl” of mining industry in the former Soviet Union;

    Attractive geographical location - close to the large markets of China and Russia;

    Kazakhstan is a rich country in terms of volume and variety of mineral resources;

    According to the analysis of World Bank and IFC, Kazakhstani tax regime is considered as the most

    attractive among other CIS countries.

    Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine UzbekistanTax regime attractiveness

    In the global ranking 49 134 180 162Tax payments

    Number of corporate tax payments in year 16 70 178 179

    Time spent on tax complianceNumber of hours spent per year on taxcompliance 111 155 172 68

    Total tax rate (for payment of all taxes andduties)

    In percent of operating profit 65 123 147 173

    Source: “Paying taxes 2009 – The global picture” World bank, IFC

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Metals and Mining industry

    4Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Kazakhstan has a long traditions of metals and mining production based on its reach geology. The country isamong the richest countries in terms of the volume and variety of natural resources. In terms of the miningvolumes Kazakhstan takes the 13-th place among the 70 world mining leaders. Kazakhstan possesses one of the world’s biggest reserves of various metals and minerals including copper, iron ore, coal, gold, chromite,lead, zinc, manganese, titanium, cadmium and uranium.

    Kazakhstan’s share in the world reserves of metals : Chromite ore - 30% Manganese ore - 25%

    Iron ore - 10% Copper - 10% Lead and Zinc - 13%

    Currently Kazakhstan takes the 15-th place in theworld in terms of copper production, 7-th place –zinc, 8-th place – lead, 3-rd place – titanium, 13-thplace – iron ore and 35-th place in terms of steelproduction.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Potential for growth

    5Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Kazakhstani metals and mining industry still has considerable potential for further growth. Only 10%-15%of Kazakhstan’s explored reserves are in operation.

    Iron ore – only 19 (out of 55) large deposits are in operation;

    Manganese ore – only 10 (out of 34) large deposits are in operation;

    Chromite ore – only 13 (out of 20) large deposits are in operation;

    Gold – only 75 (out of 282) deposits are in operation.

    Currently Government is formulating a project of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for the period of 2010-2014. According to the program, metals and mining sector of Kazakhstanshould double its production and significantly increase share of value-added products by 2015 . Totalvolume of investments in metallurgical and infrastructural projects could potentially reach 13 bln. USD.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Tau-Ken Samruk company overview

    HistoryJSC “National Mining Company “Tau -Ken Samruk” was established underthe Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated15 January 2009 No. 10. Tau-Ken Samruk is a national operator of government assets in the metals and mining industry of Kazakhstan.

    Mission statementTo promote the growth of Kazakhstan's economy and its competitivenessthrough participation in exploration, mining and processing of solidmineral resources projects in cooperation with private sector.

    Strategic prioritiesImprovement of subsoil use effectiveness by introducing innovative

    technologies in exploration, mining and processing of solid mineralresources , including unexplored deposits and technogenetic mineralresources (industrial wastes).

    Growth of metals and mining assets by restoration of distressed assetsvalue, costs optimization and use of higher level of mineral resourceprocessing.

    Growth of government participation in metals and mining industry.

    6Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Activity instruments

    7Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Long-term strategic focus of Tau-Ken Samruk is the creation of vertically integrated national metals andmining holding in Kazakhstan. Status of national company implies Tau-Ken Samruk a number of advantages in operations on the Kazakhstani market.

    Recently Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan has imposed a range of restrictions onsubsoil use rights . Tau-Ken Samruk has Direct negotiations right with a competent body to get explorationand mining rights for deposits that are in the State ownership.

    Opportunity to exercise the State priority right to acquire the alienated subsoil use right (or a part

    thereof) and (or) interest (block of shares) in legal entities that are subsoil users (according to Article 71 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On subsoil and subsoil use”) .

    Mandate to work with distressed companies/assets in metals and mining industry.

    Management of the transferrable State blocks of shares/interests in metals and mining companies.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Sources of financing

    8Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Tau-Ken Samruk as Kazakhstani National Mining Company and 100% subsidiary of JSC “National Welfare

    Fund “Samruk-Kazyna ” has following additional sources of external financing:

    Financing from affiliated company – Development Bank of Kazakhstan on favorable conditions;

    Direct financing from JSC “National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna ” on early stages of investment

    projects realization;

    Attraction of direct investments through participation in authorized capital of subsidiaries of JSC “Tau -

    Ken Samruk ”;

    Attraction of borrowings for investment projects realization purposes under corporate guarantee of

    parental company JSC “National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna ”.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Opportunities for cooperation with Tau-Ken Samruk

    9Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    The main opportunity for cooperation with Tau-Ken Samruk is the mutual realization of mining projects on the basis of free nonoperating deposits in Kazakhstan

    Advantages of mutual cooperation: Realization of exploration and exploitation projects on the basis of deposits with high potential of

    reserves discovery would allow to provide an additional resource base for current and prospectivemetallurgical production facilities of both parties.

    Introduction of new technologies aimed to increase mining and processing operations effectiveness.

    Market capitalization growth for both companies .

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Analysis of mineral base

    10Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Natural resource


    Number of free

    depositsGold 60

    Coal 43

    Titanium, zirconium 6

    Iron, manganese 38

    Bauxite 16

    Molybdenum,tungsten 16

    Copper 79

    Rare metals 16

    Barite 5

    Vanadium 2

    Wollastonite 3

    Tin 5

    Nephelinic syenite 1

    Chrome 10

    Nickel 30

    Tau-Ken Samruk has carried out an analysis of current situation of

    Kazakhstan’s mineral base. As a result, about 330 free non-operating deposits of solid mineral

    resources have been defined.

    In order to provide more detailed analysis of reserves potentialand geological structure of solid mineral resources deposits, 59geological data packages were purchased from competent authority.

    On the basis of current data of mineral base and trends in metalsand mining industry, Tau-Ken Samruk have conducted an analysis of market conditions and prospects of industry development.

    For the purposes of potential projects selection the list withproject’s main criteria and requirements have been developed.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Projects selection criteria

    11Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    Compliance of the project to the main strategic goals of the


    Availability of required minimum amount of reserves of solid

    mineral resources and perspective of their increase;

    Availability of industrial infrastructure, favorable geographic

    location and economic environment in the deposit area (subsoil


    Favorable mining and technical conditions for the deposit


    Existence of the necessary financial, technical and labor resources,

    high technical and economic parameters of the project.

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Potential partner selection criteria

    12Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector


    to thepartner

    # Criteria

    1 Sufficient experience in the metals and mining industry

    2 Existence of sufficient financial, production and

    technological resources3 Availability of skilled personnel

    4 Absence of significant borrowings

    5 Lack of trials and collateral

    6 Other requirements in accordance with internal acts of“Tau -Ken Samruk” JSC

    The following criterias are designed for potential strategic partner (nonfinancial organization)in case of mutual realization of the project

  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Project implementation

    13Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector

    When specifying the participation structure in the project Tau-Ken Samruk follows the

    principle of own interests protection and respect of the interest of a potential partner. Projectparticipation and financing structure is specified on a case-by-case basis.

    Realization of metals and mining projects with potential partner could be done under schemeof cooperation, where Tau-Ken Samruk provides subsoil use rights and access to financingsources, while strategic partner contributes to JV necessary funds, equipment andtechnologies, experience and other material and nonmaterial assets.

    Tau-Ken Samruk:a) Subsoil use rights

    b) Access to financing sources

    Potential partner:a) Funds

    b) Expertise and technologiesc) Equipment and other assets

    JVmetals and mining


  • 8/17/2019 Tau-Ken Samruk - Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan


    Disclaimer and Contacts

    14Investment opportunities in Kazakhstan’s mining sector


    The information contained in this profile isintended to provide prospective investorswith a preliminary understanding of theinvestment opportunity.

    Every potential investor must make its ownindependent assessment of this opportunity.

    Analytical materials are based on publiclyavailable resources that are believed to bereliable, but we cannot claim that they are

    absolutely correct.

    We take no responsibility for the use of thisinformation.


    Mr. Nurlan ZhakupovManaging DirectorJSC National Mining CompanyTau-Ken SamrukPhone: +7 71712 500 651Email: [email protected]

    Mr. Yerlan RamazanovHead of Investment and AssetsManagement DepartmentJSC National Mining CompanyTau-Ken SamrukPhone: +7 7172 500 684Email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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