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Introduction. An assumption that innovators are entities ofthe economy connected with innovation activities who ought toreact to tax burden changes is quite simple and realistic. Theproblem of the relationship between tax burden and innovationactivities becomes obvious and shaped if we try to answer thefollowing additional questions: 1) if this relationship has media-ting links; 2) in terms of direction what nature has this relation-ship (direct or inverse); 3) if there are any differences in this rela-tionship implementation in countries with different levels ofdevelopment; 4) in what way a government can use the informa-tion about this relationship to make management decisions. Inthis article we make an attempt to answer mentioned questions.

The purpose of this article is to specify theoretical groundsof tax burden and innovation activities relationship as well as toanalyse this relationship in order to justify the necessity of itsconsideration by the government while making managementdecisions.

Brief Literature Review. All macroeconomic scholars whoemphasise the problem of tax influence on the general eco-nomic equilibrium and economic growth are involved in studyingthe tax burden and innovation activities relationship. Amongthem are Сh. Blankart (2006) [1], Buchanan, J. M. (2006) [2],St. J. Entin (2004) [3], Harris R. (2009) [4], R. A. Musgrave(1984) [5], Stiglitz, J. E. (2000) [6], U. Thiethen (2001) [7] et al.


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Abstract. This article provides a study of the theoretical and applied aspects of the relationship between tax burden and innova-tion activities.The hypothesis of the transmission mechanism between tax burden and innovation activities might be illustrated bythe following logical chain:Tax burden –> Tax incidence –> … –> Innovation activities. It is reasonable to interpret tax burden and taxincidence relationship in terms of the approach of «losses-benefits».This approach creates a theoretical basis for explaining notonly the reversed, but also the direct link – a situation where the increase of tax burden (up to a certain optimal amount) does notlimit innovation activities.An attempt is made to evaluate the closeness of this relationship between tax burden and innovation acti-vities in EU countries and Ukraine. For the calculation based on panel data from 27 EU countries we used the information of eightparameters, six of which are indicators of tax burden,and the last two – indicators of innovation activities.The tax burden in the EU,as defined by the percentage of all collected taxes to GDP, and the share of direct taxes are closely related to two innovation acti-vities indicators – innovation activities index and the share of expenditure on innovation activities in GDP.Our findings in the areaof the relationship between indicators of tax burden and innovation activities in Ukraine give grounds to draw the following con-clusions: this relationship is unlikely to exist or, if it exists, it is inverse, i.e. an increase in the tax burden, (as the share of total taxesin GDP and as the share of indirect taxes in GDP) limits the volume of innovation activities.The conclusions stress the importanceof the investigation of the relationship between tax burden and innovation activities for the Government tax management decisions.Keywords: tax burden; tax incidence; innovation activities; tax burden and innovation relationship model; state management.JEL Classification: Е10, Е62, H22, H39,O31,O57

І. Ф. Радіоновадоктор економічних наук, професор кафедри макроекономіки та державного управління, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, УкраїнаО. В. Богераспірантка кафедри макроекономіки та державного управління, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, УкраїнаПОДАТКОВЕ НАВАНТАЖЕННЯ ТА ІННОВАЦІЙНА ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ: ПРОБЛЕМА ВЗАЄМОЗВ’ЯЗКУАнотація. У статті розкриваються теоретичні й прикладні аспекти взаємозв’язку податкового навантаження та інно-ваційної діяльності. Презентовано підхід до оцінювання характеру й щільності цього зв’язку у країнах ЄС і Україні. Виз-начено, що залежність між податковим навантаженням та інноваційною діяльністю має ключове значення для прийнят-тя управлінських рішень у податковій сфері. Ключові слова: податкове навантаження, інноваційна діяльність, державне регулювання.

И. Ф. Радионовадоктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры макроэкономики и государственного управления, Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана, УкраинаЕ. В. Богер аспирантка кафедры макроэкономики и государственного управления, Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана, УкраинаНАЛОГОВАЯ НАГРУЗКА И ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ: ПРОБЛЕМА ВЗАИМОСВЯЗИАннотация. В статье раскрываются теоретические и прикладные аспекты взаимосвязи налоговой нагрузки и иннова-ционной деятельности. Предложен подход к оценке характера и тесноты этой связи в странах ЕС и в Украине. Опре-делено, что зависимость между налоговой нагрузкой и инновационной деятельностью имеет ключевое значение дляпринятия управленческих решений в налоговой сфере.Ключевые слова: налоговая нагрузка, инновационная деятельность, государственное регулирование.

Iryna RadionovaD.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine 54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03057, [email protected]

Olena BogerPostgraduate Student,

Kyiv National Economic Universitynamed after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine

54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03057, [email protected]

Page 2: TAX BURDEN AND INNOVATION ACTIVITIES: THE …soskin.info/userfiles/file/2014/1-2_2014/1/Radionova... · 2014. 4. 9. · and innovation activities – tax incidence or excess tax burden


ÅKÎÍÎ̲×ÍÈÉ ×ÀÑÎÏÈÑ-XXI 1-2(1)’2014


The tax system structure and its influence on the Ukrainianeconomic condition is studied in works by such Ukrainian eco-nomists as Z. Varnalii (2008) [8], T. Vakhnenko (2001) [9],V. Heiets (2007) [10], A. So-kolovska (2006) [11], L. Ta-rangul (2003) [12], N. Fro-lova (2004) [13] et al.

Results. The answer tothe question about mediat-ing links in the relationshipbetween tax burden andinnovation activities ought tobe positive. At least one linkexists between tax burdenand innovation activities – tax incidence or excess tax burdenbecomes such a link. Other links might be a focus of specialresearch. If our assumption has grounds, then the hypothesis ofthe transmission mechanism might be illustrated by the follo-wing logical chain: Tax burden –> Tax incidence –> … –>Innovation activities.

Some grounds for differentiation of the notions «tax burden»and «tax incidence» could be found already in the works byD. Ricardo [14]. Section 8 «On Taxes» of his well-known work«On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation» containsan idea that all taxes impede capital accumulation, if taxationtakes place while the production increases or wasteful con-sumption decreases. In fact, it deals with some disproportionthat can be associated with «tax incidence».

In the present macro-financial theories there are differentapproaches to the interpretation of tax burden and tax inci-dence. In order to distinguish between these concepts (andevents), the renowned scholar of macro-financial science of thetwentieth century R. A. Musgrave focuses on the so-called«echo» (further reparation). Its essence lies in the fact that, onthe condition that the reaction of taxpayers to tax changes (inthe form of changes in taxpayers’ behavior and choices), taxesare as if «transferred» onto other dependent economic entities.The first links of the echo are: changes in job offering (forincome taxes), new advantages for certain goods (for excisetaxes), replacing capital by work (for taxes on capital) [5].

While the tax burden is associated with the necessary col-lection of income, in terms of the public goods and servicesfinancing, tax incidence is non-formalized and often an implicitadditional tax burden as a result of «echo».

An alternative to the approach based on the idea of differen-tiation is the identification of tax burden and tax incidence. Inparticular, this approach is implemented in the work by theGerman researcher U. Thiethen and Ukrainian researchersMel’ota J. and T. Vakhnenko [7] for finding causes of the shad-ow economy in Ukraine. In the econometric model the men-tioned authors used variables «direct tax burden» and «indirecttax burden», which are estimated by the aggregate tax rate – theshare of budgetary revenues of direct andindirect taxes in GDP. It could be noticedthat these parts are primarily a manifesta-tion of aggregate tax burden. However, giventhe fact that actually the shadow economy isa total distortion of entities’ economic choiceand display of macroeconomic dispropor-tion, such an approach does not fundamen-tally contradict the idea of differentiation ofthe tax burden and tax incidence.

In our view, it is reasonable to interprettax burden and tax incidence relationship interms of the approach of «losses-benefits».It is this approach that further makes it pos-sible to come to the issue of innovationactivities intensity. Note that quite often a dif-ferent approach is used – «from the stand-point of market equilibrium». In particular,this «from the point of equilibrium» explana-tion of tax burden and the tax incidence rela-tionship was emphasised in the work byS. Entin (Entin, 2004) [4].

The formula set out below, in our opinion, reflects tax bur-den and tax incidence relationship in terms of «losses-benefits»theory (Figure).

The main economic content of the formula shown above isexposed in the following provisions:• balancing of the society losses and benefits from taxes is con-

nected to the tax incidence; the tax incidence increase («+»)causes a reduction in benefits under the influence of changesin the economic agents choice («-»), and, conversely, a tax in-cidence reduction («-») causes an increase in benefits («+ «),

• tax burden – losses of taxpayers income in the form of taxespaid - correlates with public goods, that is society benefits cre-ated with funding from taxes.

The formula in Figure is, among other things, an attemptto answer the second question from the set formulated at thebeginning of the article – what nature (direct or inverse) taxburden and innovation activities relationship has in terms ofdirection.

The «losses-benefits» approach creates a theoretical basisfor explaining not only the reversed, but also the direct link – asituation where the increase of tax burden (up to a certain opti-mal amount) does not limit innovation activities. The latter is anundeniable society benefit, that is connected to the growth ofwealth and prosperity. The presence of a direct link between taxburden and innovation, according to the logic of the proposedapproach, can be explained by the consistently positive choiceof economic entities for these activities, despite some increasein tax burden. We assume that the relationship between tax bur-den and innovation activities is a nonlinear function similar tothe Laffer curve.

We are trying to determine how realistic the assumption isabout the existence of direct and inverse relationship betweentax burden and innovation activities. It can be tested by calcula-tion. To answer the third question we estimated the relationshipbetween different indicators selected to assess tax burden andinnovation activities in EU Member States and Ukraine.

For the calculation based on panel data from 27 EU coun-tries we used the information [15] on the value (for two post-cri-sis years – 2010 and of 2011) of eight parameters, six of whichare indicators of tax burden, and the last two – indicators ofinnovation activities:

Fig. Tax burden and tax incidence relationshipSource: Composed by the authors

* Index of innovation is a composite index to determine the level of innovation activities forEU countries and 10 major global competitors based on a set of 25 indicators.

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According to the matrix of pairwise correlations (calculatedusing the data [15; 16; 17]), the most significant relationships(R75%) are relationships between:

Relationships between all studied variables are direct,which means unidirectional changes in innovation activities andtax burden indicators. The latter can be interpreted in terms ofthe «loss-benefits» approach as tax incidence reduction andincrease in society’s «innovation benefits» against tax burdenincrease.

To assess the essentiality of the relationships (distinguishedas a result of pairwise correlations matrix construction) we usedthe analytical groupings method. Presented in Table 1 are ana-lytical groupings, used to assess the essentiality of the relation-ship between tax burden and innovation activities indicators inEU countries.

The results of the study on tax burden and innovation activ-ities indicators using the analytical groupings method, which

involves the calculation of the total variance , intergroupvariance , correlation ratio and application of correspon-dence criteria according to the Table 1 of critical values give

grounds to the following genera-lizations:• The tax burden in the EU, asdefined by the percentage of allcollected taxes to GDP, and theshare of direct taxes are closelyrelated to two innovation activitiesindicators – innovation activitiesindex and the share of expenditureon innovation activities in GDP,• The relationship between propor-tion of the direct taxes and innova-

tion activities index appeared to be the closest. By contrast,the relationship between total taxes and innovation activitiesindex is slightly lower. This can be interpreted as some weak-ening caused by indirect taxes and social contributions.

To assess the relationship between indicators of tax burdenand innovation activities in Ukraine we used the following data-base (Table 2). This database does not contain the compositeindex of innovation activities (SII) because in Ukrainian statisticsit is not calculated.

The matrix of pairwise correlations of variables describingtax burden and innovation activities in Ukraine proved the signi-ficance (R>75%) of the relationships between these variables:

The most significant relation-ships (between indicators of taxburden, both for total and for directtaxes, and the amount of researchand developments) turned to be in-verse in terms of direction. The lattercan be interpreted as a reflection ofthe likely reduction in innovation ac-tivities caused by growth of totaltaxes and indirect taxes.

In order to construct an ade-quate model that can characterizethe relationship between indicatorsof tax burden and innovation activi-ties (based on the Ukrainian data),time-series variables (see Table 2)were tested by the test of a unitroot.** Verification showed that itwas impossible to construct an ade-quate model based on the initialdata and it was necessary to cor-rect the initial data. In order to cor-rect it we used the method of firstdifferences (augment) – ADF-test ofthe corresponding variables.

When we attempted to constructa model of the pairwise regressionparameters of tax burden indicatorsand innovation indicators and usedadjusted data, the obtained resultsshowed no significant relationship(R = 3,5%). Instead, when we dealtwith non-adjusted data, which doesnot give reliable results, we obtai-ned high indicators of significance.Those indicators were enhanced byconstructing a model with one year(-1) and two years (-2) lags. Cer-tainly, lag usage when dealing withshort data series (which is our case)reduces the findings reliability.



Tab. 1: Analytical groupings to assess the essentiality of indicators of the relationship between tax burden and innovation activities in EU countries

Source: Composed by the authors

** As it is known, only this test check guarantees the construction of amodel which can give the reliable findings.

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ÅKÎÍÎ̲×ÍÈÉ ×ÀÑÎÏÈÑ-XXI 1-2(1)’2014

The results of constructing a model of the relationship bet-ween the indicators of research and development ( ) and twoindicators of tax burden (based on Ukrainian data) are:

Our findings in the area of the relationship between indica-tors of tax burden and innovation activities in Ukraine give somegrounds to draw the following conclusions:• this relationship is unlikely to exist or, if it exists, is insignificant; • under condition that such a relationship exists, it is inverse,

i.e. an increase in the tax burden limits the volume of innova-tion activities.

Comparison of the conclusions drawn from the calculationsfor EU and Ukraine forms the basis to answer the questionwhether there are any differences in the relationship betweentax burden and innovation activities in countries with differentlevels of development. Such differences certainly exist regard-ing both the essentiality and the nature of the relationship.

The answer to the last question from the set formed at thebeginning of this article (in what way can a government use theinformation about the relationship between tax burden and inno-vation activities to make management decisions) on Ukraine canbe the following. If the conclusion of the absence of relationshipis reasonable, the changes in the organization of the tax systemshould be directed to implement this relationship – creating afavourable tax climate specifically for innovators. Moreover, inorder to monitor the actual state of affairs in the sphere of inno-vation activities it is advisable to use the same tools that othercountries do. In particular, it would be effective to determine theindex of innovation activities for the Ukrainian economy.

Conclusions1. Relationship between tax burden and innovation activities

can be explained from the standpoint of the approach «losses –benefits». In terms of the «losses – benefits» approach, innova-

tion activities is an additional benefit ofsociety, which can either be enhanced orlimited as a result of some tax burden.When tax burden creates distortions in thechoice of economic entities and accord-ingly forms tax incidence, innovation activ-ities is limited, and vice versa. 2. Analysisof actual data on EU countries shows rea-son to justify the fact that, given the effec-tive organization of tax burden, there maybe a direct relationship between it (bur-den) and innovation activities. 3. Analysisof Ukrainian data confirms the absence ofthe relationship between tax burden andinnovation activities. Therefore, the reformof the tax system towards fostering inno-vation activities is of current interest.

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Received 04.11.2013


Tab. 2: Database to assess the relationship between tax burden and innovation activities in Ukraine

Source: Composed by the authors using the data [18; 19]

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Стаття надійшла до редакції 04.11.2013


УДК 336.2


Анотація. Оцінено обсяг податкових надходжень, на який можуть збільшитися доходи бюджету за умови структурнихзрушень у бік оподаткування майна та процентних доходів від депозитних рахунків у банках за незмінного рівня загаль-ного податкового навантаження.Обґрунтовано можливість зменшення загального податкового навантаження без ризи-ку бюджетних втрат. Запропоновано альтернативну структуру податкових надходжень у Зведеному бюджеті України.Ключові слова: податки, податкова система, податкове навантаження, податок на майно, податок на процентні доходиза депозитами, структурні зрушення.

Е. Н. Тимченкодоктор экономических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры финансов, Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана, УкраинаЮ. В. Сибирянскаякандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры финансов, Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана, УкраинаФИСКАЛЬНЫЕ ЭФФЕКТЫ СТРУКТУРНЫХ СДВИГОВ В НАЛОГОВОЙ СИСТЕМЕ УКРАИНЫАннотация. Оценен объем налоговых поступлений, на который могут увеличиться доходы бюджета при условии струк-турных сдвигов в сторону налогообложения имущества и процентных доходов от депозитных вкладов в банках принеизменном уровне общей налоговой нагрузки. Обоснована возможность уменьшения общей налоговой нагрузки без ри-ска бюджетных потерь. Предложена альтернативная структура налоговых поступлений в консолидированном бюдже-те Украины.Ключевые слова: налоги, налоговая система, налоговая нагрузка, налог на имущество, налог на процентные доходыпо депозитам, структурные сдвиги.

Olena TymchenkoD.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine54/1 Peremogy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, UkraineYulia Sybirianska PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine54/1 Peremogy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, UkraineFISCAL EFFECTS OF STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE TAX SYSTEM OF UKRAINEAbstract. The main part of the tax system in Ukraine make the taxes, the payment of which can be easily avoided. It complicatesthe management of them and doesn’t give a possibility to fully realize the tax system potential. That’s why the structural changes

О. М. Тимченкодоктор економічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри фінансів, ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічнийуніверситет імені Вадима Гетьмана», Україна[email protected]

Ю. В. Сибірянськакандидат економічних наук,

доцент кафедри фінансів,ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний

університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», Україна[email protected]

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