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Page 1: te PAnui runAKAtepanui-co-nz.wp.ngaitahu.treshna.com/archive_pdf/TPR201311.pdf2 In the spirit of whanaungatanga, we recently met with Ngāti Kahungunu and reaffirmed that our whakapapa


A monthly newsletter of KA–i tAhu news, views And events

te PAnui runAKAKAiKo– urA ru–nAngA | te ru– nAngA o ngA–ti wAewAe | te ru– nAngA o mAKAAwhio | te ngA– i tu– A– huriri ru– nAngA

te hAPu– o ngA–ti wheKe | te tAumutu ru– nAngA | te ru– nAngA o KouKourA–rAtA | wAirewA ru– nAngA o– nuKu ru–nAngA | te ru– nAngA o ArowhenuA | te ru– nAngA o wAihAo | te ru– nAngA o moerAKi | KA– ti huirAPA ru– nAKA Ki PuKeterAKi

te ru– nAngA o o– tA– Kou | hoKonui ru– nAngA | wAiho– PAi ru– nAKA | o– rAKA APArimA ru– nAKA | AwAruA ru– nAngA

I tukuna mai tēnei whakaahua e Janelle Wilson nō Wairewa.

whitu | november 2013

• MinesRescueTrainingCentreopenspg4

• CheckouttheKMKeventspg30-31

• AlongweekendonRarotokapg22-23

• Interestedinanagriculturalcareerpg31

• FrenchresidencyforNgāiTahuartistpg33

• TamarikiChristmascolouringcontestpg40

Tēnei marama

Page 2: te PAnui runAKAtepanui-co-nz.wp.ngaitahu.treshna.com/archive_pdf/TPR201311.pdf2 In the spirit of whanaungatanga, we recently met with Ngāti Kahungunu and reaffirmed that our whakapapa









TeRūnangaoKaikōuraHe pēpi houLauchlan(Lochie)WiremuBurgesswasbornon1September,inBlenheim.HeisanothersonforMatthewandKirstyBurgess,ababybrotherforTaylorandanothermokopunaforMarama(néeReeves)andMurrayBurgess.


Lauchlan Wiremu Burgess and Wiremu Tainui Reeves.


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Performing a waiata at Te Atakura.

Rā whānauLisaMackeynéeRussell,RaheraTainui,TayejanaCoulston,ShianaMeihana,TonihiPaewhenua,

Ngāti Waewae perform at Te Atakura.

Taking to the stage at Te Atakura.Enjoying the whānau atmosphere.


Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Te AtakuraTeRūnangaoNgātiWaewaehadthepleasureofperformingatTeAtakuraattheAuroraCentreinŌtautahion12October.


Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura Society IncorporatedNotice of Special General Meeting (Appointment Meeting) to appoint the Te Rūnanga Representative and Alternate RepresentativeTeRūnangaoKaikōurawishestoprovideitsmemberswithnoticefortheSpecialGeneralMeetingoftherūnangaatTakahangaMarae,KaikōuraonSunday15December.

TheSpecialGeneralMeetingiscalledbytheRūnangaAppointmentCommitteetoappointtheRūnangaRepresentativeandAlternateRepresentativetorepresenttheinterestsofTeRūnangaoKaikōuraatmeetingsofTeRūnangaoNgāiTahu.TeRūnangaoKaikōura,POBox39,Kaikō[email protected]


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The celebration cake for the official opening of the whare.Westland High and Hokitika Primary kura tautoko Westport North kura.


Opening of new bilingual whareNgātiWaewaehadthepleasureofbeingpartoftheopeningforthenewbilingualwhare-EkePānukuatWestportNorthKuraon18October.

Westport North Kapa Haka.

Mines Rescue Training Centre On3November,anewwharefortheMinesRescueTrainingCentreopenednorthofMāwhera.NgātiWaewaewhānauattendedtotautokothisspecialevent.




Marae developmentThebuildingofArahuraMaraewharenuiisnowunderway.


Our new wharenui taking shape.

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Te Hui Ahurei o Te Tai o PoutiniKurafromacrossTeTaioPoutinicametogethertocelebrateandcompeteattheMāwheraRegentTheatreforTeHuiAhureioTeTaioPoutini2013on23-24October.Therewere1,251studentsregisteredtoattendthisyear’sfestival,whichwashostedbyCobdenSchool,inMāwhera.


Hokitika Primary School preparing to perform.

Getting ready to perform.

Kaea for Hokitika Primary Kapa Haka , Henare Mason and Aleigha Ngaamo with one of Hokitika’s trophies.

Westland High School Kapa Haka Kaea, Hector Tainui Jnr and Whakataerangi White.

Westland High Kapa Haka.

Westland High Kapa Haka receiving their trophy for Waiata Tira.


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Congratulations ThewordsoftheDianaRosswaiata,“Ain’tnomountainhighenough,ain’tnoriverwideenough…thatwillkeepmefromyou”rangtrueoverLabourWeekendwhenMarieMahuika-ForsythbecameMrsTfollowinghermarriagetoNevilleTahuaroa.






Marie and Neville on their wedding day.




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Hīkoi whakatipuLastmontharōpūMāhakiparticipatedinourannualhīkoitothesouthernmostpartofourrohe,WhakatipuWaitai,MartinsBay.Whānauwhowerefortunateenoughtoparticipateinthehīkoi,agreedthatitwasanexperienceofalifetimeandmanyweremovedbytheconnectiontheyfelttothewhenua.













Whānau exploring on hīkoi. Whānau and staff gather outside Hollyford Lodge on their final day.

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Ka mau te wehi Hokitika Primary SchoolCongratulationstoalloftheTaioPoutinischoolsthatparticipatedintherecentHuiAhureiKapaHakaoTeTaioPoutini.Theeventwassplitovertwodaystoaccommodatethebigincreaseinschoolswishingtoparticipate.Thefirstdayincludedteamswishingtocompeteandtheseconddayfeaturednon-competitionentertainment.




Tamariki about to hit the stage.

Hui rūnanganui-executive meetingsOur2014huischedulewillbesetwhentherūnanganuimeetlaterthismonth.Ourfinalhuirūnanganuifortheyearwillbeheldattheofficeon14December.Membersarewelcometoattend,howeverforcateringpurposes,canyoupleaseRSVP.

Waiata WearecurrentlyreassessingourwaiatasessionsandwilladviseintheNewYearhowweintendtoproceed.

Hākari kaumātua OurkaumātuadinnerwillbeheldonSaturday3December.Invitationshavebeenpostedtoourregisteredkaumātuaandatonosentoutforkaitautokoandkaimahitohelpusontheday.


Christmas pool partyWewillbeholdingourannualChristmaspoolpartyattheHokitikaCentennialPool,12-4pm,onSaturday15December.Whānauareinvitedtojoinusatthepoolforafun-filled,politics-freeafternoon.Therewillbegames,prizesandgiveawaysandanearlyvisitfromHanaKōkō.Naumai,haeremaikoutou.

Hīkoi whakapapaOn17-19January,2014,wewillbetakingabustriptocomplementourhīkoitoWaitaha(Canterbury)lastyear,thistimealittleclosertohome.Markthedatesinyourcalendarsandbookaseatnow.

CommunicationOurfinaleditionofKa Tangi te Kōkōfortheyearwillbesentoutnextmonth.





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Wairewa hui-ā-tau TheWairewahui-ā-tauannualgeneralmeetingwasheldonSunday6October,atWairewaMarae.Thepurposeofthehuiwastheconsiderationandpresentationof2012/13auditedfinancialreports;toappointanauditorfor2013/14;theelectionofexecutivecommitteevacanciesinaccordancewiththerulesofthesociety;submitaresolutiontoamendtherulesofWairewaRūnangaInc.Soc;andconfirmationof2013/14generalmeetings.Kāmihikitewhānau.

Memataka – membership databaseEharatakutoaitetoatakitahi,ekaritakutoahetoatakitini–Asinglepersoncannotmatchacombinedforce.Naumai,tautimaikiWairewa.Wewishtoextendawarmwelcometonewmembersandtoaskyoutoencourageanywhānaunotregisteredtodoso.Itisalsoimportantthatyouencouragethosewhoareregisteredtoupdateuswithanychangeofdetails,astheyoccur.Wehaveincreasingnumbersofrejectingemailsandreturnedpostalmail.Stayup-to-datewithwhat’shappeningandnotifychangesbyemailingtherū[email protected]


Uta – contributionsTekopaitiaRaureka–ThesmallpurseofRaureka.Evenifitissmallwereallyappreciateyourcontributions.WewelcomeyourcontributionsforTe Pānui Rūnaka.Pleaseemailanyphotosandinformationasitcomestolight.Births,deaths,weddings,achievements,oranythingyouwanttoshare.





Coby Musson ready for his first day at school. Jayda Musson.



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From left Rachel Flutey, Coby Musson and Alexis Musson – all Teihoka whānau.




Tū Toka Tū Ariki wānangaTūTokaTūArikiwānanga-wāhangakirihimete.From19-22HakiheaatTeAwhitu,Taumutu.



Taiaha Wānanga - changing lives.

Nei te rau tāwhiri o KoukourārataWarmsummerbreezes(mixedwithafewgnarlynor’easters)arestartingtomakethemselvesathomeinthebay,heraldingtheslideintotheholidayseason.Wakaamatraininghasbegunandwhānaumemberswhoareinterestedshouldcontacttheoffice.It’sabusytimeforallasthoselawnsjustkeepgrowing.


Brent and Claire Ruru on a continuing journeyBrentandClaireRuruhavebeentravellingtheglobeforthelastfiveyears.Here,Brentcontinueshistraveldiary,highlightingthecouple’sexperienceontheCaminodeSantiagoPilgrimageWalkinSpain.




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Brent and Claire arriving at Santiago. Molinaseca bridge.



Footnote:Brentisaprofessionalspeaker,mentorandfuneralcelebrant(www.brentruru.com)[email protected]).

Brent and Claire celebrating the end of the ride.Puente la Reina Bridge.

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New staff memberAbigwelcometoTeArohaDaken,whojoinsthestaffasourcasual,on-callcatererandcleaner.TeAroha,whohailsfromWhakakiontheEastCoast,ismarriedtoArthurDaken.Sheisamaraegirlatheartandweareveryluckytohaveherskills.Wewarmlywelcomeheronboard.Sinceheremploymentwehavereceivedcontinuedcomplaintsthatourmanuhiriareputtingonweightduetoherfoodbeingsoyummy.Hermanaakialsoextendstoourwharewhich,alongwithDoug’songoingmahi,lookswonderful.Naumai,tautimaiTeAroha.

Marae bookingsSummerisnearlyhereandourmaraebookingsarestartingtopickup.Tosavedisappointment,pleasebookearly.Tobookthemarae,pleasecontacttherū[email protected]

Te Pānui Rūnaka storiesManythankstoourrovingreporterBrentRuruforhiscontribution.IfyouhavestoriesforTe Pānui Rūnaka,pleasesendthemtotherūnakaoffice(contactdetailscanbefoundatthebackofthisedition).Don’tbeshy;withoutyourstorieswecan’tsubmitacolumn,sowelookforwardtohearingfromyou.

Annual general meeting and electionsOverthelastthreeyearstherehasbeenafundamentalshiftinthewaythemembersofŌnukuRūnangaviewthemselves.ThisisaresultofourdecisiontoviewourselvesasanownerofourNgāiTahufamilybusinessratherthanasabeneficiary.Thischangerequiresustoactandbehavedifferently.





Liz Robinson and Nigel Robinson.

Important dates1December-ŌnukuRūnangageneralmeeting20December-maraeandofficeclosesforChristmas


Rochelle Tainui

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Donna Tainui and Nigel Robinson open the festival.

Amokura kapa haka perform.

Amiria Tikao, Amiria Robinson, Mia Tietjens in the Team Challenge.

Mia defends against the adults as all ages ‘Push Play’. The crowd enjoys the beats of Medway Roots.

Whānau fitness.

Whenua FestOnLabourWeekendoursocialhealthandwell-beingportfoliohostedtheirfirstWhenuaFest.Māorihealthproviders,publichealthorganisationsandcommunitygroupscameonboardtopromotehealthawarenessandwhanaungatanga,andtostrengthencommunityrelationshipsandwhānautogetherness.


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An experience to rememberForRebekahThomasofDunedin,goingonarecentOutwardBoundcoursewasoneofthebestexperiencesshehashad.“ItwasapartofmylifethatIwillneverforget;ithashelpedmetobecomeabetterperson,”shesays.












Rebekah Thomas - inspired by Outward Bound.Rock climbing was one of the many Outward Bound activities Rebekah enjoyed.

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Ngā mateWewishtoacknowledgethepassingofamuchlovedandrespectedTāua,AuntyYvonneEnoka.TāuaPōtae,asshewaswidelyknown,wasavaluedkaumātua,whorepresentedMoerakionanumberofcommitteesovermanyyears.Weshallmissherhumourandherloyalty.TakotomaieAuntyYvonne,takotorakimarieirukaitōwaka.Hoeaatutōwakakitekāikaokāmātuatīpuna,moemaiitōmoekaroa,haereaturā.



Rā whānauHappybirthdaytoHirapekaNicolas,whoturns20on2December.LoveyoulotsMum(Maria)andSam.Happybirthdayaswell,toJamieWilliamsfor2December.WithlovefromAuntyMaria,Samandyourcousins.NāMariaTipa.


Christmas party and rūnanga meeting OurDecemberrūnangameetingwillbeonSaturday7December,followedbytheadults’Christmaspartyat6pmatMoerakiBouldersRestaurant.Pleasecontacttherūnangaofficeifyouwishtoattend.A$10depositisrequiredonbooking.


Rangatahi futures pilot programme LearningaboutthecareersoftheirtīpunawasthefocusofacareersworkshopheldatMoerakiMaraeon16October.StaceyReynoldsfromMoeraki,whoworksforCareersNewZealand,presentedtheworkshoptoYear10MāoristudentsfromWaitakiBoysandWaitakiGirlshighschools.Thecareersworkshopispartofapilotprogrammebeingrolledoutatthetwoschools.

David Higgins shares Moeraki history with the students.

David Higgins demonstrates how whakapapa can cover many generations.


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Students and staff gather for a group photograph.


I raro i te korowai o UenukuIraroitekorowaioUenukurāuakoWairutuataihemahangāpūkengareoewhakapakarihiaana.HokimaiaingāwhānauoMoerakimeētahiotewhānauwhānuioNgāiTahuehiakaianakiteakoitereoMāori.Iamarama,kahokimaikiMoerakimeōmātoupukupīkokokitēneitaongaitukuihomaiiōmātoutīpuna.Kotekaiaterangatira,hekōrero.








Walking the sands and beachcombing were popular activities. Whānau gather around a beach fire toasting marshmellows.

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Comparing finds on the beach.



He pēpiNaumairāetetaongahouaNgaiwikauTetekuraTaylorkiteaotūroa.HetamahinenāTakukohaWhiurāuakotōnahoaaJoshTaylor.HemokopunamāHingarāuakoLloydWhiu,a,hemokopunatuaruakiōnatīpunaaStanleyrāuakoMereGilmore.




Ngaiwikau Tetekura Taylor.

Rā whānauHarihuritaukitōkupāpāaStanleyGilmore(Snr).Dadcelebrateshis75thbirthdayonWednesday11December.ThesonofthelateFlorenceandAlfred,hewasbornin1938inMāwheraandnowlivesinHamilton.


Stanley Gilmore.

Christmas celebrationsOnFriday13Decemberfrom3pmtherūnakawillputonabarbecueattheGrimnessStreetsiteforbothlocalmembers,andotherswhohavehelpeduswithourconservationandtamarikiprogrammeobjectivesthisyear.


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Liam Ellison’s winning photograph.

PleasecontactGlenysRussellatŌtākouRūnakaofficeformoredetails.Ifyouhavetamarikiattendinginthemorning,pleaseletSantaknowattherū[email protected].

Karitane School book sale and photo contestTherūnakasupportedtherecentKaritaneSchoolbooksaleinmorewaysthanonethisyear.Brendankindlyprovidedthespaceinhisofficeforallthebookswhiletheywerebeingcollected.JustineandSuzannedesignedaphotocontestinwhichlocalshadtoeithertakeaphotooftheviewfromtheirproperty,orprovidea‘nature’shot.


Te Reo and waka fun dayHeKorowaiWhānauinitiativetorevitalisereoinourhapūculminatedinatereoandwakafundayon13October,ontheKaritaneforeshore.Alargenumberofwhānau,aswellaslocalcommunitymembers,turnedupattheoldschoolfortheinitialbriefingandmihimihiwereexchanged.BrendansharedakōreroaboutTakaroaandtherōpūlearnedthenamesofthewaka,Hauteruruku.

Participants lining up to get in the water at the Te Reo and Waka Fun Day.Brendan Flack gives a kōrero on water safety.


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Rūnaka annual general meetingsTherūnakametfortheannualgeneralmeetingsoftheincorporatedsocietyandassociatedbodieson3November.Thisisanimportantdateintherūnakacalendar,wheremembersgetachancetoformallyexaminetheprogressoftherūnaka,asdemonstratedintheauditedaccounts.







Annual general meetingThisyear’sannualgeneralmeetingsofA3Kaitiaki,TeRūnangaoŌtākouLtd,andTeRūnangaoŌtākouIncaretakingplaceonthe1December2013atŌtākouMarae.

Our keen volunteer gardeners from left, “Mac” MacDonald, Nic Hedley, Chris Fenwick

Agenda9.30am: A3KaitiakiLtd10am: TeRūnangaoŌtākouLtd10.30am: TeRūnangaoŌtākouIncAGM11.am: TeRūnangaoŌtākouIncGeneral Meeting12.pm: Sharedlunch.

Christmas partyPleasenotethechangeindateforourChristmasparty.Itwillnowbeheldon14Decemberatthemarae,andwehaveinvitedourwhanaukafromPuketerakitojoinusfortheday.Therewillbekai,abouncycastle,games,andofcourseHanaKōkō.Intheafternoon,thepakekewillhavearoundofgolfattheŌtākouGolfCoursetocompetefortheMoki-TeWeratrophy.Tamarikiwillbeentertainedatthemaraewithamagicshowandfacepaintingwhilethepakekeareatthegolfcourse.Ifyou’rekeentobringyourtamariki/mokopuna,pleasecontacttheofficewithnamesandagesofyourtamarikisothatwecanpassdetailsontoHanaKōkō.Wedon’twanthimtoleaveanyoneout.Ifyouwouldliketojoinusonthegolfcourse,pleaselettheofficeknowaswell,sowecanmarshalpeopleintoteamstoplayAmbrosestyle.

Peninsula A & P show and country fairWewillberunningastallatthePeninsulaA&Pshowandcountryfairon7December,atthePortobelloDomain.



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Treaty Festival 2014ŌtākouwillhosttheNgāiTahuTreatyFestivalin2014.Planningisunderwayandthingsmaybeslightlydifferenttopreviousyears.Weareplanningamarketfeeltotheday,soifyouoryourorganisationwouldliketorunastall,pleaseletourofficeknow.



PleasenotethatŌtākouwillnotprovideahakariontheday,instead,therewillbeanumberofkaistalls,andspacesforwhānautoenjoypicniclunchestheymaywishtobring.Ifyouwishtopurchasekaiormerchandise,pleasebringcash.Ifyouwouldliketoreceiveourweeklye-pānui,[email protected]

Gone no addressTheofficehasanumberofregisteredmembersforwhomwenolongerhavecurrentdetails.





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Attention owners of Waikawa Block XVI Section 9












Te wharenui, Te Rakitauneke.

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Whaikōrero wānanga ThedateforourfirstwhaikōrerowānangahasbeenconfirmedandwillbeheldatTakutaioTeTītīMarae,ColacBayonSaturday30NovembertoSunday1December,startingat10am




A long weekend on RarotokaGoingtoRarotokaisalwaysatreat.AtLabourWeekendwesetoffearlyhopingtogetafairbitofweedingdone.Wewerekeentodealtosomegorseandstartthepreparationsforplantingnextwinter.





Irene being interviewed by Alisha Sherriff.Elaine Hamilton (Stewart Island), Irene Wybrow, Alex Taurima, and Alisha Sherriff at the Rarotoka lighthouse.






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Irene and Cathy in the Gator. Irene Wybrow at Rarotoka lighthouse.

Shona Fordyce having a laugh with Audrey Roberts. The ukulele ladies having a sing along.

Greats and Grans afternoon tea On17OctoberwestagedaverysuccessfulGreatsandGransafternoonteaatTakutaiOTeTītīMaraewithentertainmentbytheGreatsandGransukuleleteam.


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Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga MoanaThoughweweredelightedwiththeamountandqualityofkōreroatourrecentmeeting,itisstatingtheobvioustosaythatmostoftheregularattendeeswouldlovetoseemoretamarikiandrakatahigracingAronui,ouradoptedhomeinTaurangaMoana.We’dlovetoseesomenewfacescomingalong.












Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau







Ngā mateJacquelineEdwardslosthermokopuna,CostelloXanKaneEdwards,atjustfivedaysold.ThewhānautookhimhometoRatanaPā,whereheissleepingwithhisGreatNannyMamae.Heisnotsufferinganymoreandheisnowatpeace.

Good wishes BonesRissetoisunwellandhasbeeninMiddlemoreHospital.Wewishhimwellforagoodrecovery.ArohanuiPapaBones.

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Whakaahua Tīpuna/WhānauLast month Te Pānui Rūnaka published this image on the back page and requested names or information be provided about the photograph. Ex-Te Waipounamu Māori Girls College girls (who are actually in the photograph), made contact with us to provide names and information surrounding the day the photograph was taken. We did receive some differing information for a couple of the girls who are in the photograph, so we will record all the names that we have been given, within this article. We would like to acknowledge and thank Lynda Turia (née Horn), Ngaire Jantzen (née Smith), Mary Harvey (née Williamson) and David Pumphrey for making contact and for providing names and information.

The majority of the callers who made contact with us advised that this photograph was taken on 22 October, 1966 (Labour Weekend), just after the Te Waipounamu Māori Girls College group had come off stage after performing at the South Island Māori Cultural Competitions.


The competitions were held at the Civic Theatre, Manchester Street, Christchurch. The girls gained 1st place in Junior A section, beating Te Kaihanga Boys by half a point. One caller stated that, “We were fortunate to have been visited prior to the comps by Bill Kerekere, who gave us a few tips, which enhanced our chances to win”.

It has been noted that Theresa Goomes was the lead vocalist/guitarist. She led the group out on stage singing ‘Tēnā rā, Tēnā rā, Waipounamu …’ followed by ‘Tēnei te reo o Te Wai Pounamu’. Other items sung were the Lord’s Prayer, Auē te aroha i ahau, Pōwhiritia rā. Another caller advised that the items were: March on: Tēnei te reo, Action song: Pōwhiritia, Poi: Me he manurere, Walk off: Tukari, Haka: Ka panapana.

Placings were 1st Te Waipounamu Māori Girls College, 2nd Te Kaihanga Boys Hostel, 3rd Rangiora.

Te Waipounamu Girls kapa haka rōpū. Row 4 (back row): Kate Mackey, Margaret Phillips, Laina Waitiri, Erini Parata, Amelia Durant (behind), Sheila Hohua, Huirangi Matenga, Lynette McClurg, Lynda Horn, Ona Hughes, Anne Adsett, Maryanne Lowther. Row 3: Judith-Anne Jones, Hilda Biddle, Anne Korako, Alice Maxwell, Magdaline Tahapehi, Percyleen Tane, Stephanie Fergusson (American Field Scholar, Avonside Girls High) or Margaret McCauley (Avonside Girls High), Rowena Skerrett, Elizabeth McKinney. Row 2: Theresa Goomes (guitarist), Joe Waretini (Tutor), Margaret Robertson, Betty Robertson, Maria Korako, Ngaire Smith, Mere Skudder, Mary Williamson, Hiki Kerekere. Row 1 (front row): Isobel Phillips, Mate Waititi, Maata Tauwhare, Rose Meha, Margaret Cummings (Avonside Girls High) or Anne Cauldwell (Avonside Girls High), Riki Kerekere.

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A caller let us know the following: “Joe Waretini and his wife Darling, from Ashburton at that time, were our tutors. We were so lucky to have had them, we learnt so much from them vocally. They translated everything we sang so we knew what the actions were all about. They were awesome.

They also taught us how to make piupiu, tāniko and poi, if my memory is correct. Joe and Darling often sang together and wow did she have the voice of an angel. She passed away suddenly not so long after 1966. A huge shock to us all”.

Two callers let us know that it was compulsory for the group to have at least one Pākehā performer in the group, and that in 1966 Te Waipounamu Girls College had two performing with them. One caller thought that the two performers were Anne Caldwell and Margaret McCauley, while two other callers named them as Stephanie Fergusson and Margaret Cummings.

There was differing information about this photograph, a caller and former senior producer for CHTV3, advised that he thought that Roy Kennard was the photographer and that this photograph was taken in 1964 immediately after recording a television programme about Te Waipounamu Māori Girls College.

Calling for project applications nowThe Ngāi Tahu Fund is available to Ngāi Tahu whānau, rūnanga and hapū to help revitalise, strengthen and grow Ngāi Tahutanga.

Do you have a cultural project that you, your whānau or marae wish to run? Get in touch with us to see how the Ngāi Tahu Fund may be able to help.

Applications close Friday 28 March 2014. Any applications received after 28 March 2014 will not be accepted.

The Ngāi Tahu Fund Assessment Committee meet in May to make decisions on all applications. Project timelines should commence after this time. Please contact us urgently if this is going to be an issue for you.

Call 0800 942 472 today and find out how to apply; email [email protected] or visit www.ngaitahufund.com.

Please note - Changes to the Ngāi Tahu Fund applicationThe following areas are key priority areas of the Ngāi Tahu Fund, as identified in the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy and all projects must be aligned with at least one of these.

1. Whakapapa - kinship 2. Tikanga - protocols and customs3. Te reo - language 4. Mahi toi - creative expression5. Whenua - landscape, place and locality 6. Mahinga kai - food gathering practices7. Ngā uara - values and beliefs 8. Ā kāinga, ā hapū, ā iwi - community

engagement and participation9. Mana tangata - self-determination, self-

confidence, self-purpose, self-transcendence.

All applications must show how they aim to increase cultural knowledge and participation of Ngāi Tahu whānui.

Applications must also clearly identify what cultural knowledge is involved in the project and demonstrate how the proposed project contributes to building cultural knowledge and participation.

In June 2012 the Ngāi Tahu Fund Committee adopted the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy as its guiding document and changed our application requirements to align with this strategy.

Changes you need to be aware of if you are considering making an application to the Ngāi Tahu Fund.

All applications must demonstrate how projects meet the following objectives:

• To have strong sustainable Ngāi Tahu Cultural leadership across all pillars.

• Ensuring intergenerational ownership, sustainability and growth of cultural practices across all pillars.

• To have the resources available to engage the strategy to be successful (human, fiscal, natural archival etc.)

• All generations of Ngāi Tahu engage, value, celebrate and protect the integrity and uniqueness of Ngāi Tahu culture.

• Promote new forms of Ngāi Tahu cultural expression.

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Question: When is $50 not worth $50?Answer: When it attracts matched savingsDecember is the last chance to get matched savings for 2013 for you and your whānau*. There are lots of ways to pay: automatic payment; bill payee; automatic payment or one off payment (ANZ NZ account); cheque; over the counter payment at ANZ (contact us for a card); or AP or one-off payment (ANZ Australia account). Use the automatic payment form enclosed with this TPR to set up a payment, or just use the bank account details to make an online payment. Remember to include your 6 digit number with any payment.

*Maximum matched savings $200 (inclusive of RSCT). Child members (under 16) need $50, adult members aged 16-64 need to save. Cut-off date 31 December. Contact us for more details or for a copy of the new 2013 investment statement.

Koha Whai Rawa for Christmas If you are paying into the Whai Rawa account of a whānau member this Christmas, make a payment by Friday 13 December and we’ll send them this Christmas card telling them of your gift.

Still not in?If you aren’t in Whai Rawa yet it’s the best time to join. Contact us now for a copy of the new investment statement.

From left, Breyton Young, Bobbylee Marsden and Rubyjane Davis-Casey (all Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki) playing Gumption.

Need some military style discipline with your money? Too much debt? Not enough savings? Stop your whining and get to work. It’s time to become a battle-ready financial warrior, prepared to tackle any money challenge. Soldier of Finance is a no-nonsense, military-style training manual to overcoming financial obstacles and building lasting wealth. Go into the draw to win one of three copies for yourself (or for a present for someone else) by telling us (by 10 December) why you think you (or they) need this book.

Christmas hoursThe Office will be closed from noon Friday 20 December. If you have urgent end of year deposit queries we will be responding to emails: [email protected]

Gumption for the holidays Who said learning about money wasn’t fun? Tell us your tip for teaching the tamariki to be good money managers by 10 December and you’ll be in the draw to win one of three Gumption games that will keep them busy and learning some new money skills.

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Kā mihi o te wā ki a koutou katoaSeason greetings to you allKia pai ō koutou wā whakatā. Have a safe and happy holiday season. Kia tiakina ō tātou kiri. Don’t forget to look after your skin during the summer season. Pania te ārai hihirā. Put some sunblock on. Āta haere. Travel safely.

Whānau Haereka ki Āmuri.

Whānau Haereka ki ĀmuriI te haeata o te Rāmere, 25 Ono, i oho moata tāku tama, ā, ko tāna “wakarererangi, wakarererangi”, he mōhio nōna ka rere atu mātou te whānau mai i Te Papaiōea ki wāhi atu anō. Ka tae ki te ahiahi ka mimingo ōna pāpāringa i tāna kitenga atu i te wakarererangi.

Ahakoa kua tūtū te hīnawanawa i tā mātou taenga atu ki Te Waipounamu, ko tōku tōmina ka tūtakitaki atu ahau ki ētahi atu anō uri reo e pīkoko ana ki te reo me ōna katoa ki Āmuri nei, me te aha, ka hoki kaha ake tōku arero reo Māori ki te kāinga.

Ka mutu, kore kau āku pīroiroi i te wāhi nei, he whenua taurikura, he rōti mahana me te huhua o ngā poa, waihoki ehara i te mea ka riro māku hei ringawera. I te korenga o ngā pīroiroi kotahi atu mātou ki te kaupapa i whakakotahi atu ai mātau ki Āmuri nei. Whai i muri i te whakatau, i tītakataka mātou ngā wāhi moe, ka kai, ka

whakaoko ai mātou ki ngā whakaritenga te taka mai nei ki a mātou i te wānanga reo nei. Aonga ake i te ata māhina ka oho ake ai mātou ki te haunene o ngā pangore me te hanga a ngā tamariki a Tāne - he kai mā te taringa! I taua ata ai i whakaako mātou ki tētahi karakia Kai Tahu.

Whai i muri i te paramanawa i wehe mātou ki tō Wai Ariki pāmu i Āmuri. Tō mātou waimarie hoki i tīhore mai te rangi i te ata. He maha ngā momo kararehe ka kite i konei, he wāhi pai hei whakaako ki ngā pangore ngā ingoa Māori mō ngā kararehe nei. Ka heke te ārai whakamā ka tīmata te kōrerorero a te hunga nei me ngā kīwaha i mōhio ki tēnā ki tēnā. Ka whāngai ngā tamariki i ngā kararehe nei ki ngā kai o te pāmu. Mutu ana ngā mahi i te pāmu ka hoki atu ki ngā painga o te rōti.

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Ka paku whakatā i te rōti ka haere mātou ki ō Āmuri puna wera. Ina puta i te puna wera nei ka kaha pā mai te mākū taritari, ahakoa te paki o Ruhi, kia mahara ko Te Waipounamu tēnei. Nā reira he pai te noho me te kōrerorero i te wāhi nei. I te pō ka tākaro kāri ētahi, ā, ko ētahi ka kōrero noa engari ko te whakawhānautanga te painga atu.

I te Rātapu i oho mātou ki te rangi paki, he tohu pai pēra i ngā rangi kua pāhure. I te poroāki ka tū ia whanau ka tuitui ai ō mātou whakaaro mō ngā painga o te wānanga reo nei.

Nō reira, kīhai i arikarika aku mihi nui ki a Victoria me te tari Kotahi Mano Kāika mō ēnei tū wānanga kia ako tahi mātou ngā uri o Aoraki ki tō mātou reo o Kāi Tahu.

Nā Tanu Aumua.

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu E kā ākona, e kā manukura o te reoKa tū anō te Kura Reo Kāi Tahu ki Arowhenua, 12-16 Iwa 2014. Haramai ki te ako, ki te whakapakari i tō reo Māori. Me noho Māori mai, me reo Māori mai kia ako tahi ai tātou ko kā uri o Tahu i tō tātou mita, tō tātou kawa, tō tātou tikaka hoki, kia kore ai e mate-a-moa nei.

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is an annual event not to be missed. Kura Reo Kāi Tahu caters to the whole whānau – classes for adults and supervised activities for tamariki and pēpi. This year there will be te reo lessons/

activities for tamariki too. Nau mai, haere mai, enjoy this opportunity to spend time with other te reo speaking families; learning, laughing, enjoying, celebrating and using our language. Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is a total immersion wānaka. To ensure the integrity of this wānaka tamariki must be able to converse in te reo Māori. Starts Sunday 12 January and finishes Thursday 16 January.

More information and registration forms are on our kmk.maori.nz web-site or contact Paulette or Brett: [email protected] or [email protected]

Kia KūrapaKeen to get started with te reo? Or maybe brush up on those basic skills you’ve already learnt? Kia Kūrapa is a safe, supportive learning environment for all learners whether you are an absolute beginner or have already got some te reo under your belt, this is the wānaka for you

Āhea: 31 January(Iwa) – 2 February(Kahuru) 2014 (Starts Friday, 5pm pōwhiri and finishes Sunday 2pm)Kai hea: Te Rau Aroha Marae, Awarua (Bluff)

Te Utu: $30 (18yrs +) $20 (Rakatahi and Tamariki) $80 (Whānau 2 Adults and kids)Kaiako: Hana O’Regan, Lynne Te Aika and participants from the Aoraki Matatū programme.

We are limited to a maximum of 50 participants. First priority will be given to participants who are registered Ngāi Tahu members.

We will provide activities for tamariki (aged 2+) but there are limited places. Registration of tamariki is essential.

Aoraki MatatūAoraki Matatū is a Kāi Tahu Reo leadership programme, which supports and mentors iwi members to become more confident in facilitating and teaching reo Māori and tikaka-based lessons and workshops within our Kāi Tahu communities.

All participants for this event have been selected on the basis of their commitment to te reo development in Te Waipounamu, their involvement within Kāi Tahu communities and their fluency in te reo Māori.

The most recent wānaka was held at Wairewa Marae on the 1 – 3 November. During our stay at Wairewa we focused on teaching techniques and then participants

had the opportunity to put into practice their teaching skills, delivering te reo based lessons with the support and guidance of our Poureo Hana O’Regan and Lynne Te Aika. Next year, the participants of Aoraki Matatū will be teaching at our Kia Kūrapa events at Awarua and Tuahiwi marae.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who attended and wish them all the best for next year’s wānaka reo. We would also like to encourage all iwi members to attend our Kia Kūrapa events in 2014.

(Registration forms can be found on our website www.kmk.maori.nz)

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Kia Kūrapa ki Awarua: 31 January – 2 February, 2014.

Kia Kūrapa ki Tuahiwi:28 – 30 March, 2014.

Left: Iaean and Metua Cranwell. Right: Dr Lily Fraser and Henare Te Aika-Puanaki.

Reo o te wā (Language of the season)

Marama: Whitu (November)Kaupeka: Kana (Spring) Raumati (Summer)Pani ārai rā Sunblock, sunscreen Pāraerae JandalsWhareama Hat

He ō moho māhau Snack for (travelling) for youĀta haere Travel safelyMeri Kirihimete Merry ChristmasKā mihi o te wā Season greetings


ArowhenuaFor the whole whānau, must all be speakers of te reo. This is a full immersion wānaka.

Kia Kūrapa ki Awarua 31 Iwa (January) – 2 Kahuru (February) 2014

Beginners-Intermediate levels

Aoraki Matatū 28 Kahuru – 2 Kahuru-Kai-Paeka 2014 Intermediate/advanced adult learners interested in developing their teaching skills.

KMK Funding Round Closing

21 Kahuru (February) 2014 Kā Manukura o te reoWhānau reoKāika reo

For all inquiries, registration forms or information on KMK initiatives please call the free phone 0800 KAI TAHU (0800 5248242) or check out our website: www.kmk.maori.nz

Interested in an agricultural career? Ngāi Tahu Farming’s proposed developments will create hundreds of new jobs. To help Ngāi Tahu whānau make the most of this opportunity they have teamed up with Lincoln University and Te Tapuae o Rehua to establish Whenua Kura.

Whenua Kura is an educational pathway that will help Māori gain the qualifications and knowledge to become leaders in the dairy industry. The course will be grounded in our cultural values so these values are reflected in the way Ngāi Tahu farms operate.

On Tuesday 10 December 2013 a tour of the Ngāi Tahu farms will be held for Māori interested in working in the dairy sector.

The Ngāi Tahu farm tour would be suitable for those:• Interested in studying a tertiary qualification

relating to the agricultural sector• Currently studying a tertiary qualification

relating to the agricultural sector• Interested in working in the dairy sector• In the dairy sector and interested in working

with Ngāi Tahu Farming.

As part of the tour you will learn more about:• Ngāi Tahu Farming’s operations• Career pathways in the dairy industry• Training pathways to support Māori into

leadership roles.

If you are interested and would like to know more please contact Deborah Barton, [email protected] or 03 974 0027 or 021 435 960.

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Ngāi Tahu writer wins awardLast week, Hinemoana Baker (Ngāi Tahu) was named as the Victoria University Writer-in-Residence for 2014. Hinemoana is best known as a poet and has published two poetry collections, “matuhi/needle” and “kōiwi kōiwi.” She has travelled nationally and internationally performing her work. We caught up with her to get her thoughts on her latest success.

Your reaction to receiving the residency – what it means for your work?When I got the call I was elated and relieved. I’ve had residencies before but the longest has been three months. It can be hard to snap out of daily life to be able to get into that ‘trance’ that’s so necessary for creative work. Having the opportunity to do that for a whole year is just amazing.

Do you have a specific project that you intend working on during your Victoria University residency?Yes, I do. It’s a longer work, to do with my Dad’s young life in an orphanage in Nelson, and to do with my own journey with infertility. It could be a collection of poems or it might be something else.

What poems, gigs, travel etc have you been working on lately?I’m just tidying up the manuscript for (what I hope will be) my third book of poems. Working title ‘Umpteen’. Last weekend my partner Chris and I were filmed for a little video to promote our new duo ‘Girlie Gershwin’. Book us now before we get really famous.

PānuiIs this like winning Lotto for a writer/creative artist?Yes - in that it feels like a massive windfall for which I am truly grateful - and no - in that Lotto is purely about luck. It certainly will make it easier for me to afford a ticket. Perhaps I will end up winning Lotto as well. Excellent.

Will you be interacting/tutoring/lecturing university students during your residency?Again, yes and no. The position isn’t a teaching position, but by the same token, I will probably be called upon to make the odd appearance in classes and impart words of wisdom etc. I should start composing them right now.

Hinemoana Baker is Victoria Writer-in-Residence for 2014.

Kaihaukai on the riverbankWhānau are invited to meet on the Ōtākaro (Avon) riverbank in Victoria Square on Saturday 30 November at 9.30am, to share stories of our mahinga kai, to feast on tītī, tuna, inaka and more and to make a collective artwork.

Kaihaukai is a free event organized by the Paemanu Charitable Trust, a group made up of and supporting Ngāi Tahu artists, led in this case, by Simon Kaan, Priscilla Cowie, Ron Bull Jnr, Nathan Pohio and Paula Rigby.

Bring along tools, materials, stories and ideas and most of all, bring along whānau and your mates.

This is a great opportunity for all artists to connect with people of all ages and disciplines.

Please let everyone know about the event and if you’d like more information about Simon’s project, Kaihaukai, check out http://www.kaihaukai.co.nz

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French residency for Ngāi Tahu artist Canterbury artist, Priscilla Cowie (Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu ki Puketeraki), has been selected as the first Māori artist to take up a residency at Vallauris in the south of France in May 2014.

Located in the heart of the old town, A.I.R. Vallauris, (Artists in Residence), is a non-profit association that welcomes artists from around the world to its lodgings and studios, to meet with local artists and to research and create new works in a unique setting. The association has hosted 180 international artists since its inception in 2001. The residency accommodates several artists at a time for up to two months and for Priscilla it offers the perfect opportunity for her to research a series of works called Tupuna, which will look into her French and Māori ancestry.

Māori culture forms the backbone of Priscilla’s art practice and this year she created designs that were made into sails and installed at Te Pūtake, a permanent Māori garden at Jardins Fruitiers de Laquenexy, near Metz, in northeast France. Te Pūtake was brought together by the passion and drive of Pascal Garbe and Nuk Korako (Ngāi Tahu). It is Pascal and his team at Laquenexy, who are now the kaitiaki, guardians of Te Pūtake.

The Māori garden was designed by Christchurch architects, Perry Royal (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Raukawa) and Te Ari Prendergast (Ngāi Tahu, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui), with carvings by Christchurch master carver, Riki Manuel (Ngāti Porou).

With the support of Creative New Zealand – Te Waka Toi, Priscilla travelled to France for the opening of the garden with Rāpaki kaumātua, the haka group Te Ahikaaroa and singer/musician Ariana Tikao. It was that meeting of cultures that inspired her to apply for the French residency and to research her own French whakapapa.

The whole experience led Priscilla to look further into her own background.”I am currently researching my French ancestor, Henri Purdis, who travelled to Aotearoa in the 1800s and married my Ngāpuhi tupuna, Mereana Wharerau. My uncle, Huata Kingi, will also be joining me in France, as we try to find out more about Henri Purdis; and I will be exploring the theme of Tātai Tūpuna, where cultures collide, mix and share, in my painting, while I’m in Vallauris.”

Priscilla says having a month to focus on her painting at Vallauris will be a unique experience. “Art is a key way to connect with people and to share cultures and I’m looking forward to meeting the French locals and teaching them a little about Māori life, at the same time learning more about France, the French language and enriching my own art practice.”

Priscilla Cowie – excited about heading to France.

Priscilla would like to acknowledge Ngāi Tahu, for the many opportunities that have enabled her to develop and strengthen her art. “It has been with the tautoko from my whānau and kaumātua that I have been able to pursue my passion - ngā mahi a Toi.“

She will arrive in Vallauris on May 20, 2014 and her exhibition in the residency gallery is currently scheduled to open on June 21.

Priscilla Cowie, paints a billboard during the 2013 Festival of Colour on the Wanaka waterfront.

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Taurahere RōpūNgāi Tahu ki te Tai TokerauJanet HetarakaPh: 09 438 6203Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki MakaurauSue NicollPh: (09) 5702405Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki RotoruaAnita SmithPh: 07 345 8375 or 021 0365107Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga MoanaJoe Briggs Ph: 07 578 5997Kim Rahiri - [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Te Matau A MauiZaayana AkurangiPh: 022-1362060 [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WhanganuiCorinne Te Au WatsonPh: 06 3484809 Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Horowhenua – KāpitiAmiria WhiterodPh: 06 364 5992Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki TaranakiVirginia HinaPh: 0211353493taranaki.ngā[email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Whanganui-ā-TaraAngela WallacePh: 04 2322423 or 0272453619Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WairauPaula JowersPh: 03 5785083 Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki Te TairāwhitiVernice Waata-AmaiPh: 06 868 7195Em: [email protected]

Te Kupeka a Tahu, BrisbaneVicky RosePh: 0061450305217Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WhakatānePauline CottrellPh: 07 307 1469Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WaikatoJane StevensPh: 07 8245992Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WairarapaKaren BastPh: 06 378 8737Em: [email protected]

Ngāi Tahu ki WaikawaTrish LittleMobile : 027 0268 6790Em: [email protected]

Kaikōura RūnangaPh: 03 319 6523Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o MakaawhioPh: 03 755 7885Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o ArowhenuaPh: 03 615 9646Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o WaihaoPh: 03 689 4726Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o MoerakiPh: 03 439 4816Em: [email protected]

Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki PuketerakiPh: 03 465 7300Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o ŌtākouPh: 03 478 0352Em: [email protected]

Hokonui RūnangaPh: 03 208 7954Em: [email protected]

Waihōpai RūnakaPh: 03 216 9074Em: [email protected]

Ōraka Aparima RūnakaPh/fax: 03 974 0215Em: [email protected]

Awarua RūnangaPh: 03 212 8652Em: [email protected]

Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri RūnangaPh: 03 313 5543Em: [email protected]

Ngāti Waewae RūnangaPh/fax : 03 755 6451Em: [email protected]

Ōnuku RūnangaPh: 03 366 4379Em: [email protected]

Te Rūnanga o KoukourārataPh: 03 365 3281Em: [email protected]

Wairewa RūnangaPh: 03 377 1513Em: [email protected]

Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki)Ph: 03 328 9415Em: Rā[email protected]

Te Taumutu Rūnanga Ph: 03 371 2660Em: [email protected]

Rūnaka Directory

[email protected] or phone: Adrienne Rewi 0800 524 8248For photographs and graphics please send to:

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu P O Box 13-046, CHRISTCHURCHISSN 1175-2483 Opinions expressed in Te Pānui Rūnaka are those of the writers and not necessarily endorsed by

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Graphic Design by Ariki Creative.

For contributions to Te Pānui Rūnaka, email:

Page 35: te PAnui runAKAtepanui-co-nz.wp.ngaitahu.treshna.com/archive_pdf/TPR201311.pdf2 In the spirit of whanaungatanga, we recently met with Ngāti Kahungunu and reaffirmed that our whakapapa


Follow in the footsteps of our


AORAKI BOUND Weaves Ngāi Tahutanga with Outward Bound for the journey of a lifetime

2014 coursesFebruary 2nd – 21st March 2nd – 21st

There is limited space on each course so get in quick. Aoraki Bound is for people aged 18 years and over.

Sign up or register your mokopuna or tamariki by contacting us at [email protected] or call 0800 524 8248

Rauhina Scott-Fyfe (19, Ngāi Tahu

Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki)

“What has stayed with me is a confidence that I can actually do anything

I set my mind to. I look at life positively and try to

challenge myself every day.”

Page 36: te PAnui runAKAtepanui-co-nz.wp.ngaitahu.treshna.com/archive_pdf/TPR201311.pdf2 In the spirit of whanaungatanga, we recently met with Ngāti Kahungunu and reaffirmed that our whakapapa



Thismonthwearerunningacolouringcompetitionfortamariki.ThewinningentrywillfeatureasthefrontcoverofourDecemberTe Pānui Rūnaka.Thewinnerwillreceivea$50Whitcoullsvoucher.Pleasesendusyourbestcolouring-inefforts,alongwithyourfullname,age,hapūaffiliations,yourphonenumber.PleasesendyourentriestoTeRūnangaoNgāiTahu,P.O.Box13-046,ChristchurchbeforeTuesday3December.

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