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Page 1: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Teacher LeadershipThe Best Hope for

Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement

Page 2: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.
Page 3: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Build Relationships “Friendship” Group Name School Share something that happened to you

recently or that you did recently that meant a lot to you.

Page 4: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Quotation Quest – Famous Leaders Pairs/Groups Work together to select the best words to fill

in the blanks ___ Minutes Let’s check your answers.

Page 1

Page 5: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Quotation Quest – Answers 1. “Be willing to make decisions. That’s the most

important quality in a good leader.”2. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each

other.”3. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders

will be those who empower others.”4. “Few things help an individual more that to place

responsibility upon him and to let him know you trust him.”

5. “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Page 6: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Quotation Quest – Answers 6. “Nothing great was ever achieved without

enthusiasm.” 7. “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over

another as to remain always cool and unruffled under any circumstances.”

8. “You can't build a reputation on what you’re going to do.”

9. “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision.”

10. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

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Reflect How do these quotations apply to you as a


Page 8: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Hardy Handshakes

Shake the hand of everyone in your group.

Say, “You worked hard on that!”

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Determine what is meant by leadership.

Identify leadership skills (EM)² to build connectedness for members of your department.

Identify some leadership strategies used to build a supportive community for your department, your students, and your school.

Page 10: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

FCPS Review of Literature and Research

Leadership is: considered the single most important aspect of effective

school reform. important in setting the tone in a school. Climate is the

best predictor if a school will have high achievement. positively and significantly correlated to positive working

conditions. cause for employees to have an overall increase in

satisfaction.   a predictor of adequate yearly progress (AYP) status. a powerful predictor of whether a school was included in

top school designation categories.

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Evaluation ofLiterature and Research

These points demonstrate that: each FCPS employee needs to recognize him or

herself as a leader. Each employee needs to understand their

importance as a valuable contributor in the education and achievement of our students.

Page 12: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Leadership is Everyone’s Business

Page 13: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Teacher Leadership“When given opportunities to lead, teachers

can influence school reform efforts. Waking this sleeping giant of teacher leadership has unlimited potential in making a real difference in the pace and depth of school change.”

Katzenmeyer and Moller, Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders, 2001

Page 14: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

What is Leadership?• Mobilizing others to get extraordinary things done in

organizations.• “It’s about the practices leaders use to:

• transform values into actions, • visions into realities, • obstacles into innovations, • separateness into solidarity, • and risks into rewards.” Kouzes and Posner

“Leadership is a choice not a position” Covey

Page 15: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Leaders energize people to excel, reach for greater heights and

achieve higher levels of performance.

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Teacher LeadershipWhat is teacher leadership?

Charlotte Danielson defines it as:

“Skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their school and elsewhere.”

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Leadership Modules- (EM)2

Envision- Personal and organizational visions are understood by all

employees and they are aligned. All actions, structures and resources are aligned and in support of the vision.

Model- All employees work on a daily basis with integrity, caring for

others and serves as an example for others to emulate. Empower-

All employees feel empowered to do their job on a daily basis in order to carry out the vision and mission of the school system.

Motivate- All employees believe their well-being is cared for and

accomplishments are celebrated.

Page 2

Page 18: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Envision – Personal Vision, Organizational Vision, Align Visions

Purpose, Mission, Vision – Defined

Page 3 Leadership Department Example

Page 4 Personal Mission and Vision

Page 5 Department - Purpose, Mission, Vision

Page 5

Page 19: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Envision – Personal Vision, Organizational Vision, Align Visions

Create Buy-In – Tossed Salad Ways to Enlist Others (Ways to get to know your teachers, ways to

learn personal vision, ways to align their visions with others, etc.) Write ideas on slips of paper. One idea per slip of paper Put in bowl Toss and Pass Take one Read Discuss and Record Ideas – Page 6

Page 20: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Reflection on Envision – Personal Vision, Organizational Vision, Align Visions

What are you already doing to create buy-in for the mission/vision of the your department?

What new ideas do you have for creating a shared vision?

Page 7

Page 21: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Model - Set the Example, Inspire Trust, Develop Relationships, Enhance Communication

Department Chairs/Specialists - Simultaneously Working with Peers and School Administrators

Lead Across and Lead Up – Card Sort

Reflection – Page 8

Page 22: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Model - Set the Example, Inspire Trust, Develop Relationships, Enhance Communication

Enhanced Communication Skills Rank Effective Listening Empathic Listening

Defined Helpful Language Tips Scenarios

Page 23: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Rank Effective Listening

Partner/Group Read the student and teacher exchange on

each card Rank the teacher responses from effective to

ineffective according to how the response shows effective listening in order to build relationships.

Page 24: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empathic Listening Defined

… is reflecting what a person feels and says in your own words.

It is not listening to advise, counsel, reply, refute, solve, fix, change, judge, agree, disagree, question, analyze, or figure out.

Page 25: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empathic Listening

Helpful Language to Get You Started “You feel …” “You seem…” “You must have felt…” “You sound…” “What I’m hearing is …” “Your feeling now is…”

Page 26: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empathic Listening

Tips: Focus on the speaker, not on your “correct”

response to the speaker. If you get stuck, just repeat what the speaker

says. If you are sincerely trying to understand, you won’t be perceived as being manipulative.

Don’t be afraid of silence. Sometimes just listening and saying nothing is the best way to get to the heart of an issue.

Page 27: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empathic Listening


Partners/Groups Read each scenario Write an empathic response to each scenario

Page 28: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Teacher LeadershipDealing with Negativity

Expressions of negativity are common in school.Questioning and challenging comments are healthy, but

negativity for its own sake is not!“We tried that once and it didn’t work.”“Without additional funding, there is nothing we can

do.”“That’s ridiculous to ask us to do that. Will we get

extra pay?”

Page 29: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Teacher LeadershipPerhaps the most important contribution

that a teacher leader can make to school improvement is to resist the temptation to become negative or cynical. Where

negativity and cynicism abound, there is neither energy nor motivation for


Page 30: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Model - Set the Example, Inspire Trust, Develop Relationships, Enhance Communication

Reflection Create a visual of what it means to

“Model” Leadership. Use no words or as few words as

possible. Be ready to explain your visual to the

rest of the group.

Page 31: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empower – Collaborate, Build a Team, Provide Opportunities

What is Team Building? Brainstorm list of team building activities

Page 32: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Empower – Collaborate, Build a Team, Provide Opportunities

Benefits of Team Building Prioritize items on list

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Motivate – Recognize Contributions, Show Appreciation, Celebrate

The Encouragement Index Debrief – Boosting Your Score

Page 34: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

How often do you engage in encouraging behaviors?

Rank yourself on “The Encouragement Index.”

How often do you engage in each of these behaviors?

Add to get a total. Check the explanation of your score.


Page 35: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Boosting Your ScoreBy rating yourself… You’ve gained insight You’ve automatically gotten ideas about

ways to improve Trust your intuition to choose the next

right step.

“What separates effective leaders from ineffective leaders,… is how much they really care about the people they lead.” Kouzes and Posner

Page 36: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket

“We are truly magnificent when our buckets are full.”

Each has an invisible bucket. Constantly emptied or filled, depending on

what others say or do to us. Full bucket = Positive outlook and renewed

energy Empty bucket = poisons our outlook, saps

our energy, and undermines our will.

Page 37: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket

“We are truly magnificent when our buckets are full.”

So we have a choice every moment of every day:

We can fill one another’s buckets, or we can dip from them. It’s an important choice—one that profoundly influences our relationships, productivity, health, and happiness.

Page 38: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

ReflectReflectHow Will You Fill Buckets?

List 5 strategies to use with your department or with individuals in your department that will help you fill buckets.


Page 39: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

What is Leadership?

“The litmus test of all leadership is whether it mobilizes people’s commitment to putting their energy into actions designed to improve things. It is individual commitment, but above all it is collective mobilization.”

Michael Fullan

Leading in a Culture of Change, p.9

Page 40: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

FCPS Leadership Development Programs and Initiatives Aspiring Assistant Principal Internship Aspiring Assistant Principal Course Higher Education Partnerships – Pending Summer Symposium

Page 41: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Ongoing Leadership Development Opportunities

Book Studies College Masters’ Degree and Certification in

Admin. and Supervision or Ed. Leadership Curriculum Writing Workshops Local, State and National Conferences and


Page 42: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Ongoing Leadership Development Opportunities

Mentor and Coaching Opportunities MSDE Professional Development Courses National Board Certification School-based Leadership and Professional

Development Opportunities

Page 43: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.


Determine what is meant by leadership.

Identify leadership skills (EM)² to build connectedness for members of your department.

Identify some leadership strategies used to build a supportive community for your department, your students, and your school.

Page 44: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

Leadership Modules- (EM)2

Envision- Personal and organizational visions are understood by all

employees and they are aligned. All actions, structures and resources are aligned and in support of the vision.

Model- All employees work on a daily basis with integrity, caring for

others and serves as an example for others to emulate. Empower-

All employees feel empowered to do their job on a daily basis in order to carry out the vision and mission of the school system.

Motivate- All employees believe their well-being is cared for and

accomplishments are celebrated.

Reflect on Leadership and (EM)2

 What w

ill you ta

ke from th


training? H

ow will you use it?


Page 45: Teacher Leadership The Best Hope for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement.

                                           Who You Are

Makes a Difference

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