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Teaching History in Teaching History in a a RemixRemix Culture Culture

Learning HistoryLearning History

Primary SourcesPrimary Sources TextbooksTextbooks LecturesLectures SlidesSlides

Attention span and interest levelAttention span and interest level

How can teachers change it from this

To this..

Integrating Technology!Integrating Technology! YouTubeYouTube 3D simulations3D simulations 3D printers3D printers Modern musicModern music

History is ChangingHistory is Changing

The teaching and learning The teaching and learning

of history is changing..of history is changing..

is still important but is still important but contemporary students contemporary students understands history understands history differently. We must differently. We must REMIXREMIX ourselves to teach history!ourselves to teach history!


[Invision 3D Printer]. Retrieved September 26, 2011, from: [Invision 3D Printer]. Retrieved September 26, 2011, from: http://www.thinglab.com.au/images/3d_model_printing_servhttp://www.thinglab.com.au/images/3d_model_printing_service_bureau_03.jpgice_bureau_03.jpg

Kelly, T. (2011). "But Mine's Better": Teaching History in a Kelly, T. (2011). "But Mine's Better": Teaching History in a Remix Culture. Remix Culture. History TeacherHistory Teacher, 44(3), 369-377. , 44(3), 369-377.

[Screenshot of Shogun 2 Video Game]. Retrieved September [Screenshot of Shogun 2 Video Game]. Retrieved September 26, 2011, from: 26, 2011, from: http://cdn.totalvideogames.com/img/uploaded/www.totalvidhttp://cdn.totalvideogames.com/img/uploaded/www.totalvideogames.com_capture_the_flag_73543__size_655_1500.jpgeogames.com_capture_the_flag_73543__size_655_1500.jpg

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