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Page 1: Team 8, Final Report Comp 1

RBE1001 B16: TEAM 8 “The Great EGGscape” Final Project Report

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

15 December 2016

Team Member Signature Contribution %

Mingquan Liu

________________________ 33

Skyler Kim

________________________ 33

Sam White

________________________ 33

Grading: Presentation _____/20

Design Analysis _____/30

Programming _____/30

Accomplishment _____/20

Total _____/100

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Preliminary Discussion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Problem Statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Design Specifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Preliminary Designs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Drivetrain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Potential Lift Mechanisms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Potential Game Piece Manipulators -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Sensor Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Selection of Final Design ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Final Design Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Driveline ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Chassis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25

Intake -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

Lift ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

Programming ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

Summary/Evaluation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

Overview of Final Design State ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

Critical Design Review (CDR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

Optional Extended Demonstration (OED) ------------------------------------------------------------- 34

Appendix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35

Pictures of Robot’s Final Design State ----------------------------------------------------------------- 35

Robot Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

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List of Figures

Figure I: The Great EGGscape Game Field with lables ------------------------------------------------- 1

Figure II: First driveline design configuration ------------------------------------------------------------ 6

Figure III: Second driveline design configuration -------------------------------------------------------- 7

Figure IV: Third driveline design configuration ---------------------------------------------------------- 8

Figure V: 4-Bar lift diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Figure VI: 6-Bar lift diagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Figure VII: Roller intake/outtake diagram ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Figure VIII: CG & VTC considerations, side view of robot ------------------------------------------- 22

Figure IX: CG & VTC considerations, top view of robot ---------------------------------------------- 22

Figure X: CG & VTC considerations, front view of robot --------------------------------------------- 22

Figure XI: CG when arm is at maximum horizontal distance ----------------------------------------- 25

Figure XII: Right side view of robot with 6-Bar lifted ------------------------------------------------- 35

Figure XIII: Left side view of robot with 6-Bar lifted -------------------------------------------------- 35

Figure XIV: Front view of robot with 6-Bar lifted ------------------------------------------------------ 36

Figure XV: Right side of two-stage lift gearing, e=1/15 ----------------------------------------------- 37

Figure XVI: Left side of two-stage lift gearing, e=1/15 ------------------------------------------------ 37

Figure XVII: Perspective view of robot with 6-Bar lift down ----------------------------------------- 38

Figure XVIII: Right side view of robot with 6-Bar lift down ------------------------------------------ 38

Figure XIX: Front view of robot with 6-Bar lift down ------------------------------------------------- 39

Figure XX: Right side driveline encoder gearing, e=5 ------------------------------------------------- 39

Figure XXI: Left side driveline encoder gearing, e=5 -------------------------------------------------- 40

Figure XXII: Drivetrain geometry and motor placement ----------------------------------------------- 40

Figure XXIII: Wooden, broken cranks for 6-Bar -------------------------------------------------------- 41

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“The Great EGGscape” is a challenge centered around manipulating wooden EGGs. The

EGGs can be scored in the NEST, a platform elevated 16” above the ground in a 32” tall BARN,

the PEN, a movable, elevated platform, and the COOP, a bounded floor area. The NEST is the

high tier scoring area, the PEN is a middle tier scoring area, and the COOP is the low tier scoring

area. The other major aspect of this challenge is a 30” long ramp that leads to a 32” high PERCH

that is used to suspend robots off of the field. Matches consist of a 20 second autonomous period,

followed by a 120 teleop period. There are various point values for each activity, including

specific point values for objectives completed during autonomous and specific point values for

objectives completed in the last 30 seconds of the match.

Figure I: The Great EGGscape Game Field with lables

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Preliminary Discussion

Our team began this project by first studying the game rules and the field design, since a

solid understanding of the challenge is critical to success. We began our brainstorming by

considering every possibility of gaining points in different sections of the game. We divided the

game into three section – autonomous, teleop, and endgame – to organize strategies for each


For autonomous section, we decided that the highest priority for this section is to score as

many EGGS into the nest as possible, since the EGGS we put in will be double counted in both

autonomous section and teleop section. In this game, each alliance can have two preloaded

EGGS and there are five EGGS under each PEN for a total of seven easily accessible EGGS.

Keeping this in mind, our highest priority goal for our robot was to push the PEN out of the way,

pick up the eggs under the PEN of our starting position(See figure 1.1), and score them into the

NEST by the end of autonomous section. Other strategies we considered include collecting the

36 EGGS poured from the RAD at the end of autonomous either by our robot’s intake or by

positioning our PEN. Because we can use encoders and bump switches to accurately positon the

robot, our team decided that with any remaining time in autonomous, we would attempt to either

push the PEN under the RAD (in front of NEST) or setting our box under the RAD.

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,Our strategy for teleop is relatively simple but straightforward. The only things we

wanted our robot to do was collect eggs with our intake consistently and pour them into the

NEST without spilling. Since each alliance’s nest field is on the other alliance’s side of the field

(See figure 1.1), we wanted our robot to be able to score from our side of the field, which meant

the lift needed to be able to reach from one side of the BARN to the NEST on the other side.

This ability of scoring will allow us to save time that would otherwise be spent driving. As an

added bonus, a longer intake allows us to score from a father distance away when we are in front

of our own NEST.

At the endgame section, the only task for our robot is climbing the ramp and hang

on the PERCH. This is a reliable and fast way to score a large amount of points. We estimated

that this will take about 10 to 15 seconds.

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Problem Statement

Design a robot to pick up and transport EGGs from different position of the game field,

settle them into the NEST and lift itself on the PERCH.

Design Specifications

High priority – The designs aspects that are most import and will be achieved on our robot.

I. Drive

a. Not fall over when the arm is lifting game pieces

b. Quickly move around the field

c. Able to push the PEN

II. Lift

a. Reach height of nest and floor level

b. Reach nest from the other side of field

III. Intake

a. Pick up eggs on the field at any orientation

b. Hold at least eight eggs in the box

IV. Sensors

a. Potentiometer to control height

b. Encoder on each drive train which has relative high resolution of data output

V. Physical Aspects

a. Weight not exceeding 10 lbs

b. Cannot exceed 15” x 15” x 18” in any dimension

c. Keep the center of gravity low and close to robot itself when the lift is extended

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Medium priority – These design specifications should be attempted. As many of these

specifications should be completed as time allows.

I. Drive:

a. High tractive force with little to no slippage

b. Drive up to the ramp

II. Lift

a. Reach over a robot to score into NEST

b. Lift the PEN to score in the nest

III. Intake

a. Collect the EGGS at the end of autonomous section from the RAD

b. Pick up EGGS swiftly

IV. Endgame of teleop

a. Get up ramp

b. Hang from Perch

Low priority – These design specifications are of low priority to the team. These are only to be

accomplished given through enough time and materials.

I. Physical aspects

a. Weight less than 7 lbs

II. Use pneumatics to lock lift to provide no back drive when robot is hanging from PERCH

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Preliminary Designs

Our team brainstormed all kinds of designs of different parts of designs (drivetrain, intake,

lift, and sensors) and analyzed the pros and cons of separate combinations of them.


The options considered for the drivetrain fall under three main designs.

Three Wheels

The first driveline design resembled the robot that all of our labs were completed with,

where two wheels were driven and a third wheel was placed some distance away and would slide

during turns. The virtual turning center of this design in our experience will be located close to

the midpoint between the two driven wheels. This is useful if the game piece manipulator is

located over those wheels for maneuverability, but given the lift considerations this would put

lots of weight on the single wheel, leading to instability.

Figure II: First driveline design configuration

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Four Wheels

The second design considered was a rectangular drivetrain with four wheels, one in each

corner. The gear ratio and number of motors per side will be determined by calculations, but this

particular design allows for good stability by maximizing the wheel base and wheel track.

Traction is also relatively constant. The virtual turning center in this design will generally be

centered. This allows turning in place, which simplifies point turns and driving.

Figure III: Second driveline design configuration

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Four Wheels With Two Fixed Wheels That Can Rotate on an Axis

The third design considered was one that was inspired by the driveline of a forklift. That

means that there are four wheels. One set of parallel wheels on the same axis are able to rotate

about the midpoint between those wheels on the axis. The other set of wheels are not driven. For

practical implementation, the wheels that are on the rotatable axis are each powered

independently. This particular design is useful in that it allows for highly smooth and variably

unique driving maneuvers. Specifically, the design allows for a virtual turning center that can be

anywhere from between the non-driven wheels and infinitely outward along the axis of those

non-driven wheels. This design would utilize all high traction wheels, which would be beneficial

for avoiding wheel slippage, which will keep the encoders from getting as off track. This design

was not chosen because of its relative complexity to drive and construct. As well, stability is a

variable factor depending on the rotation of the axis the driven wheels are on.

Figure IV: Third driveline design configuration

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Potential Lift Mechanisms

4-Bar Linkage

A 4-Bar linkage is a type of mechanism that has four parts: the crank, coupler, follower,

and ground. The crank is powered by a motor while the coupler and follower move with it. For

analysis purposes, the ground is considered to be static. If we were to use a 4-Bar linkage on our

lift, the towers holding the lift is the ground, the lower bar is the crank, the end attached to the

game piece manipulator is the coupler, and the upper member is the follower. The lengths of each

member can be manipulated to change the geometry of the linkages as the crank moves. In

Figure V, the lengths are adjusted to resembled a parallelogram. This would make the

coupler/game piece manipulator remain vertically oriented as the lift is moving upwards.

Figure V: 4-Bar lift diagram

The benefits to a 4-Bar linkage are simplicity, low torque requirements, and the ability to

control the game piece manipulator. The 4-Bar is simple because of the low number of members.

This makes it easy to do free body diagram calculations on the torque needed to lift our game

piece manipulator and the game pieces.

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The 4-Bar is also more reliable than a one member arm because the follower member above

the crank can help relieve some of the load the crank sees. This makes lifting in a 4-Bar linkage

slightly easier than if you had a one member arm. Lower torque requirements on the motor

means that our speed reduction for the lift does not need to be as low. If the speed reduction were

to be very low, multiple compound stages of gears would be needed. As you increased the

number of stages of compound gears, efficiency loss and the chance for gears skipping increases.

The ability to control the game piece manipulator can also be useful because we can

optimize the game piece manipulator for picking up objects and scoring objects. For example,

when our lift is down, we can position the game manipulator so that it can pick up the game

pieces well. When we lift upwards to score, we can alter the orientation of the game piece

manipulator, such as tilting the manipulator forward, to help score the game pieces into the goals.

The 4-Bar linkage has disadvantages in height and reach. The 4-Bar linkage’s height is

limited by how far off the ground the lowest bar is. Since the lowest bar needs to below the

highest most bar, maximum length of the crank is less than the diagonal between the arm towers

of the robot and the front of the robot. Other lifts can have their limiting member placed at the

top of their arm towers, meaning that other lifts can reach a higher height. Being able to reach

high might be useful when attempting to grab the PERCHs. In a similar manner, the smaller

length of the crank limits how far out the game piece manipulator can stick out. Being able to

have the game piece manipulator stick out in front of the robot would make scoring take less

time since the robot does not have to drive as close to the goal to score.

6-Bar Linkage

A 6-Bar linkage is a type of mechanism that has six parts. It is constructed similar to a 4-

Bar linkage. However, there are two quadrilaterals present in the 6-Bar linkage, where the 4-Bar

linkage has only one quadrilateral. The two quadrilaterals in this type of lift can be thought of as

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two 4-Bar linkages. Similarly, adjusting the lengths of the members in the mechanism can

change how the linkage changes shape as it lifts. In Figure VI, the lengths are adjusted to

resembled two parallelograms. This would make the vertical bars in the linkage remain vertically

oriented as the lift is moving upwards.

Figure VI: 6-Bar lift diagram

The benefits to a 6-Bar linkage are speed, reliability, height, reach, and the ability to

control the game manipulator. The 6-Bar linkage has benefits similar to the 4-Bar linkage

because the 6-Bar linkage is constructed out of two 4-Bar linkages. This is why the 6-Bar linkage

can have its member lengths manipulated to change how the final stage/game piece manipulator

moves. In addition, the different members in the 6-Bar linkage help relieve the load the motor on

the crank sees in a similar fashion to the 4-Bar linkage.

However, unlike the 4-Bar linkage, the 6-Bar linkage has the advantage of height and

reach. In a 6-Bar linkage lift, the limiting member is the member attached to the top of the arm

towers and to the bottom of the game piece manipulator. Since the member can be placed at the

highest point on the robot, it can achieve a further reach and a higher height than a 4-Bar linkage


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As a result of being able to reach higher, the lift would need to raise itself a lower

percentage of its maximum height to reach the NESTs. This means that a smaller change in angle

on the crank is required for the game piece manipulator to reach the require height. So if you

were to compare a 6-Bar linkage lift and a 4-Bar linkage lift, assuming a constant speed ratio for

both mechanisms, a 6-Bar linkage would take less time to reach the height of the goal than a 4-

Bar linkage trying to reach the height of the goal.

At the same time, the 6-Bar linkage is limited in its stability and torque requirement.

Since the 6-bar has the ability to move the game piece manipulator far away from the chassis of

the robot. This means that the center of gravity of the robot can be shifted far outward when the

robot is lifting the game piece manipulator. When the lift is fully extended, the center of gravity

is then shifted upward. This can make the robot very unstable, as small movements would make

it easy for the center of gravity to move outside the plane of stability and cause the robot to tip.

In addition to stability, the chance of a toggle occurring is much greater. A toggle is when 3 or

more joints in the mechanism align. If this happens, then it is ambiguous on how the members

will move next. If this were to happen on the lift, it is possible for the lift to lock itself into place.

A 6-Bar linkage can also cause problems meeting torque requirements to lift the game piece

manipulator since you are holding the game pieces farther outward than if you had a 4-Bar

linkage lift. This might mean we have to compromise the speed of our lift with the amount of

game pieces our game piece manipulator can hold.

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Potential Game Piece Manipulators

Flywheel Launcher

A flywheel launcher would consist of two rollers, spinning in opposite directions in high

speeds. The idea is that there is enough friction force in the wheels that the tangential velocity of

the wheels can be transferred to an EGG as it is passed through the two wheels. This would result

in the EGG flying across the field, hopefully into the goal.

The benefits of the flywheel shooter is the increased ability to score. With a flywheel

shooter, the robot could theoretically score from across the field. This is a huge benefit because

while other robots would need to go back and forth between the EGGs and the goal, a robot with

a flywheel shooter would be able to stay near the EGGs and continuously score. The motor

speeds of the flywheel launcher could also be slowed or sped up accordingly to adjust for shorter

or longer shots.

The disadvantages of the flywheel shooter is the fine tuning aspect. In order for a flywheel to

work effectively and quickly, it would need to be fined tuned in many different fields. In order to

make the flywheel be able to shoot EGGs consistently, the launcher would have to have to

uniformly apply the friction of the flywheels onto the EGGs, no matter the orientation. The

motors of the flywheel and the gearbox would also have to be optimized so that it has enough

torque to move the flywheel with a high speed ratio. The motors would also have to handle

moving the wheels while EGGs are being passed through them since shooting an EGG would

greatly slow the speed of the flywheel.

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Roller Intake/Outtake

A roller-styled intake would be a roller that pulls EGGs into a basket. This basket/roller

manipulator would then be lifted up to score. The roller would then be used to remove the EGGs

from the holding area into the goal. The removal of EGGs from the box would only work if the

box was slanted in a way such that the EGGs naturally rolled toward the roller, as in Figure VII.

The actual roller would be rubber bands stretched between two gears or sprockets. This design

was inspired by the 2015-2016 VEX game, where a similarly designed roller handled round foam

balls very well because the rubber bands can deform around the object to a larger extent

compared to tread, flaps, or wheels.

Figure VII: Roller intake/outtake diagram

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The benefits of a roller intake/outtake is simplicity and lightweight. With a roller

intake/outtake, only one moving component is required. This is because the same component is

used to pick up EGGs and release them into the goal. Having less moving components would

make the device simpler to construct, test, and revise. The lower number of components in the

subsystem can also mean that we can use less pieces to build it. This means the roller

intake/outtake has the potential to be very light, which would be useful since the lift motors

would see less load.

The downsides to a roller intake/outtake are jamming and entanglement. There is a

possibility that the roller will get stuck on certain orientation of eggs. For example, the roller

could get stuck on the EGGs standing upright, but work perfectly on EGGs lying on the ground.

For entanglement, there is a possibility of the material on the roller getting caught on corners of

game elements, such as the PEN. This may damage the roller and make it difficult for the robot

to pick up EGGs again.

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Sensor Usage


We considered all possible position we may need encoders for our autonomous section. First

of all, we definitely need encoders for measuring how many turns our wheel actually has moved

so that we can have accurate driving. This will allow us to drive in straight lines in both

autonomous and in teleop with less drift. In autonomous, encoders will also allow more reliable

and therefore more complex maneuvers, where time will no longer be the dependent dead

reckoning factor. While encoders are still a dead reckoning sensor because they will gradually

drift over time, by having the encoder geared to rotate at more rotations per rotation of the

wheels, we will gain a factor of accuracy in the relationship between the distance traveled by the

wheel and the number of counts of the encoder. A standard VEX encoder has 360 counts per

revolution, so with a 2.75” wheel, that is slightly less than 42 encoder counts per inch traveled by

the robot. If the encoder is geared to travel five revolutions for every revolution of the wheel,

now there is 208 encoder counts per inch of wheel travel. So depending on the ratio of gears

chosen, the encoder can become more accurate. Limitations to this would be slop in the gears

creating inaccuracy, as well as exceeding the max RPM of the encoder.


In our game strategy, reaching the NEST through the BARN was a high priority, so we

definitely would want to know for autonomous coding where the arm is by using a

potentiometer. This also allows the usage of PID control on the arm’s position, which is a more

accurate control of the arm not only in reaching the desired position but also in maintaining that

arm position.

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Bump switch

Because the EGGs being picked up in autonomous are underneath the PEN, a bump switch

can be used to detect when the robot contacts the pen. The robot could then know when to turn

the intake on. The bump switch can also be used in conjunction with the encoders to verify that

the robot is reaching specific obstacles that can be bumped into.

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Selection of Final Design

Four Wheel Drivetrain:

The design with four wheels arranged in a rectangle was chosen for its good stability and

relatively simple design and construction. The design for the driveline with three wheels was

ruled out because of concerns over the intrinsic instability of such a drivetrain. The design with

four wheels with two fixed wheels that can rotate on an axis (similar to the drivetrain found on a

forklift) was not chosen because of its relative complexity to drive and construct. As well,

stability is a variable factor depending on the rotation of the axis the driven wheels are on.

Lift: 6-Bar linkage

A 6-Bar linkage for a lift was chosen primarily for being able to quickly reach the NEST

with a 6-Bar linkage, we have a longer reach than with a 4-Bar linkage. This means that we do

not have to drive as far to score in our NEST. We also figured that it would be possible to have a

reach long enough to be able to score in your coalition’s NEST from the other side of the BARN.

That is, the blue robot would be able to reach through the red side of the BARN and into the blue

NEST. This would greatly decrease the time it takes to score as you do not need to cross the field

every time you need to score. Finally, the extra reach/height on the 6-Bar linkage would assist

having our robot reach the bar on the PERCHs without having to drive off the ramp. Being able

to grab the PERCH bar from the ramp without driving off would allow us to hang without the

chance of our robot missing and damaging itself.

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Game Piece Manipulator: Roller Intake/Outtake

We decided to go with the roller intake/outtake because of the simplicity of the design.

With a roller intake/outtake, we only have one moving component that both picks up EGGs and

releases them into goals. With a flywheel launcher, we would have to use motors for moving the

wheels and more motors for getting the EGGs to the wheels. We also believed that we would not

be able to fully tune the flywheel launcher to be able to score properly. Finally, we believed with

the roller intake/outtake’s simplicity, we would have enough time to fine tune it to prevent the

roller from getting jammed or getting caught on field elements. The other important

consideration was that if we used a flywheel launcher to score EGGs, then there would be no

need for a lifting mechanism. Since this is required by the rules, the flywheel design became a


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Final Design Analysis


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Center of gravity considerations

Prior to robot construction, the robot was constructed in Autodesk Inventor. The parts in

Inventor match the parts used on the actual robot. From the digitally constructed robot, we can

calculate the center of gravity of the robot. The center of gravity is calculated to be 6.02 inches

from the back of the robot, 7.162 inches from the right side of the robot, and 3.127 inches off the


Figure VIII: CG & VTC considerations, side view of robot

Figure IX: CG & VTC considerations, top view of robot

Figure X: CG & VTC considerations, front view of robot

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Virtual Turning Center:

The drive base only uses omniwheels, meaning that the virtual turning center of the robot

is on the same vertical axis as the center of gravity. The benefits to having the virtual turning

center at the center of gravity is that the center of gravity is relatively close to the center of the

robot. Having the virtual turning center near the center of the robot makes it easier to control the

position of the robot when programming turns in autonomous.

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Since the robot has a long reach, there could be issues when the robot is lifting with too

much weight. Using the CAD model, we calculated that if the robot weight 8.5 lbs, and the game

piece manipulator takes up 2 lbs of that, then the robot can hold 4.5 lbs before the center of

gravity falls outside the robot’s plane of stability. The plane of stability is formed by the point of

contact between all of the robot’s wheels.

Figure XI: CG when arm is at maximum horizontal distance

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The robot was designed to have the longest arm possible. This is the diagonal for a

triangle with legs 15 inches and 18 inches. In order to achieve this, the front of the robot had to

have room for the arm. Assuming the arm width would be 1 inch, the longest possible drive base

width is 15 inches, with the wheels 12.25 inches apart. This allows us to have the longest plane

of stability along the side of the drive train, which would help in keeping the robot upright when


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We would like to have accurate control over the position of our lift mechanism and our

autonomous driving. Since we have one motor on each side of the lift, two potentiometers were

added to measure the arm position and keep two arms at the same level. Proportional and

derivative control was used to prevent the weight of arm from back driving the motor and keep it

at the desired position. For consistent driving in autonomous, two encoders were added to each

front wheel for controlling the movement. To maintain accuracy, we geared the encoders so that

for every rotation of the drive’s wheel, the encoder would make five full revolutions so that we

have five times of the resolution. Also, for the drive control, proportional and derivative control

was used. The program was organized into several files and functions in order to increase

readability. In some cases, normal motor values (0 to 180) were mapped from (-90 to 90) also to

increase readability.

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Overview of Final Design State

The final state of the robot’s design was generally acceptable. All high priority items

were achieved or exceeded with only minor exceptions. Features that exceeded expectations

include having a weight of 8.1 lbs and scoring 18 EGGs into the NEST. We had originally

planned the robot to be 8.5 lbs and only be able to score 8 EGGs into the NEST.

Goals that were not achieved were speed, reach, and hanging. While the robot speed was

sufficient, it would have been useful to have greater speed. Navigating the field to pick up and

score EGGs took a considerable amount of time due to the drive’s slow speed. The robot was

also unable to score through our opponent’s side of the BARN and into our NEST. The robot

could only do this partially, as described in the CDR section. Our robot was also unable to drive

up the lift, and as a result, was not able to hang itself onto the PERCH. There was also no

mechanism for lifting the PEN into our NEST.

Noticeable features of the final robot that were not in the initial design are the cranks on

the 6-Bar lift, speed ratio of the intake, and encoders on the drive. Both the cranks on the 6-Bar

lift broke before the CDR, and had to be quickly repaired with metal instead of wood. The

damage to the lift was caused by an error in reading the potentiometer. When we were

troubleshooting, we found that the output of our potentiometers on the lift had completely

changed after we switched batteries. We concluded that the potentiometers performance was

related to battery life and decided to remove the methods in the code regarding the


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The speed ratio on the roller was changed from 3 to 5/3. While the intake was functional

with a speed ratio of 3, this was changed to a ratio of 5/3 to prevent frequent stalling of the 269

motor. While it was believed that there would be an issue with the roller not moving fast enough

to match the drive, the slow speed of the drive counteracted this and allowed us to still pick up

EGGs with ease. See Appendix for all photos of changes.

The initial design also called for two encoders, with one for each drive train. However,

prior to the CDR, both encoders on the robot stopped working. Switching ports and programs did

not solve the problem. Since we were only able to get one replacement encoder, we had to

modify the autonomous methods to work one encoder. This meant that the robot relied purely on

the values being sent to the motors to drive straight. Since this is less than ideal, the robot very

rarely drove perfectly straight or made consistent turns. To fix this, we had the robot align itself

with landmarks on the field, such as the COOP walls and the walls of the field.

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Critical Design Review (CDR)

The robot’s performance at the CDR was satisfactory. The robot was able to pick up a

large number of EGGs and score them into the NEST with teleop controls.

The autonomous routine showed off in the CDR had the robot collect the EGGs

underneath the nearby PEN. After picking up the EGGs, the robot drives over to the front of its

NEST for scoring. The robot did not score the EGGs it was holding. The robot ran this

autonomous routine starting on the right blue starting tile. The justification for this autonomous

is that it moves the PEN in autonomous gaining five points and collects a decent amount of

EGGs to be scored during the teleop period. The autonomous routine also places the robot closer

to where the EGGs are going to be released and closer to the NEST where efforts will be focused

during teleop.

The robot also demonstrated its ability to partially score over our opponent’s NEST and

into our coalition’s NEST. The robot attempted to score four EGGs into our NEST this way, and

two of the four EGGs were scored. The remaining two EGGs were placed in our opponent’s

goal. This is below satisfactory since the robot would increase the score of our opponents just as

much as our score would increase.

The robot had trouble traversing the carpet near the blue NEST. This is because we did

not take into account the inconsistencies that were allowed on the field. Specifically, we did not

take into account the unevenness or the inconsistent material of the carpet. Carpet string also

frequently got caught in the gears on our driveline and caused them to become unmeshed. This

inconsistency is what prevented the robot from scoring the EGGs it had picked up in the

autonomous routine.

Page 36: Team 8, Final Report Comp 1


Optional Extended Demonstration (OED)

The robot’s performance at the OED was above average, with the robot having 4 wins

and 0 losses. The average number of EGG’s dumped into the NEST per attempt was about 10

EGGS, with our max being 18 EGGS. Our cumulative score was 657 points. Our highest

individual match score was 218 points.

The two major objectives we were able to achieve at the OED were multiple autonomous

routines and scoring autonomous routines. The autonomous routine we showed off in the CDR

set up our robot for scoring in the NEST. We decided that since our autonomous routine has the

robot near our coalition’s PEN, the robot should just score the EGGs it picked up into the PEN.

This gave us an autonomous score of 66, which is 5 EGGs x 6 points + 2 EGGs x 3 points. This

is considerably better than an autonomous score of zero.

The robot was also able to run autonomous routines from different starting tiles on the

field, making the robot able to play the game as either coalition. Previously, for the CDR, the

robot’s autonomous routine only worked from the right blue starting tile. Over the course of the

OED, we were able to mirror the autonomous routine for the left red starting tile. The final

version of the robot has two autonomous routines that work on both red and blue starting tiles.

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Pictures of Robot’s Final Design State

Figure XII: Right side view of robot with 6-Bar lifted

Figure XIII: Left side view of robot with 6-Bar lifted

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Figure XIV: Front view of robot with 6-Bar lifted

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Figure XV: Right side of two-stage lift gearing, e=1/15

Figure XVI: Left side of two-stage lift gearing, e=1/15

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Figure XVII: Perspective view of robot with 6-Bar lift down

Figure XVIII: Right side view of robot with 6-Bar lift down

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Figure XIX: Front view of robot with 6-Bar lift down

Figure XX: Right side driveline encoder gearing, e=5

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Figure XXI: Left side driveline encoder gearing, e=5

Figure XXII: Drivetrain geometry and motor placement

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Figure XXIII: Wooden, broken cranks for 6-Bar

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Robot Code


#include "Drive.h"

#include "Intake.h"

#include "controllerDrive.h"

#include <DFW.h>

#include <Servo.h>


// -Handles setup and main loop

// -Initiates different subsystems

// -Allows joystick control

// -Limits autonomous and teleop periods

//Objects and variables for the joystick control

int ledpindebug = 13;

DFW dfw(ledpindebug);

void setup()


//Initiate motors // Set up the controller

pinMode(22, INPUT);


driveInit(); // Set up the drive / intake / lift systems




void loop()


autonomousM(20); //time in seconds to run autonomous code

teleop(120); //time in seconds that teleop code will run


void autonomousM(volatile unsigned long time) // function definition from RBE1001



while (dfw.start() == 1) // waits for start button


Serial.println("waiting for start");




unsigned long startTime = millis(); // sets start time of autonomous

time = time * 1000; // modifies milliseconds to seconds

while ((millis() - startTime <= time) && (dfw.select())) // compares start time to

time entered in the autonomous function and


// The select button can be used to skip the autonomous code.

// Enter Autonomous User Code Here

Serial.println("Autonomous"); //prints Autonomous over serial (usb com port)

//autonomous(); // choosing from different autonomous


dfw.update();//used for autonomous skip

delay(20); //delay to prevent spamming the serial port and to keep servo and dfw

libraries happy


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void teleop(unsigned long time) // function definition from RBE1001 Template


unsigned long startTime2 = millis(); // sets start time of teleop

time = time * 1000; // modifies milliseconds to seconds

while (millis() - startTime2 <= time) // compares start time to time entered in the

teleop function


controllerDrive(); //use controller

Serial.println("TeleOp"); //prints Teleop over serial (usb com port)

delay(20); //delay to prevent spamming the serial port


exit(0); // exits program


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#include <DFW.h>

#include "Drive.h"

#include "Intake.h"

void controllerDrive(); // The default running will be shown in the loop to

control the robot

void liftHandleCheck(); // reading the left L1 L2 value to control the lift

void intakeHandleCheck(); // Reading the right R1 R2 to control the intake

void initController(); // Set up the controller

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#include <DFW.h>

#include "Drive.h"

#include "Intake.h"

#include "controllerDrive.h"


// -Handles all driver control joystick mapping.

// -Calls methods in subsystem classes to control them.

// -Holds method for initiating DFW

//Holder variables for intake and lift methods.

int liftControlCase =0;

int intakeControlCase =0;

void controllerDrive() // The default running will be shown in

the loop to control the robot



cruise(dfw.joysticklv() - 90, dfw.joystickrv()-90); // Controls drive motors

liftHandleCheck(); // Controls lift motors

intakeHandleCheck(); // Controls intake motor


void liftHandleCheck() // reading the left L1 L2 value to

control the lift




if(dfw.l1()==0&&dfw.l2()==0) // If both of the lift buttons are


liftControlCase =0;

else if(dfw.l1()==0) // If top lift button is pressed, we want

lift to go up

liftControlCase =1;

else if(dfw.l2()==0) // If bottom lift button is pressed, we

want lift to go down

liftControlCase =2;


liftControlCase =0;

liftButControl(liftControlCase); // Calls lift controls with specific

state we want


void intakeHandleCheck() // Reading the right R1 R2 to control the



if(dfw.r1()==0&&dfw.r2()==0) // If both intake buttons are pressed, do


intakeControlCase =0;

else if(dfw.r1()==0) // If top intake button is pressed, run

intake inward

intakeControlCase =1;

else if(dfw.r2()==0) // If bottom intake button is pressed, run

intake outward

intakeControlCase =2;

else // If no intake button is pressed, do


intakeControlCase =0;

intakeButControl(intakeControlCase); // Run intake as specified

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void initController() // Set up the controller


dfw.begin(9600, 1);


while (dfw.start() == 0) //waits for controller to init







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// AutonomousLogic.ino:

// -Contains all autonomous routines

// -3 Routines:

// -Blue side autonomous

// -Red side autonomous

// -Middle starting zone autonomous

int currState = -1; // Every state start at -1 state

int armPos = 960;

// Blue Auto:

// -Start: Right blue starting tile

// -Picks up EGGs under PEN

// -Scores EGGs in PEN

// -Minimum 3 points (1 EGG)

// -Maximum 66 points (2 preloaded EGG, 5 autonomous scored EGGs)

void autonomous()




case -1: // Setup state, then goes to state 0

forwardDrivePos(5800); // set up moving forward 5800 ticks and change state

currState = 0;


case 0: // Robot moves forward out of starting tile, then

goes to state 1



turnDesired(-2700); // set up turning left






case 1: // Robot turns left, then goes to state 2



cruise(-90,-90); // back the robot up against wall for an accurate




forwardDrivePos(4500); // Setup moving forward


currState = 2;

delay(200); // Wait 0.2 seconds before continuing on with routine

(to prevent jerky movements)



case 2: // Robot moves forward towards PEN, then goes to state




turnDesired(2700); // set up turning right


currState =3;


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case 3: // Robot turns right toward PEN, then goes to state 4



cruise(-90,-90); // back the robot up into COOP border for an accurate




forwardDrivePos(700); // set up driving forward



currState =4;



case 4: // Robot drives forward to PEN, then goes to state 5



forwardDrivePos(4500);// set up driving forward


currState =5;




case 5: // Robot drives forward and pushes PEN and EGGs, then

goes to state 6



forwardDrivePos(3300); // set up for driving forward

currState =6;





case 6: // Robot drives forward with intake on, picking up EGGs,

then goes to state 7

runIntake(); // Run intake motor to pick up EGGs

delay(200); // Let intake roller get up to speed



currState = 7;

forwardDrivePos(-2000); //set up for driving backward





case 7: // Robot drives backwards from PEN, then lifts upward,

then goes to state 8

runIntake(); // keep the intake running and move the arm up






currState = 8;

forwardDrivePos(4500); // set up for driving forwards



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case 8: // Robot drives forwards towards PEN, then goes to state





currState = 9;




case 9: // Robot runs intake outward and stops moving




default: // Robot doesn't move if something with the state machine

goes wrong.





// Blue Auto:

// -Start: Left blue starting tile

// -Picks up EGGs under PEN

// -Scores EGGs in PEN

// -Minimum 3 points (1 EGG)

// -Maximum 66 points (2 preloaded EGG, 5 autonomous scored EGGs)

void autonomous2()




case -1: // Setup state, then goes to state 0

forwardDrivePos(5800); // set up moving forward 5800 ticks and change state

currState = 0;


case 0: // Robot moves forward out of starting tile, then

goes to state 1



turnDesired(2700); // set up turning right






case 1: // Robot turns right, then goes to state 2



cruise(-90,-90); // back the robot up against wall for an accurate




forwardDrivePos(4500); // Setup moving forward


currState =2;

Page 52: Team 8, Final Report Comp 1


delay(200); // Wait 0.2 seconds before continuing on with

routine (to prevent jerky movements)



case 2: // Robot moves forward towards PEN, then goes to

state 3



turnDesired(-2700); // set up turning left


currState =3;




case 3: // Robot turns left toward PEN, then goes to state 4



cruise(-90,-90); // back the robot up into COOP border for an

accurate angle



forwardDrivePos(700); // set up driving forward



currState =4;



case 4: // Robot drives forward to PEN, then goes to state 5



forwardDrivePos(4500); // set up driving forward


currState =5;




case 5: // Robot drives forward and pushes PEN and EGGs, then

goes to state 6



forwardDrivePos(3300); // set up for driving forward

currState =6;





case 6: // Robot drives forward with intake on, picking up

EGGs, then goes to state 7

runIntake(); // Run intake motor to pick up EGGs

delay(200); // Let intake roller get up to speed



currState = 7;

forwardDrivePos(-2000); //set up for driving backward





Page 53: Team 8, Final Report Comp 1


case 7: // Robot drives backwards from PEN, then lifts upward,

then goes to state 8

runIntake(); // keep the intake running and move the arm up






currState = 8;

forwardDrivePos(4500); // set up for driving forwards





case 8: // Robot drives forwards towards PEN, then goes to

state 9




currState = 9;





case 9: // Robot runs intake outward and stops moving




default: // Robot doesn't move if something with the state

machine goes wrong.





// Blue/Red Auto:

// -Start: Right red starting tile OR left blue starting tile

// -Maximum 0 points

// -Interrupts opponents autonomous routine

void autonomous3() // our Autonomous 3 is for starting at the

inner side either red or blue

{ // our Robot will move backwards and block the

team tries to get the eggs under (purely for OED)



case -1 : // Drive backward for 5 seconds



currState =0;


case 0: // Stop moving and keep intake running






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#include <Servo.h>

void runMotor(Servo a, int speed); // The speed for controlling the motor are from -90

to 90 90 is clockwise and -90 is counter-clockwise

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//#include "PID.h"

#include <Servo.h>


// -Handles powering motors.

void runMotor(Servo a,int speed) // The speed for controlling the motor are from

-90 to 90 90 is clockwise and -90 is counter-clockwise


//Limit the value being sent to the motor. Values being sent should have a minimum

of -90 and a maximum of 90

if(speed < -90)


speed = -90;


if(speed >90)


speed = 90;


//write value of speed to motor



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#include <Servo.h>

#include <Encoder.h>

#include "Motor.h"

//#include "PID.h"

void driveInit(); // Attach physical motors to servo


void cruise(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed); // Changes the speeds of the drive

motors, controlling the different parts of the drive train

void forwardDrivePos(int ticks); // Changes desired position to the

current value of the encoders plus the distance

void turnDesired(int ticks); // Changes desired position to

current value of encoders with plus or minus the desired ticks

bool followDrive(); // This method will let the motors

to follow the desired turn or value we set

void resetError(); // Reset the error so the follow

drive could run again

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#include <Servo.h>

#include <Encoder.h>

#include "Motor.h"

#include "Drive.h"


// -Handles drive methods (for autonomous and driver control)

// -Hold PD controller for drive motors. Uses encoders as value to monitor

// Drive motor ports

int leftFrontMotorPin = 6;

int leftBackMotorPin = 5;

int rightFrontMotorPin = 7;

int rightBackMotorPin = 4;

// Amount of error allowed before command is allowed to be considered "finished" and

code moves on

// This is a set amount

int driveTolerance = 30;

// PID Routine data holders.

// 0 refers to left drive

// 1 refers to right drive

int currPosDrive[2]; // Current position of drive encoders

int desiredPosDrive[2]; // Desired position of drive encoders. Manually write the

desired position before calling drive control methods

int errorDrive[2]; // Current error

int pErrorDrive[2]; // Previous error

int pDrive[2]; // Proportional value

int dDrive[2]; // Derivative value

int driveValDrive[2]; // Values sent to drive motors

// PID routine constants

float kpDrive[2];

float kdDrive[2];

int leftComponent;

int rightComponent;

Servo leftFrontMotor;

Servo leftBackMotor;

Servo rightFrontMotor;

Servo rightBackMotor;

Encoder leftEnc(18,19);

Encoder rightEnc(2,3);

void driveInit() // Attach physical motors

to servo objects


leftFrontMotor.attach(leftFrontMotorPin, 1000,2000);

leftBackMotor.attach(leftBackMotorPin, 1000,2000);

rightFrontMotor.attach(rightFrontMotorPin, 1000,2000);

rightBackMotor.attach(rightBackMotorPin, 1000,2000);

//set PID constants

kpDrive[0] = 0.2;

kdDrive[0] = 0.1;

kpDrive[1] = 0.35;

kdDrive[1] = 0.05;

//Initialize all PID controller variables to 0

currPosDrive[0] = 0;

currPosDrive[1] = 0;

desiredPosDrive[0] = 0;

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desiredPosDrive[1] = 0;

errorDrive[0] = 500;

errorDrive[1] = 500;

pErrorDrive[0] = 0;

pErrorDrive[1] = 0;

pDrive[0] = 0;

pDrive[1] = 0;

dDrive[0] = 0;

dDrive[1] = 0;

driveValDrive[0] = 0;

driveValDrive[1] = 0;

leftComponent =1;

rightComponent =1;


// Changes the speeds of the drive motors, controlling the different parts of the

drive train

// 90,90 should make the robot go forward

void cruise(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed)


if(leftSpeed < -90)


leftSpeed = -90;


if(leftSpeed >90)


leftSpeed = 90;


if(rightSpeed < -90)


rightSpeed = -90;


if(rightSpeed >90)


rightSpeed = 90;


runMotor(leftFrontMotor, leftSpeed); // Left front motor must move clockwise

to move forward

runMotor(rightFrontMotor, -rightSpeed); // Right front motor must move counter

clockwise to move forward

runMotor(leftBackMotor, -leftSpeed); // Left back motor must move counter

clockwise to move forward

runMotor(rightBackMotor, rightSpeed); // Right back motor must move clockwise

to move forward


// Changes desired position to the current value of the encoders plus the distance

// you want to travel

void forwardDrivePos(int ticks)


desiredPosDrive[1] = rightEnc.read() - ticks; // subtract ticks because right

encoder counts down when driving forward

leftComponent =1;


// Changes desired position to current value of encoders with plus or minus the

desired ticks

// right position is lower than current position so that robot turns right

void turnDesired(int ticks) //Positive for right and negative for left


desiredPosDrive[1] = rightEnc.read() + ticks; // Add ticks because right encoder

counts up when driving backwards

leftComponent =-1; // Inverse the left

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// PID routine for drive

// Returns true if error is within tolerance. Otherwise false

// Routine does not run if it is within tolerance

// Make sure to change the desiredPosDrive to what you want

bool followDrive() // This method will let the motors to follow the

desired turn or value we set


// If both errors are within tolerance



return true;


else // If this happens, then we need to decrease the error with the routine


// read current position of encoders

currPosDrive[0] = leftEnc.read();

currPosDrive[1] = rightEnc.read();

// Calculate error

errorDrive[1] = desiredPosDrive[1] - currPosDrive[1];

// Calculate proportional

pDrive[1] = errorDrive[1];

// Calculate derivative (error minus last error)

dDrive[1] = errorDrive[1] - pErrorDrive[1];

// Calculate value to send to motors

driveValDrive[1] = kpDrive[1]*pDrive[1] + kdDrive[1]*dDrive[1];

Serial.print("Error 0 ");



// Write value to motors

// cruise(driveValDrive[0], -driveValDrive[1]);

cruise(-driveValDrive[1]*leftComponent, -driveValDrive[1]*rightComponent); //

The motors are inversed when turning

pErrorDrive[1] = errorDrive[1];

return false;



void resetError() // Reset the error so the follow drive could run again


errorDrive[1] =500;


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#include "Motor.h"

#include <Servo.h>

void liftSetup(); //Set up the left motor and the right


void liftButControl(int buttonValue); // This is for the controller control of

the lift

void liftControl(int Pos); // Proportional control of the arm

float sensorUsage(int Pos); //Returns error between current arm

position and desired arm position multiplied with kp

Page 61: Team 8, Final Report Comp 1



#include "Motor.h"

#include <Servo.h>


// -Handles lift controlling methods (for both autonomous and driver control)

// -Holds P controller for lift (for autonomous)

Servo leftMotor; // They are the different Motors for the lift controlling

system one on the left and the other

Servo rightMotor; // on the right side, the right side is going counter

clockwise for going up, the left side is going clockwise for going up

int leftMotorPin = 8;

int rightMotorPin = 9;

int sensorPin =A0;

float Kp = 1.0f; // The proportional control constant for the arm control

int moveSpeed = 90; // When using the controller, the arm motor moves at


int currentPos =800; // this is for storing the current position of the robot

when we have controller control(should be set up as the starting position)

void liftSetup() //Set up the left motor and

the right motor





void liftButControl(int buttonValue) // This is for the

controller control of the lift




case 0: // case 0 is the case

where the arm should be stayed the same position(This position comes from current

positon which we record at case 1 and 2 or the default value)





case 1: // case 1 is moving the

arm up with the moveSpeed





case 2: // case 2 is moving the arm

down with the moveSpeed;







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void liftControl(int Pos) // Proportional control of the



int drive =(int)sensorUsage(Pos);

runMotor(leftMotor,drive); //The two Motor works

differently, so speed written to motors is inversed



float sensorUsage(int Pos) // Returns error between

currernt arm position and desired arm position multiplied with kp


float drive =Kp*(analogRead(sensorPin)-Pos ); // The error equals Kp times

the difference between desired position


// As the difference gets

smaller our arm moves slower

return drive;


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#include <Servo.h>

#include "Motor.h"

void intakeInit(); // Set up the intake motor

void controlIntake(int bottomValue); // Use right side button to control our


void runIntake(); // Runs intake inward to pick up eggs

void stopIntake(); // Stops intake movement

void outPutIntake(); // Runs intake outward to release eggs

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#include <Servo.h>

#include "Motor.h"


// -Handles intake controlling methods (for both autonomous and driver control)

Servo motor;

int motorPin = 10; // Our intake system will only have one motor and these are the

data for this motor

int intakeSpeed = 90; //Set up the three running speed variables

int outputSpeed = -90;

int stationarySpeed =0;

void intakeInit() // Set up the intake motor




void intakeButControl(int buttomValue) // Use right side button to control our





case 0:



case 1:



case 2:





void runIntake() // Intake eggs




void stopIntake() // Keep staying




void outPutIntake() //Output eggs




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