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  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Technical Documentation GM Turbo Hydra-Matic 4L60-E

    Fastener Tightening S eci!ications -

    Document "D# $%$&&%

    Fastener Tightening S eci!ications 'Diagnosis 4L60-E(



    Metric English

    Accumulator Cover to Case Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    Case E#tension to Case Bolt 4$.048.0 Nm%&.0%'.4 l"


    Case E#tension to Case Bolt (4)* Shipping+ 11.$$$.! Nm8.%1!., l" f


    Converter -ousing to Case Scre !&.0,&.0 Nm 48&& l" ft

    Cooler /ipe Connector %&.041.0 Nm $!%0 l" ft

    *etent Spring to alve Bo 2 Bolt$0.0$,.0 N

    m 1&$0 l" ft

    3or ar Accumulator Cover to alve Bo 2 Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    ine /ressure /lug 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    Manual Shaft to 5nsi e *etent ever Nut $,.0%4.0 Nm $0$& l" ft

    6il /assage Cover to Case Bolt 814.0 N m !10 l" ft

    /ar7 Bra7e Brac7et to Case Bolt

    $,.0%4.0 N

    m $0$& l" ft

    /late to Case Bolt (Shipping+ $,.0%4.0 Nm $0$& l" ft

    /late to Converter Bolt (Shipping+ $,.0%4.0 Nm $0$& l" ft

    /ressure Control Solenoi Brac7et to alve Bo 2 Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    /ump Assem"l2 to Case Bolt $!.0%$.0 Nm 1'$4 l" ft

    /ump Cover to /ump Bo 2 Bolt $0.0$,.0 Nm 1&$0 l" ft

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Solenoi Assem"l2 to Case Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    Spee Sensor etainer Bolt 10.&1%.& Nm ,.,10 l" ft

    9ransmission 3lui /ressure Manual alve /ositionS itch to alve Bo 2 Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    9ransmission 6il Cooler /ipe 3itting %&.041.0 Nm $!%0 l" ft

    9ransmission 6il /an to Case Bolt '.&1%.8 Nm ,10 l" ft

    alve Bo 2 to Case Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    Fluid )a acity

    Document "D# 6%*$

    Fluid )a acity



    Metric English

    /an emoval 4., liters & :uarts

    6verhaul 10.! liters 11 :uarts

    Transmission End +lay )hec,

    Document "D# $%* &

    Transmission End +lay .asher Selection )hart

    5 entification )asher 9hic7ness (mm+ )asher 9hic7ness (in+

    !, 1.8,1.', 0.0,40.0,8

    !8 $.04$.14 0.0800.084

    !' $.$1$.%1 0.08,0.0'1

    ,0 $.%8$.48 0.0'40.0'8

    ,1 $.&&$.!& 0.1000.104

    ,$ $.,$$.8$ 0.10,0.111

    ,% $.8'$.'' 0.11%0.11,

    ,4 %.0!%.1! 0.1$00.1$4

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Lo/ and e1erse )lutch S acer +late Selection

    Document "D# $%*

    Measure *imensionSelective /late

    5 entification 9hic7ness

    $8.0!&$,.&4& mm (1.10& 1.084 in+ None

    1.!841.8$' mm (0.0!! 0.0,$ in+

    $8.&8!$8.0!! mm (1.1$& 1.10& in+ 0

    1.%141.1!8 mm (0.0&$ 0.04! in+

    $,.&44$,.0$! mm (1.084

    1.0!4 in+1 $.1'8$.%44 mm (0.08,

    0.0'$ in+

    Document "D# 1'&,,

    For/ard )lutch 2ac,ing +late Selection

    Document "D# *3&60

    For/ard )lutch 2ac,ing +late Selection

    /late 9hic7ness 5 entification

    !.'$,.0, mm (0.$,$0.$,8 in+ A

    !.%%!.48 mm (0.$4'0.$&& in+ B

    &.,4&.8' mm (0.$$!0.$%$ in+ C

    &.1&&.%0 mm (0.$0%0.$08 in+ *

    4.&!4.,1 mm (0.1800.18& in+ E

    Bac7ing /late 9ravel; 0.,!!1.,&! mm (0.0%00.0!' in+

    Third and Fourth )lutch 2ac,ing +late Selection

    Document "D# * %*0

    rd and 4th )lutch 2ac,ing +late Selection Table

    *imension 5 entification

    &.88&.!8 mm (0.$%10.$$4 in+ A

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4.''4.,! mm (0.1'!0.18, in+ B

    4.10%.'0 mm (0.1!10.1&4 in+ C

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1,.',41,.'8, 0.,0,!0.,081

    1,.'8,18.000 0.,0810.,08!

    18.00018.01% 0.,08!0.,0'1

    Document "D# 1'&8$


    CA 5NE(*5 5S56N+



    9 ANSA@ E9 ANSM5SS56N

    M 6f Cana a+

    1.0 % 9B5 /$ M& M&8


    Metro 3irefl2

    (Chevrolet+ (>M 6f Cana a+

    1.% 4 M35 ,$ A% M& M!0 M4$

    Cavalier (Chevrolet+ $.$ 4 S35 N$

    %940 4940E M&

    M*' MN4 M ,

    Cavalier (Chevrolet+ $.4 4 S35 *' 4940E M& MN4 M 1

    Sunfire(/ontiac+ $.$ 4 S35 N$

    %940 4940E M&

    M*' MN4 M ,

    Sunfire(/ontiac+ $.4 4 S35 *' 4940E M& MN4 M 1

    N Mali"u(Chevrolet+ $.4 4 S35 *' 4940E MN4

    N Mali"u(Chevrolet+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 4940E MN4

    N S72lar7 (Buic7+ $.4 4 S35 *' 49!0E M& M1% M 1

    NS72lar7 (Buic7+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    N Achieva(6l smo"ile+ $.4 4 S35 *' 49!0E M& M1% M 1

    N Achieva(6l smo"ile+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

    N Cutlass(6l smo"ile+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 4940E MN4

    N >ran Am(/ontiac+ $.4 4 S35 *' 49!0E M& M1% M 1

    N >ran Am(/ontiac+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

    < enture(Chevrolet+ %.4 ! S35 A1 49!0E M1%

    < 9rans Sport(/ontiac+ %.4 ! S35 A1 49!0E M1%

    < Silhouette(6l smo"ile+ %.4 ! S35 A1 49!0E M1%

    ) 5ntrigue(6l smo"ile+ %.8 ! S35 %! 49!&E M1&

    ) 5ntrigue(6l smo"ile+ %.& ! S35 @&49!&E A* .C6N9 6 MN%

    ) >ran /ri#(/ontiac+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

    )>ran /ri#(/ontiac+ %.8 !

    S35 S35(SC+

    %! !,

    49!&E 49!&E-* M1& MN,

    ) Centur2(Buic7+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

    ) egal(Buic7+ %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%

    ) egal(Buic7+ %.8 !S35 S35

    (SC+%! !,

    49!&E 49!&E-* M1& MN,




    %.1 ! S35 8$ 49!0E M1%


    Monte Carlo?%4

    umina 9?(Chevrolet+

    %.8 ! S35 %! 49!&E M1&

    3 Camaro(Chevrolet+ %.8 ! S35 %! 4 !0E M& M%0 M4'

    3 Camaro(Chevrolet+ &., 8 S35 S1 4 !0E M! M%0 MM!

    3 3ire"ir(/ontiac+ %.8 ! S35 %! 4 !0E M& M%0 M4'

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    3 3ire"ir(/ontiac+ &., 8 S35 S1 4 !0E M! M%0 MM!

    > Aurora(6l smo"ile+ 4.0 8 S35 4, 4980E M-1

    > iviera(Buic7+ %.8 ! S35 S35(SC+ %! !, 49!&E 49!&E-* M1& MN,


    Avenue ME + E N A N1 N A N A

    -Eight2 Eight

    egenc2(6l smo"ile+

    %.8 ! S35 %! 49!&E M1&

    - SS(6l smo"ile+ %.8 !S35 S35

    (SC+%! !,

    49!&E 49!&E-* M1& MN,

    -Bonneville SSE SSEi(/ontiac+

    %.8 ! S35 S35(SC+%! !,

    49!&E 49!&E-* M1& MN,

    - e Sa"re(Buic7+ %.8 ! S35 %! 49!&E M1&


    El ora o El ora o9ouringCoupe

    (Ca illac+

    4.! 8 S35 *8 %, 4980E M-1

    Seville S S Seville S9S(Ca illac+

    4.! 8 S35 *8 %, 4980E M-1


    *e ille *e ille

    Concours(Ca illac+

    4.! 8 S35 *8

    %,4980E M-1

    = Corvette(Chevrolet+ &., 8 S35 S1 4 !0E 9 &! M%0 MM!


    9 M94%0Su"ur"an

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $)* 1 $ 96N

    C$&00 Chevrolet >MC


    $)* % 4 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91

    C1&00 Chevrolet >MC

    >M94$09ahoe =u7on$)*

    1 $ 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

    1&00 Chevrolet >MC


    4)* 1 $ 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.

    S35 &! 4 80E M91

    $&00 Chevrolet >MC


    4)* % 4 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.

    S35 !& 4 80E M91

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91

    1&00 Chevrolet >MC

    >M94109ahoe =u7on4)*

    1 $ 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.

    S35 &! 4 80E N %&00 M91 M>&

    1&00 Chevrolet

    >MC>M94$09ahoe =u7on4*

    4)* 1 $ 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0

    Bo 292pe

    9ruc7 ine D9ruc7 92pe





    Chassis Ca"$)* % 4 96N

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 80E

    N 4&00M91 M)%

    !.& 8 S35 &! 4 80E M91

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Single An *ual

    ear 9ires

    *S9< B.

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91


    Chevrolet >MCChassis Ca"

    4)* 196NSingle An *ual

    ear 9ires

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 &! 4 80E M91

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91


    Chevrolet >MCChassis Ca"

    $)* 1 96NSingle An *ual

    ear 9ires

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E M91

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91


    Chevrolet >MCChassis Ca"

    4)* 1 96NSingle An *ual

    ear 9ires

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E M91

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91


    Chevrolet >MCCre Ca" AnChassis CreCa" $)* 1

    96N Single An*ual ear 9ires

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%


    Chevrolet >MCCre Ca" An

    Chassis CreCa" $)* 1

    96N Single An*ual ear 9ires

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E N 4&00 M91 M)%


    Chevrolet >MCCre Ca" AnChassis CreCa" 4)* 1

    96N Single An*ual ear 9ires

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E M91

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E



    9 M9%$&$)* S /ic7



    BlaFer imm2


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4)* Astro Safari Mi SiFe



    Chevrolet >MCE#press Savana

    1 $ 96N 3ullSiFe an

    4.% ! CS35 %& 4 !0E M%0

    &.0 8 CS35 %0 4 !0E M%0&., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0


    Chevrolet >MCE#press Savana

    % 4 96N 3ullSiFe an

    4.% ! CS35 %& 4 !0E M%0

    &.0 8 CS35 %0 4 !0E M%0

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E M%0


    Chevrolet >MC

    E#press Savana1 96N 3ull SiFe


    4.% ! CS35 %& 4 !0E 4 80E M%0 M91

    &., 8 CS35 %1 4 !0E

    4 80EM%0 M91

    !.& 8*S

    9< B.S35 !& 4 80E M91

    ,.4 8 S35 $' 4 80E M91



    Metric English

    All Metal /revailing 9or:ue 3asteners ! mm 0.4 N m 4 l" in 8 mm 0.8 N m , l" in 10 mm 1.4 N m 1$ l" in 1$ mm $.1 N m 1' l" in 14 mm % N m $, l" in 1! mm 4.$ N m %, l" in $0 mm , N m !$ l" in $4 mm 10.& N m '% l" in

    N2lon 5nterface /revailing 9or:ue 3asteners ! mm 0.% N m % l" in 8 mm 0.! N m & l" in 10 mm 1.1 N m 10 l" in 1$ mm 1.& N m 1% l" in 14 mm $.% N m $0 l" in 1! mm %.4 N m %0 l" in $0 mm &.& N m 4' l" in $4 mm 8.& N m ,& l" in

    Application Specification

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Metric English

    All Metal /revailing 9or:ue 3asteners 1 4 in 0.& N m 4.& l" in & 1! in 0.8 N m ,.& l" in % 8 in 1.% N m 11.& l" in , 1! in 1.8 N m 1! l" in 1 $ in $.% N m $0 l" in ' 1! in %.$ N m $8 l" in & 8 in 4 N m %! l" in % 4 in , N m &4 l" in

    N2lon 5nterface /revailing 9or:ue 3asteners 1 4 in 0.% N m % l" in & 1! in 0.! N m & l" in % 8 in 1 N m ' l" in , 1! in 1.% N m 1$ l" in 1 $ in 1.8 N m 1! l" in ' 1! in $.& N m $$ l" in & 8 in %.4 N m %0 l" in % 4 in & N m 4& l" in

    A""reviation Meaning


    A Ampere(s+

    ABS Antiloc7 Bra7e S2stem

    A C Air Con itioning

    AC Alternating Current

    ACC Accessor2 Automatic Climate Control

    AC Air Cleaner

    AC 4 Air Con itioning efrigerant ecover2 ec2cling echarging

    A * Analog to *igital

    A* Automatic *oor oc7

    A 3 Air 3uel ( atio+

    A5 Secon ar2 Air 5nGection

    A C Automatic evel Control

    AM 3M Amplitu e Mo ulation 3re:uenc2 Mo ulation

    Ant Antenna

    A/ Accelerator /e al

    A/5 American /etroleum 5nstitute

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    A// Accelerator /e al /osition

    A/9 A Gusta"le /art 9hrottle

    A S Automatic estraint S2stem

    AS Acceleration Slip egulation

    A 9 Automatic 9ransmission 9ransa#le

    A9C Automatic 9emperature Control

    A9*C After 9op *ea Center

    Auto Automatic

    avg average

    A)* All )heel *rive

    A)> American )ire >age


    BH Batter2 /ositive oltage

    B Batter2 Negative oltage

    BA 6 Barometric (pressure+

    "att "atter2

    BB Bra7e Booster acuum

    BCM Bo 2 Control Mo ule

    B-/ Bra7e -orsepo er

    B Blac7

    B < BlueB/ Bac7 /ressure

    B/M Bra7e /ressure Mo ulator

    B/M Bra7e /ressure Mo ulator alve

    B// Bra7e /e al /osition

    B N Bro n

    B9*C Before 9op *ea Center

    B9S5 Bra7e 9ransmission Shift 5nterloc7

    Btu British thermal unitsC

    IC *egrees Celsius

    CAC Charge Air Cooler

    CA3E Corporate Average 3uel Econom2

    Cal Cali"ration

    Cam Camshaft

    CA B California Air esources Boar

    cc cu"ic centimetersCCM Central Control Mo ule

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    CC69 C2cling Clutch 6rifice 9u"e

    CC/ Climate Control /anel

    C* Compact *isc

    CE Commutator En

    CEAB Col Engine Air Blee

    CEM3 Counter Electromotive 3orce

    cfm cu"ic feet per minute

    cg center of gravit2

    C5* Cu"ic 5nch *isplacement

    C / Cran7shaft /osition

    C 9 Circuit

    C Close oop

    C tr Cigar ighter

    CM/ Camshaft /osition

    CN> Compresse Natural >as

    C6 Car"on Mono#i e

    C6$ Car"on *io#i e

    Coa# Coa#ial

    C6MM Communication

    Conn Connector

    C/A Connector /osition AssuranceC// Clutch /e al /osition

    C/S Central /o er Suppl2

    C/< Central /rocessing

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    *CM *oor Control Mo ule

    *E *rive En

    *EC *igital Electronic Controller

    *E M *iagnostic Energ2 eserve Mo ule

    *5 *istri"utor 5gnition

    ia iameter

    *5C *river 5nformation Center

    *iff *ifferential

    * *ar7

    * C *ata in7 Connector

    *MM *igital Multimeter

    *6-C *ual 6verhea Camshafts

    * *river

    * *a2time unning amps

    *9C *iagnostic 9rou"le Co e


    EBCM Electronic Bra7e Control Mo ule

    EB9CM Electronic Bra7e an 9raction Control Mo ule

    EC Electrical Center

    ECC Electronic Climate Control

    EC5 E#ten e Compressor at 5 leEC Engine Coolant evel

    ECM Engine Control Mo ule

    ECS Emission Control S2stem

    EC9 Engine Coolant 9emperature

    EE/ 6M Electronicall2 Erasa"le /rogramma"le ea 6nl2 Memor2

    EE 5 Evaporator E:ualiFe alues in eceiver

    E3E Earl2 3uel Evaporation

    E> E#haust >as ecirculationE> 9 E#haust >as ecirculation 9hermal acuum alve

    E5 Electronic 5gnition

    E A/ Elapse

    E C Electronic evel Control

    E M English Metric

    EM3 Electromotive 3orce

    Eng Engine

    E6/ Engine 6il /ressureE69 Engine 6il 9emperature

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    E/A Environmental /rotection Agenc2

    E/ E#haust /ressure egulator

    E/ 6M Erasa"le /rogramma"le ea 6nl2 Memor2

    ESC Electronic Suspension Control

    ES* Electrostatic *ischarge

    E9C Electronic 9hrottle Control Electronic 9emperature Control

    E9CC Electronic 9ouch Climate Control

    E9 Electronicall2 9une eceiver

    E A/ Evaporative Emission

    E 6 Electronic aria"le 6rifice

    E#h E#haust


    I3 *egrees 3ahrenheit

    3C 3an Control

    3*C 3uel *ata Center

    3E* 3e eral (all g grams gravitational accelaration

    >A >age

    gal gallon

    gas gasoline

    >C) >ross Com"ination )eight

    >en >enerator

    > >ear u"ricant

    >M >eneral Motors>M S/6 >eneral Motors Service /arts 6perations

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    gn groun

    gpm gallons per minute

    > N >reen

    > = >ra2

    > ) >ross ehicle )eight ating


    - -2 rogen

    -$6 )ater

    -arn -arness

    -C -2 rocar"ons

    - CM/ -igh Compression

    -* -eav2 *ut2

    -*C -eav2 *ut2 Cooling

    he# he#agon

    -g Mercur2

    -i Alt -igh Altitu e

    -6$S -eate 6#2gen Sensor

    hp horsepo er

    -/ -igh /ressure i:ui

    -/S -igh /erformance S2stem

    -/ -igh /ressure apor -t -eate

    -9 -eater


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    5N 5nGection

    inst instantaneous

    5 / 5nstrument /anel

    5/C 5nstrument /anel Cluster

    5 /EC 5nstrument /anel Electrical Center

    5SC 5 le Spee Control

    5S6 5nternational Stan ar s 6rganiFation

    5SS 5nput Spee Shaft

    AM eep Alive Memor2

    ** e2"oar *ispla2 *river

    7g 7ilogram

    7-F 7ilohertF

    7m 7ilometer

    7m h 7ilometers per hour

    7m l 7ilometers per liter

    7/a 7ilopascals

    S noc7 Sensor

    7 7ilovolts

    iter 4 3our C2lin er Engine 5n line

    ! Si# C2lin er Engine 5n ine

    l" poun

    l" ft poun feet (tor:ue+

    l" in poun inch (tor:ue+

    C* i:ui Cr2stal *ispla2

    *C eft *oor Close oc7ing

    *CM eft *oor Control Mo uleE* ight Emitting *io e

    3 eft 3ront

    - eft -an

    lm lumens

    eft ear

    lt left

    9 ight

    MMA3 Mass Air 3lo

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Man Manual

    MA/ Manifol A"solute /ressure

    MA9 Manifol A"solute 9emperature

    ma# ma#imum

    M C Mi#ture Control

    M*/ Manifol *ifferential /ressure

    M35 Multiport 3uel 5nGection

    mi miles

    M5 Malfunction 5n icator amp

    min minimum

    ml milliliter

    mm millimeter

    mpg miles per gallon

    mph miles per hour

    ms millisecon

    MS9 Manifol Surface 9emperature

    M 9 Manual 9ransmission 9ransa#le

    M Megavolt

    m millivolt


    NAES North American E#port Sales NC Normall2 Close

    NE> Negative

    Neu Neutral

    N >5 National u"ricating >rease 5nstitute

    N m Ne ton meter (tor:ue+

    N6 Normall2 6pen

    N6# 6#i es of Nitrogen

    N/9C National /ipe 9hrea Coarse N/93 National /ipe 9hrea 3ine

    N AM Non olatile an om Access Memor2


    6$ 6#2gen

    6$S 6#2gen Sensor

    6B* 55 6n Boar *iagnostics 55

    6C 6#i ation Converter (Catal2tic+

    6* 6utsi e *iameter 6*6 6 ometer

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    6E 6riginal E:uipment

    6EM 6riginal E:uipment Manufacturer

    6-C 6verhea Camshaft

    6 6pen oop

    6 N 6range

    6SS 6utput Shaft Spee

    oF ounce(s+


    /A> /ol2al72lene >l2col

    /ASS /assenger

    /ASS e2J /ersonaliFe Automotive Securit2 S2stem

    / B /o er Bra7es

    /C /ressure Control

    /CB /rinte Circuit Boar

    /CM /o ertrain Control Mo ule

    /CS /ressure Control Solenoi

    /C /ositive Cran7case entilation

    /M /ermanent Magnet (>enerator+

    / N /art Num"er

    /N /in7

    /N/ /ar7 Neutral /osition/ N* /ar7 everse Neutral *rive o

    /6A /ilot 6perate A"solute ( alve+

    /6S /ositive

    /69 /otentiometer ( aria"le esistor+

    // /urple

    ppm parts per million

    / 6M /rogramma"le ea 6nl2 Memor2

    / S /o er Steering/S* /o er Sli ing *oor

    /S/ /o er Steering /ressure

    psi poun s per s:uare inch

    psia poun s per s:uare inch a"solute

    psig poun s per s:uare inch gage

    pt pint

    /)M /ulse )i th Mo ulate

    K:t :uart(s+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1$ efrigerant 1$

    1%4a efrigerant 1%4a

    AMan om Access Memor2 (non permanent memor2 evise memor2

    contents are lost hen po er is remove +A/ etaine Accessor2 /o er

    A emote Activation erification

    C* emote Control *oor oc7 eceiver

    *CM ight *oor Control Mo ule

    ef eference

    ev everse

    3 ight 3ront a io 3re:uenc2

    3A emote 3unction Actuation35 a io 3re:uenc2 5nterference

    - ight -an

    E emote e2less Entr2

    l2 ela2

    6M ea 6nl2 Memor2 (permanent memor2 evise memor2 contents areretaine hen po er is remove +

    /M Engine Spee ( evolutions /er Minute+

    /6 egular /ro uction 6ption

    ight ear

    rt right

    9* eal 9ime *amping

    9 oom 9emperature ulcaniFing (sealer+

    )A ear )heel Antiloc7

    )* ear )heel *rive


    s secon (s+

    SAE Societ2 of Automotive Engineers

    SC Supercharger

    SCB Supercharger B2pass

    SCM Seat Control Mo ule

    S*M Sensing an *iagnostic Mo ule

    SE6 Special E:uipment 6ption

    S35 Se:uential Multiport 3uel 5nGection

    S5 S2stem 5nternational (mo ern version of metric s2stem+

    S5 Supplemental 5nflata"le estraint

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    S A Short ong Arm (suspension+

    sol solenoi

    S6$ Sulfur *io#i e

    S/ Splice /ac7

    S/6 Service /arts 6perations

    s: ft s:uare foot feet

    s: in s:uare inch inches

    S C Service i e Control

    S 5 Service emin er 5n icator

    S9 Scan 9ool

    S4)* Selecta"le 3our )heel *rive

    S S itch

    s2n s2nchroniFer


    9ach 9achometer

    9B5 9hrottle Bo 2 3uel 5nGection

    9C 9ur"ocharger

    9CC 9or:ue Converter Clutch

    9CS 9raction Control S2stem

    9*C 9op *ea Center

    9EM/ 9emperature9erm 9erminal

    93/ 9ransmission 3lui /ressure

    939 9ransmission 3lui 9emperature

    96C 9ransmission 6il Cooler

    9/ 9hrottle /osition

    9/A 9erminal /ositive Assurance

    9/M 9ire /ressure Monitoring

    9 9ransmission ange9 ANS 9ransmission 9ransa#le

    9 9hrottle alve

    9 S 9elevision an a io Suppression

    9 9hermal acuum alve

    9)C 9hree )a2 Converter (Catal2tic+

    9)CH6C 9hree )a2 H 6#i ation Converter (Catal2tic+

    9@ 9hermal E#pansion alve

    overnor /ressure S itch 10 L 8'

    Solenoi 1' 14 L 6il 3ilter Bolt 1' 14 L

    iters Kuarts


    *r2 ! !

    Specification 9hic7ness (mm+ 9hic7ness (in+

    /lanetar2 Carrier /inion >ear Clearance 0.1$,0.88' 0.00&0.0%&

    9hic7ness (mm+ 9hic7ness (in+ 5 entification Num"er

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    9ransmission 3lui /ressure Manual alve /ositionS itch to alve Bo 2 Bolt

    8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft

    9ransmission 6il Cooler /ipe 3itting %&.041.0 Nm $!%0 l" ft

    9ransmission 6il /an to Case Bolt '.&1%.8 Nm ,10 l" ft

    alve Bo 2 to Case Bolt 8.014.0 Nm !10 l" ft



    Metric English

    /an emoval 4., liters & :uarts

    6verhaul 10.! liters 11 :uarts

    5 entification )asher 9hic7ness (mm+ )asher 9hic7ness (in+

    !, 1.8,1.', 0.0,40.0,8

    !8 $.04$.14 0.0800.084

    !' $.$1$.%1 0.08,0.0'1

    ,0 $.%8$.48 0.0'40.0'8

    ,1 $.&&$.!& 0.1000.104

    ,$ $.,$$.8$ 0.10,0.111

    ,% $.8'$.'' 0.11%0.11,

    ,4 %.0!%.1! 0.1$00.1$4

    Measure *imensionSelective /late

    5 entification 9hic7ness

    $8.0!&$,.&4& mm (1.10& 1.084 in+ None

    1.!841.8$' mm (0.0!! 0.0,$ in+

    $8.&8!$8.0!! mm (1.1$& 1.10& in+ 0

    1.%141.1!8 mm (0.0&$ 0.04! in+

    $,.&44$,.0$! mm (1.084 1.0!4 in+ 1

    $.1'8$.%44 mm (0.08, 0.0'$ in+

    /late 9hic7ness 5 entification!.'$,.0, mm (0.$,$0.$,8 in+ A

    !.%%!.48 mm (0.$4'0.$&& in+ B

    &.,4&.8' mm (0.$$!0.$%$ in+ C

    &.1&&.%0 mm (0.$0%0.$08 in+ *

    4.&!4.,1 mm (0.1800.18& in+ E

    Bac7ing /late 9ravel; 0.,!!1.,&! mm (0.0%00.0!' in+

    *imension 5 entification

    &.88&.!8 mm (0.$%10.$$4 in+ A4.''4.,! mm (0.1'!0.18, in+ B

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4.10%.'0 mm (0.1!10.1&4 in+ C

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    &-4 Ser1o +in Selection

    /in ength/in 5 entificationmm inch

    !&.8$!!.1$ $.&'$.!0 1 >roove

    !,.$%!,.&% $.!&$.!! $ >rooves

    !8.!4!8.'4 $.,0$.,1 No >roove

    Document "D# &8$!!

    Do ot 7se 8ir Tools

    Document "D# &04**

    otice# *o not use air po ere tools in or er to isassem"le or assem"le an2 vehiclecomponent. Bolt tor:ues are vital to iagnosis. =ou can etect "olt tor:ues onl2 henusing han tools. 5mproper "olt tor:ues can contri"ute to vehicle repair pro"lems.

    Document "D# $04&&

    Transmission Fluid +an and Filter 8ssembly emo1al

    Document "D# $%$&%6

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. Spra2 the en s of the transmission oil pan scre s (,!+ ith penetrating oil.$. emove the transmission oil pan scre s (,!+.

    %. emove the transmission oil pan (,&+ an the transmission oil pan gas7et (,%+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    4. emove the transmission oil filter assem"l2 (,$+.1. /r2 the metal from the top of the filter an pull the top a a2.

    $. 6pen the filter.

    &. 9he filter ma2 help in iagnosis. 5nspect for the follo ing items hich ma2in icate ear or corrosion;

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    o Clutch material

    o BronFe slivers in icating "ushing ear

    o Steel particles

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    2. emove the oil filter seal (,1+.

    Document "D# 1'1$'!

    )ontrol 9al1e 2ody and .iring Harness emo1al

    Document "D# &3 %&0

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. emove all electrical connectors (1!+ from the electrical components.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $. emove the 9CC /)M retainer clip (%,'+.%. emove the 9CC /)M solenoi (%'!+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    4. emove the 9CC solenoi "olts (!8+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    &. emove the 9CC solenoi an iring harness (!!+. 9urn the iring harness over so that it hangs over the si e of the transmission.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    !. emove the transmission flui pressure (93/+ manual valve position s itchassem"l2 "olts (!$ ,0+.

    ,. emove the 93/ manual valve position s itch (!'+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    8. emove the manual etent spring "olt (!4+.'. emove the manual etent spring assem"l2 (!%+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    10. emove all valve "o 2 "olts (!$+.11. emove the flui level in icator stop "rac7et ('%+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1$. ift the valve "o 2 carefull2 so that the chec7"alls remain on the spacer plate inthe correct location. )hile lifting the valve "o 2 isconnect the manual valvelin7 from the manual valve.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1%. emove the seven valve "o 2 chec7"alls ($! 8 1$+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    14. emove the accumulator cover "olts (&8 &'+.1&. emove the 1 $ accumulator cover an pin assem"l2 (&,+.

    1!. *isassem"le the 1 $ accumulator assem"l2 (&4 &! &, 104+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1,. emove the spacer plate support "olts (,,+.18. emove the spacer plate support (&%+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1'. emove the valve "o 2 gas7et (&$+ the valve "o 2 spacer plate (48+ an thecase gas7et (4,+.

    *iscar gas7ets. *o not reuse.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $0. emove the % 4 accumulator spring (mo el epen ent+ an the % 4 accumulator piston.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $1. emove the case chec7"all.

    Document "D# $8%'$0

    "nner Manual Lin,age emo1al

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Document "D# *$%

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. emove the follo ing parts; he# hea nut ('0+ an the manual valve lin7 (8'+insi e etent lever (88+ an the par7ing loc7 actuator assem"l2 (8&+ manualshaft retainer (8%+ an the manual shaft (84+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $. emove the manual shaft seal (8$+ ith a scre river.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. emove the follo ing components;1. 9he par7ing loc7 "rac7et "olt (8,+

    $. 9he par7ing loc7 "rac7et (8!+

    Document "D# &1'%

    )ase 8ssembly "ns ection

    Document "D# 4&

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. 5nspect the spacer plate to case gas7et for itness mar7s. 9he itness mar7sshoul "e complete. 5ncomplete itness mar7s ma2 come from an uneven casesurface or from cross channel lea7s.

    Clic7 here for full siFe


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. 5nspect the $ 4 servo "ore the %r accumulator retainer an "all assem"l2 (40+the orifice cup plug (11+ in the servo "ore an the $n appl2 piston pin "ore foran2 of the follo ing con itions;

    o /orosit2

    o Burrs

    o *e"ris

    o An2 other amage

    Clic7 here for full siFe

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4. 5nspect the % 4 accumulator "ore an the orifice cup plug (%8+ for an2 of thefollo ing con itions;

    o /orosit2

    o Burrs

    o Bloc7age

    o An2 other amage

    &. 5nspect all "olt holes for threa amage.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $. 5nstall oil pan ith onl2 four "olts to align pan to case.%.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    ,. 5f lea7age from the oval shape hole is o"serve replace the thir accumulatorretainer an "all assem"l2.

    rd 8ccumulator etainer /ith 2all e lacement

    Document "D# $%6 4

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. emove the thir accumulator retainer an "all assem"l2 using a 44.8 mm(1.,!% in+ 4 scre e#tractor.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $. Scri"e a mar7 at 44.8 mm (1.,!% in+ (a+ on a '.& mm (0.%,& in+ ("+ iametermetal ro . 9he scri"e mar7 is use to gage the proper epth of the thiraccumulator retainer an "all assem"l2.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. /erform the follo ing functions;1. ine up the oil fee slots in the thir accumulator retainer an "all

    assem"l2 (40+ ith the servo "ore.


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    &. Chec7 the thir accumulator retainer an "all assem"l2 (40+ for alignment. 9heslot in the retainer must "e completel2 open in the servo "ore.

    Manual Shi!t Sha!t Seal "nstallation

    Document "D# $%6

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    5nstall a ne manual shaft seal (8$+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Document "D# 1'!%%

    "nner Manual Lin,age "nstallation

    Document "D# *$3

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. 5nstall the par7ing loc7 "rac7et (8!+.


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    4. 5nspect the follo ing items;o 9he manual shaft retainer (8%+ for amage or crac7s

    o 9he manual shaft (84+ for amage or "urrs

    o 9he par7ing loc7 actuator assem"l2 (8&+ for amage

    o 9he insi e etent lever (88+ for amage or crac7s

    o 9he manual valve lin7 (8'+ for amage

    o 9he he# hea nut ('0+ for amage or strippe threa s

    &. 5nstall the follo ing items;

    o 9he insi e etent lever (88+

    o 9he par7ing loc7 actuator assem"l2 (8&+

    o 9he manual shaft (84+ (mo el epen ent+

    o 9he manual shaft retainer (8%+

    o 9he he# hea nut ('0+

    o 9he manual valve lin7 (8'+


    9ighten the nut to %1 N m ($% l" ft+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    )ontrol 9al1e 2ody "nstallation

    Document "D# &3 % 0

    9ools e:uire

    $&0$& & >ui e /ins

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. 5nstall the chec7"alls ($! 8 1$+ in the valve "o 2 an retain chec7"alls ith9ransGelJ %!8&0 or an e:uivalent.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $. 5nstall the valve "o 2 over the $&0$& & >ui e /ins an connect the manualvalve lin7 to the manual valve.

    %. 5nstall t o "olts to hol the valve "o 2 in place.

    4. emove the $&0$& & .

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    &. 5nstall the flui level in icator stop "rac7et ('%+ an the valve "o 2 "olts (!$+that are sho n onl2.

    !. 3inger tighten the "olts.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    ,. 5nspect the 9ransmission 3lui /ressure Manual alve /osition S itch (93/ al./osition S .+ Assem"l2 for the follo ing con itions;

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    o *amage

    o *e"ris

    o *amage or missing 6 rings

    o Crac7e connector

    o oose pins

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    8. 5nstall the 93/ al. /osition S . (!'+ an "olts (!$ ,0+.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    '. 5nspect the iring harness solenoi assem"l2 for the follo ing con itions;

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    o *amage

    o Crac7e connectors

    o E#pose ires

    o oose pins

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    10. 5nstall the transmission iring harness on the valve "o 2.11. 5nstall the 9CC solenoi an "olts (!8+.

    "m ortant# =ou must tighten certain "olts in a spiral pattern as in icate "2 thearro s. 5f 2ou tighten these "olts at ran om 2ou ma2 istort valve "ores. 9his

    ill inhi"it valve operation.

    Clic7 here for full siFe

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1$. 9ighten the "olts in the or er sho n.


    9ighten the "olts to 11 N m (8 l" ft+.

    efer to Fastener Notice .

    Each "olt num"er refers to a specific "olt siFe as in icate "2 the follo ing list;

    o 1 L M! # 1.0 # !&.0o $ L M! # 1.0 # &4.4

    o % L M! # 1.0 # 4,.&

    o 4 L M! # 1.0 # %&.0

    o & L M8 # 1.$& # $0.0

    o ! L M! # 1.0 # 1$.0

    o , L M! # 1.0 # 18.0

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1%. 5nstall the 9CC /)M solenoi (%'!+ an the solenoi retainer (%,'+.

    5il Filter 8ssembly "nstallation

    Document "D# $%$4 3

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %41'! B 9ransmission Bushing Service Set

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. 5nspect the case e#tension for the follo ing con itions;o /orosit2

    o Crac7s

    o Nic7s

    o Burrs

    o )orn "ushings

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    $. emove the case e#tension oil seal assem"l2 (%4+ (mo el epen ent+.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe


  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %!. ehicle Spee Sensor ( SS+

    !!. 9or:ue Converter Clutch (9CC+ Solenoi alve

    !'. Automatic 9ransmission 3lui /ressure (93/+ Manual alve /osition S itch

    ,0. 1 $ Shift Solenoi (SS+ alve

    ,1. $ % Shift Solenoi (SS+ alve

    %,,. /ressure Control (/C+ Solenoi alve

    %'4. % $ Shift Solenoi (SS+ alve Assem"l2

    %'!. 9or:ue Converter Clutch /ulse )i th Mo ulation (9CC /)M+ Solenoialve

    )ase and 8ssociated +arts '$ o! &( $%%3 4L60-E -

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Document "D# $3$6&

    Case an Associate /arts (1 of $+

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. 9or:ue Converter Assem"l2 (Mo el *epen ent+

    $. Bolt /ump to Case

    %. 6 ing /ump to Case Bolt

    4. /ump Assem"l2 6il

    &. Seal 6il (/ump to Case+

    !. >as7et /ump Cover to Case

    ,. Bushing Case

    '. ent Assem"l2 9ransmission

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    10. Connector 6il Cooler /ipe (Mo el *epen ent+

    11. /lug Case Servo

    1$. Spring Servo eturn

    1%. /in $n Appl2 /iston

    14. ing etainer ($n Appl2 /iston+

    1&. etainer Servo Cushion Spring

    1!. Spring Servo Cushion (6uter+

    1,. /iston $n Appl2

    18. ing 6il Seal ($n Appl2 /iston 6uter+

    1'. ing 6il Seal ($n Appl2 /iston 5nner+

    $0. -ousing Servo /iston (5nner+

    $1. Seal 6 ing

    $$. Spring Servo Appl2 /in

    $%. )asher Servo Appl2 /in$4. ing etainer (Appl2 /in+

    $&. /iston 4th Appl2

    $!. ing 6il Seal (4th Appl2 /iston 6uter+

    $,. Seal 6 ing ($ 4 Servo Cover+

    $8. Cover $ 4 Servo

    $'. ing Servo Cover etaining

    %0. Seal Case E#tension to Case

    %1. E#tension Case (Mo el *epen ent+

    %$. Bolt Case E#tension to Case

    %%. Bushing Case E#tension

    %4. Seal Assem"l2 Case E#tension 6il (Mo el *epen ent+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %4. Seal Assem"l2 Case E#tension 6il (Mo el *epen ent+

    %&. Bolt Spee Sensor etaining

    %!. Spee Sensor 5nternal 9ransmission

    %,. Seal 6 ing (59SS to Case E#tension+

    ,1. Seal 3ilter

    ,$. 3ilter Assem"l2 9ransmission 6il (Mo el *epen ent+

    ,%. >as7et 9ransmission 6il /an

    ,%. >as7et 9ransmission 6il /an

    ,4. Magnet Chip Collector

    ,&. /an 9ransmission 6il (Mo el *epen ent+

    ,&. /an 9ransmission 6il

    ,!. Scre 9ransmission 6il /an

    ,!. Scre 9ransmission 6il /an

    '4. Bolt Converter -ousing to Case'&. Connector 6il Cooler Kuic7 (Mo el *epen ent+

    '!. Clip 6il Cooler Kuic7 Connect (Mo el *epen ent+

    ',. /lug Converter -ousing Access -ole (Mo el *epen ent+

    '8. /late Converter Bolt 5nspection (Mo el *epen ent+

    ''. /lug Cup *4 6rifice

    100. Stu A 9rans. Case (= Car 6nl2+

    101. /lug Asm. A 9rans. 6il /an

    10$. -ousing Converter (Mo el *epen ent+

    10$. -ousing Converter (Mo el *epen ent+

    10%. Case Main Section (Mo el *epen ent+

    10%. Case Main Section

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    10&. Spring Servo Cushion (5nner+ (Mo el *epen ent+

    10!. Seal Assem"l2 Case 6il (= Car 6nl2+

    )ase and 8ssociated +arts '& o! &( %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# &3 3$$

    Case an Associate /arts ($ of $+

    Clic7 here for full siFe

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %8. 9ransmission Case /lug (Accumulator Blee +

    %'. /ressure /lug

    40. 9hir Accumulator ( ,+ etainer an Ball Assem"l2

    41. Ban Anchor /in

    4$. etainer an Ball Assem"l2 (*ou"le 6rifice+ ( 10+

    4%. Accumulator /iston /in

    44. % 4 Accumulator /iston

    4&. 6il Seal ing (% 4 Accumulator /iston+

    4!. % 4 Accumulator Spring (Mo el *epen ent+

    4,. Spacer /late to Case >as7et

    48. alve Bo 2 Spacer /late

    4'. Shift Solenoi s Screen

    &0. /ressure Control Solenoi Screen

    &$. Spacer /late to alve Bo 2 >as7et&%. Spacer /late Support /late

    &4. 1 $ Accumulator Spring (6uter+

    &&. 6il Seal ing (1 $ Accumulator+

    &!. 1 $ Accumulator /iston

    &,. 1 $ Accumulator Cover an /in Assem"l2

    &8. Accumulator Cover Bolt

    &'. Accumulator Cover Bolt

    !0. Control Bo 2 alve Assem"l2

    !1. Chec7"all ( $ % 4 & ! 8 1$+

    !$. alve Bo 2 Bolt

    !%. Manual *etent Spring Assem"l2

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !4. Manual *etent Spring Bolt

    !&. )iring -arness /ass through Connector 6 ing Seal

    !!. )iring -arness Solenoi Assem"l2

    !,. 6 ing Seal (Solenoi +

    !8. -e# )asher -ea Bolt (Solenoi +

    !'. 9ransmission 3lui /ressure Manual alve /osition S itch Assem"l2

    ,0. /ressure S itch Assem"l2 Bolt

    ,,. Spacer /late Support Bolt

    '1. Num"er 1 Chec7"all

    '%. *ipstic7 Stop Brac7et (Mo el *epen ent+

    10%. Main Section Case (Mo el *epen ent+

    104. 1 $ Accumulator Spring (5nner+

    )ontrol 9al1e 2ody 8ssembly Legend '$ o! &( $%%% 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 4$ * &

    Control alve Bo 2 Assem"l2 (1 of $+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %&0. Control alve Bo 2 Assem"l2

    %&%. 3or ar Accumulator 6il Seal

    %&4. 3or ar Accumulator /iston

    %&&. 3or ar Accumulator /in

    %&!. 3or ar Accumulator Spring

    %&,. 3or ar A"use alve

    %&8. 3or ar A"use alve Spring

    %&'. Bore /lug

    %!0. Coile Spring /in

    %!0. Coile Spring /in

    %!1. o 6verrun alve

    %!$. o 6verrun alve Spring

    %!%. 3or ar Accumulator Cover

    %!4. 3or ar Accumulator Cover Bolt

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %!&. /ressure Control Solenoi etainer Bolt

    %!&. 1 $ Shift alve Spring

    %!!. 1 $ Shift alve

    %!,. 1 $ Shift Solenoi alve

    %!8. $ % Shift Solenoi alve

    %!8. $ % Shift alve

    %!'. $ % Shuttle alve

    %,0. 1 $ Accumulator alve Spring

    %,1. 1 $ Accumulator alve

    %,$. 1 $ Accumulator alve Sleeve

    %,4. Actuator 3ee imit alve

    %,&. Actuator 3ee imit alve Spring

    %,!. Bore /lug

    %,,. /ressure Control Solenoi alve

    %,8. /ressure Control Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    )ontrol 9al1e 2ody 8ssembly Legend '& o! &( $%%% 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 4$ *

    Control alve Bo 2 Assem"l2 ($ of $+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %40. Manual alve

    %&0. Control alve Bo 2 Assem"l2

    %&'. Bore /lug

    %!0. Coile Spring /in

    %80. egulator Appl2 alve

    %81. Bore /lug

    %81. Bore /lug

    %81. Bore /lug

    %81. Bore /lug

    %8$. 4 % Se:uence alve Spring

    %8%. 4 % Se:uence alve

    %84. % 4 ela2 alve

    %8&. % 4 Shift alve

    %8!. % 4 Shift alve Spring

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %8,. everse A"use alve

    %88. everse A"use alve Spring

    %8'. % $ *o nshift alve

    %'0. % $ *o nshift alve Spring

    %'1. % $ Control alve

    %'$. % $ Control alve Spring

    %'4. % $ Control Solenoi alve

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug an Solenoi etainer

    %'&. Bore /lug etainer

    %'!. 9CC /)M Solenoi alve%',. egulator Appl2 Spring

    %'8. 5solator alve

    "nternal +arts '$ o! &( $%%3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# &$ &&

    5nternal /arts (1 of $+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    !00. % 4 Clutch Boost (&+ Spring Assem"l2

    !01. 9hrust )asher (/ump to *rum+

    !0$. $ 4 Ban Assem"l2

    !0%. everse 5nput Clutch Bushing (3ront+

    !0&. everse 5nput Clutch -ousing an *rum Assem"l2

    !0!. everse 5nput Clutch Bushing ( ear+

    !0,. everse 5nput Clutch /iston Assem"l2

    !08. everse 5nput Clutch Seal (5nner+

    !0'. everse 5nput Clutch Seal (6uter+

    !0'. everse 5nput Clutch Spring Assem"l2

    !10. everse 5nput Clutch Spring etainer ing

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !11. everse 5nput Clutch /late (Belleville+

    !1$. everse 5nput Clutch 9ur"ulator /late (Steel+

    !1%. everse 5nput Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+

    !1%. everse 5nput Clutch Bac7ing /late (Selective+

    !14. everse 5nput Clutch etaining ing

    !1&. Stator Shaft Selective )asher Bearing Assem"l2

    !1!. 9hrust )asher (Selective+

    !1,. Chec7 alve etainer an Ball Assem"l2

    !18. 6 ing Seal ocation Mo el *epen ent

    !1'. 6il Seal ing (Soli +

    !$0. etainer an Chec7"all Assem"l2

    !$0. etainer an Chec7"all Assem"l2

    !$1. 5nput -ousing an Shaft Assem"l2 (Mo el *epen ent+

    !$$. 6 ing 5nput to 3or ar Clutch -ousing Seal

    !$%. %r an 4th Clutch /iston

    !$&. %r an 4th Clutch ing (Appl2+

    !$!. %r an 4th Clutch Spring Assem"l2

    !$,. 3or ar Clutch -ousing etainer an Ball Assem"l2

    !$8. 3or ar Clutch -ousing

    !%0. 3or ar Clutch /iston

    !%$. 6verrun Clutch /iston

    !%%. 6verrun Clutch Ball

    !%4. 6verrun Clutch Spring Assem"l2

    !%&. 6verrun Clutch Spring etainer Snap ing

    !%!. 5nput -ousing to 6utput Shaft Seal

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !%,. 5nput Sun >ear Bearing Assem"l2

    !%8. 6verrun Clutch -u" etaining Snap ing

    !%'. 6verrun Clutch -u"

    !40. 3or ar Sprag Clutch 5nner ace an 5nput Sun >ear Assem"l2

    !4$. 3or ar Sprag Assem"l2

    !4%. Sprag Assem"l2 etainer ing

    !4%. Sprag Assem"l2 etainer ing

    !44. 3or ar Clutch ace (6uter+

    !4&. 6verrun Clutch /late (Steel+

    !4!. 6verrun Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+

    !4!. 3or ar Clutch /late (Appl2+

    !48. 3or ar Clutch /late ()ave +

    !4'. 3or ar Clutch /late (Steel+

    !&0. 3or ar Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+

    !&0. 3or ar Clutch Bac7ing /late (Selective+

    !&1. 3or ar Clutch Bac7ing /late etainer ing

    !&$. %r an 4th Clutch /late (Steel+ ($.$ Engine 6nl2+

    !&%. %r an 4th Clutch Appl2 /late (Steppe +

    !&%. %r an 4th Clutch Appl2 /late (Steppe +

    !&4. %r an 4th Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+ (Kuantit2 Mo el *epen ent &! or , plates+

    !&&. %r an 4th Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+ (Kuantit2 Mo el *epen ent &! or , plates+

    !&!. %r an 4th Clutch /late (Steel+ (Kuantit2 Mo el *epen ent+

    !&,. %r an 4th Clutch /late (Steel+ (Kuantit2 Mo el *epen ent+

    !&&. %r an 4th Clutch Bac7ing /late (Selective+ (Mo el *epen ent+

    !&&. %r an 4th Clutch Bac7ing /late (Selective+ (Mo el *epen ent+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !&!. %r an 4th Clutch Bac7ing /late etainer ing

    !&,. 5nput Sun >ear 3ront Bushing

    !&'. 5nput Sun >ear ear Bushing

    !88. Cup /lug

    !'8. 6rifice Cup /lug

    "nternal +arts '& o! &( $%%3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# &$ &$$

    5nternal /arts ($ of $+

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    !!1. 6utput Shaft to 5nput Carrier etainer

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !!$. 5nput Carrier Assem"l2

    !!%. 9hrust Bearing Assem"l2 (5nput Carrier to eaction Shaft+

    !!4. 5nput 5nternal >ear

    !!&. eaction Carrier Shaft 3ront Bushing

    !!!. eaction Carrier Shaft

    !!,. eaction Carrier Shaft ear Bushing

    !!8. eaction Shaft 5nternal >ear etainer ing

    !!'. 9hrust )asher ( eaction Shaft Shell+

    !,0. eaction Sun Shell

    !,1. eaction Sun >ear etainer ing

    !,$. eaction Sun Bushing

    !,%. eaction Sun >ear

    !,4. 9hrust )asher ( ace eaction Shell+

    !,&. o an everse oller Clutch ace!,!. o an everse Support to Case etainer ing

    !,,. o an everse oller Assem"l2 etainer ing (Cam+

    !,,. o an everse oller Assem"l2 etainer ing (Cam+

    !,8. o an everse oller Clutch Assem"l2

    !,'. o an everse Clutch Support Assem"l2

    !80. o an everse Clutch Support etainer Spring

    !81. eaction Carrier Assem"l2

    !8$. o an everse Clutch /late ()ave +

    !8%. Spacer o an everse Clutch /late (Selective+

    !84. o an everse Clutch /late Assem"l2 (3i"er+

    !8&. o an everse Clutch 9ur"ulator /late (Steel+

    !8%. 9hrust Bearing Assem"l2 ( eaction Carrier Support+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !84. 5nternal eaction >ear

    !8&. 5nternal eaction >ear Support

    !8!. eaction >ear Support etainer ing

    !8,. 6utput Shaft

    !'0. 6utput Shaft Sleeve (Mo el *epen ent+

    !'1. 6utput Shaft Seal (Mo el *epen ent+

    !'$. eaction >ear Support to Case Bearing

    !'%. o an everse Clutch etainer ing

    !'4. o an everse Clutch Spring Assem"l2

    !'&. o an everse Clutch /iston

    !'!. o an everse Clutch Seal (6uter+

    !',. o an everse Clutch Seal (Center+

    !'8. o an everse Clutch Seal (5nner+

    !',. 6il *eflector (-igh 6utput Mo els 6nl2+

    !''. 5nternal 9ransmission Spee Sensor otor

    +ar,ing Loc, and Manual Shi!t Sha!t 8ssembly 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 6*$%

    /ar7ing oc7 an Manual Shift Shaft Assem"l2

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    ,8. Steel Cup /lug

    ,'. /ar7ing Bra7e /a l Shaft

    80. /ar7ing /a l eturn Spring

    81. /ar7ing Bra7e /a l

    8$. Manual Shaft Seal

    8%. Manual Shaft etainer

    84. Manual Shaft (Mo el *epen ent+

    8&. /ar7ing oc7 Actuator Assem"l2

    8!. /ar7ing oc7 Brac7et

    8,. /ar7ing oc7 Brac7et ($+ Bolt

    88. 5nsi e *etent ever

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    8'. Manual alve in7

    '0. -e# -ea Nut

    Document "D# !&1'%

    Seal Locations %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 364%


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. /ump to Case Bolt 6 ing

    &. 6il Seal (/ump to Case+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    18. 6il Seal ing ($n Appl2 /iston 6uter+

    1'. 6il Seal ing ($n Appl2 /iston 5nner+

    $1. 6 ing Seal

    $!. 6il Seal ing (4th Appl2 /iston 6uter+

    $,. 6 ing Seal ($ 4 Servo Cover+

    %0. Case E#tension to Case Seal

    %4. Case E#tension 6il Seal Assem"l2

    %,. 6 ing Seal (59SS to Case E#tension+

    10!. Case 6il Seal Assem"l2 (= Car 6nl2+

    $%0. 6il Seal ing (Stator Shaft+

    $4%. 6il Seal Assem"l2

    $44. everse 5nput Clutch Seal (5nner+

    $4&. everse 5nput Clutch Seal (6uter+

    !18. 6 ing Seal (9ur"ine Shaft Selective )asher+

    !1'. 6il Seal ing (Soli +

    !$$. 6 ing 5nput to 3or ar -ousing Seal

    !$%. %r an 4th Clutch /iston

    !%0. 3or ar Clutch /iston

    !%$. 6verrun Clutch /iston

    !%!. 5nput -ousing to 6utput Shaft Seal

    !'1. 6utput Shaft (Mo el *epen ent+ Seal

    !'$. o an everse Clutch (6uter+ Seal

    !'%. o an everse Clutch (Center+ Seal

    !'4. o an everse Clutch (5nner+ Seal

    2earing and 2ushing Locations 4L60-E -

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Document "D# 6*$%*

    Bearings an Bushings

    Clic7 here for full siFe

    ,. Case Bushing

    %%. Case E#tension Bushing

    $%4. Stator Shaft Bushing (3ront+

    $41. Stator Shaft Bushing ( ear+

    $4$. 6il /ump Bo 2 Bushing

    !01. 9hrust )asher (/ump to *rum+

    !0%. everse 5nput Cl. Bushing (3ront+

    !0!. everse 5nput Clutch Bushing ( ear+

    !1&. Stator Shaft Selective )asher Bearing Assem"l2

    !1!. 9hrust )asher (Selective+

    !%,. 5nput Sun >ear Bearing Assem"l2

    !&,. 5nput Sun >ear Bushing (3ront+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    !&'. 5nput Sun >ear Bushing ( ear+

    !!%. 9hrust Bearing Assem"l2 (5nput Carrier to eaction Shaft+

    !!&. eaction Carrier Shaft Bushing (3ront+

    !!,. eaction Carrier Shaft Bushing ( ear+

    !!'. 9hrust )asher ( eaction Shaft Shell+

    !,$. eaction >ear Bushing

    !,4. 9hrust )asher ( ace eaction Shell+

    !8%. 9hrust Bearing Assem"l2 ( eaction Carrier Support+

    !'$. eaction >ear Support to Case Bearing

    )ase Fluid +assages ')ontrol 9al1e 2ody Side( %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 36*

    Case 3lui /assages (Control alve Bo 2 Si e+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. Chec7"all ('1+$. %r Accumulator etainer an Ball Assem"l2 (40+

    %. Chec7"all (4$+

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1%. *4 % $

    1%. *4 % $

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    1&. everse

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    1'. ear u"e

    $0. Accumulator $1. 6rifice Accumulator

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $!. C.C. Signal

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    %0. 4th Signal

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %$. 4th

    %$. 4th%%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %&. 6verrun

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %&. 6verrun

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %'. 6rifice *$

    41. o

    41. o

    41. o4$. o 1st

    4$. o 1st

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    48. egulate Appl2

    48. egulate Appl2

    S acer +late to )ase Gas,et %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 36*4

    Spacer /late to Case >as7et

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. / 1$. /

    1$. /

    1%. *4 % $

    1%. *4 % $

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    1&. everse

    1&. everse

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Cl.+

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Cl.+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Cl.+

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator $1. 6rifice Accumulator

    $1. 6rifice Accumulator

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $4. $n

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $!. C.C. Signal$!. C.C. Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $'. % 4 Clutch

    %0. 4th Signal

    %0. 4th Signal

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %$. 4th

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%%4. *%

    %4. *%

    %&. 6verrun

    %&. 6verrun

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %'. 6rifice *$

    %'. 6rifice *$

    41. o

    41. o

    41. o

    41. o

    4$. o 1st

    4$. o 1st

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    4,. oi

    4,. oi48. egulate Appl2

    48. egulate Appl2

    S acer +late Fluid +assages %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 36*6Spacer /late 3lui /assages

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    10. Actuator 3ee imit 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. Actuator 3ee imit 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. 3iltere Actuator 3ee Signal A

    1$. 3iltere Actuator 3ee Signal B

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1%. *4 % $

    1%. *4 % $

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    1&. everse

    1&. everse

    1!. everse everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1,. everse everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    18. *4

    1'. *4

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $1. Accumulator 6rifice Accumulator

    $$. Accumulator 6rifice Accumulator

    $1. 6rifice Accumulator

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $4. $n

    $&. $n $n Clutch

    $!. $n $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $8. % 4 Signal

    $'. % 4 Signal

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $'. % 4 Clutch %r Accumulator

    %0. % 4 Clutch %r Accumulator

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    %0. 4th Signal

    %0. 4th Signal

    %1. Servo 3ee

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %$. 4th

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %&. 6verrun

    %&. 6verrun

    %!. 6verrun 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %8. 6verrun 6rifice *$

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %'. *$ 6rifice *$

    41. o

    41. o

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    41. o

    41. o

    4$. o 1st

    4$. o 1st

    4%. E#haust

    44. E#haust 6rifice E#haust

    4&. E#haust 6rifice E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    4,. oi

    48. egulate Appl2

    48. egulate Appl2

    4'. Shift Solenoi s Screen

    &0. /ressure Control Solenoi Screen

    S acer +late to )ontrol 9al1e 2ody Gas,et %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 36*

    Spacer /late to Control alve Bo 2 >as7et

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. / 1%. *4 % $

    1%. *4 % $

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    1&. everse

    1&. everse

    1&. everse

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Cl.+

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator

    $1. 6rifice Accumulator

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A$%. Signal B

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $&. $n Clutch

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $8. %r Accumulator $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    %0. 4th Signal

    %0. 4th Signal

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %$. 4th

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %&. 6verrun

    %&. 6verrun

    %!. 6verrun 6rifice *$

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    40. % $ Signal

    40. % $ Signal

    41. o

    41. o

    41. o

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    41. o

    4$. o 1st

    4$. o 1st

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    44. 6rifice E#haust

    4,. oi

    48. egulate Appl2

    48. egulate Appl2

    )ontrol 9al1e 2ody Fluid +assages ')ase Side( %3 4L60-E -

    Document "D# 36*3

    Control alve Bo 2 3lui /assages (Case Si e+

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    Clic7 here for full siFe

    1. Chec7"all (!1+$. Chec7"all (!1+

    %. Chec7"all (!1+

    4. Chec7"all (!1+

    &. Chec7"all (!1+

    !. Chec7"all (!1+

    ,. Chec7"all (!1+

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

    %. ine

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %. ine

    %. ine

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    '. Actuator 3ee imit

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    10. 3iltere Actuator 3ee

    11. 9or:ue Signal11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    11. 9or:ue Signal

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1$. /

    1%. *4 % $

    1%. *4 % $

    14. o everse

    14. o everse

    1&. everse

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    1&. everse

    1&. everse

    1!. everse 5nput ( ev. Clutch

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    1,. *4

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    18. 3or ar Clutch 3ee

    $0. Accumulator

    $0. Accumulator $$. Signal A

    $$. Signal A

    $%. Signal B

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $4. $n

    $&. $n Clutch

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $&. $n Clutch

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $!. C.C. Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $,. % 4 Signal

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $8. %r Accumulator

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch

    $'. % 4 Clutch%0. 4th Signal

    %0. 4th Signal

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %1. Servo 3ee

    %$. 4th

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %%. % 4 Accumulator

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %4. *%

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    %4. *%

    %4. *%

    %&. 6verrun

    %&. 6verrun

    %!. 6verrun Clutch 3ee

    %,. 6verrun Clutch

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    %8. *$

    40. % $ Signal

    41. o

    41. o

    41. o

    4$. o 1st4$. o 1st

    4$. o 1st

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4%. E#haust

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Documentation GM THM 4L60-E


    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

    4,. oi

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