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Technical Testing Webinar 1st April 2015 for Tabara de Testare

4 Romanian Cities, 1 Webinar



● On 1st April 2015, this webinar was presented live via Google Hangouts to the Tabara de Testare Romanian Testing Group

● An audience spread across rooms in 4 Romanian Cities, with 70+ people tuning in from the comfort of their own home and workplace

● The Webinar consisted of the slides and talky bits, a hands on demo, followed by a Q&A section

Blogs and Websites● CompendiumDev.co.uk● SeleniumSimplified.com● EvilTester.com● JavaForTesters.com● Twitter: @eviltester

Online Training Courses

● Technical Web Testing 101Unow.be/at/techwebtest101

● Intro to SeleniumUnow.be/at/startwebdriver

● Selenium 2 WebDriver APIUnow.be/at/webdriverapi




Selenium Simplified


Java For Testers


Alan Richardson


Independent Test Consultant & Custom Training

Contact Alan


But first some surface structure examples:

● Non-Technical Testing of a Web App– Tester → Browser

● Technical Testing of a Web App– Tester → Browser → Proxy → Server → DB

Non-Technical Testing of a Web App

Technical Testing of a Web App

Technical Testing of a Web App

● Log monitoring● DB access● DB monitoring● Profiling on the server● Etc.

Surface Structure

● What it looks like from the outside● Not a deep model● It's not just addition of tools● Attitude● Philosophy

What do I mean by Testing?

All the normal stuff we learn

● Testing Techniques, Testing Object Oriented Systems

● Boundaries, Equiv, Domain Testing, Graphs, Entities

All the Lessons we've learned over the years

● Testing Computer Software, Lessons Learned in software testing

Over the years we build up models of what we do

● Heuristics, ● Mnemonics● Rapid Software Testing,



Build your own model

● Observe what you do● Reflect on why you do it● Ask yourself how else you could do it


MORIM● Model

– What I think I understand. Different viewpoints.

● Observe– at different points to corroborate/invalidate model

● Reflect– find gaps, lack of depth, derive intent

● Interrogate– Focussed, deep dive observation with intent

● Manipulate– Hypothesis exploration and “how we do stuff”


MORIM from Psychotherapy● Model

– “Work with the client you have, not the client you want”

● Observe– What language patterns do people use?

● Reflect– Remodel. Figure out what questions to ask next

● Interrogate– Specific questions to ask

● Manipulate– To effect change, manipulate - Hypnosis



● Systems Thinking & Modelling– Modelling,

– Cybernetics,

– Psychotherapy,

– ...

● Testing Knowledge– Techniques,

– Exploration,

– Note Taking,

– etc.


Fundamentally, everything I do is modelling and model exploration.

● 'Technical' means going deeper into the models


MORIM & Technical Web Testing


Web Context: A Browser Model


Web Context: A Browser Model –

Technical Risks


Generic Web Application Model

Browser ↔ Server ↔ Database

What happens where?

What could we observe where?

Where could we manipulate?


Generic Web Application

Browser ↔ Server ↔ Database

HTTP Traffic

Cookie Creation


Files: img, pdf, etc.






Application Logs




Modelling & Reflection lead to tooling to augment our testing

● What can we observe?– How would that help me?

● How can I observe it? → tools

● What can I manipulate?– Why would I manipulate it?

● How can I manipulate it? → tools


Web Context: A Browser Model –

Technical Tooling



What tools could we use?● What can we observe?

– Http traffic, cookies, javascript execution, log files, data in the database, DB schema used

● What tools do we need to observe?– HTTP Proxy (Burpsuite, ZAP Proxy, Fiddler),

Browser Developer Tools (in browser), DB Tool (mysql, mysql workbench), Text Editors, Log File Viewers (tail -f)

● What can we manipulate?– HTTP Traffic, DOM, Cookies, DB, Config

● What tools do we need to manipulate?– All of the above


Tools lead to new ideas

● Don't start with tools● But once you have tools

– Tools are technology

– Look at their features – expand your models

– How could you use that?

– What does that teach you?


e.g. Fuzzing

● Fuzzing – repeating requests while varying data● Some proxy tools have Fuzzers● Traditional use as templated security testing...● We could 'repeat requests while varying data'

– Quick tool supported exploration of a controlled data set

– Fuzz data sets as data we would never use


Reflections on Technical Testing


A description of Technical Testing

● A reminder to keep “going deeper”● Tool Augmentation● Technical details will:

– inspire more testing

– identify more risks

– Identify different problems

● Not limit our testing to Acceptance Criteria


It means "Tool Augmentation"

● Is not automation, it uses automation● Tools to passively observe, maintain history of

observations● Tools to alert on specific conditions● Tools to observe the unobserved, and

interrogate the inaccessible● Tools to help me model and reflect● Tools to help me manipulate● ... etc.

Never tools to control. Tools to augment.


How I describe what I do

● Not a definition● A description of my current approaches● I try get as deep and technical as I can● I need to keep learning so that I can understand

the technology


Go Beyond the surface structure

● Transformational Grammar– Surface & Deep Structure

– Chomsky

– Multiple surface structures

– Single Deep structure● Filtered, biased, distorted → Surface Structure

● Questions operate as tools to investigate Surface to Deep mapping people


Go Beyond the surface structure

● A Blueish Ball● A Silvery round

object● A Bean Bag● A Shiny Juggling



Go Beyond the surface structure

● It's An Alien● A Silvery round

object● A Bean Bag● A Shiny Juggling



It's not an alien

“'Say whatever you choose about the object, and whatever you might say is not it.' Or, in other words: Whatever you might say the object “is”, well it is not.'”

Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity, 5th ed, pg 35


How to do Technical Testing?

● Identify tools to work with System Surface Structures

● Questioning Systems at different Surface Levels

● Learning System Structure Technology● Model System Surface Structures● Observe System Surface Structures


Technical Testing Risks & Issues

● Take responsibility for your testing● Is anyone really going to stop you from doing

the best testing you can?● You can learn, as you add value. Take small

steps.● You can learn, as you pair. Ask questions, take

notes. Apply your 'testing super powers' to the information you get.

● Use technical testing to 'push' for more access to environments and system internals




Resources - Testing● Books

– Testing Techniques (Beizer)

– Testing Object Oriented Systems (Binder)

– Testing Computer Software,

– Lessons Learned in Software Testing

● Mnemonics lists– qualityperspectives.ca/resources_mnemonics.html

● Rapid Software Testing – by James Bach & Michael Bolton

– satisfice.com/info_rst.shtml


Resources - Modelling● Rethinking Systems Analysis & Design

– by Gerald M. Weinberg

● Domain Driven Design– by Eric Evans

● Diagnosing the System For Organisations– by Stafford Beer

● Software Requirements & Specifications– by Michael Jackson

● Principles of Experimentation And Measurement – by Gordon M. Bragg


Resources - Observation & Interrogation

● Observation– The Structure of Magic Volumes 1 & 2

● by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

● Interrogation– The Web Application Hackers Handbook

– Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly

– NLP For Testers, by Alan Richardson● compendiumdev.co.uk/page/nlp


Resources – Reflection & Manipulation

● Reflection– Quantum Psychology by Robert Anton Wilson

● Manipulation– How to Break Software, How to Break Web

Software, How to Break Security ● by Whittaker (and others)

– Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton Erickson

● by Richard Bandler & John Grinder

– Changing with Families ● by Bandler, Grinder & Virginia Satir


● Thank you to Tabara De Testare for organising the webinar

● And thanks to everyone who attended at the various venues and from their own homes and workplaces

● http://www.meetup.com/Tabara-de-Testare-Cluj/

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