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Technology 2021 A.D

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What will the communication technology landscape look like in 2021 A.D.?

How will this impact the classroom????!!!!!!

Essential Questions

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Technology evolves overtime and this has a direct impact on the classroom. Various forms of technology are widely used in classrooms across the world to help students connect to curriculum. Older forms of technology such as the printing press changed the way students were presented the information and now we are seeing a shift away from text to more of a digital approach.

Changing the classroom

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An increase of popularity has become evident with the use of hand held technology. A shift from desktops to laptops had occurred within the past few years and now were are seeing a preference of more compact smaller devices such as hand held tablets. By the time 2021 come around, I predict that hand held tables will be apart of most family’s everyday life. These 2021 handheld devices will be equipped with advance capabilities that are far more advanced than current technology.


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Not only will tablets be used in everyday life for personal life but I predict that these tables will be used in every classroom across the United States and many other parts of the world. The reason that I predict this is because when a student is presented curriculum in the form of technologies, they then have the power to view, manipulate, share, and present the information how they please. This in return promotes child development.


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In 2021 the use to textbooks will slowly but surely diminish. In there place, a new form of technology will be present which is in the form of tablets and this is the E-Reader. With the E-Readers, physical text can be transferred to digital text. Instead of there being multiple pages of textbooks, this digital text can be stored in internal memory or the ‘cloud’ of information. This will cut down on the use of paper along with the expense of buying textbooks which can be very expensive.


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Another feature of 2021 will be wireless classrooms. With the technology in today’s classroom, we are moving to a more wireless approach but we are not quite there. In 2021 I am sure that most classrooms will be completely wireless and paperless when it comes everyday classroom lectures and assignments. Lectures will be through podcast. Assignments will be through blogs, and group work will be done through computer applications.

Wireless classrooms

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The popular smartboard will be more sophisticated and will be the most used teaching tool within the classroom. The smart board will be able to connected to each students hand held devices and assignments will be able to be transferred, grades will be able to be posted and student work will be able to be tracked.

Wireless Classroom

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The umbrella perspective allows us to question why we are using technology in the first place. While going through the factors of the umbrella perspective we are able to see if the technology we are using best fits us. It is important to understand technology and the components that come along with. • There are a few factors of the umbrella perspective that

are important to review. This includes• Enabling• Limiting• Motivating• Inhibiting

The Umbrella Perspective

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CHANGE??When it comes to change there are 7 key questions that one should consider according to Rodger’s Diffusion of Innovations• To develop a need for change. • To establish an information-exchange

relationship. • To diagnose problems. • To create an intent in the client to change. • To translate an intent to action. • To stabilize adoption and prevent

discontinuance. • To achieve a terminal relationship

A change can be brought to life when it comes to the classroom. All of these key questions bring to mind a great discussion when considering a great change.

Rodger’s Diffusion

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The model below can views as how technology is adopted and it is in the shape of a bell cure. There are different stages of adaptation. According to this model there are 5 key factors to considers. There factors are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trainability, and observability. This is very important when it comes to the classroom because using technology can be detrimental to a classroom if the time spent using it is unproductive.

Moore’s Innovation Adoption Rate

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This theory can definitely be applied to the classroom and the technology with in it. The compatibility of different applications on different devices will be very important in year 2021 when it comes to educations. This is important because with the amount of information being shared, it is important to have different outlets to reach this information, for all stakeholders of education (parents, guardians, teachers, and students)

Critical Mass Theory

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This theory basically states that people use technology because it benefits them. I stand behind this theory because there are many benefits of technology. At the same time, since society is to technological driven, one almost is forced to adapt to using technology. For instance, most college level classes required research papers that must processed with the use of technology. Technology has many benefits when it comes to the classroom, but there are also downfalls.

Uses and Gratifications

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This theory is a step further from the uses and gratifications theory. In this theory, ones relationship with technology is analyzed. When it comes to education it is important to keep this in mind because technology should only be an outlet to teach curriculum. Some teacher find it find it difficult not to solely depend on technology. It is always important to remember that a teacher must teach WITH technology and not let the technology overpower the essence of learning.

Media System Dependency Theory

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Emotions come into play when it comes to Social Learning Theory. Humans learn mainly though observation. When the process of learning takes place, emotions can influence behavior. There are many influences that can effect ones actions such as cognitive influences, behavioral and environmental influences.

Social Learning Theory/ Social Cognitive Theory

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This theory refers the retailing of products. This statistical approach states that as the number of products increases the popularity decreases. This being said, the more products there are allows for there to be more niches of products which can keep companies alive due to variation.

The Theory of the Long Tail

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This theory is more of an economic approach. The PCS evaluated the GDP and how much is spend on media by both consumers and advertisers. This theory implies that there is a consistency in the amount spent towards media each year.

The Principle of Relative Constancy

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Bandura, A. (n.d.). Social Learning Theory . Retrieved November 15, 2011, from .instructionaldesign.org: http://www.instructionaldesign.org/theories/social-learning.htmlGaerig, a. (2011). TheCEconomics of Advertising . Retrieved November 10, 2011, from /economicsofadvertising.com: http:/m/?page_id=76genconnection.com. (n.d.). The Diffusion of Technology into the Classroom. Retrieved December 1, 2011, from genconnection.com: http://www.genconnection.com/azusa/515/diffusion.htmMARKUS, M. L. (n.d.). Toward a “Critical Mass” Theory of Interactive Media. Retrieved December 02, 2010, from /crx.sagepub.com: http://crx.sagepub.com/content/14/5/491.abstractpsu.edu. (n.d.). Rodgers' diffusion of Innovations. Retrieved December 1, 2011, from persona.psu.edu: http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/w/x/wxh139/Rogers.htmSpring, E. R. (2002). Uses & Gratifications/ Dependency Theory. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from zimmer.csufresno.edu: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~johnca/spch100/7-4-uses.htmutwente.nl. (n.d.). Dependency Theory . Retrieved November 28, 2011, from utwente.nl: http://www.utwente.nl/cw/theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Mass%20Media/Dependency%20Theory.doc/Wu, T. (2006, July 21). The Wrong Tail. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from .slate.com: http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/books/2006/07/the_wrong_tail.html


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