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Technology and Tutoring

What is “technology”?

In olden days, technology was a slate, a chalk, and an eraser.

These days, technology includes computers, internet, web-based audio, visual, reading & writing programs, web-based software, cell phones, smartphones, and more.

This presentation will give you an idea of what easily accessible technology exists and what it can do for you and your student.

This presentation is geared to those who are still learning about technology and what it has to offer in the tutoring-learning context.


Why use technology? 6

How to decide what technology to use 10

Google Search 13

Advanced Google Search 17

Email 21

Cell Phones & Smart Phones 23

Google Drive 25

Blogger 38


Google Maps 45

YouTube 52

Resources 59

Why use technology with your student?

Technology is so embedded in everyday life, incorporating technology in your tutoring can encourage your student to become more fluent with its use.

Why use technology with your student?

Technology is so embedded in everyday life, incorporating technology in your tutoring can encourage your student to become more fluent with its use.

Technology can make some things easier.

Why use technology with your student?

Technology is so embedded in everyday life, incorporating technology in your tutoring can encourage your student to become more fluent with its use.

Technology can make some things easier. Technology can bring the world to your


Why use technology with your student?

Technology is so embedded in everyday life, incorporating technology in your tutoring can encourage your student to become more fluent with its use.

Technology can make some things easier. Technology can bring the world to your

fingertips. It’s fun!

How do you decide what technology to use?

Ask yourself: • What do I want to accomplish with my

student?• Ideally, how can I do this?• What tools do I need?• How can technology help?

Then, plan around your needs.

There are two main interactions with technology


corresponds to language inputs of listening and reading


corresponds to language outputs of speaking and writing


combination of consuming and producing language

Common Questions:Google Search & Advanced Search

Google Search

Start typing into the search box what you are looking for.

Google Search

Start typing into the search box what you are looking for.

Other options will pop up as you type.

Google Search

Start typing into the search box what you are looking for.

Other options will pop up as you type. Select what you are looking for if it appears.

Google Search

Click on the option you like and go to that web site.

Advanced Google Search

Type in the search box and click Enter. Look for the gear icon in the upper right corner of

the screen. Click on the gear.

Advanced Google Search

Type in the search box and click Enter. Look for the gear icon in the upper right corner of

the screen. Click on the gear. Click on Advanced search

Advanced Google Search

In the window that pops up, enter your search parameters. Follow the suggestions that appear to the right on the screen.

For more tips, ask Google!

Basic Technology: Email

Free web-based email service available Easy set-up Encourages both student consumption and

production Good for both reading and writing practice Computers can be configured to speak to the

reader: good listening practice

More Email

Most tutors have email Many students have email

Many email programs offer an IM or Chat box which enables you to have a conversation via type in real time.

Cell Phones & Smart Phones

Almost everybody has a cell phone.

Cell phones can text if your student has difficulty speaking on the phone.

Read your user’s manual for texting directions.

Search Google for common texting abbreviations.

Interactive Technology

Google Drive (formerly Google Docs)

What is Google Drive?Google Drive is a cloud-based suite of programs.

Why use Google Drive?Document creation & editingInteractive programsOnline programsAudio/video programs

Working With Google Drive

1. Sign into Google. If you do not have an account, you can create one using any email account. www.google.com

2. Select “Drive” from the black tape across the top and click.

Working With Google Drive

Most Common Projects

Documents will work like regular word processing.

Presentations will work like slide shows.

There are also drawings, forms, and more.

3. Click on “Create” and choose what kind of document you would like to make

Working With Google Drive

4. Put contents into your document

The menu buttons allow you to format, edit, insert, etc. You can also insert an active web link, images, and other items.

Working With Google Drive

5. To add a title to your document, click on “Untitled document”, enter the new document name, and click OK.

6. The new document name will appear in the upper left corner of your screen.

Working With Google Drive

Presentations work much like Powerpoint.

1. First, choose a theme and click OK.

Working With Google Drive

2. Add contents to your slide. The formatting is similar to a word processing document.

Working With Google Drive

3. To add more slides click “Slide”.

4. To add different types of content click “Insert”. You can add images either from your own computer or from the internet.

5. Add the title by clicking on “Untitled document”, entering the new document name, and clicking OK.

Working With Google Drive


You can control who sees your documents and what they can do with it.

You can let people edit it or just read it and leave comments.

Working With Google Drive

Click on “Share”. You can add people’s email addresses into the window. Click OK When finished.

Working With Google Drive

PublishingWhen you are ready to let other people see it, you can publish your document to the web.

Your document or slide show will get a URL and you can share that URL with others.

Working With Google Drive

1. Click on “File” and then select “Publish to the web…”

2. The wizard will ask you several times if you really want to publish it.

3. Once you agree you will be given a URL address to use. You can email this to other people, or create a link on another page.

Working With Google Drive

4. If you decide you don’t want the document to be public anymore, you can change the setting.

Go to “File” and under “Publish to the web” you can click on “Stop publishing”.


What is a Blog?

A Blog, a contraction of “web” and “log”, is a web site on which an individual or a group of users regularly record opinions, information, etc.

Individual entries are called Posts, and are typically displayed in reverse chronological order.

Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs.


Blogger can be accessed at


Sign in using your Google username and password.


To create a blog, click on “New Blog”

Blogger will ask you to choose a name, and address, and a template. You can always change the name or the template later, but not the address.

You will need the address to invite people to view and comment on your blog.


1. Add Title

2. Add Address

3. Choose Template (or use the default and change it later

4. Click “Create blog!”


There are many ways to post. Click on Start Blogging!, the pencil icon, or View Blog.


Via the toolbar at the top, you can:• change the appearance of the font.• add photos from your own computer, from an

online photo service, or via the url.• add videos if you like.• add a link to another page.


You can control who gets to see the blog. To do this, click on Settings and then on Privacy.

You can change the look by clicking on Templates or Layout.

Overview gives you access to all the individual menus.

Google Maps

Sign into Google.

Click on Maps.

Click My places.

Click on Create Map.

Google Maps

Give your map a title and a description.

Decide whether you want this map to be public or shared only with selected people who have the map’s web address.

Google Maps

To begin to annotate the map click Edit.

Google Maps

You will see three icons.

The hand allows you to move the map around.

The little blue balloon allows you to put a pin on the map.

The uneven line allows you to draw right on the map.

Google Maps

In order to mark a location and add information (text, a photo, a link, etc.) you first click on the pin.

Drag it to your chosen location and release.

A new window pops up.

Google Maps

By clicking on Collaborate you can let others share in the annotation.

This opens a window in which you can add email addresses and send invitations directly to people.

Google Maps

Other options available: •Link symbol will show the url that you can share with others or embed in another page.•By moving the cursor over Traffic, you can choose which map features you would like to see.


Sign into Google. Click on You Tube. Under your account,

you can click on My Channel.

If you do not already have an account, it will walk you through creating one.


Once you have a channel, you can “favorite” selected videos and create playlists.

While watching a video, you can click on Add to.

Then, select which playlist you want to add the video to. If you do not already have playlists, you can create one at this time.

You can decide if the playlist will be public or private.


• You can also upload your own videos.

• Click on Upload.• You can upload files

from your computer, or you can record a video directly with your computer’s camera.


• You can change the settings of your channel.

• Click on Settings.• The settings page

will appear and you can control your channel.


You can control the nature and appearance of your channel.

Click on the arrow next to Upload.

Choose Dashboard. From the left menu,

choose Channel Settings.


From this screen you can control your privacy settings, monetization, and other features.


You can control other aspects of your channel from the Channel Settings button on the Dashboard.


Adult Ed Online www.adultedonline.org

Using technology to enhance learning opportunities

LVNJ Log On and Learn www.lvnj.org/content/log-and-learn

A resource manual for adult literacy students and instructors

LINCS Technology Discussion Group Technology and learning discussion grouphttp://community.lincs.ed.gov/group/technology-and-learning

Adult Literacy Education Wiki: Technology Technology discussion group


Education Week: Technology www.edweek.org/topics/technology/index.html

Media Library of Teaching Skills www.mlots.org

Florida Literacy Coalition www.floridaliteracy.org/literacy_resources_teacher_tutor_technology.html

OTAN Outreach and Technical Assistance Network www.otan.us

AlphaPlus http://alphaplus.ca

Tech Tips for Teachers http://techtipsforteachers.weebly.com/index.html


Adult Learner Persistence www.nelrc.org/persist/overview.html

News for You Online www.newsforyouonline.com/index.asp

Sharing Our Thoughts www.sabes.org/resources/publications/sot/index.htm

Simple English Wikipedia simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_English_Wikipedia

Adult Literacy Education wiki.literacytent.org/index.php/Main_Page

Math Labs waemathlab.blogspot.com

Advanced ESOL tayloresl.wordpress.com

ESLPod www.eslpod.com/website/index_new.html

ESL TV and Radio www.eslratioandtv.com

Infonet-Biovision Visual Encyclopedia www.infonet-biovision.org

California Distance Learning Project www.cdlponline.org

USA Learns www.usalearns.org

KET Learning www.youtube.com/ketadultlearning

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