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Technology Review


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MARCH, 1960 1


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~----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------_.THE TECHNOLOGY REvIEW

VoLume 62 Number 5

Technolog.y Review

Edited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Reg. us, Pat. oa.

March, 1960

This Month!Feedback

Pupil's Re-creationOr Teacher's Recreation


In the last few years, there has developedwidespread awareness of the importanceof an early study of mathematics in thetraining of engineers and physical scien-tists. This has caused several groups tore-evaluate the high school curriculum inmathematics, and to implement many oftheir ideas through institutes for teacherssuch as those of the National ScienceFoundation. An effort of this kind at theJunior High School or even the primarygrades level, the Madison Project, was de-scribed by Professor Robert B. Davis ina recent article in The Technology Re-view (Dec., 1959, pp. 28-30).

The objective of these efforts is laud-able - to improve and modernize theteaching of the traditionaL high schoolmathematics subjects. But some of the ap-parently demonstrated conclusions aboutlearning mathematics can easily be carriedtoo far, and it is this caution that thewriter would like to emphasize.

That the small number of "low·I.Q."students per teacher helped maintain in-terest was to be expected. And that, whenthe teachers felt the zeal of a new "educa-tional experiment," they imparted interestto the students is quite believable. How-ever, this last effect is hard to sustain overa period of years.

But that changes in language and nota-tion had much virtue seems doubtful. Anexample was the use of the relativelyvague words "general mathematics" and"condition" for the much more preciseterms "algebra" and "equation." Andcompare the Project's formulation:

If 3+0=5, what goes in the box?

with the traditional formulation:

Solve 3+x = 5.

The "new" notation is costlier to print,but is it new? It is strongly reminiscentof the formulations of Diophantos ofAI·exandria (c. 350A.D.). The full apprecia-tion by mathematicians of the notationax + b =c, with any of the letters posi-tive or negative, dates from the "Geom-etry" of Descartes in 1637. Present-dayengineering students are still a little in-credulous the first time they encounter

(Continued on page 19)

MARCH, 1960

THIS VACUUM TUBE was made(rom a kit of parts that is now beingevaluated in the schools. How it wasassembled is described in the article onpage 40.

The CoverPegasus posed in thecenter of the KresgeAuditorium, facing the organ, for TheReview's cover. Tbe sculpture is describedin the article on pages 21 and 22.


R. T. Jope,'28;CIRCULATION MANAGER: D. P.Severance/a8;mITORIAL ASSOCIATEl: J. J.Rowlands, Francis E. Wylie, JohnI. Mat-till; EDITORIAL STAFF: Ruth King, Diana deFilippi; BUSINESS STAFF: Madeline R. Mc-Cormick, Louise E. Ryan; PUBLISHER:

H. E. Lobdell,'17.

Tbe TeehnolOflf Review is published montbly fromNovember to July .inclusive on the 27tb day oftbe montb preceding the date of issue, by theAlumni Association of M.I.T.; Edward J. Hanley,'24, President: H. E. Lobdell,'17, Executive Vice-president: William W. Garth, Jr.,'36. William L.Taggart, Jr;l'27, Vice-presidents; Donald P. Sev-erance,'38, Secretary-Treasurer,

Copyrighted, 1960, by tbe Alumni Association ofxi.t.r.

Editorial and business offices are in Room 1·281,Massacbusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge39, Mass. The Review is published at HildrethPress. Inc., Emmett Street, Bristol, Conn.

An annual subscription in the U.S,is $4.00; inCanada and elsewbere, $4.50: a single coPY, 60cents, Tbree weeks must be allowed to effect acbange of address/ for which both the old &I1d thenew address should be given.

Entered as second-class matter December 23/ 1949.at the Post Office, at Bristol, Conn., IInner theAct of March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing atspecial postage rates provided for in Section 538.P. L . ., R. Act of February 28, 1925.

Individuals Noteworthy 4

A new Advisory Council is named forthe School of Industrial Management.


The Trend of Affairs 17

M.LT. creates a Laboratory of Chemi-cal and Solid State Physics, and theAlumni nominate officers.

The Larger Learning 23

Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy;urges emphasisin college on human aswell as intellectual virtues.

Engineering Education 27

Harold L. Hazen, '24, Dean of theM.I.T. Graduate School, describes newprofessional demands.

Why Do Good Men Fam 30

M. Bryce Leggett, '40, reviews andHenry B. Kane, '24, illustrates someundergraduate problems atM.LT.

When Yatt Write a Report 33

Robert R. Rathbone, Associate Profes-sor of English, recalls the principlesand gives some helpful pointers.

Solid-Fuel Rocket Chambers 34

A brief account of a fascinating ex-ample of engineering research.

Seeing Far Below the Sea 35

Harold E. Edgerton, '27, describes new,dynamic, data-producing cameras.

From Supersonic to Hypersonic 39

Wind tunnel velocities are greatly in-creased without spending millions.

Books 54

Reviews of three inexpensive worksof possible interest to Alumni.

Institute Yesteryears 60

Items that were news 25, 50, 75, 85, and99 years ago at M.I.T.


'Individuals Noteworthy

New Advisory Council

A OTHER LINK between thebusiness world and M.I.T. wasformed this winter when DeanHoward W. Johnson of the Schoolof Industrial Management an-nounced the formation of a newAdvisory Council under the chair-manship of Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,'95, Honorary Chairman of theGeneral Motors Corporation andPresident of the Alfred P. SloanFoundation which established theschool.

"Our council members will servethe school," said Dean Johnson,"by providing advice and counselon its various study and researchprograms, and by acting as asounding board for new ideas."

Council members, who will servefor three years, are:

Albert Bradley, Director andFormer Chairman of the Board,General Motors Corporation, andChairman, Alfred P. Sloan Founda-tion, Inc.

Russell DeYoung,'40,President,Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.

Bradley Dewey,'09,Former Pres-ident, Dewey &: Almy ChemicalDivision, (W. R. Grace &: Co.)

Cecil H. Green, '23, HonoraryChairman of the Board, Geophysi-cal Service Inc.

Robert T. Haslam, '11, Consult-ant and Director, W. R. Grace&Co.

Wayne J. Holman, t-; '39,Chairman of the Board, ChicopeeManufacturing Corporation.

Theodore V. Houser, FormerChairman of the Board, Sears,Roebuck & Company;

GeorgeM. Humph~ey, Chairmanof the Board, National Steel Cor·poration.

Devereux C. Josephs,Chairmanof the Board, New York Life In-surance Company.

Frederick R. Kappel,President,American Telephone &: TelegraphCompany.

Semon E. Knudsen, '36, GeneralManager, Pontiac Motor Division,General Motors Corporation.


GeorgeJ. Leness, '26, Chairmanof the Executive Committee, Mer-rill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner andSmith, Inc.

William B. Murphy, President,Campbell Soup Company.

Alfred C. Neal, President, Com-mittee for Economic Development.

Robert C. Sprague, '23, Chair-man and Treasurer, Sprague Elec-tric Company.

John C. Virden, Chairman of theBoard and President, Eaton Manu-facturing Company.

Thomas J. Watson, t-; Presi-dent, IBM Corporation.

JamesE. Webb, Director, Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc.

Arnold J.Zurcher, Vice-presidentand Executive Director, Alfred P.Sloan Foundation, Inc.

To Resume Teaching

ONE of the foremost authorities inthe communications-systems field,Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr., '43, willresume teaching next fall as pro-fessor of electrical engineering atM.I.T. after nine years on the staffof Lincoln Laboratory.

Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr.,'43

PAUL A. SAMUELSON, Professor ofEconomics at M.l.T., was elected FirstVice'president of the American Eco-nomic Association at its recent meet-ing in Washington. His textbook oneconomics is used in many schools.

Dr. Davenport was a teachingassistant in the Department ofElectrical Engineering from 1941to 1943. He then served for threeyears as a fire-control radar officerin the United States Navy. Aftermore years on the M.I.T. Faculty,he went to Lincoln, where he hasserved in the Communications andComponents Division and, since1958, as head of the InformationProcessing Division.

He is a consultant to the Direc-tor of Defense Research and Engi-neering, the National SecurityAgency and the U.S. Navy SpecialProjects Office. He was co-authorwith William L. Root, '43, of AnIntroduction to the Theory ofRandom Signals and Noisein1958, and is a fellow of the Insti-tute of Radio Engineers.

"Dr. Davenport is an unusualcombination of skillful teacher,keen research man, and "bold leaderof advanced engineering work,"says Jerome B. Wiesner, ActingHead of the Electrical EngineeringDepartment. "He will be able tocontribute very substantially to thework on engineering educationand on communication sciencesthat we have planned for the nextdecade."

(Continued on page 6)




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MARCH, 1960 5



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Individuals Noteworthy~Continued from page 4)

Warren J. Mead: 1883-1960

PROFESSOR EMERITUS of Ge-ology Warren Judson Mead diedon January 16 at his home in Bel-mont. Dr. Mead headed the M.I.T.Department of Geology from -1934until he retired in 1949.

Born in Plymouth, Wis., in1883, Dr. Mead was graduatedfrom the University of Wisconsinin 1906, where he received hismaster's in 1908 and his doctoratein 1926. He was a member of theWisconsin faculty from 1906 un-til 1934. He wrote numerous geo-logical papers and collaboratedwith C. K. Leith in producing thevolume entitled MetamorphicGeology (1915). His nonacademicwork included consulting for thePanama Canal Commission, theCorps of Engineers, the ColoradoRiver Board to determine the fea-sibility of Boulder Dam, the Alu-minum Company of America, andthe Reynolds Metal Company. Healso investigated iron and coal re-sources of South Manchuria.

Dr. Mead was a member of theNational Academy of Sciences anda fellow of the American Academyof Arts and Sciences and the Geo-logical Society of America.

He is survived by his wife.Bertha Taylor Mead, and threesons, Warren, of Waterloo, Iowa;Judson, of Bloomington, Ind.; andJeremiah, of Waban, Mass.

Gerald Putnam: 1902-1960

IN JANUARY Gerald Putnam, '23,Assistant Professor of EngineeringGraphics in the Department ofMechanical Engineering, died in aCambridge hospital.

Professor Putnam was born onNovember 27, 1902, in- Clinton,Mass. He worked with water powerengineering companies in Albanybefore joining the Institute Facultyin 1933, and held positions in theDepartments of Civil Engineering,Drawing and Graphics before join-ing the Mechanical EngineeringDepartment. He also served as lec-turer in mathematics at Tufts Uni-versity and Northeastern University.

He is survived by his wife,Dorothy Valentine Putnam.

(Continued on 1Jage12)


Shaping another sun

7000 degrees ... an inferno approaching that ,of the sun's surfacehas been created by the scientists of Union Carbide. The energy comes fromthe intensely hot carbon arc. Through the use of mirrors, the heatis reflectedto form a single burning image of the electric arc at a convenient point.Called the arc-image furnace, it extends the limits of high-temperatureresearch on new materials for the space age.

For years, mammoth carbon and graphite electrodes have firedblazing electric furnaces to capture many of today's metals from their ores

and to produce the finest steels. But, in additionto extreme heat, the carbonarc produces a dazzling light that rivals the sun. In motion picture projectors,

its brilliant beam floods panoramic movie screens with every vivid detailfrom a film no larger than a postage stamp.

The carbon arc is only one of many useful things made fromthe basic element, carbon. The people of Union Carbidewill carry on their

research to develop even better ways for carbon to serve everyone.

MARCH, 1960

... a hand in things to come

Learn about the exciting workgoing on now in carbons, chem-icols.gases, metals, plastics, andnuclear energy, Writefor"Prod-ucts and Processes" Booklet I,Union Carbide Corporation, 30E.42ndSt.,New York17,N. Y.In Canada, Union CarbideCanada Limited, Toronto.

... a handin things tooorrre


(Leftj The huge riverside crane atCombustion's Chattanooga Divisioneasily lifts this 92-ton stainless steelreactor vessel - the most complexreactor vessel built to date - into abarge for shipment to the EnricoFermi Power Station, Lagoona Beach,Michigan.(Right) Stainleu steel sodium heatexchanger consisting of a series oftubes within tubes, encased In a pres-sure vessel •

What C-E •IS doing to advanceThe strange and wondrous world of the atom has been exam-ined and surveyed by C-E scientists and engineers since1946. The object-to put the controlled energy of the atomto productive use for the generation of power. The result-a wealth of knowledge and experience in the application,design and manufacture of nuclear power equipment. Backedby specially designed laboratories and manufacturing facili-ties, this knowledge and experience-greatly augmented andenriched by the acquisition of the General Nuclear Engi-neering Corporation early last year-has enabled C-E toundertake many kinds of nuclear work.

Notable C-E and General Nuclear projects are outlinedon the opposite page. Virtually all of them arecurrent, andmany have a significant relationship to the vital task ofmaking nuclear power competitive with conventional power.Collectively, these projects will contribute importantly tothe Company's objective of achieving the same positionof leadership in the atomic world of tomorrow which ithas long since achieved' in present-day methods of powergeneration.

Portiol view of loboratory of General Nuclear Engineering Corporation atDunedin, Florida, showing equipment used for the study of a high-pressure,high-temperature gas coolant system.

Portion of a laboratory at C-E's Nuclear Division, Windsor,Connecticut, showing gas analysis equipment used fordetecting the presence of small quantities of goses in reac-tor materials.


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