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Page 1: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Your Path to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems


Boston UniversityGraduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaMaster’s Track FormatBoston University IT programs in Macedonia are offered in a flexible Master’s Track format, consisting of two GraduateCertificate programs and two Core Master’s Courses.

Each certificate requires the completion of four courses, at whichtime students receive a Boston University Graduate Certificate.

Completion of both Graduate Certificates and both Core Master’sCourses leads to a Master of Science in Computer InformationSystems degree from Boston University.

Program Course Outline

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design MET CS 782 IT Strategy and Management

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics (eLive)(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentMET CS 632 IT Project ManagementMET CS 695 Enterprise Information SecurityMET CS 779 Advanced Database Management

Core Master’s Courses (online)(Two courses/8 credits)MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

For the Master of Science in Computer Information Systemsdegree, students need to complete ten courses. With approval,students who have taken courses equivalent to the Core Master’sCourses at an accredited university may transfer those credits—in which case, qualified students can earn a master’s degree bycompleting just the two Graduate Certificates.

808 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 250Boston, MA 02215Phone: 617-353-2566E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate Programs in Information Technology in Macedonia

Our Information Security programs arecertified by the Committee on NationalSecurity Systems (CNSS).

Our programs are nationally accredited by the Project ManagementInstitute’s Global Accreditation Center for Project Management.

Boston University’s policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University. 08/09

The Boston University AdvantageRanked by Times Higher Education as one of the top 50 universities in the world, Boston University is home tomore than 32,000 students from 140 countries. A leader in research, BU is the fourth-largest private university in the United States, with incomparable campus resourcesand superb faculty. Among the many award-winningprofessors currently teaching at the University are fourNobel Prize winners.

Metropolitan College is one of Boston University’s 17degree-granting schools and colleges. It is the home of the University’s oldest computer science department, whichoffers a broad range of world-class academic programs incomputer and information sciences. The College’s state-of-the-art IT programs, driven by outstanding full-time facultyadhering to the highest standards of Boston University,enable students to advance academically by using the mostconvenient times, locations, and available delivery methods.

BU Global is the international unit of Boston UniversityMetropolitan College, offering dynamic learningopportunities in a “global classroom format,” which providesa valuable multicultural perspective on today’s business andtechnology trends.

A Center of Academic ExcellenceEstablished in 1869, Boston University is regionallyaccredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, (NEASC) Inc. The University is recognized by the United States National Security Agency and theDepartment of Homeland Security as a Center of AcademicExcellence in Information Assurance Education andResearch. Our degrees are accredited by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)—and the Master ofScience in Computer Information Systems has additionalaccreditation from the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics

Two Core Master’s Courses

MS in ComputerInformation Systems

755 Commonwealth Avenue, B18Boston, MA 02215Phone: [email protected]/global/macedonia

MET CS 520MET CS 546

MET CS 601MET CS 632MET CS 695MET CS 779

MET CS 625MET CS 669MET CS 682MET CS 782

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Page 2: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Get on Track to a Master’sDegree from Boston University. Beginning January 2010, Boston University will be offering graduate-level information technology programs in the Republic of Macedonia.These programs will provide students with comprehensive knowledgeand hands-on experience in state-of-the-art areas of IT and theirenterprise implementations—while leading to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Boston University.

Executive-Style eLive Programs Boston University’s programs in Macedonia will be delivered in ourinnovative, executive-style eLive format, blending the best aspects of face-to-face learning with an online educational experience.Students get the full benefit of in-class lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia, along with comprehensive online material,including active discussion sessions and assessments.

In addition, all lecture times are scheduled in the evening or duringthe weekends, so students can keep their regular work schedules and professional commitments in Macedonia while pursuing theirgraduate studies. Boston University students in Macedonia aresubjected to the same high academic standards as those in Boston.

Blended CoursesEach course is seven weeks in duration and carries 4 credit hours. Thefirst week of each course begins with lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia. This is followed by five weeks of onlineteaching and assessment, including synchronous, interactive lecturesdelivered from Boston. All course material, including assignments and assessments, is available online through the Vista course delivery platform, providing an ideal environment for intensive daily interaction with the professor, teaching assistants, and fellowstudents. The final week is similar to the first, consisting of lecturesdelivered by Boston University professors in Macedonia, concludingwith student project presentations and the final examination.

Boston University Master of Science in Computer Information Systems

The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems(MSCIS) at Boston University is designed for professionals in the IT field. The MSCIS capitalizes on students’ experienceby offering specialized training in IT, preparing graduates formanagerial positions within the computer science orinformation systems field.

Offered in-class, eLive, or online, the MSCIS is accredited by the Project Management Institute’s Global AccreditationCenter (GAC) for Project Management.

Optional Concentrations include:• Database & Knowledge Management• IT Project Management• Security

Degree RequirementsA total of ten courses (40 credits) is required to obtain the MSCIS. Students who complete the Graduate Certificatein Information Technology plus the Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics, need to only complete two morecourses to fulfill the requirements of the MSCIS:MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

With approval from the Department of Computer Science,these courses may be satisfied by equivalent coursescompleted at an accredited institution.

For more information about GraduatePrograms in Information Technology in Macedonia, please contact BU Globalat 617-353-8429, e-mail [email protected],or visit bu.edu/global/macedonia.



Graduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaProgram Course Descriptions

MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks This course presents the foundations of data communications and takes a bottom-up approach to computer networks. It beginswith an overview of modern data communication requirements andbasic distributed data concepts. A brief history of the Internet ispresented followed by the basics of the OSI and TCP/IP computernetworks models. The Physical Layer is presented in the form ofbasic data communication concepts over various transmissionmedia, wireless transmission, and the telephone system. The DataLink Layer presentation deals with design issues and error detectionand correction, and the Medium Access Sublayer covers channelallocation problems, multiple access protocols, IEEE standard 802for LANs and WLANs, as well as bridges, switches, and high-speedLANs. The basic functions of the Network Layer are explained in the context of design issues, internetworking, and the network layerin the Internet. The Transport Layer includes the transport serviceand elements of transport protocols, as well as the TCP and UDPInternet transport protocols. The Application Layer issues cover the main distributed applications, such as electronic mail, DNS, ftp, www, etc. The course concludes with an overview of basicnetwork security and management concepts. 4 cr

MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business Students learn the latest relational and object-relational tools and techniques for persistent data and object modeling andmanagement. Students gain extensive hands-on experience usingOracle or Microsoft SQL Server as they learn the Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) and design and implement databases. Topicscovered include: the relational and entity-relational models, datamodeling, normalization, object modeling, SQL, advanced SQL,stored procedures, triggers, database design, database lifecycle, and transactions. Students are introduced to advanced topicsincluding performance tuning, distributed databases, replication,business intelligence, data warehouses, Internet databases,database administration, security, backup, and recovery. Studentsdesign and implement a database system as a term project.Laboratory course. 4 cr

MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design Object-oriented methods of information systems analysis anddesign for organizations with data-processing resources. Systemfeasibility, information requirements analysis, database utilization,including data dictionaries, software design and implementationmanagement, project control, and systems-level testing andinstallation. Laboratory course. Prereq: Basic programmingknowledge or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 782 IT Strategy and ManagementThis course provides an overview of contemporary informationsystems technology (IT) management. It explains the relevant issuesof effective management of information services activities andhighlights the areas of greatest potential application of thetechnology. No assumptions are made concerning the reader’sexperience with IT, but it is assumed that the reader has somecoursework or work experience in administration or management.Prereq: MET CS 682 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentThis course focuses on building core competencies in web designand development. It begins with a complete immersion into HTML,essentially XHTML and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Students areexposed to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as well as Dynamic CSS.The fundamentals of JavaScript language, including object-orientedJavaScript, are covered comprehensively. AJAX with XML and JSONare covered, as they are the primary means to transfer data fromclient and server. Open source libraries such as Prototype, jQuery,and Mootools might optionally be covered, as they assist in buildingcross-browser web applications rapidly and efficiently. The PHPlanguage will be presented and covered; however, students can use other server-side languages; such as ASP.NET, Java (JEE), or Rubyon Rails (RoR) for their projects. The course will focus on MySQL asa relational database system with the final project. Students mayuse other databases with instructor approval. Students will workwith either IIS 6 (or better) or Apache 2, using any conventionaloperating system when working on their term projects and classlaboratories. 4 cr

MET CS 632 IT Project Management This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the principles, processes, and practices of software projectmanagement. Students learn techniques for planning, organizing,scheduling, and controlling software projects. There is substantialfocus on software cost estimation and software risk management.Students will obtain practical project management skills andcompetencies related to the definition of a software project,establishment of project communications, managing projectchanges, and managing distributed software teams and projects. 4 cr

MET CS 695 Enterprise Information Security The course provides an in-depth presentation of security issues incomputer systems, networks, and applications. Formal securitymodels are presented and illustrated on operating system securityaspects, more specifically memory protection, access control andauthentication, file system security, backup and recoverymanagement, intrusion and virus protection mechanisms.Application-level security focuses on language-level security andvarious security policies; conventional and public keys encryption,authentication, message digest, and digital signatures. Internet and

intranet topics include security in IP, routers, proxy servers andfirewalls, application-level gateways, web servers, file and mailservers. Discussion of remote access issues, such as dial-upservers, modems, VPN gateways and clients. Prereq: MET CS 625or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 779 Advanced Database Management This course covers advanced aspects of database managementsystems, including advanced normalization and denormalization,query optimization, object-oriented and object-relationaldatabases, data warehousing, data mining, distributed databases,XML, XSL, and databases for web applications. There is extensivecoverage of SQL and database instance tuning. Students learnabout the advanced object-relational features in DBMS such asOracle, including navigational query, BLOBs, abstract data types,and methods. Students learn about database programming inOracle’s PL/SQL language, including triggers, stored procedures,and methods. By the end of the course, students shouldunderstand the basic concepts in all of these advanced databasetopics. Students define independent advanced database termprojects, which may be related to their work or other interests.Students prepare reports and audio-video presentations for theirclassmates using PowerPoint and Impatica. Prereq: MET CS 669 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 520 Information StructuresThis course covers the concepts of the object-oriented approach to software design and development using the Java programminglanguage. It includes a detailed discussion of programmingconcepts starting with the fundamentals of data types, control-structure methods, classes, applets, arrays, and strings, andproceeding to advanced topics such as inheritance andpolymorphism, interfaces, creating user interfaces, exceptions, andstreams. Upon completion of this course the students will be ableto apply software engineering criteria to design and implementJava applications that are secure, robust, and scalable. 4 cr

MET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems The goal of this course is to provide computer information systems students with the mathematical fundamentals required for successful quantitative analysis of problems in the field of business computing. The first part of the courseintroduces the mathematical prerequisites for understandingprobability and statistics. Topics include combinatorialmathematics, functions, and the fundamentals of differentiationand integration. The second part of the course concentrates on the study of elementary probability theory, discrete andcontinuous distributions, linear regression, and correlation. 4 cr

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Page 3: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Your Path to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems


Boston UniversityGraduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaMaster’s Track FormatBoston University IT programs in Macedonia are offered in a flexible Master’s Track format, consisting of two GraduateCertificate programs and two Core Master’s Courses.

Each certificate requires the completion of four courses, at whichtime students receive a Boston University Graduate Certificate.

Completion of both Graduate Certificates and both Core Master’sCourses leads to a Master of Science in Computer InformationSystems degree from Boston University.

Program Course Outline

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design MET CS 782 IT Strategy and Management

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics (eLive)(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentMET CS 632 IT Project ManagementMET CS 695 Enterprise Information SecurityMET CS 779 Advanced Database Management

Core Master’s Courses (online)(Two courses/8 credits)MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

For the Master of Science in Computer Information Systemsdegree, students need to complete ten courses. With approval,students who have taken courses equivalent to the Core Master’sCourses at an accredited university may transfer those credits—in which case, qualified students can earn a master’s degree bycompleting just the two Graduate Certificates.

808 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 250Boston, MA 02215Phone: 617-353-2566E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate Programs in Information Technology in Macedonia

Our Information Security programs arecertified by the Committee on NationalSecurity Systems (CNSS).

Our programs are nationally accredited by the Project ManagementInstitute’s Global Accreditation Center for Project Management.

Boston University’s policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University. 08/09

The Boston University AdvantageRanked by Times Higher Education as one of the top 50 universities in the world, Boston University is home tomore than 32,000 students from 140 countries. A leader in research, BU is the fourth-largest private university in the United States, with incomparable campus resourcesand superb faculty. Among the many award-winningprofessors currently teaching at the University are fourNobel Prize winners.

Metropolitan College is one of Boston University’s 17degree-granting schools and colleges. It is the home of the University’s oldest computer science department, whichoffers a broad range of world-class academic programs incomputer and information sciences. The College’s state-of-the-art IT programs, driven by outstanding full-time facultyadhering to the highest standards of Boston University,enable students to advance academically by using the mostconvenient times, locations, and available delivery methods.

BU Global is the international unit of Boston UniversityMetropolitan College, offering dynamic learningopportunities in a “global classroom format,” which providesa valuable multicultural perspective on today’s business andtechnology trends.

A Center of Academic ExcellenceEstablished in 1869, Boston University is regionallyaccredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, (NEASC) Inc. The University is recognized by the United States National Security Agency and theDepartment of Homeland Security as a Center of AcademicExcellence in Information Assurance Education andResearch. Our degrees are accredited by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)—and the Master ofScience in Computer Information Systems has additionalaccreditation from the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics

Two Core Master’s Courses

MS in ComputerInformation Systems

755 Commonwealth Avenue, B18Boston, MA 02215Phone: [email protected]/global/macedonia

MET CS 520MET CS 546

MET CS 601MET CS 632MET CS 695MET CS 779

MET CS 625MET CS 669MET CS 682MET CS 782

IT_Macedonia_Broch:Layout 1 8/5/09 12:41 PM Page 1

Page 4: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Get on Track to a Master’sDegree from Boston University. Beginning January 2010, Boston University will be offering graduate-level information technology programs in the Republic of Macedonia.These programs will provide students with comprehensive knowledgeand hands-on experience in state-of-the-art areas of IT and theirenterprise implementations—while leading to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Boston University.

Executive-Style eLive Programs Boston University’s programs in Macedonia will be delivered in ourinnovative, executive-style eLive format, blending the best aspects of face-to-face learning with an online educational experience.Students get the full benefit of in-class lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia, along with comprehensive online material,including active discussion sessions and assessments.

In addition, all lecture times are scheduled in the evening or duringthe weekends, so students can keep their regular work schedules and professional commitments in Macedonia while pursuing theirgraduate studies. Boston University students in Macedonia aresubjected to the same high academic standards as those in Boston.

Blended CoursesEach course is seven weeks in duration and carries 4 credit hours. Thefirst week of each course begins with lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia. This is followed by five weeks of onlineteaching and assessment, including synchronous, interactive lecturesdelivered from Boston. All course material, including assignments and assessments, is available online through the Vista course delivery platform, providing an ideal environment for intensive daily interaction with the professor, teaching assistants, and fellowstudents. The final week is similar to the first, consisting of lecturesdelivered by Boston University professors in Macedonia, concludingwith student project presentations and the final examination.

Boston University Master of Science in Computer Information Systems

The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems(MSCIS) at Boston University is designed for professionals in the IT field. The MSCIS capitalizes on students’ experienceby offering specialized training in IT, preparing graduates formanagerial positions within the computer science orinformation systems field.

Offered in-class, eLive, or online, the MSCIS is accredited by the Project Management Institute’s Global AccreditationCenter (GAC) for Project Management.

Optional Concentrations include:• Database & Knowledge Management• IT Project Management• Security

Degree RequirementsA total of ten courses (40 credits) is required to obtain the MSCIS. Students who complete the Graduate Certificatein Information Technology plus the Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics, need to only complete two morecourses to fulfill the requirements of the MSCIS:MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

With approval from the Department of Computer Science,these courses may be satisfied by equivalent coursescompleted at an accredited institution.

For more information about GraduatePrograms in Information Technology in Macedonia, please contact BU Globalat 617-353-8429, e-mail [email protected],or visit bu.edu/global/macedonia.



Graduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaProgram Course Descriptions

MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks This course presents the foundations of data communications and takes a bottom-up approach to computer networks. It beginswith an overview of modern data communication requirements andbasic distributed data concepts. A brief history of the Internet ispresented followed by the basics of the OSI and TCP/IP computernetworks models. The Physical Layer is presented in the form ofbasic data communication concepts over various transmissionmedia, wireless transmission, and the telephone system. The DataLink Layer presentation deals with design issues and error detectionand correction, and the Medium Access Sublayer covers channelallocation problems, multiple access protocols, IEEE standard 802for LANs and WLANs, as well as bridges, switches, and high-speedLANs. The basic functions of the Network Layer are explained in the context of design issues, internetworking, and the network layerin the Internet. The Transport Layer includes the transport serviceand elements of transport protocols, as well as the TCP and UDPInternet transport protocols. The Application Layer issues cover the main distributed applications, such as electronic mail, DNS, ftp, www, etc. The course concludes with an overview of basicnetwork security and management concepts. 4 cr

MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business Students learn the latest relational and object-relational tools and techniques for persistent data and object modeling andmanagement. Students gain extensive hands-on experience usingOracle or Microsoft SQL Server as they learn the Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) and design and implement databases. Topicscovered include: the relational and entity-relational models, datamodeling, normalization, object modeling, SQL, advanced SQL,stored procedures, triggers, database design, database lifecycle, and transactions. Students are introduced to advanced topicsincluding performance tuning, distributed databases, replication,business intelligence, data warehouses, Internet databases,database administration, security, backup, and recovery. Studentsdesign and implement a database system as a term project.Laboratory course. 4 cr

MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design Object-oriented methods of information systems analysis anddesign for organizations with data-processing resources. Systemfeasibility, information requirements analysis, database utilization,including data dictionaries, software design and implementationmanagement, project control, and systems-level testing andinstallation. Laboratory course. Prereq: Basic programmingknowledge or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 782 IT Strategy and ManagementThis course provides an overview of contemporary informationsystems technology (IT) management. It explains the relevant issuesof effective management of information services activities andhighlights the areas of greatest potential application of thetechnology. No assumptions are made concerning the reader’sexperience with IT, but it is assumed that the reader has somecoursework or work experience in administration or management.Prereq: MET CS 682 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentThis course focuses on building core competencies in web designand development. It begins with a complete immersion into HTML,essentially XHTML and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Students areexposed to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as well as Dynamic CSS.The fundamentals of JavaScript language, including object-orientedJavaScript, are covered comprehensively. AJAX with XML and JSONare covered, as they are the primary means to transfer data fromclient and server. Open source libraries such as Prototype, jQuery,and Mootools might optionally be covered, as they assist in buildingcross-browser web applications rapidly and efficiently. The PHPlanguage will be presented and covered; however, students can use other server-side languages; such as ASP.NET, Java (JEE), or Rubyon Rails (RoR) for their projects. The course will focus on MySQL asa relational database system with the final project. Students mayuse other databases with instructor approval. Students will workwith either IIS 6 (or better) or Apache 2, using any conventionaloperating system when working on their term projects and classlaboratories. 4 cr

MET CS 632 IT Project Management This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the principles, processes, and practices of software projectmanagement. Students learn techniques for planning, organizing,scheduling, and controlling software projects. There is substantialfocus on software cost estimation and software risk management.Students will obtain practical project management skills andcompetencies related to the definition of a software project,establishment of project communications, managing projectchanges, and managing distributed software teams and projects. 4 cr

MET CS 695 Enterprise Information Security The course provides an in-depth presentation of security issues incomputer systems, networks, and applications. Formal securitymodels are presented and illustrated on operating system securityaspects, more specifically memory protection, access control andauthentication, file system security, backup and recoverymanagement, intrusion and virus protection mechanisms.Application-level security focuses on language-level security andvarious security policies; conventional and public keys encryption,authentication, message digest, and digital signatures. Internet and

intranet topics include security in IP, routers, proxy servers andfirewalls, application-level gateways, web servers, file and mailservers. Discussion of remote access issues, such as dial-upservers, modems, VPN gateways and clients. Prereq: MET CS 625or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 779 Advanced Database Management This course covers advanced aspects of database managementsystems, including advanced normalization and denormalization,query optimization, object-oriented and object-relationaldatabases, data warehousing, data mining, distributed databases,XML, XSL, and databases for web applications. There is extensivecoverage of SQL and database instance tuning. Students learnabout the advanced object-relational features in DBMS such asOracle, including navigational query, BLOBs, abstract data types,and methods. Students learn about database programming inOracle’s PL/SQL language, including triggers, stored procedures,and methods. By the end of the course, students shouldunderstand the basic concepts in all of these advanced databasetopics. Students define independent advanced database termprojects, which may be related to their work or other interests.Students prepare reports and audio-video presentations for theirclassmates using PowerPoint and Impatica. Prereq: MET CS 669 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 520 Information StructuresThis course covers the concepts of the object-oriented approach to software design and development using the Java programminglanguage. It includes a detailed discussion of programmingconcepts starting with the fundamentals of data types, control-structure methods, classes, applets, arrays, and strings, andproceeding to advanced topics such as inheritance andpolymorphism, interfaces, creating user interfaces, exceptions, andstreams. Upon completion of this course the students will be ableto apply software engineering criteria to design and implementJava applications that are secure, robust, and scalable. 4 cr

MET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems The goal of this course is to provide computer information systems students with the mathematical fundamentals required for successful quantitative analysis of problems in the field of business computing. The first part of the courseintroduces the mathematical prerequisites for understandingprobability and statistics. Topics include combinatorialmathematics, functions, and the fundamentals of differentiationand integration. The second part of the course concentrates on the study of elementary probability theory, discrete andcontinuous distributions, linear regression, and correlation. 4 cr

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Page 5: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Get on Track to a Master’sDegree from Boston University. Beginning January 2010, Boston University will be offering graduate-level information technology programs in the Republic of Macedonia.These programs will provide students with comprehensive knowledgeand hands-on experience in state-of-the-art areas of IT and theirenterprise implementations—while leading to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Boston University.

Executive-Style eLive Programs Boston University’s programs in Macedonia will be delivered in ourinnovative, executive-style eLive format, blending the best aspects of face-to-face learning with an online educational experience.Students get the full benefit of in-class lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia, along with comprehensive online material,including active discussion sessions and assessments.

In addition, all lecture times are scheduled in the evening or duringthe weekends, so students can keep their regular work schedules and professional commitments in Macedonia while pursuing theirgraduate studies. Boston University students in Macedonia aresubjected to the same high academic standards as those in Boston.

Blended CoursesEach course is seven weeks in duration and carries 4 credit hours. Thefirst week of each course begins with lectures by Boston Universityprofessors in Macedonia. This is followed by five weeks of onlineteaching and assessment, including synchronous, interactive lecturesdelivered from Boston. All course material, including assignments and assessments, is available online through the Vista course delivery platform, providing an ideal environment for intensive daily interaction with the professor, teaching assistants, and fellowstudents. The final week is similar to the first, consisting of lecturesdelivered by Boston University professors in Macedonia, concludingwith student project presentations and the final examination.

Boston University Master of Science in Computer Information Systems

The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems(MSCIS) at Boston University is designed for professionals in the IT field. The MSCIS capitalizes on students’ experienceby offering specialized training in IT, preparing graduates formanagerial positions within the computer science orinformation systems field.

Offered in-class, eLive, or online, the MSCIS is accredited by the Project Management Institute’s Global AccreditationCenter (GAC) for Project Management.

Optional Concentrations include:• Database & Knowledge Management• IT Project Management• Security

Degree RequirementsA total of ten courses (40 credits) is required to obtain the MSCIS. Students who complete the Graduate Certificatein Information Technology plus the Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics, need to only complete two morecourses to fulfill the requirements of the MSCIS:MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

With approval from the Department of Computer Science,these courses may be satisfied by equivalent coursescompleted at an accredited institution.

For more information about GraduatePrograms in Information Technology in Macedonia, please contact BU Globalat 617-353-8429, e-mail [email protected],or visit bu.edu/global/macedonia.



Graduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaProgram Course Descriptions

MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks This course presents the foundations of data communications and takes a bottom-up approach to computer networks. It beginswith an overview of modern data communication requirements andbasic distributed data concepts. A brief history of the Internet ispresented followed by the basics of the OSI and TCP/IP computernetworks models. The Physical Layer is presented in the form ofbasic data communication concepts over various transmissionmedia, wireless transmission, and the telephone system. The DataLink Layer presentation deals with design issues and error detectionand correction, and the Medium Access Sublayer covers channelallocation problems, multiple access protocols, IEEE standard 802for LANs and WLANs, as well as bridges, switches, and high-speedLANs. The basic functions of the Network Layer are explained in the context of design issues, internetworking, and the network layerin the Internet. The Transport Layer includes the transport serviceand elements of transport protocols, as well as the TCP and UDPInternet transport protocols. The Application Layer issues cover the main distributed applications, such as electronic mail, DNS, ftp, www, etc. The course concludes with an overview of basicnetwork security and management concepts. 4 cr

MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business Students learn the latest relational and object-relational tools and techniques for persistent data and object modeling andmanagement. Students gain extensive hands-on experience usingOracle or Microsoft SQL Server as they learn the Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) and design and implement databases. Topicscovered include: the relational and entity-relational models, datamodeling, normalization, object modeling, SQL, advanced SQL,stored procedures, triggers, database design, database lifecycle, and transactions. Students are introduced to advanced topicsincluding performance tuning, distributed databases, replication,business intelligence, data warehouses, Internet databases,database administration, security, backup, and recovery. Studentsdesign and implement a database system as a term project.Laboratory course. 4 cr

MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design Object-oriented methods of information systems analysis anddesign for organizations with data-processing resources. Systemfeasibility, information requirements analysis, database utilization,including data dictionaries, software design and implementationmanagement, project control, and systems-level testing andinstallation. Laboratory course. Prereq: Basic programmingknowledge or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 782 IT Strategy and ManagementThis course provides an overview of contemporary informationsystems technology (IT) management. It explains the relevant issuesof effective management of information services activities andhighlights the areas of greatest potential application of thetechnology. No assumptions are made concerning the reader’sexperience with IT, but it is assumed that the reader has somecoursework or work experience in administration or management.Prereq: MET CS 682 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentThis course focuses on building core competencies in web designand development. It begins with a complete immersion into HTML,essentially XHTML and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Students areexposed to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as well as Dynamic CSS.The fundamentals of JavaScript language, including object-orientedJavaScript, are covered comprehensively. AJAX with XML and JSONare covered, as they are the primary means to transfer data fromclient and server. Open source libraries such as Prototype, jQuery,and Mootools might optionally be covered, as they assist in buildingcross-browser web applications rapidly and efficiently. The PHPlanguage will be presented and covered; however, students can use other server-side languages; such as ASP.NET, Java (JEE), or Rubyon Rails (RoR) for their projects. The course will focus on MySQL asa relational database system with the final project. Students mayuse other databases with instructor approval. Students will workwith either IIS 6 (or better) or Apache 2, using any conventionaloperating system when working on their term projects and classlaboratories. 4 cr

MET CS 632 IT Project Management This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the principles, processes, and practices of software projectmanagement. Students learn techniques for planning, organizing,scheduling, and controlling software projects. There is substantialfocus on software cost estimation and software risk management.Students will obtain practical project management skills andcompetencies related to the definition of a software project,establishment of project communications, managing projectchanges, and managing distributed software teams and projects. 4 cr

MET CS 695 Enterprise Information Security The course provides an in-depth presentation of security issues incomputer systems, networks, and applications. Formal securitymodels are presented and illustrated on operating system securityaspects, more specifically memory protection, access control andauthentication, file system security, backup and recoverymanagement, intrusion and virus protection mechanisms.Application-level security focuses on language-level security andvarious security policies; conventional and public keys encryption,authentication, message digest, and digital signatures. Internet and

intranet topics include security in IP, routers, proxy servers andfirewalls, application-level gateways, web servers, file and mailservers. Discussion of remote access issues, such as dial-upservers, modems, VPN gateways and clients. Prereq: MET CS 625or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 779 Advanced Database Management This course covers advanced aspects of database managementsystems, including advanced normalization and denormalization,query optimization, object-oriented and object-relationaldatabases, data warehousing, data mining, distributed databases,XML, XSL, and databases for web applications. There is extensivecoverage of SQL and database instance tuning. Students learnabout the advanced object-relational features in DBMS such asOracle, including navigational query, BLOBs, abstract data types,and methods. Students learn about database programming inOracle’s PL/SQL language, including triggers, stored procedures,and methods. By the end of the course, students shouldunderstand the basic concepts in all of these advanced databasetopics. Students define independent advanced database termprojects, which may be related to their work or other interests.Students prepare reports and audio-video presentations for theirclassmates using PowerPoint and Impatica. Prereq: MET CS 669 or consent of instructor. 4 cr

MET CS 520 Information StructuresThis course covers the concepts of the object-oriented approach to software design and development using the Java programminglanguage. It includes a detailed discussion of programmingconcepts starting with the fundamentals of data types, control-structure methods, classes, applets, arrays, and strings, andproceeding to advanced topics such as inheritance andpolymorphism, interfaces, creating user interfaces, exceptions, andstreams. Upon completion of this course the students will be ableto apply software engineering criteria to design and implementJava applications that are secure, robust, and scalable. 4 cr

MET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems The goal of this course is to provide computer information systems students with the mathematical fundamentals required for successful quantitative analysis of problems in the field of business computing. The first part of the courseintroduces the mathematical prerequisites for understandingprobability and statistics. Topics include combinatorialmathematics, functions, and the fundamentals of differentiationand integration. The second part of the course concentrates on the study of elementary probability theory, discrete andcontinuous distributions, linear regression, and correlation. 4 cr

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Page 6: Technology in Macedonia Graduate Programs in … · Graduate Programs in Information Technology in ... certified by the Committee on National Security Systems ... about Graduate Programs

Your Path to a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems


Boston UniversityGraduate Programs in InformationTechnology in MacedoniaMaster’s Track FormatBoston University IT programs in Macedonia are offered in a flexible Master’s Track format, consisting of two GraduateCertificate programs and two Core Master’s Courses.

Each certificate requires the completion of four courses, at whichtime students receive a Boston University Graduate Certificate.

Completion of both Graduate Certificates and both Core Master’sCourses leads to a Master of Science in Computer InformationSystems degree from Boston University.

Program Course Outline

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 625 Business Data Communications and Networks MET CS 669 Database Design and Implementation for Business MET CS 682 Information Systems Analysis and Design MET CS 782 IT Strategy and Management

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics (eLive)(Four courses/16 credits)MET CS 601 Web Application DevelopmentMET CS 632 IT Project ManagementMET CS 695 Enterprise Information SecurityMET CS 779 Advanced Database Management

Core Master’s Courses (online)(Two courses/8 credits)MET CS 520 Information StructuresMET CS 546 Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

For the Master of Science in Computer Information Systemsdegree, students need to complete ten courses. With approval,students who have taken courses equivalent to the Core Master’sCourses at an accredited university may transfer those credits—in which case, qualified students can earn a master’s degree bycompleting just the two Graduate Certificates.

808 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 250Boston, MA 02215Phone: 617-353-2566E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate Programs in Information Technology in Macedonia

Our Information Security programs arecertified by the Committee on NationalSecurity Systems (CNSS).

Our programs are nationally accredited by the Project ManagementInstitute’s Global Accreditation Center for Project Management.

Boston University’s policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University. 08/09

The Boston University AdvantageRanked by Times Higher Education as one of the top 50 universities in the world, Boston University is home tomore than 32,000 students from 140 countries. A leader in research, BU is the fourth-largest private university in the United States, with incomparable campus resourcesand superb faculty. Among the many award-winningprofessors currently teaching at the University are fourNobel Prize winners.

Metropolitan College is one of Boston University’s 17degree-granting schools and colleges. It is the home of the University’s oldest computer science department, whichoffers a broad range of world-class academic programs incomputer and information sciences. The College’s state-of-the-art IT programs, driven by outstanding full-time facultyadhering to the highest standards of Boston University,enable students to advance academically by using the mostconvenient times, locations, and available delivery methods.

BU Global is the international unit of Boston UniversityMetropolitan College, offering dynamic learningopportunities in a “global classroom format,” which providesa valuable multicultural perspective on today’s business andtechnology trends.

A Center of Academic ExcellenceEstablished in 1869, Boston University is regionallyaccredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, (NEASC) Inc. The University is recognized by the United States National Security Agency and theDepartment of Homeland Security as a Center of AcademicExcellence in Information Assurance Education andResearch. Our degrees are accredited by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)—and the Master ofScience in Computer Information Systems has additionalaccreditation from the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology

Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics

Two Core Master’s Courses

MS in ComputerInformation Systems

755 Commonwealth Avenue, B18Boston, MA 02215Phone: [email protected]/global/macedonia

MET CS 520MET CS 546

MET CS 601MET CS 632MET CS 695MET CS 779

MET CS 625MET CS 669MET CS 682MET CS 782

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