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• To put it simply, the technologies of the Healers of the Divine Grids allow one to consciously work with the spirit and soul. It teaches how to put to use our natural intuition.

• TechnoPilot™ Healers work from the Grid Level level and have near 100% results in everything they do. It creates instantaneous physical and emotional healing.

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DIVINE GRID HEALING• With Divine Grid Healing™ we can govern to:-

- Self-heal (currently, only 1% of our brain neurons are activated, but with this wonderful healing modality that percentage rises very rapidly)

– be serene and happy– prevent possible global and local catastrophes– govern time and weather conditions– always work for all-embracing harmonious development of all– momentarily change composition of food and drinks that you consume (food is Genetically Modified today)– purify rivers, lakes, springs and the seas with your consciousness– momentarily change all adverse situations– prevent “departure” of loved ones etc.

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DIVINE GRID HEALING• The Healing modality works with mathematical and defined scientific laws. Nothing

rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognised; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental. As above, so below; as below, so above. We overcome the lower laws, by applying still higher ones – and in this way only. But we cannot escape Law or rise above it entirely.

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DIVINE GRID HEALING• Always keep an open Mind. One never knows what will come in the way

Ahead of the physical involves the Metaphysical – that is beyond the tangible three-dimensional realism that we experience, that can be seen and calculated. One of the reasons that emotions have been so under rated in Western culture has been because it is not possible to take an MRI and spot that we have unsettled sorrow from the past that is making our body to be out of equilibrium and causing us to be unhappy. Emotions have also been under rated in Eastern society although the Eastern approach to medicine and science is much more Holistic and does acknowledge the reality of energies of a metaphysical character. There is an accurate vibrational fact to such terminology as being “on the same wave length” with someone.

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• We have the theory that man and all life forms share a universal floor in that they are all linked to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, we see organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in the structure of geometric patterns, which can be corrected.

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DIVINE GRID HEALING• Blocks & Imbalances

When the flow of our energy field is not in harmony or balance, we experience blocks, suffering, fear or pain. These energy blocks or imbalances disturb the daily functions that keep us from being present, realising our full potential and can even cause dis-ease or lack of ease. Blockages or imbalances in the flow can be caused by issues, events, experiences, emotions, karma, genetics or illness and settle in different areas of our energetic system. These energy blockages lower vibration levels and neutralise higher vibrations. Traditional medicine provides relief of symptoms, but does not address the root energetic cause. The blocks in our system will continue to create disharmony.

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• Curing with energy is based on intentionally engaging the qualities of universal energy in order to harmonise the energetic system and release and clear blockages and imbalances to assist in healing. Clearing these energies empowers us by raising vibrations, increasing our inner light and developing more love, compassion and joy in our life. Nature, in all its myriad forms, is the most powerful force on earth. Human beings are connected to the power of the earth, but not wholly of the earth. The unease we occasionally feel during this time of change is merely a by-product of our innate understanding of our dual natures in the planet and the stars.

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Everybody is energy and hence everybody has the capability to control energy systems. Ancient and native cultures, animals, birds and fish logically are familiar with how to use energy to cure, find the way, converse and instinctively sense. These beings are logically linked and in sync to the Earth rhythms and sensations This is just one of the realities of existence.

Science is awakening and proving ALL matter contains the frequencies of energetic vibration. The physical building blocks of the universe have gradually vanished; that is, atoms and quarks no longer seem solid at all but are actually clouds of energy, which in turn disappear into the void that seems to be the source of creation. It is becoming fair to talk of unseen forces that form creation – not labeling them as God but as the true shapers of reality beyond the space/time band.

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DIVINE GRID HEALINGAll of our results in everything that we do is near 100% with the Will of the Creator

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