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Page 1: Tehnical Description - BW UR 010

Brackish Water Treatment Skid BBWW--UURR--001100

44..44 ggppmm –– 11 mm33//hh ooff PPoottaabbllee WWaatteerr

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1. General Information............................................................................................. 3 2. Suporting SKID.................................................................................................... 3 3. Screen filtration with inlet tank ............................................................................. 4

3.1. Screen filtration ....................................................................................... 4 3.2. Inlet tank ................................................................................................. 5

4. Ultra filtration ....................................................................................................... 6 4.1. Ultra filtration........................................................................................... 8 4.2. Feeding pump for UF module ................................................................. 9 4.3. Cleaning pump for UF module ................................................................ 9 4.4. UF water tank.......................................................................................... 9

5. Antiscalant dosing ............................................................................................. 10 6. RO filtration ....................................................................................................... 10

6.1. Technical Data for FILMTEC BW30-4040 membrane........................... 12 6.2. Feeding pump for RO high pressure pump ........................................... 13 6.3. Feeding pump for RO membrane ......................................................... 13 6.4. RO water tank ....................................................................................... 13

7. pH correction ..................................................................................................... 14 8. Desinfection....................................................................................................... 14 9. Cleaning unit ..................................................................................................... 14 10. Overall dimension ............................................................................................. 15 11. Installation requirement ..................................................................................... 16

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1. GENERAL INFORMATION The water treatment station BW-UR-010 is designed to treat most difficult brackish water with TDS of 12000mg/l turning it into healthy, potable water. The treatment process is so designed to meet highest standards with most advanced technology in field of brackish water treatment. Short process description: The process has five faze of treatment: 1. Screen filtration with inlet tank

2. Ultra filtration 3. Dosing of antiscalant 4. Reverse osmosis station 5. pH correction 6. Disinfection (chlorination) All equipment will be mounted on supporting skid. Also the system will have

central cleaning unit with dosing systems for all chemical that cleaning process need. The cleaning system will be so designed that can be used for boat UF an RO units. Advantage of ultra filtration as pre-treatment for RO station: • Low fouling membrane modules • Excellent filtration performance with high flux • High chemical resistance and temperature tolerance for effective membrane

cleaning • Very fine nominal pore diameter • High removal efficiency of bacteria and viruses without adding chemicals • Dead-end or concentrate bleed flow capabilities • Can be periodically back washed and air scoured to improve performance and

extend operating life by removing the fouling layer • Simple, vertical, modular design allows low cost, compact systems • UF Outside-In Configuration allows for less plugging and higher solids loading,

higher flow area and easier cleaning. • Long life without replacing the components 2. SUPORTING SKID

All equipment including UF, RO, tanks, cleaning unit, valves, pump, compressor and pipe work well be mounted on a stainless steel frame.

Design & Process Data Number of frames : 1 Material : SS 304L Dimension : ca.5000x2200x2200mm

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3.1. Screen filtration Water will be pumped (not in our scope of supply) in to the screen filter system which consists of two screen filters, each with a filtration area of 160 cm². The filtration screen will be 130µm. Design & Process Data

Number of screen filters : 2 one in operation one standby Type of filters : screen 130 µm. Flow rate to each filter, - maximum flow : 6 m³/h – 26,4gpm Connection : 1” BSP Material body : plastic Material screen : SS 316L Pressure loss : see diagram The two screen filters with 130µm filter element will be installed. One is in

operation the other is standby. On picture below is shown the principal work of screen filter.

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Benefits of such filters are: ‐ High filtration area ‐ Easy handling and low maintenance

3.2. Inlet tank

‐ Low head loss ‐ Easy installation ‐ Manometer connection

to avoid high fouling

The reason for installing an inlet tank after screen filter is to provide autonomy of

complete system. The system will not be dependent of well pump and also the well pump will have lower head (if the customer have already well equipped with pump there will be no changes of equipment). The tank will be equipped with continues level control over level transmitter and inlet control valve. Also the tank will have over flow and drainage system as well as air filtration to prevent any particles to come in to the tank. Design & Process Data

Number of tanks : 1 Type of tank : rectangular, closed Dimension : ca. 1000x1000x1500mm Connection : 1” BSP Material body : PP

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4. ULTRA FILTRATION Ultra filtration is one of most advanced water treatment process that ensures excellent inlet water quality for RO module, without chemical feed. On the picture below is shown some study case which compares the water quality after conventional water treatment process as RO pre-treatment and UF treatment process. UUllttrraa ffiillttrraattiioonn iiss ssiizzee eexxcclluussiioonn mmeemmbbrraannee pprroocceessss tthhaatt rreejjeeccttss ppaarrttiicclleess,, ppaatthhooggeennss,, hhiigghheerr mmoolleeccuullaarr wweeiigghhtt ssppeecciieess aanndd uullttiimmaatteellyy lloowweerr ttuurrbbiiddiittyy.. TThhee qquuaalliittyy ooff ppeerrmmeeaattee ddooeess nnoott cchhaannggeess iinn tthhee qquuaalliittyy ooff ffeeeedd.. EEssppeecciiaallllyy wwhheenn ppeeaakkss tthhee qquuaalliittyy ooff tthhee ttuurrbbiiddiittyy ffeeeedd ooccccuurrss tthhee uullttrraa ffiillttrraattiioonn mmaaiinnttaaiinn ccoonnssiisstteenntt,, ssuuppeerriioorr ppeerrmmeeaattee qquuaalliittyy.. TThhee ddiiaaggrraamm bbeellooww sshhoowwss rreemmoovvaall ssppeeccttrruumm ooff ssoommee wwaatteerr ttrreeaattmmeenntt pprroocceessss.. IItt iiss sshhoowwnn tthhaatt tthhee mmaaiinn ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall pprree--ttrreeaattmmeenntt pprroocceessss ((55µµmm mmiiccrroo ffiilltteerr bbeeffoorree RROO

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ssttaattiioonn)) ddooeess nnoott rreemmoovvee mmoosstt ooff oorrggaanniicc iimmppuurriittyy ((bbaacctteerriiaa,, ccoollllooiiddss ......)) wwhhiicchh cchhoossee tthhee mmaaiinn bbiioollooggiiccaall RROO mmeemmbbrraannee ffoouulliinngg.. RReemmoovvaall ooff ssuucchh iimmppuurriittyy ccaann bbee aacchhiieevveedd eevveenn wwiitthhoouutt aaddddiinngg tthhee cchheemmiiccaallss..

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddaattaa ffoorr KKrriissttaall 660000EETT mmeemmbbrraannee ‐‐ RReedduuccttiioonn ooff ttuurrbbiiddiittyy

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‐‐ RReedduuccttiioonn ooff SSDDII

RReedduuccttiioonn ooff tthhee ffoouulliinngg iinnddeexx SSDDII pprriimmaarriillyy ddeeppeennddss oonn ffeeeedd wwaatteerr ccoonnssiisstteennccyy.. PPaarrttiiccuullaattee aanndd ccoollllooiiddaall ssuubbssttaanncceess ccaann bbee rreemmoovveedd ttoottaallllyy bbyy KKrriissttaall mmoodduullee,, wwhhiillee tthhee rreejjeeccttiioonn ooff ddiissssoollvveedd oorrggaanniicc mmeetteerr ddeeppeennddss ooff mmoolleeccuullaarr wweeiigghhtt.. DDeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee rraaww wwaatteerr qquuaalliittyy,, tthhee ppeerrmmeeaattee SSDDII rraannggeess ffrroomm 11 ttoo 33 eevveenn wwiitthhoouutt aaddddiinngg aa ccooaagguullaanntt..

4.1. Ultra filtration The Kristal Torch Module 600ETN will be installed for propose of ultra filtration. Design & Process Data

Structure : asymmetric Base material : Modified Polyethersulfone Manufacturer : Hyflux Nature : Hydrofilic Molecular weight Cut-Off : 120000 Dalton Dimension : 216x850mm Membrane area : 23m² Pure water flux : 200LMH – 117GFD Housing material : PVC Connection : 1,5 NPT Flow type : outside-in Max. Feed pressure : 2,5bar Design flow operation : Dead end

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4.2. Feeding pump for UF module Feeding of UF module will be performed by one pump. The pump will be equipped with all necessary valves and the protections from dry running. The pump will be frequency regulated to maintain constant water flow.

Technical Data Number of pumps : 1 Pump type : centrifugal pump Manufacturer : Calpeda, Italia Designation : Flow rate : 2 m3/h – 8,8gpm Head : 2,5bar Power supply : 400 V, 50 Hz Protection/insulation class : IP 55 Materials: - pump housing : SS 316L - impeller : SS 316L - shaft : SS 316L 4.3. Cleaning pump for UF module Cleaning of UF module will be performed by one pump. The pump will be

equipped with all necessary valves and the protections from dry running. The pump will be frequency regulated to maintain constant water flow.

Technical Data Number of pumps : 1 Pump type : centrifugal pump Manufacturer : Calpeda, Italia Designation : Flow rate : 2,76 m3/h – 12,15gpm Head : 1,5bar Power supply : 400 V, 50 Hz Protection/insulation class : IP 55 Materials: - pump housing : SS 316L - impeller : SS 316L - shaft : SS 316L 4.4. UF water tank The reason for installing an UF tank is to provide necessary water for

backwashing of UF module. The tank will be equipped with continues level control over level transmitter. Also the tank will have over flow and drainage system as well as air filtration to prevent any particles to come in to the tank.

Design & Process Data Number of tanks : 1 Type of tank : rectangular, closed

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Feed flow to stage 1 Raw water flow to system Feed pressure Flow factor Total active area

- 2,32m³/h (10,21gpm) - 1,82m³/h (8,01gpm) - 22,41 bar - 0,85 - 43,48m²

Pass 1 Permeate flow - 1,00m³/h (4,4gpm) Pass 1 recovery - 55,01% Feed temperature - 25°C Feed TDS - 11703,14mg/l Number of elements - 6 Average flux - 23lmh

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Dimension : ca. 1000x1000x1500mm Connection : 1” BSP Material body : PP

5. ANTISCALANT DOSING The reason for installing an antiscalant dosing unit is to prevent scaling in the RO module. The complete dosing system with tank will be placed at the supporting frame. 6. RO FILTRATION

RO filtration is the finest level of filtration available. The RO membrane acts as

barrier to all dissolved salts and inorganic molecules, as well as molecules with molecular weight over 100. Water molecules, on the other hands, pass freely through membrane creating purified product stream. Rejection of dissolved salts is typically 95%-99% and more. Regarding the very high TDS for brackish water for this case (TDS 11700) and very high concentration of SO4 the RO system is designed as two stages batch process. The batch process has the following advantages versus the continuous process:

• Flexibility when the feed water quality changes • System recovery can be maximized batch by batch • Cleaning is easily implemented • Simple automatic controls • Permeate quality can be controlled by termination of the process • Favorable operating conditions for single (or low number) element systems,

because the membranes are only in contact with the final concentrate for a short time • Expansion is rather easy • Lower investment costs The chosen membrane type is FILMTEC BW30-4040 with total system recovery

of 55%. System details:

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4040 2 2 2,32 22,06 0,50 1,57 21,94 25,70 0,00 149,88 2 BW30-

4040 1 2 1,57 21,59 0,00 1,32 21,36 17,60 0,00 256,99

Pass Streams (mg/l as ION) Name

Feed Adjusted feed Concentrate Permeate

Initial After recycles

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2

Total NH4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 K 52.00 52.00 65.44 96.02 114.31 0.87 1.54 1.04 Na 3095.00 3097.28 3898.88 5722.08 6813.22 48.89 84.48 57.97 Mg 195.00 195.00 246.06 362.02 431.72 1.17 1.91 1.36 Ca 740.00 740.00 933.79 1373.96 1638.51 4.30 7.10 5.01 Sr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ba 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO3 2.85 2.85 4.55 9.02 12.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 HCO3 175.00 175.00 218.20 315.25 372.12 3.41 5.65 3.98 NO3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cl 4229.00 4229.00 5322.95 7811.26 9300.08 68.47 118.98 81.35 F 2.00 2.00 2.52 3.69 4.39 0.04 0.07 0.05 SO4 3200.00 3200.00 4036.79 5937.73 7079.77 22.64 37.13 26.34 SiO2 10.00 10.00 12.61 18.54 22.11 0.08 0.14 0.10 Boron 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO2 3.19 3.19 3.63 5.22 6.30 3.82 5.27 4.19 TDS 11700.86 11703.14 14741.80 21649.57 25788.50 149.88 256.99 177.20 pH 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.56 7.52 6.11 6.17 6.13

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6.1. Technical Data for FILMTEC BW30-4040 membrane

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6.2. Feeding pump for RO high pressure pump Feeding of RO high pressure pump will be performed by one pump. The pump

will be equipped with all necessary valves and the protections from dry running. The pump will be frequency regulated to maintain constant pressure.

Technical Data Number of pumps : 1 Pump type : centrifugal pump Manufacturer : Grundfos, Germany Designation : Flow rate : 2,32 m3/h – 10,21gpm Head : 2,5bar Power supply : 400 V, 50 Hz Protection/insulation class : IP 55 Materials: - pump housing : SS 316L - impeller : SS 316L - shaft : SS 316L

6.3. Feeding pump for RO membrane Feeding of RO membrane will be performed by one pump. The pump will be equipped with all necessary valves and the protections from dry running. The pump will be frequency regulated to maintain constant pressure.

Technical Data Number of pumps : 1 Pump type : centrifugal pump Manufacturer : Calpeda, Italia Designation : Flow rate : 2,32 m3/h – 10,21gpm Head : 20,5bar Power supply : 400 V, 50 Hz Protection/insulation class : IP 55 Materials: - pump housing : SS 316L - impeller : SS 316L - shaft : SS 316L

6.4. RO water tank The reason for installing an RO tank is to provide necessary water for distribution. The tank will be equipped with continues level control over level transmitter. Also the tank will have over flow and drainage system as well as air filtration to prevent any particles to come in to the tank. Design & Process Data

Number of tanks : 1 Type of tank : rectangular, closed

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Dimension : ca. 2000x1000x1500mm Connection : 1” BSP Material body : PP

7. PH CORRECTION The reason for installing a pH correction dosing unit is to adjust value to drinking water regulation. The complete dosing system with tank will be placed at the supporting frame.

8. DESINFECTION The disinfection will be provided by NaOCl dosing unit. Continues measurement of free chlorine will be also provided to adjust value to drinking water regulation. The complete dosing system with tank will be placed at the supporting frame.

9. CLEANING UNIT The cleaning unit is so design to match both cleaning process (cleaning of UF module as well as RO module). Pumps and dosing equipment will be also mounted

on the supporting skid.

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11. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT The system is designed to produce 4.4gpm (6336 GPD) without interrupting the process. With this flow the system can provide water for 150 persons (acc. European norm of 40gal/person). It is very important that, for good quality of water, the system have to work 24h/day. If there is some fluctuation in water consumption it will be necessary to install compensation tank in order to achieve continual operation of a plant. The system is designed for inlet TDS (total dissolved solids) from 11700 mg/l. However the plant can be adjusted to work properly with TDS from 9000mg/l – 12000mg/l. If the TDS is lower or higher the inlet pump to RO need to be changed. It is very important that inlet water have no residual chlorine, iron, manganese and oil. The RO membranes are not resistant to these chemicals. If the water has residual chlorine it must be removed prior reverse osmosis station. That can be achieved by installing dosing system for SMBS (Sodium metabisulfite). The system has to be installed in the closed object with ambient temperature between 10 – 30°C. Waste water system for concentrate evacuation (min. pipe diameter d=63) should be also provided. Total installed power for this system is 12.5kW (3 phase 50 Hz). Chemicals that is not in our scope of supply: ‐ NaOH – pH correction and chemical cleaning Concentration of pure NaOH in available chemical 10 % Consumption – 20 l/day ‐ NaOCl – disinfection and chemical cleaning NaOCl readymade solution with 12% effect. chlorine Consumption – 0.3 l/day ‐ HCl – chemical cleaning

HCl readymade solution with 35% concentration Consumption – 2 l/month ‐ SMBS – to be used for preservation of system if the system doesn’t work for a longer time Sodium metabisulfite SMBS food grade

Consumption – 1000 l Chemical that is in our scope of supply: ‐ Antiscalant – scaling prevention (included is 2 jerricans 20kg)

PROTECLEAN RO DS06 Consumption – 8 kg/month

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