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Page 1: Ten Tales of Positive Change

Ten Tales of Positive Change

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Creating the Motivation to Pair Program

the first tale

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worked solo and practiced code review

the situation

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TDD had little effect

the problem

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bought a big monitor

the action

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to create a pair room

the cause

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became a team

the effect

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Staying Focused at Stand-up

the second tale

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stand-ups took too long

the situation

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extended stand-up discussions

the problem

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note who spoke about what

the action

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to show impediments

the cause

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worked together as an organization

the effect

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Keeping Progress High and Questions Low

the third tale

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established a cadence

the situation

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questioned Sprint progress

the problem

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spent time designing retrospectives

the action

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to work without distraction

the cause

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routine practice andcontinuous learning

the effect

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Reassigning Points to Validate Estimation

the fourth tale

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tended to the Product Backlog

the situation

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Product Owner questioned estimates

the problem

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Resized stories, refined some

the action

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reassigning points is useless

the cause

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had some tough discussions

the effect

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Admitting to the Real Date

the fifth tale

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trusted relationship

the situation

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miss the contracted date

the problem

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worked together

the action

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launch when predicted

the cause

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eventually acquired

the effect

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Dealing With an Overwhelming Amount of Work

the sixth tale

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ScrumMaster switched jobs

the situation

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no common thread

the problem

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see everybody’s tasks

the action

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to limit work-in-progress

the cause

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increased flow

the effect

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Gauging the Rate of Progress

the seventh tale

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coaching many different teams

the situation

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Product Backlogs were not being estimated

the problem

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played team estimation

the action

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to keep the Product Backlog sized

the cause

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backlog refinement

the effect

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Figuring Out How to Construct Teams

the eighth tale

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Scrum mandated

the situation

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created shared component teams

the problem

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to create feature area teams

the action

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to let the teams decide

the cause

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continuously working software

the effect

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Finding Predictability in the Velocity

the ninth tale

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defects on the Product Backlog were not being estimated

the situation

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couldn’t establish a consistent velocity

the problem

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relatively size defects

the action

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relatively size for cost

the cause

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decided how to invest

the effect

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Allowing for Cross-Functional Teams

the tenth tale

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prepping for release planning

the situation

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teams were not set upto deliver features

the problem

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put release planning on hold

the action

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to use the matrix

the cause

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increased productivity, quality and engagement

the effect

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What is in common?

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started as an idea that led to a small change

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What ideas do you have?

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