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© KiMotion Training Ltd 2013


© KiMotion Training Ltd 2013

“Ten Tips forSuccess”


1Identify your uniqueuniqueuniqueunique sellingsellingsellingselling pointspointspointspoints(USP(USP(USP(USP’’’’s)s)s)s) that separate you from therest. Successful PT’s are specialistsand have unique skills that clientscan only get from them or perceivethey can only get it from them!

2You need to have a distinctive

brandbrandbrandbrand that allows potential clientsto know what you stand for. We allat some stage buy into brands asthey stand to give us a number ofextra benefits and for most if not allof your clients it’s all about benefits.

3You need to specify differentdifferentdifferentdifferent

demographicsdemographicsdemographicsdemographics ofofofof clientsclientsclientsclients so you cantarget them accordingly?

GeneralisationGeneralisationGeneralisationGeneralisation isisisis aaaa killerkillerkillerkiller forforforforsuccess!success!success!success! If you profile your clientsinto categories your marketing will

be much more focused andsuccessful.

4SetSetSetSet SMARTSMARTSMARTSMART goalsgoalsgoalsgoals andandandand targetstargetstargetstargets forforforforeveryeveryeveryevery areaareaareaarea ofofofof youryouryouryour business.business.business.business.Weknow as fitness professionals thatthey can increase motivation, keepyou on course and allow evaluationof success along the way. It’s allabout small wins growing into big

wins!5What are you doing about socialsocialsocialsocial

media?media?media?media?Facebook – Twitter – Linkedin.Although ensure you keep yourpersonal and business sitesseparate. No client is really

interested in your holiday snaps!Well possibly…..

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© KiMotion Training Ltd 2013

© KiMotion Training Ltd 2013

6You need to be able to sellsellsellsell yourselfyourselfyourselfyourselfwithwithwithwith integrityintegrityintegrityintegrity. Providing you candeliver a quality service and havethe ability to motivate, stimulate,

and achieve your client’sgoals/aspirations! Don’t be afraidof clarifying what they will get fortheir investment! Selling is onlydemeaning and morally wrong ifthe product is poor and theinvestment does not justify it!

7MakeMakeMakeMake youryouryouryour testimonialstestimonialstestimonialstestimonials moremoremoremoreeffectiveeffectiveeffectiveeffective by including a video

ideally a quick 2-3mins at the endof a session when your client has abig smile and allows you to capturetheir enjoyment. Ask them a coupleof winning questions and make

them the first thing they say on theclip.

9Do you have too much scientific jargonand abbreviated words on your site?EnsureEnsureEnsureEnsure youyouyouyou keepkeepkeepkeep itititit understandableunderstandableunderstandableunderstandable forforforforthethethethe demographicdemographicdemographicdemographic youyouyouyou areareareare marketingmarketingmarketingmarketing totototo. Ifyou are training another PT then havingsome points on eversion of the calcaneusduring foot strike in gait being importantto switch on the kinetic chain up the lowerlimb might be of interest however if theclient you are targeting just wants to walkmore efficiently without discomfort than asimplified approach is better. YourYourYourYour sitesitesitesitemustmustmustmust bebebebe viewedviewedviewedviewed fromfromfromfrom theirtheirtheirtheir perspectiveperspectiveperspectiveperspective

8We all develop and work better withsinceresinceresinceresincere praisepraisepraisepraise andandandand motivationmotivationmotivationmotivation....Make sure you focus on the re-

enforcement of achievement withinyour session for your clients. Eventype A personalities like to thinkthey’ve done well, it’s all abouttheir self esteem and theirperception of control.

10Schedule time to followfollowfollowfollow upupupup onononon

clientsclientsclientsclients totototo engageengageengageengage themthemthemthemmoremoremoremore thanjust the time you are training them.This follow up will be rewardedwith increasedincreasedincreasedincreased retentionretentionretentionretention ofofofof youryouryouryourclientsclientsclientsclients andandandand moremoremoremore referrals.referrals.referrals.referrals.

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